Proceedings of the International Conference on the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME)(17Th, Tsukuba, Japan, July 18-23, 1993)
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DOCUMENT RESUME ED 383 536 SE 055 789 AUTHOR Hirabayashi, Ichiei, Ed.; And Others TITLE Proceedings of the International Conference on the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME)(17th, Tsukuba, Japan, July 18-23, 1993). Volumes I-III. INSTITUTION International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. PUB DATE Jul 93 NOTE 929p. PUB TYPE Collected Works Conference Proceedings (021) EDRS PRICE MF06/PC38 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Algebra; Beliefs; Calculators; Computers; Computer Uses in Education; Conference Papers; Elementary Secondary Education; *Epistemology; *Functions (Mathematics); Geometry; Imagery; Language Role; Mathematics Education; Mathematics Instruction; Measures (Individuals); Metacognition; *Number Concepts; Probability; *Problem Solving; *Proof (Mathematics); Rational Numbers; Social Influences; Spatial Ability; Statistics; Student Attitudes; Student Evaluation; Teacher Attitudes; Thinking Skills; Verbal Communication; Visual Perception IDENTIFIERS Advanced Mathematics; Combinatorics; *Mathematical Thinking; Mathematics Education Research; *Psychology of Mathematics Education ABSTRACT The Proceedings of PME-XVII has been published in three volumes because of the large number of papers presented at the conference. Volume I contains a brief Plenary Panel report, 4 full-scale Plenary Addresses, the brief reports of 10 Working Groups and 4 Discussion Groups, and a total of 23 Research Reports grouped under 4 themes. Volume II contains 37 Research Reports grouped under 7 themes. Volume III contains 28 Research Reports grouped under 5 themes, 25 Oral Communications, and 19 Poster Presentations. In summary, the 3 volumes contain 88 full-scale Research Reports,4 full-scale Plenary Addresses, and 59 briefer reports. Conference subject matter can be conveyed through a listing of the 15 themes under which Research Reports were grouped: Advanced Mathematical Thinking; Algebraic Thinking; Assessment and Evaluation; Pupil's Beliefs and Teacher's Beliefs; Computers and Calculators; Early Number Learning; Functions and Graphs; Geometrical and Spatial Thinking; Imagery and Visualization; Language and Mathematics; Epistemology, Metacognition, and Social Construction; Probability, Statistics, and Combinatorics; Problem Solving; Methods of Proof; Rational Numbers and Proportions; Social Factors and Cultural Factors. Each volume contains an author index covering all three volumes.(MKR) ********************************************************************** Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made * from the original document. *********************************************************************** In ItoPLUOVIINI AO $1011V01101 04/0 IC #000.)113003 43a1i paw wummat0w1 1VNOLLY04103 S30tIf1OS31:1 NOLLYMOINI 1:131P430 (01k13) till tuwnoop uci panpord, to pA1110 WO!) uoncl 10 uogerusei Buliulauo p 0 loull slOuv43 GAIN uQ W o1 Acudus uotioftpotcl, Amen') IUIOd 41 sUOWd0 Dolce tA my' -roop mow op IOU Aluettou tumAls, 10410 !too ucvsoci ,o b4od .34,04 voi NOISSIVibl3d., 01 3011001:W3H SIH1 1VIU31VIN SVH N339 031NVLI9 AG n dCi ; a-31-0Tor-61-c)a_ 01 3H1 S301:1110S3b11VN0i1V01103 gAld NOI1VMOANI 831N30 .,*(01i:13) 40, &900 Jos G9/ es, 91% 9,10G it'tio,/e44 'woo 040,. 44/70.jos, ajo 40/ wc 1S38 Ad03 318V1IVAV /1/b Psychologyof Mathematics PME JULYXVII Education 18-23,1993 Proceedings of the Seventeenth International UNIVERSITY TSUKUBA,OF Conference IBARAKI,TSUKUBA JAPAN Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference for the Psychology of Mathematics Education Published by the Program Committee of the 17th PME Conference, Japan. All rights reserved. Editors:Ichici Hirabayashi, Nobuhiko Nohda, Keiichi Shigcmatsu and Fou-La! Lin Symbol mark design and cover layout: Yoshimasa Kaneko I- i PME 17 PROCEEDINGS Edited by Ichici Hirabayashi, Nobuhiko Nobda, Keiichi Shigematsu and Fou-I ai Lin PREFACE The first meeting of PME took place in Karlsruhe, Germany in 1976. Thereafterdifferent countries (Netherlands, Germany, U.K., U.S.A., Belgium, Israel, Australia, Canada,Hungary, Mexico, Italy) hosted the conference. In 1993, the PME conference will be held inJapan for the first time. The conference will take place at the University of Tsukuba, in Tsukubacity. The university is now twenty years old. It is organized into three Clusters and two Institutes. Thereare about 11,000 students and 1,500' 'culty members. The Institute of Education at the Universityof Tsukuba has a strong commitment to mathematics education. The academic program of PME 17 includes: 88 research reports (1 from an honorary member) 4 plenary addresses 1 plenary panel 11 working groups 4 discussion groups 25 short oral presentations 19 poster presentations The review proccst; The Program Committee received a total of 102 research proposals that encompasseda wide variety of themes and approaches. After the proposers' researchcategory sheets had been matched with those provided by potential reviewers, each research reportwas submitted to three outside reviewers who were knowledgeable in the specific researcharea Papers which received acceptances from at least two external reviewers were automatically accepted. Those which failedto do so were then reviewed by two members of the International Program Committee. In theevent of a tie (which sometimes occurred, for example, when only two external reviewers returned their evaluations),a third member of the Program Committee read the paper. Papers which receivedat least two decisions "against" acceptance, that is a greater number of decisions "against" acceptancethan "for", were rejected. If a reviewer submitted written comments they were forwarded to the author(s)along with the Program Committee's decision. All oral communications and poster proposalswere reviewed by the International Program Committee. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We wish to express our thanks to the following organizations: Monbusho [The Ministry of Education in Japan] University of Tsukuba This PME seventeenth conference is supported by TheCommemorative Association for the Japan World Exposition (1970.). We also wish to express our heartful thanks to the followinglocal committee and local supporters who contributed to the success of thisconference: Local Committee Ichlei Hirabayashi, Nobuhiko Nohda, Kelichl Shigematsu Wei Du, Toshlakira Fujii, Setsuko Hazama, Shinji lida,Hideki Iwasaki, Masataka Koyama, Saburo Minato, Tadao Nakahara (ishida), MinoruOhtani, Yasuhiro Sekiguchi, Hanako Senuma, Katsuhiko Shimizu, ShizumiShimizu, Yoshinori Shimizu, Minoru Yoshida, Masaki Yoshikawa Local Supporters Hideyo Emori, Fumi Ginshima, Takashi Inooku, Masami(soda, Aida M. lstlno, Hiroshi Iwasaki, Toshiyuld Kimura, Tadayukl Kishimoto, HirokoKoike, Takahiro Kunloka, Nanae Matsuo, Yuklko Minamioka, Miklo Miyazaki,Tatsuya Mizoguchi, Norihiro Nishinaka, Mina Shimizu, Takeshi Yamaguchi 6 1 List ai PME XVII Reviewers The Program Committee wishes to thank the followingpeople for their help during the review process. Josette Adda, France Angel Gutierrez, Spain Miriam Amit, Israel Klaus Hasemann, Germany Alessandro Antoniette, Italy Rina HershkowItz, Israel Michele Artigue, France James Hiebert, USA Bill Atwerh, Australia Fernando Hitt, Mexico Md. Nor Baker, Malaysia Cella Hoyles, United Kingdom Nicolas Balachetf, France AdelaJaime, Spain Arthur Baroody, USA Bernadette Janvier, Canada Mariana Bartolini Bussl, Italy Barbara Jaworsky, United Kingdom J. Thomas Bassarear, USA Rob A. de Jong, The Netherlands M.Canneri Batanero, Spain Murad,Jurdak, USA Luciana Bazzini, Italy Sonia Kafoussl, Greece Nadine Bednarz, Canada Ismail Kallany, Malaysia Alan Bell, United Kingdom Clive Kanes, Australia Alan Bishop, Australia Rochelle Kaplan, USA Paolo Boero, Italy Christine Keitel, Germany George Booker, Australia David Kirshner, USA Rosa Maria Bottino, Italy Konrad Krainer, Austria David Carraher, Brazil Getz Krummheuer, Germany Glampaolo Chiappini, Italy Colette Laborde, France Douglas Clements, USA Susan Lamon, USA Paul Cobb, LISA Marsha Landau, USA Jere Caffrey, USA Enrica Lemut, Italy Anibal Cortes, France Stephen Lerman, United Kingdom Barbara Dougherty, USA Frank K.Lester, USA Tommy Dreyfus, Israel Francis Lopez-Real, Brunei Ed Dubinsky, USA Eric Love, United Kingdom Claire Dupuis, France Carolyn A. Maher, USA Willibald Dartier, Austria Nicolina Malara, Italy Laurie D. Edwards, USA Zvia Markovits, Israel Theodore Eisenberg, Israel John Mason, United Kingdom Nerida El tenon, Australia Jose Manuel Matos, Portugal Rafael Nunez Errazuriz, Switzerland Douglas B. Mcleod, USA Gontran Ervynck, Belgium Hartwig Meissner, Germany Glen Evans, Australia Ana Mesquita, Portugal Pierfulgi Ferrari, Italy Luisa Morgado, Portugal Olimp la Figueras, Mexico Hanlie Murray, South Africa Eugenio Fi lloy-Yague, Mexico Ricardo Nemirovsky, USA Alex Friedlander, USA Dagmar Neuman, Sweden Fuivia Furinghetti, Italy Richard Noss, United Kingdom Elisa Gallo, Italy Terezinha Nunes, United Kingdom Elisabeth Gallou-Dumlel, France Alwyn No Olivier, South Africa Claude Gaul In, Canada Anthony Orion, United Kingdom Joaquim Cimenez, Spain man Osta, USA Juan Diaz Godino, Spain Domingo Paola, Italy Gerald Goldin, USA Michele Pellerey, Italy Brian Greer, United Kingdom Barbara J. Pence, USA Jeff Gregg, USA Marle-Joanna Perrin-Glorian, France 7 I - iv Angela Pesci, Italy Martin A. Simon, USA David P1mm, United Kingdom Judith Sowder, USA Joto Pedro Ponta, Portugal Kaye Stacey, Australia Norman C. Presmeg, USA Ruth Stavy, Israel Ian Putt, Australia Heinz Steinbring, Germany Sid Rachiln, USA Rudolf Straesser, Germany Mohamad