USER FRIENDLY INDEX: January to June, 2016

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USER FRIENDLY INDEX: January to June, 2016 USER FRIENDLY INDEX: January to June, 2016 MEETING REPORTS AND PRESENTERS Month Page December 8, 2015: Holiday Dinner and Party January 2 January 12, 2015: Inetgration of Wireless Body Networks Mary Eshaghian-Wilne,r Ph.D. February 2 February 9, 2016: Climate Change and Human Population Growth William A. Selby, Ph.D. March 2 March 8, 2016: Technology in a Social Context in Education Glenn DdVoogd, Ph.D. April 2 April 12, 2016: Site Reliability Engineers, Google Blair Zajac, Ph.D. May 2 May 10, 2016: Computer Simulation - Medical Advances Joseph DiStefano, Ph.D., UCLA June 2 NOTICES AND MATTERS OF INTEREST APCUG President's Message June 3 APCUG Region 10 Director's Message June 3 Fix Your PC for Free Monthly 8 In Memoriam, Jack Koonan March 3 LACS is Famous March 4 LACS Is On Twitter and Facebook Monthly 8 National Volunteer Recognition Week April 3 Podcasts Monthly 8 President's Day February 3 Roster, LACS February 3 SIG Meetings April 3 YouTube Space L.A. Happy Hour Monthly 8 COLUMNS Directions to General Meeting Monthly 20 Cash Flow Monthly 8 From Your Editor - Important Notices January 3 General Meeting Presentations Monthly 8 General Meeting Snack Schedule Monthly 8 Laughing Out Loud Monthly 18 Members Helping Members Monthly 10 Membership Information Monthly 19 Officers, Directors and Leaders Monthly 11 Special Interest Groups Calendar Monthly 9 User Friendly Advertising Rates Monthly 8 Welcome All Monthly 8 SIG REPORTS Basics & Beyond SIG Report by Kim Stocksdale April 5 Basics & Beyond SIG Report by Kim Stocksdale February 5 Basics & Beyond SIG Report by Kim Stocksdale March 6 Daytime SIG Report by Robert Mercer and Jim McKnight January 5 Digital Photo SIG Report by Elliot Silverstein January 4 Digital Photo SIG Report by Elliot Silverstein June 5 Digital Photo SIG Report by Elliot Silverstein March 5 Digital Photo SIG Report by Gilbert Ialongo and Elliot Silverstein May 4 ARTICLES A Twisted View February 6 Apple & Amazon to Vie for Best Streaming Device March 7 Clearing Up Some Windows 10 Misconceptions June 12 Cloud Computing - An Ephemeral Concept February 12 Computer Experiments June 15 Continuous Ink Supply System (CISS or CIS) April 16 Internet Browser Tools February 7 LibreOffice 4.4 June 17 Musings of an Apple Tyro February 15 National Cyber Security Alliance and Better Business Bureau May 5 Nibblers April 7 Nibblers January 18 Nuggets from Nuvo, Irfanview June 7 One Note Serves As a Computerized Memory January 12 Organize Youtr Wardrobe February 18 Quick Tips for Windows and Office June 7 Ripple Coffee Maker June 6 Save Money by Buying "Open Box" Goods January 14 Saving a File January 16 Security Software for Your Android Device March 12 Taking Photos with Your iPad and Phone May 15 The "Encription" Debate May 14 Tips for Printing a PowerPoint Presentation February 17 To SSD or Not to SSD - That Is the Question February 13 Two Ways To Keep Track of Your Word Files May 12 Website Technology March 14 What's New? - CES 2016 April 12 Where Are We Going With Wearables January 7 Windows 8-10 Corner April 6 USER FRIENDLY AUTHOR INDEX: January to June, 2016 Month Page Berger, Sandy* Apple and Amazon to Vie for Best Streaming Device March 7 Berger, Sandy* Organize Your Wardrobe February 18 Cerny, Jim* Internet Browser Tools February 7 Cerny, Jim* Saving a File January 16 Cerny, Jim* Taking Photos with Your iPad and iPhone May 15 Clark, Leah April 12, 2016 General Meeting Report May 2 Clark, Leah February 9, 2016 General Meeting Report March 2 Clark, Leah General Meeting Reports Monthly 2 Clark, Leah January 12, 2016 General Meeting Report February 2 Clark, Leah LACS is Famous! March 4 Clark, Leah March 8, 2016 General Meeting Report April 2 Clark, Leah May 10, 2016 General Meeting Report June 2 Clark, Leah Type It In January 6 DeMarte, Nancy* Quick Tips for Windows and Office June 7 DeMarte, Nancy* Tips for Printing a PowerPoint Presentation February 17 DeMarte, Nancy* Two Ways To Keep Track of Your Word Files May 12 Esneault, Cal* LibreOffice June 17 Garson, Lorrin* Musings of an Apple Tyro February 15 Gibson, Steve* The "Encription" Debate May 14 Goodrum, Geof* A Twisted View February 6 Goodrum, Geof* winPenPack May 17 Harding, George* Polaroid Cube May 16 Harding, George* Powercell 10000+ May 17 Harding, George* Ripple Coffee Maker June 6 Harding, George* What's New? - CES 2016 April 12 Herrick, Rosita* Windows 8-10 Corner April 6 Ialongo, Gilbert Digital Photo SIG Report May 4 Kazmer, David* Continuous Ink Supply System (CISS or CIS) April 16 Maybach, Dick* Computer Experiments June 15 Maybach, Dick* Website Technology March 14 McKnight, Jim Daytime SIG Report January 5 Mercer, Robert Daytime SIG Report January 5 Notenboom, Leo* Clearing Up Some Windows 10 Misconceptions June 12 Nuvolini, Joe* Nugguts from Nuvo, Irfanview June 7 Silverstein, Elliot Digital Photo SIG Report January 4 Silverstein, Elliot Digital Photo SIG Report June 5 Silverstein, Elliot Digital Photo SIG Report March 5 Silverstein, Elliot Digital Photo SIG Report May 4 Sorrentino, Phil* Cloud Computing - An Ephemeral Concept February 12 Sorrentino, Phil* Sharing Data - That's What the Internet Is All About Sorrentino, Phil* To SSD or Not to SSD - That Is the Question February 13 Stocksdale, Kim Basics and Beyond SIG Report February 5 Stocksdale, Kim Basics and Beyond SIG Report March 6 Stokes, Abby* Where Are We Going with Wearables January 7 Van Berkom, Paula Basics and Beyond SIG Report April 5 Vesta, Marie* APCUG Presidents Message June 3 Weigle, John* One Note Serves as a Computerized Memory January 12 Wester, Cheryl* APCUG Region 10, California Message June 3 Wilsker, Ira* Save Money by Buying "Open Box" Goods January 14 Wilsker, Ira* Security Software for Your Android Device March 12 *Author of article reprinted from various user groups and other PC publications USER FRIENDLY TOPIC INDEX, JANUARY - JUNE, 2016 MONTH PAGE 360 Security March 13 AARPTEK April 17 Access, 4th amendment May 14 Adjustment layers March 5 Adobe Camera Raw May 4 Alexa March 7 Amazon's Fire TV March 7 Android Headlines March 13 APCUG reports June 3 Apple TV March 7 Apple, security threats February 15 Apps & Features Tool, Win 10 April 7 avast! March 13 Better Business Bureau May 7 Body networks, wireless February 2 Boot Camp February 16 Boston winters, pictorial March 6 Browsers February 7 Cambridge In Color January 4 Camera app May 15 Caps Lock key, Apple February 15 CES 2016 April 12 Cheero April 13 Cheetah Mobile Security March 13 Chromebooks January 5 Classic Shell January 5 Climate change March 2 Cloud computing February 12 Cloud storage January 13 CO 2, capture from the air April 7 Comodo Mobile Security March 13 Compare anything April 18 Computer information shortcut key January 18 Computer simulation June 2 Continuous Ink Supply April 16 Convert to Black and White January 4 CowBoom January 14 Critical literacy April 2 CSI: Cyber January 5 Curves tools January 4 Cyber security May 5 Desktop, personalize, Wi 8 - 10 April 6 Do Not Track requests, FCC Regulation April 18 Dropbox April 5 Dropbox January 5 Education, technology in April 2 El Capitan OS February 15 Emails, peculiar February 5 Emoji Keyboard April 17 Encryption May 14 Error Budget May 2 ESET Online Scan January 5 Evernote January 13 File paths May 12 File Transfer Protocol (FTP) January 5 Files and folders, saving January 16 Gizmo March 13 Google May 2 Google Maps GPS February 6 GPS, Google Maps February 6 Help needed May 3 HTML March 15 Internet Archive April 17 JavaScript March 16 Layers January 4 Layers, photo editing March 5 Levels tools January 4 Lookout Security & Antivirus March 13 Malwarebytes Anti-Malware March 13 Malwarwe, Android March 13 Medical devices February 2 Memory, adding more January 5 Monitor, rorating February 6 Nanotechnology February 2 National Cyber Security Alliance May 7 Ninite April 5 Nominating committee June 4 Okey April 16 One Note January 12 June 4 Open Box shopping January 14 Orbitz January 18 Packet switching February 12 Parallels Desktop for Mac February 16 Passwords, making strong April 7 pdf to Word documents June 4 Photo app May 15 Photos, taking with iPhone, iPad May 15 PHP March 16 PIN, enterb at logon April 6 Polaroid Cube May 16 Portable applications May 17 Powercell 10000+ May 17 PowerPoint February 17 Presidents Day February 3 Printing, PowerPoint February 17 Prin-tScreen January 5 Quick Access Tool Bar May 12 Raw files May 4 RawTherapee May 4 Ride sharing March 3 Scam Alert January 5 Scroll bars, verticle March 6 Security May 5 Security & Power Booster-Free, McAfee March 13 Security software. Android March 12 Sensor size January 4 Service Level Agreements May 2 Site Reliability Engineering May 2 Snip Tool January 5 Solid State Drives (SSD) February 13 Sophos Free Security & Antivirus March 13 Streaming devices March 7 Tabbed browsing March 6 Tabs February 7 Task Manager, Win 10 April 18 Tech for Less January 15 Thyroid gland, hormones June 2 Thyrosim app June 2 TRW Electronics Swap Meet April 3 Twitter, in the classroom April 2 TypeItIn January 5, 6 URB-E, bicycle April 14 USB flash drive May 17 USSD Exploit Protection March 13 Vidicon tubes January 4 Virtual Reality April 15 Wardrobe, organizing February 18 Warehouse ealas, Amazon January 15 Wearables January 7 Webites, static and dynmaic March 14 Windows 10 Guide June 4 Windows 10, installing itself January 5 Windows 10, password February 5 Windows 8 - 10 April 6 Wocket Wallet April 13 Word Files, keep track of May 12 .
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