Vestibular Imbalance Associated with a Lesion in the Nucleus Prepositus Hypoglossi Area

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Vestibular Imbalance Associated with a Lesion in the Nucleus Prepositus Hypoglossi Area ORIGINAL CONTRIBUTION Vestibular Imbalance Associated With a Lesion in the Nucleus Prepositus Hypoglossi Area Sang Won Seo, MD; Ha Young Shin, MD; Seo Hyun Kim, MD; Sang Won Han, MD; Kyung Yul Lee, MD; Seung Min Kim, MD; Ji Hoe Heo, MD, PhD Background: The nucleus prepositus hypoglossi (NPH) stem infarctions that predominantly involved the NPH is known to be a neural integrator of horizontal eye move- region. ments. Although the role of the human NPH is not well known, it may also function in postural balance, in view Main Outcome Measure: Findings on magnetic reso- of its anatomic connections with the vestibular nuclei and nance images. vestibulocerebellum and of lesion studies in experimen- tal animals. Results: The NPH was affected at the lower pontine level in 2 patients and at the upper medullary level in 4. In Objective: To show that the human NPH contributes addition to gaze-evoked nystagmus, all patients had ver- to vestibular function in addition to eye movement tigo, vomiting, and postural ataxia, suggesting vestibu- control. lar dysfunction. The patients typically fell contralater- ally or bilaterally to the lesion side. Design: Case series. Conclusion: The NPH serves a vestibular function in ad- Setting: University hospital. dition to its oculomotor control function. Patients: Six patients with small and discrete brain- Arch Neurol. 2004;61:1440-1443 HE NUCLEUS PREPOSITUS HY- the vestibular system and of lesion stud- poglossi (NPH), one of the ies in experimental animals.4,5 perihypoglossal nuclei, is Herein we present our observations in located rostral to the hypo- 6 patients with small and discrete brain- glossal nucleus and ex- stem infarctions that predominantly in- Ttends to the abducens nucleus. The NPH volved the NPH region. All patients had ver- and the medial vestibular nucleus (MVN), tigo, postural ataxia, and gaze-evoked which is located lateral to the NPH and nystagmus. Clinical findings associated with serves a vestibular function, are recipro- the NPH lesions, particularly in relation to cally connected and have afferent and ef- its role in postural ataxia, are described. ferent connections with the vestibulocer- ebellum and with most parts of the METHODS oculomotor system, including the abdu- cens nucleus and the paramedian pon- tine reticular formation.1 Since the NPH During a 3-year period, 6 patients with small was first suggested to serve a vestibular or infarctions involving the NPH area were iden- oculomotor function,2 studies in subhu- tified from among those admitted to our neu- rology department. The subjects included 2 man primates and cats have focused on its men and 4 women with a median age of 67 role in eye movement control and have years (range, 55-80 years). We reviewed clini- shown that the NPH and the MVN are in- cal and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) volved in the neural integration of hori- findings in these patients. zontal eye movements.3 While the exact Author Affiliations: From the role of the NPH in humans is uncertain be- Department of Neurology, Brain RESULTS Research Institute, Brain Korea cause cases with an isolated NPH lesion 21 Project for Medical Sciences, are rare, it is possible that the NPH func- Yonsei University College of tions in postural balance, as does the MVN, Demographic and clinical findings are Medicine, Seoul, Korea. in view of its anatomic connections with shown in the Table. (REPRINTED) ARCH NEUROL / VOL 61, SEP 2004 WWW.ARCHNEUROL.COM 1440 ©2004 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Downloaded From: on 09/27/2021 Table. Demographic and Clinical Features of Patients Patient No./ Sex/Age, y Risk Factors MRA/DSA TEE Nystagmus Other Features 1/M/79 Hypertension BA, MCA, ICA stenosis Aorta plaques (9 mm) GE, horizontal, right Dysphagia 2/M/62 Hypertension, smoking Both VA stenosis Aorta plaques (5 mm) Spontaneous upbeat, and Skew deviation, ocular GE, horizontal, right tilt reaction 3/F/55 Previous stroke BA stenosis ND Mixed horizontal and None torsional, left 4/F/58 Hypertension, DM, BA, ICA stenosis ND GE, horizontal, right None previous stroke 5/F/80 None Normal Normal (TTE) GE, horizontal, bilateral Dysarthria 6/F/66 Hypertension, previous PCA stenosis Normal GE, bilateral Conjugate gaze palsy, stroke facial palsy Abbreviations: BA, basilar artery; DM, diabetes mellitus; DSA, digital subtraction angiography; GE, gaze-evoked; ICA, internal carotid artery; MCA; middle cerebral artery; MRA, magnetic resonance angiography; ND, not done; PCA, posterior cerebral artery; TEE, transesophageal echocardiography; TTE, transthoracic echocardiography; VA, vertebral artery. All patients had small lesions in the medial portion present study adds MRI evidence to the previously sug- of the pontomedullary junction. The lesion was at the gested theory that the damage in the paramedian rostral lower pontine level in 2 patients and at the upper med- medulla, involving the perihypoglossal nuclei, may be re- ullary level in the other 4 (Figure 1). The NPH ap- sponsible for a spontaneous upbeat nystagmus.8 peared to be involved in all patients. Of note, all patients had postural ataxia with vertigo All patients had vertigo as a presenting symptom, as and vomiting, which suggests vestibular dysfunction. Al- well as gaze-evoked nystagmus or a mixed horizontal- though previous studies on experimental animals have con- torsional nystagmus that was intensified when looking cerned the role of the NPH in eye movement control, sev- in the direction of quick phases. A spontaneous upbeat eral lines of evidence suggest that vestibular dysfunction nystagmus accompanied these symptoms in 1 patient may be attributed to an NPH lesion. First, the NPH has (Table). All patients showed marked postural ataxia, but reciprocal and extensive connections with the vestibulo- no other cerebellar dysfunctions were observed. The di- cerebellum and the vestibular nuclei, which serve a ves- rection of falls was contralateral to the lesion side in 2 tibular function, as well as the oculomotor system. The patients and bilateral in 2. In another 2 patients with le- projection areas within the cerebellum, which include the sions at the medullary level, the laterality of falls could anterior lobe, entire vermis, flocculus, nodulus, and fas- not be determined because the lesion was found in the tigial nuclei,9 may also result in postural ataxia when dam- central portion (Figure 1). Associated neurologic signs included dysphagia, skew deviation and ocular tilt reac- aged. Second, selective injury of the NPH has produced tion, dysarthria, facial weakness of the peripheral type, vestibular imbalance in experimental animals. Drug- and disturbances of conjugate horizontal eye move- induced selective damage of the NPH and of the adjacent ments that were not overcome by the oculocephalic ma- perihypoglossal and reticular nuclei in primates pro- 4 neuver (Table). Platelet antiaggregating drugs were given duced a profound impairment of posture and gait. In cats, to all patients. A complete improvement of the postural the selective inhibition of the NPH by muscimol micro- ataxia was observed in all patients during the ensuing injection caused a moderate vestibular imbalance and a weeks. failure of the horizontal neural integrator.5 This prior evi- dence, in combination with the findings of the present COMMENT study, strongly suggests that the NPH serves a vestibular function as well as an oculomotor control function. In this study, the NPH lesion typically produced con- Lesions in the subjects as demonstrated by MRI were small and discrete, and located in the medial tegmentum of the tralateral or bilateral falls. The NPH has extensive and reciprocal connections with vestibular nuclei directly and pontomedullary junction. A careful review of the MRIs 9 showed that all lesions commonly involved the NPH re- indirectly via the vestibulocerebellum. An experimen- gion (Figure 2). tal study showed that a lesion of the NPH decreased the The NPH is known to be a component of the neural activity of the contralateral vestibular nucleus as a re- integrator of horizontal eye movements along with the sult of a reduction in the inhibition of inhibitory Pur- MVN and flocculus, and to be important for normal gaze kinje cells of the contralateral flocculus, which projects holding. Experimental lesions of the NPH were found to to the vestibular nucleus (Figure 3).10 Thus, contralat- impair the ability to hold eyes in eccentric gaze.6 More- eral falls induced by an NPH lesion may be a reasonable over, gaze-evoked nystagmus was induced by pharma- explanation, because a lesion of the vestibular nuclei pro- cologically inactivating the NPH-MVN region in the mon- duces ipsilateral falls.11 Lesions of the commissural con- key.7 In concert with findings in primates, gaze-evoked nections between the 2 NPHs at the midline were found nystagmus was present in all of our patients. A sponta- to result in a reduction of both vestibular activities,10 which neous upbeat nystagmus was observed in 1 patient. The again may cause bilateral falls. (REPRINTED) ARCH NEUROL / VOL 61, SEP 2004 WWW.ARCHNEUROL.COM 1441 ©2004 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Downloaded From: on 09/27/2021 FLAIR/T2-Weighted MRI DWI Direction/Side Medullary Level Pontine Level Fall Nystagmus Lesion Patient 1 Left Right Right Patient 2 Left Right Central Patient 3 Right Left Central Patient 4 Bilateral Right Left Patient 5 Bilateral Bilateral Central Patient 6 Left Bilateral Right Figure 1. Magnetic resonance images (MRIs) of the patients. Axial MRIs show small high-signal-intensity lesions (arrows) in the medial tegmentum of the upper medulla (patients 1, 2, 3, and 5) and the lower pons (patients 4 and 6), which are consistent with infarctions. DWI indicates diffusion-weighted image; FLAIR, fluid-attenuated inversion recovery. Patient 6 had horizontal conjugate gaze palsy and fa- the present study, no patient showed an ipsilateral fall, cial palsy.
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