JUNE 27 2021 THIRTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Office: (573) 374-7855 Fax: (573) 374-0627 Office Hours: Monday thru Friday 8:00AM –4:00 PM website: www.stpatrickcatholicchurch.org www.facebook.com/ SaintPatrickCatholicChurchLaurieMo/ MISSION STATEMENT: St. Patrick Catholic Church encourages spiritual growth, lives Christian values and provides meaningful stewardship to the local and world communities. Summer Weekend Mass Schedule Saturday 4:30 pm (Inside, St. Patrick) 6:20 pm (St. Philip Benizi) 8:00 pm (Outside, Shrine) Sunday 8:30 am (Outside, Shrine) 10:15 am (Inside, St. Patrick) Weekday Mass Schedule Monday 9:00 am May 31st, Memorial Mass (Old St. Patrick, O Road) Tuesday - 5:30pm Wednesday—Friday - 9:00am Adoration following Mass on Wednesday Reconciliation Saturday - 3:30-4:15pm (or by appt) Fr. John Schmitz, Pastor David Lovell, Deacon Office Staff Art & Environment Linda Durben Library Arlene LaMontagne (636) 497-2673 Lector Michele Haggerty (573) 372-8594 Linda Neff, Secretary (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday) Ladies Scripture Study Janice Mandl Dianna Bagby, Secretary (Tuesday and Friday) Sacristans/Server Deacon David Lovell
[email protected] (573) 480-4565 Men of St. Joseph Bob Miller Greeters Marcy Brown (502) 468-3495 Kim Metz, Bookkeeper Women of Mary Julie Cummings
[email protected] Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Steve /Janice Mandl (816) 588-3331 Buildings and Grounds Dean Coons Michele Haggerty, Director of Religious Lay Ministry Director Paul Van Evercooren / Education (573) 372-8594