Species at Risk (NWT) Terminology Translation Workshop

Report and glossary of translations in

Inuvialuit Settlement Region

Prepared by: Species at Risk Secretariat

Table of Contents 1. Workshop Report ...... 3 1.1 Goals ...... 3 1.2 Background ...... 3 1.3 Structure ...... 3 1.4 Procedure ...... 4 1.5 Outcomes ...... 4 2. List of terms ...... 5 Appendix A: Glossary of Species at Risk Terms and Translations in Inuvialuktun ...... 6


1. Workshop Report

1.1 Goals The goals for the Species at Risk (NWT) Terminology Workshop were to increase understanding of commonly used species at risk terms and to develop definitions of these terms in Inuvialuktun.

1.2 Background The Species at Risk (NWT) Act (the Act) was implemented in February 2010. Building community understanding and support will be important for the successful assessment, listing, management and recovery of species at risk.

In the course of implementing the Act, it is expected that community meetings will be held in the Settlement Region (ISR) where technical species at risk terminology is used and translation is needed. In preparation, the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (ENR) collaborated with the Inuvialuit Joint Secretariat to hold a species at risk terminology workshop for the Inuvialuit Settlement Region in , (NWT).

Interpreters, translators, elders, species at risk staff, and Inuvialuit Joint Secretariat staff discussed species at risk concepts and how these concepts can be communicated in the Inuvialuktun dialects: (spoken in and, to some extent, ), (spoken in Sachs Harbour, , and Inuvik) and Ummarmiutun (spoken in and Inuvik).

1.3 Structure

Species at Risk Terminology Workshop Date: February 22 – 23, 2011 Venue: Inuvialuit Joint Secretariat board room, Inuvik, NT

PARTICIPANTS: Translators/Interpreters Language/Dialect Elsie Klingenberg, Ulukhaktok Inuvialuktun- Inuinnaqtun Robert Kuptana, Ulukhaktok (Day 1 only) Inuvialuktun- Inuinnaqtun Beverly Amos, Sachs Harbour Inuvialuktun - Siglitun Fred Wolki, Tuktoyaktuk Inuvialuktun - Siglitun Lillian Elias, Inuvik Inuvialuktun - Ummarmiutun Dorothy Arey, Inuvik Inuvialuktun – Ummarmiutun Elder Emma Dick, Inuvik (afternoon of Day 2 only) Inuvialuktun - Ummarmiutun

Inuvialuit Joint Secretariat Community Support Unit Shawna Kaglik, Inuvik Species at Risk Secretariat Michelle Henderson, Joanna Wilson, Yellowknife (Day 1 and morning of Day 2 only)


1.4 Procedure

The Species at Risk Secretariat proposed the idea of the workshop to the Wildlife Management Advisory Council (NWT) and obtained their support in principle. The Inuvialuit Joint Secretariat (IJS) Community Support Unit hosted the workshop and organized the logistics. This included seeking input from the Hunters and Trappers Committees on who should attend, inviting participants, and administering their travel and fees. The Species at Risk Secretariat provided a list of species at risk terms accompanied by plain language definitions in English, as well as a slide show of visual illustrations to help explain the concepts. Funding was provided by Environment and Natural Resources. The cost of the workshop was $26,754.

At the workshop, participants discussed the meaning of the terms until the interpreters/translators reached agreement on how the concepts could be conveyed in their language. Sometimes more than one translation was reached; in the glossary alternative translations are shown in brackets. Interpreters/translators wrote down their translations. The Species at Risk Secretariat then typed the translations and provided them back to the interpreters/translators for verification during the workshop. An Elder participated on Day 2 of the workshop to help verify the translated terms in Ummarmiutun. Although the intent was to have Elders present for Inuinnaqtun and Siglitun as well, they were unable to attend.

After the workshop, the draft report and glossary were prepared by the Species at Risk Secretariat and provided to the interpreters /translators and Inuvialuit Joint Secretariat for their review before being finalized.

1.5 Outcomes Participants discussed, interpreted and translated a total of 63 species at risk terms.

Participants stated that they enjoyed the workshop and benefited greatly from the discussions. There was agreement by all participants of the importance of building community and elder capacity, as well as building understanding of species at risk issues within the Inuvialuit communities.

Participants were pleased with the quality and quantity of work completed, and felt assured that consistent information was brought forward for all three dialects. They felt that there should be more translation workshops and that they are a very effective way to exercise the use of traditional languages.

The workshop provided an educational opportunity for the interpreters and translators in the ISR, as well as for the Species at Risk Secretariat. The interpreters and translators who participated in the workshop became more familiar with species at risk terms and concepts. The workshop also helped the Species at Risk Secretariat to learn how species at risk concepts can be communicated more effectively.

All participants agreed that a written glossary of species at risk terms and their definitions would be published and posted to the NWT Species at Risk Website (www.nwtspeciesatrisk.ca), as well as provided to the Inuvialuit Cultural Resource Centre. It is hoped that this glossary will be useful to interpreters/translators and species at risk practitioners to help ensure that information is communicated consistently and accurately at community meetings in the ISR.


2. List of terms

A L Assessment criteria Listing/listed Assessment/assess M At risk Management Authority B Management plan Barren-ground caribou Management/manage Biological diversity / biodiversity Migration Boreal Caribou/Woodland Caribou (Boreal Mountain Caribou/Woodland Caribou population) (Northern Mountain Population) Breeding/Reproduction N C Not at risk Climate Change NWT List of Species at Risk Community knowledge O Conference of Management Authorities Over-harvesting Consensus agreement P Cycle/Natural cycle D Peregrine Falcon Data deficient Permit Decrease Polar Bear Density Predation Designated habitat R Development Recovery strategy Disease Recovery/recover Distinct population Regulations Distribution/Range Rescue Effect Dolphin-Union caribou S E Scientific knowledge Ecosystem Short-eared Owl Endangered Special concern Extinct Species Extirpated Species at Risk (NWT) Act G Species at Risk Committee (SARC) Grizzly Bear Status H Status report Habitat Stewardship Hairy Rockcress Subspecies Harvesting T I Threatened Increase Threats Individual Traditional knowledge W Wolverine


Appendix A

Appendix A: Glossary of Species at Risk Terms and Translations in Inuvialuktun

Term in English English Translation - Translation – Translation - Reverse Definition Inuinnaqtun Siglitun Ummarmiutun Translation 3 Assessment criteria The things SARC Nautiogotihamon atogahat Nautchiurutiksiat Ilitchuriniarutingit Get information 1 thinks about when together, using it to deciding how (nautiurutinamun find out about healthy a species atuqtanat) something; is Something you think about to decide; something you have to follow up to evaluate 8 Assessment / SARC reads Kanok amigaitilangink Nautchiuqtingit / Qimilriutingit Check it over assess information on a nauttiktoiyon nautchiurutait species and decides how well (mautiktuiyit anggutinum) the species is doing 2 At risk Could disappear Qayangnaqiyuq Annapqangayut Naur̂ uapayaat Just hanging in there; from the NWT anaktuat barely saved; a (qayangnahiyut) possibility it could (Naur̂uapayaat become endangered annapqaqtuat)

Term in English English Translation - Translation – Translation - Reverse Definition Inuinnaqtun Siglitun Ummarmiutun Translation 4 Barren-ground Caribou with Tuktuvialuit Tuktuvialuit Tuttuvialuk Same as English 2 caribou calving grounds in the tundra of mainland NWT and that have large seasonal migrations 2 Biological diversity / All the different Kanogittolika naoyon Tamarmik Qanuhiliqaa inuuruat All kinds of living 8 biodiversity kinds of life in the nunami uumayusuatchiat things; all that is world living (qanuq ittulika nauyuk umayut nunami) 4 Boreal Caribou / Woodland caribou Napaatukmiotat tuktut napaaqturmiutat tuktut Tuttuqpahugruit Caribou that stay in 5 Woodland Caribou that live in the npaaqturmiutat tree country (Boreal population) boreal forest. Boreal caribou do not make big migrations and stay in the forest all year 5 Breeding / Mating and Noliakton Nuliktut Nuligiviat Making 2 Reproduction making young young/breeding 6 Climate Change Weather patterns Hila alaknakhiyok Sila allangnaqiyuq Hila atlanguqtuq Weather change (big 0 of the earth are scale) changing 3 Community Knowledge held Nonulani ilihimayangit Inuuniarviit Inaurani ilihimarangit What the community 3 knowledge by any members ilisimayangit knows of a NWT (nunalaani illijimayait) community


Term in English English Translation - Translation – Translation - Reverse Definition Inuinnaqtun Siglitun Ummarmiutun Translation 5 Conference of The group of Nigyutitigot aulatyotait Nauyuapayaanun Naur̂ uapayaanun Management Management wildlife co- katimakyuaknik aulatchiyingit angalatchiringit Authorities; Authorities management Uqasuguktuat katimariqpangit everybody together; boards and (niryutinum) big meeting governments that aulayutinairum share katimayiuuat) responsibility for managing species at risk in the NWT 2 Consensus Something that all Tammamik angigotat Tamarmik angirutaat Iluqating agnrutaat All of them agree 7 agreement the Management Authorities agree (Tarmamik angiuitaak) should be done 5 Cycle / Natural cycle Numbers naturally Otitkingniakton Utitqigaun / Utitqingmiraqtuttauq / They always come 0 go up and down Utitqigataqpaktut utitaruurut back; they go up and over time then they go down 1 Data deficient Status of a Kanok iyohingit Quliat inuqsangayut Huniaqtilaangit Don’t know yet; 5 species that naunaitaohimainamik nalupqinaqtuthuli information is not SARC can’t complete decide how (qanuq iyuniat naunarstuq healthy it is naumaiqtaunimainamuk) because there is not enough information 2 Decrease When something Ikilivaliayon Anmukłutik Inugiaklirut Getting less 9 goes down in numbers (Ikigiliualiayut) 5 Density The number of Amigaitilangin nunammi Inuviaktilaangit Inugaitilaangi nunami How many there are 4 individuals of a nunami in a certain area on species within a the land certain area


Term in English English Translation - Translation – Translation - Reverse Definition Inuinnaqtun Siglitun Ummarmiutun Translation 5 Designated habitat The part of an Naumavingat Naumavingat Haniraqtitaq / Habitat that was put 7 animal’s habitat nalunaiyaktak nalunaiyaqtaq nalunaiyaqtaq aside and marked that is necessary for survival and reproduction, specified under the law that no one can destroy it 6 Development Things people do Havaat naomayon nunami Savaat naumayuat Havaat naumaruat Changing the land; 2 that make nunami nuna work/jobs that come changes on the up on the land; where land there was nothing on our land, now there is 6 Disease Something that Anniagotit Anniarutit Atniarun Same as English 1 makes an animal or plant sick 3 Distinct population A group of one Inmikun innilangin Inmikun nunalgit Inmiktigun inilaagit They have their own 7 species that can place be thought of (inmikun innilaalgit) separately from other groups because it uses a certain area 5 Distribution / Range A map of where a Naumayoat nunangat Nauyuapayaat Naur̂ uapayaat iningat This is where you’ll 6 species lives Nunangat nunami find the species; all the places you’ll find them 4 Dolphin-Union Caribou found on Tuktu Tuktu(t) Tuttu No specific name – 4 caribou that describe where they migrate across the are Dolphin-Union strait


Term in English English Translation - Translation – Translation - Reverse Definition Inuinnaqtun Siglitun Ummarmiutun Translation 3 Ecosystem All the living things Tamakmik ittut Tamarmik nutim ittuat Huliqaa ittuat Everything lives 8 plus the things avagaaluani together there that are not alive (Tamamik ittut) that interact together in the same area 1 Endangered Status of a N/A Kappianaqiyut Nunuaqhiuraqtut Just about finished 2 species that may (more so) soon become extirpated or extinct 1 Extinct Status of a N/A Nunguyuat Nunguruat Gone from the World; 0 species that is finished gone from the world 1 Extirpated Status of a N/A Nunguyuat Nunguruat Gone from our land 1 species that is nunaptingnin nunaptingnin gone from the NWT 4 Grizzly Bear Brown bear Aghak Akłak Aklaq Same as English 0 1 Habitat The land Niyotin naumavingan Naumavingit Inaat naumaruat A place where you 8 (including trees, find them; where they plants, water, etc.) (niryiitit muniavigita live/where everything a species lives on naumauigat) grows/its place and uses throughout its life 4 Hairy Braya A rare plant found Alangayok nautiak Allangnauyaaq Atlangaruaq nautchiaq Rare flower; different 9 (Hairy Rockcress) only on Cape nautchiaq kind of flower plant Bathurst (see photo) 5 Harvesting Hunting, trapping, Nikihahionik Anguniarniq Anguniaqtirniq / Hunting/gathering 8 fishing, gathering nanigiaktokton ikaluhioton Niqiksaqsiurnirlu niqikraqhiuniq food; Going out berries and other kattiyon nikihamiknik looking for food; plants (different words for each activity)


Term in English English Translation - Translation – Translation - Reverse Definition Inuinnaqtun Siglitun Ummarmiutun Translation 3 Increase When something Amigaipaliayon Qunmukłutik Inugiakhirut Getting more 0 goes up in numbers (imigaipaliayut) 5 Individual A single one of a Aualittok Avayaittuq Ingmiguarniq / All by itself 3 species kihiriuqtuq 2 Listing / listed Adding a species (Ikilliyot niyotin) Ilaliotiyun Malirutaksalianginnun Aglaktangit / aglatat Putting it down in 1 to the legal list of titigahimayonon allalu ilipsaaqługit malirutakralianginun writing, one-by-one, species at risk maligalianginon (listing) / ilipsaaqtat onto the legal list; (listed) writing it down one- (ikiliyut) miryuunun by-one in the law; ilaliuliyat tirtiranimanun adding to the list; maliralianun) writing it down in the law 4 Management An organization N/A Nauyuapayaanun Naur̂ uapayaanun Group that manages Authority that has the power angalatchiyingit angalatchiringit species and responsibility to manage species at risk 2 Management plan A written plan of Monaginingata hivoninga Munaqsinikkun Qaunaginim To manage and plan 5 what people will isumaliurutchit ihumiurutaat in a written form; plan do to manage a (munarinigata niuunia about taking care of species and help it tirtirakun) stay healthy 2 Management / To take care of a Monaginingata Munariniq Qaunaginiq Taking care of 4 manage species and help it stay healthy (munarininga) 5 Migration When an animal Aolayaatok Aulavingat Aulvikaangat That’s where they go 1 moves long every year distances during the year


Term in English English Translation - Translation – Translation - Reverse Definition Inuinnaqtun Siglitun Ummarmiutun Translation 4 Mountain Caribou / Woodland caribou Tuktupaaluit Tuktuqpaaluit Tuttupahugruit irini Big caribou in the 6 Woodland Caribou that live in the mountains (Northern Mountain mountains of the Population) NWT. They migrate to the higher altitudes to calve and to the lower altitudes to winter 1 Not at risk Status of a Amigainamik Inuviangmata Ihumalungnaitchut In good health (due 6 species that is ihomalunainak holi suqutaittut inugiangmatahuli to high population); healthy or has a Don’t have to worry large number in (ihumalunnaitut about it; there are lots the NWT amirainamik) 2 NWT List of Species The legal list, Nunatiammi nikyutin kayak NWTiimi aglaktat NWTiimi aglaktangit Species at risk, 0 at Risk written under the nahiyon nauyuapayaat naur̂ uapayaat written down law, of species inukłisugiyat annapqaqtuatigun that are at risk in (nunatiatmiqayangnanigut the NWT tilintnimayut niryiitit) 5 Over-harvesting Avatkotyotiyon Anguniaqpallaaramik Anguniaqpalaarniq Nothing left over; 9 angoniakpalahotik wasting 4 Peary caribou Caribou found on Tuktuinak Tuktuaraaluit Tuttunguluurat Small caribou 3 the Arctic islands that are smaller than barren- ground caribou 4 Peregrine Falcon (see photo) Kilgavik Kijgavik Kirgavik Same as English 7 3 Permit A piece of paper Angigon mapigakmon Suginnariitkun Angirun maqpiraaq Something to say 5 that says you are ‘yes’; something you allowed to do (Anggirun maqpiraq) must have before you something or that go do something; gives you permission paper permission to do something 3 Polar Bear White bear Nanuk Nanuq Nanuq Same as English 9


Term in English English Translation - Translation – Translation - Reverse Definition Inuinnaqtun Siglitun Ummarmiutun Translation 6 Predation When one animal Nigyotit nikighakhioktok Niqiksaqsiuqtuat Nirnutit ingmingnun Animals eat each 3 eats another one niryutit nirr̂itihuuruat other; when the for food animal is starving, so it eats other animals; animal that goes after its food; when an animal hunts for meat 2 Recovery strategy A written plan of Hivoniogotim Isumaliurutchit Ihumaliurutit A plan to make them 3 what people will otitinianikkon utiqtinniarnikun utiqtiniarnikun better again; Plan of do to help a how they will go species get (hiriuniutaq about bringing them healthy again inuaniyutinamun back utigitinanun) 2 Recovery / recover A species gets Otitkikton Utitqiktuat / utitqiktut Utitqittuat They came back 2 healthy again (itikkiktut) 1 Regulations Rules that could Maligaliat Malirutaksaliat Malirutaktrat Something that you 9 be made to protect have to follow; and species at risk (malinaliat) regulations are or its habitat developed 5 Rescue Effect When numbers go Ilafakhotik alammin Ilipsaaqłutik allamin Ilafaaqhuting atlamin Added to that spot 5 up because some nunammin nunamin nunamin from another came from place/land another place 3 Scientific knowledge Knowledge that Nautioktit ilihimayangit Nautchiuruuyuat Nautchiuruuruat People who are 4 comes from ilisimayangit ilihimaringit studying things – scientific study (Nautiutit illihimayangit) their knowledge; what the scientists know 4 Short-eared Owl (see photo) Nipaingaktak Nipainraqtaq Nipaingaqtat Owl; quiet Owl 8 1 Special concern Status of a Ihomalugi Yaulikton Isumaalungnaqiyuaq Kavyanaqhiruq Have to worry about 4 species that may it become (ihumaluriyauliktut) endangered or threatened if nothing is done to help it


Term in English English Translation - Translation – Translation - Reverse Definition Inuinnaqtun Siglitun Ummarmiutun Translation 1 Species Each different type Naumayun Katimayingit Nauyuapayaat Naur̂ uapayaat Anything that’s of plant, animal, growing on the land; bug, fungus, etc. (nunami naumayun) Animals that are is a species around on the land; Everything in one place, as one 3 Species at Risk A law from the Maligalioktaan nikyotinon Nauyuapayaanun Malirutakraliat Species at Risk law (NWT) Act Government of the nonamik annapqangayut naur̂ uapayaanun (NWT) Northwest NWTmi NWTiimi Territories to (maligaliutit malialiuktat malirutaksalianginni protect species niyutinum) that are in danger of disappearing from the NWT 7 Species at Risk Independent Qatimayit qayangnaniyun Nauyuapayaanun Naur̂ uapayaat Species at Risk Committee group that decides mautiurutait Annapqayangayut anapqaqtuat Board how well a species Katimayingit katimaringit is doing in the NWT (i.e., how healthy a species is in the NWT) 6 Status How well a Amigaitilangit Qanuqijutait Qanuqitilaangit How they are doing species is doing, as a whole, in the (amigailangit) NWT (i.e., how healthy a species is in the NWT) 9 Status report Written summary Naotitanin aglaktat Qanuqitilaangit Qanuqiltilaangiha Written report of how of knowledge on a makpiganon quliangit aglaktat quliangit maqpiraanun they are doing species that aglaktat SARC uses to (nautiutanin titiragtat decide how makpirnum) healthy a species is


Term in English English Translation - Translation – Translation - Reverse Definition Inuinnaqtun Siglitun Ummarmiutun Translation 2 Stewardship Things that people Ikayotok akittomik Ikayuqtivigiyuat Ikayuqtit Helping and not 6 do to help a getting paid species stay (ikayuktuk akiitumik) healthy or help it recover, without getting paid for it 3 Subspecies When a species Nikyotin alatkingningin Allagiit Niryutit Nirirutit atlakayariit They’re animals, but 6 can be split up into they’re different different groups (naryutit alatkingnigit) versions/varieties; that can be given same species, but it’s different names different because they are a little bit different, but they could mate if they wanted to 1 Threatened Status of a Ikillikvalialiton Inukłimuktut Nunguaqhirut Becoming less 3 species that may (fewer); Just about soon become (ikigliualialiktun) finished (less so); endangered getting less and less 1 Threats Things that could Kappianahiyon Kappianaqiyut Kapianaqhirut Something that can 7 decrease the happen that makes numbers of a (kappianahiyut) you worried; alarming species 3 Traditional Knowledge held Inuit ilihimayangit Inuvialuit nutim Inupiat ilihimarangit Inuvialuit people- 2 knowledge by Aboriginal ilisimayangit what they know people that has (Inuit nutim ilihimayait) been passed down through the generations 4 Wolverine (see photo) Kalvik Qavvik Qavvik Same as English 1