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provincial Library, Victoria, THE NEWS WILIflKE^EP TOU POSTED ON* THE SEND THIS COPY TO DEVELOPMENT OF THE YOUR FRD3ND WHO MINES—$5.00 THE VEAR. WANTS INFORMATION Portland Canal News ABOUT THIS DISTRICT. Davoted to the Interests of the Mining Districts ot Northwestern British Columbiia VOL. 8, NO. 8 STEWART, BRITISH COLUMBIA, FRIDAY, JULY 16, 1926 $5 THE YEAR—10c. the Copy NEW HOPE FOR ANOTHER VEIN I WM. H, LONGLEY DEVELOPING THE LEAD-ZINC ORE ON BIG MISSOURI Athletic dance tonight. Wm. Bunting left last Monday DIESJN HYDER RUTH &JRANCIS No mineral district in British R.G.Birch of the Bank of Mon night on a business trip to Rupert Reports of new discoveries on William H. Longley was found J. H. Nesbitt is developing hig Columbia is so vitally interested treal staff left for Rupert last Hugh B. McGuire, manager of the Big Missouri are coming with dead in his cabin in Hyder last Ruth and Francis group near the Saturday. the Alaska-Canadian Co., arrived in the reopening and successful a regularity that may be becom Saturday evening by Jack Fitz head of the south fork of Glacier from the south Saturday. operation of the Ladysmith smel ing monotonous to some readers; Mr^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ and Mrs Stanley Alton o^f gerald, who had engaged him to creek, four miles beyond the Prem e An election to decide the ques ter on Vancouver island as the nevertheless another must be re- j ' -* 'eft this week for Craig, take supplies in to the Titan Dunwell mine. The work now Alaska on a tion as to incorporating a local Portland Canal district. The an corded this week. / ! * vacation trip. property on Fish creek and get being done consists of driving a The ore for the school district, will be held in nouncement by the sponsors of A large and apparently impor-1 Vancouver Ex- the camp ready for operations to tunnel to get under the ore al this enterprise that they will be , / i h'hitinn i<? hpinir narked in the Hyder next Tuesday, commence. Coming down from ready shown up in a tunnel fur able to treat all kinds of complex tant outcrop has bean found on -"-""ion is Deing pacKea in tne .. .,.,., News the Independence Saturday mor ther up the creek, near the in ores and pay full value for the the Terminus claim of the Big ^ce ar.d will be shipped! Andrew Scot, machinist a ning Mr Fitzgerald found that tersection of two veins, where mineral contents, will lend new Missouri group some distance jMo"day night. | the Premier left Monday night Ed J Willia of Longley had purchased the sup six feet of an antimonial silver- hope to those property owners north of the main camp. The! - ™ Ketehikan,, to visit hia family In Vancouver. vein is apparently from 30 to 40! *^ of the ™ail boat Taka «•! **" 7™* ***«* ***"' plies, and learning Saturday eve lead ore give an average of over who for years have faced the feet wide. At last reports an | visited Stewart Wednesday and j The Bntish Columbia Gazette ning that he had not called for $70 per ton. The property is problem of either treating their air line was being laid to it and |took in the horse race' I ann°UnCeS the *»*>•******- of them at the Province store, led well situated, at an elevation ores on the ground and separat la machine drill was expected to A spark from the chimney set! Richard Murray McGusty to be to his making an investigation of 3400 feet at the camp, with ing them into their various min j be in operation there this week. fire to the roof of Wm. Hanson's, stipendiary magistrate for Any- and finding the body. Death ample timber and water, on a eral constituencies, or else ship residence Sunday morning, but ox and adjacent districts, was evidently due to cerebral nice easy slope well adapted for ping ore in the crude state and RICH NEW VEIN the blaze was immediately discov-1 Dancing has become so degen- hemmorhage. buildings, and so located that a facing heavy penalties imposed ON SILVER TIP ered and quickly extinguished. erate that some of the ultra-mod Deceased was a man of exem gravity tram could be construct by the smelters, often with in Wm. Sloan, former manager erns will walk throngh a waltz — plary habits and a quiet disposi ed straight down to the wagon justice, but against which an ap •f the Daly Alaska, has taken and with the lady walking back road near the Dunwell mill. No A new vein that appears to be tion. Coming to the district peal would be worse than useless. over the management of a prop wards. from McCarthy, Alaska, several angles would be necessary. of considerable importance has erty on Texada Island for the Jack Scott, of the firm of Lyon At least sixty per cent of the years ago, he conducted a barber The property presents a very | been located on the Silver Tip B.C. Gold Mines of Vancouver. & Scott^^^^^^^^, is away o^n a^^^^^ vacation^, ores in this district carry lead shop in Hyder for a time, later interesting geolocical and miner- property which is now being de* H.D.Rochfort, of H.W.M.Rol-j which he is utilizing in prospect- and zinc in combination. Here working at the Independence alogical condition, containing veloped under the management L ^ . ^ ! the Georgia river section, tofore one or the other of these & hfl8 spen( & on ing mine. Before going to McCar the Bitter creek argillites and of J.V.CIegg. Samples brought,^ , | J. Lyon is carrying on at the minerals was a total loss to the Marmot Meta g QQ property 0 thy he had lived for a number of some Bear river greenstone, the to town this week carry the typ-| ^ J market, shipper, besides decreasing the andishighly pleaged th meat years in Anchorage. Alaska. He whole intersected by innumer ical high-grade silver sulphide I ; Mrs Ernest Blue and infant amount of payment on the min showings of ore being opened up was born in Kansas City, Miss able dykes. There are three ore that gives such high returns: j daughter returned last Tuesday eral saved. Many ores assaying there ouri, was 55 years old, and is large copper veins on the upper or. other veins of the group, and j p - Minneapolis. Miss After age 4 Q thjg jssue wag from a visit in survived by a widow, who lives end of the property, and two up to $100 and better per ton some of the specimens show nug-1 \ Burleigh of that city ac- off the presSi thg paper wag noi> Thelma jn Seattle, and a brother, R. C. high-grade galena veins lower cannot now be shipped at a prefit gets and beautiful crevice-fillings | . ^ ^ I companied them and will spend fied the date for anRja] Longley, in Pond Creek, Okla. for this reason, and the cost of of wire silver. The new find is down, one of which shows a con installing separation plants is 'meeting of the Liberal Associa-! the summer in Hyder. The funeral will take place in siderable amount of silver chlor across the creek from the vein ! beyond the means of most oper i tion had been changed from July The amateur gardener says all Hyder at 2 o'clock Saturday aft ides from which very high assays now being developed. On the ernoon, July 17, under the aus 28 to July 29. j he can see to this "early to rise" have been secured. The Ruth ators. It takes no great imagi strength of the discovery Mr pices of the Masonic Club. nation to forsee what an impetus C. L. Hibbard of Seattle and j stuff is that'the mosquitoes and and Francis looks like one of the Clegg has increased the size of deer flies beat him to C.B.Brown of Los Angeles left j it. They most promising properties of the will be lent to mining here when his mining crew and will open STARTING WORK for the south last Saturday after j have their bills sharpened as soon camp. the values in these ores can be up the vein. recovered in full. Ladysmith is examining the Outland Silver jas he sharpens his hoe. ON SILVER BASIN Mickey Nash and Ed Fernald also within reasonable shipping RUSHING WORK Bar property, in which they are New Manager for L & L distance, and shipping costs heavily interested. returned Monday from a trip to Jack Fitzgerald started devel H. J. Thomey, manager of the ON THE DUNWELL opment work this week on the should be reduced to the extent E. A. Haggen, prominent min Georgia river, where Mickey re Dunwell for some time, and later Silver Basin group of claims of being practically an unimpor ing engineer and publisher of cently located an immense quartz of Victoria mines, returned Sat which is owned by himself and tant factor of expense. With the Crawford Transfer Mining and Industrial Record, vein that looks like it might be urday from Victoria where he Co. hauling timbers day and tne mother lode of that spciiuo his brother, S.P.Fitzgerald. The spent the winter. For about two The Ladysmith smelter was arrived from Vancouver Satur night from the dock to the Dun A fine ore display, consisting group consists of six claims and months he was in a hospital as a taken over by a syndicate headed day to make an examination of well concentrator, things are! of several hundred pounds from is joined on the south by the result of plunging into a river by Herbert Carmichael, former the Albany property.