Volume 31, Number 4, Winter 1988/89

mm Oceanus" ISSN 0029-8182 The International Magazine of Marine Science and Policy Volume 31, Number 4, Winter 1988/89

Frederic Golden, Acting Editor T. M. Hawley, Assistant Editor

Sara L. Ellis, Editorial Assistant Plummy K. Tucker, Intern

Editorial Advisory Board 1930

James M. Broadus, Director, Marine Policy Center, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Henry Charnock, Professor of Physical , University of , Gotthilf Hempel, Director of the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar Research, West Germany Charles D. Hollister, Dean of Graduate Studies, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution John Imbrie, Henry L. Doherty Professor of Oceanography, Brown University John A. Knauss, Professor of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island Arthur E. Maxwell, Director of the Institute for , University of Texas Timothy R. Parsons, Professor, Institute of Oceanography, University of British Columbia, Canada Allan R. Robinson, Gordon McKay Professor of Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, David A. Ross, Chairman, Department of Geology and Geophysics, and Sea Grant Coordinator, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

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94 Index

Remembered, 61

was done COVER: The painting of DSVAlvin, especially commissioned for this issue of Oceanus, by George Warren Delano, of West Harwich, Massachusetts, an artist well known on Cape Cod for his paintings of yachts.

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2 Introduction: A Quarter-Century Under the Sea by Frederic Golden

10 The Birth of Alvin by Allyn C. Vine

1 7 Some Dangers and Many Delights Foster Celebrated, 2 by Dudley

22 'Captain Hook's' Hunt for the H-Bomb by Marvin J. McCamis

28 Lessons from the Alvin Lunch by Holger W. Jannasch

34 A Famously Successful Expedition to the Boundary of Creation by Victoria A. Kaharl Baptised, 10 41 A Plethora of Unexpected Life by J. Frederick Grassle

47 Do 'Eyeless' Shrimp See the Light of Glowing Deep-Sea Vents? by Cindy Lee Van Dover

53 Resting In Pieces by Elazar Uchupi, D. Ballard, and William N. Lange Pressurized, 28

61 Allyn Collins Vine: Man of Vision by Sara L Ellis

68 and Leviathan Vented, 41 by Gerald Weissmann

78 Trouble for British Marine Scientists \ by Henry Charnock

83 When the Coastwise Trade Meets the EEZ Mark in wall Star-crossed, 53 by Asp 89

/Books Received

94 Index

Remembered, 61

COVER: The painting of DSV Alvin, especially commissioned for this issue of Oceanus, was done by George Warren Delano, of West Harwich, Massachusetts, an artist well known on Cape Cod for his paintings of yachts.

Copyright 1988 by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Oceanus (ISSN 0029-8182) is published in March, June, September, and December by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 93 Water Street, Woods Hole, Massachusetts 02543. Second-class postage paid at Falmouth, Massachusetts; Windsor, Ontario; Service and additional mailing points. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Oceanus Subscriber Center, Acclaimed, 68 P.O. Box 6419, Syracuse, N.Y. 13217.

I Illustration by E. Paul Oberlander Under the Sea

by Frederic Golden

/AS sea-going vessels go, it won't win any beauty prizes. Stubby and bulbous, with a Cyclopean eye, it looks like something out of Jules Verne, interpreted by Walt Disney. One writer called it a puffed-up blowfish, another a little poodle. Certainly, its name doesn't have a heroic ring, like Nautilus, say. Yet whatever its shortcomings of line or pedigree, DSV (Deep Submergence Vehicle) Alvin has won for itself an enduring "''"-" : "\the annals of science and in the


ALVIN 64 \SK89287-OOf I "JKfc SS 25 TH ANNIV

< * 4 to of the of the colonies of creatures exploration of the , say nothing significance strange affections of countless admirers around the discovered by Alvin around deep-sea vents. More world. than one scientist has described these thriving In its odysseys under the sea, the plucky communities as one of the great scientific finds little has created an astonishing of the twentieth century. Graduate student Cindy record of firsts, journeying to places that never Lee Van Dover provides a Holmesian footnote to before experienced a human presence. It took the bizarre vent life. She explains the fascinating part in some of the earliest visits to the mid- deductive process that led her to hypothesize an ocean ridges, where new continental material is unusual "seeing" ability in deep-dwelling shrimp birthed from deep within the Earth. It found who live around these hot spots, as well as an entirely unknown and unexpected life forms at extremely low-level glow from the superheated the hydrothermal vents, a world where the sun vent waters. Since the confirmation of the never shines and living things depend on the mysterious light on an Alvin dive on the Juan de Earth's internal heat. It reached beyond pure Fuca Ridge in July, it has become known as the science into the realm of adventure, bringing the "Van Dover glow." first human visitors to the rusted, mollusk-eaten A trio of authors offers perhaps the most remains of the star-crossed liner Titanic two miles definitive description yet published of the below the surface. wreckage of the Titanic, which was visited by Now, as Alvin approaches its 2,200th Alvin a year after its discovery in 1985 by dive -its 2,000th took place on the East Pacific remotely operated cameras. The authors are Rise, off Mexico, on March 22 1988 it is about to WHOI's Elazar Uchupi, Bob Ballard, and William mark another milestone in its illustrious career. It Lange. In addition to the poignancy their report will soon celebrate its 25th birthday. On 5 June evokes about a calamity at sea that still has the 1964, in the waterfront parking lot of the Woods power to move us today, it settles old arguments Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), about what happened to the great liner in her Adelaide Vine, wife of veteran oceanographer last agonized moments afloat. Allyn Vine (profile, pp. 61-68), christened Alvin Finally, because we thought you'd enjoy its of the by cracking a bottle of champagne across learning more about the prolific career mechanical arm, its sturdiest external part. With extremely modest, self-effacing man after whom that midwife-like whack, life officially began for Alvin was named and who did so much to what has become the world's best-known, and foster the use of deep-diving we undoubtedly most successful, explorer of the present a profile of Al Vine, written by our deep. colleague Sara Ellis. To commemorate this occasion, we can think of no more fitting tribute to Alvin, as well Alvin's Changing Face as to those who conceived, built, and continue There's one thing that needs to be acknowledged to operate it for WHOI, than to recall its dramatic right off. Alvin, at its silver anniversary, is a far history. And what better way to tell this exciting different boat than the one christened 25 years deep-sea yarn than to turn to some of those ago. As anyone who has looked closely at who've played an intimate part in Alvin's story? pictures or the knows, it has In that follow, you'll find an undergone continual evolution. Not in its basic imposing lineup. Al Vine, who more than anyone configuration, to be sure. In this respect Alvin else was Alvin's symbolic father, and also official remains much the same lovable ugly namesake, recalls how the idea was born. very duckling of its baptismal day. But it has been Veteran pilots Marvin McCamis and Dudley altered in less conspicuous aspects, as in the Foster provide us with first-hand accounts of shape of its propellers, the color of its sail (don't what it's like to be at the controls of the say conning tower that will mark you as submersible, even in so harrowing an assignment antedeluvian!), the curve of its plastic skin, the as for a lost bomb. Biologist looking hydrogen form of its mandibular mechanical arm. Even the Holger Jannasch describes an unexpected spherical hull the very heart of the scientific finding from the worst 11 months in ship because that's where the sub's three Alvin's history, when it lay at the bottom of the occupants stay is no longer the same as the sea after an accidental sinking. Science writer original. Victoria Kaharl, who is at work on an author- So, if today's Alvin is so very different from itative of Alvin, takes us back to Project history the boat first dunked into Woods Hole Harbor FAMOUS, Alvin's first major scientific expedition, more than two decades ago, why all the fuss? the journey to the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The answer is that we're celebrating more than Most of Alvin's early work involved the the birthday of a vessel. We're honoring an of the sea in because it was geology deep part idea indeed, a conviction that hasn't assumed that the rocks there were more changed at all over the years. It's the determined belief interesting than the life, if any. Biologist Fred that no part of the planet's surface even the Grassle makes plain just how wrongheaded this bottom of the deepest ocean -should be beyond assumption was in his analysis of the profound the reach of humans to explore, to ponder, and to understand. Frederic Golden is the Acting Editor of Ocean us. In looking back, what seems so incredible How Alvin was configured during the submersible's explorations of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge in the summer of 1974. (Drawing by Davis Meltzer, courtesy of Society 1975) now is that only a handful of oceanographers If Darwin Hadn't Been Aboard the Beagle were really believers in research submersibles on that auspiciously sunny day 25 years ago. Most, No one single person can claim credit for Alvin, is as in fact, were outright skeptics. Deep-sea diving, although certainly Allyn Vine close as they felt, was the stuff of adventurers and anyone to deserve the honor, even if he is daredevils, like the Beebes and Piccards, not of himself too modest to claim it. In the post-World sensible scientists. In the 1930s, , a War II era, the subject of submersibles as research zoologist and writer, had created a splash (both vehicles was very much on the minds of in the water and in the press) when he let many people. Some, like Vine, had wartime himself be lowered by cable more than 3,000 feet experience with . Others were simply off Bermuda deeper than anyone had ever gone intrigued by the growing evidence that the ocean before into the sea inside a steel ball with floor was not merely a dull, scientifically viewing ports that he called a "" uninteresting carpet of sediment, as had once (from the Greek bathys for depth). Not a few old been commonly thought. and salts he was to take such risks. seismic studies were that it was thought crazy The showing of a far terrain. It Piccards, pere and fils, advanced this daring art comprised more complex had form with what the father, Auguste, a Swiss ridges and valleys, deep canyons and trenches, physicist, dubbed the (scaphe being even ancient, sheered off volcanoes called Greek for small In their such a to be boat). were also . view, place ought spheres with viewports, but unlike Beebe's ball visited first-hand. on a string, they were free-floating with their Vine made an eloquent pitch for deep- own ballast and maneuvering systems. diving submersibles at a conference of leading Still, even as late as 1972 when leaders of oceanographers in Washington, D.C. on February the oceanographic community were considering 29 and March 1, 1956. In his own recollections on Project FAMOUS, one very senior scientist the following pages, Vine, characteristically, wanted to know what worthwhile science had makes only a passing reference to his role in that ever come from a deep-diving submersible. conference. But it was his talk, strongly seconded could ("How they have produced anything," by another oceanographic visionary, Willard retorted a colleague, almost under his breath, Bascom, who helped to persuade the assembled "when they'd never been tried.") scientists to urge upon the Navy and the National small that took him down 75 or 100 feet. So apparently did Alexander the Great. In 1620 a Dutchman by the name of Cornelius van Drebel built a leather-and-wood submersible for that at 12 15 England's James I, could navigate to feet below the surface of the Thames River. In 1701 the polymath Sir Edmund Halley (of comet fame) built a diving bell with glass ports that he took down off the English coast. Later submarine- builders had martial motives. In the New World, a Connecticut Yankee by the name of David Bushnell tried to sink British warships in New York harbor during the Revolutionary War by attaching explosives to their hulls with his hand-powered, propeller- driven sub Turtle. Only his explosives-attaching device didn't work. Robert Fulton sought unsuccessfully to peddle two iron-framed, copper-skinned submarines first to Napoleon, then to the Frenchman's enemies, the British before settling on building steamboats in the young . Perhaps the first true modern submersible was the American inventor Simon Lake's Argonaut. Launched circa 1894, it had a gasoline engine that breathed through a tube and was the first submarine to have blowable ballast tanks. Once the sub was a Off the coast of Bermuda in 1986, with new thrusters pressurized, hatch could be on the bottom that installed, Alvin begins a post overhaul engineering test opened such as dive. (Photo by Rodney Catanach) allowed Lake to gather samples oysters. Subsequently, he even managed to build a submersible barge that scooped up a sunken cargo of anthracite. coal from the bottom of Long Academy of Sciences the creation of a national Island Sound. program that would produce deep-diving But more than half a century elapsed submersibles for research. What particularly before other submersible builders followed in moved him, Bascom said, was Vine's insightful the path of Lake's pioneering work. (The Piccard comment that the best possible instrument that bathyscaphe, or tethered vehicles like Beebe's could have been put aboard HMS Beagle was steel ball aren't true submersibles because they Charles Darwin. Perhaps more than anything have little or no freedom of lateral movement.) else, it was the resolve of that conference that One notable American builder in the post World set in motion the events that led to Alvin. War II years was John Perry in . His Of course, the thought of going into the Cubmarine, capable of going down several deep was not exactly new. As long ago as the hundred feet, was used in the search for the lost fourth century B.C., Aristotle studied the sea in a American hydrogen bomb in 1969, along with

The Evolution of a Submersible

1964 1968 1970 '~" ' ' ' " '" ^^^^^^^^^ ^1' - - "^

II a dive. of Divers prepare Alvin for recovery by the submersible's mother ship R/V Atlantis after (Photo courtesy WHOI)

is a half a Alvin and . Another important figure underwater typically no more than day, are was , the inventor of scuba whereas the Navy's nuclear submarines likely to remain on station for months. diving, and a major champion of oceanic Finally, research. His submersible Diving Saucer (La submersibles are invariably dry-sailed, hoisted after each immersion a Soucoupe Plongeante) went through many out of the water by which in Alvin's case was changes before it was acquired by the French mother ship, originally from two castoff government and became Cyana, Alvin's a catamaran named Lulu, made companion along with Archimede in Project Navy pontoons. FAMOUS. There are also important differences in construction. In conventional submarines, the The Differences from Subs Ordinary machinery motor, fuel, ballast tanks, and so Submersibles differ from conventional on -is kept within the hull, along with the crew, the two are submarines in significant ways. Generally, they're whereas in deep-diving submersibles, much smaller, with room for only two or three separated. The crew rides in a small steel or people. They're usually used for nonmilitary titanium sphere, capable of withstanding the purposes, concentrating on basic science (Alvin, enormous , while most of hitched onto a so- in its early days, inspected the bottom for the mechanical components are to the Navy, which had paid for its construction). Their called exostructure, a framework external operation is also different. Whereas traditional hull. Lacking the protection of an enclosing the submarines usually try to avoid groundings at all compartment, each component on cost, submersibles are expected to touch bottom. exostructure must be able to withstand the other Nor do they have to have sleek lines, since they pressure on its own. In Alvin, as with travel at only a knot or two. The time spent submersibles, a smooth plastic skin, or fairing,

1977 1984 1989 The low point in Alvin's career was from October 1968 to September 1969, when it sank to 5,040 feet near Hydrographer Canyon, south of Nantucket. At left, Alvin on the bottom, as photographed by the U.S. Navy's Mizar. At right, when Alvin was hoisted to within 50 feet of the surface, divers wrapped these harnesses around it for the tow to Martha's Vineyard. (WHOI archives)

surrounds the exostructure. This skin isn't hastily assembled, was flown to . In the watertight, however. On the contrary, it lets in ensuing weeks, as all the world watched the water, equalizing pressure on the two sides. If it American recovery effort, Alvin made 35 dives. didn't, the skin would be crushed as pressure On one of these it hit paydirt. It found the built 'up. At Alvin's maximum diving depth of missing bomb, still wrapped in its parachute. 13,100 feet, this may be as much as 5,900 pounds Members of the Alvin Group were especially per square inch. pleased that they had discovered the bomb, not their rivals aboard the submersible A Aluminaut, Tight Squeeze owned by Reynolds Metals company, which had also been recruited the in the search. Needless to say, since submersibles are so small, by Navy Alvin's achievement was hailed around the they aren't very comfortable. Alvin's seven-foot- world, even in cartoons. One dubbed diameter sphere barely enables all three newspaper it "The Little Sub That Could." But the passengers to sit down simultaneously without triumph was short-lived. At the end of the 1968 contorting themselves. Smoking is taboo because diving season, struck. On 16 October, as Alvin air is at a premium. During a dive, the inside calamity was being launched on what was to have been its may go down to a chilly 55 degrees last dive before an overhaul, a cable Fahrenheit. Food and liquid plainly can't be hoisting while the hatch was still and it carried in any great quantity. Toilet facilities snapped open, slid off its elevator into the water. As consist only of a primitive tubelike device, platform water into the the euphemistically called a HERE (for Human spilled open pressure sphere, sub's to in the nick Element Range Extender) bottle. occupants scampered safety of time. Alvin sank to the bottom, After Alvin's commissioning, it took about ignominiously about feet about 135 miles from a year and a half before the submersible could 5,000 down, Woods Hole. be considered operational. The engineers Some that Alvin was tinkered, the pilots learned how to guide the people thought gone forever. But the that the sub, and the support crews on the surface never-say-die spirit got submersible built in the first mastered the delicate skill of getting the 23-foot- place ultimately some official resistance at long, 33,000-pound boat in and out of the water.* prevailed. Despite first, WHOI decided to a Eleven If winds were over 20 knots, launches were attempt salvage. months later, Alvin was off the bottom, scrubbed as too risky. There were many practice tugged thanks to a snare that was dives, including two to Alvin's then depth limit of toggle-bolt-like placed inside the hatch. That delicate 6,000 feet. open mission was none other than rival Aluminaut. In the spring of 1966, Alvin was about to performed by As Alvin was hoisted, divers it into so begin its scientific sleuthing in the seas, when wrapped much the little sub looked like a the Navy recruited the little sub for a very netting captured whale when it surfaced. Yet in of the special in fact, extraordinary mission. An finally spite most of Alvin's H-bomb was missing off the Andalusian coast of hapless appearance, major were in The aluminum Spain. In a collision of two U.S. Air components good shape. frame was and the sail had been bombers, one of their thermonuclear weapons badly corroded, bashed the but the had dropped into the Mediterranean. Alvin, away during recovery, key item the pressure hull needed no more than a good scrubbing. By June 1971, after undergoing a * Presently, Alvin is 25 feet LOA, and weighs 36,000 complete overhaul, Alvin resumed its scientific pounds. career.

8 The sinking wasn't the only trouble in successful submersibles of similar vintage, Alvin Alvin's early days, however. On 25 September managed to weather periodic economic crises 1967, it had lost its mechanical arm when it hit created by reductions in government funding for against the mother ship on recovery in rough oceanography. Alvin's major patrons have been seas, in 4,400 feet of water some 100 miles from the , the National Woods Hole. Six weeks later, it managed to Science Foundation, and the National Oceanic snare the arm with a long, scimitar-like steel and Atmospheric Administration. The typical cost hook, and bring it back to the surface none the for taking the sub to sea is about $20,000 a day. worse for the experience. Off Florida, Alvin was Recently, Alvin has averaged 1 75 dives a year. once attacked by a (which lost the The lessons of Alvin's success haven't battle when it got caught in the sub's skin, and escaped the attention of oceanographers was subsequently eaten aboard ship). A few years overseas. In France, the Soviet Union, and Japan, later, off Grand Bahama Island, it was struck by a submersibles some of them Alvin lookalikes- blue marlin. On other occasions, there have that can dive deeper than Alvin are now either been smoky electrical fires and scary slides available or under construction. This suggests triggered by the sub's movements on the that the original may soon have to undergo bottom. another metamorphosis so it can match or Nor was life very comfortable for scientists exceed those depths. In any case, the spurt of or crew aboard the pokey 105-foot Lulu. submersible-building is in itself something of a Crammed into her pontoons, they found their birthday tribute to Alvin. It's one more sign that nerves often rubbed raw by the close quarters. the little submersible out of Woods Hole has (Alvin is now carried aboard the much more opened up not only the murky depths but the spacious and reliable R/V Atlantis II.) But none of scientific mind as well. these difficulties resulted in serious injury or loss of life. Indeed, they were vastly outweighed by Acknowledgment Alvin's list of achievements. This special issue on Alvin could not have been These went beyond purely scientific undertaken without the advice and counsel of Barrie discoveries. also included such an They Walden and his Alvin Group, who helped steer us "social" as the important breakthrough carrying through potentially stormy technical waters; Bill first women scientists into the deep ocean. Dunkle, WHOI's archivist who guided us to many Harvard biologist Ruth Turner went down in vintage photographs; WHOI science writer Victoria Alvin as early as 1971. Perhaps most important of Kaharl, who graciously let us read a draft of her Alvin or all, Alvin proved what its proponents had said forthcoming history, any of the other authors from the very first: that a submersible could in the pages that follow who very kindly contributed become a reliable research tool for the entire their words and ideas to this commemorative oceanographic community, not just the scientists enterprise. from Woods Hole. For this reason, unlike some of the less

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I 7988 by Sidney Harris Science magazine. Co^}7[(^i

The author's sketch illustrating the emergency safety features of Alvin. Should the sub become unable to surface to allow the normally, the batteries, the mercury trim, and finally everything but the pressure hull could be dropped surfacing of the pressure hull.

The Birth of Alvin

by Allyn C. Vine

lor land scientists life is relatively easy. They uses sonic echoes to map the seafloor, Oceanus can sample and inspect rocks, plants, and Vol. 22, No. 3, cover) in the years after World the animals almost at will. But oceanographers have a War II was the complexity and variability of much more difficult time examining the seafloor. ocean floor fully appreciated. Although they did remarkably well with nets, Inspired by these new findings, a few of us corers, grapples, and other ingenious sampling began to argue that oceanographers should be devices for many years, the essential nature of able to enjoy the same easy access to our subject the ocean depths long eluded them. Not until matter as our colleagues who worked exclusively the perfection of the echo sounder, undersea on land. One obvious approach would be to cameras, and seismic profiling (a technique that develop closed-circuit television systems, carried

10 to the seafloor by largely self-sufficient robots, and manager of the Alvin program after his which could act as the electronic eyes and retirement from the Navy. Another was Rear perhaps even the mechanical arms for Admiral John B. Mooney Jr., who became shipboard scientists. Another approach was to Oceanographer of the Navy and later Chief of develop small deep-diving submersibles that Naval Research. would enable scientists to explore the seafloor Another boost for submersibles came from directly. influential reports issued by ONR and the Today, of course, both options are National Academy of Sciences, outlining available. But at the time, a small group of proposed directions for oceanographic research oceanographers at the Woods Hole Ocean- in the coming decade of the 1960s. These ographic Institution (WHOI) and elsewhere felt emphasized the need for new and better that it was preferable to look at this exciting "last research vessels, including ones that could go frontier" directly from small deep-diving manned into the ocean depths. Then on 4 October 1957, submersibles rather than with remote viewing the Soviet Union provided an indirect incentive with systems. the successful launch of Sputnik I, the first By the 1950s, these ideas had gathered earth satellite. Though the little unmanned support at higher levels. Several reports strongly spacecraft explored the heavens rather than the recommended incorporating manned "inner space" of the deep ocean, this display of submersibles into the oceanographic research Soviet technological and scientific prowess fleet. And scientists and engineers at the Office of Naval Research (ONR), especially those who had worked with submarines during the war, gave them a sympathetic hearing. By contrast, those whose experience was largely limited to surface ships were at best lukewarm to submersibles.

An Invitation to the Piccards

Then, on 1 March 1956, under the auspices of the Navy and the National Academy of Sciences leading oceanographers strongly endorsed the potential of submersibles as a research tool. This encouraged the Navy to get more deeply involved with them. One of the outcomes was an invitation to Jacques Piccard, son of submersible pioneer , to bring the deep- diving bathyscaphe Trieste to San Diego to work with Navy and civilian scientists on the biological and acoustical character of the deep scattering layers. These are the broad areas of sound reflection detected by echo sounders at depths of several hundred meters, that seem to move down in daylight or bright moonlight. This rise Litton Systems engineers commemorate the completion and fall that the were of suggested layers of their new creation of 1964, Alvin. (WHOI archives) biological origin, probably corresponding to the movements of schools of fish and plankton. Eventually the Navy bought Trieste, and on increased American interest and the 23 January 1960, Piccard and Navy Lieutenant Don sharply in, all sorts of scientific Walsh set a deep-diving record that still stands, funding for, research, by taking the bathyscaphe to the bottom of the including oceanography. Established centers 37,795-foot Marianas Trench in Pacific. This oceanographic demonstrated that scientific submersibles could wouldn't take on the job of designing, funding, and a submersible operate in the deepest areas of the sea. constructing, operating deep themselves. It needed the An important byproduct of the Navy's by Navy's strong which was not financial but moral, Trieste program was that it provided deep support, only in the form of from such enthusiastic submersible training for a forward-looking cadre backing and officers as Commanders of young Navy officers and enlisted men who knowledgeable Navy Charles and Charles (Swede) Momson of would later became influential in many aspects of Bishop the Office of Naval Research and Richard deep-sea research. One of these officers was Captain (Skee) Dzikowski of the submarine desk at the Larry Shumaker, who became chief pilot of Alvin Bureau of Ships. Individual scientists and engineers began of such a and Allyn C. Vine, Scientist Emeritus at the Woods Hole to look into particular aspects large Oceanographic Institution, is one of the earliest and difficult undertaking. At the Southwest Research most persistent exponents of the use of deep-diving Institute in San Antonio, Texas, Edwin Wenk led submersibles such as Alvin in oceanography. a team working on deep submersible design.

11 While investigating aluminum as a hull material, he found an enthusiastic supporter in J. Louis Reynolds, vice president of the Reynolds Metals Company. Under a proposed pact with the Navy, his company agreed to sponsor the construction of a 42-foot submersible, called Aluminaut. WHOI would operate it for scientific work, and ONR would pay the bills. At Woods Hole, we drew up contracts and operating plans. Pilots and maintenance people were hired. The project seemed off and running. But then there were snags. Disagreements developed over the cost and extent of modifications for safety reasons, as well as the issue of ultimate ownership- Reynolds wanted permanent title after WHOI and the Navy were through with renting the sub. Finally, the idea of a collaborative effort with Reynolds was dropped, and the company eventually completed and operated Aluminaut on its own. A good thing, too, because it was Aluminaut that helped retrieve Alvin from the depths after it accidentally sank off Cape Cod in 1969.

Turning to General Mills' Sea Pup Once WHOI bowed out of the Aluminaut project, our attention switched to a design by Alvin's sometime rival, sometime and one time Harold Froehlich, an engineer at the electronics partner, rescuer, Aluminaut. (WHOI archives) division of the General Mills Company in . Froehlich had proposed a very simple 15-foot submersible called Sea Pup. The General Mills division built mechanical arms for because I was 18,000 feet down in the Puerto industry, and Froehlich hoped that submersibles Rico Trench in the new French bathyscaphe might provide a future market for such devices. Archimede. But Adelaide, my wife, smashed a Smaller, simpler, and less expensive than bottle of champagne across the sub's sturdy Aluminaut, Sea Pup looked to us like a possible mechanical arm. With that, the little boat had way to continue our quest for a submersible joined the oceanographic fleet. Though we still within available budgets. With Navy cooperation, faced such problems as training pilots and crew, our group at WHOI, under the leadership of Earl debugging, getting certification from the Bureau Hays, drew up specifications for a somewhat of Ships, and installing scientific apparatus, we not changed and enlarged version of Sea Pup that finally had a real submersible- just drawings was deemed more suitable for the anticipated of one. Now the Alvin gang could get to work. scientific work. WHOI put this proposal out to Early usage was to be close to home public bid, and after discussions with several because of the relatively easy logistics. In potential builders, General Mills was awarded the summer, Alvin would be in waters off New contract. The cereal maker initially offered to England, concentrating on the biology and build the sub for less than a half million dollars. geology of the many submarine canyons. In After WHOI's additions and changes, it would winter it would move down the coast, and work cost nearly twice that amount. Meanwhile, near the mile-deep Tongue of the Ocean Basin, General Mills sold off its electronics division to near Nassau in , which was Litton Systems, Incorporated. Litton, however, let protected from big ocean swells. The U.S. Navy Froehlich complete the job. also had an acoustical test range there, where On 5 June 1964, as a spring sun shone Alvin could help with underwater inspections and brightly overhead, the little sub was christened at repairs. But as our experience and confidence Woods Hole. It was no longer Sea Pup. It had grew, Alvin operated much farther from home, in become Alvin, a name that was already being more distant seas. used informally by WHOI's Deep Submergence the Tradeoffs in Design Group, which was in charge of preparing the Making submersible for sea duty. I'm told the name was In laying out our original specs, we had picked in my honor for campaigning so long and considered a number of issues. One key hard for the little sub, but I also know that it was question before us was how deep should our the name of a popular song and cartoon submersible be able to go? The answer invariably character at the time Alvin the chipmunk! demanded tradeoffs: if the hull were then the I wasn't able to attend the festivities strengthened by being made thicker,

12 payload, for example, would have to be reduced from the ports, there was only one hull opening Operating depth can theoretically be (a hatch for getting in and out); unlike increased by using a light hull material such as conventional subs, Alvin had no additional aluminum, or a stronger material such as high- apertures for torpedoes, garbage, or cooling strength steel, or an in-between material water. And with batteries, motors and all major such as titanium that wiring outside the combines light pressure hull, no and strength. All these hydrogen could build up possibilities were inside, thereby greatly considered. The titanium reducing the chance of a hull appeared the most fire onboard. promising to a few of us, Another factor in but it wasn't chosen our favor was people. initially because of the William O. Rainnie Jr., cost and the added time the chief pilot, and that would be involved. Marvin J. McCamis, Instead, the choice was a Valentine Wilson and Ed good high-strength steel Bland, the three original that gave us an operating relief pilots, were all ex- depth of 6,000 feet. (Ten submariners with plenty years later we would of saltwater experience. double the working They knew submarines, depth with a new hull of and had the respect of titanium.) the Navy sub people, From the which helped to get beginning, we hoped Alvin certified by the that the submersible Bureau of Ships. One would carry two meeting in Washington scientists and one pilot. still stands out in my Even so, Alvin's initial mind: the Bureau's design called for a two- Dzikowski, who believed seater to keep it from this was the kind of getting too big, and to R & D the Navy should ensure that there support, told his wouldn't be two pilots somewhat hesitant scientist. and only one inspectors: "Certify it, or Most important fix it up and then certify WHO! ocean engineering technician, was the issue of safety. George it." the touches on Alvin's first No one- not WHOI Broderson, putting finishing We had tried to pressure hull. (Photo courtesy of WHOI) Director Paul Fye, or our think of almost every naval architect, James conceivable situation that Mavor, not our ONR might imperil human life, sponsors, and certainly not the pilots or scientists and devised ways to avoid such crises. Alvin's who would go down in the sub were willing to major safety feature was the crew's ability to compromise on safety. Also, in enforcing safety return to the surface by releasing the pressure rules, the Bureau of Ships had every intention of hull the sphere that formed their being as tough on little submarines as it was on compartment from the sub's propulsive big ones. But safety also posed a quandary. underbody and chassis. In that way, the crew as strict as Everyone wanted to be possible, yet could escape if, say, the sub's arm or other safety standards for research submersibles were projection became entangled in debris on the an unknown. None had yet been carefully bottom. described or officially accepted. Still, there were At first, some people were uneasy about some things we could obviously ignore: as a the four plastic portholes one in front for the nonmilitary research vessel dedicated to peaceful pilot, two on the sides for the science observers, work, Alvin didn't have to be built to withstand and a fourth on the bottom. However, extensive depth charges. Also in our favor was the testing, as well as the existence of somewhat intended mode of operation: being small, Alvin similar ports on Trieste, reassured them. The would be recovered from the water after each pilot's porthole let him look straight ahead. In in dive effect, "dry sailed," as yachtsmen say- clear water he might be able to see fifty feet. But and could be looked over thoroughly like a small in water thick with mud or plankton, his vision boat. (In fact, the U.S. Coast Guard considers it a wasn't more than a foot in front of the sub. So it small boat and inspects it accordingly.) became important to incorporate , letting Size was also a help in safety. Alvin had far the sub maneuver in the deep by reflecting fewer parts valves, motors, cables, and the pulses of sound off objects, as whales and like than a large submarine. So there were dolphins do. The system eventually installed was fewer components that could fail. Also, apart somewhat like a mine-hunting sonar; it could

13 usually "see" large objects hundreds of yards away and smaller ones tens of yards away. The system also was designed to keep Alvin from becoming ensnared in old cables on the bottom. Alvin was designed to be highly maneuverable. Its props a large one aft, two smaller ones on the sides enabled it to make very sharp turns, even at zero forward speed. Its the backup power, achieved by reversing props, was designed so that if an object were sighted only ten feet ahead, the submarine could still stop and reverse in that distance. (Bathyscaphes such as Trieste and Archimede are much less maneuverable.) The equipment, relying on tanks of , and canisters of lithium hydroxide that absorbed carbon dioxide, was designed to support three adults for about two days (now lengthened to three), even though dives wouldn't normally take longer than 8 to 12 hours. In an emergency, the crew and support personnel on the surface would have a day to figure out how to get the ship to the surface before "abandoning" ship that is, releasing the pressure hull with its passengers and letting it float up like a balloon. Except for tests in Woods Hole, we never had to resort to such a drastic procedure. Two Classes of Instruments Instruments fell into two classes. The first group was for the operation and safety of the submarine. It included depth gauges, a gyro- compass, an underwater telephone (using acoustic signals rather than a wire) to communi- cate with the mother ship, controls for propulsion and maneuvering, life-support apparatus, and so on. The second group of instruments consisted of scientific apparatus. These could be loaded on or off at will, or even altered, depending on the scientific requirements of a particular dive. Very strict weight considerations (no more than 400 pounds of payload) limited the number of instruments aboard at any one time. William N. (Skip) Marquet and his instrument group at WHOI used considerable ingenuity, to say nothing of their long hours of work, to cram as many instruments as possible aboard in the shortest possible time, but they sometimes encountered an insurmountable obstacle: oceanographers who went down in submersibles tended to be above average in size. Another important indeed, vital feature was the mechanical arm. To see something interesting through the porthole is wonderful; to get a picture is even better. But to return to the surface with a carefully selected and preserved sample is best of all. From the beginning, Alvin's mechanical arm accounted for a sizeable portion of its as well as its payload, budget. Considering Paul Fye (left), WHOI's fourth director, and William the number of it has from the things picked up Rainnie (right), Alvin's first chief pilot. At top, bottom from rock of the Mid-Atlantic samples dignitaries, WHOI employees, and townspeople turn Ridge to the strange fauna that dwell around the out for Alvin's on June 5, 1964. At commissioning " hydrothermal vents this has turned out to be a middle, with an "I christen thee Alvin, and a splash of very logical decision. champagne, Adelaide Vine does the honors at the A major technical achievement was the baptismal ceremony. (WHOI archives)

14 Lulu awaits the return of Alvin at the end of a dive. Lulu served as the mother ship until R/V Atlantis II was modified to perform this function in 1983. (Photo courtesy of WHOI)

development of a bottom-beacon acoustic group finally became reasonably self-sufficient. navigational scheme. Three acoustical beacons Earl Hays, who ran the Alvin program, named the were placed on the ocean floor, which could mother ship Lulu, after my mother, a lady who listen to pings from the submarine and relay didn't particularly like ships or the sea, but was them to the surface. By comparing the different happy one of her children did. (The repeating arrival times of these sounds with those picked up directly from the sub, surface controllers could triangulate Alvin's position and advise it where it was. Since then, this navigational method has been widely adapted in bottom research even when no submarines are used, as in the deep-sea drilling voyages of the Glomar Challenger, or some of the recent work on the Titanic.

The Debut of a Mother Ship Named Lulu Unlike larger submarines, a small submersible clearly needs a capable mother ship, which determines how far it can go, the sort of bad weather it can operate in, and how big a scientific and maintenance group can join the expedition. At first, Alvin was launched by a crane from the dock, then from a barge. Soon, a 100-foot catamaran was improvised from two large surplus Navy pontoons one hull for machinery, the other for living quarters. Laboratories were installed in portable vans on the deck. Propulsion came from large diesel outboards at the stern of each pontoon. The *JK*r 'W speed was slow (no more than 8 knots) and the ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^IHHnmHMMi^^^MH^m living primitive crew and scientists slept in the Earl Hays, the Alvin group's first project leader. (WHOI pontoons but the cost was low, and the Alvin archives)

15 Surfacing procedures were essentially the reverse of the launching, except when the weather turned bad. On those days, the handling crew, headed by its colorful crew chief, George (Brody) Broderson, performed heroic feats in getting Alvin back on board unharmed, and earned the gratitude of all involved. As experience with Alvin grew, new operations brought on additional needs, and better ways for accomplishing them. Both pilots and researchers were greedy: they always wanted more depth, more range, better instruments, and increased capability to operate in rougher weather. To meet these needs, unlike most submarines, Alvin and its supporting systems were continually altered and improved. By 1970, funding for a major overhaul finally enabled us to order the titanium hull that we had considered from the start. It doubled Alvin's depth capability to 12,000 feet, and finally let us explore at the average depth of the ocean (about two miles), including the mid-ocean ridges, where new seafloor is being created through of lava from within the Earth (pp. 34-40). In retrospect, the level and breadth of cooperation that this little project received from the and from scientists in Alvin's original stern propeller gets a final inspection government industry, before installation. (WHO/ archives) the U.S. and abroad was little short of amazing, and certainly heart warming. This was evident even at the christening, which was attended by hundreds of scientists, syllables made an especially fitting name for a people politicians, high- officers who crammed into the twin-hulled ship.) Such gestures, in any case, ranking Navy WHOI lot on that 25 were typical of the esprit de corps of the Alvin parking pleasant spring day There have been some group. years ago. may of then as to how well the Alvin was carried on deck on a midship differences opinion would work but there was no cradle that could be lowered into the water by experiment out, Alvin's for scientific steel cables. When afloat, Alvin would back out doubt about potential research a faith that has turned out to be well between the hulls, guided by helpers alongside Alvin's crew and the submersible's who handled her lines. Once Alvin was repaid by scientific clear of Lulu's props, the lines would be taken programs. off by swimmers, the pilot would go below, close the hatch, and test the underwater telephone and report, "Ready for dive!" Swimmers would then doublecheck if all was well outside the sub. Selected Reference When the pilot, or surface controller, on Lulu's Alvin's bridge gave permission to dive, pilot Busby, R. Frank. 1976. Manned Submersibles. 764 pp. Office of would start down. the Oceanographer of the Navy.

7976 by the Chicago Tribune.


Alvin's exploits have captured, the imagination of syndicated cartoonists as well as scientists.

16 A Pilot's View Some Dangers and Many Delights

Peering into the depths of the Cayman Trough in 1976. (Photo courtesy of WHOI)

By Dudley Foster

We pass 8,000 feet. I scan my instruments, will change to one of rushed activity. checking attitude, heading, vertical speed, and I think how similar this is to the nights I in the late 1960s. But now I the electrical system. They are my only reference flew jets for the Navy to the outside world, which is blacker than any am piloting DSV (for Deep Submergence Vehicle) night and near freezing cold. Inside, things are Alvin, the three-man submersible owned by the calm and quiet. Only the whine of the gyro and U.S. Navy and operated by Woods Hole soft discussions of our mission by the two Oceanographic Institution. science observers break the absolute silence. My day had started at 5:30 A.M. aboard the that We'll be leveling off soon, and I know the scene R/V Atlantis II, the 210-foot research vessel

17 II 's of D;Vers aboard, Alvin ;'s lowered by the A-frame crane on Atlantis stern. (Photo courtesy WHOI)

I as carries Alvin and acts as its mother ship. I sought fantail. climbed atop Alvin, and the crowd out the two scientific observers for the day and gathered to watch the launch, I jokingly asked if discussed our mission. We would look for anyone would like to go ashore. We three would Atlantis II to be geyser-like eruptions on the seafloor, sample be the only ones on "touching sulfide deposits around these hydrothermal ground" today. vents, and collect biological samples in the The designated observers quickly joined

I I vital and vicinity of the hot, sulfide-rich waters. arranged me for boarding. turned on equipment water sampling bottles, scoops, nets, and carefully sealed the hatch. We were now retrieval chambers in Alvin's external basket. By encapsulated in a seven-foot titanium sphere 7 A.M., our well-trained crew had completed the capable of sustaining us for three days in an 14 pages of predive checks to ensure that the sub environment that would, in event of a failure, was ready for diving. I entered Alvin's two-foot- wide hatch and began powering up the systems to check their operation. Battery voltages, ground detector circuits, communications equipment, sonar gear, life support, propulsion and hydraulic systems, manipulators, dataloggers, video and still camera systems, variable ballast system, weight dropper circuits the list goes on: all had to be checked and operating properly.

Down to the Depths By 7:30 A.M., the surface controller for diving operations, working with shipboard navigation equipment, had Atlantis II positioned over the dive site. Alvin was pulled from its hangar and positioned under the giant A-frame crane on the

Dudley Foster is Alvin's senior pilot, and has made some 325 dives in the little submersible since joining the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution's Deep Pilot Foster in the midst of predive safety checks. Submergence Croup in 1972. (Photo by Cindy Van Dover)

18 crush us with nearly scarp. The sonar shows a 4,000 pounds of pressure canyon-like feature in so per square inch. developing it, we Although we'd be diving decide on a closer to only 8,000 feet today, inspection. start into Alvin could easily dive to As we more than 13,000 feet, the canyon, we notice the where the pressure that our path along would rise to nearly 6,000 bottom has become pounds per square inch. scoured with ripple The A-frame had marks. It reminds me of a desert carved effortlessly lifted 34,000- gulley, by pound Alvin over the wind and flash floods. fantail of the ship and Now the sonar reveals into the water in less both sides of the canyon,

I to than three minutes. I had and move over the done my final dive right wall, a nearly checks, flooded the main vertical limestone cliff. ballast tanks, and begun There's no debris at the the 100-foot-per-minute base to sample, so I descent. move the manipulator Now we're about arm over to scrape the 600 feet from the wall, checking its bottom. We've been hardness. The steel the drifting downward for fingers gouge clay- like but the nearly two hours. I cliff, clumps prepare for our of carbonate ooze "landing" by turning on through the jaws of my the sonar system and mechanical limb. I'll have to for another scientific mission. (Photo to maneuver the outside light. The sonar About descend along Rod WHOI) to find a shows a scarp, or vertical by Catanach, wall, hoping wall, about 600 feet loose sample elsewhere. As move I we away. turn toward it, it soon I anticipating that we'll get closer as we approach deeper into the canyon, narrows, and the bottom. At 200 feet altitude, I drop the 500 can see both sides through the viewports. about pounds of ballast (in the form of bolted steel Because Alvin's lights can illuminate only darkness in front of I plates) that has allowed us to free fall this far 40 feet of the watery us, without using Alvin's propulsion batteries. We're judge that the canyon here is about 50 feet wide. its is a still drifting slowly down; apparently our science Barely visible at base possible sample. payload is a little heavier than we had thought it Moving forward slowly, I find the canyon still the walls would be. I turn on the variable ballast pump, narrowing more. By now, canyon and water in our tanks two-foot diameter are only about 12 feet apart, and just ahead the

I sheer spheres is pumped out, increasing the sub's seafloor veers sharply upward. see only . At 50 feet above the bottom, Alvin cliffs on either side, that look as if they're comes to a halt. curving in over the sub. But I decide that it's only Neutrally bouyant, we drift slowly in a a distortion created by the viewports. Or is it? I weak current of perhaps a quarter of a knot. We wonder. My apprehension grows as I think of

I in the who crashed are a large suspended mass amid thousands of how many pilots knew Navy into from which small particles, slowly moving fish, and because they'd flown canyons

I out. gelatinous creatures. For a moment, gaze at the they couldn't fly In this narrow wondrous variety of microorganisms, visible only My situation is similar:

I I And if you let your eyes focus on a point in the water space, can't turn the 25-foot sub around. only two or three feet in front of you. Then back can't back up because there are no rear if the to business: I use the vertical thrusters to propel viewports. But even we had them, props that I'd be us gently to the sediment bottom. would churn up so much sediment risk blinded. Nor do I want to go up and A could Tight Squeeze disturbing the soft sediment cliffs. They the sub. One of the The seafloor has been pitted with burrows made easily collapse and bury our by unseen creatures, though some of its life is science observers, unaware of predicament, for visible. We see brittle stars moving across the sees the sample I was heading and implores

I not to excited: he bottom, using one of their five legs as if it is a me to pick it up. tell him get life to the chunk of pointer while the others follow behind. We also may have the rest of his get notice sea cucumbers, trailed by a continuous clay. is bead of digested sediment. But Alvin's bow wave The only way out, I finally decide, up. and best rolls the virtually weightless critters away. So I slowly move up forward, doing my the walls. We're moving at barely a knot toward the to stay between Slowly, slowly, only

19 altimeter says we're 20 feet off the seafloor. I can see from the sonar that we're suspended above a start large oval pit. We descending and see large isolated columns, looking like megaliths of an undersea Stonehenge. We've come into a lava lake; the columns were left behind when the molten lava around them receded back into the Earth. The bottom of the pit sparkles with the reflections of our lights, as if thousands of

diamonds are scattered about. I hear the crinkle of broken glass. We're breaking up the glass surface of this very fresh lava as we slide over it. We continue across the pit and up the other side. Until now, the marine life here has been pretty sparse compared to the sediment's, but suddenly the number of galatheid crabs increases. Such a "crab gradient" usually means we're near an active vent. Another hint: the appearance of a few dead, partially dissolved foot-long clam shells. As we follow the steepening slope, the black basalts change to a reddish brown deposit. The small crabs are now everywhere, and we sight several large spider crabs as well. Large live clams, Calyptogena magnifica, up to a foot v*4 across, are nestled in depressions between outcroppings of basalt. I maneuver Alvin into position and carefully pick up some of them with our mechanical arm and place them in our external sample box. Cautiously, we approach a large, vertical, sulfide structure, identifiable by its reddish-brown color. The rich of A black smoker spewing sulfide-rich, 350-degree-Celsius life around it indicates that it's water. /f Alvin would approach such springs too closely, probably venting hot water. Colonies of six-foot tube Riftia its windows would melt. (Photo by John Edmond) worms, pachyptila, are clinging to the sides of this sulfide "chimney," anchored in its crevices and bathing in its warm water. Crawling the worms inches at a time. After about 30 feet, the top among are crabs, thermydron. edge of the wall comes into view, and for the brachyuran Bythograea They're trying to nip a bit of the brilliant red moment, I can relax. As Alvin goes over the top plumes that the worms wear like feathers at their and onto a sediment plain, I wonder whether the exposed ends. The plumes quickly retreat into sample is really worth the grey hairs. their Teflon-like sheaths whenever the worms are From Atlantis II, the surface controller disturbed, but missing chunks of plume show sends word that the target is 1,500 meters, or often not In this about a mile, ahead. He bases his calculation on they're quick enough. thriving signals received from the long baseline acoustic navigation system we'd placed on the ocean floor at the start of the cruise. We continue across the sediment plain and start to see isolated outcrops of old basalts, the dark volcanic rocks typical of oceanic rifts. Farther along, the basalts become fresher with less sediment cover. We've been going uphill slowly, and now see large bulbous formations called pillow basalts, many of them covered with grotesque buds. These have a shiny coating of "glass," or obsidian, formed when the molten lava that created the pillows was quickly quenched as it emerged from the rift by the cold water. This is a good indication that the rocks are relatively fresh, geologically speaking, since the glass on older basalts would have long since weathered. A Deep-Sea Stonehenge and China Shop As we go over the crest of the hill, the pillow Foster guiding through the Galapagos basalts flatten and the bottom drops away. The Rift, in 7979. (Photo courtesy of WHOI)

20 community there also lives a large collection of pickup. The sea is unsettled, and the changing

I the is limpets, shrimp, fish, and mussels. grab a waterline on the hull show that ship wild clump of tube worms near their tops, hoping pitching almost six feet. This could be a

ride. I the launch coordinator tell the A- they'll retract enough to minimize damage, and hear to stuff into the frame that the lift lines are on. rip them out of the crevice operator there's a I feel us start out sample basket. Suddenly, jolt, and up the At the top of the chimney, a great blast of of the sea. As water spills down the sides of black "smoke" is shooting up from a small stack sub, the view out of our ports looks like the about six inches across and two feet high. It window of a washing machine. As we swing looks like an Old West locomotive at full throttle, perilously close to the A-frame, I hold my breath

I that aren't the smoke rising and diffusing in the currents. and hope the basket or manipulators carefully position the smokestack between the clobbered. But the deck crew does its job side of the basket and the manipulator. With a expertly. The lines get snubbed, the sub quick side stroke of the manipulator, I knock the straightens out, and the main hook is engaged, top of the stack into the sample basket. The flow solidly securing/4/v/n to the A-frame. We're is even greater now, with the water blasting out safely back on deck. of a 3-inch diameter hole. I pick up our Still, several more hours of work remain. temperature probe and insert it into the searing The scientists must begin analyzing, logging, gusher. We watch the datalogger excitedly as the collating, and storing samples. Alvin's crew must temperature soars through 250, 300, 325, 358 complete five more pages of postdive degrees Celsius. That's more than 675 degrees inspections, make repairs, duplicate data, copy Fahrenheit! At that temperature the water would video tapes, and prepare the basket for the next be steam if it weren't for the extreme pressure dive. They must also help set up for night here. We're only a few feet away. But we dare science work, complete paperwork for this dive, for the next. not go any closer because our acrylic plastic and prepare the paperwork viewports would start to soften at about 200 As we head for our next port, usually a degrees Fahrenheit. With the manipulator, I pick voyage of two or three weeks, we'll continue our In three in it would up a hot water sampler actually, a high-tech daily routine. our days port, in too syringe made of titanium and insert it into the be nice to take the sights, but there's

I to and flow to draw a sample. try to keep the sampler's much do. Besides periodic maintenance nozzle well down in the vent to keep the sample jobs too time-consuming for hectic diving days, from being contaminated with ordinary sea we must remove science equipment from the water. To stop the sub from moving during this cruise we've just completed and install gear for delicate procedure, I remind the observers to the next one. remain still. The months of seven-day work weeks are but the excitement of A A physically wearing, seeing Relaxing Ascent, Jolting Pick-up a small portion of the Earth never seen before, or We've been on the bottom now for about four possibly ever again, keeps me looking forward to sea. hours, and I call the surface controller for my next day at the bottom of the clearance to return. Advised that no ships will be in our way when Alvin surfaces, I move away Spoke Too Soon? from our work area, drop another 500 pounds of steel, and begin rising. It's been a productive dive and, as Alvin floats up, I finally have a chance to chat with my two diving companions and get to know them a little better. When we arrive at the surface, Atlantis H's small launch is waiting. I blow air into the main ballast tanks for additional buoyancy and more freeboard, as the swimmers attach safety lines to the sample basket and prepare the outside of the sub for recovery. We're towed to the stern of Atlantis II for Courtesy of the News-Times, Portland, Oregon.

21 'Captain Hook's' Hunt for * the H-Bomb

Alvin on the surface with some of the U.S. Navy ships assisting in the H-bomb recovery. (WHO/ archives)

By Marvin J. McCamis

in our When the call came from the U.S. Navy, my world would be watching. Everyone group to hair stood instantly at attention. The Navy wanted was eager help. the help of our little deep-diving submersible My life until then had been fruitful and Alvin in the search for a lost 20-megaton exciting 20 years in the U.S. Navy submarine hydrogen bomb. On January 17, 1966, an Air service, then to the Deep Submergence, or Alvin, Force B-52 carrying 4 bombs had collided with a Group at the Woods Hole Oceanographic KC-135 refueling tanker in the skies over Institution (WHOI). But never in all my like this: Palomares, Spain. Three multi-megaton bombs experience had I encountered anything fell on Spanish soil, and a fourth bomb was an invitation to ride a submersible into the missing in the . We knew the depths in search of a stray thermonuclear U.S. government was in trouble and that the weapon. As Alvin's chief engineer and senior pilot, I knew we had our work cut out for us. At the Marvin J. McCamis served as Alvin 's chief engineer and time, the sub was completely disassembled for senior pilot until he left to set his own marine repair and Yet February 1, Alvin business in 7975. He ;s now fhe proud skipper of servicing inspection. by was and loaded onto an Air Force C-133 Gemini, out of West Palm Beach, Florida, a privately ready for the to near owned, classic wooden yacht once in the service of the transport trip Rota, Spain, Duke and Duchess of Windsor. Gibraltar. After a very cold and rough ride over

22 the North Atlantic, including a stopover in somewhat. Then a short distance away, it drops Greenland to change a propeller that wouldn't again. Finally, at 3,600 feet, it levels off. area off stay in sync, Alvin was tested in the harbor. But The Navy had the search mapped the dive had to be aborted almost as soon as it in half-mile squares. Our task was to move back began because of a saltwater leak into the and forth across an assigned sector, covering batteries. Repairs took 3 days. We found that every inch of the bottom in it. because of the faulty prop, a screw holding the Alvin is very maneuverable, much like a battery covers had vibrated loose. helicopter. The main prop at the rear, which Apart from simply swung from side to side, wanting to get the was for thrust and country out of a jam, we steering; the two lift had a personal stake in props on each side were the operation. This was for moving up, down, or Alvin's first big job. Our around. All were group had proven that controlled by a single the sub could operate to joystick. depths of 6,000 feet-this At 1,800 feet, we was before she was had our first look at the rebuilt for deeper bottom. Alvin's powerful diving but many critics mercury-vapor lights still considered the entire gave us 20 to 25 feet of was deep submersible visibility. The bottom program a waste of muddy and featureless. money. An added Without vegetation, it incentive for us was the resembled wrinkled old presence of a rival, skin. If Alvin's propellers Reynold's deep-diving happened to stir up the Aluminaut. loose top layer, visibility We made a second dropped to zero. test dive on February 9. Tracking across This time everything this blank terrain was worked. On the same discouraging. And as you day we loaded Alvin and listen to the tapes of our her crew aboard the LSD conversations inside (Landing Ship Dock) Alvin's personnel sphere, Plymouth Rock and you find it hard to joined Task Force 65 off believe that Rainnie, Garrucha, south of Wilson, and I were Cartagena. There we working in complete transferred to the LSD harmony.

"Wait a minute. I Fort Snelling, which H- become our mother ship. see something." On February 14, Alvin entering the U.S. Air Force C-133 transport that "What?" Massachusetts to sure." the hunt began. It was carried the sub from Spain. (WHOI "I'm not our 110th dive with Alvin. archives) "A little to the left. Until then most of the That's it. No, damn it! work had involved You went right over it!" testing and training. William O. Rainnie, Jr. and I "What?" it! That's it. on were the pilots, and Valentine Wilson, a third "To the right, damn Right pilot, was in charge of surface control. The target." surface controller, by clocking the acoustical "What is it?" signals from the sub in those days, our voices, "Tin can." rather than a pinger was able to keep track of "You better get a closer look." Alvin's movements and provide us with "I know a damned can when I see it." directions over the hydrophone link. "Well, let's get a picture of it." (Conventional radio communications isn't "Back off a little and bring the nose down. the practical at Alvin's operating depths.) Whenever You hear me? Bring the nose down! How camera possible on subsequent dives, we rotated hell can I get a picture with the damned position of controller and pilot. up in the air." We began our search about 5 miles from "How's that?" shore. In this area, the floor of the Mediter- "O.K. -good, I got it." of the ranean follows a long, gradual slope. But as you This is only a mild example move further from the coast, the bottom dialogue. At times the language got much saltier. dive 4 then take suddenly drops at a 45 percent incline. At 2,400 Typically, we would days, feet, there is a ridge, and the incline steepens to a day off for rest and repairs. decided to 70 percent. At about 3,000 feet, the bottom levels After two uneventful weeks, we

23 try something different. We'd been told that a March 8. They had us diving at only 750 feet in an Spanish fisherman had seen a large gray area where there was thought to be aircraft parachute drop into the sea, with an object wreckage from the collision. But we found

attached to after the collided. I it, planes On three nothing. told Rainnie, who was navigating, we the to occasions, when asked by Navy pick out ought to go back to the fisherman's spot. "That the it had into the place where plunged sea, he bomb isn't going to float uphill," I said. took them out to the same site. He never used any navigational aid just his good fisherman's March 9. My turn at surface control, and we're sense of the sea. I wanted to search this area but still messing around in 800 feet of water. couldn't get the Navy's approval. Also, no one However, Hays and Wilson, joined on this dive had given us any idea what the bomb looked by Chuck Porembski, an electronics technician,

like. I made such a fuss about this that an Air managed to find aircraft wreckage. I figured that Force sergeant finally took Wilson and me aside might persuade the Navy to let us look in the and showed us a picture of a bomb. He told us right spot. its length, diameter, and that the can at one end contained a 64-foot diameter cargo-type 'chute. March 12. We're in the fisherman's area. Wilson Now we really knew what we were looking for, was at the starboard window, I was in the front, and the days passed quickly as we stepped up and Mark Fox, our mechanic, was at the port our search. window. After about 4 hours we found the drag mark we'd photographed, and, sure enough, it March 1. I was aboard the minesweeper Ability, led downhill at a steep 70 percent. As I tried to taking my turn as the surface controller, assisted drive down the incline, the stern propeller by WHOI's Earl Hays, our very able expedition kicked up a cloud of mud, and we lost the track. leader. (We used Ability and Mizar for surface By now it was already late in the day. So we control rather than Snelling because it had none decided to resurface before sunset and let our of the electronic gear that was needed.) We crew chief George Broderson get Alvin ready for rigged up the crude tracking gear and started another dive early next morning. tracking Alvin not far from where the fisherman said he saw the object go into the water. This is March 13. When Rainnie and I got back, the area my chance, I thought. I asked the captain if we looked unrecognizable. Aluminaut had been might play stupid and search a little out of our there, and the larger and less maneuverable sub tore the area. He replied, "You're the controller why up bottom. Though visibility was poor, not?" Alvin prowled the bottom, but Rainnie and we slalomed down a steep slope, first going in Wilson found nothing promising just more one direction, then in the other. I was Rainnie's steep slopes and seafloor gullies. lookout, calling out directions from either side of Still, at the post-dive debriefing with task force leaders, during which we showed our pictures from the bottom, a shot of a mark on the seafloor caught my eye. It was a track in the mud that looked as if it could have been made by a skidding object say, a bomb. I hadn't seen the likes of it before and asked Hays to get permission for another look. Hays bluntly told Rear Admiral William S. Guest, leader of the task force, that if the Navy didn't cooperate we'd take Alvin home. The Navy cooperated.

March 2. For 7 hours and 16 minutes, Alvin groped among steep, muddy slopes. "This is not the right area," I told Hays and Wilson, who were both aboard with me. "It's too deep."

March 3. Another dive, and again no luck.

March 4. My day at surface control. On Mizar you control facing the stern, which wasn't my way of navigating. Yet I managed to steer Alvin to the 2,800 foot area -though we didn't have much time to search there; the dive was cut short after only 3 hours and 26 minutes because of bad weather. We didn't want to bring Alvin back aboard ship in a storm. %%^:,..,,^v*r:v^-'-

jc. March 7. We went to shallower depths, but we were still too to find the apparently deep "No fooling, men let's try to avoid losing any more of mark again. them." 1966 by Herblock in the Washington Post

24 the sub. This worked well, until we came to what found out that one of Aluminaut's larger looked like a snowdrift hanging over a cliff. crewmen had walked to the after part of the sub, - Somehow we made a wrong turn and thud! changing her trim and causing her stern to sink. went right into the cliff, unloosing a cloud of A second scare occurred when Aluminaut took mud that thoroughly blocked our visibility. All I off, showering us with her discarded ballast- could think of was being buried alive. Rainnie steel shot and mud from her underside. gave me the control box and I slowly backed When things finally cleared up, we moved down. We saw we hadn't triggered an avalanche. toward the parachute and anchored a pinger, an When we were finally in the clear, we continued acoustic signaling device, into it with fish hooks. the search, barely saying a word to each other. It I could see that the bomb was still attached to its turned out to be another fruitless day. rack, which had been ripped out of the plane; the toggle pins were still in place. But I couldn't March 15. Though the Navy wanted us to shift to get a good picture of the rack or the bomb a new area, we decided to make one last attempt because the 'chute was partially obscuring them. to find the track. As we headed down, I told I did manage to photograph the serial numbers Rainnie, who was surface controller, that he had on the parachute; as it turned out, no one had to put us on the track because it was my son recorded them. By now the weather was Jay's birthday. I started backing over the slope very slowly to keep from stirring up mud and silt. And soon I had the track in sight from the front window. Wilson kept a lookout from the side windows, telling me to come right or left, or go higher or lower. This continued until both Wilson and Arthur Bartlett, an electrical technician on board as an observer, began shouting, "I see it! I see it! There it is!" I told Wilson, "Keep me the hell off of it." Trying to contain our excitement, we backed over what we thought was the bomb. I set Alvin down in a crevice just below the bomb's huge parachute. Disregarding our prearranged code for signaling a discovery, Wilson started shouting over the phone, "We've found it." I ordered Wilson to calm down because we still couldn't really be sure we had the bomb. We were told to sit tight until Aluminaut could join us and confirm the discovery. We waited for 8 hours with our lights off (to save electricity), until we spotted a faint glow in the distance. Aluminaut came in over the underwater phone. We turned on our lights so U.S. and NATO brass inspect the dubious prize of the bigger sub wouldn't run over us. The Alvin's most ticklish operation. (WHO/ archives) rendezvous was successful, and Aluminaut took position just below, thereby marking the site so we could return to our mother ship to recharge and we were ordered up. Even though Alvin's batteries and mount its mechanical arm. changing we still didn't have of our find, we had no Aluminaut and her crew remained on station for proof doubt what it was, thanks to what we had 22 hours until we could return. learned from the sergeant. March 16. As soon as we had voice contact with But there was a different reaction on the Aluminaut, we homed in on her with our sonar. surface. When we showed our pictures and told At a distance of a hundred yards, Aluminaut our story to the leaders of the task force, I'm turned on her lights and we turned ours off. That sure some of them believed us, but Admiral instantly bathed the entire area in bright light. Guest asked sharply, "How do you know that it I'd had Ordinarily, Alvin's lights reflect off particles and isn't a bag of mud?" In all my life, never to our small marine life, creating such severe my intelligence so insulted. We returned backscattering that you feel you're diving through mother ship tired, discouraged, and disgusted. fog or a snowstorm. We couldn't see much further But we were determined to finish the job to than 20 feet or so. But with the backlighting from prove we had located the bomb. Aluminaut 's lights, we had good visibility all around, able to see as far as 150 feet. March 1 8. After a day's delay because of stormy

I dive. We landed just behind and below weather, Wilson and started another We Aluminaut, but suddenly had a scare. Aluminaut' s carried a harpoon in the mechanical arm with stern was coming down toward us. "What the 3/8-inch line attached. As we descended, the line site hell are you guys doing?" I shouted over the was led out from the mother ship. Near the

I I of 20 phone. There was no reply. took off with Alvin, of the bomb, trimmed Alvin to an angle

I and scooting to a little hill off to the right. Later percent, straightened the mechanical arm,


EE March 18, V Friday,

frustrated as ever. While we set about getting Alvin ready for lib Finds her next dive, another contraption was rigged up. Nicknamed "Poodle" for reasons I could never find out, it was a six-foot-by-six-foot steel H-Bomb frame designed to carry down lines attached to grappling hooks and electronic pingers. It was Off dropped to the bottom with a 1,400-pound Spain Danforth anchor, about 70 feet from the bomb. For our part, we made a special hook for the \ Weapon Reported mechanical arm about the size of a butcher's Intact in Water hook that we hoped could be used to pull away the shroud lines and the 2500 Feet parachute's untangle Deep mess in which the bomb was wrapped. PALOMARES BEACH March 24. With our in Alvin's Spain, March 17 (API The meat hook "hand," 'U.S. Al we started the shrouds and the The New Yolk Times March 18. ;96S pulling flaking 'chute down went it looked ,vin has found the hydrogen SEARCH IS SUCCESSFUL : slope. Things well; bomb that was lost two H-bomb has been found in like we might finally unravel our ball of string. sea off Palomare3 (cross). months ago in an Americai After hooking a shroud, we would back down boinber-tanker the sure the damned 'chute was k plane cras4 slope, making over Spain, official sources lying flat so we wouldn't get entangled in it. 'said tonight. Then I found that the 'chute wasn't completely

it of its I , They reported that was" out compartment on the bomb. So sighted with its parachute still pointed the hook into the compartment and attached 2500 feet under the tugged on a bunch of shrouds. Nothing Mediterranean Sea, five miles happened except Alvin was pulled right onto a ffshore. The weapon was 20-megaton hydrogen bomb. I tried again, this apparently intact indicating time fishing out one shroud. I was able to pull it no lethal leakage in the waters some distance. we were the of- this Slowly, getting job resort. ^^_^ done. All the while, surface was asking us how The first H-Bomb operation was Alvin's media splash. we were doing. How can you answer when you aren't really sure yourself? We told surface that everything was going well, but that we had to plunged the harpoon into the bottom with all the come up because we didn't have enough power left in power I could get out of Alvin. When the cloud our batteries. We would finish the job on our next dive. of debris that this stirred up cleared, I saw that March 25. Broderson told us the harpoon was firmly anchored up to its hilt. Captain Hook On the surface, the line was bouyed off with a meaning Alvin was ready for another tussle with the small marker. It could now be used to pass down bomb. When we got down, everything was as a heavier line to lift the bomb. We took more we had left it. Just about parked atop the bomb, pictures in order to find a good place to attach I thought to myself, "How lucky can you get?" the line to the bomb. It was still hooked to the After only a few hours, we had the 'chute the rack, safety pins in place. I thought the best completely removed from container and strategy was to hook a toggle pin or snaphook safely stowed down slope from the bomb. Now turned to was a mess. But into one of the rack's limber holes. But I couldn't we Poodle; everything get a good picture of the rack to make my case, we managed to untangle a fine-looking grapple so the idea wasn't bought. Also, our batteries that someone had spent hours making. It was were getting low and we had to resurface. attached to the anchor with a 1-inch nylon line. For the next 4 days, the recovery was put We managed to attach the grapple right to the of the shrouds and started on hold because of bad weather. Meanwhile, just top parachute pulling about everyone seemed to be building capture shroud by shroud. Then in real Navy fashion, we devices. pulled the line tight back down slope to the anchor. We reported to the surface what we had March 23. Wilson and I took a large clamp down done, and it was agreed that the bomb was ready with us in Alvin's mechanical arm. It was to be to be lifted. As a precaution, we moved to a pushed around the bomb's midsection, small hill about 200 yards away and waited. whereupon it would automatically lock shut. But Then we got word from topside that they'd as hard as we tried, we couldn't get the clamp changed their minds. They were going to drag around the bomb. There was too much mud, and the entire mess up slope to shallower water too much parachute in the way. before picking up the bomb. I begged them to Things were going just as badly on the pick it straight up, but didn't win this argument surface. Trying to pass a heavier line down to the either. We returned to our mother ship after a the dive of to harpoon, seagoing tug Petrel managed to pull more than 8 hours. While trying get the harpoon out of the bottom. In the face of some food, we heard the bomb had been these problems, we called it quits for the day, dropped.

26 Next day, on March 26, Wilson and I of line. We stretched out the 'chute as well as we in returned to where the bomb had been. The could and put another pinger the spill hole. slope looked if it had been torn up by After we surfaced, CURV was sent down to attach bulldozers. We found huge chunks of sand a line to the 'chute. stone, clay, and mud but no bomb. On 6 more Again bad weather delayed the operation dives, we searched up slope because that was for a day. On April 5, Wilson and I rode Alvin where the track indicated it had dropped. On down to the bomb; we were moving very our thirtieth dive, I found an imprint that seemed cautiously through the silt when just ahead I saw to have been caused by the bomb's nose; it even the 'chute billowing in the current like a huge had a bump matching a dent I'd noticed on the circus tent. We took a closer look. For a nose. My suspicion was that the bomb had slid moment, Wilson thought we had moved under back down the slope, and that's where Rainnie the 'chute, and scared the wits out of Rainnie on and I began to look on the next dive. Just 300 the surface when he heard that report. He told feet below our previous location, we found our us to surface. prize, resting in a crevice at the foot of a 70 On April 6, Alvin stood by as an observer percent slope. as CURV paid another visit to the target. It Next day Wilson and I went back down. managed to attach one line, but the machine We pulled the parachute down slope again and became hopelessly entangled in the billowing it to placed another pinger in the parachute's spill 'chute. So was decided to bring CURV back hole. The pinger would guide a new device, the surface and just hope that the bomb would called CURV (Controlled Underwater Recovery follow along. The maneuver was slow and Vehicle), developed by the U.S. Naval Ordnance tedious but it proceeded without mishap. Wilson Test Station in Pasadena, California, to recover and I watched on sonar until the retrieval was torpedoes. Held in a rectangular steel frame only halted at 200 feet so Navy divers could attach a little smaller than a compact car, it had four additional lines. Finally, the lost H-bomb broke ballast tanks, two small motors to drive it forward the surface. and a third to move it up and down, sonar, two The job done, Alvin was returned to the mercury vapor lamps, a television camera, and a Snelling. All told it had made 34 dives, operating large claw for grasping objects. It was controlled down to 3,200 feet for nearly 222 and a half electronically through a long cable by a five-man hours. Alvin proved that a deep submersible crew aboard Petrel. could do the most difficult job, retrieving not We noticed that our grapple was still only an extremely dangerous weapon but also attached to the shrouds with about 50 or 75 feet the nation's honor.


27 Serendipity in Deep-Sea Microbiology Lessons from the Alvin Lunch

by Holger W. Jannasch

/Accidents often provide lessons, but rarely has inhabitants of the permanently dark and cold (2- this been as true as for the sinking of DSV Alvin to 4-degree-Celsius) deep ocean. In addition, it in the fall of 1969, and the recovery of its lunch was known that some of them experienced box 11 months later. The apparently well- enhanced growth at low , and so preserved state of the box's contents initiated a were designated "psychrophilic" (or "cold- series of experimental studies that broke a loving") bacteria. There were also many hints roadblock in deep-sea microbiology. that an adaptation such as that to cold also Where was that roadblock? It was well existed for growth at considerable hydrostatic known that microbes are common and important pressure, which increases by about 1 atmosphere per 10 meters depth in the . But since the term "barophilic" (or "pressure- Holger W. Jannasch is a Senior Scientist in the Biology adapted") was coined by microbiologists Department of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. F. H. Johnson and C. E. ZoBell in the 1940s, little

28 work had been done in this area, and no decompressed bacteria might fail similarly. It barophilic bacterium was available for must be assumed that the unavoidable loss of physiological studies on this particular metabolic pressure preselects for those organisms that are trait. more or less tolerant to such pressure changes. Considering the fact that more than 90 Indeed, the absence of a comparable technique percent of our planet's biosphere is represented might have led to the general impression that the by the open ocean, and that the deep sea microbial tolerance for is higher (arbitrarily set as deeper than 1,000 meters) than for the corresponding deleterious effects of comprises about 75 percent of the biosphere, the increasing temperature. Still, unless decompres- role of microbial decomposition and sion is avoided, only a partial job can be done in remineralization of organic matter in the deep experimental studies on the question of sea becomes an important topic of study. Of barophilic microbial activity in the deep sea. interest is the effect of factors, particular physical Sandwich Breaks Roadblock such as low temperature and high pressure, on Recovery microbial . The well-studied How did the recovery of the Alvin sandwich psychrophilic bacteria grow best at temperatures break the roadblock? It was not the well- between 8 and 15 degrees Celsius, and are preserved quality of the foodstuffs that startled inactivated or killed when raised above 20 us, but the utterly simple means of overcoming degrees. In other words, to retrieve them from the decompression problem used in this the deep sea especially for quantitative involuntary experiment. Instead of running assessments care has to be taken to ensure that experiments on microbial growth with deep-sea water or sediment samples are never exposed to samples brought to the surface, the substrates to temperatures higher than 20 degrees. If there are be used by the microorganisms can be put down organisms even more sensitive, ones not able to to any depth in the ocean. There they can be survive 15 degrees, they will escape detection. automatically inoculated with ambient sea water For some time it has been possible to or sediment, and "incubated" at the site for a retrieve deep water or sediment in cold latitudes given time period. The results of this in situ without a warming-up of the samples, and so microbial activity can be measured in the preserve the psychrophilic bacteria. But until the retrieved sample containers. development of tools and techniques inspired by Using this approach, we measured the the recovery of the Alvin lunch box, preventing decomposition rates for chitin, starch, and the loss of hydrostatic pressure during recovery cellulose, at depths to 5,300 meters, over time of samples was technically out of reach. As the periods of two to six months. At first, the cooling of warmed-up samples in a ship's cooperation of physical oceanographers was laboratory does not revive psychrophilic necessary. They allowed us to put packages of microbes, the recompression of the sample bottles inoculated with surface-borne

Opposite, the Alvin sandwich, and below and right, the thermos bottle and apples, as they appeared after spending 11 months at a depth of 1,540 meters.

All photos in this article courtesy of Holger W. Jannasch, WHOI.

29 bacteria (Figure 1) on deep-sea mooring anchors, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution just above the acoustic retrieval link. Control engineers, Clifford L. Winget and Kenneth W. samples were incubated at normal atmospheric Doherty helped us to do it. The negative results pressure, and temperatures equal to those at of the sea-floor incubation and inoculation 5,000 meters depth 2.0 to 3.5 degrees Celsius. experiments may have been due to the When compared to controls, the rates measured considerable pressure shock and high shear on the ocean floor were as much as 100 times that occurred during the filling of the slower. pressure housings and bottles. Also, mere end- Later, we used the recommissioned Alvin point measurements do not reflect whether rates for inoculating sample bottles containing of activity are constant or continuous over the radiolabeled substrates on the deep-sea floor, extended incubation periods. For instance, the and incubating them for a larger variety of time deep-sea bacteria may have been very active for a periods. To this end, we constructed simple very short time. aluminum housings for transporting racks of This work ended with a complete technical bottles, containing various sterile substrates, to system, enabling us to retrieve and concentrate two permanent stations, at 1,830 and 3,640 samples, without decompression and change of meters (Figure 2). On station, a valve was opened temperature, from the deep sea into the by Alvin's mechanical arm, allowing water or laboratory, transfer subsamples to a chamber for sediment slurry to fill the housings. The bottles the isolation of individual strains of bacteria, and filled through a slit in the rubber stoppers. When return a cell suspension of the pure culture into the pressure inside and outside of the housing a prepressurized culture chamber for measure- had equalized, the lid was lifted off and the ments of its growth capacity under various bottle rack was removed and placed on the environmental conditions (Oceanus, Vol. 21, No. ocean floor for incubation of 2 to 15 months. 1, pp. 50-57). During all of these operations, the The results of this second series of deep-sea bacteria remain at their normal in situ experiments were surprising. Almost the same pressure and temperature. reduction in microbial activity was found with The sampling/culturing devices used at this both deep-sea and surface-borne populations point (Figure 3) were lowered to a desired depth when incubated in the deep sea. No barophilic on a cable from a ship, and mechanically response was found; and there did not seem to triggered to open. The sea-water sample entered be more barotolerant organisms in deep-sea a sterilized chamber at a set rate, because the populations than in those collected near the pressure difference and shear forces were taken surface. up by sterile fresh water passing through a small orifice between two When An free-floating pistons. Advancing Technology these samplers were subsequently used as At this point, the development of decompres- culture vessels, small amounts of media, up to 13 sion-free sample vessels became a necessity, and milliliters, were added to the 1 -liter sample by a

Figure 1. The equipment used in the first controlled repeat of Alvin's unintentional venture into microbiology. The boxes, made from plastic household dish pans, held a variety of sample vessels. The boxes were fastened to the mooring chain of deep- sea buoys, and incubated for 5 months.

30 Figure 2. Bottles containing radioactive food materials are inoculated on the deep- sea floor by opening a valve with Alvin's mechanical arm. The racks of bottles (upper left) are then removed from the pressure housings, and dropped on the ocean floor for up to one year of incubation. After retrieval, the contents of the bottles are fixed and studied for the degree of microbial transformation. Inset shows arrangement of bottle rack in pressure housing.

transfer unit. This was an easy operation, in that organisms might well outnumber by far, and no external source of pressure was needed. An hence outcompete, the pressure-adapted forms. equal subsample was removed at the same time. In order to address this problem, we Further subsamples were taken at various needed to grow deep-sea microorganisms in to be intervals to measure the uptake and pure culture. That is, samples not only had of the radioactive substrates metabolized by the retrieved from the deep sea under pressure, but microorganisms in the sample. also had to be streaked out on agar plates and One drawback of this method is the low transferred to new media several times, in a of sampling capacity. Since the two samplers are window-equipped chamber holding pressures also used as culture vessels for several weeks of 600 atmospheres or more. incubation, only two samples per cruise could be This isolation chamber was designed by taken. Large numbers of samples, however, are Doherty, and built by Martin C. Woodward. needed. The case of a few observations receiving Inside the chamber there is a rotating belt for the more attention than their actual significance manipulation of nine agar-filled plates, a merits has been a problem of deep-sea biology sterilizable loop for streaking samples onto the nutrient since its inception. Conclusions tend to be drawn plates, vials containing sterile liquid more quickly if the chances for repeating an media, and lamps for illumination, all of which observation are small. Reproducibility and are operated by outside controls. After a into the statistical significance of results depend on a sample has been transferred sufficient number of samples. isolation chamber from a sampler/concentrator, it With this in mind, a filter sampler was is streaked onto one or more agar plates. When devised that concentrates bacteria from 3 liters of colonies begin to grow on a plate, they can be deep-sea water 200 times over a filter with a sampled with the loop and transferred to other in from the porosity of 0.2 microns (Figure 4). After retrieval plates, where they can grow isolation of the sampler, subsamples of this concentrate other types of microorganisms that had were withdrawn, stored, and later transferred accompanied them in the original sample. into the prepressurized culture vessels. These When a pure culture is attained in this samplers were then resterilized and used again system, the isolated colony is transferred into on the same cruise. At this time, then, our one of the vials containing sterile nutrient media. a sampling capacity was limited only by the After growth, the liquid culture is removed by number of transfer vessels we had available. transfer unit, and introduced into a prepres- Our studies using this equipment surized 1 -liter growth chamber. Thus, original supported our findings in the in situ incubation deep-sea conditions of pressure and temperature experiments namely that increasing pressure are maintained throughout the entire transfer, decreased metabolic activity. No barophilic purification, and cultivation procedures. was found, of response yet only varying degrees What We Have Learned barotolerance. Still, these data were not sufficient to conclude that completely pressure- The general outcome of these studies, originally in the adapted barophilic microorganisms do not exist. inspired by Alvin's accident, shows, short, of and To this point we had been working with mixed existence and types psychro- barophilic and the populations. If a constant input of barotolerant bacteria in the deep ocean, quantified and on microorganisms from the surface is carried down general effect of temperature pressure microbial for the breakdown of by particles to the deep-sea floor, these the capacity

31 Figure 3. A central plate divides the sampler into two cylinders; an orifice in the plate (1) acts as a flow snubber. Before the intake of a sample, the upper of two free-floating pistons is at the top of the upper cylinder, supported by a column of fresh water; the lower piston is also at the top of its cylinder, supported by pressurized nitrogen gas. When the intake (not shown) is opened, admitting a sample of seawater, the upper piston slowly descends as the fresh water is forced into the lower cylinder. The lower piston descends reciprocally, compressing the nitrogen gas until its pressure is equal to the outside pressure. A check valve then closes, and the sampler is hauled back to the surface. Transfer unit (2) allows withdrawal of portions of the sample or introduction of nutrients without loss of pressure. 7977 by Scientific American

Carl O. Wirsen lowering the sampler from the deck of the Oceanus. organic matter in the world's largest ecological niche, or as it is often called, the "ultimate sink." Beyond the advancement of basic research, this work is important because the fate of manmade products or pollutants dumped in the deep sea depends on the activity of the microorganisms living there. If not just the "out-of-sight out-of- mind" idea, but the true removal of pollutants is intended, then the slow rates of microbial degradation argue clearly against deep ocean disposal. How about the well-preserved state of the Alvin lunchbox after its 11 -month sojourn on the deep-sea floor? It was remarkable. The apples were in a condition equal to that of conventional careful storage, and the bread, mayonnaise, ham, and boullion appeared to fare considerably better than they would have under normal conditions of refrigeration. Yet, this unplanned experiment lacked the most important controls, and for scientific purposes, the observations had to be taken for what they were: intriguing, and suggesting some more experiments, but not useful for proving scientific theories. The

32 serendipity lay in the simple fact that the lunch, the decomposable material, was enclosed in a box that allowed sea water containing the bacteria to enter, but not animals. Keeping out the voraciously scavenging amphipods turned the experiment into a microbiological one. Even more remarkable was the use of a common bacteriological medium. For a soup, the cook had dissolved some meat extract concen- trate in hot water a material very similar to what microbiologists call "peptone." Contained in a thermos bottle, it went down with the sinking Alvin. While the insulating jacket of the bottle was crushed by the 200 atmospheres of pressure, the stainless steel liner was not. Instead, a small amount of sea water leaked in, equilibrating the pressure and "inoculating" the of meat extract with marine bacteria. When we finally designed our own experiments, this part did not look too different. As many frequent Alvin users would agree, the sub has a Even in the happy disposition. most distressful 11 montns or its career it did some work that started a novel line of research. Alvin took an active part in it later, and the end of its involvement in deep-sea microbiology is not in sight.

Figure 4. The sampler/concentrator is a single-piston system where a 3-liter sample of seawater passes through a fine membrane filter (1), with a flow- snubbing device similar to the two-piston sampler. A storage transfer unit (2) ;s equipped with small gas cushions (a) and (b) that prevent loss of pressure during prolonged storage. 7977 by Scientific American

Sausage-shaped bacteria filtered from seawater sampled at 4,400 meters depth. Magnification is 21,000 x. (Photo by A. Cundell, Harvard University)

^ A Famously Successful Expedition to the of Creation * n>BoundaryATI AMTIP MID-ATLANTIC RIDGE ictoria A. Kaharl



Courtesy of National Geographic Society 7975

I he idea came out of diplomacy, not science. In projects with them. Long an enthusiastic 1967, the executive secretary of President Lyndon proponent of deep-diving submarines he had Johnson's cabinet-level Marine Council, Ed designed Aluminaut Wenk found a kindred Wenk, opened discussions with other countries spirit in Yves LaPrairie, director of CNEXO in National des hopes of initiating joint oceanographic (Centre pour L'Exploitation ), France's chief oceanographic agency. In Victoria A. Kaharl is a science writer in residence at the the course of several meetings between a bold LaPrairie and Wenk Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. This article is them, plan emerged. to excerpted from a chapter of her forthcoming book on proposed a joint French-American expedition that the history of Alvin and its contributions to ocean the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, the mountain range science, to be published by Oxford University Press. bisects the . Almost none of the

34 m *B i.

- j=.

Alvin /'n Departing from Woods Ho/e on June 4, with aboard (near stern) and Lulu tow, R/V Knorr begins the trip to Project FAMOUS's home port, Ponta Delgada in the . (Photo courtesy of WHOI)

deep ocean had ever been visited before. The doubts about the scientific worth of getting scheme, endorsed by Presidents Charles de inside the deep ocean. At a high-level sympos- Gaulle and Richard Nixon, tantalized many ium at Princeton University in January 1972, oceanographers. Jim Heirtzler, Bob Ballard, Bill Ballard described how classic geology mapping, Bryan, and Joe Phillips of the Woods Hole observation, and sampling could be done under Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) promptly water, as he had done with Alvin in the Gulf of moved to take WHOI's research submersible Maine. But when he finished his talk, he was Alvin on that dramatic voyage. Alvin had only bluntly asked by Frank Press, then a leading recently been fitted out with a new titanium geophysicist at the Massachusetts Institute of pressure hull and its depth limit had been Technology and later president of the National extended to 10,000 feet, easily within range of Academy of Sciences, to name one significant the ridge. piece of science that had ever come out of using Many oceanographers still had their a submarine. The late Maurice Ewing of

(Opposite) The of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Major breaks (fracture zones A and B) occur across the

axis of the main rift, caused by complex forces moving the plates apart. At left, detail of the bathymetry of the Project FAMOUS site. (Courtesy of Scientific American 1975)

35 Earth in fiery lava, and pushes apart the tectonic plates that form the planet's outer surface. They were also joined by two new Alvin pilots: Jack Donnelly, WHOI's former liaison with the Office of Naval Research, and Dudley Foster (pp. 17-21), a former Navy fighter pilot. Based on the likelihood of favorable weather submersibles can't be launched or retrieved in stormy seas and the nearness of and land for emergency repairs, the French Americans decided they would explore a small, but presumably typical, section of the ridge, less than 60 miles square, some 400 miles southwest of the Azores. The area was thoroughly swept beforehand by , magnetometers, and seismometers. In addition, thousands of underwater photographs were taken from a camera-carrying sled towed by the U.S. Navy's research vessel Mizar. The pictures were laid out in a giant mosaic on the floor of a Navy gym in Washington, D.C., where the scientists spent days walking back and forth among them to familiarize themselves with what awaited them on the bottom of the ridge. A Frightening Dive with the French But in the summer of 1973, Alvin was still troubled with problems: sensors weren't working properly,a new pumping system continued to act up. Above all, there were questions about the watertight integrity of the penetrators the little conical plugs through which wires were threaded Scientists studying the photographic track of the project into the hull. Growing antsy waiting on Alvin, the area made by the LIBEC (Light BEhind Camera) towed- French invited Ballard, a member of the camera system. About 5,000 prints were pieced together American scientific team, to make a dive aboard to scientists an idea of the Rift in give Valley bathymetry Archimede. During the dive, a fire broke out, the FAMOUS area. (Photo by Emory Kristof, courtesy of quickly filling the bathyscaphe's passenger National Geographic Society, 1975) thick smoke. The three men sphere with black donned their oxygen masks, but Ballard found his wasn't providing any oxygen, so he tried to Columbia's Lament (now Lamont-Doherty) take it off. The French thought he was panicking. the back on his face until he Geological Observatory made especially sure the They forced mask effort to young WHOI scientist, who was still shy his was gasping and choking. In a desperate himself he made a knife- Ph.D., knew his feelings. Wagging a finger in make understood, Bal lard's face, he threatened to melt down Alvin cutting gesture across his throat an used divers into titanium paper clips if the expedition didn't internationally recognized signal by turn out to be worthwhile. to signify they aren't getting air. At last, the Ballard's In spite of these doubts, Project FAMOUS French pilot turned on oxygen. (French-American Mid-Ocean Undersea Study), The following summer, the joint French- as it came to be called, got the official blessings American project finally began. In June 1974, R/V of its on 4 1972. The United with Alvin and Alvin's mother governments July Knorr, aboard, States would use Alvin, and France would employ ship, Lulu, in tow, left Woods Hole for a the bathyscaphe Archimede and the small deep- rendezvous with the French in Ponta Delgada on sea submersible Cyana, Jacques Cousteau's the island of Sao Miguel in the Azores. Only a renamed and refitted SP-3000, which could now day before Ballard had successfully defended his go down to 11,000 feet. thesis (on the tectonics of the ), For the American scientists, the pressure and was now Dr. Ballard. its Knorr was especially high. The success or failure of Apart from officers and crew, FAMOUS would determine the future of Alvin, carried 24 people scientists, graduate students, which had yet to establish itself as an accepted and technicians. tool of oceanographic research. The FAMOUS site was 20 miles long, and To prepare themselves, the American and ranged in width from half a mile to two miles. vertical wall. French scientists underwent exhaustive training, On the western side was a nearly traveling to and Iceland to study the type Down the center ran the rift, hugged by two of volcanic terrain they would likely encounter at deep canyons. A pair of volcanoes, subsequently marked the ridge, where new seafloor erupts from the named Mount Pluto and Mount Venus,

36 I^^BE. ^^raWOn ^""'BmnnB BHHflBHBI

Tension fracture in the Rift Valley as photographed from Alvin. (Photo courtesy of WHOI)

the ends of the canyons. The French dived in the so much that they managed to exhaust the Mount Venus area; the Americans explored batteries of one of the devices. around 700-foot-high Mount Pluto. There were other problems. The surface With only limited resources, the Alvin teams dredged rocks and towed heat sensors, group showed its usual ingenuity and but one day the dredges were lowered seven resourcefulness. Engineer Cliff Winget made a times from Knorr and came back with only two water sampler with two toilet plungers. When the rocks. device was triggered from inside the sub, the Because of the earth-birthing processes suction cups clapped together, enclosing a water- under way at the ridge hot lava emerging from had gathering tube. The device worked extremely deep within the Earth-the oceanographers well though its various nicknames couldn't be expected to find higher than normal temper- repeated on prime time. Alvin also carried Skip atures on the seafloor. But nobody got any fire nor Marquet's datalogger that let the scientists know anomalous readings. There was neither with more precision than ever before where brimstone at the boundary of creation. Creeping Alvin was. along this seam in the Earth was like driving in first gear through a light snowfall at night. The The Problem of Playful Porpoises "snow" was comprised of the millions of tiny Marquet's system used transponders, basically particles the detritus of marine plankton and pingers that emitted sound waves. Three were animals that are everywhere in the ocean. dropped on buoyed lines in the dive area, and all But there was also grandeur along the fixes were made from this triangular network. ridge. The nearly vertical west wall rose a believe Each pinged in a unique pattern, recognizable by thousand feet or so. "Your eye doesn't Andel. the navigational gear aboard Lulu. By Alvin's it," said Oregon State geologist Tjeer van fourth dive, the system was working so well that Instead of a single break marking the plate the sub was landing within 50 feet of the chosen boundary, the deep-sea explorers found a more faults spot. The upshot for geologists was that they complicated topography. Crevasses and knew precisely where a particular rock came bisected and ran parallel to the valley. The from in relation to other samples. seafloor had been ripped apart by the forces of This Such accuracy took hard work. Marquet, , rather than flowing lava. who had toiled five years to perfect the system, molten rock hadn't erupted in a single had to plug in the coordinates with a borrowed outpouring. It oozed out as if squeezed from hand calculator, because the Alvin group huge toothpaste tubes and hardened into the couldn't afford a computer. Playful porpoises most bizarre shapes. Some resembled gnarled were even more of a problem because of their tree roots, huge peanuts, or sausage links. of swans and wonderful miming ability. Somehow they figured Others evoked images elephant out the unique pattern of pings that made each trunks. transponder respond. On one dive they "talked" None of the experienced geologists on

37 Pillows, Tubes, and Sausage Links

The lava found at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge took many bizarre shapes, some of which are shown below.

Elongate pillow and Alvin's mechanical arm. (Photo Toothpaste buddings. (Photo by Robert Ballard, WHOI) courtesy of WHOI)

Hollow blister pillow. (Photo courtesy of WHOI) Pillow lava with probable sponge. (Photo by Robert Ballard, WHOI)

Broken elongate pillow. (Photo courtesy of WHOI) Wrinkled pillow with two sponges and antler-like soft corals. (Photo by Robert Ballard, WHOI)

38 "' ; ^..Wjgi:-:;..' ':'] "f|f^^^^f!^>^^


' j''W*^Y*U T^9fr^f*yf&

^^p^fcfe^i^^ ffiffi^s^^ssai&^S^1

The diversity of lava forms seen at the intersection of two lava-flow fronts in the Mid-Atlantic Rift: (1) bulbous pillows with knobby budding, (2) a flattened pillow formed by the rapid drainage of lava while the skin was still soft, (3) a hollow blister pillow formed by the drainage of lava after the skin had solidified, (4) a hollow layered lava tube formed by temporary halts in a falling lava level, (5) a bulbous pillow with a "trapdoor" and toothpaste budding, (6) an elongate pillow, typical of a lava extrusion on a steep slope, (7) a breccia cascade, formed on very steep slopes where the lower end of an elongate pillow has ruptured, releasing a cascade of fluid lava, and (8) an elongate pilow swelling into a bulbous form along a longitudinal spreading crack. (Drawing based on a sketch by Wilfred B. Bryan, courtesy of Scientific American 1975)

Project FAMOUS had ever seen lava in such wild triggered by pressure changes at the surface that configurations. To Van Andel, one patch of basalt released the trapped gases within these rocks. looked "exactly like a baked potato with a crack The geologists couldn't help being on top and sour cream coming out." The fascinated by the life they saw as well. WHOI Americans dubbed some of the formations marine geologist Bill Bryan said it was a zoo "toothpaste" and "trap door." The French used down there. During one dive, a 20-foot sea pen, such names as "broken and a of the itself "breadcrust," eggs," member jellyfish family, draped "phalluses." over /4/v/n's collecting basket, looking like a "We were totally excited with every new feathery boa. On another occasion, a line of pale thing we saw," said Jim Moore, a volcanologist sponges, looking like ghosts about 3 feet high, with the U.S. Geological Survey. "It was an came into view and sent shivers through the incredible experience. Every outcrop was passengers. different. It was a geologist's dream." Out of a Situation When the rocks were brought on deck, Getting Tight some of them crackled, sizzled, and jumped, like But it was the geology that really mattered during popcorn. Apparently, the tiny explosions were Project FAMOUS.

39 On dive number 526 Bryan and Moore original movements in reverse, inch by painful encountered a fissure, about 3 feet wide, then a inch. Finally, after two and a half hours, Alvin of crack. notes still bigger one. The dive's transcript conveys emerged out the The had saved their excitement: their lives. "Look at that!" "We're clear and under way again and "Oh, here's another one. This is one we proceeding to our next station," Donnelly said. can go down into it's so big." Those at the surface could scarcely believe that "Look at that mother!" the three men would continue after their narrow "The time is 1409 and we are in the escape. fissure." Moore said into his tape recorder. "The There were other close calls. The less width of the fissure . . . ." maneuverable Archimede was repeatedly pushed "Oh, my lord, the size! Look at that into canyon walls by the swift current, and once thing!" briefly trapped by a landslide. Cyana bashed "We've sunk down, oh, maybe 6 feet into against its mother ship on an early dive and had

. to to for this fissure . ." be taken Ponta Delgada repairs. "Depth is 2,552 [meters]. We seem to be The French came closest to finding the for. a touching both walls. The width is, ah, about 12 evidence everyone was looking They saw feet .... The width of Alvin . . . well, that's small hole in the seafloor surrounded with what funny." looked like streaks of metallic deposits. This "Alvin, this is Lulu," said Bob Ballard, seemed at least indirectly to support the theory impatiently from the surface. "Are you still at that seawater seeped into the cracks in the ridge station four? Better get under way. Mission time floor, where it was heated in subterranean is running out." magma chambers the same hot furnaces "We're trying." Pilot Jack Donnelly's voice producing all that lava and finally re-emerged was remarkably calm. "We don't seem to be able saturated with dissolved minerals. However, the to rise." French scientists couldn't locate the telltale hole Donnelly tried everything, moving the ship during a second trip. forward, then back but every time it would hit Alvin made 17 dives during that summer. something. "It was as if somebody had put a big Archimede and Cyana made a total of 27. In all, lid over us," Bryan said later. the submersibles hauled up 3,000 pounds of Fortunately, before Alvin's descent into the rocks, and cores of sediment more than all the fissure, Bryan and Moore had taken detailed rocks and soil brought back by the Apollo notes. They knew the fissure widened to the astronauts in their missions to the moon and north. And from the drifting marine snow, they returned with more than 100,000 photographs. concluded that the current was running from France's chief scientist Xavier Le Pichon north to south. That meant that as Alvin initially had serious misgivings about using descended into the crevasse, it must have been submersibles in such explorations of the deep. At carried toward the narrow end. the end of Project FAMOUS, he sent a post card Using the scientists' reconstruction, to an American colleague. "I was wrong, now I Donnelly began to reproduce all of the sub's believe," was all Le Pichon wrote.

Alvin's massive partner in Project FAMOUS, the French bathyscaphe Archimede. (Photo courtesy of WHOI)

40 Robert A parade of galatheid crabs marching over a bed of mussels at a vent in the Galapagos Rift. (Photo by Messier, Scripps Institution of Oceanography)

by J. Frederick Grassle

Bob Hessler and I he first news of life at hydrothermal vents Hole Oceanographic Institution, of arrived in Woods Hole early in 1977 via a news Ken Smith of the Scripps Institution Ruth Turner of Harvard report from the San Francisco Chronicle. The Oceanography, and I coordinate the descriptions of giant tube worms and other University suggested that set of unusual large animals clearly showed that life at submission of a combined study proposals the vents was something qualitatively different to the National Science Foundation (NSF). invertebrate from anything known. A number of biologists Because deep-sea ecology, who had worked together on the sea floor using zoology, and microbiology were well represented with Alvin, including myself, wanted to see these in our group, we sought collaborations of the strange animals for ourselves, and to compare other investigators for studies physiology, vent the ecosystems with those found elsewhere in biochemistry, and genetics of the unusual the deep sea. We had used Alvin to conduct animals. Jim Childress at Santa Barbara, and and experiments on the deep-sea floor, and many of George Somero at Scripps added physiology Rich Lutz of our ideas about deep-sea life had been radically biochemistry proposals, while Rhoads and Karl changed as a result of these efforts. Thus, Rutgers University, and Don to the following the discovery of the vents, Howard L. Turekian of Yale University agreed study Sanders and Holger W. Jannasch of the Woods growth of clams and mussels. Large clams, mussels, and tube worms collected at vents were to be kept alive and transferred to pressurized Frederick Grassle is a Senior Scientist in the J. Biology chambers in laboratories at sea for observation at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Department and Microorganisms Institution. experimental manipulation.

41 sulfide and brought to ambient surface pressure were to be cope with toxic levels of hydrogen of at cultured for physiological studies in several land- other compounds. The number species based laboratories. vents is low compared to the number of species occurring at other sites in the deep sea. In New Families Twenty-Five addition to communities of living animals, sites The proposals were accepted by NSF, and many marked only by dead shells that dissolve in less nature of of the major biological discoveries concerning than 20 years attest to the ephemeral hydrothermal vents were made on the 1979 the vent environment. Vent animals rapidly grow expedition to the Galapagos spreading center to maturity and produce large numbers of larvae. (Oceanus Vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 2-10, and Vol. 27, These tactics are a response to the dynamic No. 3). All of the animals at the vents proved to nature of vents, and contrast with the slow be extremely unusual they belonged to growth and small number of offspring in typical approximately 25 new families or subfamilies, deep-sea species. twice that many new genera, and four times as In this way, new vents are colonized with the cessation many new species. The nearest relatives of these before the populations perish species were among the several families of of hydrothermal flow. Each vent area has its own limpets known from the Paleozoic period, more unique set of species that is found nowhere else, than 250 million years ago. Vent animals only live as well as some species that are known from where there's a supply of reduced chemical other sites. Distant vent fields are genetically mussels to energy from hydrothermal ly altered seawater. isolated, and colonization by appears Almost all the species recurred at every vent occur episodically from distant sites. explored at the Galapagos spreading center, (continued on page 44) although they were found in different relative

proportions. At top, a bouquet of tube worms in the Galapagos We concluded that the of vents and age (Photo by Jack Donnelly, WHOI). Opposite page, chance events in colonization were less clockwise from top: a bed of mussels at a in important in determining community the ; a giant sea anemone in the composition than relative flux of hydrothermal Galapagos with Alvin's temperature probe at right; fluid. The more typical deep-sea fauna does not acorn worms (enteropneusts) in the Galapagos; a invade vent habitats, a fact that emphasizes the dandelion-like siphonophore, kin to the Portuguese a of tube worms. special adaptations acquired by vent fauna to man-of-war; close-up

42 Photo by Holger Jannasch, WHOI

Photo by Robert Messier, Scripps Photo byj. Frederick Grassle, WHOI

Courtesy of National Geographic Society Photo by James Childress, UC/Santa Barbara 43 Juan de Fuca Ridg (vent) 10 Trench 014 (seep) Oregon Zone: 13 Kashima (vent) Louisiana Laurentian Fan Continental Slope (seep) 12 -i California Borderland (vent) (seep) Tenryu Canyon (seep) i Basin r*l 3 Guaymas (vent) I \ /Florida Escarpment Mid-Atlantic Ridge Marianas Back-Arc Spreading Center (vent) (13'Nand21'N) (vent)

Galapagos Spreading Center ' (vent)

A worldwide collection of hydrothermal vents and cold seeps investigated by biologists with the help of Alvin and other deep-diving submersibles.

Chemosynthetic microorganisms depend- In comparison to other vent fields, the ent on reduced sulfur compounds were Mid-Atlantic Ridge has yielded a very different identified as the main primary producers within fauna, dominated by shrimp (article, pp. 47-52), the vent ecosystem. A major surprise was the despite similarities in the chemical composition discovery of bacteria living on hydrogen sulfide of vent fluids and the temperature regime. Is this within the tissues of the large animals; the a consequence of the comparative geographic bacteria supply their hosts with food. isolation of this region of the Mid-Ocean Ridge Physiological, biochemical, and morphological system? Or does it reflect the possibility that the observations in the laboratory were crucial to this Atlantic vent fields may last thousands of years discovery. The variety of free-living instead of just tens of years? Biologists still microorganisms living in hydrothermal plumes haven't had the opportunity to visit the Atlantic and colonizing surfaces was also a major vents, and other surprising phenomena are surprise. Other reduced compounds in the vent certain to be discovered. fluids, such as hydrogen, ammonia, methane, The time scales of major volcanic, tectonic, and reduced forms of manganese and iron, and hydrothermal events are unknown. Future supply energy for microbial growth. biological studies must be closely integrated with the of these at Unanswered study processes long-term Questions "observatories" on the sea floor. In addition, There's still a great deal to be learned about exploration of new sites by biologists, geologists, every aspect of these studies. Especially exciting and chemists will form a basis for global are the somewhat unpredictable discoveries that comparisons of hydrothermal ecosystems. occur as each new vent field is explored. Reduced compounds, such as methane and Inevitably, these cause vent workers to modify sulfides, seep from the at the recent hypotheses that until then had depths to 3,900 meters, and support communities seemed to explain most of the previously similar to those in vent areas, yet the chemical observed phenomena. Giant "megaplumes," for composition, temperatures, and hydrodynamic example, are now known to spew forth regimes are quite different. What are the occasionally from sites on the Juan de Fuca Ridge essential features of the environment that allow off the American Northwest Pacific Coast. Do these cold seeps to support communities similar these vent extrusions of hydrothermal fluid to those of hydrothermal vents? Is it simply the provide the chief means for vent species to be source of chemical energy, or is the temporal transported great distances? pattern of flow important?

44 The World of Vents and Seeps

These varied creatures represent the rich inverterbrate life at the vents and seeps on the ocean floor. The sites are indicated by the numbers below and on map, opposite page. Ruth Turner drew the clams and mussels, Austin Williams the shrimp and crabs, Cindy Van Dover the tube worms, and Daniel Desbruyeres, Marian Pettibone, Bob Zottolli, and James Blake the polychaetes. Rosemarie Petrecca provided research assistance.


Calyptogena Ophryotrocha 1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, 5,6,7 10, 12, 13, 14 Alvinella 6

MUSSELS Paralvinella 5, 6, 7, 10, 11 Amphisamytha Bathymodiolus 3, 5, 6, 7, 10 5, 6

new Prionspio Mytilid, genus 5, 6 2,3,4,11 Branchinotogluma 5, 6, 7, 10

Euphrosine TUBE WORMS 5,7 SHRIMP

Alvinocaris Escarpia 2, 3, 4, 5 Hesiospina 3,4,8 5, 6

Rimicaris 2,11 Lamellibrachia topodium Lepidon 4,8, 9 5, 6, 7, 10

Oasisia Levensteiniella CRABS 6 5, 6, 10

Bythograea 2,5,6,11

X - Nereimyra Ridgeia Munidopsis 5,7 10 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 12 ?>J^>

Nereis Riftia 5,6, 7 5,6,7

POGONOPHORAN WORMS Nicomache Tevnia 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 6 Pogonophorans 1,4

The animals are not drawn to scale

45 Ever since Darwin, evolutionary biologists environments known to support life. There is have been intrigued by oceanic islands, and renewed interest in the animal diversity events occurring on the geologic time scales represented by marine invertebrates. Ecologists important to the origin of species. For example, have begun to think more broadly about the spacing and temporal sequence of new potential sources of energy for both natural and islands of the Hawaiian chain formed by volcanic aquacultural systems. Arcnaebacteria, living eruptions have played a major role in the anaerobically at high temperatures, are related to speciation of the highly diverse terrestrial insect the most ancient forms of life. These bacteria are fauna. Deep-sea vents are linearly arranged along genetically distinct from other organisms, and the Mid-Ocean Ridge and the pattern of have been classified as a separate kingdom cessation and initiation of flow can be thought of distinct from plants, animals, and other as a template for the evolution of species. microorganisms. The existence of these Critical data on the spacing of vents, on organisms in the high-energy vent environments the length of time they are habitable, and the age has led to increased speculation that similar of whole vent fields, as assessed by geological environments may have led to the origin of life. and chemical investigations, are needed to The chemistry of organic compounds, and their understand the life histories and evolution of interaction with organisms, need to be much vent populations. Water circulation associated better known in a variety of hydrothermal with vents provides the means by which the environments to evaluate this possibility. dispersal stages of vent organisms are From site to transported one vent another. This circulation has not been well studied, but is expected to occur on several spatial scales, including local heat-driven convection, mesoscale eddies*, and deep-sea currents. In addition to providing the connecting link between vent populations, this circulation disperses vent productivity to organisms in surrounding deep- sea communities. Our study of vent communities has greatly extended the range of physical and chemical

*Very energetic eddies, hundreds of kilometers in diameter, spiraling off major current systems.

The author, center, looking over Alvin before a dive. (Photo courtesy of WHOI)

46 . ^^ p m ^p^ r Do 'Eyeless Shnm See the Light of Glowing U .eefb-Sea Vents? I ' s^> w^

in a Mid-Atlantic vent field. Swarms of shrimp cover the surface of a black smoker chimney Ridge hydrothermal (Photo courtesy of the author)

by Cindy Lee Van Dover

and within a meter it is ly visitors quickly focus on the heart of the a comfortable 20 degrees, the occasional matter. "But do they turn pink when they're an icy 2 degrees. Still, wouldn't find itself in water hot cooked?" I'm asked, as I try to describe the gray shrimp caught up enough it to bouillabaise? shrimp living at hot springs deep in the Atlantic to turn instantly deep-sea A. Rona with the Ocean. It is a reasonable enough question, since It was a geologist, Peter the shrimp crowd around plumes of black, 350- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminis- first discovered degree-Celsius water pouring out of sulfide tration laboratory in , who chimneys on the seafloor. The shrimp are hot springs in the Atlantic in 1985 (Location 2, for protected from the cauldron, though, by map, p. 44), and collected shrimp biologists a to the seawater drawn up beside the rising plume. to examine. Using dredge sample Further, the heat escaping from the earth's interior is quickly absorbed by the surrounding Cindy Lee Van Dover is a Ph.D. candidate in the seawater. Within a few centimeters above the Biology Department of Woods Hole Oceanographic chimney orifice, the temperature of the plume is Institution.

47 may separate 350-degree water from 2-degree water. Spectacular crowds of these shrimp, with as many as 1,500 individuals per square meter, have been observed completely obscuring the surface beneath them. And they don't just sit quietly, but constantly move about in such a way as to prompt John M. Edmond, a geochemist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology who has visited the Atlantic hot springs in DSV Alvin, to describe them as "disgustingly like swarming maggots on a hunk of rotten meat." While I might have opted for a more engaging analogy- "bees on a hive" Edmond's 1 centimeter say, dancing imagery does justice to the sight. Another extraordinary feature of the Atlantic shrimp is that they dominate the fauna at Atlantic hot springs. This contrasts sharply with springs of the eastern Pacific, where lush, exotic communities of tubeworms and bivalves crowd around cracks in the seafloor through which warm water issues (article, pp. 41-46). It is the tubeworms and bivalves that have become famous for their symbiotic associations with sulfur-oxidizing bacteria, housed within special Figure 7. (a) Side, and (b) dorsal views of Rimicaris tissues, and producing most, if not all, of the exoculata. Shaded area indicates the location of the animals' nutrition. The Atlantic " shrimp, however, unique "eyes, visible as bright spots in the photo on do not host symbiotic bacteria. Instead, the page 47. shrimp appear to gather their food by mining the sulfide surface of the black smoker cnimneys on which live. The of the of these they tips legs shrimp have strong, file-like spines that may be seafloor from a surface ship, Rona picked up used for Their first of located hundreds of shrimp and pieces of black sulfide rasping. pair legs, very near the mouth, have scoop-shaped claws chimneys. Most of the shrimp (Figure 1) quickly that look for small bits found their way to the Smithsonian Institution in well-designed picking up of loosened sulfide; a brush-like then Washington, D.C., where Austin B. Williams, one appendage sweeps the sulfides out of the scoop and into the of the world's experts on animals such as shrimp, mouth 2 and 3). lobsters, and crabs known as (Figures collectively On examinations of collected decapod crustaceans studied them. Williams post-mortem specimens, I found every stomach solidly and Rona published descriptions of two new packed full of sulfide minerals. Of course, there isn't species of shrimp, assigning them the names much nutrition to be from the sulfide Rimicaris exoculata and Rimicaris chacei. The gained minerals themselves. But we think that associated generic designation, Rimicaris, is from the Latin with the sulfides are tremendous numbers of rima, meaning rift or fissure, and refers to the free-living bacteria. Like the symbiotic bacteria of Mid-Atlantic Rift; and caris means shrimp. The the eastern Pacific, these bacteria would have to specific name exoculata refers to the fact that this by using the chemical energy in reduced species is deprived of any vestige of the usual grow sulfur in the hot vent shrimp eyestalk or cornea; chacei is named in compounds (plentiful to convert carbon dioxide and water into honor of Fenner A. Chace, a renowned water) bacterial tissue, in much the same way as green taxonomist of decapod crustaceans. Both species plants use the energy of sunlight to convert are members of same taxonomic family as the carbon dioxide and water into tissue. shrimp that are known from Pacific hydrothermal plant vents. Bacteria-laden sulfide minerals are ingested by the shrimp, the bacteria are digested, and the Swarms at hot vents undigested minerals are eliminated. This mode of The Pacific shrimp live inconspicuously as feeding would account for the determined way ordinary scavengers among groups of other the shrimp seem to attack the sulfide chimneys, animals at deep, warm (2- to 20-degree-Celsius) as if desperate to glean yet more bacteria from water springs. But the Atlantic branch of the an otherwise unpalatable substrate. family is far and away the more remarkable in Palatability raises another issue: are the terms of its ecology. For one thing, Rimicaris shrimp good to eat? The opportunity to address exoculata has been found only on active, high- this question arose during the visit of a very temperature sulfide chimneys; investigations of distinguished and discriminating colleague from chimneys venting "cooler" (200-degree) water the University of Newcastle, Great Britain, J. R. have yet to show any presence of R. exoculata. In Cann. In the true spirit of scientific experiment- this environment they encounter extreme water ation, we gathered around the laboratory Bunsen temperature gradients -only a few millimeters burner one afternoon, took one of the shrimp

48 from the freezer, and boiled it. It did not turn an appetizing pink. If anything, it turned a still more unappealing shade of gray. As we might have expected, given the sulfide environment of the shrimp, the flesh tasted of rotten egg, and if that were not enough, the texture of the beast was as I imagine a might be. Perhaps it was overcooked. We concluded from our experiment that there will be no market for these shrimp among the gourmandizing public.

To see, or not to see? In studying photographs and videotapes of the shrimp to Yearn about their behavior, I could not help but notice a bright reflective spot on the dorsal surface, or back, of the shrimp. Knowing that sooner or later someone would ask me

about those spots, I carefully looked at some preserved specimens and discovered that the spots correspond to the paired lobes of a very large and unusual organ just beneath the thin, Each lobe transparent carapace. was connected to the brain of the shrimp by a large nerve cord. Despite the absence of lenses or another image- forming device, I guessed that the lobes corres- ponded to eyes of a sort never encountered before. My guess was hardly proof, as my colleagues were quick to point out, so I set out to find what was needed to prove that they were indeed some sort of weird eye in this otherwise eyeless shrimp. The proof required turned out to be the Figure 3. (a) Scanning electron micrograph of claw of that sulfide unequivocal demonstration of the presence of a first leg. (b) Arrow points to brush sweeps into Arrow also indicates light-sensitive visual pigment. There are two particles shrimp's mouth. == 7 millimeter. straightforward ways of doing this: one relies on scale, length immunological techniques, which identify molecules on the basis of structure; and the other is a biochemical which identifies extracted there was in the assay, whatever pigment molecules on the basis of function. Etc Z. Szuts, membranes with a mild detergent. We used a a sensory physiologist at the Marine Biological spectrophotometer to measure the amount of Laboratory in Woods Hole, was willing to light at different wavelengths absorbed by this perform the biochemical assay. Together we extracted material, first in the dark and then after dissected the organs from frozen shrimp under bleaching the extract with a light. The two the surreal conditions of a red-lit laboratory. measurements are necessary since visual pig- Then Szuts purified the membranous material ments are light-sensitive, and have characteristic that should contain the visual pigment, and absorption spectra under these different light conditions. It is an elegant procedure, producing satisfy! ngly concrete evidence when it works, as it did for us. In the extracted material, there was a substance that absorbed maximally in the long wavelength, blue-green part of the spectrum; on bleaching, the product absorbed maximally at shorter wavelengths. The shape of the absorption spectra of the shrimp pigment closely match those of rhodopsin, the visual pigment found in eyes of both vertebrates and invertebrates. Building on this evidence, we turned to Steven C. Chamberlin of the Institute for Sensory Research at Syracuse University, New York, for a morphological description of this novel organ. His work, involving the laborious preparation and of material for identified Figure 2. The first pair of legs, or chelae, of the shrimp sectioning microscopy, the or cells. These are scoop-shaped. Sulfide particles with encrusting photoreceptor, light-sensitive, six-cell with bacteria are scraped from the chimney surface, and cells are grouped into clusters, 1,300 shoveled into the shrimp's mouth using them. to 1,500 clusters per lobe. Each cell has a cylin-

49 drical region filled with rhabdomeral membranes, devices, thereby minimizing the potential the membranes containing the visual pigment. A for absorbance of photons by non- thin stalk leads down from the rhabdomeral photoreceptive tissues. to the cell nucleus, which is the region beyond Presence of reflective properties that might junction with a nerve cell. allow reflected a chance to be Chamberlain's evidence light morphological absorbed by the photoreceptors. suggests that the unusual organs of Rimicaris are As these lines of research progress, and as modified compound eyes, specialized for high we become more confident that we are indeed sensitivity by: with a visual the issue turns to Extreme proliferation of rhabdomeral dealing organ, what the be at. Without membranes, and high of shrimp may looking lenses, cannot be an Instead, visual pigment. they seeing image. we guess that the shrimp are detecting gradients Absence of lenses or other image-forming of light. Based on the structure of the organ, we hypothesize that it is particularly well-adapted for detecting low levels of light. What sources of light are there in the deep sea? These shrimp live 3,600 meters below the surface of the sea, far beyond the reach of sunlight; it is a pitch-black environment, seemingly darker than one can even imagine. From Alvin, the only light to be glimpsed at that depth is the occasional, eerily blue-green flash from a bioluminescent organism. Normal shrimp eyes can detect this type of light; but why should the vent shrimp have evolved such an unusual eye if this was all it was looking at? We began to wonder about other sources of light that might be peculiar to the extreme environment.

Glowing hydrothermal vents The dominant physical features of the Mid- Atlantic Ridge vents are the sulfide chimneys on which Rimicaris lives. Could there be light, detectable by the shrimp, associated with the springs of 350-degree-Celsius water? The advantages to the shrimp of such a situation are clear; the light could serve as a beacon to draw them to areas where they can feed, and such a light could also serve as a warning signal to deter them from too close an encounter with water hot enough to cook them instantly. We know that hot things glow with thermal radiation, a phenomenon known as "black body" radiation. Are black smokers hot enough to be emitting light visible to the shrimp? Rough calculations, based on estimates of the threshold light intensity necessary for vision, the emission spectrum of a black body radiator, and the absorption spectrum of the visual pigment of the shrimp, indicate that the shrimp may indeed be able to see such a glow, even though it might be too dim for a human eye to detect. Testing this hypothesis means returning to Mid-Atlantic Ridge vents with Alvin, carefully measuring light levels and wavelengths at the chimneys, studying the shrimp's behavior in response to experimental light stimuli, and shipboard physiological experimentation. The earliest we could hope to visit the Mid-Atlantic is next after Alvin heads into A full-sized "Dudley Unit" (plywood mannequin of Ridge summer; that, the Pacific for an extended Dudley Foster) standing in front of a sulfide chimney, in period, leaving studies in the Atlantic on hold 2,500 meters of water at the Juan de Fuca Ridge. indefinitely. Mannequin was used to show the scale of the chimney, Logic led us to believe that our and to test the CCD camera. (Photo by Milton Smith, hypothetical light at Mid-Atlantic Ridge vents University of Washington) could be a universal phenomenon at similar high-

50 temperature vents elsewhere in the deep sea. Canada (Figure 4). I learned that he was to use an Thus, while we could not immediately find out electronic charge-coupled device (CCD) camera what light Rimicaris may be detecting, we could to create a digital mosaic of seafloor images in ask a simpler question: What are the ambient the vicinity of these vents. At about the same light conditions at other black smoker chimneys? time, I was reminded by Alan D. Chave, a The opportunity to begin answering this scientist at AT&T Bell Laboratories, in Murray question came unexpectedly and quickly. John R. Hill, New Jersey, that such a camera ought to be Delaney, a professor of Geology at the University sensitive enough to detect the levels of light I of Washington, invited me to participate as the expected the shrimp to be seeing. Conventional biologist on a cruise to hydrothermal vent sites photographic emulsions would have to have an on the Endeavour segment of the Juan de Fuca ASA rating on the order of 50,000 to 100,000 to Ridge, 180 miles off the coast of Vancouver, detect the same level of light. CCD cameras are

350-degree-Celsius water, glowing eerily as it rises from a vent in the Endeavour Ridge hydrothermal vent field. The glow, predicted by the author, is yet to be fully explained. (Photo by Milton Smith, University of Washington)

51 132W '30 worked into overtime to configure the camera so I that it could collect the required information. This group usually remains nameless; but this efficient, wonderfully competent team makes Alvin and /4/v/n-dependent research so successful. In addition to Foster, they are pilots 49 N Gary Rajcula, Pat Mickey, and Tom Tengdin; pilots-in-training Steve Etchemendy and Tim Connors; and technician Soc Carello. 48 * Endeavor Ridge site Finally, on of a 19-dive series, Alvin was lifted off the deck, carrying the CCD 47 camera mounted on the front basket. Inside the pressure hull were Foster, Delaney, and Smith. That day I haunted the lab where surface communication with the submersible takes place Figure 4. Location of the Endeavour Ridge segment of every half hour. In response to brief surface the Juan de Fuca where the of about their Ridge, glow queries status, only a "busy" signal hydrothermal vents was first discovered. was returned in Morse code. At the end of the dive, as the submersible began its hour-long ascent, I gave up on learning anything about the used in success of the and left the room. extensively astronomy to capture light experiment, On from distant I was handed a note the galaxies; there is a satisfying, if returning, by Mickey, somewhat dive's surface controller. It was a pre-Copernican, symmetry in turning message from to the same technology in oceanography to relayed up the submersible, a message with two words: VENTS capture light emissions fueled by the core of our only GLOW. With Alvin own planet. on deck, scientists and pilots On around the work station as reaching R/V Atlantis II and meeting gathered computer I Smith was Delaney, suggested aiming the CCD camera at a recalling images of the glow. I to black smoker orifice, while all of Alvin's outside expected see some ambiguous hint of a fuzz were which, if one was to stretch the lights extinguished, and letting it record willing imagin-

what was there. ation, be called a I doubt that I John enthusiastically agreed to might glow; was alone in that try this simple experiment. Dudley B. Foster, expectation. Instead, what came up Alvin's chief on the screen was a pilot and expedition leader (article, dramatic, unequivocal glow with pp. 17-21), agreed to work the submersible for a sharply-defined edge at the interface brief of time between the sulfide and the vent water. periods without external lights. chimney Just a centimeter or two What initially sounded like a above this interface, the simple became experiment in fact required a great deal of effort glow very diffuse, disappearing and many unsung heroes, not the least of whom altogether within 5 centimeters. The same were the was documented at Alvin pilots and technicians. Together phenomenon two different with Milton within the same vent field. Smith, an expert in remote sensing at 350-degree chimneys The the University of Washington, the/4/v/n crew discovery of this glow at high- temperature vents opens up a new area of research. At the moment, the glow is an intriguing and aesthetically-pleasing phenom- enon; its importance will be judged by what we will learn in the future about the mechanisms of its production and its biological consequences.

The author displays a specimen of Rimicaris exoculata that escaped the gastronomic experiment. (Photo by Rob Brown, WHOI)

52 New Evidence About Titanic's Final Moments

Resting in Pieces

By Elazar Uchupi, Robert D. Ballard, and William N. Lange

Shortly before midnight, 14 , as she was making her maiden voyage across the Atlantic, RMS Titanic collided with an iceberg southwest of the Grand Banks off Newfoundland. The White Star liner, a proud symbol of British prowess on the seas and in the mythology of the time, widely considered "unsinkable" vanished from sight less than three hours later at a position approximately determined as latitude 41 46' North, longitude 50 14' West. Only 711 of her estimated 2,201 passengers and crew survived.* The tragedy stunned the world then and continues to fascinate the public today. For more than 73 years, the Titanic lay unseen in the depths of the North Atlantic, a lost relic that provoked endless curiosity about her fate. In particular, there were questions about her condition after her two-mile plunge to the seafloor. Had she sunk in one piece, as most experts believed including those who hoped, fancifully perhaps, to raise her from the bottom one day or did she break in two just before she disappeared beneath the waves? If so, how much was left of the great luxury liner, which was a symbol both of the opulence of the Edwardian era and of its engineering prowess. As the ship nosed into the sea, the first of the four funnels toppled forward, flattening the starboard flying bridge, and ended up in the water, where it crushed a number of swimmers. Apparently the fourth funnel (a dummy added for esthetic reasons by the ship's architects) also collapsed at the time, tumbling aft onto the stern well deck. So much was undisputed, but what else happened on that starry night varied with the witnesses. In testimony after the disaster, Officers Charles H. Lightoller and Herbert]. Pitman, and passengers Colonel Archibald Gracie and seemed sure that Titanic sank intact. Their account became the generally accepted version. But other observers, including such members of the crew as Quartermaster A. J. Bright, Greaser Thomas Range, and Able Seaman

*The source of these figures is the original British inquiry, as quoted in Lord (1986). Other authors use Titanic's presumed demise: Aft section slightly different numbers because of discrepancies in breaks off and rotates before sinking. the passenger and crew lists.

53 .


F. O. Evans, as well as passengers Mrs. Arthur Besides Knorr, there was Le Suroit of the Institut Ryerson, , and Richard N. Williams, Frangais Recherches pour /'Exploitation des Mers described a very different sequence of events in (IFREMER), based in Toulon. Le Suroit used a Titanic's final moments afloat. According to these side-looking sonar, capable of mapping a 1- eyewitnesses, the hull broke in two while the kilometer swath of the seafloor. But in three ship was still on the surface. As the bow section weeks of searching, she was unable to find any dipped beneath the waves, the stern section trace of Titanic, though she succeeded in greatly tilted upward briefly, rotated 180 degrees, then narrowing down the search area. also began to sink. Knorr, continuing the hunt in August and Which accounts of the survivors are we to September, 1985, after the French ship's depart- believe? Until recently, there seemed to be no ure, used the and ANGUS (Acoustically way of resolving these great differences in the Navigated Geophysical Underwater Survey) testimony that emerged from that horrifying imaging system developed by WHOI's Deep night on the North Atlantic. But that has now Submergence Laboratory (DSL). She examined changed; shortly after midnight, 1 September three areas: Cameron Canyon; a dune field east 1985, the long-lost wreckage of the great ship of the canyon; and a gently undulating region was discovered by scientists of the Woods Hole north of the field. The Titanic site was discovered Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), in collabor- during an east-west traverse when a single boiler, ation with French scientists, using remote with its characteristic three hatches, suddenly viewing systems developed at WHOI, and carried appeared on a video screen in the early hours of to the area aboard the WHOI research vessel the morning. Later, when the video tapes of that Knorr. From the trove of photographs taken at traverse were reexamined more closely, they the site that summer, and in the summer of 1986, revealed that Knorr had actually crossed the we were able to reconstruct Titanic's last wreckage earlier in the sweep. In addition to the minutes, finally settling many of the questions boiler, the tapes showed debris and coal, a that had arisen over her fate. telegraph (a mechanical apparatus for sending instructions from the bridge to the engine room), The of the Site Discovery the stern section, and a crane motor. Two ships took part in the initial expedition. ANGUS is a color camera system that can work to a maximum water depth of 6,000 meters. The system, which is towed on a standard half- Elazar Uchupi is a Senior Scientist and member of the inch trawl cable, consists of three 35-mm Geology and Geophysics Department at the Woods cameras, one of which was with a 16- Hole Oceanographic Institution. Robert D. Ballard, also equipped mm another with 28-mm and the third a Senior Scientist at WHOI, is Chief Scientist of its lens, lens, with a 50-mm lens. The cameras carried Deep Submergence Lab, a member of its Ocean enough film to take Engineering Department, and director of the Center for color 3,000 frames each time the Marine Exploration. He and Jean-Louis Michel of system was lowered. Photos were taken every 20 IFREMER were co-chief scientists of the 1985 Titanic seconds as the vehicle was towed at 0.8 to 2.0 expedition. William N. Lange is a member of WHOI's kilometers per hour, some 8 to 9 meters above Graphic Services Department. the seafloor. This gave us as much as a 50

54 ~ ~~ ~ ~ r 7 -~ r~<> ^ "' .-;-.-.-.-.-3 --5 -bo' .--.-. To". -..-or.--.-.-.-.T.-D-o-.r.6.-..-o--o.

TVi/s cross-section shows

where Titanic sp/;f up. 7he striped area fragmented during and after the separation. The shaded areas WATER/SEDIMENT are now buried under INTERFACE sediment.

percent overlap in the photo coverage. depth of 3,795 meters, east of Cameron Canyon, Argo, named for the mythological Jason's one of the largest submarine canyons on the ship in his search for the Golden Fleece, is a eastern North America continental margin. compact-car-sized camera-carrying sled, capable Indeed, if Titanic had been lying in the canyon of operating to a depth of 6,000 meters. It has itself, it might never have been discovered. In three "silicon intensified target" video cameras: 1929, the region was struck by a powerful one with a 12-mm down-looking lens, another earthquake that triggered massive slumps and with a 24-mm forward-looking lens, and the third slides. These in turn produced a with a down-looking 24-to-80-mm zoom lens. current, or undersea avalanche, that swept down During reconnaissance runs, the sled was towed the axis of the canyon and might well have at speeds of just less than 3 kilometers per hour, broken up the wreckage even more completely, at an altitude of 10 to 40 meters above the or possibly have buried the entire ship under seafloor. Lighting came from strobe lamps in the sediment and debris. At the Titanic site itself, aft end of the sled. Data from the cameras were poorly defined tributaries drain into the canyon sent to the surface vessel by coaxial cable, from the Southeast Newfoundland Ridge and the displayed as images on video monitors, and continental slope west of the Tail of the Bank. recorded on both half- and three-quarter-inch RMS Titanic is resting on a gently magnetic tape, as well as onto a laser disc. undulating bottom covered by bioturbated muds The following summer, in July 1986, an (muds reworked by bottom organisms), expedition from Woods Hole returned to the intermingled with glacial erratics (boulders and Titanic site to map the wreckage in greater detail. other debris from melting icebergs), mud waves, This time the ship was actually visited by mem- and scattered patches of rippled sand. The center bers of our team using the deep-sea research of the bow section is at latitude 49 56' 49" W, submersible Alvin, which is operated by WHOI longitude 41 43' 56" N, and the center of the for the Navy, and can range to a depth of 4,000 stern is at latitude 49 56' 55" W, longitude 41 43' meters. The expedition also had the services of a 33" N, about 600 meters to the southwest. Both tethered remote viewing system, developed by face slightly east of north. The site is about 24 the DSL. Playfully called Jason Junior, or "J.J.," miles east-southeast from where the original it's a preliminary version of what will be a more position indicated it might be found. Jason complex completely free-floating system The that will eventually be carried to the bottom Wreckage forward aboard Argo (Oceanus, Vol. 30, No. 3, pp. 11- The hatch covers on the forecastle and the 15). For the present, the self-propelled J.J. and well deck are gone, but the gate between both its video and 35-mm still cameras are well deck (third class) and B deck (first class) still controlled from a console inside Alvin. A 62- remains closed, as it was even in the ship's final meter cable links J.J. with the submersible. The moments. (By far the greatest loss of life among third major piece of equipment was ANGUS. All Titanic's passengers was in third class, or three components were carried aboard our steerage.) Segments of the forecastle railing are mother ship, the research vessel Atlantis II. missing, and cables from the forward mast are The Titanic wreckage was located at a draped over the port side. The fallen foremast

55 4957'20" 4957'00" 4956'40" 4956'20" 414430










56 still the resting on the port wing bridge supports between the seawater and the iron sulfide to of crow's nest and running light. The arm of one form the rusticles. The structures continue to cranes on the well deck the starboard side cargo grow until they break of their own weight and of A deck and is broken, and the bulwark railings fall, which accounts for the rusticle remains of the bridge have fallen forward. The bulkheads found scattered around the periphery of the bow wing bridges have been pulled apart and and stern sections. of the wheel flattened, and the only section In the stern, the ship's big screws are house still in place is the bronze telemotor buried beneath 14 meters of sediment; the control. rudder, however, is still exposed. Around the from the officers' The bulkhead quarters periphery of the stern is a wide expanse of out and aft of the bridge is partially pulled stained sediment. The poop deck (the roof of the flattened; a davit (a small crane used for third-class smoking lounge) has been peeled rests the flattened section launching lifeboats) on back and partly overhangs the stern. The docking davits of the on the port side. The forward-most bridge on the poop deck is gone, as are the two starboard and sides are still in and air and port place cargo cranes, deck benches, scoops, still in the were in forward of the extend out, position they parts of the railing. The well deck when they lowered fortunate survivors into the poop deck has been torn away, the two cargo 8 on the side sea. The aft davit from lifeboat port cranes are missing, and the shell framing has deck. The boiler vents in is resting on the boat been pulled outward from the hull. The aft mast 1 considerable the the area of stack show damage; is in place but down. The cargo cranes on the stacks 1, 2, and 3 are missing; and grand boat deck are still in place, so is the second-class The staircase roof, aft of stack 1, has collapsed. entrance deck house. But part of the hull, and stacks 2 and 3 is fourth compass tower between superstructure just forward of the dummy aft of the first missing, and the expansion joint stack, are missing. stack displays a wide gap. The bow section ends the decks between Tureens and Sinks, Chamber Pots and Coal just aft of missing stack 3, and Soup stacks 2 and 3 have also collapsed, dipping at an The debris field associated with Titanic extends angle of about 45 degrees, although the hull 1,700 meters in a north-south direction and 875 are two plating remains partially upright. The wooden meters in an east-west direction. There deck has been consumed by wood-boring mollusks (Xyloredo ingolfia), but a few pieces have survived, such as the beam forward of the bronze telemotor control, for reasons that couldn't be determined because we had agreed beforehand that no samples would be taken. In profile, the bow section is warped upward with the shallowest portion located near vertical the expansion joint. The hull displays buckles; but there is no evidence of the 77-meter the gash, supposedly made by the iceberg on starboard side. Instead, the collision damage consists of creased plates and horizontally opened seams. On the starboard side, the prow sits in sediment up to the base of the starboard anchor, whereas much less of the bow is buried on the port side. Also, a narrow trench runs * along the starboard side, bordered by a ridge of * deformed sediment, including glacial erratics. The trench extends discontinuously to the end of the bow section, where it turns westward, stern parallel to the tear where the bow and sections parted. By contrast, on the port side, 1 there is no trench whatsoever. (The only object A of interest found in the deformed ridge is a miniature copy of the statue "Artemis of Versailles," after an original in the Louvre. zinc Probably made of spelter, a pewter-like it rested on the alloy, and painted bronze, had in the first-class and now mantlepiece lounge, ' sits by itself in a field of glacial erratics.) ;- v The sides of the hull are marked by area chart stalactites, nicknamed "rusticles" by Ballard. This section of the coal (see opposite page), ANGUS with a 28-mm lens, shows They were produced by iron-oxidizing bacteria. photographed by in the than tiles, and metal Note the cup Because they prefer a medium more acid plaster, fragments. lefthand corner. seawater, the bacteria create slime layers upper

57 sections sank, they slowly turned away from their wakes. The field can be divided into heavy wreckage, metal, coal, coal/dish fragments, and patchy areas. Within the heavy wreckage area are seven large and 16 small hull pieces representing segments from a V-shaped section between stacks 3 and 4. Six other small hull pieces also were observed within the metal area, and another within the coal area. An isolated piece was found along the eastern edge of the debris field more than 500 meters from its probable place of origin. This flat piece must have behaved like a falling leaf, allowing the currents to carry it eastward to its final resting place. Associated with the hull pieces in the heavy wreckage are the five single boilers from boiler room 1, where the ship parted; two low- pressure cylinders from two reciprocating engines, weighing more than 50 tons each; main feed filters; evaporators; a tube plate from one of the condensers; a direct-contact heater; towers and booms from the stern; a gear shaft from a watertight door; catwalks; pumps; and/or refrigeration motors and coils. This area also contained the base of stack 4, and the possible At left, a head-on remains from two other stacks. view ofTitanic's bow Among the smaller pieces in the area are a with rustides falling binnacle that held the compass in the docking from it. Above, a bridge, a telephone stand from the docking bronze telemotor bridge, a helm from the wheel house control stands over quadrant telemotor, bridge telegraphs, a steam valve degraded deck. wheel, davits, safes from the office of the Below, rusticled port second-class metal and wood hole on starboard side purser, pantry and chain of bow. Photos taken cabinets, spring mattresses, wrought- iron balustrades the aft from Alvin. and gilt-bronze from grand staircase, sections of leaded glass windows from the first-class smoking room, and a wall sconce from the first-class lounge. There are also many more smaller objects, including toys, stoking shovels, a stack of pails, pots, pans, toilets, wash basins, light fixtures, soup tureens and serving platters, sinks, range tops and rows of serving bowls neatly stacked with the wooden shelves gone, baseboard vents, metal head/foot boards from first-class staterooms, light fixtures, water taps, chamber pots, shoes, boots, and suitcases. The leather objects probably survived because of the chemical (chrome salt) or synthetic methods used to tan the leather. and champagne bottles also were found in the heavy wreckage area, some of them neatly stacked, though their cases are gone. One can only speculate on the contents of the bottles, which probably are heavily infiltrated by seawater. Within the metal area are smaller pieces of unknown origin, metal grills, more chamber pots, dish fragments, coal, a compass, and a pile overlapping segments originating from the bow of four davits. Although coal is pervasive and stern sections. These are separated partly by throughout the debris, it is more noticeable in a region of hull chunks and other pieces of heavy the coal and coal/dish fragment areas. The pieces wreckage. Both the bow and stern sections are of coal were distinguished from black glacial oblique to the trails of debris that trace their erratics by their size (the erratics tended to be as paths to their final resting place on the bottom. much as 20 centimeters in diameter) and their These angles indicate that as the bow and stern shape (the erratics tended to be subrounded

58 whereas the chunks of coal were generally angular to subangular). This coal originated from breached boiler rooms 1 and 2, and the bunkers on G deck. Titanic left Southampton on her maiden voyage with 5,892 tons of coal, some of which had been diverted from other ships because of a coal strike in Britain. (A fire broke out in one of the bunkers on the day she sailed and continued to simmer until she sank.) Titanic steamed six hours to Cherbourg and 15 and a half hours to Queenstown, Ireland, to pick up additional passengers. Then she was under way for 85 hours and 40 minutes until her collision with the iceberg. This represents a total of 107 hours 10 minutes, or 4.47 days, of steaming at cruising speed, about 22 knots. If she used up 650 tons a day her rate at that speed her 159 furnaces would have consumed 2,906 tons of coal; and 2,936 tons would have been left in her bunkers and boiler rooms at the time of the collision. If the coal were evenly distributed among her six bunkers, there would have been at least 489 tons in the bunker where the ship parted. This amount of coal could easily account for the coal noted in the ANGUS and Argo images. Associated with the coal are dish fragments, a few chamber pots, tiles of various designs that originated from different rooms, plaster onto which the tiles were attached (some of the tiles are still in place), and a few bottles. Dish fragments become more noticeable toward the southeast in the coal/dish fragment area. Although a few whole dishes were encountered in the area, most are so fragmented they could be identified only by color. The Descent of the Bow and Stern The spacing between where the bow and stern sections came to rest demonstrates that the ship broke apart at the surface the halves moving further from one another during their individual descents to the bottom. The survivors agreed that the ship's bow sank first; and as the stern was uplifted, it reached an angle of 45 degrees, though they differed on what happened next. Now we know that as the stern rose higher and higher off the water, it experienced increasing torsional forces until finally the keel snapped between stacks 3 and 4 along the forward part of the reciprocating engine room. It is this twisting action that accounts for the extensive damage along the plane of separation. As the ship split, the forward low-pressure cylinder of the reciprocating engines and single- ended boilers broke way, falling straight to the bottom. The bow section slowly filled with water as it sank and drifted northward from its point of separation from the stern section. The northern segment of the debris field marks the course of this descent. The bow was tilted slightly to starboard when it struck the bottom at a speed that Ballard calculated to be 25 or 30 miles per hour. As it skidded the it along bottom, plowed Rusticles hang from bow on starboard side. Top, piece through the sediments to form the narrow trench of metal apparently from stack 4 area. Middle, boiler and the deformed ridge that we observed on the from boiler room 1.

59 starboard side and the mounds and debris flows when we ignore the elemental forces of nature, we saw beyond the ridge. When the prow finally which are superior to any human technology. came to a stop, momentum caused the rest of When we first found Titanic, the vessel's the bow to jack-knife. When the rear end of this resting place was undisturbed. It had escaped the section slammed into the bottom, the decks near catastrophic 1929 earthquake that cut many the tear collapsed one atop another. underwater cables south of the Grand Banks. It The stern took a different course. As it also had eluded earlier attempts to locate it. separated from the bow, it righted itself Since its discovery, a number of artifacts have temporarily, then turned straight up and rotated been removed from the site, in spite of the 180 degrees in the direction of the bow. Possibly expressed hope of many people, including the this rotation occurred later, as the stern sank, U.S. Congress and the President, that the rather than at or near the surface. In any case, wreckage remain a permanent memorial to those when the stern stood almost on end, all the who perished with the ship. Still more objects loose debris fell away and began to sink are likely to be removed in the future. Under the separately. The heavier fragments came to rest circumstances, the ship's best protection from near the stern; the lighter material, descending such invasions remains its largely inaccessible more gradually, ended up some distance from location rather than any promises to leave the the ship. Rushing waters crushed the weaker site intact, for these are as likely to be forgotten bulkheads as the stern flooded; and escaping air as quickly as words written in sand. caused the poop deck to peel back onto itself. The presence in the debris field of Acknowledgments refrigeration coils and motors, condensers, and We wish to thank members of the Deep Submergence liquor bottles from the lower decks in the stern Laboratory, especially Thomas K. Dettweiler and Earl M. section indicates that either an explosion or Young, Jr., who operated the ANGUS system at sea, combination of waters and air rushing escaping and Thomas Crook and Stephen R. Gegg, who caused the stern's skin to burst outward, at the processed the navigation. We are indebted to the surface or on the way down. The rupture allowed officers and crew of the R/V Knorr and R/V Atlantis II for these to leave the settle to the objects ship and their cooperation during the two expeditions to the bottom with the rest of the debris. That the Titanic site. screw section is buried beneath 14 meters of sediment indicates that this section of the stern Selected Readings hit the bottom first. There is no evidence that the Anonymous. 1983. The White Star Triple Screw Atlantic Liners burial is due to bottom currents. As the rest of Olympic and Titanic. Patrick Stephens Ltd., Cambridge, the stern impacted, the decks pancaked atop England. R.D. 1987. The of the Titanic. Madison each other and the ship's skin burst outward, Ballard, Discovery Press, Toronto. causing even more damage. Ballard, R.D. of the Titanic," National of the "Epilogue Geographic, Beyond settling many arguments October 1987. about the fate of the ship, our studies Davie, M. 1987. Titanic: The Death and Life of a Legend. Alfred underscored another important point: the A. Knopf, New York. devastation found at the site of the wreck is so Harris, S.E. & R.D. Ballard. 1986. "Argo capabilities for deep ." Proceedings Oceans '86, IEEE, 1: 1-6. complete that any hopes of ever refloating the Lord, W. 1986. The Lives On. William Morrow, New York. Titanic now seem like more than a Night nothing Uchupi, E., M.T. Muck & R.D. Ballard. 1988. "The Geology of romantic The extent of the destruction fantasy. the Titanic site and vicinity." Deep Sea Research, Vol. 35, also is a poignant reminder of what can happen pp. 1093-1110.

"Our most important research is finding out if there's any money in making " a TV documentary.

SNAFU by Bruce Beattie Reprinted by permission of NEA, Inc.

60 Allyn Collins Vine



o o Q

o o. Man of Vision

by Sara L. Ellis

/\llyn Vine is best known for For more than 50 years, of novel oceanographic promoting and supporting the Vine has been involved in equipment, usually idea of Alvin and doggedly everything from deep-sea participating every step of the and pushing the project to fruition. geology and underwater sound way: from conception But the little submersible is studies to antisubmarine only one of Vine's many warfare. Always looking for ingenious contributions to new techniques, Vine has a Sara L. Ellis is the Editorial Assistant of Oceanus. oceanography. gift for producing many types

61 design, to construction, various layers of the sea testing, and finally usage. floor and underwater Often converting basic photography. They tried to research into practical understand, as Vine puts it, applications, he holds several "the geologic differences patents on commonly used between land and the ocean oceanographic devices. bottom." Impressed with Vine's Vine was never inventiveness, a close friend intimidated by the ocean's and colleague says, "Al was two- to three-mile depth. He never on the cutting edge of recalls, "That was simply how science, he was the cutting deep the ocean was, and it edge." seemed logical to try to find At the age of 74, he is ways to study it at those spry and cheerful, with a depths. In my naive way I whimsical, off-beat sense of considered the deep ocean as humor. He is also modest, a the standard, or typical, ocean, team player. During my several and the continental shelves as chats with him, he was always merely the damp sidewalks of quick to stress the collabor- the continents. The deep ative nature of his projects, ocean was also where our and very reluctant to take any group expected to find the personal credit. most fun, and the most answers." School Days In those days you The second of four sons, Allyn usually had to build your own Collins Vine was born 1 June apparatus. Except for one 1914, in Garrettsville, Ohio. Mixing explosives for deep-sea seismic course in electrical engineer- work on the Atlantis in the late 1930s. His father, Elmer, was a ing early in college, Vine of second generation butcher, his (Courtesy Adelaide Vine) gained all his designing know- mother, Lulu, a housewife and how on the job. In addition to antique dealer. He loved many other projects in college, school, and fondly remembers Donald Dooley. "You just he put a lot of energy into several marvelous teachers, couldn't have a nicer job than designing and calibrating that. would tell to be used for particularly one who taught Dooley me equipment history and poetry. His things he wanted done, and if deep-sea gravity scientific aptitude surfaced time permitted I was allowed measurements. Lehigh had a early: as an adolescent he to be creative." Al especially strong department of civil raided the local telephone enjoyed making loud, colorful engineering, complete with a company junkpiles for wires displays. It was in the physics large testing facility that Vine and electronic to that he the that equipment department met used frequently. He says build contraptions such as high-spirited young woman, he has been "forever grateful burglar alarms. Today, Vine Adelaide R. Holton, whom he that they trusted a graduate believes that one of the would later marry. student in another department shortcomings of engineering After graduating from to use their facilities, day or education is that "we don't Hiram in 1936, Vine left Ohio night. Nowadays you'd have to use junkpiles. Too many for Pennsylvannia, where he have a committee behind you engineers are designing from entered a Master's program at to be allowed to do that!" catalogues, while not enough Lehigh University. His advisor are doing innovative work. was the redoubtable W. The War Years This just doesn't tend to Maurice (Doc) Ewing, one of inspire creativity." the fathers of modern Soon after World War II broke Vine went to Hiram oceanography. During the out in Europe, the Navy began College, a small liberal arts summers of 1937, '38, and '39, to fund major research college only 4 miles from his Ewing brought Vine and projects at WHOI. In the fall of home, mainly because it was several other graduate 1940, Ewing's group moved to his least expensive option. He students to the fledgling Woods Hole on a year-round feels "very fortunate that it Woods Hole Oceanographic basis to study the behavior of also happened to be an Institution (WHOI) for cruises sound in the ocean. For Al, his extremely good school." aboard the R/V Atlantis, Master's diploma fresh in Majoring in physics, Vine WHOI's first ocean-going hand, this turned out to be a helped to pay his way by being research vessel. Ewing's group permanent move. Shortly after a teaching assistant in the was involved in deep-sea receiving his first paycheck physics laboratories. He also seismic work exploding from WHOI, he placed a prepared laboratory demon- satchels of dynamite at sea to phone call to Ohio and pro- strations for his professor get sonic echoes off the posed marriage to Adelaide.

62 recom- Vine remembers the war 99-104). Until then, taking Iselin and Spilhaus that British years as exciting times for temperature profiles involved mended with oceanographic research. The stopping the ship and lowering submarines be equipped BTs to to find war brought together many a string of thermometers to help potential top scientists. In those days various discrete depths. The hiding places. before intensive specialization, BT was considered a great In 1940, Ewing's group the of when a "hot topic" arose, improvement because it could was assigned project researchers would tend to record temperature redesigning the BT and of for naval drop what they were doing to continuously as it was building 200 them concentrate on it. Columbus lowered. use. Vine increased the O'Donnel Iselin, then Director In 1937, Iselin realized accuracy and reliability of the of WHOI, would "return from that BTs could be useful in BT by adding a bimetallic coil Washington with a project on antisubmarine warfare. Water that compensated for temper- Thursday, and we'd all work at different temperatures ature differences inside and on it 'til it was finished on exhibits different densities, outside of the instrument. The also the BT's Monday," says Vine. Such and sound waves traveling group improved collaboration ensured a high through changing densities of hydrodynamic characteristics it into of probability of success. In water will bend in character- by making the shape addition, there was a great istic ways. Knowing the a small, weighted rocket, and it to a thin wire on a deal of cooperation between temperature profile of an area attaching the Navy and oceanographers. The Ewing group's first major effort was to improve detection of enemy submar- ines. Their past research experience proved to be very applicable. Underwater cameras could now be used to look for mines, sunken ships, and submarines; and seismic experiments helped show how sound was transmitted horizontally through water. Headed by Alfred C. Redfield, a smaller group, including Vine, Dean F. Bumpus, and William E. Schevill, began working directly with subs. At least one of them would try to ride on each new sub's first dive to take measurements, such as compressibility of the sub, which helped forecast exactly how much ballast would be needed to keep the sub in Preparing to test, in 1940, the first remotely controlled camera that could trim. During these times, Al photograph the deep ocean floor. (WHOI Archives) began to see submarines as a very logical way to go to sea. The close contact between of water would allow special winch. These oceanographers and sub predictions of how sound improvements allowed BTs to people would later prove to be would behave particularly be deployed from moving very important in the SONAR (SOund NAvigational ships. of BTs conception of Alvin. Ranging). Sonar is a technique, The corollary use used by bats, dolphins, ships, soon became apparent: if they The Bathythermograph and submarines, for locating could detect subs, they could to One of Vine's projects was objects by sending out a beam also help them escape and Vine redesigning the bathyther- of sound and detecting its detection. Ewing version mograph (BT), a now common reflection; the time the sound designed a stationary to used in sub- oceanographic instrument takes to return is a measure of of the BT be measuring temperature with how far away the object is. marines. Al and his collab- took turns the depth. Athelstan Spilhaus had Convinced that German subs orators riding and trained submarine been developing it in the late were "hiding" beneath layers subs, 1930s at the Massachusetts of low density water that operators to operate the new Institute of Technology deflected searching sonar BTs and interpret their data, the which came out on 3- 5- (Oceanus, Vol. 30, No. 4, pp. beams away from subs, by

63 inch index cards. In 1972, the Navy belatedly cited Vine's contrib- ution to the BT project, recalling "the savings of untold numbers of lives, and millions of dollars in ships and equipment." Present at the surprise ceremony was an engineering officer whose submarine, the USS Cuitarro, had escaped Japanese pursuers 28 years earlier by moving away under a thermal gradient detected with their BT. Directly after that encounter, the officer had scrawled these words of praise for Allyn on the back of the data card from the BT: Data card written by a submarine engineering officer during World War II applauding Vine for his work on the bathythermograph. "...The Engineering] Officer is happy to be able to forward this card because it upstairs in the ready-made drop in unannounced to means we were able to chauffeur's quarters with their bounce around an idea. It's as 'walk away' from this one. children, Vivian, Norman, and likely to be a machine shop in This card was made follow- David, while they gradually Woods Hole as a naval office ing a successful attack on a finished off the downstairs, in Washington. Once, WHOI heavy cruiser. As we hit 300 doing most of the work pilot and machinist Bobby feet the countermeasures themselves. It is now a Weeks (profile, Ocean us, Vol. started which severely beautiful, spacious house with 30, No. 3, pp. 87-91) flew Vine damaged this sub. We were a magnificent view of Vineyard to a security base in able to stay under the sharp Sound and the Elizabeth Nantucket, and they made gradient at 240 feet and Islands. arrangements to meet later gradually pull away from the Vine retained close ties that afternoon. When Vine scene of the attack licking with the Navy. In 1946, he was didn't show up at the our wounds. The 7 Jap one of the oceanographers to appointed time, Weeks escorts continued to harass make wave measurements at learned that he had decided to us, but their efforts became the atomic bomb test site in take an earlier flight back, not less and less fruitful as we Bikini "a tremendous but to Woods Hole, but to moved away under the sobering experience," he Washington. On another layer. My sincere thanks to recalls. From 1947 to 1950, he occasion, a member of his Allyn Vine of Woods Hole commuted on alternate weeks family phoned WHOI asking Inst. [sic] for the time he to Washington to serve at the whether anyone knew where spent explaining the value oceanographic desk of the Al was, and by the time they of the BT observations to U.S. Navy Bureau of Ships, tracked him down, he had me. When we were finally Sonar Division. While in spontaneously visited able to come to periscope Woods Hole, he worked colleagues in three or four depth the escorts were still mainly on long range sound cities. getting an echo back at the transmission, and continued to Just as he travels scene of the attack and evolve and improve ocean- quickly, whether by jet or by dropping sporadic charges. ographic equipment such as foot, Vine also thinks at high We on the SS 363 have towed sonar and underwater speed. Spouting ideas at a always believed in the BT camera gear. Because he was breathtaking rate, he often but this attack made one of WHOI's links leaves his listeners behind. " long key salesmen for BT out of us. with the Navy, a friend of his Still, people really enjoy once said, only half-jokingly: talking with him. To make After the War "There may be some Navy himself clear, he likes to use Though many oceanographers, people who think Vine is analogies. For instance, to including Ewing, left WHOI WHOI!" illustrate his view of how after Vine the war, Vine remained In fact, Vine is particular- shallow the ocean is, on staff. He and at ties with used a He permanent ly good keeping up simple comparison. a Adelaide soon bought a barn people, and usually does so in asked me to imagine dipping on scenic Juniper Point in person. When he wants to grapefruit briefly into water Woods Hole. They lived have a discussion, he tends to and then shaking it gently.

64 "Relatively speaking," he seemed an obvious new submersible. Still receiving explained, "the water on the technique for studying the little support from ocean- grapefruit's surface will be ocean. As Vine puts it: "We ographers, Vine persevered, deeper than on the surface of had about 45 oceanographic backed by a small group of the Earth. Most of the depth of vessels around the world at scientists, including Willard the ocean is only in people's the time. That was like having Bascom of the National heads." a huge tool bag with 45 Research Council, John D. Ever the creative wrenches pretty much the Isaacs of Scripps Institution of tinkerer, Vine takes advantage same size. We wanted to see Oceanography, and later Dick of the materials at hand. what a completely different H. Backus and Bill Schevill of Shortly after the war, he was wrench might be able to show WHOI. They continued to faced with the prospect of an us." push ahead for years, laying early wake-up. But alarm The Navy was more their reputations on the line clocks were in short supply, so sympathetic to the idea. There until they finally won the day. he simply hooked his vacuum were several technical meet- When it came time to cleaner into the electric outlet ings with the Office of Naval christen the little submersible, on his stove and set the timer. Research in the late 1950s. It there was an almost unan- Another time, when Woods soon became a matter of imous decision to call it Hole's Water Street draw- working out the difficult Alvin a contraction of the bridge became stuck in the problems of who would fund, name Allyn Vine in recog- raised position for several design, build, and operate the nition of his tenacity (however, weeks, forcing pedestrians to walk a mile around Eel Pond, Vine converted a huge tire into a floating platform to ferry passengers. The contraption was powered by a pulley system. As far as anyone can remember, only one girl fell overboard.

Pushing Relentlessly Vine would often go to the WHOI machine shop, and sketch out an idea on the floor with chalk. Weeks remembers that the machinists soon learned not to go straight to work from the sketch; instead they would wait for Al to come back and modify it perhaps radically or else erase it. Vine has been criticized for some- times not following through on ideas, but as with any "idea man," some of his ideas are more realistic than others. But if he's convinced an idea is really good, his own or someone else's, he will push for it relentlessly. Alvin is a perfect example of that persistence. When a small submer- sible was first proposed as an oceanographic tool no one recalls exactly who first came up with the idea ("It was in the air," says Al) it met with little enthusiasm from the ocean- ographic community. Oceanographers felt it was too risky, and that the money could be better spent. However, to ex-submariners When the Woods Hole drawbridge became stuck in the raised position, archives) like Vine, a small submersible Vine used typical ingenuity to create a makeshift ferry. (WHOI

65 for some members of the capable of supporting large, convertibles, having owned submersible group were also heavy equipment. Lulu, the several since their marriage. a Their current a dark infatuated with popular original mother ship of Alvin model, cartoon chipmunk of the time, was a primitive version of such 1967 Chrysler, has been named Alvin). Vine was unable a vessel, made with two dubbed the "Black Bat" by to attend the ceremony. He surplus Navy pontoons as colleagues. had been scheduled to dive in hulls. Designed with the help Ice from Antarctica the French submersible of Vine (and named after his Archimede in the early spring mother), Lulu is the only large One of his "fun projects," as of 1964, but the schedule had twin-hulled vessel that has Vine calls them, was a scheme slipped behind so that on the been used extensively in devised by him and his good day that Alvin was christened, oceanographic research. friend John Isaacs (sometimes 5 June 1964, Vine was 3 miles Though more modern called a second Al Vine), to below the surface of the tow ice from Antarctica to

Atlantic. When I asked him if Saudi Arabia as a source of he had been disappointed, he fresh water. "We were trying smiled and asked impishly: to point out that over a "How could I be?" He felt it century ago we had wooden was a wonderful coincidence, ships with linen sails, utilizing emphasizing the bright future gradients of wind to sail to ahead for Alvin. Antarctica, get a renewable oil This is a characteristic from whales, and bring it back response. Vine's main concern at a profit. With our improved is not who uses new tech- oceanographic know-how and nology, but rather with getting technology, why not transport it developed. When Alvin was ice, which already floats, by in the planning stages, it was taking advantage of favorable not clear whether it would go winds and currents?" Vine to Scripps Institution of suggests that inland U.S. Oceanography in La Jolla, or to states, in order to preserve WHOI, but that did not their own fresh water, should influence Vine's attitude. He demand that coastal states was merely interested in the look into such possibilities. design itself, and the potential In 1966 Isaacs, Vine, and uses for such a vessel. two colleagues from Scripps In spite of his love of speculated that it should be Vine's mother, Lulu, circa 1920. A submersibles, Al has support- possible to run a tapered cable of this was ed all sorts of oceanographic duplicate photograph down to the surface of the donated by Al and Adelaide Vine to vessels. He estimates that he Earth from an orbiting Alvin's first mother ship, Lulu. spent as much time lobbying satellite an idea indepen- fCourtesy of Adelaide Vine) for Scripps' Floating dently proposed earlier, but Instrument Platform (FLIP), and not openly published, by a So- WHOI's Oceanus and R/V viet engineer. This "sky hook" Atlantis II, as he did for Alvin. semisubmerged catamarans could serve to launch materials Although retired as scientist have been used in other into space, as if from a sling, emeritus since 1979, he is still capacities, oceanographers or could be used to transport keenly interested in the design have not taken advantage of materials to and from the sat- of new vessels. Besides them. "That's a bloomin' ellite, like an elevator. The dropping in on his Woods disgrace," says Vine, with idea, Vine told me with a twin- Hole colleagues, he attends characteristic directness. kle in his eye, could provide a many conferences, often as a Although Al and theoretical basis for Jack and speaker. One of his great Adelaide used to sail after the Beanstalk. enthusiasms is now the work, they sold their boat Some scientists call Vine semisubmerged, twin-hulled soon after they bought their an engineer. Some engineers research vessel (Oceanus, Vol. home. For relaxation they now call him a scientist. Actually, is a Trained in an 25, No. 1, pp. 15-17), an keep up their lovely gardens, he hybrid. innovation he has been both at their home in Woods era before specialization be- recommending for several Hole and at their house in came pervasive, Al Vine is an decades. Waquoit, where Adelaide innovator whose combination Twin-hulled ships offer raises azaleas and of daring, persistence, and has greater stability than conven- rhododendrons. When I asked good humor, clearly made tional ships, which is Adelaide what were her for some very interesting and important for handling husband's interests, she important results. sensitive oceanographic replied "Everything that is, equipment. They also offer everything except rock expansive operating decks music!" Both share a passion

66 A Challenge to Alvin from the USSR

I here are four manned research submers- longer. And I think that within perhaps ibles in the world today that can dive deeper five years, underwater mining even in than Alvin. France's , the U.S. Navy's great depths will no longer be a Sea Cliff, and the Soviet Union's (Peace) problem, either. Methods and I and II. All are certified to 6,000 meters, equipment already exist, but they still compared to Alvin's 4,000 meters. The need some development. The most Japanese are developing a submersible that important thing to solve is how to cut will at 6,500 meters (Oceanus, Vol. the crust into that can be taken operate pieces" 30, No. 1, pp. 29-32). A depth of 6,000 up to the surface. meters means that these submersibles can Rauma-Repola is also looking to the cover 98 the floor. percent of ocean tourist market. A member of the Finnish The two Soviet submersibles were built Subsea Technology Group Malmari & the Oceanics Unit of the by Rauma-Repola Winbergis presently developing three such Subsea in Finland, for $50 Technology Group submersibles, with a capacity of from 49 to 62 million. underwent sea trials in They passengers and a three-man crew. They will December 1987, and are now operational, under the Institute of Oceanology, of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Their design is similar to Alvin. They carry a pilot and two scientists. The total working cycle is 10 hours, of which four hours is bottom time at 6,000 meters. Both are launched from the same mother ship, one being used as a backup for the other, allowing for a continuous diving schedule. The maximum forward speed is five knots, and energy capacity is 100 kilowatts, reportedly about double the operating capability of Nautile and Sea Cliff. The vehicles are 7.8 meters long, and weigh about 18.7 tons in air. The crew sphere for Alvin is made of titanium alloys. Those of the Soviet submersibles are made of maraging steel, which allowed Rauma-Repola to cast the separate halves in such a way as to avoid the need for welded seams. According to Anatoly M. Sagalevich, head of the Laboratory of Manned Deep-sea Submersibles at the Institute of Oceanology: "The most demanding project [during

the construction of Mir I and \\] was the crew spheres. Rauma-Repola used their steel expertise to develop a that our special alloy met specific- The new Soviet submersibles Mir I and //. ations, ana this was the first time in of Institute of the world that were (Courtesy Oceanology) deep-sea" spheres made of cast steel. be capable of operating in depths of up to The strength-to-weight ratio is said to be 100 meters, from an hour to 15 hours.They about 10 percent greater than that of are 19.5 meters long, 3.6 meters wide, and titanium. Cast maraging steel is isotropic; 3.3 meters high. They have a maximum that is, it has the same physical properties in speed of 3 knots, and are designed to meet all directions an advantage in an U.S. Coast Guard regulations. The three environment where pressure can be 600 being built are for Finnish, American, and times greater than that on the surface. Japanese owners. Again according to Sagalevich, the institute expects these subs to be involved in mineral explorations, since: -Paul R. Ryan "Now [the taking of mineral nodules Editor, Oceanus from great depths] is no problem any On fellowship in Japan.

67 The Shipwreck

Rockwell Kent and are from the Random House The drawings in this article are by the American artist Rockwell Kent edition of Moby-Dick by Herman Melville. (Courtesy of the Legacies)

68 Titanic and Leviathan

by Gerald Weissmann

Why upon your first voyage as a passenger, did you yourself feel such a mystical vibration, when first told that you and your ship were now out of sight of land? Why did the old Persians hold the sea holy? Why did the Greeks give it a separate deity, and make him the own brother of Jove? Surely all this is not without meaning. Herman Melville, Moby-Dick

had almost forgotten that Atlantis II was returning to Woods Hole that Wemorning, when the rumble of helicopters overhead reminded us. Looking out the windows of the laboratory, we could see the ship less than a mile offshore. The July sky was cobalt, the sea a Prussian blue, and the sun sparkled on rare whitecaps in Vineyard Sound; it was 9:30 on the clearest of day summer. The research vessel was headea home in triumph after its second voyage to the . Above, the ship was circled by a corona of helicopters and photo planes: on the water, a flotilla of powerboats and racing sloops kept pace. In shorts and lab coats we rushed down A neighborly welcome for the Titanic discoverers. the stairs to cross Water Street in order to be on (Photo by Tom Kleindinst, WHOI) the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) dock when the Atlantis II pulled in. WHOI was established in 1930, and is the that moved the ancients to worship a "separate of the scientific youngest three installations that deity, and . . . own brother of Jove." share the harbors of our small village. The others Neptune's kingdom has drawn scholars to are the Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL, est. many harbors: Naples, Villefranche, and 1888) and the U.S. Bureau of Commercial Bermuda come to mind as centers where marine Fisheries Biological Laboratory and Aouarium science has flourished. But the New England (est. 1870). The three institutions, each eminent shore has a special meaning for those engaged in in its own right, tend to coexist as separate little voyages of discovery. From the landfall of the universes: engineering and physical sciences set Mayflower at Provincetown to the triumph of the the tone at WHOI, cell and molecular biology New Bedford clippers, the path to new worlds dominate the MBL, and applied ecology is the was by way of the sea. Perhaps it is no accident business of the Fisheries. But while the and, alas, the social of professional spheres Gerald Weissmann, Professor of Medicine and Director the three enclaves do not the overlap greatly, of the Division of Rheumatology at New York University scientists and technicians of Woods Hole are School of Medicine, is the author of two collections of united the most ancient of terrestrial by perhaps essays: The Woods Hole Cantata and They All Laughed diseases: sea fever. or Physics, biology, ecology at Christopher Columbus. During summers, he can well be studied under the pines of Duke or conducts his research into the immune system at the the ivy of Princeton, but folks at Woods Hole Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole. This essay seem drawn to the seaside by the kind of urges originally appeared in Hospital Practice.

69 The Great White Whale

in all seasons and all that the most dazzling of our epics is that of a Bhering's Straits; and Yankee in search of a whale. oceans declared everlasting war with the survived mightiest animated mass that has What wonder, then, that these Nantucketers, the flood; most monstrous and most born on a beach, should take to the sea for a mountainous! livelihood! They first caught crabs and -Moby-Dick quahogs in the sand; grown bolder, they waded out with nets for mackerel; more That sea beast Leviathan, which God of all experienced, they pushed off in boats and his works Created hugest that swim the captured cod; and at last, launching a navy ocean stream. of great ships on the sea, explored this -John Milton, Paradise Lost watery world; put an incessant belt of in circumnavigations round it; peeped at

70 Melville may have worked in a Manhattan crowd to disperse, but we didn't wait. We countinghouse, but the whalers of his mind left crossed the street, reverting to the lab to watch from colder waters; Ishmael took the packet for the dissociated cells of marine sponges clump Nantucket through the waters off Woods Hole. together in a test tube. for a hundred have marine Within the all over So, too, years week, posters appeared scholars plied their craft by the shores of the Falmouth announcing that Ballard would give two Cape and its islands; the search for Leviathan as lectures at the Lawrence Junior High School fish, ship, or secret of the cell does not seem auditorium on August 6. He would show pictures entirely preposterous there. of the Titanic exploration before they were released to the general news media. The pictures would include footage obtained by means of novel television cameras mounted on the little small lab is a hundred or so only yards that had down the from the main dock of WHOI, and we robot, Jason Jr., poked grand stairwell of the liner. My wife and I bought Ourwere there in no time at all. The scene tickets for the first of the talks. In for on the dock was Preston Sturges in a nautical preparation the event, we scoured junk shops and book- the crowd had clearly assembled to setting: stores for literature on the Titanic disaster. welcome Jimmy Stewart back from the wars to Although it cannot be said that we stumbled his hometown. Reporters of all shapes and sizes across unknown masterpieces of prose, the jockeyed for position; television cameras were dozen or so accounts were reasonably accurate mounted on scores of tripods; Coast Guard and jobs of popular history. Written at various times naval officers strutted their stripes; deckhands in between 1912 and 1985, told much shirts hawsers the they pretty cutoffs and gym lugged by the same story, owing, no doubt, to their pier. Assembled on a kind of grandstand were reliance on the same primary sources, chief of bigwigs in blazers, officials in seersucker, and the which were the records of two investigative gentry of Falmouth in pink linen slacks. The commissions, American and English. Marine Biological Laboratory was represented by On April 14, 1912, at 11:40 p.m., while on a packet of students and faculty from courses in its maiden voyage from Southampton to New physiology, embryology, and neurobiology. York, the largest and most luxurious ocean liner There were also teenagers with spiked hair and of its age struck an iceberg at latitude 4146' bubble gum, fresh-scrubbed wives of the ship's North, 5014' West, some 360 miles off crew, outdoor from WHOI and the longitude types the Grand Banks of Newfoundland. At 2:20 a.m. Fisheries, grease-stained kids from the boatyard the ship sank. Only 711 out of 2,201 souls on across the street, aproned staff from the four board survived. A U.S. Senate investigating local restaurants, firemen, and town cops. committee, headed by William Alden Smith of Michigan, began its hearings on April 19 and But to omit other things (that I may be brief) thereafter reported: after long beating at sea they fell with that shortly land which is called Cape Cod; the which is named as to No particular person being being made and certainly known be it, responsible though attention is called to the they were not a little joyful. fact that on the day of the disaster three -William Of Plantation Bradford, Plymoth distinct warnings of ice were sent to Captain The ship, now upon us, was the size of a Smith .... to the minesweeper, and its silhouette in the sun Ice positions, so definitely reported the located displayed great winch posts at the stern. As the Titanic just preceding accident, in which she vessel berthed broadside, general applause and ice on both sides of the lane Near the was No discussion took happy cheers greeted the explorers. top traveling. place called stood Robert Ballard, the head of the expedition. among the officers, no conference was no heed was He stood the height of a hero, wearing a baseball to consider these warnings, not cap that bore the sailboat logo of the given to them. The speed was relaxed, Oceanographic Institution. Next to him stood a the lookout was not increased. naval officer in khaki as a reminder, perhaps, that The supposedly water-tight compartments because the Navy had supported much of this research. A of the Titanic were not water-tight, of the decks platoon of oceanographers leaned against the of the non-water-tight condition transverse bulkheads ended. railings of a lower deck. They were outnumbered where the crew a few lab The controlled the by grinning members and types steamship California, by was nearer the wearing round spectacles. The air rang with same concern as the Titanic, nineteen miles shouts from ship to shore and back again as sinking steamship than the officers and friends and relatives hoisted the kind of encourag- reported by her captain, and her of the Titanic ing signs that one sees at footraces. Tots and crew saw the distress signals in accordance schoolkids were hauled aboard as the ship made and failed to respond to them fast. Flashbulbs popped, and so did the corks with the dictates of humanity, international .... from champagne bottles. Oceanographers soon usage, and the requirements of law looked like at The full of the Titanic' s lifeboats winning playoff pitchers Fenway capacity while 705 Park. Kisses were exchanged and animals petted. was not utilized, because, only died in the More cheers and applause. It took a while for the persons were saved (6 lifeboats)

71 Ahab

72 of other ship's boats could have carried 1176. millionaires, and hundreds men, No general alarm was sounded, no whistle bravely smiling at us. Never have I seen such blown and no systematic warning was given chivalry and fortitude . . . ." to the endangered passengers, and it was But these men stood aside one can see fifteen or minutes before twenty Captain them! and gave place not merely to the ordered the Titanic's wireless Smith operator delicate and the refined, but to the scared to send out a distress message. Czech woman from the steerage, with her The Titanic's crew were only meagerly baby at her breast; the Croatian with a with their and duties in acquainted positions toddler by her side, coming through the very an accident and one drill was held only gate of death, and out of the mouth of Hell before the maiden of the crew trip. Many to the imagined Eden of America. joined the ship only a few hours before she - Marshall, The of the Titanic sailed .... Logan Sinking (1912) The commissioners might have noted several other factors that contributed to the This lesson the "noblesse disaster. Whatever number of additional persons oblige" theme includes the story of Mrs. , might have crowded into lifeboats, there was who returned from her place in lifeboat No. 8 to room for only about half of those aboard (1,100 her husband, the owner of Macy's. her of 2,201). In addition, the two lookouts in the Taking husband's hand, she told him, "We have been crow's nest had not been given binoculars with living together many years. Where you go, so which to spot the iceberg, and once the berg was shall I." And the magnate refused to go before unavoidable, an error of navigation compounded the other men. , grandson the wreck. the design of the ship was Although of a went to his death with a such that she would probably have survived a Philadelphia mogul, rare of Bacon's Essaies in his head-on collision of almost any force, the first copy pocket; Harvard owes not its but also its officer swung the liner hard astarboard, thereby only library swimming requirement to his memory. Benjamin exposing a broadside target for impact. Guggenheim, the smelting millionaire, went downstairs to change into his best evening attire. "Tell my wife," he told his steward, who years of rehashing details of the survived, "I the out and to Titanic disaster have not added much to this played game straight the end. No woman shall be left aboard this ship Seventy-fivebare outline, although recent opinion has because Ben Guggenheim was a coward." Then tended to lay a good share of the blame at the there was , aide and feet of the owners of the . Social Major confidant of President Taft. Mrs. Henry B. Harris critics accuse Bruce Ismay and his financier, J. P. reported that: Morgan, of sacrificing safety for speed, and order to take to the boats he prudence for luxury. In contrast, amateur when the came steamship enthusiasts trace the ocean wreck to became as one in supreme command. You many individual flaws of naval conduct, would have thought he was at a White was he. culminating in negligence by the captain of the House reception, so cool and calm California. But if one is neither a special pleader In one of the earlier boats fifty women, it a nor a buff of shipwrecks, the story of the Titanic seemed, were about to be lowered, when to the can be read as that of a unique, unlikely accident man, suddenly -stricken, ran it. Butt shot one arm that was not part of a general pattern of nautical stern of Major out, malfeasance. Only the sentimental can derive caught him by the neck, and jerked him

. . . said from the sinking ship an intimation of Western backward like a pillow. "Sorry," will be attended to mortality. But the wreck had no immediate Major Butt, "but women predecessors, and no similar accident happened first or I'll break every bone in your body." Between the wars, that were again. large ships This gallant behavior on the part of the faster and more luxurious than the Titanic made moneyed class probably derived from the English hundreds of in similar waters and lived out trips code of the gentleman. On the Titanic, that code their useful lives without incident. was honored to a remarkable degree. As the Nevertheless, over the a more or less years captain was going under with his ship, his last constant set of moral lessons has been drawn words were "Be brave, boys. Be British!" The from the disaster; these tales cautionary split gentlemanly code explains in part the hard in with the tectonics of predictably accord plate statistics of survival. Whereas 140 of 144 (97.2 class and The first of them is in children in party. captured percent) of the women and all of the the of handsome men in popular image evening first class survived, only 57 of 175 (32.6 percent) clothes awash on a deck. The band tilting plays of male first-class passengers made shore. This "Autumn." moral example of social discipline served as a trenches Said one survivor, speaking of the men who lesson for the gentry, who went to the - remained on the ship: "There they stood of Flanders as if to a game of rugger. Major Butt, Colonel Astor waving a farewell More recent students of the Titanic story to his wife; Mr. Thayer, Mr. Case, Mr. have drawn a quite different set of lessons from Clarence Moore, Mr. Widener, all multi- the statistics and offer an analysis that one might

73 The Harpooner

74 call the "upstairs, downstairs" version of the a swimming pool, a putting area, squash courts, disaster. Pointing out that the social classes were a Turkish bath, a Parisian cafe, palm-decorated quartered on ship as in Edwardian society at verandas, a storage compartment for large, they find that steerage passengers fared automobiles, and a full darkroom for amateur less well than their upstairs shipmates: half as photo buffs. In the hold were hundreds of cases well, in fact! Of the women in third class, only 76 of luxury consignments, which ranged from 34 survived of 165 (46 percent); of men, 75 of 462 cases of golf clubs for A. G. Spalding to 25 cases (16.2 percent); and only 27 of 79 children. These of sardines and a bale of fur for Lazard Freres. statistics literally the bottom line yield another Beverage rooms stocked 1,500 champagne irony. Only 8 percent, a mere 14, of 168 men in glasses. This splendid, "unsinkable" hotel was second class survived. One might conclude that powered by engines that could generate 55,000 middle-class men adhered more closely to horsepower. Rumor had it that she was not far upstairs values than did the entrepreneurial folk from her maximum speed of 25 to 26 knots per on top deck. hour when she hit the iceberg. Other hearsay had it that Captain Smith was going for a trans- Atlantic speed record. The pride of speed was streaks of division mar the canvas. blamed for the . Many of the accounts of the time stirred Journalists complained that "subways whiz Darkerup nativist sentiment, and the worst through the tunnels at top speed; automobiles charges were leveled against swarthy foreigners. dash through the street at a speed of a mile in Reporters grew indignant that "men whose two minutes, and ocean liners tear through the names and reputations were prominent in two water," but it was clergymen who had a field day hemispheres were shouldered out of the way by on the Sabbath after the disaster. Technological roughly dressed Slavs and Hungarians." Rumors pride took a beating from the Reverend William were commonplace and since disproved that Danforth of Elmhurst, N.Y., who blamed "the age violent battles took place in steerage: of mania for speed and smashing records. The one on whom one can fasten the blame is Shouting curses in foreign languages, the every man to whom all else unless he rides in the immigrant men continued their pushing and palls and the fastest He will be tugging to climb into the boats. Shots rang biggest ship possible. guilty in his automobile tomorrow." The out. One big fellow fell over the railing into pulpits of all denominations were hard on the of the water. . . .One husky Italian told the pride Had William Bradford been alive, he writer on the pier that the way in which the luxury. men were shot down was horrible. His would have been the first to see the luxury steamer as "a it of the sympathy was with the men who were shot. right emblem, may be, uncertain things of the world, that when men Another rumor of the time is contradicted by have toiled themselves for them, they vanish into later accounts: smoke." The leader of the Ethical Culture An hour later, when the second wireless man Society, Felix Adler, was alive enough to voice into the boxlike tell his came room to the sentiment: "It is pitiful to think of those golf companion what the situation was, he found links and swimming pools on the steamship a negro stoker creeping up behind the which is now 2,000 fathoms deep." And Rabbi operator and saw him raise a knife over his Joseph Silverman of Temple Emanu-El was of the head. . . . The negro intended to kill the same mind: "When we violate the fundamental in order to his lifebelt operator take from laws of nature we must suffer." him. The second operator pulled out his revolver and shot the negro dead. Those oft-told dramas of the Titanic can be the decades since 1912, the Titanic has squeezed for the juice of class struggle, but the ranked high on the list of violators of real fear of the time was not of social unrest. Led Infundamental law (applied technology division). by the Great Populist, William Jennings Bryan, Fans of natural law put the steamship right up the moralists found their true target: the enemy there with the Hindenburg and Icarus, the Tower was luxury- luxury and speed. "I venture the of Babel and the Maginot Line. Not long ago, the assertion that less attention will be paid to space shuttle Challenger joined those other comforts and luxuries and. . .that the mania of violators. In our recent mythology, Challenger speed will receive a check," said Bryan. and the Titanic have been linked in the popular Speed and comfort are among the mind. Both craft were the largest and fastest declared goals of applied technology; those who vectors of their kind, both were the darlings of worry about the goals like Bryan tend to worry general publicity, both carried the banners of about technology. For 75 years, those uneasy Anglo-Saxon pride and both voyages went with machines have used the sinking of the haywire for almost mundane reasons. In the Titanic to illustrate the Puritan-sampler hagiography of disaster, the binoculars absent admonition that "pride goeth before a fall." from the crow's nest of the liner and the faulty The proud Titanic was 882 feet long- O-rings of the booster rocket have both been almost three football fields. Contemporary offered as examples of how the best of our illustrations show her as longer than the then science is in bondage to chance or retribution. towering Woolworth Building in height. She had On August 6, when we heard Ballard speak

75 on his discovery of the Titanic, I was sure that creatures that inhabit those depths. He memories of the recent Challenger disaster were acknowledged his French collaborators, without not far from the minds of many. That summer, whom the wreck could not have been found, and with the shuttles grounded, the discovery of the praised the technicians of Sony who fashioned Titanic 12,000 feet beneath the sea must have the pressure-resistant TV apparatus of the robot, engaged sentiments, in an American audience, Jason Jr. And then we saw film clips of the deeper than those of hometown curiosity. It second voyage to the wreck of the Titanic, taken seems unlikely that the community turned out in by Jason Jr. and its larger partner, the remotely overflow numbers because of its concern for the operated vehicle, Argo. traditional themes of Titanic literature. One By the blue lights of Argo's cameras, we doubts that the seats were packed by citizens saw the decks, the winches, the bridge. The who wished to hear replayed the moral lessons stern had become undone, and the huge boilers of "noblesse oblige," the social notes of had been scattered across the ocean floor. We "upstairs, downstairs," or the canons of saw stalactites of rust and intact bottles of wine. technology's pride and fall. No, one might argue We went with Jason Jr. into the cavern of the that the people of Falmouth went to hear the great staircase and marveled at the preservation technical details of how a captain from Cape Cod of metal work, silverware, and leaded glass in tracked down the largest, most elusive object that cold sea. We had entered the belly of the beneath the waves: Titanic, the Leviathan. whale. Guided by our Ahab/lshmael, we returned For the buckling of the main beam, there to the surface as the submersibles were retrieved was a iron screw the great passengers and stowed. Ballard suggested that these pictures out of which would raise brought Holland, tended to discount the hypothesis that the the beam into his the which place; being iceberg had torn a great gash in the liner's side the and master affirmed that done, carpenter and that, instead, the welds had popped from with a under set firm in the lower post put it, the impact. The ship's hull had cracked like a deck and otherwise he would make bound, nut. But his peroration was not devoted to it sufficient. further anecdotes of how sad it was when that - Of Plymoth Plantation great ship went down. Ballard ended with the message he had brought to the shore for a The whale line is only two thirds of an inch decade: the ocean and its depths are a frontier as as that of itself. in thickness. At first sight, you would not awesome space think it so strong as it really is. By its that followed was and experiment one and fifty yarns will each applause long suspend a weight of one hundred and twelve loud. The happy crowd, from starry-eyed pounds; so that the whole rope will bear a Theteenagers to oldsters with aluminum into the sunlit strain nearly equal to three tons. In length, walkers, emerged afternoon, the common sperm whale-line measures looking as if each had been given a fine, something over two hundred fathoms. personal present. Many of us from the Woods Hole laboratories shared that sentiment; town Moby-Dick and gown, we folks of Falmouth had been told a tale of for science and The The echo on our sonar indicated that we victory technology. reception of Titanic Redivivus suggests that were approaching bottom, at a little more science appeals to people not only for the than 12,000 feet. Larry released one of the gadgets it invents but also because it answers heavy on the side of the Alvin, and some of the most important questions we can our descent slowed. Soon in the spray of ask: What happens when we drown? How deep lights under the submersible, I could see the is the ocean? How terrible is its bottom? How ocean floor slowly coming closer, seeming to big is the whale? rise toward us, rather than our sinking to it. After his first Ballard had told the Pumping ballast in final adjustments, voyage, Larry House Merchant Marine and Fisheries settled us softly down on the bottom, more Commission that he was neither an than two miles below the surface archaeologist nor a treasure hunter. "I am" he told the

"a marine scientist and I -Ballard, Oceanus, Vol. 28, No. 4, p. 106 congressmen, explorer. am here to point out that the technological In the logbook style of his Yankee genius most Americans are so proud of has predecessors, Ballard here describes an early entered the deep sea in full force and placed training dive of the deep submersible craft Alvin. before us a new reality." And in the same informative fashion, Ballard Influenced, no doubt, by Ballard's publicity went on, that summer afternoon at the school, to on television, in newspapers, and in magazines, detail his two trips to the Titanic site. He spoke not all of the scientists at Woods Hole shared my of the principles of oceanography, of the ground enthusiasm for the Titanic adventure. At a rules of hydrodynamics, and of how optics and number of gatherings later that summer, one sonar had been used to establish the site of the heard the nasty buzzing of such pejorative wreckage. He told of the dark, sterile sea two adjectives as "publicity seeking," "grand- miles beneath the surface and of the rare standing," "applied," "not really basic," "develop-

7h - mental," and perhaps most damning and Galileo managed to catch the ear of the Double it has been "anecdotal." Since The Helix, Vatican. Einstein's theory of relativity was no secret to the public at large that scientists are featured in headlines by The New York Times, to each other than are other no more charitable and polio was conquered in public. When one of professionals. But the detractors of the Titanic the new dons of DMA discovers something as not Ballard se. adventure were upset only by per spectacular as the wreck of the Titanic, he may that The naysayers also complained technology fill auditoriums larger than that of a junior high rather than science was imprinted in the school on the Cape. When he finds the vaccine collective unconscious of television. Some of for AIDS or solves the riddle of schizophrenia,

Ballard's sudden I those most vexed by purists may carp at the publicity, but want to be prominence had themselves made major findings in the audience to hear his "grandstanding." in the "new of reality" genetic engineering, And still the of that of and immune Were not deeper meaning story neurobiology, regulation. Narcissus, who because he could not grasp their achievements also part of the "techno- the tormenting, mild image he saw in the most Americans are so proud of?" logical genius fountain, plunged into it and was drowned. that their contributions to basic They argued But that same image, we ourselves see in all science will affect the world of the future in ways rivers and oceans. It is the image of the more fundamental than adventures on the ocean ungraspable phantom of life; and this is key floor. to it all. But this reasoning strikes me as very self- - Moby-Dick serving. Historians of science and technology assure us that it is difficult to decide whether When or from public practice follows private theory or whether Ishmael, Melville, emerged hard to the to tell the of the opposite is true. It is, they teach us, sinking Pequod story Moby- about the science of know where technology ends and science Dick, he told us as much whales as about the descent into self. Ballard's begins. Moreover, real discoveries basic or tale of the Titanic is not the of applied -influence our social arrangements as only story deep- science but also a tale of of they in turn are influenced by them. Important ocean memory, discoveries tend to attract attention. The Spanish desire, and of that search for the ungraspable life that have called Leviathan. scribes did not ignore the voyages of Columbus, phantom of some

The Ship

77 Problems for British Oceanographers by Henry Charnock

Th,lere is growing concern increasing contribution, but amounts of NERC research among British oceanographers the bulk of the work continues funding were transferred to for the future of their science, to be done at government departments of government which some sense to be losing laboratories, especially those who were to act as customers its momentum. The more of the Natural Environment for work they considered of philosophical among them link Research Council (NERC). practical importance. They in this loss to the end of the Sir George Deacon turn commissioned NERC as a immediate post-war generation (profile, Oceanus, Vol. 28, contractor to do the work, but of marine scientists, together No. 1, pp. 90-94), founding they did so in decreasing with the fact that few of the director of what is now the amounts, in an unpredictable major British institutions have Deacon Laboratory of the UK way, and with a vast increase had close connections with a Institute of Oceanographic in administrative paper. Long- university: more interaction Sciences, at Wormley in term research has not been with bright graduate students Surrey, would probably have favored by recent British and postdoctoral fellows might dated the decline from 1965. governments, and the overall well have helped. For it was then that his effect on the science budgets Most of the marine institute was one of a mixed of NERC marine institutes, science in the United Kingdom bag thrown together to form particularly those most (UK) is done at government- NERC under a central, and concerned with physical funded institutes. Two centralist, administration. oceanography, has been a university departments (at Others bemoan a government marked decline in the funds Bangor in North Wales, and at decision in 1975 to treat much available. They have been Southampton in the South of scientific research as a service, forced increasingly to rely on England) have recently been to be provided by a contractor short-term commissioned expanded and are making an for a customer. Substantial projects which cannot be good for the continuing health of marine research.

Their Lordships' Report A thorough analysis of UK marine science and tech- nology was carried out by a select committee of the House of Lords in 1985. They studied a lot of written evidence, saw many witnesses, and made several visits including one to the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI). Their report -Marine Science and Technology, Her Majesty's Stationery Office, (47-1 1985)-announced that

Henry Charnock is an Emeritus Professor of Physical HMS Challenger gaver her name to the first oceanographic expedition to circle Oceanography at the University of the globe (1876-1879). Sponsored by the British Navy and the Royal Society, it Southampton, England, and a was headed by Sir Wyville Thompson and has been called the most innovative member of the Oceanus Editorial single oceanographic research voyage ever made. Advisory Board.

78 the UK has a valuable pool of talent in marine science and technology, whose work needed to be protected for its scientific worth and its relevance to issues of commercial and national importance. They recognized that specific areas of future exploitation cannot be predicted, so that it is necessary to acquire the knowledge on which wise use of the oceans can be based. The committee also recognized that a critical factor is the lack of adequate financial resources, giving as an example that the budget of WHOI (then $52 million a year) was about two-thirds of the total UK Government The Royal Research Ship Discovery. Launched 1962, she will be extended expenditure on civil marine in length from the present SOmeters, if funds can be found, and kept in service for another fifteen of science and technology. They years. (All photos courtesy Henry Charnock) ^nought this shortage of funds might be due to the UK's piecemeal approach, and tee is serviced by NERC, its marine scientists (Sir Anthony called for a framework in (part-time) chairman being Sir Laughton, recently retired which major projects of John Mason, a distinguished from his post as Director of national and international cloud physicist who has served the Institute of Oceanographic importance can be identified, as Director-General of the Sciences, and Ernest Naylor, planned, and mounted without British Meteorological Office University College of North detriment to individual and as Treasurer of the Royal Wales, Bangor), together with research. Society, and is now chairman some marine technologists, This led to the of the Joint Scientific some industrialists, and a committee's major recom- Committee for the World dozen representatives of mendation, that there should Climate Research Program. The government departments. The be an executive Marine Board, committee's twenty members aim of CCMST is to formulate in a Research Council, to be include some individual a strategy for the whole of UK responsible for the support of marine science and tech- marine research from the nology: they expect this to science budget. They doubted take until mid-1989, after whether the management style which, given appropriate of NERC fitted it to cope with funding, the pattern will be set such a marine board: the for the 1990s and beyond. Science and Engineering They also plan to take care of Research Council might well the UK input into intergovern- - have been more suitable. But mental oceanographic affairs in the end reactionary forces briefing delegates to the Inter- prevailed: instead of an governmental Oceanographic executive board, the Commission, the International government decided to set up Council for the Exploration of the interdepartmental the Sea, and similar bodies. Coordinating Committee on Marine Science and Director of Marine Science Technology (CCMST), a group A to not empowered give advice, In the two years between the money. decision to form CCMST and its starting work, there were within the The developments New Committee Natural Environment Research Now, nearly three years after Council, whose the publication of their requires it to provide the main the CCMST channel for of civil Lordships' report, J. D. Woods, Director of Marine support has finally been set up and is Sciences, Natural Environment marine science in the UK. having meetings. The commit- Research Council. According to the Lords' report,

79 NERC spent 35 million (about $63 million) on marine science in 1984-85. This was about 40 percent of total NERC expenditure, and about half of the total UK government funds for civil marine science and technology. Apart from the about 2.5 million (about $4.5 million, or less than 10 percent of the total) that went to universities and polytechnics, NERC spent almost all its marine science funds through its various institutes. These six facilities are: the Institute of Oceanographic Sciences (IOS); the Institute of Marine Environmental Research The Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, Deacon Laboratory, in Surrey, the Institute for England. There are plans to move the Institute to a site near the University of (IMER); Southampton if funds can be found. Below, funds available to NERC Marine Marine Biochemistry (1MB); Laboratories, 1955-88, for their own choice of research. Supplementary funds the grant-aided Marine had to be obtained from commissions and contracts from other government Biological Association (MBA) and outside customers. departments and Scottish Marine Biological Association (SMBA); and the Sea Mammal Research Unit MARINE SCIENCE (SMRU), all devoted to marine LABORATORIES science. A heterogenous "Science Budget" Spend (87/88 prices) group, these institutes had different historical traditions, organizational structures, and philosophies. All except IMER predated NERC. Since IOSDL 1985, the NERC response to financial stringency has been to reduce Em staff numbers and to bring about increased centralization of scientific policy-making at NERC headquarters. Three new Directors of Science were 4 POL appointed. One of them a Em Director of Marine Sciences; his job is to advise council (through a Marine Sciences Committee), and manage the SMBA Marine Sciences Research and associated Em Programme facilities, exercising formal line management of the 600 or so staff in NERC marine institutes. 4 To fill this important IMER post NERC appointed John D. Woods, Professor of Regional Oceanography at the Institut fur Meereskunde, Kiel, West MBA Germany. Born 1939, John Woods received his Ph.D. in Em cloud physics (under B. J. Mason at Imperial College) before working at the UK 49 56 60 64 68 72 76 80 84 88 Meteorological Office, and as Professor of at the University of Southampton in England. Distinguished for his

80 pioneering experimental work on turbulence and mixing in the upper ocean, he has also made an important contribution to international climate research. His recent work has been on water mass formation and on plankton growth. As Director of Marine Sciences of NERC he has started on a program of rationalization and realignment.

Changing UK Marine Institutes In 1985, the establishments of the Institute of Oceanographic Sciences were reduced from three to two, with the closure of the Laboratory in Taunton, Somerset. Some of the scientific staff moved to the laboratory at Bidston in but the Cheshire, group Deploying the side-scan sonar instrument GLORIA during a cruise. studying marine sedimentation did not survive the move. More recently the Bidston the Natural laboratory was administratively national strategy for UK marine planned by Research separated from IOS, and science and technology that is Environment will focus the renamed the Proudman being planned by CCMST. Council. They - efforts of Britain's Oceanographic Laboratory Those plans include computer 7,000 marine scientists over the leaving IOS the only site at modelling as a major theme: 10 in Council WormTey, which has been "Predicting the ocean next years renamed the Institute of involves understanding institutes and in universities Oceanographic Sciences complex interactions towards their goal to the ocean. "* Deacon Laboratory. [Since IOS requiring an interdisciplinary predict had been a Queen's Eddies, currents, given approach. These so-called "community award for the development of , and microscopic research programmes" are to the Geological Long-Range animals in the ocean interact involve groups in universities Inclined Asdic (GLORIA), it in complex ways with each and polytechnics, as well as was thought other and with the presumably the staff of NERC Institutes. to retain that of winds, and prudent part atmosphere, are some the name.] The two man-made substances such They major projects, linked to international laboratories at Plymouth (MBA as waste. To relate so many which typically cost and IMER) have been variables in time and programs, space, between 5 million and 10 essentially combined into the must process computers million ($9 million to $18 Plymouth Marine Laboratory, billions of measurements of million) over a five-year and two in Scotland (SMBA temperature, salinity, wind period. They constitute the and 1MB) are to form the and water speed, and first priority for the funds Dunstaffnage Marine biological activity, gathered NERC is granted for its own Laboratory at Oban. Several of throughout the breadth and science. The second priority the laboratory directors have depth of the ocean. goes to support laboratory retired (they include M. J. Computers with this power projects (essentially long-term Tucker, Sir Anthony Laughton, will not exist until the next enabling research in NERC Sir Eric Denton, and R. I. nor will our century, institutes) and a few individual Currie), with the result there is to collect the data. capability research that are the a new of a foundations laid projects pattern -essentially However, of institute scientists Director-General at NERC now are for 10- privilege prerequisites of established distinction. headquarters, with less-senior year climate forecasts; the The community laboratory, directors his to for storms, implementing ability plan and individual research decisions at the various famines, and droughts; and together constitute laboratories. the knowledge to make full projects use of the ocean's resources. The Strategy Six key projects depending *The to the Clearly, NERC plans will form a on recent scientific and Challenge predict 1987. major component of the technological advances are ocean, NERC,

81 and transfer staff. Only as a last resort will funds needed for support of vulnerable *. ./ J L I-'-S ~. elements be obtained by compulsory retirement of staff in better " supported elements. It is not yet clear how possible it will be to fully implement the NERC strategy for marine science. In July 1988, NERC announced to its staff that it was being forced to cut some areas of science to cope with its financial difficulty. By April 1989, 160 posts were to be lost, some perhaps by compulsory . In total, the Marine Sciences Division was to lose 20 of its GLORIA Cover to June 1985 almost percent establishment of 552, but it was hoped that the areas identified in the strategy as being of high priority would be safeguarded. the so-called "core program," research is of the first rank: UK oceanographers continue which the NERC strategy "The resources needed to to hope that they will be document asserts can be revitalize key elements that enabled and encouraged to funded without difficulty from fall below that level will be make important contributions existing resources. sought from NERC, ABRC, or to our knowledge of how the Nevertheless, it is accepted government sources. If no ocean works. But in the that active measures (financial additional resources are meantime, they remain and recruitment) must be available it will be necessary concerned for the future of taken to ensure that UK to redistribute existing funds their science.

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82 'Protectionist' Monopoly May Grow The Coastwise Trade Meets the Exclusive Economic Zone by Mark Aspinwall

/xlthough many bemoan what appears to be a prevalence of foreign-flag ships in the transport of U.S. goods, one aspect of that transport remains the exclusive domain of Americans the coastwise, or cabotage, trade (from the French caboter, meaning "to coast"), which refers to the domestic shipment of people and material by water. For almost as long as the United States has been a nation, the cabotage trade has been reserved exclusively for U.S. vessels those that are built, v > L \ crewed, and owned _/ flagged, j by Americans. i \ Two recent measures in Congress would change the -* equation by increasing i f ,*?* protection to U.S. ships. One has already been passed into law. < It is a given that any proposed alteration to the coastwise laws draws an extraordinary amount of impassioned breast-beating on both sides of the issue. The reason, quite simply, is that on the "protectionist" side, the policy is seen as the very

Mark Aspinwall is a member of the professional staff of the Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries in the U.S. House of Representatives. The views For most of U.S. history, shipment of cargo along the American expressed are solely his own. coast has been the exclusive domain of U.S. flag shipping.

83 cornerstone of a maritime system designed to foster American shipping for jobs, promotion of trade, and preservation of national security. The merchant marine is often hailed as the "fourth arm of national defense," which will become necessary as a supply line in an emergency. On the "demand" side, the policy is usually decried as anti-consumer, and an outdated concession to inefficient American unions and inefficient transportation companies. Which, then, is true? Both are.

An 18th-century Policy The Federal government began supporting the U.S. maritime industry in the very first Congress, two hundred years the ago. Early assistance took form of reduced tariffs on port calls by U.S. ships, and cargo preference rules, whereby certain cargoes on certain routes were reserved for American ships. The oldest cargo preference law barred foreign vessels from merchandise carriage in the cabotage trade; that policy began in the U.S. in 1817, and was modeled after British law dating from the 17th century. fixed structures on the outer continental The U.S. Customs Under 1953 legislation even operating shelf come under the of American cabotage, or coastwise, law. Service, in charge of enforcing jurisidcation (Photo of the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources) the cabotage laws, considers courtesy them to include the coastwise transportation of merchandise and in fixed structures passengers, towing is a coastwise point. The islands and or cases where merchandise sea is a 3-nautical established there for the - territorial passengers are transported mile-wide band of water purpose of exploring, and salvage. The functional around the U.S. developing, removing, and of U.S. resources. The scope cabotage policy, Certain points on the transporting therefore, is almost entirely Outer (OCS) OCS is a geological feature based on the concept of are also within the realm of which, including the transportation. the coastwise area, and will be continental slope, extends out The geographic scope, treated in more depth below. to the deep ocean floor. or coastwise is established area, generally Therefore, coastwise points This statute considered to include the that fixed include any port or place the policy drilling internal and on the OCS was as navigable within U.S. jurisdiction (with equipment territorial waters of the states a coastwise as the some exceptions), as well as much point of the United States, including some structures and vessels port of Baltimore. It was a of its territories and of U.S. many tethered to the OCS. significant extension The it possessions. navigable cabotage policy inasmuch as those The OCS and the EEZ internal waters include meant that any ships trading both Continental Shelf inland water bodies The Outer between the offshore rigs and salt that the Coast Act of 1953 extended - fresh and Lands any other coastwise point law to the Guard has determined are United States namely, a supply port on navigable to vessel traffic. The subsoil and of the American soil must be port of Baltimore, for example, OCS, and to all artificial qualified under American the zone and the subsoil and time passes. Oil and gas cabotage law. This change was seabed beneath them. extraction, fishing, sand and to manifest itself more clearly The implications for gravel mining, offshore when the high prices of the oil American control over ocean thermal energy conversion crisis of the 1970s drove oil resources were clear. What (OTEC), waste disposal, and companies offshore in the was less clear was the part the recreation are among the search for new reserves. With American maritime industry multitude of EEZ resource the act in place, U.S. shipyards would play in capturing those uses. were able to capture a resources. Technological advances significant market for the and the seaward search for oil construction of service vessels Legal Complexities and other resources have which, of course, were crewed The extent to which structures caused an increase in the by American sailors. and vessels within the EEZ number and complexity of An amendment to the qualify as points or places in ships servicing offshore vessels act was passed into law on the United States for the and installations. There are September 18, 1978, which purposes of our cabotage laws vessels that assist in the changed it by including within has been a growing concern in processing of EEZ resources federal jurisdiction structures recent years. Commercial without actually being involved permanently or temporarily activity of all kinds is on the in their transport that are as attached to the OCS seabed. rise, and the answers are likely known "resource This change brought anchored to become more important as processing vessels." Many of vessels, including ships and other floating equipment, within the purview of the cabotage laws, provided they were involved in the recovery of OCS resources. The 1978 amendment has been interpreted to include such features as marker buoys, which are secured to the seabed temporarily and are used to mark an offshore site that is to be drilled. The significance of such rulings is that the shipment of drill jackets the frame derrick-like structures that hold the drilling platform must be performed by coastwise-qualified launch barges if they are brought from the United States to a marker buoy or some other object temporarily affixed to the ocean floor. On March 10, 1983, in a significant extension of U.S. control over ocean resource exploitation, President Reagan established, by proclamation, an Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) extending out to 200 nautical miles from the baseline from which the territorial sea is measured (Oceanus, Vol. 27, No. 4). Unlike the OCS, the EEZ is a constant distance from the coastline. The proclamation was consistent with the terms of the Third United Nations

Conference on the Law of the Under a 1978 amendment to the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act, the and it assured U.S. this Sea, shipment of the supports for drilling platforms, like self-propelled rig, jurisdiction over the resources must be carried out by coastwise-qualified launch barges. (Photo courtesy of contained within the waters of the Zapata Corporation)

85 \

in the Charter fishing vessels that carry people between two points on the American coast are considered cabotage trade and therefore saddled with higher domestic construction and operating costs. (Photo courtesy of Maine Department of Natural Resources)

these vessels do not fall with- material and people between material between two in the in the same guidelines as one part of the United States coastwise points are cabotage vessels, and so there and another. In the case of the cabotage trade, and therefore is often a high degree of EEZ, the "United States" are saddled with higher foreign involvement in such includes resource processing domestic construction and activities. Some of these vessels that are tethered to the operating costs. resource vessels ocean floor, even processing temporarily. "Love Boat" Cruises require services provided by The types of vessels that another set of vessels, often assist in resource processing One example of how complex not bound by the strict activities include tugs and the process can become is from the domestic requirements of barges that transport dredged with cruises to and same U.S. that be cabotage law, particularly if and mined material as well as port, may of they are not engaged in a waste; crew and supply boats and are done by ships any In order for the cruise transportation service. The which service offshore oil rigs, registry. Customs Service has held that OTEC vessels, and fish not to be considered coastwise it must and end at a ship of any nation may processors; icebreakers, trade, begin outside engage in offshore service anchor handlers, diving the same place, and go the 3-mile territorial sea. This operations, as long as the inspection boats, and is such as operation is not a coastwise geophysical survey boats, true for cruise ships TV's "Love and for activity. The question then among others. In addition, Boat," scuba- becomes: when is a service passenger vessels play a role in smaller vessels such as boats. Since the net operation a coastwise activity? EEZ service activities, diving of a cruise to nowhere is The easiest way to particularly those that effect answer that question is to refer undertake diving and charter not the transport of passengers distinct back to the broad definition of fishing cruises. Those vessels between two places, coastwise trade mentioned that are identified as the coastwise laws do not earlier: it is the transport of transporting people and apply.

86 The one notable the merchant marine was the effectively places matter of no exception to this cruise to subject of some scrutiny value on the same level as nowhere situation is charter consistent with this trend, and merchandise and passengers for the of U.S. fishing boats. If a charter within the domestic shipping purposes law. it fishing boat begins a trip in area, two bills were introduced cabotage Second, extends the one port, steams outside the that would have a significant existing cabotage territorial sea so that the impact on the present regime for the purposes of waste to the passengers may sportfish, and cabotage regime. transport only to returns to the original place, The first House bill, EEZ, without respect the site is a the activity is considered House Resolution (H.R.) 82, whether dump coastwise trade. This is would require that all valueless "coastwise point" or not. because once the fishing lines material including sewage Simply, it defines the entire go over the side, the voyage is sludge, contaminated dredge EEZ as a coastwise point for the of waste designated as coastwise, spoils, and other waste being purposes regardless of whether the trip moved between coastwise disposal. is outside the territorial sea or not, despite the seeming inconsistency with other passenger service voyages. This confusing situation reached a milestone of sorts in the sophisticated use of service ships to support oil exploration activities under adverse weather conditions. The Amoco Production Company, in 1985, proposed using two warehouse vessels as floating storage sheds to store supplies in support of offshore drilling operations in the Navarin Basin, off Alaska. The ships consisted of a converted bulker and a converted tanker, both of foreign registry. The benefit of using such vessels is that the equipment and supplies necessary to sustain operations are close to the rather than rig, Constitution Under cabotage laws, only American flag ships like the 207-foot in port. In a series of rulings, Service are allowed to service drill off the U.S. coast. (Photo courtesy of the Customs Service held that rigs WHOI) the warehouse ships, which themselves could be foreign- were coastwise is H.R. flagged, points points, or between a coastwise The second bill while and were not the laws anchored, point and the EEZ, be 3106, which recodifies coastwise while points drifting. transported on coastwise- relating to the Federal The result was that and the any qualified vessels. On June 7, Maritime Commission movement of supplies from 1988, the Senate version of the Maritime Administration. In the warehouse to the oil ship bill (S. 1988) was signed into what is by far the most could be effected rigs by law. Representative Mario ambitious restructuring of the feeder vessels while foreign Biaggi (D-NY) introduced the coastwise laws ever the warehouse vessels were bill in response to a contract undertaken, the bill would but had to be both drifting, by awarded by the City of New change the definition of feeder coastwise-qualified York to a Singapore shipyard the coastwise area and while anchored. vessels to build four barges capable of coastwise trade. The coastwise to transporting sewage sludge to area would be enlarged Coastwise Competitiveness a deepwater dump site. include resource processing In the 100th a or structures in the EEZ Congress, great Though the bill originally vessels deal of attention was focussed applied only to municipal without regard to whether they of tethered to the on the "competitiveness" sewage sludge, it was are actually American industry, and ways broadened to cover all ocean floor or engaged in a to protect workers and valueless material. transportation service. companies against unfair The measure makes two Therefore, not only would a a foreign competition. Naturally, substantive changes. First, it drifting warehouse ship be

87 "coastwise point" under the provisions of H.R. 3106, but the ship itself would be subject to the domestic construction, crewing, and ownership requirements of the coastwise laws. Even more significantly, the coastwise trade, defined statutorily for the first time under the term "coastwise commerce," would be expanded to include transport- ation of valueless material (now covered under the terms of P.L. 100-329, the recently- enacted "sludge bill"), the lodging of any passengers or property that are enroute from one coastwise point to another, and dredging and salvaging. The latter two activities would be considered coastwise commerce in the EEZ when they are undertaken in conjunction with resource exploration, development, or production. Such a change would be noteworthy in that dredging is not now consid- ered to be a coastwise trade activity (dredges must be U.S.- built, but may be foreign- flagged and crewed); further, salvaging is not currently regulated under the coastwise laws outside the territorial sea, but could be under H.R. 3106. Once the fishing lines over the side, a out of a U.S. is The bill is in the go trip port presently considered even if the extends outside territorial waters. Committee on Merchant coastwise, voyage (Photo courtesy of National Marine Fisheries Service) Marine and Fisheries, and no action is likely to be taken on the issue before the 101st Congress. those support services should trade, thereby requiring that already be viewed as a type of those vessels be domestically Federal Expanding Authority coastwise trade, and therefore built, owned, and crewed. The In the event of expanding should be reserved to U.S. hope is that such a policy exploitation of EEZ resources, ships. Conversely, users of change would provide more the clear potential exists for a these maritime service vessels shipyard and seagoing jobs, growing employment of have a clear interest in and add to the security support ships such as those maintaining a free market posture of the nation. mentioned above, and the age- choice in what nationality The final outcome old question of protecting U.S. equipment they will employ. remains uncertain, although industry versus allowing free The upshot of H.R. 3106 the degree of protection trade in procuring services will and H.R. 82 is that efforts are granted will depend on several present itself to policymakers. being made by congressional factors, including the amount U.S. support ship interests leaders to encompass maritime of foreign involvement in EEZ have argued that foreign services above and beyond the activities, the political clout of vessels will invade this sector traditional transportation of U.S. maritime service interests, of the maritime industry unless merchandise and passengers and the regulatory mood in it is reserved to U.S. vessels. within the realm of coastwise Washington. In fact, it has been argued that

88 To the Editor:

The statement in "A Brief History of Antarctica" (Volume 31, Number 2, page 28) describing the American expedition commanded by Charles Wilkes as "poorly organized" completely overlooks the significant scientific contributions of America's first scientific expedition. Instead it plays up a court-martial where Wilkes was condemned for being too severe in the punishment of two officers, with 36 and 41 lashes for what Wilkes considered court-martial offenses. Historians will debate whether the circumstances justified Wilkes's actions. But the record is clear as to the importance of the expedition to the development of American science. Most notable was Wilkes's "Chart of the Antarctic Continent Shewing the Icy Barrier Attached to it." This chart covers more than fifteen hundred nautical miles, from 160 to 100 degrees East longitude with panoramic views of the pack ice and land covered with snow. This documentation, and expedition, was the first to establish that Antarctica is a continent. It would take almost seventy-five years to verify how accurate, for the most part, this chart was. Charts that resulted from his expedition have been used, with little modification, by both the American and British Navies, up until and during World War II. Wilkes's expedition is best remembered for its collections: more than four thousand zoological specimens, including close to two thousand new species, fifty thousand herbarium specimens with about ten thousand species, and thousands of ethnographic artifacts from the South Pacific, Hawaii, and America's Northwest Coast. In addition, geologist James D. Dana personally oversaw the collection of thousands of geological and coral specimens. It would take fifteen years before the collections were properly accessioned Tracers in the Ocean, Proceedings of a Royal as the first collection for the new Smithsonian Society Discussion Meeting held on 21 and 22 Institution's National Museum. May, 1987. Organized and edited by Henry The of Wilkes's and of the story expedition many Charnock, F.R.S., J. E. Lovelock, F.R.S., P. S. and artwork the is artifacts, by participating naturalists, Liss, and M. Whitfield. 1988. Printed for The in a exhibition the being presented special traveling by Royal Society by the University Press: Smithsonian entitled The last "Magnificent Voyagers". Cambridge, England. 236 pp. + v. 45 in the to see the will be at opportunity Magnificent Voyagers United Kingdom, 48 overseas. the Peabody Museum of Salem, Massachusetts February 10 through April 20, 1989. I invite you to come This collection of papers reflects a resurgence of see it and decide for yourself the significance of interest within the oceanographic community in the America's first expedition to the Antarctic. distribution and fluxes of minor constituents in the Rob Moir complex chemical soup known as sea water. Like most k reflects the current interests Curator of Natural History symposium proceedings, Peabody Museum of the participants, without striving for completeness or Salem, Massachusetts a systematic presentation of its material. However, thanks to its rapid publication, it should serve for some time as a of the current EDITOR'S REPLY: It is certainly unfortunate that the admirably sampler and in the areas worth of this expedition was not immediately knowledge thinking represented. recognized by the Navy. Nonetheless, Wilkes was The opening paper deals with carbon cycle It illustrates that the of trace court-martialed, a fact I believed suitable to present in modeling. dynamics a substance has become an in brief history. The intriguing point that, in spite of transports important topic rather than a tool for water Wilkes's alleged misconduct, the Royal Geographic itself, just studying movements. This work is driven concerns for how Society considered his work worthy of a gold medal, by shows that Wilkes received at least some of the the oceans may influence the climatically significant concentration of in the It I CO recognition he deserved. look forward to visiting the 2 atmosphere. nicely Smithsonian exhibition. demonstrates the growth in minimal model complexity as the aspiration for modeling detail grows, and Sara L. Ellis suggests that nutrient and alkalinity cycling, and the Editorial Assistant, Oceanus production of slowly degraded dissolved organic

89 source distributions provide opportunities for regional HAHN & CLAY transport diagnostics based on observed distributions. Large-scale variations in the temperature and chemical of sea water have HEAVY INDUSTRIES composition traditionally provided the most accessible picture of large-scale water movements, but the determination of rates on this basis depends on an understanding of the sources and sinks for the respective properties. Particularly promising in this respect are several so-called transient tracers, either naturally occurring radioactive ones, or ones recently introduced into the ocean system by mi human activities. Their use is represented in two papers regarding Atlantic circulation diagnostics based on observed distributions of the radioactive We manufactured Alvin's first hull a hydrogen 3 isotope, tritium, and its helium isotope daughter, He. in- and outside precision machined, However, little agreement exists as yet regarding how one best the fully radiographed, 82 inch diameter approaches quantitative interpretation problem. sphere from high strength steel. Artificial Tracers

This sphere enabled Alvin to make Yet, in a description of a deliberate release of artificial tracers in the Santa Monica vertical in more than 1,500 highly successful Basin, the laterally confined bottom waters was successfully dives, feet and 6 hours averaging 5,419 studied. In fact, when one looks for examples of per dive. definite quantitative conclusions based on tracer data, and not accessible by other means, the successful cases involve situations that are, at least in a local region, HAHN & CLAY sufficiently homogeneous so that in a generalized 5 100 Clinton Drive sense, one-dimensional models and interpretations are useful Such is the case in the Houston, Texas 77020 approximations. Santa Monica basin experiment; it also conforms with Carl (713)672-1671 Wunsch's statement, that the tracer information in his eclectic modeling exercise is mainly useful to constrain the total injection rate of freshly modified surface waters. compounds, together with a model for plankton One is thus left with the impression that much of the of ecology, must be invoked if the oceanic sequestration disenchantment the current mainstream of carbon is with transient tracer dioxide to be handled with climatically physical oceanographers significant precision. approaches is due to their fixation on details of motion rather than characteristics. The latter The second paper introduces more explicitly the patterns transport are of problem of constructing transport models for which the overriding importance, for instance in the parameters are defined by a set of constraints based on context of problems in climate dynamics and in global observed trace substance distributions. Low resolution geochemical models. The difference in perspective on the of a modeler oriented reservoir budget models are again found inadequate, part towards understanding but after the and balances is reviewing a number of recent attempts (only global biogeochemical budgets marginally successful) to produce well-constrained evident in the discussion of the opening paper. three-dimensional models, the author concludes on a In conclusion, the statement on the jacket flap that this volume somewhat optimistic note regarding prospects for gives, "an up-to-date account of ocean further improvement. tracers and their potential, and will be of interest to In constructing more complete prediction chemists, geologists and geophysicists as well as to models, accurate representation of processes such as oceanographers and climatologists" appears hyperbolic in the the intensity of gas exchanges at the air-sea interface only impression of completeness conveyed. It seems that a of of becomes increasingly significant. A detailed review of member any the categories listed would find at least a of the tracer-based inferences about the latter process is couple fourteen given, and an evaluation of the implications of the contributions worthy of immediate attention, and that a observed global wind distributions for the surface more complete reading would bring to anyone the of a if transfer rates of CO, in the present climate is reward broader, not deeper, understanding of presented. oceanic trace substance transport patterns and Vertical transfer in the water column by mechanisms, as well as of the limits to our present about them. incorporation into, or attachment onto, settling knowledge particles is important for a wide range of substances, especially for their burial in sediments. An excellent review shows how the study of trace metal scavenging Claes G. H. Rooth for such as the lead Pb-210 components isotope has Professor of Meteorology and Physical Oceanography allowed the of models for building these processes, Rosentiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science to oceanic and applicable pollutant naturally occurring University of Miami heavy metal cycling. The lucid discussion of this matter is complemented by papers on trace metal chemistry and on the rare-earth elements for cases where natural

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VOLUME 31 (1988)

Number 1, Spring, U.S. Marine Sanctuaries: Mike Lowry, Foreword Nancy M. Foster and Jack H. Archer, Introduction: The National Marine Sanctuary Program -Policy, Education, and Research -William J. Thomas, Fagatele Bay: A Sanctuary in Samoa Edward M. Miller, A Time for Decision on Submerged Cultural Resources The MA/ Wellwood Grounding: A Sanctuary Case Study; Stephen R. Gittings and Thomas J. Bright, The Science; William J. Harrigan, Management: Coping With Disaster; Joan M. Bondareff, The Legal Issues Eugene A. Shinn, The Geology of the Florida Keys Jack H. Archer, The Proposed Flower Garden Banks Sanctuary: Protecting Marine Resources Under International Law- Michael L. Weber, Should the Kohola be given Pu'uhonua? Porter Hoagland III and Timothy K. Eichenberg, The Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary Stephanie Kaza, Community Involvement - in Marine Protected Areas Douglas B. Yurick, International Networking of Marine Sanctuaries Letters Book Reviews.

Number 2, Summer, The Antarctic: James H. W. Main, A Reader's Guide to the Antarctic- David J. Drewry, Introduction: The Challenge of Antarctic Science (text of) The Antarctic Treaty Lee A. - Kimball, The Antarctic Treaty System R. Tucker Scully, The Antarctic Mineral Resources Negotiations Christopher C. Joyner, The Antarctic Legal Regime and the Law of the Sea David H. Elliot, Antarctica: Is There Any Oil and Natural Gas? -Arnold L. Gordon, The Southern Ocean and Global Climate- Mario J. Molina, The Antarctic Hole Thomas Whitworth III, The Antarctic Circumpolar Current- Kenneth Sherman and Alan F. Ryan, Antarctic Marine Living Resources Douglas G. Chapman, Whales- Donald B. Siniff, Sea/s-Sayed Z. El-Sayed, The BIOMASS Program -Alfred N. Fowler, Antarctic Logistics Lawson W. Brigham, The Soviet Antarctic Program Paul Dudley Hart, Concerns: The Growth of Antarctic Tourism Gerald S. Schatz, Concerns: Protecting the Antarctic Environment Paul S. Bogart, Concerns: Environmental Threats in Antarctica Letters Book Reviews.

Number 3, Fall, Sea Grant: Education, Research, Advisory Services: Paul R. Ryan, Comment: Changing the Watch Harold L. Goodwin and Robert B. Abel, Foreword: The Halcyon Days of Sea Grant Ned A. Ostenso, Foreword: The Mature Years- David A. Ross, Introduction: Sea Grant- A National Investment for the Future Peyton L. Smith, Robert A. Ragotzkie, Anders W. Andren, and Hallett J. Harris, Estuary Rehabilitation: The Green Bay Story-Curt D. Peterson, LaVerne D. Kulm, Paul D. Komar, and Margaret S. Mumford, Marine Placer Studies in the Pacific Northwest Dan Guthrie, Sea Grant Network Tangles with Castoff Plastic Debris Photo The Marine Debris Problem Daniel E. Morse and Aileen N. C. Essay: - Morse, Learning from Larvae Virginia Lee, Rhode Island Volunteers Monitor the Health of Salt Ponds Robert G. Dean, Managing Sand and Preserving Shorelines Photo Essay: Some Sea Grant Advisory Activities Standish K. Allen, Jr., Triploid Oysters Ensure Year-round Supply David E. Smith, Sea Grant Educators: Five Profiles Ronald G. Hodson and Theodore I. J. Smith, Aquaculture Research Yields Hybrid Striped fiass-T. M. Hawley, Profile: yohn Atkinson Knauss: Founding father -Letters -Book Reviews.

Number 4, Winter, DSV Alvin at 25: Frederic Golden, Introduction: A Quarter-Century Under the Sea- Allyn C. Vine, 7he Birth or" Alvin Dudley Foster, Some Dangers and Many Delights Marvin ]. McCamis, 'Captain Hook's' Hunt For the H-Bomb Holger W. Jannasch, Lessons from the Alvin Lunch Victoria Kaharl, A Famously Successful Expedition to the Boundary of Creation J. Frederick Grassle, A Plethora of Unexpected Life Lee Van Dover, Do 'Eyeless' Shrimp See the Light of Cindy - Glowing Deep-Sea Vents? Elazar Uchupi, Robert D. Ballard, and William M. Lange, Resting in Pieces Sara L. Ellis, Profile: Allyn Collins Vine: Man of Vision Gerald Weissmann, Essay: Titanic and Leviathan Henry Charnock, Concerns: Problems for British Oceanographers Mark Aspinwall, Concerns: 7he Coastwise Trade Meets the Exclusive Economic Zone Letters Book Reviews Index. Save 50% on one of the finest resources of its kind! The McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences

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jl v ill*. /%|\_I*~ *^s*~*-m*r V ViCllfl ill issue on an active frontier. Vol. 29:1, Spring 1986-An important Vol. 26:2, Summer 1983-Bivalves as pollution indicators, rings. The Oceans and National Security, General Issue, of the modern resource acoustic Vol. 28:2, Summer 1985 The oceans from the viewpoint navy, vo | 25:2, Summer 1982 -Coastal management, and science. radioactive waste. strategy, technology, weapons systems, tomography, aquaculture, Marine Archaeology, General Issue, beneath the waves. 1981 seabirds, oil and gas. Vol. 28:1, Spring 1985 History and science Vol. 24:2, Summer -Aquatic plants, The Exclusive Economic Zone, The Oceans as Waste Space, Vol. 24:1, 1981. Vol. 27:4, Winter 1984/85 -Options for the U.S. EEZ. Spring

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Educators: Five Pro files Ronald G. Hodson and Theodore I. J. Smith, Aquaculture Research Yields Hybrid Striped Bass T. M. Hawley, Profile: John Atkinson Knauss: Founding Father Letters Book Reviews.

Number 4, Winter, DSV Alvin at 25: Frederic Golden, Introduction: A Quarter-Century Under the Sea- Allyn C. Vine, The Birth of Alvin Dudley Foster, Some Dangers and Many Delights Marvin J. McCamis, 'Captain Hook's' Hunt For the H-Bomb-Holger W. Jannasch, Lessons from the Alvin Lunch Victoria Kaharl, A Famously Successful Expedition to the Boundary of Creation J. Frederick Grassle, A Plethora of Unexpected Life Cindy Lee Van Dover, Do 'Eyeless' Shrimp See the Light of Glowing Deep-Sea Vents? -Elazar Uchupi, Robert D. Ballard, and William M. Lange, Resting in Pieces- Sara L. Ellis, Profile: Allyn Collins Vine: Man of Vision Gerald Weissmann, Essay: Titanic and Leviathan Henry Charnock, Concerns: Problems for British Oceanographers Mark Aspinwall, Concerns: The Coastwise Trade Meets the Exclusive Economic Zone Letters Book Reviews Index. Oceanus

Sea Grant Issue The Antarctic Vol. 31:3, Fall 1988-Since Oceanus Vol. 31:2, Summer 1988- 1966 the National Sea Grant Claimed by several nations, Program has been support- the frozen continent of Ant- ing coastal and marine ed- arctica presents a challenge ucation, research, and to international policy mak- advisory services. Articles ers and scientists. Legal, span the spectrum of Sea political, and scientific is- Grant activities, which in- sues are examined. Mineral clude rehabilitating the and living resources, the world's largest freshwater global effects of Antarctic estuary, organizing citizen climate, and the possible volunteers for environmen- impacts of Antarctic tour- tal monitoring, and shell- ism and pollution are as- fish biotechnology. sessed.

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