FOCUS Briefs the Mission and Evangelism Leaders in the Cus to Prioritise DISCIPLESHIP Evangelism on Campus As Their Primary Mission  Eld

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FOCUS Briefs the Mission and Evangelism Leaders in the Cus to Prioritise DISCIPLESHIP Evangelism on Campus As Their Primary Mission  Eld Main Campus from 14th to 16th March 2014, challenged STUDENTS FOCUS Briefs the Mission and Evangelism leaders in the CUs to prioritise DISCIPLESHIP evangelism on Campus as their primary mission eld. After WESTERN REGIONAL EZRA HELD the Summit, FOCUS sta continued to train and guide the This Far the Lord is Ebenezer. CUs in planning evangelistic events targeting their fellow e Regional Ezra Conference was held in Maseno University By Simon Masibo, The National Director. students. rough the various initiatives in 2014, over 2700 under the theme students gave their lives to Christ in our Campuses and were “the law of the e Jingle Bells lyrics have enrolled in discipleship programs in their respective CUs. Lord, studying lled the air to herald the On the missions front, students went out to remote parts it, practicing it festive Christmas season. We of the country and shared the good news of the salvation and teaching it D join the rest of the Christians of Jesus Christ. Over 3,000 people committed their lives (Ezra 7:10) with to celebrate the birth of Jesus E to Christ through these mission ventures. In addition, we the emphasis: Christ which was signi cant in C concentrated on mobilising students to attend Commission “Contending demonstrating God’s love for Conference, which is a few days away. We are upbeat to see for our Faith” E mankind. We thank God that Students mobilised and challenged to engage in missions e emphasis Some of the delegates meet for Bible Study in small M He has brought us this far as while on Campus and after they graduate. was in the we remiscient the gains made in 2014 and plan for 2015. groups. auspices of a B In discipleship, were ensured that nearly all born again First In this year, we continued to advance our mission of reaching proliferation of contemporary heresies and false teachings E Year Students were integrated into the CU. At least 70% and equipping students in our institutions of higher learning witnessed in the Region and the country. R of Christian Union members attended weekly small groups in Kenya through training, mentorship and networking for Bible study besides plenary fellowships. For the Final e expositor Mr. Reuben Kigame challenged the over for e ective Christian living and ministry in and out of Year students, we launched a campaign dubbed, Vuka Fit 300 delegates drawn from CUs in the Region to earnestly 2 campus. rough our programs of discipleship, evangelism, to mobilise the Finalists to enlist into a transition program. contend for their faith not passively but actively through missions and leadership development, which have enjoyed 0 intellectual engagement. He categorically called students to great success in the year, we have seen many students’ lives In leadership development, we mentored and nurtured disassociate themselves from a cultic movement popular in 1 changed for the better. leaders in the Christian Unions and built their capacity for the Region. e delegates were also enriched through other 4 st e ective leadership. e trainings encompassed development sessions in the program. We are glad that we had a successful 41 Annual General of proper management and governance structures as well as Meeting (AGM) on 26th April 2014 at Technical University ensuring smooth leadership transitions to secure the successful Students’ Passion for Prayer Deepens of Kenya (TUK) where a new National Governing Council continuity of Christian Union programs. In addition, we (NGC) Chairman, Mr. Kenneth Munyi was installed to Students have recognized the important role of prayer in ensured that there were smooth leadership transitions in all the their spiritual walk and have therefore put into practice replace Dr. Nelson Gitonga who had retired after eight (8) CUs by facilitating accountable and transparent nomination years of commendable leadership. Owing to the growth of personal devotions and public prayer meetings in their CUs and election of new leaders, as well as smooth handovers. and in their respective Regions. the work, we accepted eight (8) new Christian Unions (CUs) I am glad that God was gracious in providing us with the into FOCUS membership. e new CUs were South Eastern next National Director, Mr. George Ogalo to take over Kenya University (SEKU), Kibabii University College, after I transit by end of January 2015. George reported on KMTC Kisii, Mombasa Aviation College, Moi University 1st December 2014 and is going through a comprehensive Town Campus Pioneer, Karatina University Itiati Campus, orientation. We thank God for the entire National Director Karatina University Riverbank Campus, and Embu College. Search Committee (NDSC) and all the partners for their During the year, we enhanced our programs to train, support. equip, and mobilise students to get involved in missions I thank you for your continued support to this ministry. It is and evangelism. To leverage on Missions and Evangelism by your support through prayers, encouragement, nancial programs, we held a successful National Evangelism Summit giving and involvement that we have come this far. I wish that brought together seventy (76) Missions and Evangelism you merry Christmas and blessed New Year, 2015. Coordinators from sixty seven (67) Christian Unions across the country. e Summit, which was held at Jomo Blessings. Kenyatta University of Science and Agriculture (JKUAT) Partcipants pray during the Central Rift Prayer Kesha FOCUS Centre, Kasarani, PO Box 781-00618 Ruaraka FOCUS Nakuru, PO Box 12731-20100, Tel: 0724997057 FOCUS Mombasa, PO Box 81365-80100, Tel: 0724997056 Tel: 20-2357279-80, 0733-614 340, 0722 564 851 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected], 1st Floor, Riva Plaza, Nakuru/Eldoret Road Eleka Ministries Premises in Bishop Hannington Institute along Sheikh Abdullas F. Road. Floor, Karson House, Kimathi Street Kimathi House, Karson Floor, 4 to Marie Stopes Regional Offi ce. ce. Offi Regional Stopes Marie to th [email protected] Center Community NCCK Life Ministry Kisumu Premises on Tom Mboya Estate Road, Next Next Road, Estate Mboya Tom on Premises Kisumu Ministry Life 10100, Tel: 0728067067 Tel: 10100, [email protected] [email protected] FOCUS Nyeri, PO Box 3131 Nyeri 3131 Box PO Nyeri, FOCUS 0724997058 Tel: 3770-30100, Box PO Eldoret, FOCUS FOCUS Kisumu, PO Box 9265-40100, Tel: 0724997059 Tel: 9265-40100, Box PO Kisumu, FOCUS right) and Doris Wambui on behalf of the sta team. sta the of behalf on Wambui Doris and right) will be communicated very soon for your planning. your for soon very communicated be will Mr. Masibo ( middle) and his family receives a gift from Ken Omondi ( far far ( Omondi Ken from gift a receives family his and middle) ( Masibo Mr. of God. of Indian Ocean. Plans are already underway and full details details full and underway already are Plans Ocean. Indian to be available to work with students to advance the Kingdom Kingdom the advance to students with work to available be to e venue has a serene ambience overlooking the beautiful beautiful the overlooking ambience serene a has venue e which consists of Associates from diverse professions, pledged pledged professions, diverse from Associates of consists which at Neptune Hotels (pictured above) in South Coast Diani. Diani. Coast South in above) (pictured Hotels Neptune at by the Regional Council Chair Benson Inyangala. e team, team, e Inyangala. Benson Chair Council Regional the by April 2015 2015 April 6 to 3 from is Retreat Easter Associates e interim leadership committee was appointed and dedicated dedicated and appointed was committee leadership interim th rd , October 2014. An An 2014. October , for a breakfast meeting on Saturday 25 Saturday on meeting breakfast a for th A total of 16 Associates met at Machakos University College College University Machakos at met Associates 16 of total A large fresh water pool. Life is easy in this wonder. wonder. this in easy is Life pool. water fresh large Machakos restaurant and the bar. Refreshing moments in the the in moments Refreshing bar. the and restaurant villea’s. Fantastic Indian Ocean views from the the from views Ocean Indian Fantastic villea’s. - Bougain lazy and Baobab towering trees, coconut Beach. Relax in the tropical garden with waving waving with garden tropical the in Relax Beach. km south from Mombasa, on the famous Diani Diani famous the on Mombasa, from south km hotel. cottages with palm-thatched roofs. Situated at 40 40 at Situated roofs. palm-thatched with cottages the resort features 92 superior rooms in African African in rooms superior 92 features resort the during their retreat held on 20 on held retreat their during October 2014 at a Malindi Malindi a at 2014 October Embraced in a charming oasis of tranquility, tranquility, of oasis charming a in Embraced th 2 Kenya, Mombasa, Diani Beach Diani Mombasa, Kenya, e Associates had a great time to network and fellowship fellowship and network to time great a had Associates e ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ Beach Resort & Spa & Resort Beach Malindi Neptune Paradise Neptune God’s blessings as he transits. he as blessings God’s Ogalo was also present. We wish Masibo and his family family his and Masibo wish We present. also was Ogalo Mr. Ngugi could not hide his joy when receiving the car.. the receiving when joy his hide not could Ngugi Mr. other guests. e incoming National Director, Mr. George George Mr. Director, National incoming e guests. other Easter 2015 2015 Easter Retreat Governing Council Chairman, Dr. Nelson Gitonga among among Gitonga Nelson Dr. Chairman, Council Governing 412 412 Account: Dinner. Account: 412 412 leadership. e occasion was graced by the former National National former the by graced was occasion e leadership. your ticket by sending the money to our business number: number: business our to money the sending by ticket your work and for the milestones the ministry gained through his his through gained ministry the milestones the for and work as you interact and network with other professionals.
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