Oregon Birds Journal of Oregon Birding and Field Ornithology Volume 35 2009 Contents of Oregon Birds Volume 35 Birding Oregon I.D. Note: Storms and Wrecked Phalaropes Dave Irons 7 Local News and Notes Don Munson, Forrest English, Alan Contreras, Hendrik Herlyn 3 New Generations: Oregon's Young Birders Karl Fairchild 4 Field Notes: Summer 2008-Dec. 2009 South Coast - Tim Rodenkirk 11 North Coast - Wink Cross 18 Portland Metro - Christopher and Adrian Hinkle 23 Willamette Valley - Tom Mickel 28 Rogue-Umpqua - selected photos 31 Central Oregon - Chuck Gates 33 Klamath-Lake - Kevin Spencer 39 Harney-Malheur - selected photos 43 Umatilla - Aaron Skirvin 45 Aberrant leucistic plover: three photos by Anne Heyerly 1 7 Oregon listing report for 2009 compiled by Paul Sullivan 50 Recent Research Use of Himalayan Blackberry Patches by Wintering Birds in Western Oregon Noah K. Strycker, Jonathan V. Boydston, Jasmine D. Graves, Laci L. Bristow, Bruce D. Dugger 57 Lewis's Woodpecker Nesting Study in Central Oregon Kirk Hardie 61 A Brief History of Seabird Research on Southern Oregon's Saddle Rock Annie Pollard 67 A Note on the Feeding Behaviors of Wintering Mergansers Ron Larson 74 Front Cover: Cedar Waxwings. Photo by Knute Andersson (Langlois) Back Cover: Red-naped Sapsucker. Photo by Rowan Heglie (Ashland) Contact OB Editor Alan Contreras at
[email protected] Coming in Oregon Birds 36(1) - deadline July 1, 2010 Motorless birding by Vjera Thompson Site Guide: Chukar Park by David Smith A Truly Big Year in Coos County by Tim Rodenkirk Oregon's First Record of White-eyed Vireo by Alan Contreras and Graham Floyd and more...