African Livestock List Welfare Regulations Licence Number: LN/000015406 Please Note: Livestock lists are correct at time of publishing and availability is subject to change Updated: 01-10-2021

Common Scientific Name Size Price Stock Status Tanganyika Cichlid

Aurora Cichlid Maylandia aurora £7.95 each Available

Black Calvus calvus £12.95 each Available

Cylindricus Cichlid Neolamprologus cylindricus £9.95 each Available

Gold Head Compressiceps Altolamprologus compressiceps £14.95 each Available

Rostratus Cichlid Fossorochromis rostratus £8.95 each Available

Sardine Cichlid leptosoma £13.95 each Available

Sixbar Lamprologus Neolamprologus sexfasciatus £15.95 each Available

Shell Dweller Cichlid Neolamprologus Multifasciatus £8.95 each Available (Multies)

1 / 4 Common Scientific Name Size Price Stock Status Tanganyika Cichlid

White Spotted Tropheus Tropheus Duboisi £12.95 each Available

Malawi Cichlid

Assorted Malawi Assorted SP. £10.95 each Available

Blue Victoria Astatotilapia Nubila £9.95 each Available

Electric Blue Hap fryeri £9.95 each Available

Fenesratus Cichlid fenestratus £9.95 each Available

Freibergs Peacock jacobfreibergi £9.95 each Available

Hongi Red Top Labidochromis sp Hongi £10.95 each Available

Ice Blue Zebra Maylandia greshakei £9.95 each Available

Kingsisze Cichlid cynotilapia pulpican £9.95 each Available

2 / 4 Common Scientific Name Size Price Stock Status Tanganyika Cichlid

Livingstoni Cichlid Nimbochromis livingstonii £12.95 each Available

Malawi Eyebiter Dimidiochromis compressiceps £9.95 each Available

Nyererei Hap haplochromis nyererei £9.95 each Available

OB Marble Peacock Aulonocara nyassae £10.95 each Available

Strawberry Peacock Aulonocura Strawberry £10.95 each Available

Rusty Cichlid Iodotropheus sprengerae £8.95 Available

Super VC-10 Hap Milomo £11.95 each Available

Electric Yellow Cichlid £19.95 each Available

Other African

Giant Kribensis pelvicachromis sacrimontis £7.95 each Available

3 / 4 Common Scientific Name Size Price Stock Status Tanganyika Cichlid

Kribensis Pelvicachromis pulcher £8.95 each Available

PLEASE NOTE: The photos on our Live Stock pages are examples of specimens and may not be the exact specimen we have in stock.

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