Consumer Preferences regarding News Slant and Accuracy in News Programs Chun-Fang Chiang Hsiu-Han Shih óþÕì.Õþ Abstract We use weekly audience ratings data from dierent regions in Taiwan to in- vestigate the role of news slant and news accuracy in consumers’ choices of TV news programs in Taiwan. We nd that news programs leaning toward the Pan-Blue parties have more viewers from areas with more Pan-Blue supporters. Moreover, we nd that consumers are more politically segre- gated in choosing news programs during political events than on ordinary days. e nding cannot be explained by reverse causality and suggests that consumers are inclined to watch news programs with a political ideology that approximates their own. Regarding consumer preferences for news ac- curacy, we examine changes in viewership caused by two well-known false news scandals involving reports that provided erroneous information. We nd that the eects of these two incidents were either small or insignicant. JEL: Dì, Ló Keywords: consumer preferences, news slant, news accuracy. Chiang(corresponding author): Department of Economics, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Tai- wan. Email:
[email protected]. Shih: Department of Economics, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. Email: dÉÉìóìþþä We would like to thank Shiu-Sheng Chen, Elliott Fan, Ming- Jen Lin, Ming-Ching Luoh, Tsong-Min Wu, and two anonymous referees for benecial suggestions and comments. Õ 1 Introduction e TV news market in Taiwan is competitive. ere are seven news exclusive channels and many other channels also air news programs. However, the credibility of the TV news in Taiwan ranked lowest among ¦ countries in the world value surveys (Chiu, óþÕÕ).