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Extensions of Remarks 8764 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS April 22, 1985 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS NEW BOOK ON FALKLANDS WAR lant lest we reach a point where, too no means necessarily indicated that the RECOMMENDED routinely, we abandon the negotiating Falklands were considered part of the South table and take to the battlefield ill American mainland-the Falklands always had their own governor; and 3> Argentina HON. MERVYN M. DYMALLY prepared, and lacking in comprehen­ did not succeed to any part of the Spanish OF CALIFORNIA sion of the far reaching ramifications Empire except southeastern South America, the action will engender. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES which may or may not have included the The text of the final chapter fol­ Falklands. The Argentine claims to sover­ Monday, April 22, 1985 lows: eignty over the Falklands Dependencies, on •Mr. DYMALLY. Mr. Speaker, I have [Tempest in a Teapot: The Falkland Islands grounds that they are governed from Port recently had the opportunity to read a Warl Stanley, seem spurious, for reasons stated masterful analysis of the Falkland Is­ V. READING THE TEA LEAVES-CLAIMS AND above. Britain has controlled and occupied BLAMES; To THE LAST DREGS; PROGNOSTICA­ these islands from their respective discover­ lands war that I wish to recommend to ies. my colleagues. The book, "Tempest in TIONS 1. CLAIMS AND BLAMES Argentina did occupy the Falklands itself a Teapot: The Falkland Islands War," in 1820, and maintained a tenuous colony is by Dr. Jeffrey M. Elliot, an associate In chronicling a war like the Falklands Conflict, one is left with a series of unan­ until the British displaced them. It is upon professor of political science at North swered and perhaps unanswerable questions this fact that Argentina's strongest claim is Carolina Central University, and regarding rights, responsibilities, claims, based. But even this claim includes its share Robert Reginald, a full librarian at and blames. Who really owns or should own of deficiencies, the chief being that Argenti­ California State University, San Ber­ the Falklands? Why did two apparently civ­ na never actually controlled more than a nardino. Between them they have au­ ilized nations go to war over a group of 2,000 small section of the Falklands, that part thored an astonishing 73 books and worthless islands in the South Atlantic? near Puerto Soledad, during its twelve years Could the fighting have been prevented? of occupancy. The sealers and whalers who over 500 articles, reviews, and inter­ used the islands as a way station and did not views. Dr. Elliot is, in my view, one of Why did Argentina lose and Britain win? Could the outcome have been changed? acknowledge Argentine sovereignty or con­ this Nation's most astute political ob­ How do military experts assess the strategy trol, and generally refused to pay taxes for servers and most talented writers. His and weaponry used in the war, and how will their catches. Argentina's half-hearted at­ work has been nominated for count­ these affect planning for future conflicts in tempts to impose its authority over these less awards and has drawn praise in other parts of the world? Finally, will there transients failed. Further, the Argentine numerous quarters. Mr. Reginald is a be another war or series of wars in the Falk­ colony never consisted of more than fifty or deft researcher, a skillful writer, and a lands, or can a negotiated settlement finally a hundred settlers, and these few colonists be reached? We will examine these· ques­ made few attempts to farm, raise livestock, polished editor. or otherwise conduct themselves as perma­ What is contained in this book could tions in order. In looking at the historic claims made by nent residents. Still, there is no doubt that well serve as an object lesson to all Argentina and Britain for sovereignty over the acting Argentine governor was forcibly those who, in some way, help to deter­ the Falklands/Malvinas, one is struck by ousted from the islands by the British, and mine or implement the foreign policy the obvious sincerity of both sides, and by that this displacement was protested by the of our country. I am asking that, after the absolute impossibility of reaching a fair government of Argentina as a breach of its my remarks, the text of the final and impartial decision based upon existing sovereignty. The grounds cited by the Brit­ chapter of the book be printed since it evidence. Some assessments can be made, ish for imposing control are dubious at best. however. If we regard the first sighting of In fact, the Argentine assertion that the constitutes an adroit assessment of the British were seeking to control the seas near events that led to the Falkland Islands the islands as a basis for sovereignty, Spain would seem to have the stronger case, based Cape Hom is probably correct. war. In brief, the book tells us that upon Francisco Camargo's apparent descrip­ Such changes of sovereignty among colo­ events take on a life of their own at tion of the Falklands in 1540. It should be nial possessions of the great naval powers of times, such that one event propels the emphasized, however, that none of the early the day were common to the end of the next. And humans can come close to supposed sightings are certain; determining nineteenth century, generally resulting being automatons in a scenario over the actual discoverer of the Falklands with from major or minor wars between one or which they have little real control. I any degree of assurance may be impossible another countries, or personal adventurism expect one can find in all comers of at this late date, due to lack of supporting by officers largely working autonomously, the world long-standing, long-smolder­ documentation. If we regard actual occupa­ thousands of miles and months sailing time tion of the islands as a basis for claiming away from their home bases. Naval captains ing disputes between nations. In some sovereignty, the Spanish again have the and even high-ranking army officers were a cases, a concatenation of events occurs stronger case, based upon succession to the law unto themselves-witness, for example, which ignites those disputes into French colony of 1764, which France sold to the unauthorized British incursion into Ar­ warfar. One side makes a special effort Spain three years later; the French colony gentina in 1806. During the age of imperial­ to resolve the dispute; the other side is existed a year before the British settled ism the great powers were suitably imperial­ unenthusiastic; one side engages in an Port Egmont. However, both the British istic, ignoring the niceties when they escalation of rhetoric; the other side and the Spanish withdrew their colonies, wished. So it was in the Falklands. reciprocates; and at some point one thereby leaving themselves open to charges Given the Justice of the Argentine protest of abandonment, and perhaps negating over what was probably an illegal seizure of side crosses a rhetorical line that their original claims. If we regard proximity the islands by Great Britain, what Justice is cannot be recrossed, but instead must to the Argentine mainland as a basis for sov­ there in the British position? In fact, irre­ be backed up with action. ereignty, Argentina would seem to have spective of the circumstances surrounding I say this is an object lesson for our little case, since the Falklands lie beyond British occupation of the islands in 1833, foreign policymakers because we have the 200-mile territorial limit claimed by Ar­ the British have physically governed the is­ demonstrated in recent years our will­ gentina and generally recognized by most lands longer than all of the previous owners ingness both to escalate rhetoric and countries around the world. If we regard Ar­ combined. Further, neither Argentina nor to back that rhetoric with force. Our gentine succession to Spanish claims as a Spain had made any attempts to develop basis for sovereignty, Argentina has at best the islands, beyond Vemet's grandiose force has been resisted successfully a dubious case, since 1> Spain abandoned its schemes, and no private individuals owned several times now. Moreover, the re­ colony on the Falklands; 2> although Spain any expanse of land under Spanish or Ar­ solve of those with whom we dispute administered the Falklands through Buenos gentine rule except for Vernet and his has intensified. The lesson of the Aires, such arrangements are and were grantees. Under British government, per­ Falklands war is that we must be vigi- common for the sake of expediency, and by haps 2,000 permanent settlers have devel- e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. ' April 22, 1985 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 8765 oped the land, half of which was privately Still, the basic policy followed by the For­ culated at every turn, judging that the owned, the rest being owned by the Falk­ eign and Commonwealth Office during the United States would remain neutral; that land Islands Company. Moreover, it is clear decades of negotiations seemed to be .a fer­ Britain would do nothing but protest to the from recent events that the Falkland Is­ vent desire that the issue would just get up United Nations; that in the unlikely event landers are at least partially self-governing, and walk away. The professionals· of the of military action, Britain would receive no having thwarted various proposals made by British Foreign Service consistently under­ help from other nations, and did not have in both sides to end the struggle through nego­ estimated the persistence of their Argentine any case the military capability to retake tiations.
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    Military Intelligence Blunders Colonel John Hughes-Wilson Carroll & Graf Publishers, Inc. NEW YORK Carroll & Graf Publishers, Inc. 19 West 21st Street New York NY 10010-6805 First published in the UK by Robinson Publishing Ltd 1999 Copyright © John Hughes-Wilson 1999 Maps and diagrams copyright © John Hughes-Wilson 1999 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the publishers. ISBN 0-7394-0689-2 Manufactured in the USA For Victor Andersen + of the British Intelligence Services And Val Heller + of the US Defense Intelligence Agency Who both made it possible Contents Preface ix 1 On Intelligence 1 2 The Misinterpreters - D-Day, 1944 16 3 "Comrade Stalin Knows Best" - Barbarossa, 1941 38 4 "The Finest Intelligence in Our History" - Pearl Harbor, 1941 60 5 "The Greatest Disaster Ever to Befall British Arms" - Singapore, 1942 102 6 Uncombined Operations - Dieppe, 1942 133 7 "I Thought We Were Supposed to be Winning?" - The Tet Offensive, 1968 165 8 "Prime Minister, the War's Begun" - Yom Kippur, 1973 218 9 "Nothing We Don't Already Know" - The Falkland Islands, 1982 260 10 "If Kuwait Grew Carrots, We Wouldn't Give a Damn" - The Gulf, 1991 308 11 Will It Ever Get Any Better? 353 Suggested Reading List 361 Glossary of Terms 365 Index 367 vn Maps and Diagrams The Intelligence Cycle 6 An Intelligence Collection Plan's Essential Elements of Information 11 Dispositions June 1944 22 The Allied Deception Plans for D-Day 30 Operation Barbarossa 45 Pearl Harbor - Japan's Grab for Empire, 1941/2 75 Malaya and Singapore, 1942 112 Disaster at Dieppe, 19 August 1942 153 The Vietnam War, 1956-75 182 The Tet Offensive, South Vietnam, 30-31 January 1968 199 "Greater Israel", 1967-73 232 Yom Kippur, 1973: Suez and Sinai 255 The Falklands War, 1982: relative distances 276 The South Atlantic, 1982 293 A Threat Curve 306 The Gulf War, 1990/1 324 via Preface This is a book that tries to tell the story of some recent events, all within living memory, from a different angle: intelligence.
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