Spartan Daily Editorial Preposterous Hendricks Recall Attempt Should Fail 1 on pure ignorance and i attempt to moose ASB l'res. Advisory Board (FAB), not the ASB patently ridiculous. For. example, he is do not indicate a lack of leadership. policy is based history to be- The ntost absurd charge of all, how- absolutely asinine. J ohn Hendricks from office is pre- president alone, as these students charge. the first student in SJS come chairman of the board of directors ever, is the attack on Hendricks' appoint- Student government can accomplish posterous. The charges leveled against FAB is an advisory group composed of of Spartan Shops, Inc., a group charged ment policies. Hendricks inherited one a great deal this year once it decides for his recall are top college and student officials, includ- Hendricks as reasons operating Spartan Bookstore and of the fittest systems of personnel selec- to start moving. 'fie have criticized Hen- totally absurd and ludicrous. A small ing Hendricks. FAB is responsible for Cafeteria. If this group had not been tion of any college in the nation. Student dricks and Student Council for their group of malcontented students is trying some $3:10,000 in ASB funds a rather impressed with Hendricks' overall abili- committee ntembers diligently spend inactivity to date. Just when it appears will begin serious legislat- very hard to play the entire student formidable task. To override an FAB ties and leadership potentialities, it hours upon hours to screen htmdreds as if the ASB to become involved body for a sucker. Recall proponents will decision, the Student Council must have would not have chosen him for this of students for various ASB poets. ing, it must stop recall campaign. This can fail in their stupid venture simply be- a two-thirds majority. position. This Personnel Selection Committee a ridiculous ASB and further stall its cause their evidence is weak, inadequate, FAB considers financial matters solely In addition, Hendricks is actively bases its decisions on an elaborate ob- only harm the activities. Now little of significance can and unconvincing. on a professional basis, like that of any urging the ASB to revise its programs to jective interviewing method. Results are until the recall cam- The recall organizers base their pro- business. Its budgetary attah -is does not fit into the new College Union program. sent to the ASB president, who usually, be accomplished to its conclusions. tests on Hendricks' fiscal and appointive include emotion, only prolcional scru- Ile is also vice president of the Cali- if not always, follows its recommenda- paign is carried There is absolutely no justification policies and lack of executive leadership. tiny. Anti it Wa 14 this group that recom- fornia State College Student Presidents' tions. Such was the case in the recent Hendricks. The recall These arg mts disintegrate under the mended rejection of the Reed and Chess Association (CSCSPA), a statewide group Student Council appointments. for the recall of devoid of logic or harsh scrutiny of factual analysis. Upon Club requests for funds. Ilendricks' ac- which demands leadership of its execu- Far from packing ASB government movement is wholly asked to sign any closer inspection, the recall movement is ceptance of FAB's advice simply indi- tive officers. Indeed, CSCSPA has been with his own hacks, as charged, Hen- meaning. Students recall are being exposed for what it really is baseless cates to us his concern for fiscal responsi- so impressed with Hendricks it would dricks has earnestly attempted to appoint petitions favoring the ignorant, twaddle. bility and austerity. have named I president if Bob Pisano, the best qualified persons through rec- taken for suckers by a group of irresponsible The ASB's so-called "fiscal policy" Hendricks also is accused of a lack former ASB president, had not headed ommendations of the selection commit- intolerant, and insanely is largely deter' ll i ll ed by the Financial of leadership, an accusation which is the group last year. Such facts certainly tee. Thu.. an attack on the appointive malcontents.

VoMmantomloslame. sleMooMm~lxSsa. SPARTAN DA I LY virer SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE -

Yol. 53 .4630- " SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1965 No. 45 As Petitions Circulate Hendricks Denounces Recall IFIFROTiEtt, ALLEN Co-chairman is sophomore Rich- group." He added: "we are solicit- SRH, based in Allen Hall, said Spartan Daily Staff Writer ard Pattenarde. ing help from all interested groups it opposes, Hendricks' actions re- Petitions calling for the recall Kneisel said his committee seeks and individuals. We welcome sup- garding financial requests from the of port, suggestions and criticism." Chess Team, Reed magazine and of ASB Pres. John Hendricks will the recall of Hendricks because his "lack of executive leadership," According to the ASB constitu- the Associated Student Govern- be circulated starting today, ac- We Five, a singing group formed three years his appointment policies and his tion, special elections for the recall ments of the USA (ASG). We Five ago, is fo appear in the second Washington cording to Perry Kneisel, co-chair- financial policies. of student body officials "may be Hendricks noted the recall move- Square series to be held in the Men's Gym man of Students for the Recall Hendricks has denounced the called for by a two-thirds majority ment amounted to using "an A- To Sing at 8 p.m. tomorrow. (See page 5 for story). of Hendricks (SRH). movement, saying the SRH 's "in- vete of the Student Council or bomb to kill a fly." He said griev- sistence on wasting the student by a petition signed by 10 per cent ances should be brought to council. body's time and money shows blat- of the members of the Associated He added mere disagreement with ant contempt of the school." Student Body." his policies does not ju.stify recall. He added that the recall attempt In other words, appmximately lie saki he will campaign against Co-Rec is spearheaded "by a group re- 2,000 signatures are needed for the recall "if students do not AFT Files Writ of Mandamus jected by the students at the polls recall to go to the voters. Tvvo- receive both sides." in May who seek a second chance thirds of those voting must vote Features in office." for recall to remove Hendricks The president declined to iden- from office. tify the group of individuals. If the SRH movement succeeds, Hop' Against Quarter System Change Sophomore Kneisel has stated a special election must be sched- 'Ski SRH is an independent organiza- uled within 20 days of recall, ac- The College Council of the Suit Its Rationale and Implica- ing Council. His request followed any to the constitution. band, tion, "not affiliated with cording "People," a rock and roll American Federation of Teachers tions" in Cafeteria A and B at reports of difficulties encountered will be featured at tonight's Co- (AFT) yesterday filed a petition 2 p.m. The discussion will be open by colleges in putting the plan Rec, beginning at 7:30 p.m. in the to the public, according to Dr. into operation. Women's Gym. for a writ. of mandamus to stop John Gain vice-president of the 'The council did not approve Badminton, volleyball and ping the State College Board of Trus- SJS chapter of AFT. Consider Dumke's request but neither did Council To tees and Chancellor fmm impos- pong will be available for those The suit, Sperling said, charges it act nn its original proposal to ing a year-round quarter system wishing to participate. that imposition of the quarter sys- ask the colleges to speed up pres- at all colleges and universities. Signups fo rthe all-campus chess tem without consultation with the ent conversion operations. Harriers' Request Dr. John Sperling, SJS pro- and checker tourney will he taken faculty is a violation of their con- The Council will now meet in the evening in the fessor and president of the coun- throughout tract. San Francisco on Dec. 13 to try Student Council reconvenes to- more vote the measures will face small mini adjacent to the patio cil, announced that the petition The council president also said to work out differences. day at 2:45 p.m. to complete busi- a ovte by the student body. entrance. was filed in San Frtmcisco Supe- that "there is no evidence that. SJS was originally requested to ness left from last week's meeting Also at today's meeting, Tina Other events include a can- rior Court by Attorney Victor Van such a system will reduce edu- convert to the quarter system by recessed because council could not Newton, sophomore representative, stacking contest and motion pic- Bourg. cational costs or improve instruc- 1969, and studies are being made muster a quorum. will introduce a bill calling for the tures on skiing which will be re- SJS community will have an op- JOHN HENDRICKS tion." by the year-round committee of After completion of last week's establishment of a "Thursday peated throughout the evening. portiunty to hear an explanation . . . denounces recall The court action is t.he latest Academic Council. matters council will adjourn and Forum to plan and co-ordinate The films arc in keeping with "Ski of the suit from Van Bourg who the development in the dispute over convene for this week's meeting. discussions concerning internation- Hop Jump," the theme of the will be here tomorrow. He will the proposed conversion, planned Major items facing both sessions al, national and local events which night. discuss "AFT' Quarter Session over the past two years in an of council today include a request interest the student." 'Dybbuk' Tickets effort to economize in the state's for $272 to pay for the cross- Psychoanalyst OPPOSE ALLOCATION Ticket,. are aatitible at the vast system of higher education. country team's participation at the Last week's council recessed for College Theater Box Office for A resolution passed hy the Co- U.S. Track and Field Federation lack of a quorum following heated the Drama Department's presenta- ordinating Council on Higher Edu- met in Wichita, Kan., last week. Schedules Talk debate and two votes on the $272 tion of Sholom Ansky's play. "The cation in 1964 proposed that all The team finisher] fifth. request.. one for the allocation Dybbuk." Tickets are 75 cents for nete4 gpieieJ I state colleges and universities be "Creativity and the Uncon- scious" will be discussed by Dr. PROPOSED AMENDMENTS and one against. SJS students and $1.50. general converted to year-round opera- Other measures to face council admission. The box office is open tions by 1975. Rollo May, practicing psychoana- The initial vote to grant the lyst and professor of cuinical psy- are two ASB constitutional amend- team the money failed 5-6-1. daily from 1-5 p.m. 1 Greek Show However, Chancellor Glenn S. ments. One calls for the addition "The Dybbuk" will he presented chology at New York University, Speaking against the allocation Dumke asked for a delay at last of tow graduate representatives Col- The 14th Their' UM Greek show is scheduled for the San tomorrow morning at 10:30 in were Senior Representatives Jack Friday and Saturday in the week's meeting of t.he Coordinat- to council, increasing the legisla- p.m. and will Jose Civic Auditorium Dec. 11 at 8 p.m. Tickets are $1 per person - Concert Hall. Perkins and Dick Miner and Grad- lege Theater at 8:15 tive body's membership to 20 from he repeated Wednesday, Dec, 8, $1.50 per couple and are available at Student Affairs Business Of- The speech, sponsored by the uate Representative Richard Ep- 18. fice. Proceeds are to be donated tn wives and children of soldiers ASB Forum Lecture Series, is stein. The trio contended the allo- through Saturday, Dec. 11. The other amendment would re- Jose area. open to the public without charge. cation WEIS unwarranted. because The play is being directed by killed in Viet Nam from the Greater San Christmas Tree on Dr. May, author of "The Mean- quire a one week study period the team failed to submit its re- Mordecai Gorelik visiting profes- f%ergreell tf. 20 ing of Anxiety" and "Man's Search major ASB presidential appoint- quest on time. sor from Southern Illinois Uni- Dependents Report feet in height ix being sought ments before council approves or for Himself." is presently a super- In reconsideration the measure versity. by the planning I' Itfre In reiects the appointment. Veterans' dependents are asked to report to the Cashier's Office, visory and training analyst. at the received support hy a 6-5 vote, hut charge fof the Annum christmas William Mattson White Institute If council appmves the proposed ADM263, not bit 11..1:111 ."I'.1,;IN' .1, ti._;r1 ,111/Nisience vouchers for De- allocation failed because a quorum Tree Lighting ceremony on amendments by a two-thirds or cember. of Psychiatry, Psychology and was not present. Tickets Sold Out campus. Anyone ram can donate Psychoanalysis. Perkins objected such a tree is asked to contact Previously he has served as to the "hap- According to Jerry Vroom, AWS Contest hazard Dean Norman 0, tin fulcrum, president of the New York State Cafe Capers request fmm the Athletic &IS assistant athletic director, AWS is now ing christmas Door Decoration Division of Engineering. tele- Psychological As.sociation, fellow Department," and asked: "Is coun- there are no tickets available contest to be held Friday, Dec. 10. phone 29 434 I 4, YNI. 2201 , 310.1}401111 of the National Council of Religion "care Capers." musical enter- cil going to follow its procedures?" for the Spartan-Stanford basket- This year's theme is entitled "Sing We Now of Christmas." The 1111141411111P. Prot and Mrs. Maf. in Higher Education, member of tainment in Spartan Cafeteria, ASB Pres. John Hendricks said ball game Monday night In the contest IR open to all women's centers and will depict Chris- Kramer of the MilthellIall(44 DP- the 13oard of Trustees of the will present The ffienthilentals. council shouldn't deny the team fi- Indian's gymna, mas carols. pitrtment donated the tree Ilfit'd American Foundation of Mental a musical group, tomorrow at nancial support the re- Stanford has sold out all the The deadline for entries is Friday. Dec. a Further information last year. HPAlt h and fellow of the American `I p.m. quest had been submitted immedi- tickets so that no student or and applications are available in the Activities Office, ADM242, i'llychological Association. ately after the invitation to meet. reserved seats remain for sato. 2SPARTAN DAILY Wednesday, Dec 1, 1965 CuPst Room' fs /§PARTAN DAILY 'Blackboards , SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE i;z--/ For Graffito' C

Editor SCOTT MOORE Advertising Mgr.. BOB SCHERNER By LAHR% COY You e%er stop to think how much s thought and imagina goes into the writing of %a s incripf which adont public bath walls? This form of Editorial Comment creative writing is far more popular than any English course. It is impossible to estimate the number of persons who en- gage in it. Ile facts speak for themselves 'Open for Business' hate %ote ever seen a P.R. ithout adornment? Of course not. My main objection to this ah lance The greattst barrier to free dis- tions are secret. In this restrictive at- of literary wit and suggestions is the end- mosphere. there is little public knowl- semination of news and informal' less repetition involved. How manv "Smile, today is the arrogant refusal of some etlge of basic issues under discussion you're on Candid Camera" witticisms have by these groups. you grimaced at? This tenelencV toward - policy -making groups to admit report- Possibly momentous decisions are plagiarism and triteness is distressing, not ers to regular meetings. At SJS. the thus made. but often are ignored be- only from the serious critic's viewpoint, Academic Council and Financial Atl- cause readers have no way to judge but also from the interested layman's point of view. i isory Board I AB) are two important their significance. Without public CRITIC'S CONCERN groups which rigidly bar newsmen knowledge of debate preceding de- The critic's principal concern is the from their meetings. cisions. there often circulate rumors literary correctness. conciseness, and clari- In recent years. the public has re- and half truths concerning the final ty of the work. He wants to know the fused to tolerate secret meetings of results. writer's meaning: he searches for the sym- "The North Viet Nam government has shown no bolism, the lerlying psychologie al such oily iously public bodies as city It is outrageous that Academic willingness to negotiate a settl .!" *nes her I the work. cone their inso- councils or s' '1dr It gislative groups. Council and F The interested layman (aren't we all?) Dow ey er. many quasi -public groups, lent rejection of legitimate press cm - is primarily concerned with the instant such as city engineering departments, eratge. The SJS academic community Pork Barrel pleasure the note or poem brings. While still conduct secret meetings, much to is being unjustly abused by this dis- not delving into the hidden literary mean. the anguish of the local press. gusting policy. It can no longer be ings, he is still capable of enjoying the piece. Academic Council and FAB are tolerated. Briefing One of the most discouraging factors groups which do not their outspoken liberal atti- 'Vacuum-Packed quasi-public ith in this method of self-expression is the admit the press to their meetings. This tudes toward free speech. it is illogical Ilv CABI KOEGLE apparently haw such a great all ar I frustraf encountered w hen you have antique press restrict' is a mockery that many SJS administrators and program that the pro-football clubs are s ttttt editing re-ally vital to say and nowhere Well, Thanksgiving is over and it is of free speech and free access to news faculty allow this intolerable situation interested in of our best BASKET- to say it. Sure, it's happened to you too. get hack to work. For some- this time to BALL players; as a possible future draft and information. Many interested citi- to exist. Free speech necessarily in- I ugh!) homework and study. For NO VACANCY means choice. I'm writing about none other than zens are beginning to severely question volves freedont of information as much of us sho have long since given That sudden wave of inspiration sweep. those S. T. Saffold. the w istliont of sueli barriers. as it does the right to demonstrate tip all hope il just means back to the ing through your mind. You unconsciously And, for those who shock easily, Just last week. Prof. Walter Wil- or criticize. It is time for some stub- old grind. reach for a pencil (they work the best on a quote overheard during the recent But take heart only 22 more Dailies roost surfaces), and lo, there isn't any cox. chairman of the UCLA Journal- born professors to realize this. Berkeley Protest March sponsored by the to go and then finals. room for your magnificent idea. Naturally ism Department, strongly urged the There can be no justification for Viet Natn Day Committee. "This otta before you can transcribe your feelings Other trivia for the vacuum between tiniv ersity's Academic Senate to open the current shield of mysticism and the people off!" It was an Emeryville to paper, the mood has It-ft you, if not the holiday just past and the one soon its meetings to the press. At present, secrecy which callously surrounds FAB police officer speaking these words to the idea altogether. to come: Berkeley is the only 'LC. campus and Academic Council. Authorized re- live by. There can he but one solution to this A Recall Hendricks movement by A former Spartan Daily reporter of where faculty meetings are open to porters, accredited by Academic Coun- intolerable situation. This solid' must students who wish to remain anonynunes earlier this semester the left the ole paper be expedittil. The installation of black- the press. cil antl FAB themselves, must be al- during the early stages of the campaign to join the Navy a few weeks ago) wins boards, complete with chalk, in all bath-

Although formal decisions of the lowed access to regular meetings. The for reasons of their own. sixth place in a national writing contest rooms will solve this problem. Just think SJS Academic Council and FAB are public's right to news and information A shocking bit of information for for his excellent coverage of the non- of it! Everyone can write to their hearts' publicly' relea-cil. the actual delibera- cannot be comprotnised. anv one who knocks SJS football -- we draft card burning SJS. delight. Can we afford to stifle the creative genius of a young Steinbeck, or Faulkner, Thrust and Parry or even Henry Miller? If we all get to- gether. we can surmount pressure and op- position anti get these blackboartls. So Writers Discuss Red China Entry, SJS Traditions do it. Nations, seriously lacking in understanding disorganization. More would have been gained Praise 'Keep Red China Out; and judgment. by having a private meeting, but that does Toad Hall Men First of all, I agree with the assumption not concern us now. SJS in Retrospect Join Economic Boycott' that "Red China's massive population will In spite of its drawbacks, I laud that Marching Band's Show 15 YEARS AGO soon be recognized by the U.N." However, spectacle as a "reasonable" action. It was an Editor: The Korean War was predominant in the Editor: how the entry of its government is to be attempt to settle differences by discussion Spartan Daily as the major part of the front tr Communists are ardent believers in peace. regarded is quite a different matter. instead of by violence. Even though it may The men of Toad Hall take this opportuni- page was devoted to student, faculty views They live for peace, and they are willing to Based on statements made in September have failed, it was a step in the right direction. ty to acknowledge our thanks to the members and opinions as well as other information tit (lie for peace. But when an examination is by Red China's foreign minister. Chen Li, and staff of the SJS Marching Band. The about the war that affected the college stu- My feelings about the New Student can 1965 season was, as is their custom, a splendid made on their definition of peace, the truth it is very safe for me to assert that Red When I read dent. be simplified to the following. success. Some of us can recall the thin yellow come; clear. Their stipulation for peace is China's entry into the U.N., based on her the New Student I am forced to think. I read Many professors oriented their lectures to g a one-world socialistic totalitarian form of preconditions, would lead to the immediate lines of past Spartan bands and our pride in subjects related to Korea, the United Ntt- about trite issues and biased opinions, to be the recent bands cannot be compared. government and only until the proletariat destruction of the U.N. as a world body sure. Who has made the is.sue of freedom of tions, and the local draft board. 10 has triumphed over the bourgeoisie can there seeking peace. We suggest that the band be given an speech trite? What are the causes of the annual income that will assure its continued 10 YEARS AGO be peace. Chen's preconditions are categorical. First, rejection and dissatisfaction which underlie gmwth. Moreover, we suggest that the funds Thirty-two SJS students were named to The governments in Russia and China the U.N. must expel Taiwan. Second, quoting these biased opinions, and which reflect a t(xlay are called communistic. Their economic Chen: The U.N. must "undergo a thorough be generous enough to express the gratitude the 1965 listing of Who's Who in American more general attitude felt among today's of a great institution. Colleges and Universities according to the sstems are alike. They both strive to break reorganization and reform." Among other youth? U.N. must rescind its resolution SJS will be sending its football team to National Who's Who committee in Alabama. p tip the family. In fact, one has to look hard things, the answer these questions. However, condemning Red China and North Korea in I cannot Eugene and Tempe. Why not the band? 4, in order to see the domestic differences be- until someone does, it would do us good to 5 YEARS AGO the 1950's conflict and adopt a resolution Surety, a great insiitution afford to beat tween the USSR and Red China. listen to the voice that asks them. The 1960-61 SJS Basketball season opened r But what about their foreign policies? condemning the U.S. as the agressor of the its own drums! Robert E. Serrano, against Fresno State on a winning note as Certainly Russia it; not as warlike as China? Korean War. RIDgCr Lette rookie coach Stu Inman, former SJS scoring , So at last we have found a difference. But Finally pursuant to Red Chinese member- A821 Gary Kleeman, At7883 Rich Menken, A2584 star, optimistically looked forward to the , why? Why is China more aggressive than ship, the U.N. Charter must be revised, where- new season. Russia? Russia, in 50 years, has built herself upon "all imperialist puppets should be ex- and 4 other Men of Toad Hali up to a world power. She has built vast pelled." Thus all members could be subject 'Faculty Investigations industrial complexes. And this is the reason to expulsion, the definition of "imperialist Queen's Family Thanks why Russia does not start a war. She has puppets" being left to Peking. Hamper Commitment' political observer, these too much to lose. To any reasonable SAN JOSE STATE COILLECE By 1952, Red China had liquidated 14 to conditions are outrageous, and they certainly Editor: Homecoming Workers people for political reasons, Is this indicate that the U.S. position can hardly be Second class postage paid at San JAM. California. 20 million Few people understand the real nature Editor: the type of country we want in the United termed "dangerously unrealistic." Red China's of a scholar's commitment to his calling. Member California Nowspopor Publishors Association May we extend our praise to members of and Audit Bureau of Nations? population must be represented in the U.N., Circulations. Published daily by A scholar is dedicated to discovery and to the Spartan Daily, the Homecoming Commit- students of San Jose State College. except &Our- . First of all, I urge that Red China be but not at the cost of the destruction of that truth in his field as profoundly as a minister tee, the TV broadcasting staff for the mar- day and Sunday, during college year. Subscription kept out of the United Nations. Secondly, I body. eccepted only on a remainder-of-semester basis. Full is dedicated to God, an artist to his art, and velously outstanding work done by all of you urge the United States to start a complete Pitcher a lover to his mistress. academic year, $9; each semester, $4.50. Off-oompus steve for the most impressive and memorable Home- price economic boycott of all communist countries, pstr copy. 10 cents. Phone 294-6414Editorial w ADM The scholar's sole enemy is the direct or coming we have ever been privileged to attend. Ext. 2383, 2384, 2385, 2316. Advertising GO. 2081. important, to put pressure on coun- and more veiled threat to his freedom and his integrityi The success could never have been achieved 2082, 2083, 2084. Press of Globe Printing Co. Office A. sueh as Britain and Canaria to get them hours I:45-4:20 p.m. Monday through Ricky. tries consequently he welcomes investigations ema- without a lot of hard, dedicated work and to stop trading with countries such as Red Lette Clarifies Stand nating from within his profession as necessary Editor SCOTT MOORE cooperation of all members, including, nf Advertising Marlow ___.-- BOP SCHERNER; China. self-disciplinary measures. However, he inter- course, your worthy faculty advisers, band, Day Editor RICH THAW Paul RP1111Prli, A701114 On Publication, Debate prets externally based investigations as un- etc. News Editor CARY KOEGLE professional and harrassing. Associate Editor ...... _ CAROL CARD, President, Students Against C As the queen's parents and brother, WC Editor: If the people of California wish to impmve Copy Editor TOM MEAD tt were extended innumerable courtesies and Sports Editor JEFF STOCKTON A probable cause of misunderstanding be- our educational facilities, then -- in the spirit considerations we were certainly not expect- Campus Life Editor SUSAN KANG 'Realistic Policy Fights tween myself and the Daily's readers is that of free enterprise they should pmvide con- ing, but which Fine Arts Editor ..... _ SUZAN CRAWSHAW made our visit that Saturday a BETTINI the Daily misprinted my letter of Nov. 19. ditions that will attract authentic scholars. delight. Wire Editor STEVE Good education will follow immediately and Assistant Editor CHRIS RICHERT HanoPs Preconditions' The letter began, "Those who see Friday's We join with Betty Lou in hoping you all 9ublic Relations .... DAVE SHEPARD spectacle MERELY 18 'emotional grandstand- automatically. had as wonderful and satisfying experiences Business Manager ...... ____ JOHN MacEACHERN Editor: ing' and as a 'circus' are blinded . ." Present investigations, however, wen in- did. She knows she National Advertising Winos.", ___ DON TODOROFF as she only represented RICHARD LOW As much as agree with most of Scott I hope to make it clear that I do criticize tentioned, wilt have unfortunately the pre- your efforts and repeatedly expressed the hope Classified Manager . cisely opposite effect. Classified Promotion Manager . JOE MORIARTY Moore's editorials concerning domestic issues, that spectacle as being a circus and as grand- that she would always make your proud. Credit Manager FRANK HIRSCH I find his comprehension of foreign questions, standing. I expected Ittle else, considering the Dr. Peter Koestenhaum Mr. and Mr... Arthus R. Mathes Promotion Manager _____ TERRY PETERSON Red China's entry into the United people involved. I do criticize Meltzer for its Professor of psychology come Mathes Production Manager SUE VAN BUSKIRK espmially Contest Mallow ...... ANDY DEGRASSI re


DPARTAN DAILY-3 . T. Deininger !Wednesday, Dec. 1, 1965 Is Teaching Interviews Cultural Dr. Loomba To Review o Discuss 'Guilt' ioDAY terey (Monterey County). Elemen- Berkeley Unified School District tary teachers needed. Interviews Interview Sign-up Dr. Whitaker T. Deininger, pro- Berkeley (Alameda County) Li Depleted Society' Today TI'ESDAY Dr. Robert H. Wilson, a-ssociate to" essor of philosophy, will lecture brarians needed. Hayward Unified School Disfriet. protesaorof sociology, announced tit "Some Remarks About Guilt" Scheduled Dr. Rajinder Pal Loomba, asso- ferLse oriented industries. TOMORROW Ilityward Alameda County/. that all social science teaching oday at 3:30 in Cafeteria A and B. The study program was financed Greater AnchorageArea Boroug mentary and High School Teachers Interviews will be held today ciate professor of electrical engi- majors graduating this semester Sponsored by the United Ciun- by a $43,000 grant from the Office v much School District, Anchorage, Alaska needed. at 2:30 p.m. in the College Union neering, will review "Our Depleted should sign up for teacher-selection )us Christian Fellowship Social of Manp(uver Automation and nto the Elementary and High Schou to select a chairman and interviews today through Dec. 6 tenon and Forums Committee, WEDNESDAY several Society" by Seymour Melman to- Training in the U.S. Department It aoloroo Teachers needed. members for the ASB Cultural in CH137. Interviews will be given tr. Deininger will concentrate on Palmdale School District, Palm- day at the Book Talk. of Labor. Festival Conunittee. on a first-come-first -served basis. orm ol he problem of guilt as it is dealt MONDAY dale Los Angeles County). Ele- The Book Talk, open to mem- Sign up sheets will be available ur thalo vith in the literature of philoso- Monterey Publi. Sehoolls, Mon mentary teachers needed. bers of the college community dly, religion and psychology. in the College Union until the made to without charge, is held in Spar- He recently returned from a Till RSDAY interviews start. Applicants should tan cafeteria rooms A and B at who en- RENT A abbatical year in England where Los Angeles City School District sign up as soon as possible. 12:30 p.m. inselve- 1Los Angeles County). Elementary The Cultural Festival Commit- le studied British philosophy. Accused Slayer Dr. Loomba, a native of Jag- and High School Teachers needed. tee promotes cultural and aca- without raon, India, attended Dayanand TYPEWRITER Oakland Public Schools, Oakland demic aspects of the student's de- Malhuradass College and the In- County). Elementary velopment. Pleads Not Guilty I Alameda dian Institute of Technology where nature teachers needed. The Academic Fairness Com- Special Student Rates A plea of not guilty by reason he received his M.S. he entl- ' Open Tonight mittee will select six members by FRIDAY He also earned a Ph.D. OF "Smile, of insanity has been given by interviews held this afternoon at from the South Bay Union Elementary University of Utah and an Clarence McDowell, 21, to 2:30 in the College Union. M.A. ms have School District, Imperial Beach from Stanford University. Rent To Own Until 9 p.m. charge of slaying a retired S The committee hears cases pre- toward" ISan Diego County). Elementary Before joining the teaching staff sented by students who feel theY ing, not Jose nurse in a laundromat neat teachers needed. at SJS in 1962 Dr. Loomba was have received an unjust grade. diMreiteeiVir u point, SJS on San Carlos Street Sept. 23 affiliated with the Laboratory for Electronics in B 0 oica Police said McDowell allegedly r Boston, Mass.; Jet BUSINESS MACHINES I's point f4et.. stole $2 fmm the late Miss Mildred!! 'uraft Discussion Deadline Set Propulsion Laboratory in Pasa- AND OFFICE EQUIPMENT STORE Pedrick, 62, who resided at 449 dena, and the University of Utah 170 South Second All occupational therapy majors in Salt Lake City. 16th in San Jose. DR. RAJINDER LOOMBA Phone 286-2610 must see their advisers between In May Dr. Loomba was ap- is the McDowell is also accused, ac- Scheduled Friday Dec. 6 and 17. Appointment sheets pointed director of a study of un- . . . book reviewer d clari- cording to police, of attacking anc Saturday, December 4 will be posted on advisers' office employment experiences of engi- robbing a University of Californi now the 2 BIG SHOWS doors. neers and scientists laid off by de- coed in a San Jose hotel garage he sym- 7 and 9:30 p.m. At Open Forum - on Sept. 19. LIVE ENTERTAINMENT cal mo- SAN JOSE McDowell's trial is set for Jan. "The Draft" is the topic For CIVIC AUDITORIUM 24. McDowell was indicted by Friday evening's Open End Forum 6 NIGHTS A WEEK we all?) grand jury two months sponsored by Tau Delta Phi, men's Fairness Committee county aR scholastic after the state produced 18 wit- honorary fraternity. r FEATURING: install The Forum, open to the public, caRoo nesses. RI . While will be held at 7:15 p.m. in the The Shadygrove Singers y mean- Faculty Dining Room of the Spar- Seeks Six Members Wed., Fri. and Sun. tan Cafeteria. The program will be ing the ASB Pres. John Hendricks has KSJS-FM Log broadcast live over KSJS. conunittee of one faculty member The Cal IV Thurs. and Sat. According to William B. Green- announced that interviews will be and one student which then re- factors KSJS-FM, 90.7 mc, today: held wood, Tau Delt moderator, the at 2:30 this afternoon in the ports to the committee as a whole, Jim Lewis and Trio Mon. is the 5:00 p.m.Campus tentative panel will include Major College Union to fill six student Dr. Jacobs said. Digest on hme 5:55 p.mLockheed Eugene Johnson, assistant profes- vacancies on the Academic Fair- In recomending action, students 6:00 p.m.--Spartan Spectrum ness Committee. have equal voice with faculty mem- 4c sor of military science; Dr. Conrad Open Daily at 4 p.m. nowhere 6:15 p.m.Show Biz 111111111111t fIRT Borovski, assistant professor of Hendricks scheduled the inter- bers of the committee. Dr. Jacobs you too. 6:30 panPoem.s from the Old committee recommenda- Entertainment Tickets: 55.50 4.50 3.50 foreign languages; Dr. Frederic A. views after receiving an open let- said the English Weed. professor of political sci- ter from Dr. James F. Jacobs, tion carires a great deal of weight. starts at 9 p.m. e San Jose Bo, Office 7:00 p.m.--Portrait in Jazz He cited only one case "where sweep- 40 W. San Carlos St. ence; Dr. Bruce Ogilvie, professor professor of English and corrunittee 295-0888 8:00 p.m.Centuries of the of psychology:, and Richard Ep- vice chairman, in which he said the faculty member flatly re- 218 WILLOW ST. sciousl Also Spartan Music Classics stein, graduate student and presi- the group would be dissolved if fused" to go along with the rec- CY 4-4009 best ort dent of Student Peace Union. the vacancies are not filled by omendation. n't any Aspects of the draft ranging Sunday. In a memo sent to all faculty iaturally fiem historical background, oppo- Jacobs said the 12-person stu- at the beginning of the semester, sition to mandatory government f eelings dent-faculty committee which Dr. Jacobs, then committee chair- service, psychological motives be- hears complaints about alleged man, said complaints often arise , if not CAMPUS INTERVIEWS TODAY hind draft protests, and alterna- unfair clasroom practices has because many instructors fail to Electronics and Physics graduates tives to combat service will be dis- been operating this semester with provide their classes with a "de- a to this cussed inforrnally by panelists and six members, all of them faculty. tailed, clearly-worded syllabus or members of the audience. on must with B.S. or M.S. degrees "Either comes prospectus, often called a green Free coffee will be served. he (Hendricks) of black- up with six students, or the com- sheet." 1 all bath- mittee folds up," Dr. Jacobs said. In interviewing students for the Committee, Pres. Hen- 4® os' think Excellent career opportunities in circuit and Hendricks said interviews for Fairness Pasternak Called five student members of the com- dricks said he is looking for indi- hearts' design and development; systems mittee were scheduled Nov. 15, viduals with the ability to look component but "no one signed up." objectively at cases without pre- 'Internal Emigre' CHRISTMAS GIFT creative design and engineering marketing. Contact the The difictdty arose, Hendricks judging them. aulkner, MOSCOW (UPI) Nobel Prize noted, because the Fairness Com- THAT REIGNS FOREVER winner Mikhail Sholokhov today get to- Placement Office. mittee "didn't know all the facts." attacked Nobel Prize winner Boris The committee hears complaints xer.` and op- IRC Special Set Select from a regal collection of Pasternak as an "internal emigre" from students regarding alleged The SJS International Relations Ms. So who had left Russia in spirit if unfair clasroom practices and then bridal ensembles ... designed for Club (IRC) will present a special not in body. recommends action. The original General program on Red China tonight at "her royal highness". He said he, Sholokhov, was "the complaint is heard by a sub- only true Russian" to have won 7 in CH149, according to Steve Micro-electronics the award for literature. Pitcher, IRC president. Sholokhov, peppery, crusty and Dr. Benjamin H. Hazard, assist- LVAN Santa Clara C.7g: Adviser To Speak ect pulling no punches, arrived in Mos- ant professor of history, at SJS. ewe L eri foreign awl An [gull Opr,Lnity Err pl)or cow from his home in a small Miss Wilma Rutledge, consultant will speak on Red China's W.2 JUNG . village in the Cossack country of to the World Health Organization, policy. ------t in the southern Russia to face a news will discuss her work at tomor- A film. "China Under Commu he front conference of Soviet and foreign mw night's meeting of Sigma The- nism," will he shown. ty views U SEE THE OUTSTANDING ROOK BUYS journalists. ta Tau, National Honorary Nurs- The free program is open to the inflation 61 San Jose Book Shop Has for This Week The writer. wearing a dark blue ing Society. at 7.30 in HEl. public. lege stu- a THE GOLDEN PICTURE BOOK OF THE NATURAL SCIENCE OF STUPIDITY KNOWLEDGE. From home to outer in oreed, doubt, red tape, medical quack - turtleneck sweater, mowed down A Space. More than IMO vivid full color ery. etc. All explained with bold wit. pictures. (SS) Now $1.99 Pasternak. controversial wri te r ctuees to g UM 3430) PROFITAILE POKER. Valuable hints on TREASURY OF ANGLING. Hundreds of Alexander Solzhenitsin, "modern ited Na- how to win. 32.50) $1.49 full color photos plus thousands of tics. BROTHERHOOD of this ROSY CROSS bv 316.95/ Now $6.95 writing" in the Soviet Union, and Waite. Explains the mystery of ANIMAL BEHAVIOR. courtship, Arthur Fighting, conference as well. a Rosicrucianism in an easyilo-unde,l,,,I feeding. etc. Plus IP full page photos. the news ''''''..r. 310) $1.95 IPSO/ $1.49 Good Housekeeping HOME ENTERTAIN- BIRDS OF THE WORLD-300 pentings in SCREEN SCENES amed to MINT. Fun for the whole family. III. full color by Singer. plus Special text. American ($4.95) PIS 316.95) $9.95 HORSES, HORSES, HORSES, over XO HOMES of the AMERICAN PRESIDENTS. Riffel To Speak to thv PhotOs in full color. 11%x111/4. (17.50) Over 300 photos in full color. 83/4x11,1,. SARATOGA STUDIO ato isi4.95) $6.95 Alabama. Jon B. Riffel, western district 14502 Big Basin Way 867.30'26 396 South First 293-6778 HUNDREDS MORE TO SELECT PROM chairman of the Public Relations Fiction, Travel, Biography, Children's Books. Religion, Music, Arf, etc. Get these THE TRAIN CINCI \NATI KID new books et Bergen Prices Now at San Jose Book Shop. Coma Early for a Good Society of America, will be the opened Choice. featured speaker at the first Pi VHATS NE:W PUSSYCAT? ANY NUMBER CAN WIN note as IP YOU WANT A SOOK, ANY BOOK Alpha Nu dinner tonight at 6:45 Student Discount us about itchances are we can give you immediate information as to price, scoring Ask in Spartan Cafeteria. , enact title and availability. If we don't have it, we can get it for you promptly. G A Y to the Pi Alpha Nu is the undergrad- ODE TO MOVIE 100 Smith First 294.5544 Open 'HI Best Sellers uate public relations society at PT. V public handsome happy stud. 9:00 p.m. Reprints SJS. Persons interested in OF EIGHT GIRLS Oh. you S'TORY I can tell you ain't no crud! Thursday for Less relatons and related fields ICOV above par: thmughout the Bay Area have Al .kNON I ran tell lou're 10u are inareI a ramie star. 119 E. San Fernando between 3rd arid 4fh Sfs. 295.5513 been invited to attend. CINEMA California, 1433 The Al '?.9i-3060 652 S. Base 295,2238 Association Drive-in and Dining Room Service d daily by apt Sets, ',BRILLIANT. HILARIOUS!' ubscription N Y Journei Ainer.csn basis. Full 'wait JOSEPH E.LEVINE Dff-carnput ip"orfri Editorial . PriCO S Ed. 2081, Girl talk Boy talk. Co. Office MASTROIANNI Jay. All talk goes better refreshed. T MOORE Lis! CHERNER *sick 1ACOS Coca-Cola with a lively lift :H THAW KOEGLE and never too sweet refreshes best. OL CARD how lo CaSlin011a )M MEAD , For a quick pick-up after class, try a: TOCKTON getit kN KANG TACO AWSHAW E BETTINI bfientie; RICHERT ENCHILADA SHEPARD NIAIRSIMA, EACHEPN With ODOROFF TOST ADA &RD LOW ressiwneeelecowsweitermiewoseue I AORIARTY HIRSCH Cow PETERSON ONLY 30c EACH RUA MIBMISr FtCTBN3SBmo ZOIOr . BUSKIRK A WOONNIHIN ElpTrOKIIIIDED FOR MILTS MITI DEGRASSI - Plus Phone Orders 297-8421 4th and St. James Plus Bult'ed under the authority 01 The CocaiCola Company hi, LI. I I %I lk %Pik' kwkiEs URIC WItil 'I'll E FA'Enti COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPANY Of SAN 10SL. SAN 10SL, CAUFORNIA ,iillie ".11.1W

4-SPARTAN DAILY Wednesday, Dee. 1, 1965 Annual 2-Day Retreat SJS Circle K Club To Give Students Free Copies of U.S. Bill of Rights Greeks Head for Asilomar Members of the Circle K Club, through Wednes(!..s, The Approximate') 1u5 students ()I Mat adiilittedly pres- commit lee SJS service organization, %sill be project is being held in connec- are Itody Holden. Jeff the SJS Greek system and 25 ent within each house Barbiko. passing out 5,000 free copies of tion with a district -wide pro- and be- Bob Huber, Claudia faculty members Sat- tween houses "he arrested and Hughes, the Bill of Rights starting today gram to pmmote the awareness will meet Andy Lerios, Ca rol corrected." Crawford. on campus and continuing of America anti its freedoms. urday and Sunday for the an- Bob Nordeman, Terry nual Greek Retreat at Asilomar that social functions be held -Marten. and Wendy Brownton. - An enumeration of the first in Carmel in various living centers with Ten Amendinents to the U.S. Participants. Including Pres. the consent of individual house- WHY NOT ... Constitution, which became ef- and Mrs. Robert D. Clark, will mothers. ArTTENTION STUDENTS Dec. 15, 1791, is printed r consider e!.I. o .'n ' ' r. T fective discuss major ISSUPS about the that programs be formulat- WE HAVE A LOW RENTAL PLAN for a rather De:.., . ,. ,h , white parchment paper in a ... in ed to establish a more positive ON NEW AND USED TYPEWRITERS. present Greek program at SJS. Christmas, et gift ol contact red. white and blue color scheme. lenses? At San Joie Optical SENSE OF IDENTITY and balanced Greek image to HUNDREDS TO CHOOSE FROM. Co. we cffet special discoalt Circle K will hold an open Among the topics to he pre- meet the problems of an effec- J05e State terms to all Sin meeting for all interested stu- sented is the planning of a pro- tive rush program. students,, we give the dents Tuesday, Dec. 7, 1:30 p.m., 1:nes! elpert care in benching gram to acquaint pledges with that Greek organizations in HEL when Dr. Robert Mc- iia VC`, OCI'll needs. the goals of the Greek system, a consider the role of the college Nair, SJS assistant professor of *WM 11146111910111011411 SAN JOSE OPTICAL CO. proposal that stemmed from the union in the Greek system and *10100414.40011 sociology, will speak about the the relationship of the two 44 414/te11011111011011111011 feeling of many members that 0141116.041001111114 Bill of Rights and its signifi- pledges "do not have a sense of groups. to American citizens. cance identity with the Greek system," STUDENT LEADERS thus "inhibiting growth of the Group leaders for this year's system." Retreat are Sammy Zwanzig, MODERN Another area nf discussion will Underwood, Carol Hales, Debi OFFICE MACHINES 74,19:41 cpecial concern the lack of strong lead- Laurie Vann, Pat Abrams, Clark ership in some fraternities and Heinrich, Jack Ferguson and 124 E. San Fernando Sf. sororities. It has been recom- Frank Maguire. Between 3rd & 4th Sts. mended that "each have Members of the Greek Retreat a house retreat once a semester SPAGHETTI and that each house have a con- AIM ' I All you can eat for trolling board to be in charge of the conduct of the house." A Drama PROPOSALS Department Production Other proposals are: the for- '1.00 mation of an action committee to see that resolutions from the g- 38 S. 3r11 St. Fret. parking at Al., Farr- -Photo by Paul Seq.e.ra annual Greek Rereats are put THE pr3BuK LOST AND FOUND SAFARI - "Yes, we have no bananas," into effect. but the SFartan Spears say that they have umbrellas, sweaters, that effectiveness and value cteak *we be re-evalu- A Love Story of Demonic Possession sunglasses, dolls, slide rules and other lost and found articles of Greek activities ated. 72 E. Santa Clara Street which will go on sale in front of the Spartan Bookstore today and tomorrow, 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Recognize any of your personal Runs Dec. 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10 and 11 items modeled by Spears Maria Mana (left) and Sharon Spangler? Theatre Curtain 8:15 p.m. Better claim them now or the items will be sold. College i BEAU TIES I SJSC Students 75c General $1.50 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1965 Box Office Open 1-5 p.m. Tel. 294-6414 Spartan Spears Sponsor MARRIAGE (Special Sunday Matinee - Dec. 5, 4:15 p.m.) Linda Ellen Carlsen, senior home economics major from 11111111111111111111111111MM 1111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111M 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Hunt Foods he. Lost and Found Sale Millbrae, was married Saturday, and hultr,tries. Nov. 13, to Paul Ernest Trem- Oho \1. ti...0 a.m. to .;,30 p.m. today blay, a United Air Lines em- FLIGHTS Representatives will be at ahout campus vvithout his boots, and tomorrow in front of the ployee from Portland, Ore. CHRISTMAS while another student may be Spartan Bookstore. ENGAGEMENTS TO CHICAGO 8 NEW YORK, Depart Dec. 17 - Return Jan. 2 San Jose State College stranded in San Jose indefinitely The student body and mem- Carolyn Claus, senior journal- New York Round Trip $175 because of a lost bus ticket, bers of the faculty are invited ism and social science major, to interview male graduates in and still another student is ex- by the service organization to from Haysvard Theta Sigma Phi Chicago Round Trip $140 hibiting a beard because he can't participate in the fund raising member and former Spartan (All Fares Inclik_ie Ta,,) Bus. Admin., Lib. Arts, Economics and Mktg. find his shaving kit. project. Daily society editor, found ro- For Reservations & information Call These items And numerous PRICE RANGE mance in the news room of the HE 1-7515 for Sales Management Trainee Positions other unclaimed articles from An estimated price has been Hayward Daily Review. Miss the lost and found office at the attached to each item received Claus has announced her en- CHARTER FLIGHTS (Make appointments at the Placement Center/ garage on Seventh Street. will from the last and found office. gagement to John Michael Wat- 1112 Market Street he sold hy the Spartan Spears Average prices are 50 cents for son, Daily Review sports writer San Francisco. California 94102 1 sunglasses and 75 cents for and 1957 graduate from College Please mail me full information on flight to: glass cases. Prescription glasses of San Mateo. Couple plan a late will be set aside to be claimed summer wedding. Arlene Kay Gulliford, 1963 1...z&..x-uscne-mxunrim by the owner. NAME RADIO ELECTRONICS ASSOCIATE STORE ! Items are kept at the lost SJS graduate and resident of . ,N k 1-1 ;;,,i.,11,-,{1 and found office for one se- Lincoln, Calif. presently teach- ADDRESS CITY -1 ik kl.. -t \ \ 1111 245-7520 mester, during which time the ing at Lone Hill School, has ovvner may claim lost articles become engaged to Kenneth by identifying the item and Allan, senior journalism major unnimunniiiimuumuumumuffinnuomomumitunoliminuomminuommoniffinimininno Spar- giving his name and student from Fullerton and former tan Daily sports writer. A late 3 body card number. Advertisement) spring wedding has been set. (Paid Relig ous IF IT RAINS . . . LOUIRe Camozzl. senior busi- Students in need of umbrellas ness and industrial management or other rain garb to withstand major from San Francisco, has Counterfeit Christians the weather of the winter announced her betrothal to Mike months may find it beneficial Larro, graduate business student 3 All that glitters is not gold, all that sounds good is not the truth. No prankish imp with horns and long tail, the to attend the sale. Many coats, from Bakersfield. The couple 5 sweaters, and hats are to be have set Jan. 30 for their mar- god of this world is a master of deceit and an angel of sold. riage. light. Jesus Christ called the devil "the father of lies" Other sale items include a PINNINGS and "a murderer from the beginning." (John 8:44) The LAFAYETTE RK-137A typewriter, slide rules, books, Ginger Armstrong, former SJS arch fiend of history counterfeits truth and duplicates doc- and a bicycle. A billy club, student from Palo Alto, accepted trine, with cunning skill enslaving men's minds today as he a CHECK 'MESE jewelry. and make-up kit are the fraternity pin of BIB Duzet. always has. DELUXE FEATURES 4 track mono -tape recorder a few of the more unique items senior aeronautics major from The strongest words of warning found anywhere in 1. Tape Reels-Tokes up to 7" Size to be offered for sale. San Jose, at the Lambda Chi 2. Heads-Separate Record/Ploy 8 Erase Holy Scripture are directed towards counterfeit Christians 3. Storage Compartment-For Mike, Patch Alpha fall formal dance last and false teachers, who say they're sound, but aren't. Cords BANGLE BRACELETS month. Jesus Christ said, "Beware of false prophets, who come to 4. Lever Tape Motion Control How many bangle bracelets Vicki May, junior journalism you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. 5. Full Tone 614" Speaker go on one arm? It depends on major and member of Chi Ome- 6. Record Level Meter You will know them by their fruits" (Matthew 6:15) And $98.45 how much extra weight you like ga sorority, announces her pin- 7. Safety Interlock Record Button li- to Peter, the Apostle, writes, . . . many will follow their 8. Record Control carry. The newest fashion is ning to Mark Anderson, a jun- be to put as centiousness, and because of them the way of truth will 9. Pause Control many as possible on ior la w enforcement student they will exploit you with false 10. Volume Control one arm. New ones are reviled. And in their greed made of from San Jose am! member of words; from of old their condemnation has not been idle, 11. Electronic Track Selector Switch chunky, mix or match beads. Pi Kappa Alpha. 12. Variable Tone Control and their destruction has no+ been asleep . . . these are 13. Stereo Output Jack waterless springs and mists driven by a storm: for them 14. Ex t I Speaker Jock forever 15. Monitor, Microphone 8 Radio Inputs the nether gloom of darkness has been reserved 6 REASONS TO . . . they promise freedom but are themselves slaves of corruption; for whatever overcomes a man, to that he is FLY HOME ON PSA enslaved." (2 Peter 2) Christ's servant, Jude, calls false COMPLUS teachers, "ungodly persons who pervert the grace of our ith MICRUPNOW SHIELDED PAIrCII CORDS God into licentiousness and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ." (Jude 4) To set the record straight, a Christian is someone who has met Jesus Christ personally and received Him as Lord. LAFAYETTE RK-142 MoMs Inv 2s money 3 A gill Scholarly, learned, theological Nicodemus was told by Jesus Christ, "Unless a man is born again (born spiritually, regenerated), he cannot see the kingdom of God." (John 2 track mono -tape recorder 3) Counterfeit Christians are a dime a dozen, and false teachers flood the market. But why buy goods that never fit and swallow patent medicine that can not cure. God is available today. He is neither dead 4 Money 5. Clean shirts 6 Money nor remote. You may go to Him directly, non-stop, in faith and prayer to $11.4 3 to Los Angeles $17.78 to San Diego find out for yourself. You ought not even to take our word $65.95 SPECIFICATIONS-- ',ins speed: 7.5 and 3.75 4is in two Super Electra Jets for it, it's your life that matters most. "He who believes speeds. S/N tatic, - 42 db or better at 7.5 it's tape in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, has the testimony within speed. Rewind time: 3 min. for 7 reel. Fast Take-up Tare: Why wait? Now you can go home anytime you feel 3 min. for 7" reel. Response: Record-playbark response himself . . . and this is the testimony, that God gave us esseetially flat w;th toe at maw. treble. WowFlutter: hungry, lonesome, dirty or broke. Lowest air fares. eternal life and this life is in his Son. He who has the Son 0.2% or ower at 7.5 ips: 0.3% at 3.75 ips. Power Output: Most flights daily. Best on time record. Now - has life, he who has nc+ the Son of God has no+ life." (I 2 watts. 727 Fan Jets $13.50 to Los Angeles. $19.85 to John 5:10-12) ALSO SONY STEREO TAPE RECORDERS San Diego. VT CARRY A FULL LINE OF WALKIE-TALKIES ASA. PACIFIC SCRIIHWEST AIRIINFS SAN FRANCISCO 761.0818 r OAKLAND, 835 25;') Contemporary Z.:nrisiians LOS ANGELES /776,0125 on Campus HOLLYWOOD BURBANK '787.4750, 246-8437 Box 11791 Palo Alto SAN DIEGO 298-4611 0 OR YOUR TRAVEL AGENT _31111111111111i11111111111111111111111011111111111MMIIII MI M 11111111111111111M11111111191111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 , IiT1ItT4N T1111 1.1:'--il Interstice Tomorrow Night, Men's Gym ISN ZIA 1 lil%11%1% 'We Five' To Perform at SJS I ini Srl. Editor n. Jeff S’IOP in at Co-Rec tonight, Women's Gym. 7:30. "I Woke Up This Morning, Werber, now We k.'ive pro- 111111.te 110111 loss' tenor tO laudia 1.00I.: at the pEopi,K. You Were On My Mind" song ducer said, "I am continuously high tenor to high soprano. She 'arol LisTEN . . . and sound of the popular vocal amazed by their combined is lead singer. Terry Thi People is a recently formed group. Its brand of music could group, We Five. They will be in wealth of talent and total dedi- l'enor Pete Fullerton, from ovnton. he described as folk-rock. although the members don't like that term. the Men's Gynmaslum tomorrow cation to their art. I have spent Claremont, Calif., a graduate of Somotimes they solind like Sonny and Cher, sometimes ttte Beatles, at 8:15 p.m. many late hours working with San Antonio College, plays sometiMeS the Stones, but they ahvays sound good. They are People. The second co nce r t in the them in the studio and have acoustic bass and fender bass. ITS Enelt member i.f the group had ample experience before becoming Washington Square Series, We never been so creatively stimu- Six-string acoustical guitar is PLAN a 1,p*, . Thai was in the deep, dark, before-Beatles past. Five is replacing Dick Gregory. lated by anyone's recording ef- played by Jerry Burgan, a tenor UTERS. "V'e ::1 1-1 the beginnings of the English invasion and klentified who was forced to cancel his forts before." from Kansas City. 'Ragan at- FROM. wit:t .,e,:l,ing," they agreed. "The meitely and words are more scheduled performance because We Five, of course, is com- tended the University of San tl.y; ii." of a television appearance in posed of five members. Mike Fra nt,-,... 17414;,: London the same evening. Stewart, brother of Kingston PEOPLE OF THE PEOPLE Tickets to the We Five con- Trio member John, Ls from RiA - Wlai a v the people of the People? There are five. Geoffrey cert are $1.50 for students and erside, Calif. A graduate of Uni- SPECIAL NOTICE las in Chaucer) Levin, plays lead guitar and hartnonica. Since faculty and $2.50 for general versity of San Francisco, Stew- taking kip gudar four years ago, he has played jazz, blue grass, admission. They are available at art is the group leader and ar- TO ALL classical. blues and rock 'n roll. A psychology major and music Student Affairs Business Office ranger. Ile plays 5-string banjo, SKETCHES 1920-1962 minor, Geoff teaches guitar at Moyer Music House. and will be sold at the dour. 6-string acoustic guitar anti 9- SAN JOSE STATE ss: Mordecai Gorelik, visiting pro- Geoff. a veteran in the field, has played at the Tangent in Palo The group formed three years string amplified guitar. STUDENTS ' fessor of drama from Southern Alto. the Offdage, the Caballe and the Jabberwock in Berkeley ago, trying to break into the JAZZ-ORIENTED s’ Illinois University, stands near an and at the San Francisco Folk Festival. recording market with the folk B b Jones, from Honolulu. 1 0’0 discount with yo,,, Open Tonight exhibit of his work. The exhibit Dave Anderson, lead singer, plays rhythm guitar, 12-string and sound. Urged to search for their plays a jazz-oriented 6-string GE can be seen on the first floor, tam bou rine. own unique style by Frank electric guitar and a 12-string ',tucient body cards north wing of the library. During his freshman year at SJS he worked at the Offstage FoUc Werber. Kingston Trio manager. electric guitar. Jones, who at- 9 p.m. Music Theater. We Five did not make a record- tended the University of Sap t Until ing until last April. Francisco, sings baritone-tenor LEARNING FROM PROS 'THOUGHT AND SOUL' range. Ills instrumental techni- 111.1111:Fir Dybbuk Dave litid an opi,ortimity to meet and learn from many The different sound of We ques are featured throughout Jpene:4 tvatdry known performers, among them, Dave Crosby and Chris Heiman of Five, which can't be called the We Five reportoire. the Byrds, Barbara Dane, Casey Douglas and Jesse Fuller (San rhythm and blues, rock 'n roll or From Santa Ana, Calif. and a formerly advertisd a, Francisco Bay Bluest folk rock, has bee n named graduate of Orange Coast Jun- Spartan Cleaners Director 4 South Fourth St. feteME Rob Lek,in, Geoff's brother, plays bass. Ile has had two years "thought and soul." ior College, Bev Bivens has; a Z4. of professional experience playing guitar, bass and blue grass mandolin. Designs Set on lead guitar, AI Ribisi also plays organ, Trading off with Geoff Oral Interpretation Contest autiful electric 12-string and harmonica. With two years of experience, Al's \ 1,111111; liC0- musical influences are Tal Farlow and Jim McQuinn of the Byrds. oes _for lessor in theater is directing Drummer John Riolo sings high harmony. John has had two years "The Dybbuk" by Sholom Ansky of experience. Tryouts Start Tuesday to be presented hy the Drama Department Friday and Satur- FOLK AND ROCK Preliminaries lor the 1)orothy The winner of the contest will 0 receive a $50 awarti. Awards are day at 8:15 in the College Speaking about the sound which is popular today, the marriage of Kaucher Oral Interpretation Neater and to Ike repeated folk and rock, the People say, ''If it vveren't for the interest in Contest will be held Tuesday, taken from a fund whieh has Wednesday, DK% 7 through the English gioups, folk music would be dead in the United States 4:30 p.m. in Studio Theatre. been set up anonymously to Saturday, Dee. 11. today. England piekist up our folk and blues and threw it hack Speech anti Drama Building. honor Dorothy Kaucher who Hi-hesis - Mid-heel Tiekets are on sale at the at us." 13r. Dorothy Hadley, professor taught &tuna at SJS. s - Wedgies College Theater Box "The Beatles were trying to sound American but they mune out of drama. encourages all stu- Each year contributions are we're holding a of magoo's Office in ve your size the Speech and Drama Building. with their ONVII interpretation," says Geoff. '"I'hey are in the same dents to enter the oral reading made to the fund by students in ... for the propagction of pizza! AAAAA to B Admission for SJS students is music bag Americans were in three years ago. There was no Wild contest. "Everyone in the college the Drama Department who have songs from. They participation Br/2 to 12 PIZZA 75 cents. General admission is West or Deep South in England to take folk is eligible to try out," she said. received money for started adapting ours." or assistant.; in various pro- S12.00 to $1.50. Students wishing to compete CHAR BUP.GERS The People agree that just as the English sound has affected ductions. $30.00 Gorelik has designed the set must sign up in the Drama the American market. our influence has been felt in England. for "The Dybbuic." which deals Office SD102, by 2:30 p.m. Fri- "It was Bob Dylan and Joan Baez that turned the English kids on to \I \i tittij.w t1 with a bride possessed by a day. Students should state on Concert Pianist charge occounte folk music and protest songs. Listen to Donovan, the English Bob demon on her wedding night. the sign-up sheet the selection Pianist Eugene Istotnin will open thurs. 'tit 9 128 SO. 4i 286-2484 Dylan." Gorelik. well-known for his from which they will read at the perform irt Concert Hall at 8:15 OUT ORDERS TO TAKE set designs, is exhibing sketches, WHAT'S HAPPENING the preliminary. Preliminary p.m. Friday, Dec. 10. His ap- Invita- models and souvenirs from dra- "Much of what's happening in rock 'n roll today can be traced readings are to be three minutes pearance is part of the * *** *lc * * Sr * * ***** matic produetions he has been folk music. But the English groups have proved long, according to Dr. Hadley. tion to the Arts Series spon- to the influence of 30 L SAN ANTONIO CY2-31)16 involved with from 1920 to 1962. sored by the ASB Spartan Pro- WART STUDENTS that rock'n roll can be a pleasant and meaningful experience as Three judges will select six Dornsgroo Sam hos The exhibit may be seen on the finals, to be grams Committee. SAVE $ $ $ well as a vehicle for dancing," said Dave. contestants for the first floor Of the library, north "ThPOPUlar-grOLIPS taility are able to 'rock out' and at the same time held Tuesday, Dec. 14 in Studio wing. they are interesting vocally." Theatre. Finalists will present The display reflects a prolific The People are impressed with the manner in which complex seven minute readings. Hold your cool with Hamm's career in stage design. Gorelik a thoughts have found their way to popular music. They attribute "Final reading selections should graduate of Pratt Institute in this to topical writers, those writing lyrics with more meaning and be from the same selection as New York City, was originally "a more realistic view of life." contestants read in the prelimi- planning a career in illustration. Dr. Hadley. said Sweat nary," No BE HAPPY ****** - - 41 The People, who chose that name because they feel this says T-shirts & sweat shirts IBM lK it better than assorted animals, vegetables and bugs, want to make Special Discount XffillAS happy. their audiences FACULTY If you earned a "B" go in Geoff says, "When we play at dances and I look out and see STUDENTS the kids happy over the kind of music we play, I am happy. I like ALUMNI your SPRING SEMESTER you will ...YOU CAN'T MiSS, IN to smile out at them and have them smile back." lust preSent your staff or receive on EXTRA 20% discount OUR HUGE SELECTION] ASEI card 411k, or savings of $50-$150 on CAR Realizing the importance of original material, the People atr INSURANCE. working on some new songs. Dave, who Ls doing lyrics, said, "With Movie & c d.scount is offered only 97-Boolts the advent of Dylan, I realize the need to incorporate complex Cameras Stmplies TOWN & COUNTRY VILLAGE , thoughts into the lyrics and the appeal of the synopsis of everyday Projectors Equipment FARm Stevens Creek Winchester STATE INSURANCE io car and OPEN EVENINGS & SUNDAY life." developing printing on the melodies, is alert to new sounds, "The big 41 * San Jose's Big Bookstore Geoff, working rentals repairs PAUL J. SCOLA * thing now is suspended fourths and the organ-like sound of the 41 * 65.000 BOOKS - 75.000 cArtos OFFICE. 3784123 RES.: 266-01011 * eleil-ie 12-string guitar." 40114171i***** *************** Mayhe it's because the people are just that . . . people first, gm deo performers second, that they are SHOP so appealing. Whatever it is, CRNIERI\ they're good. Catch the People tonight at Co-Rec. See if you 245 South First don't agree. E- MAN SII Undergraduate Study (mE,in EUROPE

Liberal Arts & Social Sciences MEM ull integration in University of Freiburg. West Germany, for iumors with minimum B average, 2 years of college German fi(111[0]kilIM General COrfiCtila in Spanish on campus of University of Madridfor sophomores and juniors with at least a.eragt., 2 years of college Spanish (or one in college, 2 in high school) Get your order in for one or more of GUNNYARBliolfill these all-cotton pullovers. Sweat shirts Spring language program, plus liberal arts. social sciences available in either long or short sleeves. for students with B average or better: sophomores with 3 semesters, or juniors with 5 semesters, of college 3 designs to choose from: When Glenn Yarbrough sings, the room vi- French brates with pulsating excitement. This new FTO: StatusSymbols, P.O. Box 9304, St. Paul, Minn. 55177 7 Sweat shirts Sweat s irts album is a superb displayof his ability to sing E[Bli,11 IDesign T.Shets (short sleeve) (long sleeve) Spring semester at University of Vienna, for sophomores any LENN YARBROUGH XL XL kind of song and make it seem as if it end juniors with Cialus average or better, one semester A were composed just for him. It's a complete of college German evening's entertainment with twelve different 001 cloadlin*: Doe. 10, 1965 Please rush me__ _T-Shirt(s) 890 OW easel as numbers including the title song plus '' Ring for full check.' *Dogs) Information, write Please rush me _ Sweat Shirt(s) S1.99 Csn': of Bright Water," "An Island of the Mind," !,f.ttuteof European Studies I am enclosing check cash 0 money order "Down in the Jungle," "Sometimes," Name

"Never Let Her Go"and "Half a World Away!' Chicago, Illinois 60601 Address Sit back in the best seat in the house and I City State Zip treat yourself to a MS Theo Nelson Brewing Co olonts .n St Pool. mmn 11(1 VI( TOR Son tremens. los Angeles Houston really great show. fm, "..reloantemsound 11111111 8-51PARTAN nATLY Wednesday, nee 1, Ines Pros (all Five Gridders Spartan Gym Squad Professional Football Teams Draft Loaded With Sophs By ROD REED turning from last year's squad 'wavily on the performrulces of Daily Spurts Writer !coach Clair Jennett's Spartan i sophomores. S. T. Saffold, SJS Basketball Star With only ',oil will }tee to Returnees are Jeff Wolfe, Kat- By JEFF STOCKTON terminated ins football career un- did say, though, that lanh teams secondary this year was Dennis s.M.81M11111111111111111Ps o) Matis ,Ed Puceinelli and Tim 7t---- Carthy, all of whom compete Dolly Sports Editor til this spring because of his loyal- have contacted trim. Parker, who, although not drafted, at least three events. The big sports news on the ty to basketball at SJS. John Travis, who performed at is in contact with both leagues. He I.eading candidate from last campus this week has been the Fred Heron led the list of SJS defensive and offensive halfback is classified as a free agent. ,e's frosh squad is all-around draftnot the military draft but pigskinners who were drafted. He for the Spartans the past two ''I have not made any definite o Tony Coppola. Jennett feels professional football's as five SJS was picked in the third round by years before receiving an injury plans yet," Parker said. PUB griddem were drafted. the powerful Green Bay Packers to his shoulder several weeks ago, ,t Coppola has an excellent fu- Ray Lychak, who started every Cologne by Revlon ,. in tile sport. The big surprise at SJS was of the NFL. was the 18th choice of San Diego. game at tackle this year for the l'he shor t, stocky sophomore when the San Francisco 49ers of DEFENSIVE PLAYER Travis flew to San Diego yester- Spartan footballem, will f I y to ,. considerable varsity action the National Football League Heron said the Packers flew him day to negotiate with the Charg- Vancouver this weekend to talk MEN we have it! t season in meets wnere first- (NFL) and the San Diego Charg- to Los Angeles Sunday to watch ers. to the British Columbia Lions of ,r men were allowed to com- ers of the American Foot ba II the Ram-Packer contest. "I talked A key performer in the Spartan the Canadian Football League. WOMEN love it! ic. League (AFL) drafted the Spar- to Green Bay head coach Vince NEWCOMERS tans' star basketball player for Lombardi, who told me that they Newest Men s Fragrance With British Accent nher new faces on the varsity the last two years, S. T. Saffold might utilize me at defensive end Aingent are Steve Brazis, a on Saturday. or tackle, or offensive guard." CaPe%iO4: "66" onpoline and high bar perform- Saffold was also taken by sur- Anderson believes that "Heron IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT Ron Vogel. side horse, Pete prise, although he knew that a has a good chance to make it in horizontal and parallel couple of professional clubs were the pros." in him. He has not Mel Tom, a junior linebacker (Written your cards yet? We have them./ ,rs, and Bob Matkovich, side interested and rings. played football in college. for the Spartans, was drafted sev- with NCAA finalist Rich Chew, SPRING FOOTBALL enth by the Philadelphia Eagles ,tandout in every event, having The 6-4, 203-pounder will com- of the NFL, He is a future choice IZWZaeP-01140 oitiated. the Spartan gymnasts pete for Spartan basketball team and Tom stilted that he will "play mACir ,e an uphill battle in their ef- this year and plans on participat- at SJS for sure next year." $11.00 -is to improve on the 8-7 dual ing for the SJS football squad in HARRAWAY PICKED Jazz Oxford "66" 10th & William 292-5502 Fullback Charley Harraway was BLOOM'S -et record they posted ill 1964- the spring. He hopes to play for Red, Tan, Blue, or Black -, season. coach Harry Anderson's grid crew picked by the Cleveland Browns c.f to next fall. the NFL in the 19th round and They get the opportunity 135 S. 1st Downtown Valley Fair Center e the kind of competition they The 49ers and the Chargers by the Kansas City Chiefs of the up against in the annual SJS picked Saffold as a future, which AFL in the 14th round. itational, hem on Dec. 10. means a player has one year of "I have no definite plans at the '«I, Stanford and San Francisco eligibility left in college football. moment," Harraway remarked. He lite and most other Northern "I think I can play end or ,(lifornia colleges will compete flanker. Although I haven't played LOWEST in the event. football since high school, basket- Gridders Receive CAL OUTSTANDING ball has kept me in great shape Jennett rates Cal as "possible and I have developed some moves Gas Prices in San Jose NCAA champions," and the tough- that will be useful in football," Honorable Mention est team the Spartans will meet Saffold explained. Quarterback Ken Berry and Guaranteed Major Brand Gasoline this year. NATURAL ABILITY fullback Charley Harraway were The Bears are led by Danny "He was an excellent high school named to honorable mention lillman, NCAA runner-up on the player at Edison High in Stockton berths on both the AP and UPI 4fh & William bth & Keyes ,,,mpoline last season, and chain- and possesses great natural abil- All-West Coast contingents. , ion in three events at the 1965 ity," Arxierson remarked. "No one Defen.sive linemen Fred Heron Maccabean Games in Israel. can doubt his jumping potential." and Martin Baccaglio were pick- 13th & Julian 10th & Taylor Veterans Rick Field and Sid According to Saffold the Charg- ed for honorable mention on the 1Freudenstein are also rated as ers contacted him last spring when AP coast squad. ' potential Cal NCAA winners by he was watching the SJS gridders The first and second teams, Four Locations to Serve You Jennett. wor k out at Spartan Stadium. both offensively and defensively, Although most of the SJS squad "They expressed interest in me were composed completely of be idle until the local meet, and said I might be drafted this AAUW performers, with Rose Walk in now for coppola and Wolfe are slated to year," Saffold commented. bowl-bound UCLA and arch-rival Hofbrau Style FoodModerate Prices compete in the Western Open Art Johnson, the 49ers' assist- Southern California landing the Puritan Oil Co. Tourney in San Francisco Satur- ant general manager, and former most gridders on the all-star team. Rossi Eastern Beef . 1.50 day. Both are slated to perform SJS sports information director, Harraway, earlier in the year, Virginia Baked Ham ...... 1.50 , in all events. told Saffold not long ago that the had been named Northern Cali- Kosher Style Corned Beef 1.50 San Francisco team was inter- fornia Back of the Week twice, Roast Tom Turkey ested. and Berry received the ho nor - 1.50 In high school he was an all- once. Chicago Style Pastratni 1.50 league defensive back. He w a s Baccaglio was named Northern Roast Turkey Leg . 1.45 quarterback on offense. California Lineman of the week The 21 -year-old senior didn't play after the Spartan's first victory - COMBINATION PLATES end until an all-star contest at the of the season against Arizona Any 2 meats $1.75 Any 3 meats $2.00 close of his senior year. That game State. MK Slab of nutty Swiss cheese .35 orders include choice of Barbecued Beans, No National Tourney or Macaroni, Bread and Butter Visit The Gaslite for Fun. Banquet Facilities 5 to 700. For Spartan Poloists Ballroom Leasing. Rooms from $85 Per Month. 2-PLY SPel t't et e 'Alit/ill., season, record-wise, the poloists SAN CARLOS at MARKET STS. CY 5-2626 seem to thrive on tournament came on strong to end the season Located in the Sainte Claire Hotel competition, were deprived of their with the State College and Nor- thern California tournaments. final tournament. At the State College affair, the SHARKSKIN A scheduled National Tourna- Spartans reached the finals before ment failed to materialize when losing in double-overtime to Long there was not enough nation-wide Beach State, the second best team response, according to Spartan in the nation. NATIONAL VESTED SUIT coach Lee Walton. In the NorCal tourney, SJS re- SHIRT SHOPS Apparently, not enough of the versed previous losses to California the easy look ...naturally superior! hoped-for entrants knew of the and San Francisco's Olympic Club tournament in time to include it in finishing third. Walton claimed TERRIFIC on their schedule or request that this tournament included enough money for the trip. more top-flight teams than any Walton indicated that the na- other tourney in the nation this VALUE! tional tournament will become a season. reality next year, as coaches of In all, the Spartans were 11-11 the top teams in the nation are on the year, with all 11 of the LUXURIOUS 899 already being notified of next losses coming at the hand.s of only $10 a morrth year s plans. teams which are sure to be ranked After a somewhat disappointing arnong the top six in the nation BRUSHED 101110001111:11300007:0- WOOL and DICK LLOYD'S MOHAIR FOREIGN CAR SERVICE MEN'S CARDIGANS

Here's a suit that maxes things happen! 9.98 Simple, unstuffy lines. Crisp VOLKSWAGEN SPECIALISTS College Hall tailoring. Smooth wear-like-the-devil sharkskin fabriC. A truly outstanding sweater! Knit Complete Repair on all Foreign Cars of soft virgin wool and lustrous Anywhere you go. the eyes are on you. Dress-up mohair .. . softly brushed for a rich, rugged look. Has distinctive holiday colors of Olive, Navy Blue, Cambridge 15% Discount on Parts to Grey. reckilnit trim on border and two students and faculty with identification. waist pockets. Popular solid colors. OTHER RAMS HEAD SUITS $59 TO $145 S M I XL. Free Transportation Back to Campus

295-6202 RA rano re\r\e"""""ew GR your Bonkarnericord -tNS Use VALLEY FAIRSHOP MONDAY THRU SATURDAY UNTIL 9:30 P.M. 607 AUZERAIS AT BIRD SAN JOSE SAN ANTONIO CENTERSHOP MONDAY THRU SATURDAY UNTIL 9:30 P.M. 95 S. FIRST cot Forst National charge card. .100000000OCC0000000Ce we:607w' sCiewCe../^ in Spartan Gym Wedne/day Dec I, 1961 SPARTAN DATLV-7 Experienced Hoopsters Open Season Tonight Cage Coach in Sixth Year Quintet Stu Inman starts his sixth sea- al his day, Strong SJS Alumni holding the son at the helm of the Spart,tt ',curd for most career poirds basketballers tonight, trying 1 improve on his overall 66-55 mark. \ literp roof " Inman's Varsity Squad During his reign, the Spartans } our Shoes Faces have led the nation in defense once (63.641 and been third and fourth by PAUL SAVOLA the varsity basketball team opens completing an all-senior line-up. on other occasions, 1.«)\()\11 Didly Sports Writer the season against an unusually- Ron Labetich, who often thrill- 2419929 with his ball- Inman, howeser, %vie. offen- Stu Inman unveils what could strong alumni crew. ed fans last season will be back to be a banner squad tonight when Tipoff is at 8 in the Spartan hawking ability, Gym, with a freshman-junior var- lead a guard contingent on the sity tilt preceding at 6. alumni squad that Inman feels PAINTERS - SCULPTORS Inman is hoping to lead his will be better than many colleges He Can't Get You team out of the rut of a 14-10 can offer, season which the cagers have fash- Gary Gresharn ('65), Al Jancsi WOODCARVERS - MUSICIANS 1'62) and Bill ioned the last three years- if you ('64I, Vance Barnes This is a real opportunity for you to live in San Jose's new, Out Of His Mind team with Labetich can call a winning record a "rut." Yonge ('621 dramatic FINE ARTS CENTER near San Jose State College, the guard slot for the old- He appears to have the horses at The TRITON GALLERY, located at 516 Martha, San Jose. When to improve upon that record, with timers, yaw have informally scrim- a veteran five returning as start- maged the varsity several times Submit work, resume, character reference ers. already this season. WIND SONG Eddie Dias 1'58), the fourth all- Phone for appointment 293-5640 KEATING INJURED time scorer in Spartan history, Joe Whispers Your However, only four of those five Braun i'62), John Erceg i'57) and starting line-up Bill Robertson ('631 'are among will be in the CORONA - UNDERWOOD - ROYAL - REMINGTON Message tonight, as expected-starter John other alums scheduled for action. Keating is having trouble with RESERVES PROGRESS his foot. Inman indicated that it Jypecuptieri is a minor injury and that Keat- The Spartan starters, who are ing, who is suiting up and might expected to battle USF and UOP TYPEWRITERS RENTED play tonight, will not be lost for for the West Coast Athletic Con- SPECIAL STUDENT RENTAL a period of time. ference title, have been progres- RATE FOR 3 MONTHS '18 Five Seniors will be on the court $18 rental applies to purchase price of The No. 1 and No. 2 men in the sing steadily, but Inman is espec- ially pleased with the progress of Spartan tonight as the Spartan basket- any rriAchine if you decide to 6uy. Spartan firing squad-S.T. Saffold bailers open the 1965-66 season: Est. 1900 - EASY PAYMENT PLAN - in top shape his reserve strength. and Pete Newell- are Kneeling - Guin Boggs, S. T. "consistently effect- In early-season work-outs In- Starters SAN JOSE TYPEWRITER CO. and have been Saffold, Jack Gleason. Standing ive" in the workouts, Inman re- man was lauding back-up forward Free Parking 24 So. 2nd St. 293-6383 -- Frank Tarrantts, Pete Newell. ports. Bill Clegg and 6-9 transfer Clar- ence Denzer for their work. SCORERS BACK Lately, two sophomores have inaiNDaaati-14: lirtr L WO 'L_IIE- UNQERS '1-W -2M:74 Last year the two 6-4 forwards been shining in the daily practices Frosh Hoopsters the bulk of the Spartan Let WIAD SONG do provided --R,obin Durand and Keith Erick- scoring power, with Saffold lead- son. LAY-A-WAY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS V ing the squad with a 15.6 average the talking for you. Durand is a 6-1 guard, Erickson Coachless Tonight 'PUTTERS 7 and Newell second at 14.1. a 6-6 forward. Now also available at Tenth The team's third-leading scorer The freshman basketball team AND St. Pharmacy other Prince Presently holding down the No. the GOLFER of last season is also back in will be without any substantial IRONS Matchabelli fragrances . . . 3 forward spot is lanky Steve string-bean center Frank Tar- Schlink, a 6-6 junior who played height or its regular coach tonight ASTARTER SETS PROPHECY rantts. The 6-6 senior scored 11 WEDGES in every game last season. when it opens the season. AMEN'S JUNIORS RIGHT OR GOLDEN AUTUMN points a game last year, moving AVVOMEN'S LEFT HAND AND BELOVED BRENNAN The Spartabahes play a squad up mnuNTAIN viEw from forward to center midway OUT WOODS Use O., taya.., SY 4 BankAmet.ced STRADIVARI tiwough the campaign. of SJS varsity reserves and red- INCLUDES 4) ,Y0171(095HIRE El Camino JC t r a nsf er Jim GOLF 99 I st National Ideal for yourself shirts in a 6 p.m. preliminary to Charge at Cato 1199 El (AMINO JACK GLEASON Brennan (6-2) will not suit up 5 IRONS 'Si, BAGS UP and for gifts. tonight due to knee trouble, but the varsity contest in the Spartan a OPEN 1119 EVERY RITE SAT. 9 TO 6 Jack Gleason, one-time scoring Limited Supply GOLF is expected to be ready for Fri- Gym. 2 WOODS Reg. 65.00 LCARTS 119Cp OPEN SUNDAY 10 TO 5- le whiz for Foothill College, will be day's collegiate opener against San TENTH ST. Coach Danny Clines will not be back at guard slot where he saw FranelSeti State` in"' thb Spartan SHOES CROSCOPE 3.99 considerable action in averaging with his squad, however, as he is 4 c Liquid Center 25 30 Gym. MEN'S.WOMEN'S K-Out American PHARMACY 5.8 per game last season. As in the past, size is the most scouting the San Francsicso State- Samples & Odds TELESCOPE 5.99 101111 & Santa Clara 294-9131 Filling in for Keating tonight pressing problem for the Spartans, St. Mary's contest. SFS is the & Ends of Qual- BASKETBALL will be 5-8 sparkplug Guin Boggs, ity Golf Shoes- GOAL and KIT 2.99v with Tarrantts the tallest starter Spartans' next opponent. Grad Broken Sizes. at 6-6. And Frank weighs only student Ron Labetich will handle vatuES FOOTBALLS 2.99 1f30. 99 the squad. TO BASEBALL $30.00 I/2 PRESSING DEFENSE Rick Winsor is the tallest start- 5 LOVES OFF "cati.yied cpaptan Inman hopes to compensate for er on the Frosh squad at 6-5. - BU- ' ARTBOARDS Delan- famous Brands WE TRADE- RENT the problem with a pressing de- Glines announced that Greg RCHERY SETS 4.9i; fense "breaks ey (6-3), Bill King 16-3), Tim Hol- GUNS and and an offense that HARNELL PENN QUICK - OAT CUSHIONS 2.7EiN1 a little more than last year." man (6-11 and Bob South 15-11) MITCHELL -SOUTH BIND These tactics are expected to vvill join Winsor in the starting TRUE TEMPER RODDY AND ATER SKIS from 9.99 W "keep the opponents big men away line-up. MANY OTHER TOP NAMES ADMINTON SEi 1.99 iGUNS from 8.88 from the basket as much as pos- Mike Morrissey, 5-11, Al Jaffe, ASKETBAUS 2.99 sible, which we have to do," ac- and frosh footballer Dave Mercer, Gun Cases from 1.99 RA JA. 50% OFF ' from TENNIS RACKET 1.99 V cording to Inman, a former Spar- 5-10, are ticketed by Glines for un Racks 2.99 tan star in his own right. contest. COTS - CANTEENS - MESS KITS - PACKS 4SHOTGUNS 29.99 TENNIS BALLS =919 22 RIFLES 16.99 1, STOVES - LANTERNS - AIR MATTRESS - etc.! RACKET PRESS 990 . SLEEPING r 4 BAGe White Stag TENTS-TARP Sterling - 9 NAUGAHYDE FOAM RUBBER -4urfaoard Wel Suits 299ir AND OTHER UPHOL- 79 Europe k; Blanks. Finish Surfer Jacket EVERY SIZE 8. SHAPE V '66' FABRICS. Reg.

'SIERT ;,iit yourself. 9419. 19.95. 3 00 to 12 DO yd, 1 yd. No Charge for Special Saes y --...- , ,... -alt. If(111414r.1111tIlltAblVt11:1111431ilititt011111111141 :It. VIA 0 P V t4 ; o S. paoAoNTrs cLosE 0 tiWE1 RENT AND TRADE SKI EQUIPMENTE TWA WE T This Z?

BUY-TRADE-REN SKIS TERRIFIC BUY tAMOIPS MAKES ON THESE SU! ?rrijdurinli JETS MULTISAMINATte PERI METAL Reg. & Forme" OUTOMATIQUE SKIS. WE HAVE 99.S0 fELOCITE A FULL RANGE Of SIZES - BUT pAReRntkaAlssf 'ALCOA SQUAW LIMITED SUPPLY. COME C 99 MUSTANG L MANY EARLY. June 16th /EMS - BRAND ..0 UP cue Witte/. VIVI! I PLASTIC DEPARTS June 20th BOTTOM EP XY SKIS WIWI 99,AwEs 'TdlIOWNI.SjIllf:NOIN.PNIFOCR7ANSOTttlf,C cic. collo Coect 4a94: June 22nd SKIS EVERT e UP TO. INATI Car rentals, fours, and hotel MADE # reservations can be arranged 29.50.!EAMOUS BY 999Rog iviGuTpdE: 14 !YAMAHA 99.50 This -, From 310. sof 4 easki . SLL 1, c "I needed a ride to Los Angeles for BUCKLE BOOTS Stotioot, ors, 4 FAMOUS MAKES :01....,:. t Previous the weekend. So I placed an ad in the New York (We promised not to pub. Spartan Daily Classifieds and got re- ROUND TRIP lish the names) 99 -" , 95 i ROOTS Ti-ii.:5-i-e.", $563 From San Francisco , Rentals,,,,,, p- sults in one day!" BRATN0DpsNoErW ROUND TRIP bq SKI PANTS REG. TO 79.50 AFrAix. Tarita.1"...*".1 -,,--K, MENS, WOMENS CHILDS; A NON STIPETCII COME AND You too can get satisfactory results STUDENTS! GET EMI 1,1,71.err 1991 sox r I. IflICTION MEN'S - WOMEN'S ; FACULTY! BOOTS NI . THIS GROUP FORMEMY with a classified ad. If you have bottoms 99c dav ALUMNI! ,.. a. - USED FOR RENTALS pAYRLOKNAs 5.JME TRADE INS .9 9U something to sell, want a roommate, FAMILY! 3.99 5 ,,,,,c_., _. UP , to or need transportation, come to room z 111111=MM.E...... ST OTHER GROUPS Oi FAMOUS BRANCA 12 99 p. J-206 between 10:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m., AASTR*TCH Brand New! HU Atontistd not to gmblish the STRUCEI PANTS AND name.) SAVINGS OF AT LEAST NON STRETCH . IN a 50.: i MO R E lintived Site, Monday thru Friday. NYLONS. ETC 45 00 (ELIDED IN THIS GROUP ARE WOOLS VALUES TO to 29.99 Ni MOM...... ,M0.1,110U0.111NIMMNIMMOINOW RESERVE NOW! , GLOVES & MITTENS & MATS Le+ classifieds make you a Satisfied Spartan. A A 2 line ad for 5 days for only $2! CONTACT JOSEPH P. LIA SNOW SHOES - SLEDS-TOBOGGANS:FAX. 298-2046 trctoccorforvoctomictoctoztommattmecta fl-APARTAN DA11 V Wys I ne, I Major see 1, 1985 t Spartaguide Free Book Job interviews !Journalism TODAY Christians for Social Action, .1 All inter%iess to 31 re held in ancl design in high resolution Receives Award p. m., Campus Christian Cent, the Placiement Center ADM234. dar, ecm and reconnaisance, strike CSO To Present Le Cerele Fristwals, :1:30 P.m- Rtck Skinner, former SJS juniar meet,i Appointment hignstpn are now system. Design and development for the Christmas 300 S. 10th St., regular On Careers i.D210, plan and member of Sigma Phi Epsilon United Campus Chriatian Ming taken for all December of itemspave and gse. U.S. citizen- 'arty. social fraternity, will receive $1011 Christian Lecture lowskip Social Action and Forum. Inteniews. January grads are ship required. Male or female. Area Internatlomel Student Organiza- from the William Randolph Hearo Committee, 3:30 p.m., Cato., urged to xIgn tip aft mmin ale of work is Phoenix. Ariz. tion, 8 p.m., Hoover Hall, slides Available Foundation for submitting a win- A and li, guest speaker. passible la the Placement Center. At Newman Center eduction in Japan by Toku ORTHO PHARMACEITTICAL ning entry in the October General Arab-American Club, 3:30 p.m., TODAY CORPORATION: business, liberal Koyame. Placement Center is cur- News Writing Competition. The (court') ure he cur- CH162, general business meeting The Industrial Relations Club, 7 p.m., arts and science majors for post- Skinner tied for sixth place in rent Confraternity of Christian for members only. Refreshments. rently distributing a free book, GOODYEAR AEROSPACE Falstaff Brewery, 1025 W. Julian, tion as a medical salesman. Area the nation-wide journalism compe- Doctrine series, sponsored by the Orchesis-Modern Dame, 7 p.m., "Career 1966," to senior men and S.J., tour starts at 7 p.m., nomi- CRP43RATIN’ electrical "ngi- of work is Northern California. tition for his coverage of the IV - Catholic Student Organization. will PER262. regular meeting. neering and mechanical engineer- nations for officers to follow tour. graduate students. GENERAL hICRO-ELEC- cent Roger Lette draft card inci- be held tonight at 8 p.m. in the Intermitional RelatIons Club, 7 ing nvo,,,, 1..ition, in rarlar Chess% Club, 2:30 p.m., ED414. The book is a source of career TRONICS: electrical engineering, dent at a Friday Forum on Se.- Newman Center, 79 S. Fifth St. p.m., CH149, special meeting-film Newman Choir, 7:30 p.m., 79 S. physics, chemistry and metalurgy enth Street. "China Under Communism," guest planning information presented by The first talk of the evening Fifth St., very important meeting. majors for positions as an asso- speaker, faculty and student dis- national employers for the gradu- will be given by Father Daniel Industrial Arta Club, 3:30 p.m.. Orientation Meet ciate member of technical staff. PROFESSOR PRIEST Danielson cussion. ating student in 1966. of the Holy Ghost parish IA222, guest speaker will talk Eighty: orientation leaders for U.S. citizenship required. Male or HARTFORD, Conn. tUPII-The in Fremont. He will speak tilt on the mentally retarded. TOMORROW Information includes r es u m e next semester, will be chosen at female. Area of work is Santa Rev. John F. Priest is associate

"The Commandments of Arlan's Ex- Catholic Student Organization, Spartan Chrbstian Fellowship, 8 preparation, conducting a job 7:30 p.m., Tuesday in the Cafeteria Clara. profesor of Old Testament at the pression of Love of C.od." p.m., Memorial Chapel, regular Hartford Seminary Foundation. 8 p.m., 79 S. Fifth St., guest campaign and specific data on A and B, Bob Spingola, who is in U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY- Father Sidney Custodio will lie speakers, Father Daniel Danielson meet i ng. charge of the meeting, announced. opportunities available in various WATF:R REsOURCES the second speaker of the evening and Father Sidney Philosophy Club and Phl Sigma Custodio. Signups for the posts will be chemical engineering, chemistry Tau. 7 p.m.. 161 E. Reed St., Apt. occupations and industries. taken in the College Union from majors and hydrologists for posi- 1., paper will be read by Roger The hook delves into special- 1 to 5 p.m., Monday and Tuesday. tions in chemical engineering, hy- Hall concerning Kierkegaard. ization versus general experience \.’W\NWW\ All applicants must have previous drologists, and chemists. U.S. citi- Alpha Eta Sigma (Accountants and m aj o r corporation training experience as orientation leaders. zenship required. Male only. Area ,K OPENS TONIGHT AT 8:30 Honorary Society), 7:30 p.m., Caf- programs versus on-the-job train- eteria A and B, business meeting, The Tuesday night meeting must of work is California or nation- 16 PUP. ONLY .T.,,,,u,..,s,,, 1741,47,111,1 , , ing with a small business. guest speaker. be attended by all those who wide. VIA NON TFIRU SAT., Career 1966 helps to Timely Eli i.... 1 MON answer sign up. Spingola said. STATE BOARD OF EQUAL- DEC. 18 Comedy 11 Circolo Itallano, 7 p.m., CH- JET __’!"/ STOP , 25 questions regarding military obli- 165, slides, general meeting. ! IZATION: accounting majors for Pam* 321 /300 FRI & SAT CALI. US PLEASE position as auditor. U.S. citizenship 431/ THE SKIN Of OUR TEETH , /5 Raptiat Student Union, 7:30 p.m.. PER280, Rev. and Mrs. Ronald gaSttfiliso.r men and graduate stu- ST. LOUIS (UPI) An off- required. Male or female. Area of THE LITTLE THEATER STANFORD UNIVERSITY 1. Fuller. missionaries from Hong dents may obtain their free copy campus Washington University work is local. EACH PDX OFFItt S h 1 ' , C,FFIer / Ea A Ei. , F'' 'F.Frs / He'/' I ./ Kong, will speak. of this book in the Placement fraternity distributed circulars to THE UPJOHN CONIPANT: Mo- WAY Seraper Fidella Society, 7 p.m., Center, ADM234. lts residential neighborhood before logical science majors and others .ON A ROUND TRIP BASIS .. IIIIIIEZLL,..7\’’VVcMlr;:’:’TK’’’’:NM,:a2ik’Itr i rush party sales area. 'RETURN WITHIN 1 TO 30 DAYS ''' ' ....01:4- U.:" ’I4’ h.: -`::: l' ',c Ai, HE2, regular meeting to discuss saying "Don't call for positions in retail 1 plans for Christmas Activities. lie police. call IN." Area of work is open. PLUS TAX AIAA, 7:30 p.m., aeronautics World Disarmament Meei00.040010101,,,,,,,;?..W.WWWWrIOVIA,o4,. iiiinirtment, a must for lower di- DEPARTS EVERY UNITED AIRLINES .,ion aero majors, movie "Extra UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. ( UPI ;.hicular Activity." The 11. FRIDAY General Assembly's CHANCES ARE YOU NIGHT STEWARDESS nation Main Political Commilii, BEGINNII.IG NOV. 19th Calk Sfusie Club, 8 p.m., E:132, yesterday aimed for early con- CAMPUS OPEN HOUSE : imenco - classical guitar concert sideration of a resolution to make ARE PAYING TOO MUCH All girls considring stewardess career are invited to visit CH 161 at Miguel Aceman. the African continent a nuclear ALSO [ 7 p.m. on Thursday. December 9. Our campus representative, Miss Bonnie Balkan Dance Club, 8:30 p.m., free zone. Marr will show the -Stewardess NEW waPsTigqil c Story film and answer any questions based A ;101, kolo party. FOR YOUR CET INSURANCE upon her exprien-r- whim flying last surnmr. The committee was heartened LOw HARTFORD, i3OHN' stinglia Club, 1:30 p.m.. ED34R, by the assembly's 112-0 vote Mon- 110STON, MASS gram on The M a rs h a I Art FARES .861.TIMORE I NITEI) 111111.INES day calling for the convening of Bring this ad and see Aikido." Haru Kusado will show TO': ' a world disarmament conference int and give a demonstration. how you can save money. a_ not later than 1967, including Com- CALL FOR RESERVATIONS munist China. 292t8mo By turning its full attention A-1_ Company Spartan Daily Classified to the 21 power resolution on the denuclearization of Africa, the CAMPBELL. I master bdrrn, twin beds. committee sought to wipe clean JOHN C. VIERHAUS Nita :,..T41=1=1111111111 I ast jeee tad bath. Kit. privil. Beauf. new irnmac. its disarmament agenda before Ito: 1645 S. Bascom Ave., Campbell 377-1704 s: 123 SO. FIRST ST., SAN JCSE SKY DIVING. r h Nc smoking or drinking. I person adjournment target date of Dee 21 '.1ALE COLLEGE STUDENTS. Un- $65 2 $45 ea. Reis. 377-6230. ;"’",":"WwW,,,,,,,,,,,WAW:1":":":iii"WA); & bd. $80/mo. No contract. 2 BDRMS. Furn. Paneled Ivgnm. Rees; lIEMMENMEMEniiirah. AMMIREMIli 547 S. I Ith Apt. 17.1 286. P-1 MODERN TWO BEAM. APT. Elect. L C 2P95 Almaden Road GORDON HALL CONTRACT SKIERS OPPORTUNITY. Fort _ _ SALE. :ble now. 251-1628. LANE APT . 5- for 3. See to MODERN 1 BDRM APT. Furn. s 4.. 286 Rates 4442. , ilrh. 293-3126. SKIERS NEED TWO ROOMIES TO BACH. APT. In " 'I KILLION HALL NOW. Call from SJS. $69.50. 1 155 , SJS. $89.50. 292-9400. WANTED FEMALE ROOMMATE TO SHARE UN- 3 BDRM. 2 BATH APT. For.--gi-rls-. 467 S. APPD. APT. . 286-1915. WANTED ROOMMATE NEEDED TO SHARE 3 MT-Th NICE I BDRM. APT. i I. SJS. Newly BDRM HOUSE. W/2 MALES. $30 mo. . . paces. Danish AUTOMOTIVE (21 HOUSE bdrms. Sleeps 9. 382 S. FEMM.L ROOMIE TO SHARE 2 BDRM. VW '62. E., $995 LIVE ALONE -I bdrm. 2 BATH NEW SPACIOUS APT. IN Furn. $75. See 269.7652. S. 5fh. CAMPBELL. 377 8762 after 5 pm. '61 TR-3. R, H. 0 drive Inn -- $75 Large I bdrm. apt. Unfurn, Stove, New trans. clatrh SI 100 243 72'7 $70 MODERN BACH. APT. Clean, quiet. . -fryer. 625 S. II th. 292.9711, VOLKSWAGEN: MICRO BUS , 617 S. 9th. 298-0602. 29' , , $4OS ' PRIVATE ROOM. Separate entrance & FURN. STUDIO. $70. One bdrm. $85 & Vr.1 65 Honda 7' Girl. $40. 292-1327.- b'k. SJS. 292.7852 or see 48 2 BDRM APT, modn. S120 1/2 blk SJS. '65 Honda iz._ 292-1327. MOD. BACHELOR APT. $70. Clean. taw $250 531 2 BDRM cots, drps. furn. All elec: Owlet. 61/ S 9Ih Si. Phone 298-0602. 7. Reed. 248-9145. FOR SALE 1.3) LOST AND FOUND 161 PRIVATE ROOM.--Seplate al.:once & "-id. $40. 292.1327. STING RAY SURFBOARD. ", $55. I LOST: Beige leather jacket. 10/29. Re- nar rack $10. Canoe $10. DA I 3104, 2 BDRM. APT. Modern. $120. 1/2 blk. ward. Call Karen 292.9005. 8 or Lee aft. 5 pm. Girls. 292-1327. HAUT. ENG-AGES.484T-R1144. Solitre-ire Rm 8D r ks. SJS. . no PERSONALS ID d 1,3 karat. Perfect. Clear. Bar- 117 N. 5th. 293.4275. GRAD. STU. SEEKS , , r 1. $ 5 mdke rAfer. 193 2279. GAL TO TOUR USA 1 BDRM N, W rots. drps. Furn. All elec. XMAS VAC. Personal data & tour suqq. & Peed. 248.9145. Rgsfd. HELP wANTED (41 Mike, 323 B. Cro. Mem. Stanford. FEMALE RMMATE TO SHARE NEW CUSTOM made nontemporary wedding COPYWRITERS. ENGINEERS, ARTISTS. 81DRM FURN APT. Serie,te rings. Gee, Larimore. 354.1273. So. 4th. apt. W15, Aft. New egency interested in you now. Call WANT TO LOCATE STUDENT SELLING 294-6695 for appt. 8EAUT. GENTS NECKTIES. Call 293- FEMALE: Sr. or oral fri Sin RENTS A 2 BDRM ONE BATH 3088. i,,, 4 a-cl oca.Fila HOME & will BERNARD FONTAINE--Contart G. W. I 73A.1I,A6 from re 382 or i FREE ROOM & BOARD. Exchanged fo, - -- UPPER DIVISION FEMALE ROOMMATE SERVICES (111 Prefer e^e who can tonr in French. Sara WANTED. Own brirm. 423 S. Ith. 298 - ovi UN 7 1133 F-55... TYPING SERVICE - East San Jose. 258 4335. AUTO INSURANCE FOR STUDENTS. CLASSIFIED RATES Chef Bailey. 286-5386. 449 W. San To buy, sell. rent or Carlos. announce anything, Minimum TYPING. Term papers, thesis, etc. Pica lust fill out and clip Two lines One time Three times Five times electric. 243-6313. One time 50c a line 25c a line 20c a line this handy order 5 YRS. TYPING EXP. Will type at low blank 2 lines 51.00 $1.50 $2.00 price. Call aff. 6 pm. 286-0519. 3 lines 1.50 2.25 3.00 TYPING IN MY HOME Experienced, accurate. reasorable_ rates. 259.4710. 4 lines 2.00 3.00 4.00 FAST Send to Spartan Daily SERVICE GUARANTEED. Typing 5 lines 2.50 3.75 5.00 for students, Thesis, form papers, letters, CLASSIFIEDS, Add this eft. Exp. pica. 292.3274. 1706. San lose State amount lor EXPERT TPING. All Finds. A secret handshake won't help you .50 .75 1.00 Reesonabli. College. San lose 14, each addi Phone 294.3772 9.6. Calif. tonal line TRANSPORTATION 19) Print you ad here: make VP at General Electnc. (Count 33 letters and Spaces tor Each CHECK A Line) RIDERS WANTED-Fremont area M.W- F. CLASSIFICATION Ele.ible hrs. Call Bruce 657.6437. CHARTER FLIGHT to Europe June '66. E Announcements (I) Contact Bill. 266.1492. Something that will help move your want to strengthen your grip on the "profe.ssors." selected from thc Automotive (2) career along at a healthy clip is a subjcct that interests you. General country's top ranks of engineering, For Sale (3) To place an ad: strong, steady hand when responsi- Electric runs onc of the world's marketing and manufacturing Help Wanted (4) bility and important duties arc largest "graduate schools," with experts. O Housing (5) V,%it the thrust upon you. Pius a firm grip on courses in everything from adver- If you want to work and study Lost and Found (6) your special field of interest, tising to microelectronics. You can and gct ahead in this kind of com- Personals (7) Classified Adv. Office - J206 whether it's marketing, finance or stay on top of developments in your pany, this company wants you. Services (8) nuclear physics. field by periodically going to school Come to General Electric. whcrc 0 Transportation (9) Daily And it won't hurt a bit if you also at G.I. . . . and learning from G-E thc young men are important :nen. Name Address Phone 10:30-3:30 Progress /s Our Most /mpor,ant Product

Run Ad (No of days) Enclose S Send in handy order blank. Enclose eitsh or chck. Make chck out to GENERAL* ELECTRIC Spartan Daily Classifieds. Starting Date Phone 294-6414, Ert. 2466