History of Newsletter

Volume 18 Issue 1 June 1991 Article 8

January 1991

Suggested by Our Readers

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Recommended Citation (1991) "Suggested by Our Readers," History of Anthropology Newsletter: Vol. 18 : Iss. 1 , Article 8. Available at: https://repository.upenn.edu/han/vol18/iss1/8

This paper is posted at ScholarlyCommons. https://repository.upenn.edu/han/vol18/iss1/8 For more information, please contact [email protected]. Krotz, Esteban. 1991. A panoramic view of recent Mexican anthropology. Current Anthropology 32:183-88.

Pinsky, Valerie & Alison Wylie, eds. 1990. Critical tradi- tions in contemporary : Essays in the philos- ophy, history and socio-poli tics of archaeology. Cam- bridge University Press.

Schavelzon, Daniel. 1991. Las ciudades Mayas: Historia de las teories sabre su estructura urbana. Buenos Aires: Editorial Rescate.

1991. La conservacion del patrimonio cultural en America Latina: Restauraci6n de edificios prehispani- cos en Mesoamerica, 1750-1980. Buenos Aires: Universi- dad de Buenos Aires and the Getty Grant Program.

Schwerin, Karl. H. 1990. The American collectionism of Alcide d'Orbigny. Museological Science 6:205-15.

Stagl, Justin. 1990. The methodising of travel in the sixteenth century: A tale of three cities. History and Anthropology 4:303-38.

Woodbury, Richard B. 1990. John Otis Brew, 1906-1988. American Antiquity 55:452-59.

IV. Suggested by our Readers

[Although the subtitle does not indicate it, the assumption here is the same as in the preceding section: we list "re- cent" work--i.e., items appearing in the last several years.]

Barnes, Gina L. 1990. The 'idea of prehistory' in Japan. Antiquity 64:97-102 [A.L.C.]

Bendick, Christoph. 1989. Emil Kraepelin's Forschungsreise nach Java im Jahre 1904. University of Cologne [R.D.F.]

Blue, Gregory. 1990. The Chinese presence in Europe. Comparative Criticism 12:283-98 [B.N.K.]

Bonte, P., M. Izard, et al., eds. 1991. Dictionnaire de 1 'ethnoloqie et de 1 'anthropologie. Paris: Presse Uni- versitaires de France [includes 7 articles on history & institutionalization of anthropology, 20 articles on national , 83 biographical sketches, and many other entries relevant to the history of anthropol- ogy--W.C.S.]

Boulay, Roger. 1990. Les collections oceaniennes du musee de Boulogne-sur-Mer. Journal de la Societe des Oceanistes 90:29-34 [B.N.K.]

1 5 Bremer, Richard. Indian agent and wilderness scholar: The life of Henry Rowe Schoolcraft. Mount Pleasant, Mich.: Clarke Historical Library [G.W.S.]

Carlson, Lew. 1989. Giant Patagonians and hairy Ainu: Anthro- pology days at the 1904 St, Louis Olympics. Journal of American Culture 12 (3) :19-26 [G.W.S.]

Cannon, Garland. 1990. The life and mind of Oriental Jones: Sir William JOnes, the father of modern linguistics. Cambridge University Presss [B.N.K.]

Clermont, N. & P. E. L. Smith. 1990. Prehistoric, prehistory, prehistorian . Who invented the terms? Antiquity 64:97-102 [A.L.C.]

De Vita, Philip R., ed. 1990. The humbled anthropologist: Tales from the Pacific. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing [another contribution to the reflections on fieldwork genre--I.B.]

Dikotter, Frank. 1990. Group definition and the idea of •race• in modern China (1793-1949). Ethnic and Racial Studies 13: 420-23 [B.N.K.]

Dippie, Brian. 1990. Catlin and his contemporaries: The politics of patronage. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press [G.W.S.]

Drake, St. Clair. 1991. Black folk here and there. Vol. 2. Los Angeles: U.C.L.A. Center for Afro-American Studies Publications [combs history for evidence of challenges to the denigration of Black people, as documented in Volume 1 --R.D.F.]

Drescher, Seymour. 1990. The ending of the slave trade and the evolution of European scientific racism. Social Science History 14:415-450 [B.N.K.]

Fenton, William N. 1990. Frank G. Speck's anthropology (881- 1950). Man in the Northeast, No. 40:95-101 [R.D.F.]

Firth, Raymond. 1990. Encounters with Tikopia over sixty years. Oceania 60:241-49 [W.C.S.]

Fluehr-Lobban, Carolyn, ed. 1991. Ethics and the profession of anthropology: Dialogue for a new era. Philadelphia: Unversity of Pennsylvania [contains historical material, including reports, guidelines, etc.--G.W.S.]

Freed, Stanley A• 1991. Everyone is breathing on our vit- rines: Problems and prospects of museum anthropology. Curator 34:58-79 [review of earlier critiques--G.W.S.]

1 6 Gerigk, Horst-Jtirgen. 1989. Der Mensch als Affe in der deutschen, franzosischen, russischen, engl is chen un amerikanschen Literatur des 19. un 29. Jahrhunderts. Htitgenwald: Pressler (G.W.S.] Gneuss, Helmut. 1990. The study of Language in Anglo-Saxon England. Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, University of Manchester 72:3-23 [B.N.K.] Graham, Richard, ed. 1990. The idea of race in Latin America, 1870-1940. Austin: University of Texas [includes Alan Knight on 11 Racism, revolution and Indigenismo: Mexico, 1910-1940 11 --G.W.S.]

Hanson, A. & L. 1990. The eye of the beholder: A short history of the study of Maori art. In Hanson & Hanson, eds. Art and identity in Oceania, pp. 184-95. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press [W.C.S.] Homiak, John P. 1990. Melville J. Herskovits: Motor behavior and the imaging of Afr6-American culture. Visual Anthro- pology 3:11-29 [G.W.S.] Hullen, Werner. 1990. Reality, the museum, and the cata- logue: A semiotic interpretation of early German texts of museology. Semiotica 80:265-75 [1550-1700--B.N.K.]

Hutnyk, John. 1989. Castaway anthropology: Malinowski's tropical writings. Antithesis 2 {#1) :43-54 [B.N.K.]

______1990. Comparative anthropology and Evans- Pritchard's Nuer photographs. Critique of Anthropology 10 (#1) [M. Z.] Jacquemin, Sylviane. 1990. Origin des collections oceaniennes dans les musees parisiennes. Le Musee du Louvre. Journal de la Societe des 90:47-52 [B.K.] Kagarlitskii, Yuli I. 1990. Alexsandr Chaianov: Utopographer and romantic. Slavic Review 49: 634-42 [ Chayanov of 11 domestic economy"--B.N.K.] Laurencich-Minelli, Laura. 1990. Antonio Spagni and his collection in Reggio Emilia. Plains Anthropoloqist 35:191-204 [1830's plains material--B.N.K.] Littlejohn, James. 1987. The Scottish enlightenment: Progeni- tor of social anthropology? Edinburgh Anthropology 1:6- 19 [G.W.S.]

Louis, Pierre. 1989. Note sur anthropologue et anthropolo- gos. Documents pour 1' Histoire du Vocabulaire Scienti- figue. {CNRS, Paris) 9:9-11 [G.W.S.]

1 7 Mann, Gunter & F. Dumont. 1988. Gehirn-nerven-seele: Anatomie und physiologie im umfeld S. Th. Soemmerrings. Stutt- gart: Fischer [G.W.S.]

Mass in , Ben o i t . 1 9 9 0 . L e Na z i s me e t 1 a science: De 1 'eugenisme a 1 'Operation euthanasie' , 1890-1945. La Recherche 21 (#227) :1562-68 [G.W.S.]

Miller, J. H. 1991. The life of Harold Sellers Colton: A Philadelphia brahmin in Flagstaff Tsaile, Arizona: Navajo Community College Press [A.L.C.]

Mitchem, J. M. 1990. The contributions of Nels C. Nelson to Florida archaeology. Florida Anthropologist 43:156-63 [introduced stratigraphic excavation in 1917--W.C.S.]

Murray, S. 0. 1989. Recent studies of American linguistics. Historiographia Linguistica 16:149-71 (G.W.S.]

Nettl, Bruno & P. V. Bohlman, eds. 1991. Comparative musicol- ogy and anthropology of music: Essays on the history of ethnomusicology. Chicago: Press [I.J.]

Orosz, Joel J. 1990. Curators and culture: The museum move- Birmingham: University of Alabama [R.D.F.]

Peace, W. J. 1988. Vere Gordon Childe and American ant hropo 1 ogy . 44:417-33 (G.W.S.]

Peirano, Mariza. 1990. Towards anthropological reciprocity. Serie Antropologica 103. Universidade de Brasilia [three papers comparing Brazilian with Indian academic experience, with special reference to the work of Dumont and Srinivas--G.W.S.]

Pinney, Christopher. 1990. Colonial anthropology and the 'laboratory. of mankind.' In c. A. Bayly, ed. The raj: India and the British, 1600-1947, pp. 252-63. London: National Portrait Gallery Publication [with "Anthropology and the colonial image--notes by C. P. on items in the exhibit--pp. 278-305--G.W.S.]

Rice, Edward. 1990. Captain Sir Richard Burton: The secret agent who made the pilgrimage to Mecca, discovered the Kama Sutra, and brought the Arabian Niqhts to the West. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons [R.D.F.]

Richards, Evellen. 1989, The 'moral anatomy' of Robert Knox: The interplay between biological and social thought in Victorian scientific naturalism. Journal of the History of Biology 22:373-436 (G.W.S.]

1 8 Richling, Barnett. 1990. and the National Museum of Canada: 1930-1947. Curator 33:245-60 [also T. F. Mcilwraith--W.C.S.] Roscoe, Will. 1988. We'Wha and Klah: The American Indian berdache as artist and priest. American Indian Quarterly 12:127-50 [numerous references to anthropologists who worked among the Zuni and the Navaho--D.M.S.] 1991. The Zuni Man-Woman. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press [contains rich archival material on Zuni and southwest, including much on Washington's relations to Indians--D.M.S.]

Rousseau, G.S. & R. Porter, eds. 1990. Exoticism in the enlightenment. Manchester University Press [G.W.S.]

Rubenstein, R. A. 1991. A conversation with . Current Anthropology 32:175-83 [G.W.S.] Sanchez Gomez, L. A. 1990. La Sociedad Espanola de anthropo- 1ogia, ethnografia y prehistoria (1921-1951). Revista de Dialectologia y Tradiciones Populares 45:61-87 [G.W.S.] Schieffelin, E. L., R. Crittenden et al. 1991. Like people vou see in a dream: First contact in six Papuan societies. Palo Alto: Stanford University Press [various essays organized around a narrative of the Strick1and- Purrari patrol of 1935--G. W. S.] Stewart, T. D. 1990. A story of archeology in letter form. Quarterly Bulletin, Archeological Society of Virginia 45(2):75-83 [reminiscences of Karl Schmitt (1915-52)--W.C.S.] Stoczkowski, Wiktor. 1990. La prehistoire dans les manuels scolaires ou notre mythe des origines. L 1 Homme 116 : 111- 35 [G.W.S.] Tennant, Paul. 1990. Aboriginal peoples and politics: The Indian land question in British Columbia, 1840-1989. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press [B.N.K.] VanBeek, Walter. 1991. Dogan restuded: A field evaluation of the work of Marcel Griaule. Current Anthropology 32:139-67 [G.W.S.]

Wetherell, D. & C. Carr-Gregg. 1990. Camilla: C. H. Wedgwood, 1901-1955, a life. Kensington, N.S.W.: New South Wales University Press [I.B.]

1 9 White, Bruce. 1990. The American army and the Indian. In N. F. Dreisziger, ed., Ethnic Armies. Waterloo, Ontario: Wilfrid Laurier University Press [B.N.K.] Winkler, John. 1990 The constraints of desire: The anthropol- ogy of sex and gender in ancient Greece. New York: Routledge (G. W. S.] Wood, W. R. 1990. The role of the romantic west in the shaping of the third reich. Plains Anthropologist 35:313-19 [I.B.]

B.N.K.= Bruce N. Koplin I.J. = Ira Jacknis D.M.S.= David M. Schneider M.Z. = Marko Zivkovic G.W.S.= George W. Stocking R.D.F.= Raymond D. Fogelson I. B. = Ira Bashkow W.C.S.= William C. Sturtevant

GLEANINGS FROM ACADEMIC GATHERINGS. The Society for American Archaeology's Committee on the History of Archaeology met as an Advanced Seminar on Documenting the History of Archaeology at the School of American Research in Santa Fe, New Mexico, from 14-18 July 1990. The primary purpose of the_ meeting was to discuss the Committee's scope, responsibilities, and objectives, and to formulate a detailed and manageable plan of its activities over the next seven years.

The Committee on the History of Archaeology explicitly recognizes the vital importance of the historiography of archaeology for contemporary research practice, viewing it as a means of promoting a critical understanding of its processes, products, and consequences, both within and beyond the profession. The Committee thus seeks to encourage and facilitate all aspects of research into the history of archaeology in the Americas (in accordance with the scope of the SAA), by identifying, preserving, and making accessible all relevant source materials. Because many of these source materials are widely dispersed, difficult to access, and in many cases, as yet unidentified, priority will be given to the ultimate creation of a machine-readable database to be managed by a central coordinating office. The feasibility of extending this project to other anthropological subfields is also being considered.

For further information contact the Committee's Chairperson, Dr. Douglas Givens, c/o Department of Behavioral Science, St. Louis Community College at Meramec, 11333 Big Bend Bouylevard, St. Louis, Missouri 63122, USA. (edited from an announcement by Valerie Pinsky)