Casey Gacic Was a Quality Boxer Ing

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Casey Gacic Was a Quality Boxer Ing SPORTS MENU TIPS College fair to be held at Tri-C Kid’s Corner Center Street bridge to remain closed Cuyahoga Community college will host a College The Center Street Swing Bridge located in the Flats Jonnathan Butler, who is six- was closed on April 27th due to equipment malfunction. City Fair on Tuesday, May 15, from 6:30 - 8 p.m., in the Western engineers and workmen have determined that a limit switch mal- Cavs In Driver’s Spice Up Your BBQ Campus Recreation Center, 11000 Pleasant Valley Road, Par- years-old, is the son of Aaron Jones and functioned and the Bridge hit the earthen embarkment next to ma. Parking will be available in Lot A with overflow in Lot D. Chllenefyg Butler. Jonnathan’s favorite the bridge, causing one pinion shaft to shear off and cracking the Seat With 2 Wins With A True Favorite other Emergency purchase orders have been issued and repairs This event will allow potential students to visit with represen- food is corn and he likes to play with his tatives from 125 colleges in Ohio and five surrounding states are expected to be completed and the bridge reopened within 30 Gameboy. Jonnathan attends Watson days. The detour route is Center Street to Washington Avenue, to learn more about the programs and degrees they offer. For to W 25th Street, to Franklin Ave., to Columbus Road back to See Page 6 See Page 7 more info., call Michael Tomaschyk in Tri-C’s Admissions and Elementary School in Fairmont, West Center Street. Detour signs are posted. Pedestrians are urged to Records at (216) 987-5696 or [email protected]. Virginia, and he has a sister, Jasmine. Butler walk to W. 25th Street, where public transportation is available. EVOL.ASTSID 28 No. 18 Tuesday, May 8, 2007 - Friday, May 11, 2007E NEWDaily S ISSUED FRIDAY FREE FREE SERVING: LARCHMERE - WOODLAND, SHAKER SQUARE, BUCKEYE, WOODLAND, MT. PLEASANT, LEE & AVALON, HARVARD - LEE, MILES - UNION, UNIVERSITY CIRCLE AREA, READ ON - WRITE ON WARRENSVILLE HEIGHTS, VILLAGES OF NORTH RANDALL, HIGHLAND HILLS AND CITY OF EAST CLEVELAND READ ON - WRITE ON “COVERING THE NEWS TODAY FOR A BETTER TOMORROW” Shots fired at policeman By GEORGE GOLDMAN building, which is being demol- jumped the fence between the brick ished., has become a target for building and the house. Gun shots were ex- thieves who steal scrap metal. After finding Walker again, changed between a Cleveland off Events at the hospital un- Cheese shouted that he was a police - duty police detective and a scrap folded according to Cleveland Po- officer and told Walker to drop the metal thief at the closed Saint lice Patrolmen’s Association Presi- gun. Walker fired two or three shots Luke’s Hospital on Wednesday dent Steve Loomis. When Cheese more. Cheese fired back. Both men morning. chased away four scrapers out of missed and Walker got away. The in- the hospital. The police found the van cident occurred He later saw a green Ford later that morning, which was regis- Cleveland Police Department Fourth Dis- Cleveland Police Department investigator trict Commander Roy Rich explains to John Hopkins examines the bullets shot into the car of Detective Ray when Detective Aerostar, which he suspected be- tered to Walker. The police put to- and Anthony Burton the shooting incident at the closed Cheese at East 110th Street and Hulda Avenue. Cheese longed to the same scrapers. The gether a line - up and Cheese picked- exchanged shots with Jamal Walker. (ESDN Photo by Ray Ray Cheese Saint Luke’s Hospital involving stealing scrap metal. chased away Ja- van pulled into a driveway and out Walker in the lineup. Robinson) mal Walker at Cheese in his personal car, a gold the hospital who Ford Taurus, wrote down the mini- Friend denies murder charges was trying to van’s license plate number. steal scrap metal Walker got out of his van, Walker By GEORGE GOLDMAN But prosecutors said police say, and had a brief exchange at the site. A gun battle erupted at that the attempt to rob Wells fol- with Cheese, both asking East 110th Street and Hulda Av- An attorney for Marale Wil- lowed a nearly identical pattern the other what they were doing. enue between Cheese and Walker. liams, 16, who is charged in the death to others in which Williams was At this point, Cheese say The gunfire was followed of Arthur “A.C.” Buford, said that the triggerman, including one, by a series of raids throughout the that Walker, who was identified on his client is a traumatized child who last August, even down to the city’s East Side by police officers a police warrant, fired shots at his watched his friend die in the street. phrases the teens used. intent on catching Walker. car. One bullet punched through Williams’s attorney John Williams denied charg- Walker, 23 - years - old, the rear window of his car and Luskin said that Williams did not es yesterday of murder, ag- is the suspect in the shooting at narrowly missed him. The bullet know what his 15 year old friend had gravated robbery and felonious Cheese. lodged in the dash near the steer- planned as they walked around Kins- assault in Cuyahoga County Ju- According to police, the ing wheel. man Road when Buford was killed venile Court. incident started when Walker am- Police say the Walker had on April 21, by Damon Wells in an Luskins blamed the bushed Cheese, who was working hidden in the overgrown front yard attempt to rob him. schools, the community and the off-duty on a part -time job guard- of a run - down house across the Luskin made the statements court for not protecting Williams ing the hospital street. He fired again at Cheese, in Judge Thomas O’Malley court- from himself. Williams remains room during Williams appearance. in the county detention center. Police also said that the then ran across the street and CSU’s commencement at Wolstein By GEORGE GOLDMAN The university will award three honorary degrees Cleveland State University to philosopher Dr. Nicholas Re- Commencement Ceremonies will be scher (honorary Doctor of Hu- held on Saturday, May 12, with a mane Letters) in the morning 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. procession at the and to Congresswoman Stepha- Wolstein Center, 2000 Prospect Av- nie Tubbs Jones ( honary Doctor enue. of Law) and Lubrizol senior of- There will be a total of 1,800 ficer Stephen F. Kirk ( honorary Cleveland Police are on the scene of a shooting between De- graduates receiving degree in each Doctor of Business) in the after- tective Ray Cheese and Jamal Walker at Hulda and East 110th Street. procession ( 900 per ceremony). noon. The incident involved Walker stealing scrap metal at the closed Saint The ceremony will include The commencement Luke’s Hospital when Cheese spotted his van and chased him and Walk- the first Honors Program Class and a speaker for both processions confetti shower at the end of the sec- will be CSU’s President Dr. Mi- er hid in bushes and started firing at Cheese. ond ceremony will mark 100,000 de- chael Schwartz. He has been the grees awarded by the university and president of the university for its predecessor, Fenn College. six years. Gasoline prices in area jump R&B Singer Usher is in attendance for the Cavs game against the The price of a gallon is whether or not U.S. refineries New Jersey Nets with Cavs owner Daniel Gilbert. The Cavs beat the Nets 102 of regular, unleaded, self-serve will begin to report to the Energy to 92 to take a 2-0 lead in the best of seven series. The Cavs will play the third gasoline passed the $3.00 mark Department that they have more game of the series in New Jersey on Saturday. See complete story on page 6. this week when a gallon of gas gasoline in storage. (ESDN Photo by Ray Robinson) increased 20.3 cents in Northeast Another factor that Ohio. should be watched is the oil Motorists will find this price. Daniel Hines indicted brings the price to $3.14 a gallon For the past weeks, oil By GEORGE GOLDMAN Cleveland police arrested him on at the pump. has continued to trade above $60 According to the AAA per barrel; the price targeted by April 19. Fuel Gauge, another in a string OPEC as representing a fair return After being cleared of He has been jailed under a of disappointing weekly reports for their oil. kidnapping Shakira Johnson, Dan- $1 million bond since. on gasoline inventories from the Because refineries have iel Hines has been charged with Hines was acquitted in late U.S. Department of Energy sent had problems processing enough the involvement of another girl 14 2004 of involvement with the rape the national average price of self- oil to build gasoline reserves, oil - years - old. and death of 11-year-old Shakira, serve regular above $3 per gallon inventories have been growing A grand jury on yester- late last week. and some analysts are now look- and was also exonerated in 2005 day indicted Hines, 28, on chares Since Friday, the national ing for an oil price drop. charges that he tried to rape a 13- of unlawful sexual contact with a average gasoline price has hovered Should the oil price year-old cousin a few weeks before minor, importuning (soliciting sex near today’s price of $3.04 per come down $5 or $10 - and stay from) a minor and importuning Shakira’s disappearance.
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