VOL. 1, NO. 16 STEWART, B. C, SEPT. 12, 1919 $5 the year—10 G the Copy [GREAT ACTIVITY WRECKAGE OF THIS SEASON ON STEWART HAS PORTLAND CANAL DISAPPEARED [Those Who Expected Develop­ This spring Camp Resembled ments in this District Have Place Hurricane had Visited— Not Been Disappointed — Men #**'*- Signs of Wreckage Practically Work in all Directions. all Gone Now. jreat Ore Showings have been Exposed in Every Section— Only One Building on Main Salmon River has Proven Big ,/ /lolly Op Street Remains in Delapidated 2. Pri'nttdolio6p. Condition and this will soon Sensation. 3 floyflower Op 4. Ruth —frtntii&p be Repaired. smallest Mining District in the 5. OoppftCitf Op Province but Probably the 6 Sunihio* Op. Prospects are Good for Lively Richest—Premier and Ore 7 Ltttritw dp Camp this Winter -- several l

hilc a great body of low grade ore ; down buildings. All of these have now untains as well a body of high grade been repaired except the one belonging ifhich is sensationally rich. This bedy to P. Burns & Co. This building will being explored by diamond drill. be a total ruin unless repaired before The Forty-Nine, Mineral Hill, Yel- winter and it is understood the firm kwstone, Bush, Spider, International, intends to get busy on it. Jnicorn and other Salmon River prop- As nearly as can be learned at this rties are showing great promise with time practically all the buildings will svelopment and the highgrade ap- be occupied this winter and several ars in them all. PORTLAND CANAL hundred persons will winter in the dis­ On the side ai well some im- trict—which will be quite a contrast lortant discoveries hare recently been Jmxcrtot/s with twenty-seven last winter. lade. SAL noA/f?tvj[m I luring this season the properties up Give Farewell Supper Party. ur River valley have also stood up Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McDonald before fader development. But the main at- Scb.\e of Miles - their departure for the season gave a hnion hHS been Salmon River section. o supper party at the King Edward ulnubtedly if some of the Bear River hotel Wednesday night. About fifty "lips were on Salmon River several were present from Stewart and Hyder. •rge deals in them would have been Mr. and Mrs. McDonald proved the ailc this season, best of hosts. The evening was en­ tlltst District. joyed by everybody and was enlivened The Portland ('anal mining division by songs, recitations and stories by area is the smallest in the Province, the charming hostess, Billy Orr, Jack Jul includes a strip along the eastern Stewart, Harry Gibson, E.H. Terwil- tde of Portland canal to the summit LAKELIEW IS FIRST HORSES liger, Government Agent Jack, W. R. ft 'he ratine between the canal and I NEWS OFF THE WIRE Macfarlane and others. Mr. McDon­ bservatory , and from the head! BONDED AGAIN GO OVER ROAD ald may return during the winter. tha canal to ihe headwaters of Hear GLASGOW, Sept. '.2.- The Laboi Congress insists upon the immediate Horses from the Mineral Hill were lver, American creek, Salmon river. , It is understood that work is to Inspects Sir Donald's Properties. withdrawal of troops from Russia and repeal of the Conscription Act. the first to pass over the Stewart-Sal­ ^iii! tributaries of each. liegm next week on the Lakeview F. H. Minard of New York, consul­ The mineralised portion of tha Divl BELFAST, Sept. 12. Military and police activity is everywhere in evi­ mon River ore highway. They were on Glacier (.'reek. A bond on the ting engineer for Sir Donald Mann, ion is niainh confined to tha eastern dence against the Seln Fein. Raids have been carried out in Belfast, Lis- brought over from Hyder to take P. property was given yesterday by left on Thursday. While in this dis­ pontact of the granodioritas of the burn. Derry, Dundalk, Louth, Enniskellin, etc. Quantities of high explo­ Welch anil party up to the Lakeview trict he inspected the Big Missouri on .lames McKay and ("has. Bibeau wat range and tha eadimentaries, be- sives were found. group on I llacier Creek, Salmon River and the Ben Bolt up M Identical with the formation at I to P. Welch and H. J. Fetter of Bear River valley. ma head of Ohaarvatory Inlet Than Spokam- and Seattle, OTTAWA, Sept 12. The House .if Commons assented without reserva ire about I MI Crown-Granted claims. i "ii today to the Treaty of Peace with Germany. Both houses of parlia­ Will Open Dental office. ining Revival. ment now have ratified the treaty, The House of Commons vote was a Dr C I' Carter left for Seattle on Citizens Committee Will Meet. Koad Gang Korea Up, Tlits ilistrlct has hud a very import ght party division of 102 to 70 Thursday's boat and announced that The regular monthly meeting of the The Stewart Salmon River road gam: li" revival of mining activities durhacl on bis return in the spring he would executive committee ol the Citiaena is now In comfortable quarters at bring equipment for • dental office. Association will be held Saturlay night this yaar In both the Hear Rl\>r and LONDON, Sept. 12. Bolabivik wiraieaa despatch from Moscow claims Hvder, having moved over on Tueedaj I'r. farter is interested in Salmon In the rooms of the Portland ( Salmon liiw raUtWa development apture of 12.II ptnarkaUa praajreea made b) the viks arc spreading H reign ol ti rnw there, . u . riesta and other most difficult part of the undertaking i Mu h cinei gene) the death ol Joseph Ch " r property, tin- do., mni of an dignatai o- bi over, rhere remains a considerable v., up to iihte dental offce in, in Vancouver a -.w-ek ago •UU) Ian.- bostj of xluillar Bfa amount of hearj rock work. .- I '• t ar ter intends to • I h ";!! red • .•.•'nun,, i. '""" three Mile . up n,e valla] 1 '• ••'• '••• , Ill <". ••• paste th ^RlS, :-- pi V . thai hgl boon to the die trie I "' ' I I ' dlnplayed b) . , ...... mil j..l. if hard to estimate but a month '• • located at Hj • aiahai eorpofasiaM iu the bra ougbl t.. bring ti'e end of 11 • *w inidev ate* al in* aix i ike eu uri xi,nip M»tlr,. il,,. Mttluioii . PON Sept : il .„;ii Mel,.me v. :- -i .n riots t..tai» seven i h. i'.i- i Sir Donald fipsrted • •I • Mhaaaaaji baraaatajatJi wr Un- i :»hmy order, ^ thai I "iK tear "•ilnrman Return V leal ..f .U,,.'i..i m »,.i|( • man ..f New \ ik M am I OTTAWA ' . umproatiaing i . it ii.' . i. in n ai S •* Ituynl t .n.

•Mipaiijt »l..| II,.. r • • ' • sril •,,. i .•' *'"• ar« iajMiaajtl A«lt ', La*

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• i • "f Ulu.. * i • • »«j SJUJOCB tieea l • ...to . ,| , 1| • .,,,,, .( .., ,,. - i seaa i im *•»•• - .1 '' IHx *!•! , STEWART, B. C, Sept PAGE TWO PORTLAND CANAL NEWS 12,

peatance of potential mines. During PORTLAND CANAL NEWS the whole summer of 1918 the mine For information relating was shut down, work being concent­ EXCHANGE GRILL to Salmon River, p ? JAMES CULLINS - - - Publisher How Premier Mine rated on the construction of a sleigh- ortlan road from the beach to the mine, a HERMAN & McEWEN Canal and Alice Arm mjn. A newspaper published in the distance of lti miles, and a short dock Proprietors ing districts, apply to interests of the Salmon River, at Hyder for the purpose of shipping Portland Canal, Alice Arm and Was Lost and Pound ore the next winter. Owing to unfor BAKERY NOW OPEN sen delays in the delivery of equi|i- Bread, Pies, Pastry, etc. Anyox mining districts. meut and an exceptionally early started farther down the hill, about break-up of the snow-road in the We Never Close Subscription Five Dollars a year Great Body of Ore Was 450 feet below Mo, 2 and driven about spring, only 512 tons was shipped, 500 feet before the vein was encount­ which gave smelter returns of $168,000. SOFT DRINKS and CItiARS Advertising Rates: Left by Tunnel and ered. This proved to have a width of Two stopes have been opened up, STEWART, B.C. Display advertising, 50c per inch well over 100 feet, but was poorly I Putting the mine in good shape for per issue. Work Ceased. ,, , K * ... . ir. . , shipping as soon as the snow (lies. Reading notices, 25c per line. mineralised A drift of 40 feet along- »» «fl snow wem operation8 have Long time contracts special rates side a small dtorite dyke was run In been almost entirely confined to out as follows: one year, 30c per inch; which some ore was just showing up | \ i<. A portable sawmill is cut- Sytiopsi: of six months, 40c per inch. Details of Development In­ sil e wol Time contracts on reading notices dicate Magnitude of I when the New York syndicate threw ting |liniber and a number of new 20 percent, discount. ! up their bond and quit the camp, after buildings are being erected al the old Special position display or reading, Marvelous Mine. iperations extending over nearly 18 can,,, lor ,the accommodation of a Land /M fm^nifmenti 25 percent above ordinary run of months at a cost exceeding $60,000. i greatly increased force of miners. O. B.BUSH rates. Daly was Foreman all the Time. I The road is being widened and Im- In the summer of 1916, a few months ! proved, and new barns and other c s Mining Broker Certificate of Improvement $15 By Chas. Bunting. Minimum prlca of «"t- i" .i^ after H. R. Plate had left, R. K. Neill | buildings will bejmt up at the beach reduced to $6 an »cre; aecond-cUas to (if more than one clsim, $2.50 for Much has been written about the each additional claim menticned.) of Spokane was induced by Pat Daly— and nine mile. The sawmill has been • $2 60 an acre. Premier Mine, situated near the head who had been foreman for both Bush moved to No, 4 tunnel— H. R. Plates Pra-amptlon now conHned to w*u- Land notices, 87. veyad lardu only. Coal notices, $5. and Plate and still believed it would! last work—and a new camp is being of the Portland Canal, which, while make a mine—to look over the prop-! built there. A compressor is to ,be Records wlU be arantod covering only No advertising accepted for erty. The examination and sampling | installed and the present 5x7 tunnel lnnd aulUhle for agricultural purpoaas First Page. interesting, is at variance with the and which la moo-tlmber land. proving satisfactory, Mr. Neil bonded enlarged to 7x7. Partnerahlp pre-emptiona almlUhaS. tacts. The writer is well acquainted it the following winter for $100,000,! A crosscut will be started a short but pAitloa of not more than four may arrange for adjacent pre-emptlona STEWART, B. C, Sept. 12, 1919 with the property, its ore bodies, | beginning work in the Spring. His [distance from the face which will with Joint residence, but each making first work was done in No. 1 tunnel reach the high-grade ore shoot In a necessary Improvement* on respective va,ues am 1,ist0I y and wi briefly clalma. w . . t. , , r. ! ' ' " lat the point where the high grade left few hundred feet, at an additional depth of 7o0 feet below the present Pre-emptora muat occupy claims for We are reproducing the atory of tharevle„ Ule tarts relating to the above It to find out what happened to the five years and ink* Improvements to with the workings. , 8 VANCOUVER anri STEWART Premier mine this week on account of!and indicate the immense possibili-! «*• Intention of following! value of HP peMaci" . Including clear­ Providing the ore shoot holds its ing and cultivation of at least i acraa, 4 it if it continued. A tew shifts suf-j before receiving Crown Grant widespread demand for last week's ties of this remarkable mine. All the Deed to show the vein was really' size and values at that depth—and the paralleling the tunnel, and at no point I chances are decidely In its favor—the. Where pre-emptor In occupation not paper. The demand was greater than | known ore bodies of the Premier, less than I years, and haa made pro­ in the whole 250 feet of Plate's work' figures relating to the tonnage and portionate Improvements, he may, be­ our estimate of the number of excra three distinct veins generally referred was it more than 6 feet away, while! values will be almost startling. In ' cause of Ill-health, or other cause, be STEWART the face of the tunnel where work was that event, this property, which al- j granted Intermediate certificate of Im­ copies needed. We expect to repro­ to as the low-grade veins, as well as provement and transfer his claim. j stopped was actually in the vein. ready ranks as one of the world's great Kecorda without permanent resi­ NEWS duce the sketch and a short explana­ the high grade vein, are found on two p,ate Tunne, par,|leled Vein. mines, would then take rank as one dence may be issued, provided appli­ Of the greatest. cant makes Improvements to extent of of the company's claims. These are As tlie vein here is almost barren— STORE tion next week. It will still be possible to obtain a 1100 per annum and records same emcb V U 1 year. Failure to make Improvement* NEWSPAPKRS, BOOKS I the Cascade Falls No. 4. and the Cas- L ^ f '^tV"" , P^'uTSS!"! further depth of fully 500 fee» on the! or record same will operate as for­ feiture. Title cannot be obtained In | KT • ' , the v,:dl rock m which he had drifted vein by driving another tunnel near MAGAZINES Falls lNa 8 whldl were two of a the foot of the mountain, making a lesa than i years, and Improvements The ore samples which went out of' groucadep of eight -claims numbered 1 tofo Platr the e failelasdt t16o0 realizfeet,e nthao tdoub he twa Mrs i.n of 110 00 per acrv. Including 5 acres ' this district to the Exhibitions in Van total of not less than 1,600 feet be­ cleared and cultivated, and residence- Agents for J. H. Hirseh a Sons S and known as the Cascade Falls the "vein. Mad he, before deserting of at least 3 years are required. av Montreal. Manufaturen of couver and Prince Rupert, if those ih ,llis low the highest outcrop With the group. They are situated on the west- tunnel, driven 2 feet to the tight downward extension of the ore body to Pre-emptor hMdlng Cro»n grant Admiration, Colonial, Metro- he would have been in $ 6 ore, while may record another pre-emption, If he pule ami Irving Cigars charge of the Exhibitions show them.! prn sioi>p nf flip ranee which divides - .. , ... this point it would be conceded the requires land In conjunction with his B .ern siope ot me lange wmi.ii UJYIUOD. feet a!lea(j vvould have reached high- unique distinction of being the world's; farm, without actual occupation, pro­ properly, are bound to attract much- the Salmon River from the Bear River grade ore. Premier Mine. vided statutory improvements made H. P. GIBSON, PROP, favorable attention. It is sometimes' and were the first locations in that This is an outstanding example of it remained for R. K. Nell to realise and residence maintained on Crown granted land. STEWART. B. C, the' •i. i A- » * *u ,• J .section of the Salmon Valley. They a great mine being missed by a very the posibilities dimly disclosed by W. Uneurveyed areas, not exceeding 10 case that d.rectors of these kind of ^ ^^ ^ ^^ b>. WnJ . malljrnargin^U is just such hasard. K U aftt?r othe,s nad falled aml acres, may be leased as homesiten; show9 get careless with exhibits of a . and great rewards that gives mining ,''. " , . , ' title to be obtained after fulfilling real- .,...... ,—Dilwort h and the Bunting- Bros. ln I the fascination no other industry pos- hto f8*. ,SSCeM !,s "1 a l"** n,ea'" deutlsU and Improvement conditions. public nature and require their person- i j 1910. The two claims numbered ses ure "'"' t0 nis good »,lnil'g Judgment, Vnr graslrg .11. areas exceeding (40 acres may ba al attention. Until recently the min- 4 and 8, along with an adjoining group Weill's Judgment Found Mine. ! whliiever'toLwe^ !•:«> fl by one person or company, DALBY B. MORKILL Mm. factory or Industrial alias on eral display of the Vancouver Exhibi- [staked later by other parties passed to . V. hen the fir3t work showed beyond | results after little more than two timber land not exceeding 40 acres tion often had to so it alone But with tne control of O. B. Bush, the Salmon ? dollbt the real direction of the ore years' operation have been rarely, if. may be purchased; condition* Include MINING SURVEYOR u lole w as ao Pa/IMflt of stumpage. .. , . , *. .'. .. ! BeaBearr RiveRiverr Minin.Miningg Co.Co.., beinbeingg organiz-M?oiganiz- T *'.'oa>' . nothin"""""* g mor" e . wa.s .don»e theretnere.. ; over, achieved before, even in mining, J Sui".'. . r r certainly in no other business. Natural hay meadows Ina.vewriMa B. C. Lan the Chamber of Mines in charge the . . A crosscut was started about 60 feetj hy exlxtlng road* may be purchased ed b him dlll iug the winter o£ m0 n The vein In which this ore body conditional upon .-construction of a raid owners of samples feel assured the! to operate them. , r'eetfarthe. r Plate'in. ans d12-foo reachet crosscud thet orwae si nex 6- | occurs is a true fissuie Its strike I* lo them Hebate of ooehslf of oost if mineral display will be well looked Bush Tttkes Property. road, riot exreedlng half of purchsue STEWAR r, i:. c. tended about 30 feet. Alter driving! X. so B., its dip slight and south price, is m.id*. — „«•„.. „=„„„;oii ui. - ...1. The work carried on the two foi- "" • a each of these crosscuts into good ore: erlv. The vein filling is largely after, sspecially with Jsuch a con cten- .__•_. s uraiue s b> tu PBEEMPTOSS' FREE QRANTI _,.„. _ ,.,,. -A, . ^ ', f Salmon-Bear for nearly 40 feet, without reaching Quarts porphyry, often changed com- ACT. ttous secretary as William Gray. It is River Mining Co. which consisted of the other wall, Neil decided to start pletely to quartz The metallic miner- The n<-ope <^ this Act is enlarged ba no light task for a prospector-and the short tunnels and surface cuts, was(a crosscut from the face where Plate i als which can be seen are: argentite,! ':.. ,u I-- all rmrnonn Joining and sea v- P.A. JENNS [confined to the low grade showings, had quit, and also to drive ahead a stephenite, native, and ruby silver, and Ing with HIB XaJenty'a Forces The ASSAYER Mini CIVII I v most of the samples are supplied by j the results being fairly good. A great1 further 600 feet to get under the last lion pyrites carrying high gold values *.:rn« wlihln wbl'h the heirs ur devisees nrn«r.pcrnrs to nar-W thesp aamnlaa «n outcropping, showing much good look-j of the series of open cuts which ex- and there is reason to believe some of a de. 1 AB»d pre-ernptur may apply HYOCR. ALASKA for trtl* u.dw this Act Is extended prospectors HI pat* uiese samples on mg QuarUi some iron pyrites and a, poses the ote shoot on the surface and of the tellurites are present at times. fr-'iii fiw oi.e yi-ar from the death of (Jolti and Silver, .' their backs for miles. So.it is reason- little native silver was "passed up" [shows it to have a width of from 10o Some wonderful specimens of native 'ii. h |«r«n, as formerly, until one •hip to exnect the samnles will hp' after a few shots had been put lnt0 lt" l0 ir,° feet- Thls crosscut, No. Sand brittle silver and some sib er ).-ar after ihe .'"!).' iBlon of the present Copper, tl uar Thin privilege is also made re­ auie wi expec wne aompies win ue and n0 attempt wa3 made to trace it showed good milling ore the first glance and ruby are obtained rrom a troactive Lead, i- given some measure of care when they | out. This outcrop has since proved round; at 15 feet high-grade came In small persistent stringer in the big No feea wlatli.g to pre-emptions ar« arrive at their destination. For thet o be the biggest and best sutrace and stayed the full length of cut. It'ore-shoot which varies from I to 10 due or i*> able by soldiers on pr»- showing of the iiigh grade vern. | was driven 82 feet without reaching inches In width. The values of the •mptloaa reeordad after June J8. nil PROVINCIAL ASSAYER information of the directors of the Ex­ Taxes »ro raailttad for Ave yeara. The property w^s then idle until the ihe hanging-wall, a cut 0:1 the surface! whole ore body are fairly well divided rYovinlnfi for return of moneys ac­ hibitions this year, it might be ex­summer of 1914, when it was examin- directly above shows fully 40 reet of lietween gold and silver although the crued, due and been paid since August 0. I. WILLEMAR ed ror a well known Eastern Canad- sood ore yet to be cut. For some dis- latter predominates. The dump at 4. 1)114. on account <«f payments, fees plained that the Portland Canal Pros- An.sayi'rti the Silver SI ian Company by W. J. Rolf. The out- tance the full width gave values of .\t<>. 1 has a value well over $200 0 '. or laxea en Midlers' pre-emptlwna Interest on agreement! to purchase pectors Association has partly depleted cropping referred to attracted his at- several hundred dollars a ton In gold practically every ton havin;" been to»n or Hy Iota held hy members of NCW Hv/.KITII.V i ,.,...., . I tention and interest and work com- and silver, while the average for the taken out in straight development Allied F'.rre.-.. »r .!• : ..n.l"nts, acqured its own display in aid of the others.! ed at once. The vein was traced entire 82 feet is better than $65. ! The mine is situated on a rather iteep .ltre--t or Indlraot, remittal from 1 •»- menC '.tslmont to Vt>.r, li 31, ]>20. It is expected the samples will be re- for fully 8o0 feet' down tlle hm ln a! The (a<(i of tlie mam tunnel was hillside ensuring the most economical 1 a l H J. R. WILLIAMS westerly direction, the surface waal"""BWUn"g a littl" "e •t"o '"th"e -••->-righ•t —an•d -•-drive' —n mining. Ther SUBPURCHASERS OP CROWN s turned withnt too great delay alter • 8trlpped and cuts put in at intervals is an abundance of LANDS. • ahead. In 4 feet, ore running over timber for all purposes; also ample PROVINCIAL ASSA1 I : they have served their purpose. along its whole length. The results >125 a ton showed up on tlie right; water for Provision made for Issuance of power, milling, etc, are ; Crown grants 'u »uh-purchasers of u40 Thurlnw street •- Vs j were excellent, good ore being expos- hand side; at 10 feet there was a Cull [right at hand Crown t.nridn, acquiring rights from ! ed in every cut, some of it running as Associated with R. K. iace of ore, showing considerable Neil of Spokane In this unusually sue- por.-h«uers who failed to oomp4eportli.nataly over W. D. MACKAY to the mines in Spain. feet, when passing through some al- mine whole area. Applications must be ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ account of tliu outbreak of the war— made by Mi.y 1, lajn j this company discontinued work. A most barren ground the full width of Pha uicraaufnl 11 This year ihe Kmma mine near , good deal of credit ia due W. .1. Rolf •unue. has been it, high-grade o?e PrSler'SSly SSTSSUS S QRAZIfcMj. ' iveraging several hundred dollars altivlty and interest, which reacted ta Kholt has shipped 14,67."i tons to Trail.!'or his shrewdness iu confining his naytng A.L um. f systematic um. op work to this particular vein to the the discovery of several new ore a«v«t.Pm«nf of llvwioi-lt Industry pro- llritish Ctilumbia I. Copper and silver are selling at good exclusion of the low grade showings, No. I crosscut which Is iu aboul in ii'Kiies of the same character In dif­ **u~ for rraxlng dlstncts and rang* thereby demonstrating the presence eet cut 10 feet of high-grade, then sourm horn'ion under <>»mmlssl..ner prices, and only one smelter running ferent parts of the mineral bait This.' Asnimi griixlng ;.«rmSM Issue.) oased of at least one large ore body running paaai il Into ore of a lower grade. No. ihowlngs have all the ear mark •a aejmbwra tmiwiedj priority for ..,.,,. in ,n. C. exceptionally high in gold and silver, . crosscut recently started, averagl ! mines to a superlative d "i" 10 far U"h'il owners. .Sti--k-owners may with a lead content of less than one 50 a ton for tlie 6 feet it is in. Tlu as ih" surface is concerned in sonn form AaaooktUow* for range manage- uiuiim \m ... w in a distance of approxi­ n*M. tree, or partially free, permit* During the first six months of this tenth of one per cent. I'ntil this time cases the su fn"e exposuTSS sre ' •• fyr satttera, caunpar* or travellers, an l eculaU on e anll ,g the ru ture mately 600 feet. Living a vertical year the Providence at Greenwood j ^^^^^^^—^^^^^^^f. ' _ _ !! ? ! —. of ger than those of the Premier with th (o ten ,'-..! ' the camp, had been based on the ;:real lepth uf nearly IHIO feet. It has still shipped 117 tons to Trail. values fully as good. A heginntn 1 hs STEV» Ai: showings of low grade ore. to be driven about 800 feet to getbee n made ibis summer to determli Plate's Turn. under the great suiface exposure al whether they win make mine* or n The market value of gold for the arts \ sadj described. This will give an ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ An entirely new conception of the ihiitii aal depth of perhaps 0 feel in the case of the itig Missouri iltvi-ioiuiient has already prod •••• d mill Industry Is far above the coinage I potentialities of the camp was a ..nly BJ tlie hill flattens considerably value, especially In Germany. direct outcome of his activity The suits which guarantee a hit 111 .ill W'. STEWART DRUG property was then Immediately bond- In tic block ui ground son |«„t lung . iiormotiK possiMHtlss are itll The United copper at ciiew.iai, «*J?r New York Intaraata kg U. R. and fully 100 reet wide si proved b) uncovered Howsvor, the pig < Plate, and work commeuced tha en­ • mi 1 will msks 1 itory 1 •• lt->a • shipped ten carloads of ore In Junu snrteos em ami underground w,.rt< STORE suing winter. A tunnel, No. 1 was ...:il lloin th future nf this ramp i< nl lolutslr as- U ,0 A. this mine muckers ar. paid M.M staite-l at an elevation of 1.100 i*|i«7.i;'rtor0*g. of ?( toaa^KJ.! srsd the quesUoo tint ie 'tnvr .ind miners $5 a shift. an the u.gh Krader vein in good ore. „. , ,.|, ,,,,,..,,,„, „ '.. „,.. Ihsre a 11 % rfllnae, im hew t:all t ul w tl manv • 1- im* •nd anothe- iin.iiei, No, t at an eleva- IM| Bl|vor ,, ,„,.„, ,,, , .„ , „„; ' T ••<•>'" for bSSflssSM with a nggsrjlgll of H ,e II. W, Power has l«as«.d hi- Kaslo """, \- "", f "" "'" "iid.lU- low bag H „„„, „r j ,„ „ , . ,|,„r„.lt, , ., ,, , grade vein, also in good ore. No 2 cut >Bmiillii - ,,r all n Iwluir t,» I V* II.IMT !«i..l w mnvlNf In " . ,. '-Mnipllll^ HI all tile pie »•!,! Wtilkln^s •" - in. „,,. H.MKii uianouauy t... avaf 10 .,<] „i„, >iVM in sveraae -a',, i.t » 1.,i, m > lllt .SlMikmi- Kim" ne hai UH-II itppoinitxl I,:,:-, tii" v iliies being good.. Th" tun t,l w'l ""* saaaaaaaw »" » ' awlgiant editor of Mining Truth. aal vsjs sstilisd sbotH L'." < be •Xn hot 1 IH btgsjw strassi • PRINTING voml li'. mm shoot Into th.' niimlry • •' •» la the tuiimi that TOILET ARTICLES. PERFUMES. PATENT MEDICINES. SIA! h. II T Irvine - hr.iUi.r lia' rook and a crosscut of '" '>-.-i o, t|,p in. ntrtsMM " fe to assume | N ..ii ih • ... . carrii s»4*»**-«.***.*.*»•.- 'imuiii>«!Hi.'ii I'uiii niHiasMM isoviag let! from tlli< f»l-.. »u» sllut In '•.i.ii.lr. • "•"""•• fi • .• t.. h.. j i:ti.jn oufirtunuiitrti in mj • •iilitins t.i in...1111 tils departure 1 rechninnel .Wor h **-. then 1 topped la this nt workings, •i..in i in. Hi- 1- •tttipowad i.. be In T< iai • Mas sHagtonallyN oserou 1 ISHMMs tha l orISeM shootalMi , 1I11 ..11 li' that eveati and „„, • mr Mi . iimliiH'h left tl" iiiiim-l un i;,. llllrlghl lli .familia , ,|,. thal i witmuch ibih s on bod) won i IS I'l. Irn. Miyn Mlpitl K I'rutli a further \\ ' • Im J hand side at a BOiaf .1I....11 » • t..-i bj •IltlltlA Th« iuiii.i-1 **~ . ..iituuieii gasaesS •'"' • • ' V ft. Hraill«>. , of tha si.i ahead >iasj • slip lor *'"• '-""' I ", Ho t 1 * ' " ' I* ilia 1I11.. . •«)iacai»Tit)»,» accunargL* ui»<*>.>.si Kaakmr um ••><> SnWeem mtm i.nui lump .iisi in. . ;i,r « 1 lU! : l.laiMi was la tli« VUMUH tbl» mouth bjajl * bsSaJ ••' is bsei, » " '" ' <,i ,|„,„, f«*t »a»t nf th.- parte! .L...— ..-.-*- tie assaalart tb» »u>«n prwpettasa ai nag up the or« agates I usaml was *l«" drlvin in i,,- IUI.I 1..1 «UiHit In auiiit mm ?M, Mm**, aad tl»« guld «Uiw» aear Daw ii»- '*•» waw br.ik.-i, mi , . , 11 frMl «l..ul SSJI Of 'I h*ui» iu mill WUIItl of t hm iilluig hut laau Fills tuanel «a - '""' • -m a«raaa w t •lot HUM M( III •ban.l.i.r.l v rrtwat-itt waa I baa gggggs^T •••s"e ""thain •"$•» *» isaw , SMMM3MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Th« Tbl* "V*!?" **• w"»«»'"»»* * **' ettWrtbif,, hrtlwTI peotU' l UMi lo. ti*.. i \»iH"»r tbl* tim. mmm 4UnmK.i1.nl 1- ., h at it Wages s^Sfngaii hws ™sjaerssms s^ssaafcy "^ssjl asssw asiSBfjsj ' ART, B. C, Sept. 12, 1919 PORTLAND CANAL NEWS PAGE THREE GUARD AGAINST FIRE. ILDINGS GO STEWART LAND UP AT HYDER COMPANY, LTD. ROBERT M. STEWART. President "Mum on Alaka Side is Witness­ ing Small - Sized B ;om— Sev- ral New Business Enter­ REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE, MINES prises are Starting up. FINANCIAL AGENTS Hyder is rapidly taking on the ap- Head Office, 101 Pemberton Block, Victoria, B.C. irance of a substantial mining camp, "WANTED: LISTIN6S OF PROPERTIES FOR SALEWLEASE ;h several new building under con- STEWART LAND CO., Ltd. Fifth St., STEWART, B.C. jction and more projected. It is es- iat- d that there fire ten buildin- s in irse of ere t'.on now. A scowload of iber came in on Saturday night, and reported this was sold before it JOHN MELLOR Hived. Another scowload is on order. Heveral new business enterprises are Hrting up. In the course of the next fgn days the Hotel Alaska, owned by R. Jamieson and J. F. McDonald, -GENERAL MERCHANDISE- S1 open for business. Although it not been formally opened, several the rooms are already occupied. It Direct importer of Groceries, Men's Furnishings, Clothing, Boots and jeing nicely fitted up. Shoes, Rubber Goods, Miners' Supplies, Hardware, Tobacco, etc. it is reported from the offices of the ideborg Addition to Hyder that the le of lots is progressing more than P.O. BOX 95 ;isfactorily. The Premier Mining Stewart, B.C. is a heavy investor in lots, also One Reason Whv icr mining companies, absence of any satisfactory substi­ Write or see secretary of Portland an Lindeborg, owner of the town- tute. is in Seattle, where, it is reported, We arp strong optimists upon the Canal Prospectors' Association for re­ liable information on mining prospects, Railway and klerable interest is being manifest- copper situation and therefore very TOOTH'S camp conditions, etc., Salmon River in the new camp. naturally, also upon all other branches of. the mining industry. Copper min­ and Bear River districts. Prospectors tnong the improvements being ing has always been the leader and SMOKE are invited to exhibit their ore in show ! room. Dui'8 $5 a year. tf Steamship Lines irked out at present is an electric- will probably continue to Le. As pros­ flit system for the new hotel, and perity again overtakes it, so win pros­ steamers sailing between Seattle, Victoria, Vancouver, Ocean Falls, perity, in increasing volume, overtake SHOP Swanson's Bay, Prince Rupert, Anyox, Stewart and Queen Charlotte ler buildings may be supplied by this all other branches. The mining Indus­ FOR SALE -Twenty 160-acre claims well. Islands. try is entering the greatest era in our WILLIAM KEID TOOTH, Proprietor of timber, red and yellow fir and sugar here is talk of a motion picture country's history. At least, that is pine, cruised 170 million feet B.M.; ten . — SAILINGS from PRINCE RUPERT- mu opinion and it is not altogether a ise opening up in the near future. I miles of railway, four miles of river. | THURSDAY AND SUNDAY MIDNIGHT for SWANSON BAY, OCEAN case of the wish being father to the Soft drinks Solo Tables FALLS, VANCOUVER, VICTORIA and SEATTLE wo new restaurants have started— ! thought. The world needs metals— Can be bought for $1 per thousand. Hyder Cafe, of which Mrs. Stoner for reconstruction and for specie. We , Land goes with it. Timber all in one WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY MIDNIGHT FOR ANYOX Boys have your mail sent to P.O. box 45 proprietor, and the Alaska Cafe, run I have more of them anil more kinds of ! body. This is the finest body of timber Arrive Prince Rupert from South at 10:30 every Mr. Keith. them than any nation on earth. Why STEWART, B. C. i in Southern Oregon. Enquire Cassiar ilionld we not be optimistic? Pessim­ ! News office. Wednesday anil Saturday. he firm of Nelson & Heath, who ism is impossible.—Northwest Mining e a large stock of clothing, etc., for , Truth. Subscribe for Portland Canal News. The News is $5 a year. S.S. PRINCE JOHN AND PRINCE ALBERT workingman, will shortly have their ! Leave Stewart every Thursday morning v building under construction. When you have read The News Train Service: SNAPPY Passenger MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY at 11:30 for VS COPPER OUTPUT REACHED Mail the Paper to Somebody Smithers, Prince George, Edmonton and Winnipeg, making direct ZENITH? connections for all points Fast and South. Taking the advance estimates of the You will thus be helping to spread the good word about the oppor­ For further Information apply to any Grand Trunk Pacific agenl tunities this part of British Columbia has to offer. iled States Geological Survey for SIGNS or tn ? 13.i»i?i».s17; loxinubtely correct, it seems very pat- tt that the teeling of pessimism ap- M. R. JAMIESON, Prop. HYDER, ALASKA Coal and Cuke. $187,147,652; Building Stone, Brick, Cement, etc., rent for the past few months, and £28,843,272, making its Mineral Pcoduction to the end of 1919 show Dw beginning to life, was never war- lniiil With peace definitely estab GATEWAY TO SALMON RIVCR AN AGGREGATE VALUE OF $637,353,581. Bhed and Europe on the eve of the PORTLAND ^eatest reconstruction work In all The substantial progress of the Mining Industry in this Province slory, even the best students of the MINERAL ACT. is strikingly exhibited in the following figures, which show the value nation will probably fall very far CAFE hurt of correct estimates ot the um CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. nl production foe successive five-year periods: For all years to I8t»5, unt of copper that will be needed. NOTICE. HYDER, ALASKA inclusive, $94,547,241; for five year.-. 1896-1900, $57,605,967; for question is where will it come Unum Fraction, Union Fraction, five years, 1901-1905, $96,509,968; for live years. 1906-1910, $125,- foni. The answer seems very plain Win Fraction, J. P. Fraction. G. T. 534,474; for live years, 1911-1915, $142,072,603; for the year 1916, us. lt must come from the I tilted Fraction, Falls View Mineral Claims, Mes, and from foreign mines owned situate in the Portland Canal Mining OPEN ALL NIGHT iM2,290,162; for the year 1917, $37,010,392; for the year 1918, citizens of the I lilted States, not Division of Cassiar District. - 11,782, >'.'<• lily because we hold such a viiat pro- Where located: On the upper Salmon un. II ot the world's supply. I lit also River Valley. .1. COLLIER. Proprietor PRODUCTION DURING LAST TEN YEARS, $313,976,022. pause, and this Is the main argu- Take notice that I, William Noble, Hi we shall he compelled to finunce F.M.C No. 168M-C, acting as Meat Lode untune lias onlj I n in progress for aboul ~" years, and I meater putt of the world's re- for Daniel I inaWbotm F.M.C. No. no) 20 per cent, ul the Province bas i n even prospected; 30(),0(HI I'li-i i iirtinii .nd shall naturally «u|t- 2586eVCj Andrew Lindebort, F.M.C HYDER JITNEY Jy thise coniiiiiKlltles in which we No. 86867-C; Laura McEwan, executrix square miles of unexplored mineral-bearing land are open fur pros- lie richest of the Hiram Stevenson estate: ami Raiee pectins. levaral weeks BSjo/enes) ooppei met Dunrun Cameron Purbnck, F.M.C. No. Ihe mining law- ut tins Provinci are more liberal and the fe< - was selling Ht the I'nitom the ed XI261 C, intend, sixty days from tin IS a ton, «iiarf to Hyder w.-r than those ..| anj oth'.T Province in the Don nion, or an) IT nl Mining Truth, In reviewing the date hereof, to apply to tlie Mining It"iIII 'li III New York, ventured the Reconler fur a lertitieate of impnue i Her tun, W |ier ten i uliinj in tin H itisb Kntpire. ll'iiii' n thai ihe p.mltlo.i ut the IIII-IHI im ..tn. fur tbe I'm puse ei obtaining a M inei .i, locations are granted lo discoverers I nai fees, Crown Grant uf the above claims. I'airt I- . »IH bai leaJI] -.Hind and thai the fart \li«..|uie I'itles Maine.| b) developing such properties, Ms .milled b\ the biggest opens! AIM! further take notice that action, Small freight nt i rity of which i nteed bj i wn ilrunts. I" mid shiewdest miculators, wh.>. under section Nf.. mu-t be Mtnmencad Mc a hundred before the is»u« of Midi Certificate oi fen loan, were loading ur est ooajuei I :_.:!.., with Mu - II , La and Uapa, illlplUM lll.'tll*. k" and ittlina plana lur ai-i|illallliui !'«««^aj»-f in" Ml btu lij add ... lentiai prupertlMi. lutes then, ;;»i.-.i thi* •uunuavoi July. A.i'.i: the Kin..i.n~-i ptooss' in I tin \! I' K ARM „• • • ninny nf plenty |.|H,i|,nlh the milt liter. OSJ iii-tli thai 1. u..t I.H,,-..,. •ariuualjr haSM in a Hu«n. I«I *«. it »ui nut ba inns until ths seals KITSAULT JOB il h.-av> Aitrwua will I. i.ni..w.l I Will II he l..u« uillll III. •>••• "i . , .. i mkm snsaha • Ma HOUSE PRINTING •>M li i* wM by ixhalila IOIKIK thai stats In in. BMM man it i cuuucr in Ki«hi i Uaeal H»«U li«. •i .1 IUIt.< Iklag •«•»» lake lla liafinn n i kl. hawr. i «K>»I i«i|.ii win mat*-*' ir uf the S'roep. H«t ba. >KMII pfmUi »•»' ••* sasaaaa sWpaetu ami

Thomas E. Jefferson, a well known [ sing satisfactorily with the railway. Clothes Pressing STEWART LOCAL NOTES mining man who is operating in the I . KING EDWARD HOTEL Repairing and Telkwa section, left for the south on! Dr M w Bruner left for the south R. 6. MOSELEY, PROP. Among well known mining who are Thursday. He bpent two weeks ex- ' Cleaning arrivals here is W. A. Mellache of New amining propertie* in this vicinity. : on Thursday's boat He will return la the course of two weeks. York. BATHS C. F. Caldwell, president of the MBS. MARTIN - Fifth St Headquarters for Mining and Commerce of Portland Canal It is reported that Bob Small, a well Portland Canal-Salmon River Railway J- *• «nd Jame« McNe,» left for the known Alaskan, is figuring on opening and Terminal Co., returned on Thurs- outside on Thursday's boat. They Salmon River and Bear River mining districts. a blacksmith shop in Hyder. day and reports matters are progres- have gone out for the season. FOR SALE One "James Cooper" steam-driven Alex. Rutherford, of the Brunswick WESTMINSTER |RON WORKS AIR COMPRESSOR, 10x12, price cannery, Rivers Inlet, is visiting Stew­ $550. Grill in Connection STEWART. B. C. art. He is one of the heaviest owners JOHN REID, Proprietor One "Ingersoll Rand" AIR COM­ of Stewart property. PRESSOR, 12x18, steam driven, price $800. F. P. Rutley, representing Parkin One "Ingersoll Rand" AIR COM­ GEORGE J. FRIZZELL and Ward Electric Co. of Prince Ru­ ORE CARS, TRUCKS, ORE BUCKETS, PRESSOR, 10x14. belt driven, pert, was here this week. PLATE WORK, PATTERNS, FORGINGS, price $550. SMOKESTACKS, ETC. 100,000 ft. used Water Pipe, sizes P. Welch the well known railway | in to 8 in., prices very reasonable MEATS PROVISIONS contractor, and his son, J. A. Welch, and H. J. Fetter, who are interested Main Juuk Co. The same standard for Stewart aa we have maintained for the pMt in the Mineral Hill mine, left for the 943 Main St., VANCOUVER, B.C. twenty-one years on the North Coast. south on Thursday. Office and Plant - - Tenth St. New Westminster, B.C. Phone Sey. 2760 and 2761 R. W. Martin who is interested in The Best Meats at the Lowest Prices the Mineral Hill, Spider and other RUPERT BRAND HAMS AND BACON Salmon River properties, left for Seattle on Thursday. He may not re­ turn till spring. HYDER, ALASKA CREELMAN The powerboat Taku, from Ketch­ ikan, arrived at Hyder on Sunday with passengers and freight. & THORNTON

FOR SALL-At Hyder, Alaska, bed house, building 26x60 ft; 14 beds com­ LINDEBORG'S ADDITION NOW ON THE MARKET plete, all new; doing a good business. GENERAL CONTRACTING Maud Pleming, Hyder. FREIGHTING and PACKING Nelson Lots from $100 up Cet in on the Ground Floor VHVi' Matt. & Heath STEWART, B. C. H -..-...... i , HI,- ,;

Clothing for the working man. Shipments of rub­ Two ways to get into the famous Salmon River Country—By airplane and by Hyder. ber goods arrive weekly. Full particulars about price9 and terms may be had on the ground. When you have read Tin- News Complete line of high grade cigars, tobaccos and candies. MAIL THE PAPER TO SOMEBODY First Class Barber Shop Vuii will thus 1"' helping to spread Ui" good word nl" ' ' Main St. Hyder, Alaska BUY NOW BEFORE PRICES ADVANCE (unities this part of British Columbia has lo oil


Large shipments of our Deferred Orders from Seattle and Vancouver have Arrived in Stewart and Hyder and we can now Supply Anything Needed in the Camp.

Miners and Prospectors Supplies Builders' Requirements Shovels, picks, hammers, handles, cross-cut saws, coal, steel, "raining squares, try squares, hammer*, saws, nails, roofing Powder, fuse, caps, candles, blowers, forges, bellow?, wheel and building paper, levels, pumps, points and pipe, glass and barrows, camp outfits, etc. Putty, windows, doors, hinges, paints.

Gents' Furnishings of all Kinds Groceries Boots and shoes, rubbers, rubber boots, working shirts and A new large shipment has arrived and can be supplied in any overalls, Mackinaws, aox, underwear, etc. sized order at the right prices.

We want to get Everything from Soup to Nuts for the Camp and if we have overlooked Anything, you can give us tome ideas and that is what we are looking for.

Patronize us. We -re out to do business and give satisfaction. Consult us about any sized orders Don't think of going out of the camp for supp!i«». VVe hav» the U»»ds.


HYDER, ALASKA i v. am u**>«*j«r STEWART, B.C. A- ft r'ATKRSON, **_,

—I i n. m . »• 'Il I •