Volume 31, Number 4, Winter 1988/89 mm Oceanus" ISSN 0029-8182 The International Magazine of Marine Science and Policy Volume 31, Number 4, Winter 1988/89 Frederic Golden, Acting Editor T. M. Hawley, Assistant Editor Sara L. Ellis, Editorial Assistant Plummy K. Tucker, Intern Editorial Advisory Board 1930 James M. Broadus, Director, Marine Policy Center, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Henry Charnock, Professor of Physical Oceanography, University of Southampton, England Gotthilf Hempel, Director of the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar Research, West Germany Charles D. Hollister, Dean of Graduate Studies, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution John Imbrie, Henry L. Doherty Professor of Oceanography, Brown University John A. Knauss, Professor of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island Arthur E. Maxwell, Director of the Institute for Geophysics, University of Texas Timothy R. Parsons, Professor, Institute of Oceanography, University of British Columbia, Canada Allan R. Robinson, Gordon McKay Professor of Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, Harvard University David A. Ross, Chairman, Department of Geology and Geophysics, and Sea Grant Coordinator, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Permission to photocopy for internal or personal use or the internal or personal use of the Hole Institution Published by Woods Oceanographic specific clients is granted by Oceanus magazine to libraries and other users registered Guy W. Nichols, Chairman, Board of Trustees with the Copyright Clearance James S. Coles, President of the Associates Center (CCC), provided that the base fee of $2.00 per copy of the article, plus .05 per page is paid directly to CCC, John H. Steele, President of the Corporation 21 Congress Street, Salem, MA and Director of the Institution 01970. Special requests should be addressed to Oceanus magazine. ISSN 0029-8182/83 $2. 00 + .05 The views expressed in Oceanus are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Editorial correspondence: Oceanus magazine, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, Massachusetts 02543. Telephone: (508) 548-1400, extension 2386. Subscriber Subscription correspondence, U.S. and Canada: All orders should be addressed to Oceanus Service Center, P.O. Box 6419, Syracuse, N.Y. 13217. Individual subscription rate: $22 a year; Libraries for 5 or and institutions, $50. Current copy price, $5.50; 25 percent discount on current copy orders more; 40 percent discount to bookstores and newsstands. Please make checks payable to the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Subscribers outside the U.S. and Canada, please write: Oceanus, Cambridge University Press, The Edinburgh Building, Shaftesbury Road, Cambridge CB2 2RU, England. Individual subscription rate: 9. 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Second-class postage paid at Falmouth, Massachusetts; Windsor, Ontario; to Oceanus Subscriber Service and additional mailing points. POSTMASTER: Send address changes Center, Acclaimed, 68 P.O. Box 6419, Syracuse, N.Y. 13217. I HAS THE SUBSCRIPTION COUPON BEEN DETACHED? If someone else has Please make checks made use of the payable to Woods coupon attached to Hole Oceanographic this card, you can still Institution subscribe. Just send a check--$22 for one year (four issues), $39 for two, $56 for three- -to this address: J93O Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Woods Hole, Mass. 02543 Oceanus Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Woods Hole, Mass. 02543 Subscription correspondence, U.S. and Canada: All orders should be addressed to Oceanus Subscriber Service Center, P.O. Box 6419, Syracuse, N.Y. 13217. Individual subscription rate: $22 a year; Libraries and institutions, $50. Current copy price, $5.50; 25 percent discount on current copy orders for 5 or more; 40 percent discount to bookstores and newsstands. Please make checks payable to the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Subscribers outside the U.S. and Canada, please write: Oceanus, Cambridge University Press, The Edinburgh Building, Shaftesbury Road, Cambridge CB2 2RU, England. Individual subscription rate: 20 a year; Students, 17; Libraries and Institutions, 37. Single copy price, 9. Please make checks payable to Cambridge University Press. When sending change of address, please include mailing label. Claims for missing numbers from :he U.S. and Canada will be honored within 3 months of publication; overseas, 5 months. A Tribute to DSV Alvin 2 Introduction: A Quarter-Century Under the Sea by Frederic Golden 10 The Birth of Alvin by Allyn C. Vine 1 7 Some Dangers and Many Delights Foster Celebrated, 2 by Dudley 22 'Captain Hook's' Hunt for the H-Bomb by Marvin J. McCamis 28 Lessons from the Alvin Lunch by Holger W. Jannasch 34 A Famously Successful Expedition to the Boundary of Creation by Victoria A. Kaharl Baptised, 10 41 A Plethora of Unexpected Life by J. Frederick Grassle 47 Do 'Eyeless' Shrimp See the Light of Glowing Deep-Sea Vents? by Cindy Lee Van Dover 53 Resting In Pieces by Elazar Uchupi, Robert D. Ballard, and William N. Lange Pressurized, 28 61 Allyn Collins Vine: Man of Vision by Sara L Ellis 68 Titanic and Leviathan Vented, 41 by Gerald Weissmann 78 Trouble for British Marine Scientists \ by Henry Charnock 83 When the Coastwise Trade Meets the EEZ Mark in wall Star-crossed, 53 by Asp 89 /Books Received 94 Index Remembered, 61 COVER: The painting of DSV Alvin, especially commissioned for this issue of Oceanus, was done by George Warren Delano, of West Harwich, Massachusetts, an artist well known on Cape Cod for his paintings of yachts. Copyright 1988 by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Oceanus (ISSN 0029-8182) is published in March, June, September, and December by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 93 Water Street, Woods Hole, Massachusetts 02543. Second-class postage paid at Falmouth, Massachusetts; Windsor, Ontario; Service and additional mailing points. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Oceanus Subscriber Center, Acclaimed, 68 P.O. Box 6419, Syracuse, N.Y. 13217. I Illustration by E. Paul Oberlander Under the Sea by Frederic Golden /AS sea-going vessels go, it won't win any beauty prizes. Stubby and bulbous, with a Cyclopean eye, it looks like something out of Jules Verne, interpreted by Walt Disney. One writer called it a puffed-up blowfish, another a little poodle. Certainly, its name doesn't have a heroic ring, like Nautilus, say. Yet whatever its shortcomings of line or pedigree, DSV (Deep Submergence Vehicle) Alvin has won for itself an enduring "''"-" : "\the annals of ocean science and in the -~ ALVIN 64 \SK89287-OOf I "JKfc SS 25 TH ANNIV < * 4 to of the of the colonies of creatures exploration of the deep sea, say nothing significance strange affections of countless admirers around the discovered by Alvin around deep-sea vents. More world. than one scientist has described these thriving In its odysseys under the sea, the plucky communities as one of the great scientific finds little submersible has created an astonishing of the twentieth century. Graduate student Cindy record of firsts, journeying to places that never Lee Van Dover provides a Holmesian footnote to before experienced a human presence. It took the bizarre vent life. She explains the fascinating part in some of the earliest visits to the mid- deductive process that led her to hypothesize an ocean ridges, where new continental material is unusual "seeing" ability in deep-dwelling shrimp birthed from deep within the Earth. It found who live around these hot spots, as well as an entirely unknown and unexpected life forms at extremely low-level glow from the superheated the hydrothermal vents, a world where the sun vent waters. Since the confirmation of the never shines and living things depend on the mysterious light on an Alvin dive on the Juan de Earth's internal heat. It reached beyond pure Fuca Ridge in July, it has become known as the science into the realm of adventure, bringing the "Van Dover glow." first human visitors to the rusted, mollusk-eaten A trio of authors offers perhaps the most remains of the star-crossed liner Titanic two miles definitive description yet published of the below the surface. wreckage of the Titanic, which was visited by Now, as Alvin approaches its 2,200th Alvin a year after its discovery in 1985 by dive -its 2,000th took place on the East Pacific remotely operated cameras. The authors are Rise, off Mexico, on March 22 1988 it is about to WHOI's Elazar Uchupi, Bob Ballard, and William mark another milestone in its illustrious career.
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