Railway Station Improved Access

Cheshire East Council is working with , and to improve the access at . The scheme is a key part of a wider project to turn the historic site into an iconic 21st century gateway to the town and help unlock Crewe’s economic potential. The phase-one work has been made possible after a successful joint bid by East Council and Network Rail for £6.2 million from the Government’s £100m rail stations improvement fund.

The scheme is central to the Council backed ambitious plans to regenerate and revitalise the town centre and surrounding area. This vision is called ‘All Change for Crewe’ and you can find out more by visiting www.allchangeforcrewe.co.uk

Phase one improvement works include the provision of 240 extra car parking spaces, cycle stands, improved passenger access, drop-off and pick-up points (including improved taxi rank facilities) and disabled parking on Weston Road at the side of the railway station. Demolition works will also take place at the former Royal Mail site.

These works are planned to commence in autumn 2012 and are planned to be completed by autumn 2013.

This development aims to reduce congestion levels for cars and pedestrians on Road and provide an additional entrance from Weston Road to the station for train users.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is happening? Council is working with Department for Transport and Network Rail to create an additional access to Crewe railway station from Weston Road along with additional car parking, taxi rank and cycling facilities.

Can I view the plans and associated documents? Yes – please visit www.cheshireeast.gov.uk/crewerail

How is the project being funded? Cheshire East Council and its partner Network Rail were successful in their bid for £6.2m from the Government’s £100m rail stations improvement fund

When will the demolition works start? Works are planned to commence in autumn 2012

When will the construction works finish? Works are planned to be completed in autumn 2013

Will the existing entrance to the station close? No, the current entrance to Crewe railway station will be open as usual more overleaf…

Where can I find out more? Please visit www.cheshireeast.gov.uk/crewerail or telephone 0300 123 5020

Will the taxi rank in front of the station remain open during construction works? Yes, this will be open as usual

Will I still be able to access the train platforms? Yes, the current entrance to Crewe railway station will be open as usual

Will I still be able to walk along Weston Road to the railway station? This will be confirmed closer to the start of construction. It is possible that a section of the footpath along Weston Road may be closed for a period of time

Will there be facilities for disabled passengers? Yes there will be disabled parking facilities on the car park. Any further facilities will be confirmed closer to the start of construction

When the car park is open will it be a free car park? The will operate and maintain the car park. There will be a charge to users

Will the car park be allocated for railway station users only, or will it be open to local businesses too? This is currently unconfirmed. To be determined at a later date

Once the new access is open, how will I get from the entrance on Weston Road to the station platform? The improved access will mean that passengers can enter the station platform directly from Weston Road

Will taxis still be able to pick up and drop off customers at the railway station? Yes, the taxi rank in front of the railway station on Nantwich Road will remain open during and after the construction period

Is the construction site anticipated to be noisy? We will do everything we can to minimise noisy work but it is anticipated there may be a need for night time working

Will the adjacent roads be closed during any point of the works? A road closure may be necessary – this will be determined in future and we will minimise any disruption resulting from the closure
