Spartan Daily Editorial Preposterous Hendricks Recall Attempt Should Fail 1 on pure ignorance and i attempt to moose ASB l'res. Advisory Board (FAB), not the ASB patently ridiculous. For. example, he is do not indicate a lack of leadership. policy is based history to be- The ntost absurd charge of all, how- absolutely asinine. J ohn Hendricks from office is pre- president alone, as these students charge. the first student in SJS come chairman of the board of directors ever, is the attack on Hendricks' appoint- Student government can accomplish posterous. The charges leveled against FAB is an advisory group composed of of Spartan Shops, Inc., a group charged ment policies. Hendricks inherited one a great deal this year once it decides for his recall are top college and student officials, includ- Hendricks as reasons operating Spartan Bookstore and of the fittest systems of personnel selec- to start moving. 'fie have criticized Hen- totally absurd and ludicrous. A small ing Hendricks. FAB is responsible for Cafeteria. If this group had not been tion of any college in the nation. Student dricks and Student Council for their group of malcontented students is trying some $3:10,000 in ASB funds a rather impressed with Hendricks' overall abili- committee ntembers diligently spend inactivity to date. Just when it appears will begin serious legislat- very hard to play the entire student formidable task. To override an FAB ties and leadership potentialities, it hours upon hours to screen htmdreds as if the ASB to become involved body for a sucker. Recall proponents will decision, the Student Council must have would not have chosen him for this of students for various ASB poets. ing, it must stop recall campaign. This can fail in their stupid venture simply be- a two-thirds majority. position. This Personnel Selection Committee a ridiculous ASB and further stall its cause their evidence is weak, inadequate, FAB considers financial matters solely In addition, Hendricks is actively bases its decisions on an elaborate ob- only harm the activities. Now little of significance can and unconvincing. on a professional basis, like that of any urging the ASB to revise its programs to jective interviewing method. Results are until the recall cam- The recall organizers base their pro- business. Its budgetary attah -is does not fit into the new College Union program. sent to the ASB president, who usually, be accomplished to its conclusions. tests on Hendricks' fiscal and appointive include emotion, only prolcional scru- Ile is also vice president of the Cali- if not always, follows its recommenda- paign is carried There is absolutely no justification policies and lack of executive leadership. tiny. Anti it Wa 14 this group that recom- fornia State College Student Presidents' tions. Such was the case in the recent Hendricks. The recall These arg mts disintegrate under the mended rejection of the Reed and Chess Association (CSCSPA), a statewide group Student Council appointments. for the recall of devoid of logic or harsh scrutiny of factual analysis. Upon Club requests for funds. Ilendricks' ac- which demands leadership of its execu- Far from packing ASB government movement is wholly asked to sign any closer inspection, the recall movement is ceptance of FAB's advice simply indi- tive officers. Indeed, CSCSPA has been with his own hacks, as charged, Hen- meaning. Students recall are being exposed for what it really is baseless cates to us his concern for fiscal responsi- so impressed with Hendricks it would dricks has earnestly attempted to appoint petitions favoring the ignorant, twaddle. bility and austerity. have named I president if Bob Pisano, the best qualified persons through rec- taken for suckers by a group of irresponsible The ASB's so-called "fiscal policy" Hendricks also is accused of a lack former ASB president, had not headed ommendations of the selection commit- intolerant, and insanely is largely deter' ll i ll ed by the Financial of leadership, an accusation which is the group last year. Such facts certainly tee. Thu.. an attack on the appointive malcontents. VoMmantomloslame. sleMooMm~lxSsa. SPARTAN DA I LY virer SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE - Yol. 53 .4630- " SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1965 No. 45 As Petitions Circulate Hendricks Denounces Recall IFIFROTiEtt, ALLEN Co-chairman is sophomore Rich- group." He added: "we are solicit- SRH, based in Allen Hall, said Spartan Daily Staff Writer ard Pattenarde. ing help from all interested groups it opposes, Hendricks' actions re- Petitions calling for the recall Kneisel said his committee seeks and individuals. We welcome sup- garding financial requests from the of port, suggestions and criticism." Chess Team, Reed magazine and of ASB Pres. John Hendricks will the recall of Hendricks because his "lack of executive leadership," According to the ASB constitu- the Associated Student Govern- be circulated starting today, ac- We Five, a singing group formed three years his appointment policies and his tion, special elections for the recall ments of the USA (ASG). We Five ago, is fo appear in the second Washington cording to Perry Kneisel, co-chair- financial policies. of student body officials "may be Hendricks noted the recall move- Square series to be held in the Men's Gym man of Students for the Recall Hendricks has denounced the called for by a two-thirds majority ment amounted to using "an A- To Sing at 8 p.m. tomorrow. (See page 5 for story). of Hendricks (SRH). movement, saying the SRH 's "in- vete of the Student Council or bomb to kill a fly." He said griev- sistence on wasting the student by a petition signed by 10 per cent ances should be brought to council. body's time and money shows blat- of the members of the Associated He added mere disagreement with ant contempt of the school." Student Body." his policies does not ju.stify recall. He added that the recall attempt In other words, appmximately lie saki he will campaign against Co-Rec is spearheaded "by a group re- 2,000 signatures are needed for the recall "if students do not AFT Files Writ of Mandamus jected by the students at the polls recall to go to the voters. Tvvo- receive both sides." in May who seek a second chance thirds of those voting must vote Features in office." for recall to remove Hendricks The president declined to iden- from office. tify the group of individuals. If the SRH movement succeeds, Against Quarter System Change Sophomore Kneisel has stated a special election must be sched- Hop' 'Ski SRH is an independent organiza- uled within 20 days of recall, ac- The College Council of the Suit Its Rationale and Implica- ing Council. His request followed any to the constitution. band, tion, "not affiliated with cording "People," a rock and roll American Federation of Teachers tions" in Cafeteria A and B at reports of difficulties encountered will be featured at tonight's Co- (AFT) yesterday filed a petition 2 p.m. The discussion will be open by colleges in putting the plan Rec, beginning at 7:30 p.m. in the to the public, according to Dr. into operation. Women's Gym. for a writ. of mandamus to stop John Gain vice-president of the 'The council did not approve Badminton, volleyball and ping the State College Board of Trus- SJS chapter of AFT. Consider Dumke's request but neither did Council To tees and Chancellor fmm impos- pong will be available for those The suit, Sperling said, charges it act nn its original proposal to ing a year-round quarter system wishing to participate. that imposition of the quarter sys- ask the colleges to speed up pres- at all colleges and universities. Signups fo rthe all-campus chess tem without consultation with the ent conversion operations. Harriers' Request Dr. John Sperling, SJS pro- and checker tourney will he taken faculty is a violation of their con- The Council will now meet in the evening in the fessor and president of the coun- throughout tract. San Francisco on Dec. 13 to try Student Council reconvenes to- more vote the measures will face small mini adjacent to the patio cil, announced that the petition The council president also said to work out differences. day at 2:45 p.m. to complete busi- a ovte by the student body. entrance. was filed in San Frtmcisco Supe- that "there is no evidence that. SJS was originally requested to ness left from last week's meeting Also at today's meeting, Tina Other events include a can- rior Court by Attorney Victor Van such a system will reduce edu- convert to the quarter system by recessed because council could not Newton, sophomore representative, stacking contest and motion pic- Bourg. cational costs or improve instruc- 1969, and studies are being made muster a quorum. will introduce a bill calling for the tures on skiing which will be re- SJS community will have an op- JOHN HENDRICKS tion." by the year-round committee of After completion of last week's establishment of a "Thursday peated throughout the evening. portiunty to hear an explanation . denounces recall The court action is t.he latest Academic Council. matters council will adjourn and Forum to plan and co-ordinate The films arc in keeping with "Ski of the suit from Van Bourg who the development in the dispute over convene for this week's meeting. discussions concerning internation- Hop Jump," the theme of the will be here tomorrow. He will the proposed conversion, planned Major items facing both sessions al, national and local events which night. discuss "AFT' Quarter Session over the past two years in an of council today include a request interest the student." 'Dybbuk' Tickets effort to economize in the state's for $272 to pay for the cross- Psychoanalyst OPPOSE ALLOCATION Ticket,.
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