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{H&Sfi-CE-156158} QOailEBL! LXTE8ATURE N78-22U32 BEVIEi OF THE REMOTE SENSING OF MATDEAL BESQOBCES Quarterly Report, Get* - Dec« 1977 (New Mexico Univ.} 17Vp HC'A08/MF A01 Qnclas for foreign requestors o.nly CSCL 08F 00/43 15155 TECHNOLOGY APPLICATION CENTER A CENTER OF THE INSTITUTE FOR SOCIAL RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO QUARTERLY LITERATURE REVIEW of the REMOTE SENSING OF NATURAL RESOURCES FOURTH QUARTER 1977 QUARTERLY LITERATURE REVIEW of the REMOTE SENSING OF NATURAL RESOURCES FOURTH QUARTER 1977 QUARTERLY LITERATURE REVIEW of the REMOTE SENSING OF NATURAL RESOURCES FOURTH QUARTER--197T (OCTOBER-DECEMBER 1977) Compiled and Published by: Technology Application Center Institute for Applied Research Services University of New Mexico Albuquerque > New Mexico-87131 Decembeir-1977 National Aeronautics and Space. Administration Copyrighted abstracts in this document are published under license of the copy- right owner. Additional reproduction without permission is a violation of Federal Copyright Law. QUARTERLY LITERATURE REVIEW of the REMOTE SENSING OF NATURAL RESOURCES TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION V USER GUIDE vi INFORMATION SOURCES vii RECENT RELEASES ix LITERATURE REVIEW: Section 1 GENERAL 1 (RS77-1-468 through RS77-1-576) Section 2 GEOLOGY AND HYDROLOGY 19 (RS77-2-615 through RS77-2-805) Section 3 AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY. 53 (RS77-3-243 through RS77-3-323) Section 4 MARINE SCIENCES 75 (RS77-4-231 through RS77-4-294) Section 5 URBAN LAND USE . 91 (RS77-5-215 through RS77-5-263) Section 6 INSTRUMENTATION ... 103 (RS77-6-189 through RS77-6-226) AUTHOR/KEYWORD INDEX-. -.^,.v> ^PSS^ DOCUMENT ORDER FORM''--'. CONFERENCES, SYMPis^A^:AND >SH6RT?fcdURSES :. ^T '•''('^''^ '••• -.ry- ;t' ' 111 INTRODUCTION Remote sensing is so strongly an interdisciplinary science that one cannot easily keep abreast of the activity without tak- ing a large portion of the available time for reviewing the literature. The Technology Application Center (TAG) has made a major effort in order to provide a review of this rapidly advancing field with its Quarterly Literature Review of the Remote Sensing of Natural Resources. This service has been initiated to provide the investigator with up-to-date informa- tion in a readable and indexed form. In an attempt to review the literature of remote sensing from the many hundreds of sources and thousands of documents available, a definition of boundaries was necessary. TAG, reviewing abstracted literature sources (see Information Sources), selects documented data and data gathering techniques which are performed or obtained remotely from space, aircraft or groundbased stations. All of the documentation is related to remote sensing sensors or the remote sensing of the natural resources. Meteorology and extraterrestrial sensing are normally not selected. Sensors are primarily those operating within the 10~8 to 1 meter wavelength band (ultraviolet through radar). There are exceptions to this when overlapping data is reported, and these have been selected. Beginning January 1977, following the Information Source descriptions are recent releases concerning remote sensing. Included are NASA Tech Briefs, ARAC Industrial Applications Reports, U.S. Navy Technical Reports, U.S. Patent reports, and other technical articles arid reports that come to the attention of the TAG staff. This section has not been key worded or numbered.. •• "•-.-.•. •- -;'•-• '.": •:/-:l:-:-~,.''. Editors • '"' ••-.-..-... " Charles B. Fears Michael H. Inglis v USSR GUIDE This Quarterly Literature Review has been divided into eight sections as shown in the table of contents. Within each section, the abstracts have been provided an RS number. This number indicates the section, as RS74-4 indicates Marine Science or Section 4 in the table of contents. The numbers following the section identification place the abstract in numerical order within that section. RS75-4-Q23 abstract number section number year of quarterly issue _Remote S_ensing In the absence of page numbers, the section and number provide ready access to the abstract. All abstracts within this Quarterly Literature Review have been "key-worded" by'the TAG staff. Key words include generalized terms used or indicated by the title or abstract. The first author's last name, shown on the abstract, is also used as a key word and is indicated by an asterisk (*). This provides an author index within the key word index found in Section 7, Alphabetical Index of Authors and Key Words. Sample key-wording (key words used are underlined): RS75-4-015 Evaluate the Application of SRTS-A Data for Detecting and Mapping Sea Ice; James C. Barnes, Principal Investigator Section 8 contains an order form for the document service pro- vided by the Technology Application Center. In order to facilitate this service, complete Quarterly numbers, RS numbers and abstract titles are necessary. ~ VI INFORMATION SOURCES The following list describes the information resources currently used by the Technology Application Center for the Remote Sensing Quarterly Review. I. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) The NASA file, dating from 1962, contains more than 600,000 documents and grows at the rate of 70,000 new entries each year. It is approximately 16% NASA-generated, the bulk of the citations being reports collected by NASA from world- wide sources for use in the aerospace program. These articles are abstracted in two semi-monthly journals: A. International Aerospace Abstracts (IAA) IAA is an abstractive and indexing service covering the world's published literature in the field of aero- nautics and space science and technology. Periodicals, books, meeting papers, conference proceedings, trans- lations of foreign journal articles, .and aerospace reports are typically abstracted by IAA. B. Scientific and Technical Aerospace Reports (STAR) STAR is a comprehensive abstracting and indexing journal covering current worldwide report literature on the science and technology of space and aeronautics. Publications abstracted in STAR include scientific and technical reports issued by NASA and its contractors, other U.S. Government agencies, corporations, universities, and research organizations throughout the world. Pertinent theses, translations, NASA-owned patents and patent applications, and other separate documents are also abstracted. II. Engineering Index Monthly (EIM) The Engineering Index Monthly is a compilation of abstracts and items covering the world's significant technological literature Vii and conferences encompassing all engineering disciplines. The EIM covers the technological side of Remote Sensing with such subjects as new equipment and techniques, and specific field applications of engineering methods and devices. III. Selected Water Resources Abstracts Selected Water Resources Abstracts is published by the Water Resources Scientific Information Center, Office of Water Resources Research, U.S. Department of the Interior. It includes abstracts of current and earlier pertinent . monographs, journal articles, reports, and other publication formats. IV. Government Reports Announcements (GRA) GRA is published by the National Technical ' Infor- mation Service (NTIS) , Springfield, Virginia. The NTIS collection now exceeds 730,000 titles, to which some 60,000 new reports are added annually. Abstracts cover environ- mental surveys, energy source prospecting (minerals, geo- thermal sources, etc.), oceanography, hydrology, climate, agriculture, geology, tracing of tagged wildlife, and more esoteric aspects of this field. V. Bibliography and Index of Geology Bibliography and Index of Geology is published by the Geological Society of America in Boulder, Colorado, and covers the earth science .literature of the entire world and theses in North America. VI. ERDA Energy Research Abstracts (ERA) ERA covers scientific and technical reports origi- nated by the U.S. Energy Research and Development Adminis- tration and its contractors, other U.S. Government agencies, other governments, universitites, and industrial and re- search organizations. In addition, books, conference pro- ceedings, individual conference papers, patents, and journal literature on a worldwide basis are abstracted and indexed. Subjects covered by ERA include energy systems, conservation, safety, environmental protection, physical research and biology and medicine. Vlll RECENT RELEASES IX AEROSPACE RESEARCH APPLICATIONS CENTER (ARAC) Indianapolis Center for Advanced Research Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis, 1201 East REFLECTION CLASSIFICATION OF ROAD SURFACES E. Frederiksen, Kai Sorensen. Light Res. Technol., V8, N4, p. 175- 186, 1976 A method of classifying road surfaces with respect to their light reflection properties has been developed. The classification system unifies the four existine N classes for dry road surfaces and four new classes for wet road surfaces. The classification system has been developed by statistical analysis of a great number of measure- ments of road surfaces, in both dry and wet conditions. The system of classes is intended for use in road lighting codes based on luminance requirements, and especially such codes which contain luminance requirements for both dry and wet conditions. The system of classes will also be useful for investigations on optimal latern light distributions and road lighting geometries. EI7705035001 Industrial Applications Report #1-5627 AMBIENT CARBON MONOXIDE MONITOR Darrell E. Burch, Francis J. Gates, and John D. Pembrook.