41D the Soncino Babylonian Talmud Book IV Folios 91B-120B
ZEVOCHIM – 91b-120b 41d The Soncino Babylonian Talmud Book IV Folios 91b-120b ZZEEVVOOCCHHIIMM TRANSLATED INTO ENGLISH WITH NOTES Reformatted by Reuven Brauner, Raanana 5771 www.613etc.com 1 ZEVOCHIM – 91b-120b Zevachim 91b Come and hear: Wine, in R. Akiba's view, is for the basins; oil, in R. Tarfon's view, is for GEMARA . Samuel said: According to R. the fires. 8 Now surely, since the whole of the Tarfon, when a man donates oil [by itself], he wine is for basins, the whole of the oil is for removes a fistful, burns it [on the altar], and burning? 9 — Why choose to say thus: each is its residue is eaten. What is the reason? — conditioned by its own law. 10 Scripture saith, [And when any one bringeth] a meal-offering: 1 this teaches that one can R. Papa said: 11 This is dependent on donate oil [by itself], 2 and that it [an offering Tannaim: [When one donates] oil, he must of oil] is like a meal-offering: as a fistful is bring not less than a log; Rabbi said: Three taken of a meal-offering and the rest is eaten, 3 logs. Wherein do they differ? — The scholars so the oil: one takes a fistful off and the rest of stated before R. Papa: They differ as to it is eaten. R. Zera observed, whether [we say]: Judge from it and [all] from it; or, judge from it and place the deduction We too have learnt thus: R. SIMEON SAID: on its own basis. 12 The Rabbis hold: ‘Judge IF YOU SEE OIL BEING SHARED OUT IN from it and [all] from it’: as a meal-offering THE TEMPLE COURT, YOU NEED NOT can be donated, so can oil be donated; ‘and ASK WHAT IT IS, FOR IT IS THE [all] from it’: as a meal-offering [requires] a RESIDUE OF THE WAFERS [REKIKIM] log of oil, 13 so here too 14 a log of oil [is OF THE ISRAELITES’ MEAL-OFFERINGS required]; and as a meal-offering, a fistful OR OF THE LEPER'S LOG OF OIL..
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