Endangered, Threatened or Protected (ETP) in Areas of Walleye Pollock Fishery in the Russian Far Eastern Fisheries Region


Item Status of habitation in Russian Far Eastern Name of species Protection status* No. seas White-billed loon Gavia adamsii (G. R. Gray, 1859) RL IUCN (NT), RB RF (3), RB NFE RF, RB ChAD, RB KR, RB In the Asian part of its geographic range – KhR, RB SR, RB PR possibly south to 66–67 latitudes, along the Listed in Annexes to bilateral 1 Pacific coast – south to the mouth of Anadyr agreements concluded be R. and possibly to Magadan area. with the USA, Japan, the Republic of Korea and the DPRK on migratory protection. (Photo: http://www.wildbirdgallery.com/image s/birds/gavia_adamsii/adamsii.htm) Short-tailed albatross Phoebastria albatrus RL IUCN (VU), RB RF (1), RB (Pallas, 1769) KR, RB KhR, RB SR, RB PR Nesting on Torishima Island (Izu Islands) and Listed in the Red Book of , Minami Kojima Island (Senkaku Islands). CITES Annex 1, Bonn 2 This species migrates all over the North Convention Annex 1, Annexes to Pacific north of the trade wind zone including bilateral agreements concluded by Far Eastern seas. Russia with Japan on migratory

(Photo: birds protection. http://namtar.ru/endangered/item/145- phoebastria-albatrus.html) Black-footed albatross Phoebastria nigripes RL IUCN (NT), RB KR (Audubon, 1839) Its main nesting colonies are found in Hawaii Category and status 1 – rare Islands and small numbers breed in species with rapidly declining Mukoshima, Torishima and Senkaku Islands abundance. 3 south of Japan. Their migration area Listed in the Red Book of Asia, encompasses nearly entire subtropical and Annexes to bilateral agreements temperate zones of the North Pacific, except between Russia and USA and shelf waters. Japan on migratory birds protection. (Photo: https://www.flickr.com/photos/446912 76@N06/7108475653) This petrel’s nesting area includes sea coasts Leach's storm petrel and islands of the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceanodroma Oceans, primarily in the temperate zone of the RB NFE RF, RB KR leucorhoa Northern hemisphere. In the Pacific region, its Category and status 3 – rare (Vieillot, 1817) distribution area extends from species nesting in a limited area across Kuril and to the Gulf near the boundary of its 4 of on the American coast. These geographic range. migratory birds are common in adjacent deep- Listed in Annexes to bilateral water areas of the Pacific Ocean and agreements between Russia and sometimes travel to the southwestern part of USA and Japan on migratory the . Its main wintering areas are birds protection. (Photo: http://onbird.ru/opredelitel- ptic/severnaya-kachurka/foto) found in the tropical zone and south of the subtropical zone of the Pacific. Its nesting area extends from the central group RB NFE RF, RB KR Fork-tailed storm of across Aleutian Islands to Category and status 3. petrel California coast. Its main wintering areas are Listed in Annexes to bilateral 5 Oceanodroma furcata located in the high seas of the Pacific toward agreements between Russia and (Gmelin, 1789) south to 35° N. Small numbers of these birds USA and Japan on migratory spend winter in the southern part of the Bering birds protection. Sea and off Kamchatka on its Pacific side.

(Photo: http://www.audubon.org/field - guide/bird/fork-tailed-storm-petrel) Red-faced cormorant Phalacrocorax urile (Gmelin, 1789) It nests on the sea coasts of the southern part of and in Commander RB NFE RF, RB KR Islands. The northern boundary of its Category and status 3. distribution area on the eastern coast of Listed in Annexes to bilateral 6 Kamchatka passes across Stolbovoy Island. In agreements between Russia and , its distribution area USA and Japan on migratory encompasses all main islands of this birds protection. archipelago. (Photo: http://www.zooclub.ru/birds/vidy/phala crocorax_urile.shtml) Glaucous-winged Its nesting area extends from Commander Larus glaucescens Islands along Aleutian Islands and Pacific Naumann, 1840 coast of America till the state of . In Kamchatka region, it regularly nests in RB NFE RF, RB KR, RB SR Commander Islands only. Large numbers of Category and status 3. this gull migrate along the eastern coast of Listed in Annexes to bilateral 7 Kamchatka during seasonal migrations. Small agreements between Russia and numbers of migrating birds reach the coast of USA and Japan on migratory the . In winter, this species is birds protection. common in Commander Islands, near (Photo: https://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/Gl Kamchatka in the Bering Sea and the Pacific aucous-winged_Gull/id) Ocean. Sabine's or fork- tailed gull Хеmа sabini Its circumpolar nesting area consists of RB RF (3), КК СДВ, RB ChAD, (Sabine, 1819) separate spots located in maritime mainland RB KR tundra and on islands in the high latitudes of Category and status 3. Eurasia and . This gull crosses 8 Listed in Annex to bilateral long distances during migrations, with its agreements between Russia and wintering areas located in the Atlantic and the USA on migratory birds Pacific Oceans. It lives in the high seas and protection. almost never approaches land.

(Photo: http://kamhatlife.ru/larin.html ) Red-legged kittiwake Rissa brevirostris Bruch, 1853 It is endemic to the Bering Sea and nests in , Bogoslof, Buldir and RL IUCN-2004, RB RF (3), RB Commander Islands; also, it began breeding in NFE RF, RB KR in the central part of Aleutian Listed in the Red Book of Asia, 9 Islands in recent years. In the summer-autumn Annex to bilateral agreement season, migrating birds are regularly observed between Russia and USA on off East Kamchatka and reach the Sea of migratory birds protection. Okhotsk. (Photo: http://www.uniprot.org/taxonomy/7093 1) Its regular nesting area encompasses primarily RB RF (3), RB SR, RB NFE RF, Ross' gull subarctic mainland tundra and sometimes RB ChAD, RB KR, RB KhR 10 Rhodostethia rosea forest-tundra in East from the delta of Category and status 3. (MacGillivray, 1824) Lena R. to Chaunskaya Lowland. In Listed in Annex to bilateral Kamchatka region, this gull is observed during agreements between Russia and seasonal migrations and wintering period in USA on migratory birds the high seas of the Bering Sea, the Sea of protection. Okhotsk and the Pacific Ocean; it regularly visits sea coasts and flies inland along river channels.

(Photo: https://www.dutchavifauna.nl/species/r oss'_meeuw) Ivory gull Pagophila eburnean RB RF (3), RB NFE RF, (Phipps, 1774) RB ChAD, RB KR, RB MR, It nests in circumpolar areas on Arctic islands RB SR, RB KhR in the high latitudes (1). This gull is observed Listed in Annex 2 to Bonn 11 in the Bering Sea, the Sea of Okhotsk and the Convention, Annex to bilateral Pacific Ocean. agreement between Russia and USA on migratory birds protection. (Photo: http://redbook24.ru/pticy/belaya- chajka.html) Aleutian or Kamchatka tern Sterna camtschatica Its geographic range is located in the North Pallas, 1811 Pacific on two continents: North America RB RF (3), RB NFE RF, RB where this species inhabits the coast of ChAD, RB KR, RB MR, RB SR, and Aleutian Islands, and Asia where it RB KhR 12 inhabits , Kamchatka, Anadyr Listed in Annexes to bilateral Estuary, Shantar Islands and, sporadically, agreements between Russia and mainland coast of the Sea of Okhotsk. Thus, USA and Japan on migratory in Asia it inhabits the territory of the Russian birds protection. Federation only.

(Photo: http://birdguide- ru.livejournal.com/25510.html) Pigeon Its nesting area is located from Commander columba Islands to in the central part of kaiurka Aleutian Islands. In Commander Islands, these RB RF (3), RB SR, RB NFE RF, Portenko, 1937 birds inhabit all major islands of this RB KR archipelago – Bering I., Medny I., Toporkov I. Category and status 3. 13 and Ariy Kamen I. The nesting grounds of its Listed in Annexes to bilateral Commander population were not identified agreements between Russia and exactly. In winter, individual birds are USA and Japan on migratory observed near Commander Islands but the birds protection. (Photo: majority of population seems to migrate to http://www.hbw.com/ibc/photo/pigeon- guillemot-cepphus-columba/adult- Aleutian or Commander Islands. swimming) (Kuril) Pigeon guillemot Cepphus columba snowi This is endemic to Kuril Islands. RB KR Stejneger, 1897 Its nesting area extends from the extreme Category and status 3. south of Kamchatka to the southern tip of Listed in Annexes to bilateral 14 Island. It is likely to spend winter near agreements between Russia and its nesting grounds and is observed from the USA and Japan on migratory southeastern coast of Kamchatka to Hokkaido birds protection. Island during this period.

(Photo: https://ru.pinterest.com/miguel0374/sea birds/) Almost entire nesting area of this species is RL IUCN-2004, RB RF (3), RB Marbled murrelet found in Russia: northern and southwestern NFE RF, RB KR, RB MR, RB Brachyramphus 15 coasts of the Sea of Okhotsk, Shantar Islands, SR, RB KhR, RB PR marmoratus perdix northwestern shores of the Sea of Japan, Listed in the Red Book of Asia, (Pallas, 1811) Sakhalin Island, Kuril Islands, Kamchatka Annexes to bilateral agreements and, possibly, Commander Islands. between Russia and USA, Japan, Its small numbers spend winter in Primorsky Republic of Korea and DPRK on Region in Peter the Great Bay, near the coast migratory birds protection. of Hokkaido Island, rarely in Honshu and Kyushu Islands, and it was occasionally registered near Korean Peninsula and in the

(Photo: Yellow Sea near Shandong and Liaodong http://www.taenos.com/en/itis/long- peninsulas. billed- murrelet/Brachyramphus%20perdix/) Kittlitz's murrelet Its nesting area and migration range are not Brachyramphus clearly known. In Asia, it nests on the coast of brevirostris Chukotka Peninsula, Arctic coast till De Long RL IUCN-2004, RB RF (3), RB (Vigors, 1829) Strait and , northeastern coasts NFE RF, RB ChAD, RB KR, RB of the Sea of Okhotsk and eastern coast of MR, RB SR, RB KhR 16 Kamchatka north of Kamchatka Bay. In Listed in the Red Book of Asia, winter, it is observed in ice leads off the Annex to bilateral agreement southern coast of Chukotka, in Kamchatka between Russia and USA on waters and off Kuril Islands. Outside Russia, it migratory birds protection. (Photo: lives in West and South Alaska, Aleutian and http://www.planetofbirds.com/charadrii formes-alcidae-kittlitzs-murrelet- Diomede Islands. brachyramphus-brevirostris) Ancient murrelet Its nesting area extends from the northern coast of China across the Sea of Japan and the Sea of Okhotsk, Aleutian Islands and the Gulf antiquus RB RF (4), RB NFE RF, RB KR, of Alaska to British Columbia. (Gmelin, 1789) RB MR, RB KhR This species was quite common (abundant in Category and status 4. some places) all over the coastal area from the Listed in Annexes to bilateral 17 northern boundary of Koryak Autonomous agreements between Russia and District to the extreme south of Kamchatka. USA, Japan, Republic of Korea In Commander Islands, it was observed in and DPRK on migratory birds Bering, Medny and Ariy Kamen Islands in the protection. breeding season. In winter, ancient murrelet (Photo: was registered in Commander Islands but http://www.avesphoto.com/website/NA /species/MURANC-1.htm) normally it spends winter south of Kamchatka. Its nesting area encompasses Aleutian, Commander, Kuril Islands and islands of the pygmaea Sea of Okhotsk. In Commander Islands, this was registered in all major islands of this (Gmelin, 1789) RB RF (3), RB NFE RF, RB KR, archipelago but its nesting behavior was RB MR credibly proven for only. In the Category and status 3. season of summer-autumn migrations, this 18 Listed in Annex to bilateral bird is observed near the coast of East agreement between Russia and Kamchatka. Wintering locations are not USA on migratory birds clearly identified for whiskered auklets protection. (Photo: https://birdsna.org/Species- nesting in the north of the Far East. In Account/bna/species/whiauk/introducti on;JSESSIONID=4987A464FC5A433 Commander Islands, they are possibly resident CE84B37CBBC9D66D1) and spend winter in waters around these islands. It nests primarily on sea coasts and islands of Aethia pusilla the Bering Sea and the Sea of Okhotsk. Only (Pallas, 1811) two breeding locations were identified in Kamchatka region – Toporkov Island RB KR (Commander Islands) and Verkhoturov Island. Category and status 1. Intensive migrations of least auklets nesting in Listed in Annexes to bilateral 19 large numbers in the northern part of the agreements between Russia and Bering Sea are observed during their seasonal USA and Japan on migratory migrations along the coast of East Kamchatka. birds protection. It spends winter in large numbers south of (Photo: Commander Islands and Southeast Kamchatka http://www.hbw.com/ibc/photo/least- auklet-aethia-pusilla/sex-unknown) till Korean Peninsula. It nests on sea coasts and islands southward of RB KR 20 Cyclorrhynchus along the Asian coast till Tuleniy Category and status 3. psittacula Island and along the American coast till Prince Listed in Annexes to bilateral (Pallas, 1769) William Sound. In Kamchatka region, there agreements between Russia and are colonies on Vasily Island, Verkhoturov USA and Japan on migratory Island and all major islands belonging to birds protection. Commander Archipelago – Bering I., Medny I., Toporkov I. and Ariy Kamen I. It is expected that wintering locations of the majority of birds are found in the high seas of the northern part of the Pacific Ocean. Small (Photo: http://www.suggest- keywords.com/bGVhc3QgYXVrbGV0 numbers of these auklets spend winter in the /) ice-free southern part of the Bering Sea and along continental coasts. Streaked leucomelas Temminck, 1835 These birds live in the west of the Pacific Ocean. They nest on islands and mainland RB RF (3), RB SR, RB PR Listed shores of East Asia – from Northeast Japan in Annexes to bilateral (Izu and Ryukyu Islands) to Taiwan (Penghu agreements between Russia and 21 Islands), in the east of China, in North and Japan, DPRK and Republic of South Koreas. Its only nesting ground in Korea on migratory birds Russia is Karamzin Island in Peter the Great protection (Photo: Bay. http://www.adarman.com/Wildlife- Galleries/Birds/Procellariiformes/Petrel sShearwaters//Streaked- Shearwater/i-QfVKRkd/) Swinhoe’s storm petrel Oceanodroma monorhis Small islets in ’s vicinity – (Swinhoe, 1867) Verkhovsky and Karamzin Islands. Outside RB IUCN-1996, RB RF (3) Russia – islands along the coast of Japan, Listed in Annexes to bilateral Korean Peninsula and Shandong Peninsula in agreements between Russia and 21 China. It nests on sea islands and is Japan, DPRK and Republic of associated with land during the nesting Korea on migratory birds season only. During migrations, it tends to be protection. close to oceanic shelves.

(Photo: https://ru.pinterest.com/pin/424534702 349795585/) Japanese or crested murrelet Synthliboramphus wumizusume Temminck, 1835 It lives in the greater portion of Japan, with RB RF (1), RB SR, RB KhR, 22 single individuals observed in Russia as well RB PR (Sakhalin coast, South Primorye).

(Photo: http://www.geocities.jp/nature_photo_t echnique/image/bird/kanmuriumisuzu me4940.html)

Note: * RL IUCN – Red List of IUCN, protection status indicated in parentheses; RB RF – Red Book of Russia, protection status indicated in parentheses; RB NFE RF – Red Book of the North Far East of Russia; RB ChAD – Red Book of Chukotka Autonomous District; RB KR – Red Book of Kamchatka Region; RB MR – Red Book of Magadan Region; RB KhR – Red Book of Khabarovsk Region; RB SR – Red Book of Sakhalin Region; RB PR – Red Book of Primorsky Region.