A Wondrous Countryside

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A Wondrous Countryside Cranes Ministerium für Ländliche Entwicklung, Umwelt und Landwirtschaft known river in the nature park, the Dahme, originates near breeding cavities of this, the smallest owl species in the area, Kolpien and meanders its way pictorially through the north of are still a rarity, the heraldic animal of the nature park – the the area until finally emptying into the Spree in Berlin. related and similarly endangered Tengmalm’s owl – enjoys its continued occurrence in Brandenburg in the near-natural forests A Strange Owl of the Niederlausitzer Landrücken. Approximately one-half of the nature park is dominated by pine forests alongside the near-natural pine-sessile oak stocks in the Rochauer Heide (Rochau Heathland), the beech heathlands near Gahro, and other deciduous forests that were neither deforested nor excessively used for grazing. Compris- A Wondrous Countryside ing approximately 100 square kilometer, the forest between Brenitz and Kemlitz forms one of the largest contiguous forest environmentally responsible use of their lands and in landscape felting, threshing, and butter making; bread is made in the One of Central Europe’s most exciting landscapes are located areas in southern Brandenburg. conservation. bakehouse and traditional costumes from the 19th century are between Luckau and Calau. In this area, large pit mines ex- It is noticeably cooler atop the forested land ridge, it rains Four organic farms do jointly operate the mansion in Ogrosen. worn. The Höllbergschänke (Höllberg Tavern) offers typical, tracted lignite until 1991. more frequently, and the snow stays longer than in the They sell their ecologically produced groceries directly to their regional dishes; an exhibit provides information about the Since then, a near-natural landscape comprising large and remaining areas. Plants and animals characteristic of low customers at their local farm shop. The fish farm in Fürstlich history of land use. In the Höllenbergen (Höllen Mountains) small, deep and shallow lakes, dunes and steppes is developing mountain range can be found on the ridge: spruce and deer Castles and Estates Drehna operates several ponds in the nature park covering a and in the Calauer Schweiz south of Calau there are numerous ever since at a breathtaking rate. In the pits, little vegetation fern (Blechnum spicant) in the cool stream valleys; the rare total size of circa 100 hectares. In the ponds there live carp, hiking trails, while varied bike trails wind through the Luckauer and rising water is attracting ever new rarities from flora and cross-leaved heath (Erica tetralix) and Bog-myrtle (myrica Since the Bronze Age people have used the fertile land on the perch, and pike as well as protected species such as the Euro- Becken (Luckau Basin). In addition to the nature hikes visitors fauna. gale) – its only occurrence in Brandenburg – on the marshy foothills and north of the upland. At least 14 former castles pean crayfish, Large Mussels, and the European bitterling. will surely also find interesting the pottery village of Crinitz, Today thousands of migratory birds roost here every year. subsoil. At the beginning of the 1990s the Eurasian pygmy- from the 6th to the 12th centuries here bear witness to the the Plinsdörfer (farming villages), the local history museums in This spectacular post-mining landscape forms about one-sixth owl made its first reappearance in Brandenburg. While the settlement by the Slavic peoples the Lusizi, who possessed Luckau, Calau, and Dahme, as well as the romantic churches of the nature park, while the rest offers some unexpected their legendary center in Liubusua, not far from today’s Höllberghof in Wildau-Wentorf, Waltersdorf, or Riedebeck. One should also surprises, too. Tengmalm’s owl Erica tetralix Luckau. The current settlement structure arose after 1200, not miss the Heinz Sielmann Nature Park Center Wanninchen The Niederlausitzer Landrücker (Lower Lusatian land ridge), following the German conquest: primarily round villages, For many years the Höllberghof of the Friends of the Nature at the Schlabendorf lake. a ridge of hills ranging from Hamburg to Silesia, marks the Angerdörfer (villages built around a communal square), and Park near Langengrassau has been a center of attraction for last advance of the glaciers from the Wolstonian Stage around street villages. The impact of the medieval estates can still thousands of locals and visitors. The three-sided farm yard Publisher: Ministry of Rural Development, Environment and Agriculture of the Federal State of Brandenburg 200,000 years ago. be seen today in the estate mansions with their grounds, has been built in 1991 out of wood, clay, reed, stone, and Editorial staff: Niederlausitzer Landrücken Nature Park in the Brandenburg State Office of Environment It extends about 50 kilometers from Dahmetal (Dahme Valley) fishponds, and boulevards – as in the estate villages Zieckau, straw according to a 200-year-old model. It is, on the one Photographs: K. Decruppe, H. Donath, R. Donat, C. Donat, J. Götting- Niederlausitzer Frosinski, U. Hegewald, J. Herrmann, M. Keil, Naturwacht Brandenburg, in the northwest to Altdöbern in the southeast, right across Waltersdorf, Görlsdorf, Beesdau, Ogrosen, and Reddern. hand, a research and environmental education center and, on F. Ratajczak, J. Sauer Map: Pro Line Concept, Berlin Landrücken Nature Park the nature park. Towards the North, where the end moraine Minor industrialization left the land sparsely populated. Today the other, a site for the maintenance of customs and tradi- Design/creation: Power-DesignThing GmbH Printed by: Landesvermessung und Geobasisinformation Brandenburg is characterized by sharp falls of up to 70 meters, numerous 28 people live here per square kilometer. For centuries, agricul- tions. Here old domestic animal breeds such as the skudde – a This publication is printed on environmentally friendly paper. As of: August 2017 small streams rise that feed into the lowlands pond area. ture, which is conducted on just less than 40 percent of the frugal species of sheep – and the pastured pig are bred and (Endangered) species such as European otters, common king- nature park, has remained the main source of income in the used in landscape conservation. The annual Harvest Festival Naturpark The Niederlausitzer Landrücken Nature Park is part of “Nationale Natur- landschaften” (National Natural Landscapes), the umbrella brand for fishers, ospreys and white-tailed eagles hunt here. The best- region. Farmers and fishermen receive professional support in the in the autumn features displays of old crafts such as spinning, German National Parks, Biosphere Reserves, Nature Parks and Wilder- Niederlausitzer ness Areas, supported by the registered charity EUROPARC Germany. Landrücken Zützen 115 Sagritzritz Buckow Schöneiche 320 Glienig BurglehnBur Laasow Falkenhain Schiebsdorf Radensdorf Kasel-Golzig Niewitz Lübben Neu Zauche Schäcksdorf NP WußwerkUckermärkische Jetsch BR Flusslandschaft NP Seen NLP Drahnsdorf Zauche Elbe-Brandenburg Stechlin- BR Unteres Schorfheide-Straupitz Ruppiner Land hrt Odertal Liedekahle Krossen Nordumfluter fa Chorin B n h Görsdorf u a NP r Alt ZaucheZauch A contact person on site: the nature Nature Park Administration - Niederlausitzer Land Kaden g K Barnim - NP r Liebs- L e Caule Kreblitz Neuendorf ü West- h Niederlausitzer Landrücken Tourism Office Berste b c NP wardens lead visitors to particularly Gebersdorf dorf b havelland u Prensdorf Kümmritz Hauptspree e Wildau- n a Märkische Fürstlich Drehna, Alte Luckauer Straße 1 Nonnengasse 1/Kulturkirche e z BERLIN r-K u Schweiz beautiful and interesting places Wentdorf Rüdingsdorf Duben anal e e PotsdamN 15926 Luckau/OT Fürstlich Drehna 15926 Luckau m h NP in the nature park. They record a 96 Tel./Fax: (03 53 24) 30 50 Tel./Fax: (0 35 44) 30 50 Rietdorf D NP NP Dahme- Zagelsdorf Zieckau Heideseen plants and animals, observe the Freiimfelde Hoher Nuthe- NP np-niederlausitzer-landruecken@lfu. Schollen Ragow Fläming Nieplitz 15 SchlaubetalMühlen- brandenburg.de Elbe-Elster-Land Tourism Office Pitschen- Gießmanns- BR conditions of the habitats, monitor 87 Spreewald dorf dorf Karche Terpt Mittelkanal G Buschmühle www.niederlausitzer-landruecken- Markt 20, 04924 Bad Liebenwerda Dahme Klein roNP adherence to protection regula- 115 GroßschutzgebieteNLP = national park (Nationalpark) ße Karche-Zaacko Radden Niederlausitzers F naturpark.de Tel./Fax: (03 53 41) 3 06 52 Pickel Pelkwitz Wierigsdorf Lübbenau ließ Zaacko inBR Brandenburg = biosphere reserve Landrücken tions and carry out measures of Rosenthal Groß (Biosphärenreservat)Burg-Lübbener-KanalB NP www.elbe-elster-land.de Niendorf Paserinerin NLP = Nationalpark K l Radden NP = nature park (Naturpark) Niederlausitzer e species and biotope conservation. BR = Biosphärenreservat i 102 Luckau Lehde Heidelandschaft n Ranger Service Alteno e Hinden- NPH a =u Naturparkptspree S Large Nature ReservesLeipe in N p Alte Luckauer Straße 1 Infopoint Calau eu r Uckroo berg e S e Sieb Kemlitz Falkenberg Klein Brandenburg e Cahnsdorf Groß pr 15926 Luckau/OT Fürstlich Drehna Cottbuser Straße 32, 03205 Calau Zöllmers- Willmersdorf- Beuchow Beuchow ee dorf Stöbritz Klein Tel: (03 53 24) 30 80 78, Fax: 30 80 73 Tel: (0 35 41) 8 95 80 Klessow The baroque castle including the Biosphären- www.naturwacht.de www.calauer.de Höllberghof Langen- grounds in Altdöbern is currently Egsdorf Südum reservat grassau flute Bollensdorf Wittmanns- Frees- Stoßdorfer r Südum Eisdorf Groß Boblitz flute being restored. While only remains Höllberghof
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