IE UN Gets Chinese Red Plaiil to Settle

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IE UN Gets Chinese Red Plaiil to Settle •.VA'VjWi >AGE SIXTEEN BIONDAY, MARCH 30, 1958 Average Daily Net Press Run iHanrl;eBtfr lEu^ning For tlw Week Ended The Weather M erck SS. 16.5S Pereeaat at 0. 8. Weniher B m aa Representatives of the eight fight it and stated that nation­ Manchester High school seniors focus attention on cancer at this A bout Town Mayor Slates wide collaboration to concentrate period, and ./ who visited the UN In New York on 10,933 Meetly rloudy tonight and March 10. unoei the sponsorship on cancer will be made during WHEREAS, the Americap'^Can- April. SPECIALIZING IN Member of the Audit TifckaU are - now on »ale from of the Rotary Club, together with cer .Society will conduct /its an- ^ IE Wedneeday. Rsfai likely Wednee-. Bureau «t CIrcnIatione Ui« foUowinc for the banquet of Lewis H. Piper, faculty advisor of Cancer Month The text of the proclamation nual crusade to enllghtcr( and ed-1 CUSTOM BUILT HOMES day night. Mbilmum tonight IS, the Mafllaneae Society to be held the Current Affairs Club, will be follows: ucate the public and false funds Manchester’—>A City of Village Charm during the month of April, , on May 17: pearl Street Barber guests of the Rotary Club tomor­ WHEREAS, the people of Man­ GENERAL CONTRACTING Shop, Wait Side Barber Shop. row night. Priscilla Torrance and Proclamation Anks Sup­ chester have demonstrated ad­ THEREFO RE, J, .Shei^'ood G. VOL. LXXII, NO. 153 (Clneelfled Advertlelng flh Page 14) Mw. Walter Iriah at 10 Depot Albert Guay will tell of the exper­ mirably in previous periods of Bowers,. mayor Of the*^ .town of REMODELING AND REPAIRING . <> MANCHESTER, CONN,, TUESDAY, MARCH 31, 1953 (SIXTEEN PAGES) aquare, Frank Marlnelll in Glaa- iences of the group at the UN port for Campaign Be­ emergelflcy their ability to meet’ Manchester, do hereby ordain and : PRICE FIVE C IN TI tmbury, Peter Urbanctti, Jullue councils and of their meetings with crisis with action and support, and proclaim the month of April as: FREE ESTIMATES — MORTGAGES ARRANGED' UN representatives. ing Held During April D'Ubaldo, Hugo Pag^ani. Alexan­ WHEREAS, . the nation-wide CANCER CONTROL MONTH der Calabrini and Chairman Romo- Mayor Sherwood Bowers today threat U>.Jhe health and lives of and FURTHERMORE request j io Pagani. At the flrat meeting of The members of the British- that all citizens of this community i American Club will meet at the called for full support of cancer our citizens has reached vast pro­ ERNEST A. RITCHIE Illegal Rail Strike States Win the committee held yesterday, it portions that demand \manimous observe this ficcasion and lend I Vraa dolclded to send E aster ha.ahels clubhouse, 75 Maple street, at 7:30 control activities during April, l.'i LIBERTY ST. TEL. MI-3-8172, MANCHESTER tonight and proceed to the W. P. action and financial support, and their support to the American | lb’ five elderly members who are which he proclaimed as Cancer WHEREAS, the Congress of the Cancer Society's 1953 crusade. 01. Quishl Funeral Home to pay re­ Coastal Oil spects to the late Mrs. Francis Control Month. The proclama­ United States has authorized the Closes Steel Mills^ Topping, who husband and son are tion pointed out that local resi­ President to specify April as the UN Gets Chinese Red Plaiil Manchester Lodge No. 7,1. A.F. m em bets of the club. dent .can help the American Can­ period for,concentrating on this and.A.M.. will hold a special com- cer Boclety by financial support. problem oFcancer control, and First Round mtinication at the Masonic Templg The Rockville Company of Je­ The Mayor's proclamation said WHEREAS, nation-wide collab­ toixtorrow night at 7:30 and the hovah's Witnesses will meet to­ that the threat of cancer had oration and effort is being made | 30,000 Seen Idled entered apprentice degree will be night at 8 o'clock at Tinker Hall, reached such proportions that through government agencies and ’ Washington, March 31— conferred. Junior Warden Eric S. 7B1 Main street, for the observance unanimous action is nece.saary to by local, organized volunteers to i' Ideas For Easter (A*)—Backers of a bill to Anderson will preside over the of the “Lord's Evening Meal.V establish state titles to the lodge In the absence of Worship­ Pittsburgh, March 31—(/P)—An unauthorized railroaders To Settle oil-rich off-shore submerged ful . Maater Graham L. Clark and The Immaculate Conception strike forced United States Steel Corp. to close fts four big Senior Warden John L. Von Deck, Mothers Circle will meet Wednes­ steel plants in the Pittsburgh area today. More than 30,000 lands today beat dowR a move who will attend the opening of day a t 8 p. ni. a t the home of Mrs. Eugene Fanning production workers will lie idled by the time the last iron anti in the House'to suh.stitute a the Grand Lodge, session at New Raymond E. Hagedom, 10 Glen- Eugene Fanning, 21. president steel m aking furnace is cooled ard<*’------------------------------------------ ---- - plan for federal control. Hairen. accompanied by treasurer wood street. "Rain or Shine" A cloae count seemed likely on W. Sidney Harrison. At the con- of the University of Notre Dame sealed Ikte this afternoon. About 4,500 employea of the aub- an amendment by Rep. Keating First Atomic Plant Chialon of the degree work there Glee Club, will appear aa barl-, sidiary Union Railroad Co. struck, N o tic e will be a social hour and refresh­ Mra. Lucy I.ea, B9, of 2.5 Maple tone soloist when the club comes (R-N. Y.) to eliminate from the atreet, and Mra. Dorothy Dtckin-Itckin- to,, bringing furlough orders to all big House bill the authority for coastal m ents. tib» Bu.ahnell Memorial in Hart- steel workers in plants served by aon, 19, of 073 Hartford road, both rd Friday, April 10, under the I DUSTERS states to impose a severance t*.\ the railroad. on oil and gas produced In the hoapitalized after being hit b’ ’auspices of the Cornerstone Club} Now in Operation dentent J. Pontillo. Jr. of lOS tor vehtclea Wedneaday, were re In Ottoman faille, navy and An official of the Brotherhood of continental shelf beyond their sea­ Autumn street, is one of four ported in "good" condition at Man­ of St. Bridget's Church of Man­ Railroad Trainmen said the walk­ chester. ward boundaries. seniors at the University of Cob- chester Memorial Hoalptal today. black. Sizes 1 2 to 20, l6'/2 to out, called over the suspension of Under his plan, the states would nectlhut to receive a New York Mr. Fanning has been a mem- i characteristics of the similar In Chou Letter two conductors, was unauthorized. Washington, March 31— 24'/i. ^ ’ be reimbursed by the Secretary of plant -which will power the USS Life Insurance Company scholar- Rt. Elizabeth Mothera Circle will her of the select, 40-volre travel- i There have been Do disclosed plans (/P)—The world’s first known ing squad for the last four yesra, Interior for of cooperat­ Nautilus, and to train the crew for ahlp of 9150 each. meet in St. James’ Church tomor­ for a conference between railroad ing with the federal government In and has traveled from to i version of an Atomic power this vessel." United Nations, N. Y.. March 31-(4>)—R«<LChlna'a off# row at 8 p. m. and after the aer- and atrikera aimed at ending the administering the outer continental 'nie Dorcas Society of Emanuel vlce proceed to the home of Mra. roast wMth the club. Since his' strike. plant to propel a submarine , The reference to the planned to settle the Korean prisoner of war issue was delivered fonft. shelf. The continental shelf is that training of the crew appeared to Lutheran Church will hold its Cheater Kosak, 42 Birch atreet. debut aa a soloist in the spring' Send Mediator has been placed in operation, ally ^ a y to UN General Assembly President twister B. P««f. BiMitbly meeting on Wednesday. of 1951 In Kleinhana Opera House | portion of.the sens extending from Indicate tiia't prospective atomic $7-98 Official.4 of the railw ay mediation the states' traditional boundaries the Atomic Energy commis-t flon. The offer, contained in a mesaage from Communiat Clu- April 9. Instead of Wednesday of in Buffalo, N. Y., he has thrilled ; board aaid in Washington they had submarines might gel a land­ nPM Pr^mipr Chou Kndftl, •rrli'td'^— - , -*1_L this week because of the Swedish Mr. and Mra. Everett R. Ken­ everywhere with his powerful' to the point where the sea floor sion announced today. '' locked workout at the iadlatcd leal nedy, Jr., and da\ightcr Suaan. who instructed Warren 1.4ine, a board drops off sharply. The device—a working model of hero thU morninf with « request | ' ^ V Communion at the church that eve­ voice and fine interpretation of his 1 mediator, to go to the scene to do plot in Idaho. that it be*diatiibuted among the ning at 7:80. when the speaker will recently moved to their new home, num bers. I Danger Possible one that eventuall.v will power the (Not exactly as illuatrated) everything possible to end the Discussing^his views during yes­ Navy’s atomic aub. the USS j More T esting Dtie - - UN delegatlona. be Key. Sigurd Hanson of Middle- 122 Harlan atreet. were tendered walkout. Like BroaJeaat a aurpriae houaewarming Saturday terday’s debate, Keating aaid: Nautilus—was set in operation on The comml.ssion said further River Cre4 town.
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