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METALLURGICAL ABSTRACTS (GENERAL AND NON-FERROUS) Volume 4 NOVEMBER 1937 Part 11 I.—PROPERTIES OF METALS (Continued from pp. 425—129.) *0n the Question of the Influence oi the Surface Condition on the Endurance Limit of Aluminium Wires. Georg Richter (Z. Metallkunde, 1937, 29, (7), 214-217).—Tests carried out on the Wornle fatigue-testing machine with aluminium wires with smooth and rough surfaces indicate that only sharp and deep notches reduce the fatigue limit; thus, impressions made with another similar wire act as stress concentration points, inducing fatigue fracture only when their depth exceeds 3% of the diameter of the wire, and a similar effect is produced by sharp scratches of insignificant depth. Impressions made with a pointed tool are less dangerous when shallow and more dangerous when deep than similar impressions made by filing.—A. R. P. ♦Limit of the Elasticity of an Aluminium Rod Composed of Comparatively Small Crystal Grains. Miyabi Sugihara (Mem. Coll. Sci. Kyoto Imp. Univ., 1937, 20, (1), 27-33).—[In English.] In cold-worked commercial aluminium rods, heat-treated for a constant time, at temperatures above 200° C. and below the melting point, the crystal grains grow larger with increase of the heat-treatment temperature. With increase of annealing temperature, the elastic limit of aluminium decreases slowly at first from 603 kg./cm.2 a t 25° to 200° C., then rapidly from 200° to about 300° C., and then slowly to about 630° C., at which it attains the value 81 kg./cm.2. The elastic limit, L, expressed as elongation per unit length, is related to z, the grain number per unit length of tcst-piece, by the empirical relation L — L0( 1 — e~az), where L0 is the value'of L for z = oo, and has the value 8-88 X 10~4, and a = 0-000151. The linear grain-size, Y, is related to the annealing temperature, T° C., by the empirical relation Y = A (T — 200)i -j- B, where A = 0-73 and B = - 2-7 x 10-*.—J. S. G. T. ^Elastic Limit of an Aluminium Rod and the Size of the Crystal Grains. Miyabi Sugihara (Mem. Coll. Sci. Kyoto Imp. Univ., 1937, [A], 20, (4), 173— 178).—[In English.] The limit of elasticity of an aluminium rod composed of a single crystal scarcely varies with the difference of orientation of the crystal. If it varies, the amount of variation is relatively small. In the case of rods composed of comparatively largo crystals, the limit of elasticity decreases rapidly with increase of the linear crystal size, but after exceeding a crystal size of about 0-3 cm. it decreases very slowly. For the determination of the elastic limit of a rod composed of a large crystal, the method of gradually increasing loads is preferable to that in which the load is applied and removed repeatedly.—S. G. [Discussion on Chaudron’s Paper on] The Problem of the Elimination of Gaseous Impurities from Aluminium. ------(Found. Trade J., 1937, 57, (1103), 290).—Correspondence and reply (see Met. Abs., this vol., p. 317).—H. H. Melting Point of Chromium. C. J. Smithells (Monthly J. Inst. Metals, 1937, 4, (7), 352).—The melting point of chromium is above 1800° C., in con tradiction of the freQuently Quoted figure 1550° C.—G. V. R. Melting Point of Chromium. Frank Adcock (Monthly J. Inst. Metals, 1937, 4, (8), 441).—Cf. preceding abstract. High-purity chromium melts near 1830° C. in vacuo. Lower recorded values are possibly due to nitrogen contamination.—G. V. R. * Denotes a paper describing the results of original research, t Denotes a first-class critical review. LL 482 Metallurgical Abstracts Vol. 4 *Tke Vapour Pressure of Copper and Iron. A. L. Marshall, R. W. Domtc, and. 1?. J. Norton (J . Amer. Chem. Soc., 1937, 59, (7), 1161-1166).—The rates of evaporation of copper and iron were used to determine the vapour pressures of these metals. The accommodation coeff. for the two metals appears to bo unity, which apparently establishes the validity of the Langmuir method. Direct determinations of the emissivities of iron and copper were mado in conjunction with the vapour pressure study; the values are in agreement with previous reliable determinations.—S. G. Dissociative Adsorption of Hydrogen by Copper and Its Kinetic Consequences. Loyal Clarke (J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 1937, 59, (7), 1389-1391).—I t is shown that the assumptions of dissociative adsorption on a uniform surface lead to kinctics which account for the observed eQuilibria in the primary activated adsorption of hydrogen on coppor. The possibility of extension of these kinetics to rates, and to other systems, is discussed.—S. G. ♦The Catalytic Union of Hydrogen and Oxygen on Copper and Copper-Gold Alloys. A. B. van Cleave and E. K. llideal (Trans. Faraday Soc., 1937, 33, (5), 635-643).—At very low pressures at 170°-250° C., hydrogen and oxygen combine at a copper surface, with the formation of ono moleculo of cuprous oxide for each moleculo of water formed. Truo catalytic union occurs only on surfaces coated with cupric oxide. The activated diffusion of oxygen apparently involves the transitory conversion of ono molecule of cuprous oxide into a moleculo of cupric oxide and an atom of copper; this is confirmed by experiments on copper-gold alloys.—A. R. P. ♦An Improved Method of Purifying Europium. Herbert N. McCoy (J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 1937, 59, (6), 1131-1132).—S. G. ♦[Atomic Weight of Europium], G. P. Baxter and F. D. Tuemmler (J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 1937, 59, (6), 1133-1134).—Tho atomic weight of europium, prepared by tho method of McCoy (preceding abstract) was found to bo 151-95.—S. G. *On the Mechanism of Melting [of Gallium]. M. Volmer and 0. Schmidt (Z. jihysikal. Chem., 1937, [B], 35, (6), 467-480).—Very pure gallium was heated at just below tho melting point, and a small portion of tho surface exposed to the radiation from a small arc lamp. In certain circumstances, melting begins outside tho irradiated spot, and proceeds parallel to crystal edges. I t is suggested that melting does not begin in an ideal lattice but starts at spots which contain impurities or faults of some kind.—v. G. ♦Further Experiments on the Minimum in the Resistance-Temperature Curve of Gold. W. J. do Haas and G. J. van den Berg (Physica, 1937, 4, (8), 683-694; and Comm. K. Onnes Lab. Leiden, 1937, (249b)).—[In English.] In accordance with previous measurements (Met. A 6.5., 1936, 3, 386), the resistance-temperature curves of the gold wires measured show a minimum. The influence of the annealing time remains confined to a shift of the minimum. A heating of the wiro by tho measuring current cannot be the cause of the minimum.—S. G. ♦Optical Properties and Structure of Thin Gold Films. P. J. Haringhuizen, D. A. Was, and A. M. Kruithof (Physica, 1937, 4, (8), 695-702).—[In English.] The reflectivity and transmission of gold films of known thicknesses were measured as a function of wave-length. The Quantities n and k were deter mined from these experiments. For a thickness < 10m;x n and k vary, owing to the decrease of the mean free path of the free electrons. The light- absorption of tho thinnest films is explained with the aid of the hypothesis that they consist of gold in the amorphous state. Some ultramicroscopic observations show that the colours of thin films cannot be explained on the basis of the idea of a colloidal structure of the films. Some results of recrystallization are discussed.—S. G. Production of Thin Gold Films. Charles S. Gibson (Nature, 1937, 140, 1937 /.—Properties of Metals 4 8 3 (3537), 279-280).—Describes the production of gold films by the decomposition of compounds such as diethylmonobromogold, when dissolved in a solvent such as ethanol to which an alkali is added. Filins of different thicknesses can bo produced, and a polished surface results if conditions aro correct.—B. C. ♦Researches on [Dental] Gold Casting. W. E. Herbert and A. R. F. Thomp son (Proc. Hoy. Soc. Medicine, 1937, 30, (3), 245-262).—Experiments carried out on the casting of dental plates in various investments in a Solbrig press aro described. Smooth castings up to 0-4% larger than tho wax patterns are obtained in an investment consisting of a 3:1 mixture of cristobalito and plaster of Paris as well as in a proprietary investment containing finely divided copper. Tho porosity of the cristobalito investment is about half that of a similar investment containing silica instead of cristobalite, and this may account for tho faulty castings often obtained with cristobalite investment. Tho time" taken for the gold to fill the mould after closing tho lid is about 0T second, and tho timo taken for it to solidify is about 1 second. An asbestos pad moistened with water develops a pressure of 12 lb./in.2 in 8 seconds, but the pressure during easting never exceeds 3 lb./in.2; the maximum pressure is developed by a very wet pad and a very hot ring. By using a 3 : 1 mixture of methylated spirits and carbon tetrachloride, pressures up to 50 lb./in.2 can be developed, but only the pressure developed in the first second is effective in casting. If contact of the molten metal in the crucible with the damp pad is avoided, the gold will solidify in the mould before tho residue in tho crucible freezes.—A. R. P. ♦Atomic Weight of Lead from Galena, Great Bear Lake, N.W.T., Canada. John Putnam Marble (J .