IltAT(O T~~ EMf)vl~rj~ r£wAoYI~rj~ ETalpio~ TO~. XXXX, Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece val. XXXX. 2007 2007 Proceedings of the 11'h International Congress, Athens, May, npa~T1Ka 11'" IlltSvou~ l:uvE~piou, ASrjva, Mala~ 2007 2007 A CONTRIBUTION TO ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH OF THE KORISSIA COASTAL WETLAND (CORFU ISL., GREECE), WITH THE APPLICATION OF COMBINED GEOLOGICAL AND GEOPHYSICAL METHODS SUPPORTED BY GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS l I Alexopoulos J. D.t, Tomara V.l, Vassilakis Em. , Papadopoulos T. D. , l Dassenakis M. , Poulos S.I, Voulgaris N.t, Dilalos S.l, Ghionis G.!, Goumas I G. , and Pirlis E.] i National and Kapodistrian University ofAthens, Faculty oj'Geology and Geoenvironment,
[email protected],
[email protected], evasi/ak@geol./, tpapadop@geol.,
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected], ggoumas@ geol., epir/is@ geol.lIoa,gr 7 National and Kapodistrian University ofAthens, Faculty o.fChemistry, Lahoratoryof Environmental Chemistry,
[email protected],gr Abstract In the current paper are presented the results of a multidisciplinary study (stratigraphical, sedimentological, geophysical and geochemical) combined with modern techniques (G.I.S. and remote seming). This study aims at integrating the natural and anthropogenic factors a/fecling the Korissia lagoon. It is a shallow coastal lagoon, communicating with the sea via an artificial channel. The area around the lagoon consists o.j' alluvial sediments hosting, in places, newly formed and/or "old" (pre - Holocene) sand-dunes, The broader area constitutes a post alpine sedimentOl)' hasin characterised by smooth morphological reliet' The lower stratigraphic unit of the post-alpine sequence L\ a Pleistocene marly formation, which was detected as the hasement (5-15 Ohm,m) by the geophysical survey.