Violin Master Classes Vilnius, 22nd - 27 th June, 2012


akhar Bron – legendary violin professor, a phenomenal pedagogue and an Z inspiring performer. He was the teacher of such violin stars as , and many others. Prof. Bron is one of the few teachers worldwide, who has created his own unique teaching system. More than one hundred of his students have earned prizes at international competitions. Today Prof. Bron is a violin professor at the Music University, at the Escuela Superior de Musica “Reina Sofia” in and at the Zurich University of arts.

Zakhar Bron was himself winner of prizes at important international violin competitions, among them the International Queen Elizabeth violin competition in Brussels and the Wieniawski violin competition in Poznan. Prof. Bron has recorded many CD's and regularly plays recitals, chamber music concerts and violin concertos.

He has given concerts all over the world, performing at major halls, like the Wiener Musikverein, the Tokyo Suntory hall and others. He has held positions as a teacher at the Glinka Konservatorium in , the Musik University in Lübeck, the Rotterdam Conservatory, the in . He also travels around the world to give lectures and master classes. rof. Bron is a regular guest in jury's of the most important violin competitions P and holds the post of honorary professor at institutes in Japan, Poland, Bulgaria and .

Zakhar Bron was born in Uralsk. He started his studies at the Stoliarski School for Music in and went on to the Gnessin Conservatory in , where his teacher was Boris Goldstein. He finally went to the Tschaikovsky Conservatory, where he was admitted to Igor Oistrakh's class and soon became his assistant. Alexander Gilman


“Gilman is a name to watch” titled the Classic FM magazine in 2007. Today Alexander Gil- man belongs to the most promising violinists. After giving his first solo concert at the tender age of seven at in , , Alexander has already performed in the most renowned concert halls all over the world.

Mr. Gilman worked with conductors such as Neeme Järvi, David Zinman, Bernard Haiting, Eri Klas, Perry So, Michael Sanderling, and many others and is regularly invited to ma- jor international music festivals as soloist, chamber musician and lecturer. He graduated with distinction from the Academy of Music in Cologne in the Master Class of Prof. Zakhar Bron and went on to obtain his Master of Arts at the Music University in Zurich. Amongst others, Alexander has worked with Dorothy Delay, and attended master classes of , Aaron Rosand, and Mikhail Kopelman.

Mr. Gilman was recently appointed assistant to Prof. Bron at the Music University in Zurich. Furthermore he pursues a career in teaching by giving master classes at universities and music festivals. At present, Mr. Gilman plays on a violin by J.B. Guadagnini, Parma 1761, provided by the German Instrument Fund of the Stiftung Musikleben. Violin Master Classes

Vilnius, Lithuania 22nd - 27th June, 2012

iolin Master Classes in Vilnius offers violin students from all other world to V work with legendary pedagogue Professor Zakhar Bron. Master Classes will be held at the most important high school for arts in Lithuania - National M. K. Ciurlionis school of art, which has the new and comfortable facilities for open master classes, individual lessons and private rehearsals. Location: National M. K. Ciurlionis school of art T. Kosciuškos street 11, Vilnius, Lithuania

The master classes will be held in wonderful city Vilnius, a capital of Lithuania. Today Vilnius is one of the most visited cities in Eastern Europe, which is very attractive for its architecture, famous Old town and various events. In 1994 the Old Town of Vilnius was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

National M. K. Ciurlionis school of art is based in the heart of Vilnius and is close to all main city visiting points. It has convenient classrooms for the practicing, big, bright and newly renovated concert hall.

Panoramic view of Vilnius Photo by G. Kropis National M. K. Čiurlionis school of art Photo by M. Jovaišaitė Schedule of Classes

Daily classes 10am to 6pm. Each student will receive four lessons in total of which a minimum of three will be held by Professor Zakhar Bron and one by assistant. There will be an accompanist at the master classes. Professor Zakhar Bron reserves the right to make some changes and adjustments in his daily teaching schedule. Schedule of Concerts

nd 22 June, 2012 – the concert of prof. Zakhar Bron th 27 June, 2012 – final concert of the master classes at the concert hall of National M. K. Ciurlionis school of art Conditions and fees

For the registration to the Master Classes the attached registration form duly signed needs to be received by the Administrative office of the New Musical Generation. We reserve the right to organize the audition on the first day of the master class to guaranty your admission to the course.

Registration fee of 100 Euro for the active participation has to be payed to the following account:

Account name: Naujoji muziku karta Account IBAN number: LT06 7044 0600 0572 6773 Swift, BIC Code of the Bank: CBVILT2X Company registration number: 300602216 Company address: L. Sapiegos street 4-86, LT-10312 Vilnius Bank name: SEB bank Bank address: Gedimino ave. 12, LT-01103, Vilnius, Lithuania

Registration fee has to be payed upon registration and is only refundable, if the student is not admitted to the master classes. In case of students cancellation, the registration fee is not refundable.

Registration deadline for active participants is 15th February, 2012. After that date, registration will depend on available places. The priority will have those, who will send their registrations first.

Active participants

The fee for active participants is 350 Euro. The registration fee is not included in this amount.

After receipt of acceptance to the master classes via email, students need to transfer the full fee to the account above. The payment should be made not later than in five working days after the receipt will be send.

All payments need to be transferred net of any bank or other charges.

Passive participants

The fee for five days – 100 Euro Daily ticket – 20 Euro

Languages: English, German, Russian.

Accommodation: We are happy to help you to find suitable accommodation: from youth hostel to 5 stars hotels. Prices from 20 to 100 Euro per night. APPLICATION FORM

(the application form can be downloaded from the or requested by the e-mail: [email protected])

Please fill in carefully. The registrations will be processed as quickly as possible.

First name: ______

Surname: ______

E-Mail: ______

Phone: ______

Date of birth: ______Sex (male/female): ______

Active participant oPassive participant o


Account name: Naujoji muziku karta Account IBAN number: LT06 7044 0600 0572 6773 Swift, BIC Code of the Bank: CBVILT2X Company registration number: 300602216 Company address: L. Sapiegos street 4-86, LT-10312 Vilnius Bank name: SEB bank Bank address: Gedimino ave. 12, LT-01103, Vilnius, Lithuania

Address: ______

City: ______

Postal code: ______Country: ______

Signature: ______(Parents’ signature for participants under 18)

Musical education / names of teachers up to now: ______

Concert and competition experience: ______

(Please use a separate sheet, if needed)


Arrival: ______Departure: ______

Type / category of accommodation: Youth Hostel o 2* Hotel o 3* Hotel o 4* Hotel o 5* Hotel o

Single room o Double room o I do not need accommodation o


New Musical Generation L. Sapiegos street 4 – 86, LT-10312 Vilnius or by e-mail: Lithuania [email protected] “New Musical Generation”

“New Musical Generation” (NMG) is one of the leading performing arts organizations in Lithuania, presenting the most talented young musicians of on an international scale. It works with a wide range of instrumentalists, including pianists, violinists and vocalists.

The mission of NMG is to present classical music on the highest level by constantly searching for new, young, exceptionally talented musicians; helping them to develop careers; and attracting new audiences to the concert hall, in particular young people.

To achieve its goals, the organization is active in several areas: NMG organizes concerts in prestigious Lithuanian and world concert halls, represents international artists working exclusively in the field of classical music and implements educational programs for young people.

Since its founding in 2006, NMG has organized many successful concerts for internationally acclaimed young artists, including Lithuanian pianist Kasparas

Uinskas; the winner of the XIII International Tchaikovsky Competition in Moscow – pianist Miroslav Kultyshev; the second prize winner of the XVI International Chopin piano competition in Warsaw (2010) - Austrian pianist Ingolf Wunder; Ukrainian pianist Alexei Grynyuk; pianist from USA – Igor Lovchinsky, opera singer Sandra Janušaitė; violinist Diana Galvydytė; Russian violinists Andrey Baranov and Sergey Malov, German violinist Alexander Gilman, Ukrainian bayanist Alexander Hrustevich and guitarist from – Wim den Herder.

“New Musical Generation” has organized concerts at world famous concert halls, including Berlin Philharmonie; New York’s Carnegie Hall; and London’s Wigmore Hall, where it organized the hugely successful 2009/2010 London debut for pianist Miroslav Kultyshev and the solo recital for the pianist Alexei Grynyuk.

The programming and artists of NMG are meticulously selected in order to always adhere to uncompromising standards. Perhaps as a consequence of this approach, NMG is experiencing packed concert halls, passionate applause and sincere support of its audience.

The summer 2010 from July 7th through 16th, NMG presented the inaugural “New Musical Generation” Summer Festival and Academy, which consolidated in one space some of the most talented young performers from all over the world who brought a real music feast to Vilnius. Each evening, musicians performed solo or chamber music concerts and, during the day, they taught festival academy students at master classes and individual lessons. The festival turned out to be a great success among listeners and students and hopefully it will become important event in Lithuanian cultural life.

NMG also organizes and implements educational outreach programs at high schools and music schools in Lithuania. Featured artists of “New Musical Generation” meet the students and talk about classical music, illustrating their stories with live performances. To date, this program has been presented to more than 7000 pupils, many of whom now attend classical music concerts more often. SPONSORS

PARTNER Presented by:

New Musical Generation L. Sapiegos 4-86, LT-10312, Vilnius, Lithuania Tel.: +370 69906600 E-mail: [email protected]