

Abhaya of upright with palm outward: of protection and reassurance

Ahimsa primary commandment of : “do no harm”

Akshmala for counting recitations of

Anjali mudra gesture of with palms together: sign of respect, adoration and

Asana sitting posture

Avatara incarnation of a god, primarily of

Bhumisparsha mudra gesture of hands with the left palm upward in the lap and the right hanging over the knee and downward to the earth: Buddhist sign of “Calling the Earth to Witness”

Bodhi enlightenment; —the tree under which the Buddha sat when he attained enlightenment

Bodhisattva enlightened being ready to enter but who has held back so as to help other mortals on the path to that goal

Brahman Hindu concept of the absolute principle that always has been and always will be; the entity from which everything has come into being and to which everything will return

Chakra 1) wheel or circle; 2) discus weapon of Vishnu; 3) term for the centers of refined energy in the

Dharma 1) Buddhist doctrine. 2) In Hindu usage: the term referring to that which determines our true essence; righteousness; the basis of human morality and ethics; the lawful order of the universe and the foundation of all religion “Wheel of the Law”; spoked wheel as a of Buddhist doctrine

Dharmachakra mudra two-handed gesture with the hands in front of the chest: sign of preaching

Dhyana mudra gesture of hands held in the lap with the back of the right on the palm of the left in such a way that the tips of the thumbs lightly touch one another; sign of ; symbol of the enlightened state of mind

Karma concept of actions in this life and their consequences in a future life

Kayotsarga straight standing body posture with the arms at the sides but not touching the body; Jain stance for “dismissing the body”

Kiritimukha decorative device in the form of a lion-mask signifying auspiciousness

Kiritamukuta tall crown worn by Vishnu

Lalitasana sitting posture with one leg folded under the body and the other leg pendant; the posture of “royal ease” used by some gods

Linga stylized male sexual organ as a cylindrical shaft; aniconic symbol of

Mahayana “Great Path or Vehicle”: form of that believes in salvation by faith with the support of

Mantra spoken that evokes a divinity––often only a syllable though sometimes as much as a verse

Matrika mother goddess

Moksha the goal of Hindu spirituality: liberation, release from rebirths (similar to nirvana)

Mudra hand gesture

Naga snake, usually a cobra

Namaskara mudra SEE anjali mudra

Nirvana extinction; release from the endless cycle of rebirths; Buddhist version of the Hindu

Padma lotus; symbol of purity

Padmasana sitting posture of meditation with the legs interlocked and the soles of the feet upward (similar to ); the “”; also the seat or throne decorated with lotus petals upon which a figure sits

Parinirvana the death of the historic Buddha at which he attained nirvana

Puja Hindu worship

Rudraksha mala string of beads that make reference to Shiva ()

Samabhanga straight upright body stance

Samsara continuous cycles of birth, death and

Sankha conch shell used as a signaling trumpet, usually associated with Vishnu

Shrivatsa diamond-shaped emblem, Jain symbol of samsara

Stupa Buddhist funerary monument; symbol for the Buddha

Theravada “Path of the Elders”; older traditional form of Buddhism with more limited routes to salvation (also known as )

Tirthankara “Ford maker”; Jain being who shows humans the way across the river of existence to enlightenment

Tribhanga body stance with three bends indicative of violent movement

Trimurti Hindu trinity consisting of Brhama the creator, Vishnu the preserver, and Shiva the destroyer

Triratna “Three Jewels” of Buddhism: the Buddha, Buddhist doctrine, and the Community of Monks

Urna dot between the eyes; Buddhist mark signifying inner wisdom

Ushnisha cranial bump; Buddhist mark signifying superior intellect

Vahana animal sacred to a god, often referred to as the god’s “vehicle”

Vajra 1) In Hindu usage: thunderbolt wielded by as a weapon. 2) In Buddhist usage: diamond or adamantine---sign of the indestructible truth of Buddhist teaching

Vajrasana Buddhist sitting posture of meditation with the legs interlocked and the soles of the feet upward; (similar to padmasana); also the “diamond” seat or throne decorated with lotus petals upon which a figure sits

Vajrayana “The Diamond Path or Vehicle”: form of tantric or esoteric Buddhism prevalent in Himalayan and northern regions

Varada mudra gesture of hand pointing downward with the palm outward; sign of gift bestowing

Vitarka mudra gesture of the hand with the thumb and index finger forming a circle; sign of intellectual argument or discussion

Vedas ancient sacred Hindu writings

Vyakhyana mudra SEE vitarka mudra

Yantra mystical object or diagram (often non-representational) serving as a focus for meditation and worship, usually of (the Goddess)

Yoni stylized female reproductive organ as a grooved flange, often with a linga projecting from it; the joined and linga are an aniconic symbol of Shiva