RAFCON API Release 0.14.6

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RAFCON API Release 0.14.6 RAFCON API Release 0.14.6 Rico Belder, Sebastian Brunner, Franz Steinmetz May 10, 2021 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Concepts 3 2 Changelog 7 3 List of Features 41 4 Breaking Changes 45 5 Tutorials 47 6 Building the documentation 57 7 Configuration 59 8 Auto Backup 73 9 GUI Guide 75 10 Plugins 79 11 FAQ 83 12 Contributing: Developer’s Guide 91 13 RAFCON API: The rafcon package 103 14 Indices and tables 141 Python Module Index 143 Index 147 i ii RAFCON API, Release 0.14.6 Develop your robotic tasks using an intuitive graphical user interface RAFCON (RMC advanced Flow Control) uses hierarchical state machines, featuring concurrent state execution, to represent robot programs. It ships with a graphical user interface supporting the creation of state machines and contains IDE like debugging mechanisms. Alternatively, state machines can programmatically be generated using RAFCON’s API. RAFCON is licensed under the Eclipse Public License - v 1.0 (EPL). Have a look at our website for an introduction about installing RAFCON. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 RAFCON API, Release 0.14.6 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER ONE CONCEPTS A state-machine in RAFCON consists of states connected with transitions. In addition to this logical flow, RAFCON introduces what is called a data flow. This allows data to be directly shared between states. 1.1 States A state does not represent a state of the system, but a state in task flow. Usually a state executes some action or calculates some result and finally return an outcome. States can have an arbitrary number of input ports and output ports.There are different types of states: The simplest type of state is called Execution state. An execution state includes an execute function that is run when the corresponding state is entered. The parameters of the function are references to the input and output data as well as to the global variable manager. The return value of the execute function determines the outcome of a state. A Hierarchy state is one kind of container state. It groups one or more child states (which can be containers them- selves). In addition to the input and output ports, hierarchy states can have scoped variables. Hierarchy states do not have an execute function, they are just means to encapsulate other states. Concurrency states are also container states. They allow for the parallel execution of two or more states. All direct children are executed in parallel in different threads. Parallel executing states cannot exchange data using dataflows, but have to use global variables with the global variable manager. Global variables are thread safe. There are two types of concurrency to be distinguished: Barrier concurrency states wait for all parallel executing states to finish. After all child states are finished aspecial Decider state is called. This state decides upon the final outcome of the barrier state itself. Preemptive concurrency states can have several outcomes. The first parallel executing state that finishes determines the outcome and forces all other states to preempt. A special type of states are Library states. These states cannot be edited within a state-machine, but are predefined. A library state is a state-machine itself and can internally consist of arbitrary states and hierarchies (even further libraries). Every state-machine can be converted to a library and thus be reused in other projects. Libraries can be parameterized like any other state with input ports and return values/results on output ports. 3 RAFCON API, Release 0.14.6 1.2 Outcomes Outcomes can be described as “exit points” of states. Every state has at least two outcomes, “aborted” and “preempted”. In addition to these special outcomes, every state can have an arbitrary number of additional outcomes with individual names (“success”, “>=0”, “yes”, ...). Each outcome has an id. For “aborted” it is -1 and for “preempted” it is -2. Further outcomes have increasing numbers starting from 0. Depending on the type of the state, the outcome on which the state is left is determined in different ways: • For execution states, the user determines the outcome by returning its id at the end of the execute function. If the returned id is not existing, this is treated as an error and the state is left on the “aborted” outcome. Errors and exceptions in general force a state to be left on the “aborted” outcome. • For hierarchy states, the child states together with the transitions determine the outcome. As soon as during the execution of a hierarchy state a transitions leads to an outcome of the hierarchy state, the state is left on this outcome. However, if an exception or error occurs in a child state, which is not caught (by connecting the “aborted” outcome of the erroneous state), the hierarchy state is left also on the “aborted” outcome. By this, errors and exception climb up the hierarchy, until an “aborted” outcome is connected or the root state is reached (and the program stops). • The situation for preemptive concurrency states is similar to that of hierarchy states. A triggered transition to an outcome causes the state to be left on that outcome. In addition, all parallel states are left (from the innermost running state upwards) on the “preempted” outcomes. This allows states to ensure a safe and consistent state when being forced to stop. • Barrier concurrency states are special in that the Decider is responsible for the final outcome. This state decides based on the outcomes of the parallel child states and the output data of the child states the final outcome of the barrier state. 1.3 Transitions Transitions connect outcomes and states (or other outcomes). They do not have a name and or any further data. Every outcome should be connected with a transition, which is connected to another state (there is only one “entry point” per state, where several transition can be connected to). In container states (hierarchy or concurrency states) transitions can also be connected from a outcome of child state to another outcome of the parent state. This causes the execution flow to leave the hierarchy at that point. There may only be one transition per outcome. 1.4 Data ports Data ports are the equivalent to outcomes, but on the data flow level (in contrast to the logical flow). Data ports havea name, a type and a default value. There are two types of data ports, input data ports and output data ports (from hereon called inputs and outputs). Every state can have an arbitrary number of inputs and outputs, which are used to pass data in and out. Inputs can be compared to parameters of a function. In our case, the function is the state. A state defines which data it needs to calculate its output or to execute some action. The data fed to input ports is passed to the execute function of execution states. It is the first parameter of type dict and the names of the inputs as keys. If no data flow is connected to an input, then the default value is used as its value. Accordingly, outputs are the return values of states. Similar to Python functions, states cannot only return one value, but arbitrarily many (or none). The outputs are also passed to the execute function of execution states. It is the second parameter, also of type dict. The function can set the value of each output by assigning a value to the according dictionary entry. If no value is set, the default value is used for the further execution. 4 Chapter 1. Concepts RAFCON API, Release 0.14.6 It is important to note that the input values used are passed by value and this value is created as deep copy either from the value coming from the data flow or the default value. As a consequence, complex values (e. g. dictionaries) calculated by one state, which are fed to two different states, can be modified in one state without the other state seeing this modification. One state can be executed several times when being in a loop and always gets new inputdata. The data types of individual data ports can be of standard python built-in data types (e.g. int, float, long, complex, str, unicode, tuple, list, dict, bool). They can also be of types defined by third-party packages, as long as the packages lie in the PYTHONPATH environment variable (e.g. numpy.ndarray). 1.5 Scoped variables Scoped variables only exist in container states and have a name, type and default value (just like data ports). They can be seen as kind of variable or data port, from which every child state can read from and write to. Thus, they can for example be used as data storage for states being executed several times (using loops). 1.6 Data flows Data flows are for data ports (and scoped variables) what transitions are for outcomes. Just as transitions, theyneither have a name nor hold any further data. They define the flow of data, typically from outputs (sources) to inputs (sinks). However, it is not as simple as that. In the case of container states, a data flow can go from the input of the container state to the input of a child state (feeding data down in the hierarchy). Similarly, data flows can go from the output ofa child to the output of its container state (feeding data out/up the hierarchy). In addition, inputs can receive (read) data from scoped variables and outputs can pass data (overwrite) to scoped variables. A container input can write to a scoped variable as well as the scoped variable can write to an output of its container.
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