^ $> GREAT DEVELOPMENT ON PORTLAND CANAL THE NEWS WILL KEEP YOU POSTED ON THE SEND THIS COPY TO DEVELOPMENT OF THE YOUR FRIEND WHO MINES — $5 THE YEAR PORTLAND CANAL NEWS WANTS INFORMATION Devoted to the Interests of the Mining Districts of Northwestern British Columbia ABOUT THIS DISTRICT VOL. 1, NO. 16 STEWART, B. C, SEPT. 12, 1919 $5 the year—10 G the Copy [GREAT ACTIVITY WRECKAGE OF THIS SEASON ON STEWART HAS PORTLAND CANAL DISAPPEARED [Those Who Expected Develop­ This spring Camp Resembled ments in this District Have Place Hurricane had Visited— Not Been Disappointed — Men #**'*- Signs of Wreckage Practically Work in all Directions. all Gone Now. jreat Ore Showings have been Exposed in Every Section— Only One Building on Main Salmon River has Proven Big ,/ /lolly Op Street Remains in Delapidated 2. Pri'nttdolio6p. Condition and this will soon Sensation. 3 floyflower Op 4. Ruth —frtntii&p be Repaired. smallest Mining District in the 5. OoppftCitf Op Province but Probably the 6 Sunihio* Op. Prospects are Good for Lively Richest—Premier and Ore 7 Ltttritw dp Camp this Winter -- several l<m*$*jt C.rp,rriio* Bodies are Marvelous. 9. 8CM r?,**r Mn*. Co Owners Plan to Continue De­ to rTtttT.p Op velopment. |ARVELOUS ore bodies continue to It Xisrtrnmfi'ons/ Op. URING the lean years of the Port­ to be found in this part of British 13 B*.nttnm Op. land Canal district, before the ilumbia. While of course it is not /* Ouih Mi'»ts Limihut, D is Minmrml Wlldp. Premier proved to be such a great Expected any more such big high-grade tf S'f flilfuri Op. mine and turned attention in this di­ hre bodies as the Premier mine will be n Hirtultt dp- rection once more, Stewart, which was found, one does not know when de- It +9. 6p built so well but hurriedly in 1910 went 19 Ykt/*w*fmmm,Op. lelopment may disclose other great almost to ruin, the weight of many I* Pmy RmllCp. lines. Ihe Big Missouri on which a li Boundmry Op | snows wrecking all but the strongest liamond drill is now operating may tt X'.alimn t-tinijOw. Limltmj ! buildings. jrn out even greater than the Brem­ As late as June 1 there were several er. That would not surprise anybody I wrecks on the main street which was ho has examined this property which i in a delapidated condition with broken hilc a great body of low grade ore ; down buildings. All of these have now untains as well a body of high grade been repaired except the one belonging ifhich is sensationally rich. This bedy to P. Burns & Co. This building will being explored by diamond drill. be a total ruin unless repaired before The Forty-Nine, Mineral Hill, Yel- winter and it is understood the firm kwstone, Bush, Spider, International, intends to get busy on it. Jnicorn and other Salmon River prop- As nearly as can be learned at this rties are showing great promise with time practically all the buildings will svelopment and the highgrade ap- be occupied this winter and several ars in them all. PORTLAND CANAL hundred persons will winter in the dis­ On the Alaska side ai well some im- trict—which will be quite a contrast lortant discoveries hare recently been Jmxcrtot/s with twenty-seven last winter. lade. SAL noA/f?tvj[m I luring this season the properties up Give Farewell Supper Party. ur River valley have also stood up Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McDonald before fader development. But the main at- Scb.\e of Miles - their departure for the season gave a hnion hHS been Salmon River section. o supper party at the King Edward ulnubtedly if some of the Bear River hotel Wednesday night. About fifty "lips were on Salmon River several were present from Stewart and Hyder. •rge deals in them would have been Mr. and Mrs. McDonald proved the ailc this season, best of hosts. The evening was en­ tlltst District. joyed by everybody and was enlivened The Portland ('anal mining division by songs, recitations and stories by area is the smallest in the Province, the charming hostess, Billy Orr, Jack Jul includes a strip along the eastern Stewart, Harry Gibson, E.H. Terwil- tde of Portland canal to the summit LAKELIEW IS FIRST HORSES liger, Government Agent Jack, W. R. ft 'he ratine between the canal and I NEWS OFF THE WIRE Macfarlane and others. Mr. McDon­ bservatory Inlet, and from the head! BONDED AGAIN GO OVER ROAD ald may return during the winter. tha canal to ihe headwaters of Hear GLASGOW, Sept. '.2.- The Laboi Congress insists upon the immediate Horses from the Mineral Hill were lver, American creek, Salmon river. , It is understood that work is to Inspects Sir Donald's Properties. withdrawal of troops from Russia and repeal of the Conscription Act. the first to pass over the Stewart-Sal­ ^iii! tributaries of each. liegm next week on the Lakeview F. H. Minard of New York, consul­ The mineralised portion of tha Divl BELFAST, Sept. 12. Military and police activity is everywhere in evi­ mon River ore highway. They were on Glacier (.'reek. A bond on the ting engineer for Sir Donald Mann, ion is niainh confined to tha eastern dence against the Seln Fein. Raids have been carried out in Belfast, Lis- brought over from Hyder to take P. property was given yesterday by left on Thursday. While in this dis­ pontact of the granodioritas of the burn. Derry, Dundalk, Louth, Enniskellin, etc. Quantities of high explo­ Welch anil party up to the Lakeview trict he inspected the Big Missouri on .lames McKay and ("has. Bibeau wat range and tha eadimentaries, be- sives were found. group on I llacier Creek, Salmon River and the Ben Bolt up M Identical with the formation at I to P. Welch and H. J. Fetter of Bear River valley. ma head of Ohaarvatory Inlet Than Spokam- and Seattle, OTTAWA, Sept 12. The House .if Commons assented without reserva ire about I MI Crown-Granted claims. i "ii today to the Treaty of Peace with Germany. Both houses of parlia­ Will Open Dental office. ining Revival. ment now have ratified the treaty, The House of Commons vote was a Dr C I' Carter left for Seattle on Citizens Committee Will Meet. Koad Gang Korea Up, Tlits ilistrlct has hud a very import ght party division of 102 to 70 Thursday's boat and announced that The regular monthly meeting of the The Stewart Salmon River road gam: li" revival of mining activities durhacl on bis return in the spring he would executive committee ol the Citiaena is now In comfortable quarters at bring equipment for • dental office. Association will be held Saturlay night this yaar In both the Hear Rl\>r and LONDON, Sept. 12. Bolabivik wiraieaa despatch from Moscow claims Hvder, having moved over on Tueedaj I'r. farter is interested in Salmon In the rooms of the Portland ( Salmon liiw raUtWa development apture of 12.II<HI prisoner- from Admiral Kalchak • .... Russian forces. This it ia said will have theenTeet ol River mining properties and this work Proapecton Kmmot ial ork IIHI been under way whirli HIK» Itexpeetath* surranderof tin • maindar of Kolchak's loutharn amy. speetlniK up the Work as tlie Mew eamp kept him busy during the present see •»*e in i.-m-liiiiK results The rather kolchak's position in the Omsk digtrict is described as critical. BouuV is nearer the Mane of operations. The •.on but ho found tune nevertheless t> ptnarkaUa praajreea made b) the viks arc spreading H reign ol ti rnw there, . u . riesta and other most difficult part of the undertaking i Mu h cinei gene) the death ol Joseph Ch " r property, tin- do., mni of an dignatai o- bi over, rhere remains a considerable v., up to iihte dental offce in, in Vancouver a -.w-ek ago •UU) Ian.- bostj of xluillar Bfa amount of hearj rock work. .- I '• t ar ter intends to • I h ";!! red • .•.•'nun,, i. '""" three Mile . up n,e valla] 1 '• ••'• '••• , Ill <". ••• paste th ^RlS, :-- pi V . thai hgl boon to the die trie I "' ' I I ' dlnplayed b) . , . .... mil j..l. if hard to estimate but a month '• • located at Hj • aiahai eorpofasiaM iu the bra ougbl t.. bring ti'e end of 11 • *w inidev ate* al in* aix i ike eu uri xi,nip M»tlr,. il,,. Mttluioii . PON Sept : il .„;ii Mel,.me v. :- -i .n riots t..tai» seven i h. i'.i- i Sir Donald fipsrted • •I • Mhaaaaaji baraaatajatJi wr Un- i :»hmy order, ^ thai I "iK tear "•ilnrman Return V leal ..f .U,,.'i..i m »,.i|( • man ..f New \ ik M am I OTTAWA ' . umproatiaing i . it ii.' . i. in n ai S •* Ituynl t .n. •Mipaiijt »l..| II,.. r • • ' • sril •,,. i .•' *'"• ar« iajMiaajtl A«lt ', La* • I...*. ... 1 1, K ' • i *I>"1 «**«ll. • .KM . "*:.»•• ai ui, tan, mu. iai lit rr • • i • "f Ulu.. * i • • »«j SJUJOCB tieea l • ...to . ,| , 1| • .,,,,, .( .., ,,. - i seaa i im *•»•• - .1 '' IHx *!•! , STEWART, B. C, Sept PAGE TWO PORTLAND CANAL NEWS 12, peatance of potential mines. During PORTLAND CANAL NEWS the whole summer of 1918 the mine For information relating was shut down, work being concent­ EXCHANGE GRILL to Salmon River, p ? JAMES CULLINS - - - Publisher How Premier Mine rated on the construction of a sleigh- ortlan road from the beach to the mine, a HERMAN & McEWEN Canal and Alice Arm mjn. A newspaper published in the distance of lti miles, and a short dock Proprietors ing districts, apply to interests of the Salmon River, at Hyder for the purpose of shipping Portland Canal, Alice Arm and Was Lost and Pound ore the next winter.
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