Traffic Report 1 Palm Beach International Airport Period Ended April 2004
TRAFFIC REPORT 1 PALM BEACH INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT PERIOD ENDED APRIL 2004 2004lApr 20031Apr Percent Change 12 Months 12 Months Percent Change Ended April Ended April 2004 2003 Total Passengers 665,555 605,326 9.95% 6,272,749 5,627,457 11.47% Total Cargo Tons * 1,869.2 1,793.8 4.21% 20,436.l 20,199.4 1.17% Landed Weight (Thousands of Lbs.) 411,605 416,209 -1.11% 4,141,218 3,971,385 4.28% Air Carrier Operations** 6,503 6,255 3.96% 67,131 62,133 8.04% GA & Other Operations*** 10,155 9.974 1.81% 105,782 107,752 -1.83% Total Operations 16,658 16.229 2.64% 172.913 169,885 1.78% * Freight plus mail. ** Landings plus takeoffs. *** Per FAA Tower. PALM BEACH COUNTY - DEPARTMENT OF AIRPORTS 846 Palm Beach Int’l. Airport, West Palm Beach, FL 33406-1470 or visit our web site at AIRPORTS COUNCIL INTERNATIONAL Monthly Airport Traffic Statistics West Palm Beach, Florida, United States of America Palm Beach International Airport April 2004 ThisYear ~ Last Year ‘assenger and Combination Aircraft 5,960 I 6,343 ~ 411 Cargo Aircraft Total Air Transport Movements 6,503 ~ 6,116 3eneral Aviation and Other Aircraft Movements * 10,155 10,284 rotal Aircraft Movements 16.658 ~ 16,400 / nternational Passengers (enplaned + deplaned) 12,943 9,167 Domestic Passengers (enplaned + deplaned) I 527,457 Total Terminal Passengers 536,624 I -1665,555 ~ nternational Freight (loaded + unloaded) 0.0 ~ 6.6 Domestic Freight (loaded + unloaded) 1.144.7 , 1.019.2 rotal Freight (loaded + unloaded) 1.144.7 : 1.025.8 rotal Mail (loaded + unloaded) rotal Cargo ** 1.699.3 i 1,654.g I I * Per FAA Tower.
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