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DEUTSCHE TV-PLATTFORM: HYBRID TV - BETTER TV HBBTV AND MUCH, MUCH MORE Deutsche TV Platform (DTVP) was founded more than 25 years ago to introduce and develop digital media tech- nologies based on open standards. Consequently, DTVP was also involved in the introduction of HbbTV. When the HbbTV initiative started at the end of 2008, three of the four participating companies were members of the DTVP: IRT, Philips, SES Astra. Since then, HbbTV has played an important role in the work of DTVP. For example, DTVP did achieve the activation of HbbTV by default on TV sets in Germany; currently, HbbTV 2.0 is the subject of a ded- icated DTVP task force within the Working Group Smart Media. HbbTV is a perfect blueprint for the way DTVP works by promoting the exchange of information and opinions between market participants, stakeholders and social groups, coordinating their various interests. In addition, DTVP informs the public about technological develop- ments and the introduction of new standards. In order to HYBRID BROADCAST BROADBAND TV (OR “HbbTV”) IS A GLOBAL INITIATIVE AIMED achieve these goals, the German TV Platform sets up ded- AT HARMONIZING THE BROADCAST AND BROADBAND DELIVERY OF ENTERTAIN- icated Working Groups (currently: WG Mobile Media, WG Smart Media, WG Ultra HD). In addition to classic media MENT SERVICES TO CONSUMERS THROUGH CONNECTED TVs, SET-TOP BOXES AND technology, DTVP is increasingly focusing on the conver- MULTISCREEN DEVICES. gence of consumer electronics, information technology as well as mobile communication. HbbTV specifications are developed by industry leaders opportunities and enhancements for participants of the To date, DTVP is the only institution for media topics in to improve the video user experience for consumers by content distribution value chain – from content owner to Germany with such a broad interdisciplinary membership enabling innovative, interactive services over broadcast consumer.
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