The Comparative Metrics of ISIS and “Failed State Wars” in Syria and Iraq Part Three: Stability and Conflict in Syria Anthony H. Cordesman
[email protected] Working Draft U.S. Army photo by Pvt. March 2, 2016 Travis J. Terreo 1616 Rhode Island Avenue NW Anthony H. Cordesman Web version: Email:
[email protected] Washington, DC 20036 Phone: 1.202.775.3270 Conflict Dynamics in Syria 2 Population Density in Syria Source: Stratfor, information%25252Fgeography%25252F&source=iu&pf=m&fir=DoUMgoWdhrcALM%253A%252Cqxzi4i_uSW4ufM%252C_&biw=1338&bih=976&ved=0CCoQyjdqFQoTCNXLnIuR08cCFckFjgod6wsNWA&ei=Ni_kVdXYFcmLuATrl7TABQ&usg=__OC351H3 Edwr5kYLecIZo4L-ys5yU%3D#imgrc=q-lXqYU6ivLyiM%3A&usg=__OC351HEdwr5kYLecIZo4L-ys5yU%3D The Pre-War Ethnic Sectarian Nightmare in the Levant Source: Columbia University Gulf/2000 Project, and complicated/ 4 Syria: Religious and Ethnic Groups: March 2011 Source: Atlas-Syria: Federal Ministry of the interior, Republic of Austria, 2015,, p. 15 5 Syria: Ethnic and Linguistic Groups: March 2011 Source: Atlas-Syria: Federal Ministry of the interior, Republic of Austria, 2015,, p. 15 6 Syria: Topography and Regional Divisions Source: Atlas-Syria: Federal Ministry of the interior, Republic of Austria, 2015,, p. 8 7 Syria: Physiography Source: Atlas-Syria: Federal Ministry of the interior, Republic of Austria, 2015,, p.