(Iowa City, Iowa), 1951-01-12
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PAG! TWO - TIIZ DAILY IOWAJII. FBID 1", JAN ARY 12, 1951 U.S. Withdrawal from Korea Depends 'Little War Policy' Interpreting the News- The Daio/ Iowan On Future Display of Communist Power Big 4 r alks Will Bri~g By JOHN M. HIGHTOWER \VA Ilil GTO (. P)-The final decision on wh ther aud No Russian Concessions FRlDAY, JANUARY 12, ]951 whell to withdraw from Korea has yet to be made. It apparently By J. M. ROBERTS JR. will depend 011 the power shown by Chine e and Korean Com AP FUreip Affairs Analyst Publllbte! dally eX~I>t Afonday by SubscrJpUon rates by earlier on 10IVa munist forces in one or more battles yet to be fought. The Western powers are reported about to send a new note .....t Publl""Uoo., Inc:., 116 lov.·a Cltl', 2~ Cf'"l\,J weekly 01'" $7 pt'r l-ear an Ave.. Iowa City. 10".. Entered .. ad\·.m~: " X mont.hA:. $3-55; lhre4! Informed officials said Wedne day that th basic policy laid to llussia, pegging the whole prospect for II new four-power oon· S«Ond clus mall .... tter at the post montn., $LI~J . By mill In Iowa. $7.50 off1~e It 10.. · • Cit .. Jow_, und~r the ~r )car: &~X months. $3.80: three down b President ;rruman early last month still stands: Thcre ference on the Kremlin's willinglless to di 'Cll 'S the entire East acl of conCTUI oC AlMI:b !, 117 • • m<lnUUI. $%.00: All o.her mall l ubacrlp· tons p:-r)' r; six months. $4 .2:J; \\ ill be no "voluntary withdraw. * * * West conflict in broad panorama rather than confine the agenda h ·o IaIed wire _vi..,.. 'API .nd (UP) lnr~ months. $2.15. al" from the Korean peninsula; to Germany alone as the Soviet sllggested. Ml:MBl:R AUDIT BUREAU f rco d M. P.wnall, l'ubll, ber American and cooperating United Pravda, the Kremlin's newspaper mouthpiece, has labell~ , I' Of' Nations forces will fight on Chiang' s;.T roops Still eJaCULATIONS D ILY IOWAN EDITORIAL STAFT there as long as possible. this attitude, coupled with the EdItor .. Jo cph V. Brown MEMBJ:R• OF THE ASSOCIATED PRES Managlnll Editor Glenn C. Urban Attention was focused on ihls Avai~able to Fight general American feeHng that Tho ANoctated P..... II entltlte! ex· News Editor . Reynold Hertel clulivelY to the UNO !~T republication I.t.nt News PAblor Mart Bailey policy anew Wednesday b7 a nothing can come out of the talks, Aufo Industry Plans of oil \he local new. printed In IhlI A utan! New. Editor Paul Brink ChicaKo Daily News repOrt rrom as an attempt to avoid a confer """'-.pllpU .. wdl as aU AP neW. dI& CIty EdItor Barney Seibert Against Red China .,.u:het. .....1It.ant City Editor Murre)· See.er Tokyo th~t Gen. Doudas Mac· ence and to sabotage talks on Sports Editor Robert Duncan Jr. Germany. New Defense Against Arthur had recommended to By ARTHUR M. GOUL CALL 8-2151 Ir , ••••••1 reul .. Soclely Editor Ann Russell Washin,ton a prompt withdraw It seems more likely, howev , •• r Dall,. I ..... b, 1: .. a .m . M.'.· Chief Photocrapher ToOl COUll"" •••• Hr.lee il Ilyea •• all .ervlte al. The report was denied b7 both TAIPEI, FORMOSA 111'1 - Gen er, that the UnJted States, under Price Restrictions err." re,.rte. '" 9:se •. m. Tltl DAILl' lOW N ADVERTl ' ING STAFF MacArthur's headquarters and eralissimo Chiang Kai-Shek's of pressure from Its European Oan,. le ..a. Clre."".. De,.rtmeBl, Business Manager Marshall B . Nelson the defense department here . fer to send Chinese Nationalist partners and 'ollowin, Us own By NORMAN NICHOLSON ... tit. rear .t oa. J •• ra.U.... B.lld ... CI.ulL1ed Mana,er . Eel Huntlns Jr. lar. D.~.q.e aatl 'e.. .tret!ta. II troops to Korea - or to any othe Ion&, - standlnK pOlicy of always DETROIT 111'1 - The auto in- ••e. 4:31 ..... , - J: •••Il .... The denials, like Mr. Truman's .re. er part of the world - to fight keepinc the door open tor ne&,o dustry, which lost the openin, rr .... 1:" • . ID. I. ~:I' , .m • • a1l1 ex· DIULF IOWAN CIRCUL T ION TAFF earlier policy declaration, left 5pOi •• ,1 .....,. • •••• y h.r" ',M •.m . Circulation ~anoler Nick \Vfnans the Communists still holds good, tlations, Is resicned to another skirmish in the war against price ,. I.:..... Au·t. Clr. Manager Charles Dorroh key questions unanswered - what is meant by a "voluntary with it was said authoritatively Wed-. ride on tbe conference merr7- controls, has withdrawn to new drawal"? Who wlll decide when nesday. KO round. defensive lines t. plan a counter and whether the "voluntary" stage Chiang also is increasingly eag The British empire nations have offensive. 1S - has been passed? Why try to hold er to attack the Chinese Commu just agreed that the conference First. target in the economic sta. t editorials on in Korea in view of the size nists on the mainland in the con should be held, France is all for bilization agency's anti - inflation of the Chinese Communist fcrces? fident belief Ihat if he does so it, and, since Rus~a always seems campaign, the industry is caught The answer to the first ques the Chinese people themselves will willing to talk on any terms in between two apparently unyleld. Of The Students' Dilemma - tion, according to authoritative rise against the Reds, it was said. order to have a forum for her ing economic vises. A SpOkesman tor Chian, said propaganda, the meeting seems Open pressure a,ail\lJt the s informants, is that a voluntary hkely. Editor's Note: The [ollowlng cdilorinl is from the Pacific View withdrawal would mean giving up that he did not ask that any ESA order - sparked by Gen· way to American or other UN troops be The Wall Street Journal sug eral Motors' dramatic but sbort· Panther, monthly new: papel' of Pnlirie View A. & M. l'oUcge, u Negro the fight and getting oul' or Ko the 'Jo used In China - he asks onl7 gests editorially that it might lived refusal to sell Its ean at illstilt!tioll in Hempstead, Texas. rea beforc the pressure of the e e • B' .. • .. Communist forces makes that ac American aId in arms and i.n PReviews even pay to have the conference rovernment price tars - haa li n unavoidable. movement of troops and sup even if nothing but Germany is ended at least temporartl,. pledge 'J' )(jay's sludent moves freely in a society where th' horrors of discussed. It cites the European It i understood that some mil· plies to the mainland. But automobile companies arc Fi slavc,'y, the uncertainty, fear and many other evils endured by his (Reports persist in Hong Kong estimate that Russia really meaM counting on anotber opportubity race IIl'e over. That thal day is past leaves no doubt in the minds or Itary men here have arcued that and Postscripts it when she says she will not tetnity might be tbe best course; In the that the Nationalists are ready to to present their cases against what men. Dut, this situation that has arisen propo ~ es two vital questions By JACK LAR EN tolerate rearmament of Western policy councils of the Kovern send troops to French Indo-China they called a "discriminatory" and finalist to tJle i!ollegc studcnt. Germany by the Allies, and the basically unsound regulation. me{lt they Ita ve. asserted that it to fight against the Vietminh reb- The Fine Art of Drumbeating Silenced possibility that the Kremlin ds lion. First. you wiU, as a Negro citizen of tomorrow lead in the field of would minimize losses to Amer cis there. A Hong Kong dispa~cb Meanwhile, they have turned Thos race relations by putting your best foot forward, and actually making motivated by an acute fear 'of the heat on the many firms who ican and AlUed forces. received in New York Wednes- With "Trio" h~ving opened in sequence, so, teo, it must be add what such rearmament would Ryden, a coungeous eHort, or will you be content to balk in the achievements supply them with tires, steel, bat It would permit concentrating day quoted Formosa reports as New York City to the same criti ed, did "Quartet," in "The Alien mean. Wildma of Tubman, Washington, Douglass, Carver, Bethune, Bunche, Sweatt saying that an agreement actual- cal huzzas which greeted its pre C( rn." But even this one sequence teries and other items that go Smith, strengtb in Japan, Western Eu "Once you knoW! what a man into motor vehicles. and others? rope, Indo-China and otber po ly had been reached by which the decessor, "Quartet," the workings was excellently done, featuring ~ cummi Tilis challenge presents Itself to the youllg Negro und especially French would use 30,000 National- of well-planned publicity have Greta Gynt, Dennis Price and a fears you have a lever tu mo e Although auto workers' walles Vilbiss, tentially threatened areas, per him," the Journal adds. "l[ou were frozen unt.i1 March I _ to tho e who have had educational opportunities. Thereforc, while haps including Formosa. 1st troops now interned in Indo- again shown their potency insofar song titled "Shady Lady." Dian China aeter fleeing acr,oss the as the never-absent factor of box can cause him to act hurried- just like auto prices ~ the ESA within an Institution of higher learning it is our sole responsi bility The alternative to cutting losses "l!;asy Money" might never have Jean R border when the Reds overran office success is concerned.