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CaTI, ad···a • Functional Morphology and Phylogeny

of hui

(, Reptilia)

Kebang Lin

Department of Biology

McGill University, Montreal • July, 1994

A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research in partial fulfilment

of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.

Our hie Noue ffJl6,-,nctt



ISBN 0-612-00110-5

Canadti • PREFACE

This thesis is a description of the osteology, ontogeny and functional a.Jatomy

of the Middle Chinese pachypleurosaurid Keichousaurus hui. The

preliminary description published soon after its discovery (Young, 1958) was sketchy

in nature and based on a small number of incomplete1y prepared specimens. More

thorough preparation of sorne of the original specimens, as weil as further discoveries

and preparations of new specimens from the same locality, made it possible for me to

completely ilIustrate and redescribe the . An embryo of Keichousaurus hui was

described for the tirst time. The ontogenetic changes of Keichousaurus hui from

embryo, through juvenile, subadult to adult stages were detailed. A functional analysis • concerning the locomotion pattern of Keichousaurus hui was carried out, and although literature is used to obtain background data, the conclusions drawn were original unless

explicitly stated otherwise. The musculature reconstructions of the locomotive

apparatus of Keichousaurus hui were presented, also for the tirst time. After a review

of the literature, original conclusions are given. It is hcped that this study will provide

a more complete picture of morphology, life history and phylogeny of Keichousaurus


The text of this thesis was prepared for submission to the Philosophical

Transactions ofthe Royal Society ofLondon B., which has published several papers on

, and follows the format of that journal.


This study is the tirst detailed description of skeletal morphology of

Keichousaurus hui Young, 1958, the Chinese member of the Family

Pachypleurosauridae of .

Sexual dimorphism of KeichousGurus hui was described.

The growth pattern of Keichousaurus hui was studied by comparing the

specimens of different developmental stages. Both morphologica! changes and the

proportional changes were described. Statistical procedures were used in the study of

the proportional changes. • Functional analysis was carried Oùt to detelmine the functions of limbs, the neck and the tail in the aquatic locomotion of Keichousaurus hui. 1t was shown that, unlike

the European , Keichousaurlls hui was an underwater rowing swimmer,

using the foreJimbs for propulsion.

Musculature reconstruction of the limbs was attempted, based on the marks on

the bones and the proposed swimming pattern of the .

A phylogenetic analysis was also carried out.

This study documents the diversity both in the morphology and in the

locomotion pattern among pachypleurosaw·ids.


Preface .

Umque·Contn'b'utlOns Il..

Table of Contents iii

• LIst· 0 fF'Igures...... Vil..

Listing of Tables ix

Abstract x

Résumé xi

Acknowledgements xiii .) iii • Introduction . Systematic Paleontology ...... 6

Description . II

Axial skeleton . II

Skull . II

Lower Jaw . 23

Tooth Implantation ...... 24

Vertebrae and Ribs ...... 25

Gastralia . 36

Appendicular Skeleton 37 • Pectoral Girdle 37 Humerus . 41

Dina and radius . 41

Carpus and Manus . 42

Pelvic Girdle . 46

Femur . 49

Tibia and fibula ...... 51

Tarsus and Pes . 51

Measurements and Proportions 53 • iv • Sexual Dimorphism o...... 57 Ontogenj o...... 61

Description of GXD835û02 o...... 61

The developmental stage of GXD835002 o...... 64

The ontogenetic stage of V7917 o...... 67

Subadult specimens o...... 69

The adults ...... " 69

Allometric growth of Keichousaurus hui 71

Locomotion . 76

Function of the forelimbs of Keichousaurus hui o •••••••••••••••• 78 • Reconstruction of the muscular system of the shoulder girdle 84 Hindlimb and the pelvic girdle o •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 89

Muscle reconstruction of pelvic girdle and hindlimbs . 91

The tail . 93

The neck o ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 95

The swinuning pattern of Keichousaurus o ••••••••••••••••••••• 96

Phylogenetic Analysis o...... 98

Conclusions o...... 112 • v • References 114 Abbreviations 122


Figure 1 Location of Keichousaurus hui. 8

Figure 2 Reconstruction of Keichousaurus hui. 12

Figure 3 Reconstruction of the skull of Keichousaurus hui. 13

Figure 4 The skull of Keichousaurus hui. 14

Figure 5 Palatal view of Keichousaurus hui skull, GXD838028. 22

Figure 6 Dorsal aspect of Keichousaurus hui, GXD7613. 26

Figure 7 Ventral aspect of Keichousaurus hui, GXD838028. 27

Figure 8 The atlas-axis complex of Keichousaurus hui. 30 • Figure 9 The accessory articulation complex of Keichousaurus hui. 34 Figure 10 Pectoral girdle of Keichousaurus hui. 38

Figure II Humerus of Keichousaurus hui. 43

Figure 12 Lower arm of Keichousaurus hui. 44

Figure 13 Pelvic girdle of Keichousaurus 47

Figure 14 Hindlimb of Keichousaurus hui. 50

Figure 15 An embryo of Keichousaurlls hui, GXD835002. 62

Figure 16 A juvenile specimen of Keichousaurus hui, V7917. 68

Figure 17 Swimming speeds of modern aquatic vertebrates. 81

Figure 18 Cladogram of sauropterygians. 110


Table 1 Measurements of Keichousaurus hui 54

Table Il Proportions of measurements of Keichousaurus hui 56

Table III AHometric coefficients 74

Table IV Character states of sauropterygians 109

• viii • ABSTRACT

Keichousaurus hui Young, 1958, from the of Guizhou, China

is a small sauropterygian reptile. It has short snout and elongated temporal openings

resembling the European pachypleurosaurid Dactylosaurus. Unlike ail the other

sauropterygians, the parietal opening is anteriorly positioned. The neck is long and

flexible. The body is rigid and the bones are pachyostotic. It has two or threc sacral

vertebrae. The most striking feature of Keichousaurus is its broad ulna. The entire

forelimb has the outline of a paddle or an oar, and may have been functioned like one.

There is noticeable sexual dimorphism, as is the case for Alpine pachypleurosaurids. • The growth of the humerus is highly positive allometric, indicating an important role of the forelimb in locomotion. The horizontal orientation ofthe pectoral girdle indicate

that Keichousaurus, as well as other pachypleurosaurids, was not a subaquatic flyer.

Instead, a drag-based regime was followed in locomotion. The symmetrical rowing of

the forelimbs precludes lateral undulatory movement of the body. However, vertical

undulation is theoretically possible. The reassessment of the phylogenetic position of

Keichousaurus hui confirmed that it is a member of the monophyletic group


• ix • RÉSUMÉ

Keichousaurus hui Young est un petit reptile sauropterygien qui a été découvert

à Guizhou en Chine, dans des roches datant du Trias moyen. Il ressemble au

Dactylosaurus, un pachypleurosauridé européen, par son museau court et ses ouvertures

temporales allongées. Contrairement aux autres sauropterygiens, l'ouverture pariétale

est située antérieurement. Son êou est long et flexible et son corps est rigide et son

squelette est pachyostique. Ses vertèbres sacrées sont au nombre de deux ou trois. La

caractéristique la plus étonnante du Keichousaurus est son cubitus très élargi. Ses

membres antérieurs montrent un pourtour qui évoque celui d'une rame ou d'une • paggaie, et ils fonctionnaient peut-être ainsi. Comme dans le cas des pachypleurosauridé s de Alpes, nous notons un important dimorphisme sexuel. La

croissance de l'humérus présente une importante allométrie positive indiquant le rôle

important des membres antérieurs dans la locomotion. La position horizontale de la

ceinture pectorale du Keichousaurus, tout comme chez les autres pachypleurosauridé s,

indique qu'il n'était pas un "volant subaquatique". Au contraire, la locomotion était

largement influencée par la friction. La symétrie latérale du mouvement natatoire des

membres antérieurs exclue toute possibilité de mouvements ondulatoires latéraux du

corps. Cependant il serait théoriquement possible qu'il pouvait se déplacer par

mouvements ondulatoires verticaux. La réévaluation de la position phylogénétique du

• x Keichousaurus hui confirme qu'i! fait partie du groupe monophylétique de • Pachypleurosauroidea.


lt is a great pleasure to acknowledge the great help and support of Dr. Robert

1. Carroll of the Departrnent of Biology, McGill University, without whose

encouragement and patience this study could not have been fini shed. 1 would like to

express my appreciation to the other members ofmy dissertation committee -- Drs. M.J.

Dunbar, D.M. Green, V. Pasztor, and R. Peters -- for their time and effort. 1would also

like to thank Professors Mingzhen Zhou, Meeman Zhang, AHin Sun and Zhiming Dong,

of the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Palaeoanthropology (IVPP), Chinese

Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, for their encouragements and suggestions. • The specimens of this study were loaned to me by the IVPP and the Guizhou Museum, Guizhou, China. 1 would especially like to thank Mr. Huiyang Cai of the

Guizhou Museum to assist me in my field trip and allow me to study the specimens

under his care.

1have benefitted greatly from conversations with Drs. H.-D. Sues (Royal Ontario

Museum, Toronto), O. Rieppel (Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago) and G.

Storrs (University of Bristol, UK) on the functional anatomy and phylogeny of

sauropterygians. The numerous discussions with Drs. Xiaochun Wu (Royal Ontario

Museum), Robert Holmes (McGill University), Stephen Godfrey (Royal Tyrrell

Museum, Drurnheller, Alberta), Denis Walsh and Mrs. Michael Debraga and Edward

• xii Hitchcock were also very stimulating. • The French translation of the abstract was kindly provided by Dr. Michel Di Vergilio.

Figures 4a, 6, 7 and 15 were drawn by Mrs. Pamela Gaskill. 1 am grateful to

her effort as weil as her initial guidance in drafting the figures.

1 have received considerable assistance from the staff at the Redpath Museum,

McGill University, especially Misses. Delise Alison, Ingrid Birker, Marie La Ricca and

Barbara Lawson.

Financial assistance was provided by Natural Sciences and Engineering Research

Council of Canada grants to Dr. R.L. Carroll, the Clifford Wong fellowship

administered by the Faculty of Graduate Studies, McGill University, and teaching • assistantship to the author from the Department of Biology, McGill University.


In the history of tetrapod evolution, reinvasion of the aquatic environment

occurred time after time. ln every tetrapod class - the amphibians, reptiles, birds and

mammals - there have been lineages that adapted themselves to a life in the water.

The Mesozoic sauropterygians is one of such lineages. Claudiosaurus, a

primitive diapsid from the Upper of Madagascar, shares with the

sauropterygians a series ofderived characters, while maintaining primitive diapsid body

proportions and limb structure (Carroll, 1981). Although it is hard to prove that

Claudiosaurus is the ancestor of sauropterygians, it has been shown that Claudiosaurus • is the most closely related sister-group of sauropterygians amongst known primitive (Sues, 1987; Rieppel, 1989; Storrs, 1991; see Rieppel, 1993 for a different


Three major morphological groups are traditionally recognized among the

sauropterygians. Nothosaurs of the Triassic were small to medium in size (20 cm to

3 meters) and may have lived in a lagoonal or continental shelf environment. Their

limb structure, although modified somewhat from the primitive condition, is still

comparable to terrestrial forms. Plesiosaurs, a prominent element in and

Cretaceous open seas, were larger in size, up to 15 meters in length. They were highly

specialized in body proportions and structures, apparently weil adapted to the open sea

• 1 environment. Their trunk region was rigid. The limb girdles and limbs were massive,

1 and the manus and pes were elongated through hyperdactyly. Placodonts are a group

of bizarre aquatic animais which are often associated with sauropterygians. Their

massive and weil consolidated skull, crushing teeth and heavy limbs indicate a bottom

dwel1ing, mollusc-eating habitat. The distribution of placodonts is restricted to the

Middle and Upper Triassic. The affinity of placodonts with other sauropterygians is

still problematic.

The monophyly ofthe Sauropterygia is supported by a series of synapomorphies,

including the loss of the lower temporal bar and the lacrimal, and the scapula being

partially lateral to the clavicle, and the interclavicle ventral to the clavicles. Of the

thret: morphological groups, plesiosaurs and placodonts are almost certainly

monophyletic groups. The synapomorphies of plesiosaurs include massive and highly • modified limbs and limb girdles and large size. Nothosaurs, however, are defined mainly by plesiomorphic characters, such as small to medium size and limbs not as

highly specialized as in plesiosaurs. There are few possible synapomorphies proposed

to define the traditional Nothosauria, which are functionally significant and structurally

complex, such as closed interpterygoid vacuity (Carroll & Gaskill, 1985; Sues, 1987)

and closed occiput region. However, recent phylogenetic studies shows that there are

other characters indicating that nothosaurs might he paraphyletic (Rieppel, 1989; Storrs,

1991, 1993). Even so, nothosaurs represent a distinctive level of adaptation and in the

discussion of functional anatomy, the name "" is still used, which means

"sauropterygians minus placodonts and plesiosaurs." Stratigraphically, nothosaurs are • 2 never found above the Norian-Rhaetioo boundary of Upper Triassic, while typical • plesiosaurs are never found below it. Among "nothosaurs", two morphological groups are traditionally recognized en

the basis of size and skull proportions: nothosaurids and pachypleurosaurids (again, of

uncertain taxonomical significance). Nothosaurids are larger of the two (adult size

usually longer than 2 meters). Their skull is relatively larger compared to their body,

and the upper temporal openings on the skull table are larger than the orbits. If

plesiosaurs originated from among nothosaurids, which might weil be the case, this

group would be paraphyletic.

Pachypleurosaurids, on the other hand, are smaller in size. They have a small

skull and their upper temporal openings are usually smaller than the orbits. Sorne

authors think that small temporal openings are plesiomorphic and hence cannot be used • to define pachypleurosaurids as a natural group. However, comparison shows that the temporal openings of pachypleurosaurids are either much smaller or have different

shape that those of more primitive diapsids. Another unique feature of

pachypleurosaurids is the structure of the quadrate which probably supported a

tympanum. Associated with the quadrate is the quadrate fossa behind the articular facet

in the retroarticular process which might have participated in forming the middle ear

chamber. The smaller temporal openings, the quadrate and the quadrate fossa in

retroarticular process are synapomorphies that define pachypleurosaurids as a

monophyletic group (Rieppel, personal communication).

Fossils of pachypleurosaurids are found mainly in the European Alps, ranging

• 3 from late Early to late Middle Triassic, along the north rim of the Tethys ocean. By • far the largest number ofspecimens have been found in Mont San Giorgio, Switzerland. Four species of pachypleurosaurids are recognized there: mirigiolensis

(Rieppel, 1989), pusil1us, Neusticosaurus peyeri (Sander, 1989) and

Pachypleurosaurus edwardsii (Carroll and Gaskill, 1985). Sander (1989) suggested that

the last species be recombined as Neusticosaurus edwardsii, based on the result of

cladistical analysis that shows that it is positioned within the monophyletic group

known as Neusticosaurus. Sander's suggestion is accepted here.

Study of European pachypleurosaurid goes back to the 1850's. A

summary of the early studies of the group can be found in Rieppel (1987).

In 1957, a field team from the Museum of Geology, Chinese Ministry of

Geology, led by C.C. Hu, collected a number of primitive sauropterygian fossils in the • Middle Triassic deposits of the province of Guizhou, China. These sediments belong to the same geological realm as the European Alps, the Tethys. The specimens were

sent to the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology, Chinese Academy of Sciences to be

studied. A preliminary description was made by C.C. Young (1958) ofthese and other

specimens collected by T.T. Ts'ao of Guizhou Museum on behalf ofthe Institute. They

were named Keichousaurus hui. Because the specimens were not adequately prepared

at the time and the illustrations were crude, later workers have had great difficulty in

comparing them with the European genera.

During the past 30 years, more materia1 was collected from the same 10ca1ity.

Most of the specimens can he included in Keichousaurus hui based on genera1 body • 4 proportions and the configurations of the individual bones. Those new specimens • provide with us a more adequate basis to study the anatomy and ecology of this animal and its phylogenetic affiliation with other nothosaurs.

This paper is based on sorne ofthe new specimens collected by Mr. Huiyang Cai

of Guizhou Museum and by the author in 1984, as weil as the specimens studied by

C.C. Young (1958) now in the collection ofthe Institute ofVertebrate Paleontology and

Paleoanthropology (IVPP), Chinese Academy, Beijing. The purpose of this paper is to

give a full description of the osteology of Keichousaurus hui, so that a detailed

comparison with other pachypleurosaurids and nothosaurids is possible. This paper will

also discuss the functional morphology of the animal and its phylogenetic position

within sauropterygians. •


DIAPSIDA Osborn, 1903

NEODIAPSIDA Benton, 1985




Keichousaurus Young, 1958

• Type species Keichousaurus hui Young, 1958.

Diagnosis Small to medium-sized . There are 25-26 cervical and 18­

19 dorsal vertebrae. The cervical region is longer than the trunk region. The rostrum

is short and blunt. The upper temporal openings are elongated, only slightly shorter

than the orbit. The parietal opening is anteriorly positioned, and tends to close up in

maturity. The humerus is stronger and longer than the femur. The ulna is broad. Two

or three sacral vertebrae. Slight hyperphalangy.

Distribution Middle Triassic. Southwestern China.

• 6 • Keichousaurus hui Young, 1958

Type V952 in IVPP.

Diagnosis Same as for .

Distribution Middle Triassic, . Mount Langmu, Dazhai Village, Dingxiao,

Xingyi County, Guizhou Province, China. The locality is about 200 km

south-southwest of Guiyang, the capitol city of Guizhou Province (Figure 1).

Referred material The specimens whose numbers have the prefix GXD are from the • collection of Guizhou Province Museum, those with prefix V are from the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Palaeoanthropology, Beijing, and the one with BPV is

from the Beijing Natural (History) Museum.

(i). V952. The type specimen of Keichousaurus hui designated by Young(l958); an

adult skull in dorsal view with 21 cervical vertebrae.

(ii). GXD7601. An extremely weil preserved skull in dorsal view with 14 cervical

vertebrae. Judged by its size and suture, this specimen represents a somewhat earlier

development stage than V952.

(iii). GXD7613. An adult individual in dorsal view. The skull and the first six or

seven cervicals are missing, as is the tip of the tail. The remainder part of the skeleton • 7 •

Figure 1 Location of Keichousaurus hui.

• 8 • •••

l------=~-+_---_l_--r_I 26"


l------.I--+------1---ri 26"

• lOS" '10~- including the rear portion of the right lower jaw, is extremely weil preserved. • (iv). GXD7621. A weil preserved individual in dorsal view. The skull, anterior cervicals, left epipodial of forelimb, left hindlimb and most part of tail are missing.

(v). GXD7603. This specimen is smaller, presumably YC:llIger, than the last two. It

is exposed in dorsal view. Left hindlimb and tail are missing. The skull is not weil


(vi). GXD7602. A young individual exposed in dorsal view. Left hand, left hindlimb

and tail are missing. The right hindlimb is very weil preserved.

(vii). GXD838028. A fully grown individual in ventral view. The rear portion of the

skull is preserved. The size of the skull is comparable to that of V952.

(viii). V953. A young specimen in ventral view. Only the right limbs are weil

preserved. • (ix). V7919. A young specimen in ventral view. Only part of the tail is missing. (The pectoral girdle was originally buried in very hard matrix. Dental drill and

compressed-air-powered vibrating tools were used to remove this matrix. The work

was rewarded by uncovering the clavicles that are superficial to the scapulae, a reverse

of the relationship of the two bones in other sauropterygians.)

(x). GXD835002. An embryo in dorsal view. This specimen has a relatively large

skull, small limbs and a short tail (this is the only specimen with a complete tail).

(xi). V7917. A very young specimen is dorsal view. This specimen is vertually

complete from the snout to the tip of the tai!.

• 9 The specimens are embedded in thin layers of grey pelitic limestone. Most of • the specimens were preserved dorsoventrally flattened. The limbs usually lie close to the body. The forelimbs are kept more or less straight, while the epipodials of the

hindlimbs bend towards the base of tai!. Post-mortem disturbance appears to be

minimal. Only the manus and pes are affected.

Most ofthe specimens were prepared under a Wild M7 microscope with pin vice

and fine needles.


Because all ofthe specimens were flattened during preservation, only one plane

could be examined of any given individual. The reconstructions were based on all

available material (Figure 2, Figure 3).

Axial skeleton • Skull Description of the dorsal aspect of the skull of Keichousaurlls is based mainly

on GXD7601 and V952 (Figure 4). There is only one specimen (GXD838028) in

which the rear part of the palatal elements can be discerned (Figure 5).

Among known pachypleurosaurids, the general proportions of the skull of

Keichousaurlls are closest to those of Dactylosaurus (Sues and Carroll, 1985). The

snout is short and broad. The orbits are large, situated at the middle one-third of the

skull. The external nares are situated at the middle one-third of the antorbital region

of the skull. The skull is widest at the mid-point of the lower rim of the orbit. As in

Dactylosaurus, the upper temporal openings are long and narrow, extending to the rear • 11 •

Figure 2 Ske1etal reconstruction of Keichousaurus hui.

scale xO.85

• 12 • 1 il ,;,,'1 l' \ "l' ,\ r; 1 l' , ,,;..i 1" 1't' 1\\ 'V"'i \ 1 1\ l" ;\~l'" j"1~

l . •

.' •

Figure 3 Reconstruction of the skull of Keichousaurus hui.

3. dorsal view b. palatal view c. lateral view d. occipital view

scale x4

• 13 pm •

J epl pl po

pl po


po q

d q • •

Figure 4 Skull of Keichousaurus hui, dorsal view.

a. GXD7601 b. V952

scale x4

• 14 •

E Co


• end of the skull table, while in other pachypleurosaurids they are round to "key hole" • shaped. The cheek emargination, resuiting from the loss of the lower temporal bar as in ail other sauropterygians, is more pronounced than other pachypleurosaurids except

Dactylosaurus. The skull is quite shallow, less than 30% of the skull width, with the

highest point at the rear end of the skull table.

The premaxilla has a long medial process that extends back to make contact with

the frontal. Unlike other pachypleurosaurids, the anterior part of the premaxilla is short

and broad, so that the snout anterior to the external nares is wider than long. The

lateral process of the premaxilla meet3 the maxilla at the mid-point of the outer rim of

the external nares; the sigmoid suture l'uns anteroventrally. The surface of the bone

is irregularly pitted. Where the number ofteeth can be discerned, there are five conical

teeth in each premaxilla. • The very short and triangular nasals are situated in shallow grooves in the prefrontaJ. They are separated by the posterior process of the premaxilla so that they

do not touch their counterpart on the other side. The posterior end of the nasal does

not extend beyond that ofthe premaxilla. In Neusticosaurus edwardsi, Serpianosaurus

mirigiolensis and Neusticosaurus peyeri, the nasals are large, extending weil back ofthe

anterior rim ofthe orbits (Carroll and Gaskill, 1985; Rieppel, 1989; Sander, 1989). The

skull configuration of Neuslicosaurus pusillus varies considerably. Nevertheless, the

nasals are always longer than those in Keichousaurus (Sander, 1989). Whether

plesiosaurs have nasals is not certain due to the pOOl' preservation of the snout region.

In , which shows a mosaic of plesiosaur and nothosaur characters (Sues, • 15 1987), the nasa1s are reduced to a splint. They lie far back of the external nares. • In ail the adult specimens, the frontals are fused along the midline without any trace of suture. The anterior half of the bone is very narrow and forros the septum

between the orbits. It is gradually broadened posteriorly. The anterior end of the

frontal is partially covered by the prefrontals on both sides. The cross-section of the

bone between the orbits is trhmgular. The posterior wings of the frontal are grooved

dorsolaterally to accommodate the postfronta1s. The suture with the parietal curves

forward at the midlineso that the parietal reached the level of the posterior rim of the


The parietals are also fused at the midline. The skull table is flat. The lateral

flanges of the parietal extend down the medial side of the upper temporal opening,

presumably to provide more space for the attachment ofthe jaw adductor musculature. • This feature is seen in Youngina, Claudiosaurus and other advanced diapsids (Carroll, 1981), but not in primitive diapsids or in Serpianosaurus and Neusticosaurus (Carroll

and Gaskill, 1985; Rieppel, 1989; Sander, 1989). Thus, although the sku1l table of

Keichousaurus hui is narrower than that of European pachyp1eurosaurids, the parietal

itself is not necessarily so. The parietal opening is smaller and situated farther forward

than in ail other pachypleurosaurids, right between the posterior tips of the frontal. A

fon>vard situated parietal opening is thought to be a typica1 plesiosaur character. In

Pistosaurus, the parietal opening is also anteriorly placed (Sues, 1987). On the other

hand, the parietal opening in typica1 nothosaurs and other pachypleurosaurids a1ways

lies in the posterior half of the parietal. In the eosuchian Youngina and the primitive

• 16 sauropterygian Claudiosaurus, the parietal opening is large, and situated at the middle • of the parietal (Carroll, 1981). At the back ofthe skull table, the midline ofthe parietal extends a short distance

iJeyond the shal'p ridge that separates the skull table and the occipital surface, forming

a wedge-shaped protrusion. This can be seen in every specimen of Keichousaurus

where this region is preserved. This phenomenon is also present in some modern

lizards. On both side ofthe wedge, the parietal turns downward and somewhat inward,

forming Iwo notches for the attachment of the epaxial muscles.

On the occipital surface, just medial to the squamosals, there are a pair of

co1urnnar bones (?supratemporals). The upper end of the bone turns sharply inward

toward the midline, forming a beak-shaped projection. The points of the beaks meet

in the midline, separating the occipital portions of the parietal and supraoccipital • (Figure 4). Bones occupying this position have never been reported in other nothosaurs. In primitive diapsids, one might expect to find the postparietal, tabular or

supratemporal. Claudiosaurus retains a supratemporal (Carroll, 1981), but because the

configuration of the occipital surface is so different in Keichousaurus, it is not certain

whether this is the same element. Since this structure can be observed in ail the skulls

that are exposed dorsal1y, it is unlikely that it is a fragment of other, adjacent bone.

The squamosals are large bones mainly confined to the occipital surface. The

long anterior ramus of the bone extends forward underneath the postorbital and forms

the upper temporal bar in conjunction with the latter bone. The quadrate ramus of the

squamosal is slender, extending posteroventrolaterally. In the occipital region, the body • 17 " of the squamosal expands considerably medially as in other pachypleurosaurids. • Medially, it makes contact with the parietal, ?supratemporal, supraoccipital and opisthotic successively, forming a continuous occipital wall. The post-temporal

fenestra, seen in Claudiosaurus and primitive diapsids, is either very small or 10s1.

Whether there is a quadratojugal is not certain. Ifthere is one, it must be very


The postorbital of Keichousaurus is a triradiate bone, while in Serpianosaurus

and Neusticosaurus, this bone is triangular rather than triradiate. The posterior ramus

extends back to the occipital margin above the postorbital ramus of squamosal. The

two bones interdigitate with each other to form the upper temporal bar which separates

the upper temporal opening and the lower temporal embayment. The upper temporal

bar is slender as in (Nopcsa, 1928) and Dactylosaurus, and differs • considerably from that ofSerpianosaurus and Neusticosaurus where the cheek is broad and the emargination is less eviden1. The other two rami of the postorbital are short.

The superior ramus fits into a groove in the pqstfrontal; the inferior ramus points

anteroventrally, making contact with the small jugal where they form the posterolateral

rim of the orbit.

The jugal is reduced to a slender bar. The bone is partially covered laterally by

the maxilla. The posterior end thickens slightly and makes contact with the postorbital

and the ectopterygoid. In GXD7601, there seems to be a small downward extension

at the posterior end of the jugal which might fit into a small notch in the coronoid of

the lower jaw. This relationship is reversed from that in most nothosaurs, in which the • 18 coronoid fits into a notch in the upper jaw. • The postfrontal is triangular. Ils anterior edge butts onto the frontal and the latera! apex has a groove to accept the postorbital. The anterior edge fooos the

posteromedial rim of the orbit. The posterior edge participates in the formation of the

upper temporal fenestra.

The prefrontal is very large. Il occupies the region between the external nares

and the orbits. The orbital margin of the prefrontal is considerably thickened to form

a ridge, and turns steeply down the anterior margin the orbit, reaching the level of the


As in other sauropterygians, there is no trace of the lacrimal.

The maxilla is a large element. Il has an elongated triangular shape. Anteriorly,

it reaches the premaxilla and forms the posterolateral margin of the externat nares. • Dorsally, the maxilla has a finger-like median protrusion fitting into a shallow groove on the prefrontal. The posterior extension of the maxilla forms the lateral rim of orbit,

extending posteriorly beneath the cheek region.

The supraoccipital is a large element. A ridge runs along the midline, in

confluence with that of the parietal. Underneath the questionable supratemporal, the

supraoccipital makes contact with the squamosal. Two shallow depressions are apparent

in the area just above the rim ofthe foramen magnum, presumably to accommodate the

epaxial musculature of the neck region.

The suture between the exoccipital and opisthotic can be discerned in GXD7601

in dorsal view and in GXD838028 in ventral view. The exoccipital is thin and lies • 19 superlicial to the opisthotic. The opisthotic extends laterally and makes contact with • the supraoccipital and squamosai. The paroccipital process extends further beyond the contact with the squarnosal. The distal eEd of il bears a slightly expanded articulating

facet. !t probably articulated with the quadrate. The body of the paroccipital process

is broad, unlike that seen in eosuchians. The space between the lower margin of the

paroccipital process and the posterior margin ofthe pterygoid is closed by an extension

of the paroccipital process.

The quadrate is short and broad. !ts body is essentially horizontal. An

ascending process abuts in a shallow groove on the anterior surface ofthe squamosal's

quadrate rarnus. In the posterior aspect ofthe quadrate, there is a conspicuous quadrate

conch which is often associated with the tympanum. The mesial surface ofthe quadrate

is closely integrated with the quadrate rarnus of the pterygoid and paroccipital process. • No streptostyly was possible. The middle ear charnber is formed by the mesial part of the quadrate, the

squarnosal, paroccipital process, and possibly the quadrate fossa in the retroarticular

process of the lower jaw. No stapes is observed, though one is reported in

Neusticosaurus edwardsi (Carroll & Gaskill, 1985). The fact that the stapes couId not

be observed either indicates that there was not a stapes in the lirst place, or that the

stapes was too smalI and fragile to be preserved. Since other structures, such as the

quadrate conch and the middle ear charnber, indicate the existence of a impedance

matching middle ear, it is likely that stapes was present.

The whole occipital surface is well consolidated. This phenomenon can be • 20 found in other secondarily aquatic reptiles such as crocodiles, turtles and placodonts. • Il provides with more attaching area for axial muscles and indicates that it may be more important to stabilize the head region than in a terrestrial environment. In

sauropterygians, both pachypleurosaurids and nothosaurids have a closed occiput

(Schultze, 1970) while plesiosaurs retain a wide open occiput. Since it is a complex

modification involving more than one bone to change shape, the closed occiput could

weIl be an important synapomorphy uniting pachypleurosaurids and nothosaurids.

The palate is not weil preserved (Figure 5). Through the left orbit of V952 we

can see that the palatine extends backward to the level of the jugal, and the suborbital

fenestra remains as a narrow slit. In Alpine pachypleurosaurids the suborbital fenestra

is confluent with the subtemporal fenestra (Carroll and Gaskill, 1985; Rieppel, 1989; • Sander, 1989). The condition in Keichousaurus hui is more primitive. Related to thc separated suborbita1 fenestra is the retainment of the ectopterygoid in Keichousaurus

hui. The ectopterygoid can be seen in specimens GXD7601, V952 and GXD838028,

though the suture is not a1ways clear. Il makes contact with the jugal. The

ectopterygoid was reported in Neusticosaurus edwardsi (Carroll and Gaskill, 1985), but

not in Neusticosaurus pusil/us, N. peyeri and Serpianosaurus (Rieppel, 1989; Sander,

1989). As in ail other nothosaurs, the interpterygoid vacuity is comp1ete1y closed and

the pterygoid extends back to the level of basioccipital. The basisphenoid appears to

have been completely covered by the pterygoid. The quadrate ramus of the pterygoid

extends directly laterally rather than posterolaterally as in eosuchians. As in ail • 21 •

Figure 5 Skull of Keichousaurus hui, palatal view, GXD838028.

scale x6

• 22 • f


a pa

q : pt _-++1U::t:: \op--....:\fi~ \ ~~i ! ar---~'Y

eo ic2

• sauropterygians, the transverse flange of the pterygoid has disappeared. A marked • longitudinal ridge separates the quadrate ramus from the medial portion of the pterygoid, as in other pachypleurosaurids.

The occipital condyle is formed solely by the basioccipita1. The base of the

condyle constricts to form a neck.

The vomer and the palatine, and their boundaries, cannot be observed in any

specimen. It is also impossible to say anything about epipterygoid or sphenethmoid.

Lower Jaw

The anterior part of the lower jaw is not weil exposed. From what can seen

through the orbits, the dentary extends to the level of the back of the orbit. The teeth • are conical in shape. The coronoid is not observable. A thin splenial can be discemed along the inner

wall of the dentary. How far back it reached is not certain. The surangular is

immediately behind the dentary. It is very thick. Whether there is a mandibular fossa

is not known. There is a shallow groove on the lateral surface of the surangular to

accommodate the wedge-shaped angular. The remainder of the suture between the

surangular and the articular could not be discemed. The articular expands dramatically

inward to form the articulating surface. Posterior to the jaw joint is a prominent

retroarticular process. An medial expansion extends back two-third ofthe length ofthe

retroarticular process, forming a large quadrate fossa (Figure 4). A similar structure • 23 was found in European pachypleurosaurids, and it was believed to be part of the • articulating surface that received the posterior extension of the quadrate when the jaws are open (Sander, 1989; Rieppel, personal communication). In Keichol/sal/rl/s hl/i,

however, this fossa is considerably larger and deeper than in Alpine pachypleurosaurids.

In addition to accommodating the quadrate, the function of this quadrate fossa might

be to form part of the middle ear chamber and support the tympanum. Behind the

quadrate fossa, the retroarticular process tapers to a robust bony bar for the depressor


Tooth Implantation

In the lower jaw of Keichol/sal/rus hui, the teeth are set in individual sockets • along a longitudinal groove as in typical primitive diapsids, a pattern termed subthecodont (Romer, 1956). However, Keichousaurus hui (as weIl as Neusticosaurl/s

pusillus, see Fig. 13 in Sander, 1989) is peculiar in that, in contrast to the subthecodont

condition of primitive diapsids where the inner wall of the lower jaw is thinner and

lower than the outer wall, the inner wall of the lower jaw in Keichollsaurus hui and

Neusticosaurus pusillus is thicker and higher than the outer wall ( see GXD7601). This

might be termed the reversed subthecodont condition. This condition could be derived

from the thecodont condition by lowering the outer wall. Since the upper jaw is not

exposed in ventral view in any of the specimens, the exact nature of tooth implantation

in the maxilla and premaxilla is not clear. • 24 Vertebrae and Ribs • (Figure 6, Figure 7) The vertebral count, especially the nurnber of cervical vs. dorsal vertebrae, is

considered important in the classification ofpachypleurosaurids. However, an accurate

count is hard to establish because the distinction between the cervical and dorsal regions

is not clearly established in reptiles. This problem has been addressed by Hoffstetter

and Gasc (1969). Carroll and Gaskill (1985) and Rieppel (1989) used the transition

from double-headed cervical ribs to the single-headed dorsal ribs as a mark to

differentiate the two regions in Neusticosaurus edwardsi and Serpianosaurus,

respectively. Sues and Carroll (1985) used the change in the rib heads as well as the

modification of the zygapophyses to distinguish the cervical and dorsal vertebrae of

Dactylosaurus. Among the specimens under study, none shows the nature of the rib • articulation in the cervical-dorsal transition area. The neural arch configuration, however, can be observed in all the specimens that are exposed dorsally. In the cervical

region, the transverse process does not project beyond the zygapophysis. The neural

arch is constricted in the middle. In the dorsal region, the pachyostosis (thickening of

the ribs and vertebrae) is apparent and the transverse processes extend beyond the

zygapophyses. It can also be observed that the last cervical ribs are much shorter and

stouter than the first dorsal ribs. This coincides perfectly with the change in the neural


There is, however, variability in the count from specimen to specimen. Among

the specimen studied, the count of presacral vertebrae ranges from 43 to 45. Of these, • 25 •

Figure 6 Dorsal aspect of Keichousaurus hui, GXD7613.

scale x1.2

• 26 . '.

1 • 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .' 1 • 1 " . " 1

)j 1 tl r. / 1 1 1 1 1 1 •

Figure 7 Ventral aspect of Keichousaurus hui, GXD838028.

scale xl.5

.", .

• 27 ----_._- ..,

• , " "

"'.' , • ~.

" 25-26 are cervical and 18-19 are dorsal vertebrae. The ratios of cervical/dorsal • vertebrae of European species are: Neusticosaurlls edwardsi 17/19-20 (Carroll and Gaskill, 1985), Serpianosallrlls 15-18/20-23 (Rieppel, 1989), Neusticosallrus peyeri

15-16/19-20, Neusticosaurus pusil/us 18-20/22-24 (Sander, 1989). Dactylosaurlls has

the same count as Nellsticosaurlls edwardsi (Sues & Carroll, 1987). Since the length

of vertebrae does not vary much l'rom cervical to dorsal region, a higher count of

cervical vertebrae translates into a longer neck for Keichousaurlls hui than for other


The number ofsacral vertebrae varies l'rom two to three. In GXD7621 two pairs

of sacral ribs thickened drastically, clearly diff-:rentiating them l'rom those immediately

anterior and posterior. In GXD7613 the last pair of dorsal ribs also thickens distally,

a1though not so much as in the sacral ribs proper. In GXD7602 the ribs in the sacral • region do not thicken noticeab1y but there are three pairs of ribs converging toward the ilium. In GXD7603, the distal end of three pairs of ribs in the sacral region are

expanded, but the proximal ends are not. Compared with other pachypleurosaurids in

which there are three or four sacral vertebrae, the condition in Keichousaurus is closer

to that of primitive diapsids.

No specimen except the smallest one (GXD835002) preserved the whole length

of the tai!. The count of caudal vertebrae is at least 25 (GXD7613) and might weil be

more than 30. The count of caudal vertebrae for various European pachypleurosaurids

are: Neusticosallrus pusil/us 51-58, N. peyeri 40-48 (Sander, 1989), Neusticosaurus

edwardsi 42 (Carroll and Gaskill, 1985), Serpianosaurus at least 47 (Rieppel, 1989). • 28 1t has been shown that the counts of the caudal vertebrae are correlated positively with • the ontogenetic stages (Sander, 1989). The elements of the atlas-axis complex (Figure 8) remain discrete. As in other

primitive sauropterygians, no proat!as was found. An oblong proatlas was reported for

Claudiosaurus (Carroll, 1981). In GXD838028, the first and second intercentra contact

on the ventral surface so that the first centrum cannot be seen in ventral view. It can

only be observed in dorsal view in GXD7601 (Figure 4). The first pair ofneural arches

can be seen in GXD7602 (Figure 8). They are paired triangular elements. The front

edge of the atlas arch is straight. Whether the arches articulated with the occiput and

the nature of their articulation with each other is not clear. The postzygapophyses

extend across the second neural arch. The neural spine was not developed on the atlas

arch. The axis is larger than the third cervical as in most reptiles. As in other primitive • reptiles, the axis intercentrum and centrum are not fused. The intercentrum is about half the length of the centrum. Both are constricted laterally in the middle. The

parapophysis, which is jointly formed by the intercentrum and centrum, is close to the

ventral surface of the column. A sharp keel is present on the ventral midline of both

intercentrum and centrum. The axis neural arch has essentially the same shape as that

of the rest of the cervical vertebrae, only the neural spine is thicker. and longer.

The vertebral centra of the cervical region are longer than broad. The middle

of the centra is constricted laterally. The length of the cervical vertebrae does not

increase much from the third to the last, but approaching the dorsal region, they become

broader. In the dorsal region, the diameter of the centra is subequal to the length, and

• 29 •

Figure 8 Atlas-axis complex of Keichousaurus hui.

a. dorsal view, GXD7602 b. ventral view, GXD838028.

scale xl1.4

• 30 • N lJ C.

" ."

• the mid-portion is expanded both ventrally and laterally instead of being constricted, • giving them a barrel-like appearance. In the anterior caudal region, the centra constrict once more.

In ail the specimens, the vertebral column is weil articulated. In specimens

GXD7603 and GXD838028 a slight displacement of the vertebral column occutTed

around the sacral region. From these two specimens we can see that the vertebral

centra are shallowly amphicoelous, as in other pachypleurosaurids.

The outline of the neural arch in the cervical region, when viewed from above,

is bell-shaped. The articulating surfaces between the zygapophyses slant

ventromedially, indicating that lateral and rotational movements ofthe neck are coupled

(to be discussed later). Pachyostosis of the neural arch begins at the 15th or 16th

cervical. • In the dorsal region, the outline of the neural arch is pentagonal as in Dactylosaurus. The transverse processes are more inflated in Keichousaurus and

Dactylosaurus than in Neusticosaurus and Serpianosaurus where the outline of the

neural arch is rectangular. The articulating facet of the transverse processes of the

dorsal vertebrae is elongated dorsoventrally and has a very shallow saddle-shaped

contour. This is reflected in the capitulum of the dorsal ribs. Thus, the dorsal ribs

seem to be quite free to move. In the sacral region and the tirst few caudal vertebrae

where the ribs are still prominent, the articulating facet is round and concave. This

indicates a more rigid connection of vertebrae and ribs in the sacral and anterior caudal

regions. In ventral view, the transverse process is anteriorly positioned on each • 31 vertebral segment. • The plane of the articulation surface of the prezygapophyses slopes ventromedially in the dorsal, sacral and anterior caudal regions. AIso, to a lesser

degree, they tilt up anteriorly. Thus, the successive vertebrae are interlocked together,

severely restricted lateral bending as in Dactylosaurus (Sues and Carroll, 1985).

An accessory articulation complex can be seen between the successive neural

arches in the cervical region (Figure 9) as observed in ail other pachypleurosaurids

(Kuhn-Schnyder, 1959, cÎted by Rieppel(1989); Carroll and Gaskill, 1985; Rieppel,

1989; Sander, 1989). At the rear end of the neural arch, a medial extension of the

postzygapophysis forms a shelf at the midline at a deeper level than the primary

articulating surface. At the base of the following neural spine, a tongue-like process

fits onto this shelf. The front edge of the lower part of the neural spine fits into a • vertical groove at the rear end of the more anterior neural spine. This articulation further restricts the rotational movement of the vertebral colurnn.

The neural spines ofthe cervical region are narrow and very low, except for the

second cervical. In the dorsal region, they become significantly thickened. The height

i~ also increased, but does not exceed the length. The tip of the dorsal neural spine is

usually slightly expanded lateraUy and typically unfinished at the top, suggesting that

there might have been a portion that remained unossified. The dorsal and the fust five

or six caudal neural spines are very long, fitting tightly with their neighbours.

Dorsoventral flexion was probably impossible in this area. The thickly packed rib cage

in the dorsal region and the long and laterally pointing proximal caudal ribs make • 32 lateral movement equally difficult. The highest neural spines along the vertebral • column are in the sacral region. From the 6th to the 1Dth caudal vertebrae, the front edge of the neural spine tilts back, forming a triangular gap between the successive

spines (Figure 9). This may indicate an increase in dorsoventral mobility.

The haemal arches can only be observed on GXD7613. The first haemal arch

is associated with the 6th and 7th caudal vertebrae. The 5th caudal bears an area of

unfinished bone on the ventral surface, but whether it supported a haemal arch is not

certain. About 8 haemal spines are present. In contrast with their counterparts in

Neusticosaurus and Serpianosaurus, there is no distinct pedicel on the haemal spines

of Keichousaurus. No cross piece is observed. The last few haemal spines diminish

rapidly in size, and transform to a small chevron pointing backward.

In GXD838D28, only one articular facet with the rib can be observed for each • cervical vertebra. The parapophyses are prominent, extending laterally from the centrum. From the 3rd to the 7th cervical, the parapophyses is in the anterior half of

the centrum. From the 8th cervical, the parapophyses starts to shift backward and

upward, and the neural arch participates in the formation of the facet, but there is not

transverse process per se. In the last few cervical vertebrae of GXD838D28, the suture

between the centra and neural arches runs thrûugh the articulating facet, and the

transverse process becomes prominent. The same condition is also reported for

Neusticosaurus edwardsi (Carroll and Gaskill, 1985). Sander CI 989) reported double

headed cervical ribs in both Neusticosaurus pusillus and N. peyeri. In Serpianosaurus,

the cervical ribs are also double-headed (Rieppel, 1989). In the dorsal region, the • 33 •

Figure 9

a. accessory articulation of neural arches, GXD7601

b. frrst caudal neural spine, GXD7613. • scale x6

• 34 •



b • prominent, dorsoventrally elongated transverse process is the sole articulating structure • for the rib, located high up on the neural arch. The suture between the centra and neural arches is still visible even in the largest specimen, GXD838028. In the tail

region, the articulating facet starts to migrate down again; in GXD7613, the suture runs

through the articulating facet of caudal vertebrae 6, 7 and 8.

In GXD838028 it can be seen that the first pair of cervical ribs is single-headed,

horn-shaped and articulates with the atlas intercentrum (Figure 8). In V952, the anterior

cervical ribs up to the 13th show the double process noted in Serpianosaurus by

Rieppel (1989). No trace ofanterior process can be seen on the last eight or so cervical

ribs of GXD7613. These ribs are straight and pointed. They show a graduai increase

in length caudally, with successive ribs about 20% longer than those more anterior. An

abrupt increase in length appears at the transition between cervical and dorsal regions. • The first dorsal rib is more than twice the length of the last cervical rib. It is also thinner than the last cervical rib. The typical dorsal ribs are five to six time the length

of the corresponding centrum. They bend backwards, extending to the lever of 4th or

5th vertebra behind. When restored, these ribs may point ventroposteriorly. The distal

end of the typical rib expands slightly, suggesting that there might be cartilagous link

between the rib and the gastralia, but no trace of it could be seen. The last two or three

ribs before the sacral region differ significantly from the typical dorsal ribs. They are

shorter and almost straight.

The sacral ribs never co-ossify with the vertebrae or with one another, but there

is sorne rugosity on their proximal surface, indicating strong muscle attachment. One

• 35 pair of sacral ribs (the first pair of the two, or the second pair of the three) bears a • recess at the distal end, into which would fit a small projection ofthe ilium (Figure 13). Eight or nine pairs of caudal ribs are present. The first five pairs are almost as

long as the sacral ribs, and Iike the sacral ribs, they also point laterally. The last four

pairs shorten rapidly and they are slightly bent, pointing anterolaterally. They never

fuse with the vertebrae.


Gastralia are present from the posterior end of the pectoral girdle to the anterior

end of the pelvic girdle. In ventrally exposed specimens the gastralia are either

completely eroded or oruy have sorne broken fragments left. They can only be • observed through the gap between the ribs in the specimens that are dorsally exposed.

The gastralia are thin and packed densely. There are more than one row of

gastralia to each dorsal segment, but the exact number is not certain. There are one

central piece and two lateral element on each side of it in each row of gastralia. The

central piece is "V" shaped as in ail early neodiapsids. The lateral elements partially

overlap the central piece, and adhere to the anterior side of it. Neuslicosaurus has three

elements per gastralia segment: one central and one lateral on each side (Carroll and

Gaskill, 1985; Sander, 1989), whereas Serpianosaurus, Iike Keichousaurus, has five

elements. • 36 • Appendicular Skeleton

Pectoral Girdle

(Figure 10)

The configuration of the pectoral girdle of Keichousaurus hui conforms to the

general pattern seen in other pachypleurosaurids. It is in the form ofa ventrally placed

circle with short dorsal extension of the scapular blade. The elements involved in

forming the pectoral girdle are: a single interclavicle, paired clavicles, scapulae and


The interclavicle is a small, thin, T-shaped element. 1t fits in a groove at the

posterior edge of the ventral surface of the clavicles. The posterior edge of the bones • are confluent. The transverse bar of the interclavicle is half to two thirds the length of the total length of the clavicles. There is a short stem of the interclavicle, about half

the length ofthe transverse bar, pointing posterioriy. The interclavicle and clavicles are

always solidly attached to one another.

The clavicles form the anterior bar of the pectoral girdle. This bar is basically

straight, unlike that of European pachypleurosaurids where there is a lateral shank

pointing posteriorly (Sander, 1989). The two clavicles are suturally iuticulated at the

midline in a zig-zag fashion. The length of the clavicular bar is about one-half to two­

thirds of the distance between the glenoids. There are three low projections on the

anterior edge of the bar. One is in the middle where the clavicles meet, and the other • 37 •

Figure 10 Pectoral girdle of Keichousaurus hui, ventral view.

a. GXD838028 b. V7919 • scale x3

• 38 •

.-(J • two are situated near the corner of the c1avic1e-scapula articulation. • In sauropterygians, the normal relationship of the c1avicle and the base of the scapula is reversed from the typical terrestrial tetrapod condition. Instead of being

superficial to the scapula, the lateral portion of the clavicles lies deep to the anterior

portion of the scapula, suggesting development of the clavicles in deeper tissues than

in most primitive tetrapods. This is demonstrated in all the specimens where this

articulation can be observed except V7919. In V7919, the clavic1e and scapula show

the primitive relationship in which the scapula is deeper than the c1avicle (Figure 10).

The evidence of postmortal disturbances is minimum. Either the c1avicle bar might

have been accidentally dislocated in life, or the peculiar relationship may have been

caused by a developmental abnormality. It is not c1ear what was the cause of this

reversaI. Nor, indeed, is there an obvious reason for the pattern in sauropterygians. It • has been proposed that the peculiar configuration in sauropterygians might have resulted from an extreme reduction of the extent of the shoulder girdle early in the evolution of

the sauropterygians, followed by re-elaboration, with a reversai of the relationships

(Carroll and Gasldll, 1985).

As in all other sauropterygians, the scapula and coracoid ossified separately.

As is in other nothosaurs, the dorsal blade of the scapula is short and not at all

blade shaped. It is a low, horn-like structure arising from the base of the scapula and

pointing posteriorly and almost horizontally. The tip ofthis horn-like structure extends

behind the level of the glenoid. The ventral portion of the bone expands horizontally

to form a ventral blade. Normally, the dorsal side of the anteromedial portion of the • 39 ventral portion bears a depression for articulation with the lateral process ofthe clavicle. • The long axis of the ventral portion of the scapula fonns a 30-45 degree angle posteriorly with the longitudinal axis of the body.

The coracoid is the largest element of the pectoral girdle. The part contacting

the scapula is broad; the middle part of the bone contracts slightly. Where the

coracoids meet along the midline, they expand again, both anteriorly and posteriorly,

to form a long symphysis, as is typical of nothosaurs.

A coracoid foramen (or supracoracoid foramen) can be seen on the Hne of

contact between the scapula and coracoid in most specimens. Its margins are fonned

jointly by the two bones. The position of the coracoid foramen is two-fifths to one­

third of the length of the line of contact between the scapula and coracoid. In the

European pachypleurosaurids, the coracoid foramen is usually situated at the medial end • of the scapula-coracoid suture line. In sorne cases, the two notches on the scapula and coracoid do not even meet to form a foramen. Instead, they both open into the large

space surrounded by the pectoral girdle.

The glenoid cavity is fonned by the scapula and coracoid at the lateral extremity

of the shoulder girdle, facing mainly laterally. Both scapula and coracoid thicken

considerably in this area The free ends of the two bones are rough and fonn an angle

of about 100 degrees. There must have been a largely cartilageous joint capsule.

• 40 Humerus • (Figure 11) The humerus is the longest bone of adult individuals, being 28.8 mm long in

GXD838028, about 31 % of the trunk length. The proximal end expands slightly and

has a rounded triangular outline in cross section. The expansion of the distal end is

more prominent, and it is flattened dorsoventrally. The distal end ofthe humerus bends

slightly inward so that the anterior edge is straight. In contrast with ail other

pachypleurosaurids, but as in plesiosaurs, there is no trace of the entepicondylar


As in European species, two morphotypes can be recognized in Keichousaurus

hui based mainly on the structure of the humerus. This is interpreted as sexual

dimorphism (Sander, 1989), and the two types are assigned sex x and sex y (Figure II). • In sex x, the humerus is smooth and featureless whereas in sex y muscle scars, processes and crests are more prominent. The expansion of the distal end of the bone

is more pronounced in sex x. The relative length of the humerus of sex x is shorter

than in sex y. The overall appearance of the humerus of sex x retains the pattern of the

juvenile stage.

Ulna and radius

(Figure 12)

The most conspicuous feature of Keichousaurus hui is the shape of its ulna. In

contrast with other pachypleurosaurids, the ulna of Keichousaurus hui is a broad, • 41 blade-like bone. It is much wider proximally than distally. The cross section of the • ulna is wedge shaped, the mesial edge facing the radius is thicker. Dnly the nothosaurid has a comparable configuration of the ulna (Kuhn-Schnyder,

1987; Mazin, 1985). There i~ no trace of olecranon process. The most obvious

functional advantage of the broad ulna is that it dramatically increases the surface area

ofthe forelimb, tuming the forelimb into a more effective oar. Probably, the broad ulna

evolved independently in Keichousaurus and Lariosaurus.

The radius is a little longer than the ulna. It is slim as is usually the case in

pachypleurosaurids. The proximal end is wider than the distal end. The radius curves

out slightly, and there is a wide space between the radius and the ulna at the distal end.

Carpus and Manus • (Figure 12) The number ofossified carpal e1ements is apparently age-dependent and follows

the pattern of primitive eosuchians (Carroll, 1985; Caldwell, in press). In adult

specimens, there are 5 elements ossified. The intermedium is large and round, situated

between the distal ends of the ulna and radius. This is a typical nothosaur character.

In pachypleurosaurids the intermedium is typically more elongated and situated to the

end of the ulna, beside the radius (see Fig. 17, Carroll and Gaskill, 1985). The ulnare

is also round. The diameter ofthe ulnare is only half that of the intermedium. Three

tiny round dements, which can be found in mature specimens, situated at the proximal

end of the second, third and fourth metacarpal, are their corresponding distal carpals.

• 42 •

Figure 11 Humerus of Keichousaurus hui.

a. left humerus of GXD838028, ventral view

b. right humerus of GXD838028, ventral view

c. right humerus of GXD7613, dorsal view

d. right humerus cf V953, ventral view

a, b, c are of sex y, d is of sex x.

scale x4

• 43 • "



• •

Figure 12 Lower arm of Keichousaurus hui.

a. GXD7613, left, dorsal

b. GXD7613, right, dorsal

c. V953, right, ventral

seale x4

• 44 1



, 1








1 "S..





1 • 1 1 In European pachypleurosaurids, Neusticosaurus edwardsi and Dactylosaurus have three • carpal elements: the intermedium, the ulnare and the fourth distal carpal (Carroll and Gaskill, 1985; Sues and Carroll, 1985). Neusticosaurus peyeri and N. pusil/us have two

elements: the intermedium and the ulnare (Sander, 1989). Serpianosaurus also has only

two ossified carpal elements. The number of carpal elements of Keichol/saurus hui is

the highest among weil known pachypleurosaurids. This is apparently a retention of

the primitive condition. Nothosaurids usually have a higher count of ossified carpals.

Lariosaurus has at least five ossified carpal elements as does Keichousaurus. A

juvenile specimen of Lariosaurus was observed to have a radial in addition to the

elements present in Keichousaurus (Carroll, 1985). Paranothosaurus has the

intermedium, ulnare, the third and the fourth distal carpals ossified (Peyer, 1939).

Ceresiosaurus has six ossified elements in the carpus (Kuhn-Schnyder, 1963; see • Carroll, 1985). In nothosaurids, the number ofthe ossified distal carpals may be related to their larger size.

The metacarpals and phalanges are reasonably weil preserved in GXD7603 and

GXD7613. As in Alpine pachypleurosaurids, the third metacarpal ofKeichousaurus hui

is the longest. The second metacarpal is only slightly shorter (in sorne case they are of

the same length). In fully grown individuals, the fourth metacarpal is shorter than the

second, and the first and the fifth are about the same length. In Neusticosaurus

pusil/us, the relative length of the third and the fourth metacarpal show continuous

spectrum from the third longer than the fourth, to the fourth longer than the third

(Sander, 1989). As in Alpine pachypleurosaurids, both ends of the metacarpals, • 45 especial1y the proximal end, expand, and they show a slight twist relative to one

1 another. Unlike the condition in Alpine pachypleurosaurids, however, the proximal end

of the metacarpals do not overiap, resulting in greater breadth of the hand, confluent

with the contour ofthe lower arm. In undisturbed specimens, the first four metacarpals

bow slightly toward the ulnar side, and the fifth bows toward the opposite direction.

The phalangeal formula is 3,4,4(?5),4,3. The third digit is usually the longest.

ln other pachypleurosaurids, it is always the fourth digit that is the longest (Carroll and

Gaskil1, 1985; Rieppel, 1989; Sander, 1989), as in primitive diapsids and lizards.

Therefore, the hand of Keichousaurus is more symmetrical.

Pelvic Girdle

(Figure 13) • The pelvic girdle of Keichousaurus hui can be observed in GXD838028, V953 and V7919 in ventral view, and GXD7602, GXD7603, GXD7613 and GXD7621 in

dorsal view.

The ilium is small, as in other nothosaurs. The iliac blade is merely a slender

vertical bar. On the middle of the medial surface there is a small process that fit into

the recess at the distal end of one of the sacral ribs. The base of the ilium is in the

shape of a rounded triangle in ventral view. A triradiate keel divides the ventral surface

into three areas. The two medial areas are fiat. The one in the front, which is smaller,

articul.ates with pubis; and the larger one at the back articulates with ischium. The

lateral partition is slightly concave. It participates in the formation of the acetabulum.

• 46 Figure 13 Pelvic girdle of Keichousaurus hui.

a. reconstruction of pelvic girdle in lateral view

scale x4.5

b. left ilium of GXD838028, medial view

c. same as above, lateral view

d. same as above, ventral view

scale x6

• 47 • o


• Above the acetabulum, there is usually a scar on the ilium, suggesting the presence of • the base of a cartilagous supracetabular buttress. The pubis has an acetabular region, a narrow neck region and a broad media!

region. The acetabular region is the thickest part of the bone. Three articulating facets

are clearly distinguishable at the lateral end of the pubis: a posterior facet articulates

with the ischium; a dorsal facet articulates with the ilium; and a lateral facet forms part

of the acetabular. The pubis thins rapidly towards the neck region, where it also

constricts posteriorly. It then widens into a broad and thin medial region. The media!

region of the pubis forms a broad curve which is in contact with its counterpart of the

other side. No pubic rim or process could be observed which would have been used

to anchor the abdominal musculature or tendons (Romer, 1956). Rieppe1 (1989)

reported such a structure in smaller specimens of Serpianosaurus, but he noted that it • is not present in the larger specimens. As in Dactylosaurus, in V953 and V7917, the obturator foramen is enclosed in the pubis near the articulation with the ischium. In the

largest specimen, GXD838028, the obturator foramen has complete!y disappeared. In

Alpine pachypleurosaurids, the obturator foramen is a sHt open to the large puboischiac

fenestra. The obturator foramen of nothosaurs is not found in plesiosaurs (Fig. II in

Robinson, 1977). The plesiosau~ obturator foramen is probably homologous to the

puboischiac fenestra of nothosaurs.

The acetabular region ofthe ischium ofKeichousaurus hui is structurally similar

to that of the pubis. It is the thickest part of the bone with three articulating facets: an

anterior facet articulating with the pubis, a superior facet articulating with the ilium, and • 48 a lateral facet fonning the posterior part of the acetabular. After a short, s!ightly • narrowed neck region, the ischiurn expands posteromedially to fonn a f1attened medial region. The posterior angle, for attachment of the caudal musculature, is not as thick

as in Neusticosaurus pusillus (Sander, 1989, Fig. 16) and Neusticosaurus edwardsi

(Carroll and Gaskill, 1985, Fig. 18). The medial extremity of the ischium fonns a

more or less straight !ine in front, but curves s!ightly laterally at the rear end.

The posterior margin of the pubis and the anterior margin of the ischium

encloses a large space, the thyroid fenestra. The curved nature of the extremity of the

pubis indicates that the symphysis is probably cartilageous. Otherwise, it is hard to

imagine how the two pubes relate to each other.

The acetabular facet is a shallow socket facing ventrolaterally. Movements of • the femur are restricted below the plane of the acetabulum. Femur

(Figure 14)

The femur of Keichousaurus hui is not as weil developed as the hurnerus in the

adult; this is typical among pachypleurosaurids. It is shorter, more slender and the

surface of the bone is smoother than the hurnerus. The proximal end of the femur is

as broad as that of the hurnerus. The distal end, however, is oruy about half as broad

as the proximal end. The posterior side of the shaft is concave, whereas the anterior

side is straight.

The articulation surface at both ends are convex in contrast with Neuslicosaurus • 49 •

Figure 14 Hindlimb of Keichousaurus hui.

a. left femur of GXD7613, dorsal view

b. right femur of V953, ventral view

c. proximal end of left femur of GXD838028, ventral view

d. same as above, end view

e. right lower leg of V953, ventral view

f. left lower leg of V7919, ventral view

scale x4

• 50 •

: ,:~

. '.:.~

a b d

.l~'; . ; l, l'. ~.. ' \\, ti .. ~Q.



• 'e f edwardsi, in which they are concave (Carroll and Gaskill, 1985). In adult specimens, • there is a very prominent horizontal posterior extension of the head. There is also a less weil developed ventral extension of the head. Between these two extensions is a

shallow recess which might be comparable to the intertrochanteric fossa (Romer, 1956;

see discussion on locomotion and musculature reconstruction later). The distal ·~nd of

the femur is round and featureless, indicating a weak articulation with the epipodials.

Tibia and fibula

(Figure 14)

The tibia and fibula are short in Keichousaurus hui. They are about 30·40% of

the length of the femur and about 60-80% of the length of the ulna and radius. Of the

two bones, the fibula is a little stronger. The tibia is quite straight and without • significant expansion at either ends. The two ends, especially the distal end, of the fibula expand towards the tibia. There is an interosseal space between the two bones,

which is comparable to the space between the ulna and radius.

Tarsus and Pes

(Figure 14)

Ty;o elements ofthe tarsus, the calcaneum and the astragalusare, are consistently

ossified in Keichousaurus hui. The calcaneum is smaller and is situated at the distal

end of the fibula. The large astragalus is situated at the distal end of the interosseal

space, and articulates with both the tibia and the fibula. The astragalus and the • 51 calcaneum may have also articulated with each other, though the articulating facets are • not weil defined. A third element of the tarsus - the fourth distal tarsal - is also present in sorne

adult specimens, including GXD7613, GXD7621 and V79l9.

The metatarsals of Keichousaurus hui follow the pattern of the European

pachypleurosaurids. The first metatarsal is the shortest, its length being about 60% the

length of the third metatarsal. The lebgth of the second metat:n:sal is about 80% that

of the third. The third and the fourth metatarsals are about the same length, and the

fifth is only slightly shorter.

The phalangeal formula for the pes of Keichousaurus hui is 2-3-4-4-4. The last

segments are usually broad and pointed. The elements of the pes are more robust than • their counterparts in the manus.


The measurements ofKeichousaurus hui were made either under the microscope

when the part being measured could be enclosed in the field of view ofthe microscope,

using the grid in the ocular lens to calibrate, or else using a calliper for larger elements.

A total of 59 different measurements were taken from the specimens (Table 1).

When measuring the paired parts, such as the limb bones, the average of the individual

measurements is used. The length is measured along the line parallel to the longitudinal

axis, and the longest distance is used. The width is measured along a line perpendicular

to the long axis. • Measurements that may be variously interpreted are explained: The skull length is the distance between the tip of the snout and the posterior

edge of the parietal.

The lower jaw length is measured from the symphysis to the posterior end ofthe

retroarticular process.

The width of the skull is measured at the widest point across the skull, at about

two thirds of the length of the lateral dm of the orbit.

The neck length is measured from the base of the skull to the anterior margin

of the pectoral girdle.

The length of the trunk is the distance from the anterior margin of the pectoral

• 53 • •

GXDB35002 V7917 V7918 GXD7602 BPV601 V953 GXD7603 V7919 GXD7601 V952 GXD7613 GXD7621 GXD83802B Max/Min 1 '.0 10.9 - 15.5 16.5 18.0 19.1 17.5 24.4 2 '.5 IB.8 23.0 23.7 22.6 27.8 3 4.7 6.4 B.l - 9.3 10.0 ,.4 12.7 2.70 4 3.2 4.2 4.' 6.6 6.0 6.0 6.5 5 11.3 30.5 56.5 65.9 69.3 60.7 83.2 85.2 7.54 6 13.9 29.6 43.7 52.9 61.2 - 67.4 66.4 77.1 81.6 90.5 6.51 7 13.5 36.9 B '.4 23.3 33.7 41.9 53.4 56.4 51.2 62.1 64.5 71.2 7.57 • 34.2 71.0 124.9 143.6 154.7 146.2 10 3.7 7.1 '.7 13 .3 20.8 17.4 18.4 - 26.0 27.2 27.7 7.49 11 5.0 '.5 12.9 17.4 24.8 24.3 23.3 26.8 30.8 34.8 6.96 12 0.5 2.3 2.' 3.3 3.5 3.B 7.6 13 1.3 - 3.5 -- - 3.2 2.46 14 0.5 2.5 3.0 - 4.0 3.5 4.5 • 15 1.3 3.' -- 3.5 2.69 16 0.7 - 3.0 3.2 - 4.3 3.B 4.B 6.86 17 1.3 - - 4.2 3.23 lB 0.6 - 2.B - 4.0 4.0 4.B B 1.3 - 4.5 3.46 20" - - 3.5 - - 4.0 4.1 4.5 21 - 2.4 22 2.6 7.2 10.5 11.0 14.3 13.0 13.9 - 16.2 16.5 19.2 7.38 23 2.0 S •• '.3 10.1 14.5 16.3 15.0 20.0 - 25.0 25.6 28.8 14 .4 24 0.6 1.0 2.0 2.B 3.4 3.2 4.2 5.1 5.2 5.4 9 25 0.5 O., 1.1 2.0 2.B 2.B 2.B 3.4 3.0 3.7 7.4 26 0.6 1.1 2.2 2.5 - 3.B 3.' 5.0 - 6.4 6.5 B.O 13.33 27 1.0 2.' 4.5 5.0 - 7.5 7.0 9.2 - 11.5 :l1.S 13.1 13.1 28 0.6 1.5 2.1 2.6 - 4.1 3.0 5.3 -- 5.7 5.5 7.4 12.33 2' 1.2 3.0 5.0 4.7 - 7.5 7.1 10.0 12.1 12.9 14.2 Il.83 30 - - - O., 1.0 1.2 - 1.6 2.0 2.5 Table 1 Measurements of Keichousaurus hui • •

GXD835002 V7917 V7918 GXD7602 BPV601. V953 GXD7603 V7919 GXD7601 V952 GXD7613 GXD7621 GXDB38028 8028/5002

31 - - 1.2 - 2.0 2.0 2.0 - 3.0 3.1 4.0 32 0.4 --- 2.5 2.3 3.3 - 4.0 4.1 4.0 10 33 0.5 1.1 - 3.2 3.1 3.7 5.2 5.0 5.3 10.6 34 1.5 -- 4.0 3.3 4.0 4.5 5.2 5.5 35 - 1.4 -- 3.1 3.1 3.7 - 4.4 4.7 5.2 36 1.1 --- 2.9 2.7 3.1 - 3.9 4.0 4.8 37 - 5.5 - 4.7 38 2.0 - 6.0 7.0 7.0 39 3.1 5.7 7.2 7.5 40 3.5 5.9 6.0 7.3 41 - 2.5 4.2 4.5 42 2.5 6.2 9.5 11.3 13.0 15.5 14.1 16.5 - 18.8 20.9 21.6 8.64 43 0.5 1.6 2.3 3.5 - 3.5 3.9 4.1 5.1 6.0 6.9 13.8 44 0.2 0.6 1.5 1.6 - 1.2 2.0 1.5 - 2.5 2.5 3.0 15 45 0.7 0.8 2.0 1.9 2.1 3.1 2.2 2.8 3.5 4.8 6.86 46 0.8 2.2 3.4 4.0 - 5.1 5.0 6.0 7.5 7.5 8.0 10 47 1.1 2.5 4.2 4.7 - 5.5 6.0 7.0 - 8.0 8.2 9.9 9 48 - 1.0 1.1 1.5 1.5 1.9 1.7 49 1.7 1.8 2.3 2.3 - 2.5 2.8 50 0.4 1.0 - 2.0 3.0 2.3 2.5 3.3 3.3 51 0.6 1.7 2.5 - 4.5 4.1 4.5 5.3 5.5 52 0.7 2.0 - 3.2 - 5.0 4.6 5.0 5.9 6.5 53 0.7 2.0 /!.2 5.0 4.8 5.0 5.9 6.5 54 0.7 1.5 3.4 4.3 4.2 4.2 - 5.2 6.0 55 2.5 3.6 3.5 3.0 3.8 4.0 56 3.1 4.6 - 5.8 4.7 5.0 -- 6.8 57 - 4.0 6.5 7.5 6.0 8.5 58 6.5 - 7.5 8.8 8.0 8.5 59 - 5.0 6.5 7.2 - 9.0 Table 1 Continued List of measurements

1 skull length at midline 47 length of fibula • 2 length of lower iaw 48 length of calcaneum 3 width of skull 49 length of astragulus 4 length of orbit 50 length of 1st metatarsal 5 neck length 51 length of 2nd metatarsal 6 trunk length 52 length of 3rd metatarsal 7 taillength 53 length of 4th metatarsal 8 glenoid-acetabulum distance 54 length of 5th metatarsal 9 ~nout-vent length 55 length of Ist toe JO width between glenoids 56 length of 2nd toe II width between acetabulae 57 length of 3rd toe 12 length ai post~rior cel vical 58 length of 4th toe vertebrae 59 length of 5th toe 13 width of posterior cervical vertebrae 14 length of anterior dorsal vertebrae 15 width of anterior dorsal vertebrae 16 length of posterior dorsal vertebrae 17 width of posterior dorsal vertebrae 18 length of sacral vertebrae 19 width of sacral vertebrae 20 length of anterior caudal vertebrae 21 width of anterior caudal vertebrae 22 standard length 23 length of humerus 24 width of humerus at the proximal end 25 width of humerus at the middle of the shaft 26 width of humerus at the distal end 27 length of ulna 28 width of ulna 29 length of radius 30 length of ulnare 31 length of intermedium 32 length of 1th metacarpal 33 length of 2nd metacarpal 34 length of 3rd metacarpal 35 length of 4th metacarpal 36 length of 5th metacarpal 37 length of Ist digit 38 length of 2nd digit 39 length of 3rd digit 40 length of 4th digit 41 length of 5th digit 42 length of femur 43 width of femur at proximal end 44 width of femur at the middle of shaft 45 width of femur at distal end • 46 length of tibia girdle to the posterior margin of the pelvic girdle. • The snout-vent length is the sum of the skull length, the neck length and the trunk length.

The standard length is the length ofthe last four dorsal vertebrae (Sander, 1989).

This measurement was used as a substitute for the length of the trunk or the

glenoid-acetabular distance to compare the relative size ofdifferent individuals, because

the other two measurements depend on the position of the pectoral girdle, which is not

anchored to the vertebral column.

The proportions of different parts of the body, which appear in various parts of

the discussion, are listed in Table II. •

• 55 • •

GKù835002 V/917 V/918 =602 B?J601 V953 =603 V/919 GXD7601 V952 =617. =621 GXD838028

trunk/g-a 1.48 - 1.26 1.20 1.30 1.24 1.27 1.27 trunk/std 5.35 - 4.81 - 4.92 4.78 - 4.76 4.95 4.71 skull/tnmk 0.65 0.37 - 0.29 0.27 - 0.24 0.29 skull/std 3.46 - 1.41 1.17 1.37 skull/g-a 0.96 -- 0.37 -- 0.28 0.37 neck/tnmk 0.81 1.03 - 1.07 1.08 - 1.03 0.91 - 1.08 0.94 neck/g-a 1.20 -- 1.35 1.23 1.19 - 1.34 1.20 ned<:/std 4.35 -- 5.14 -- 5.06 4.37 -- 5.14 - 4.44 wid/tnmk(g) 0.27 -- 0.25 -- 0.26 0.28 - 0.34 0.33 0.31 widitnmk(a) 0.36 0.33 - 0.36 0.35 - 0.35 0.38 0.38 hun/tnmk 0.14 0.20 0.21 0.19 0.24 - 0.22 0.30 -- 0.32 0.31 0.32 bun/g-a 0.21 - 0.24 - 0.31 0.27 0.39 - 0.40 0.40 0.40 bun/std 0.77 - 0.92 - 1..14 1.09 1.44 - 1.54 1.55 1.50 wid/len(hun) .0.25 -- 0.20 - 0.17 0.19 0.14 - 0.14 0.12 0.13 p=>

Table II Proportions of measurements of Keichousaurus hui • SEXUAL DIMüRPHI8M

Sexual dimorphism - the morphological and morphometrical differences between

the members of the two sexes - is a common phenomenon among modern reptiles. It

manifests itself in size, shape, ornamentation and coloration differences between the

sexes. There is no reason to believe that the same was not true in the pas!. However,

because of the scarcity of specimens in mast species and the fact thaf. only hard

parts of animais preserve as fossils, sexual dimorphism is not weil documented in

extincl taxa. One of the rare exceptions is the Monte San Georgio pachypleurosaurids

studied by Sander (\989). Because of the large number of specimens available (over • 200 prepared specimens), he was able to perform statistical analysis as weil as morphological study of sexual dimorphism.

Sexual dimorphism of Alpine pachypleurosaurids is demonstrated mainly in the

morphology and relative length of the humerus. The morphometric dimorphism is

shown in the ratios of measurements within the humerus, and that of the humerus vs.

other parts of the body. Sander (1989) used the following quantities: the ratio of the

distal width:minimal diameter of the humerus shaft; the ratio of length of

humerus:femur; the ratio of length of humerus:trunk and the ratio of humerus:standard


Because it is impossible to determine the actual sex of the two morphotypes,

• 57 they were denoted sex x and sex y. • In sex x, the humerus is about the sarne length as the femur. In the case of small pachypleurosaurids (i.e., the Iwo specie.; of Neusticosaurus and Serpianosaurus), the

mean of the humerus:femur ratio is about 0.95; the surface of the bone in smooth and

featureless. The expansion of both ends of the humerus is not pronounced. On the

other hand, the humerus of sex y is highly developed. The humerus is signiflcantly

longer than the femur; the mean of the humerus:femur ratio is 1.11 in the small

pachypleurosaurids. The muscle scars and crests are 0 bvious. Both ends of the

humerus, especially the distal end, expand prominently. Neusticosaurus edwardsi is

separated from other species not orny by ils larger size, but also the body proportions.

The mean humerus:femur ratio for sex x is 1.54, and that for sex y is 1.71. This was

attributed to the shortness of the femur (Sander, 1989). However, the fact that the • humerus is very long is also demonstrated by the humerus:standard lengili ratio - \.23 for sex x and 1.32 for sex y (they are 0.86-\.09 and I.l0- 1.28 in small


Although there are only data for 13 specimens in Keichousaurus hui, sexual

dimorphis:n is nevertheless apparent. To facilitate the comparison with the European

species, the sarne set of ratios is calculated for Keichousaurus hui.

To sex the specimens, we have to use the individuais that are mature. The

growth ofKeichousaurus hui will be discussed later. For now, we will use the relative

length of humerus:femur as an indicator of maturity. Among the specimens,

GXD835002 is obviously an embryo or a hatchling, and ils sex could not be • 58 determined. Specimens V7917, V7918 and GXD7602 have humeri shorter than the • femora, and may be considered subadults. The remaining specimens have humeri longer than the femora. Specimens V953, GXD7603 and BPV601 have a

humerus:femur ratio of 1.05 to 1.16; the humerus:standard length ratios are 1.14 for

V953 and 1.09 for GXD7603. While this ratio for BPV601 is not known, the

humerus:trunk ratio (0.24) is comparable to that of GXD7603 (0.22). These three

specimens represent sex x. Specimens V7919, GXD76I3, GXD7621 and GXD838028

are apparently of sex y with humerus:femur ratios between 1.21 to 1.33

(humerus:standard 1.43 to 1.55). The humerus:trunk ratio is 0.30 to 0.32. One may

notice that sex y specimens are ail larger than sex x specimens, and thus suspect that

the morphological difference of the humerus was, instead, age related. However, the

studies done by Rieppel (I989) and Sander (I989) shows that sexual dimorphism is a • common phenomenon in pachypleurosaurids. It is more possible than not that sexual dimorphism also occurs in Keichousaurus hui.

Sex x of Keichousaurus hui, like those of small European species, has slender

and smooth humeri. The expansion of both ends is not pronounced. The ratio of the

width at the proximal end versus that at the mid-point of the humerus is 1.21 for V953

and 1.14 for GXD7603. The ratio of the width of the distal end versus the midpoint

is 1.36 and 1.39, respectively. In sex y, the humerus is highly developed. The ratio of

proximaI:midpoint is 1.45 to 1.73; that for distal:midpoint is 1.78 to 2.16. The relative

length - the ratio of the elements vs. the standard length - of other elements of the

forelimb also shows dimorphism. The relative length of the ulna is about 0.52 for sex • 59 x and 0.66 to 0.71 for sex y. The relative length for radius is 0.52 for sex x and 0.75 • for sex y. Apparently, the forelimb as a whole is longer and stronger in sex y than in sex x.

The femur of Keichousaurus hui also shows sorne sexual dimorphism, though

it is not as strongly demonstrated as the humerus. This is also the case in

Neusticosaurus (Sander, 1989).

In living reptiles, sexual dimorphism is usually attributed to selective pressure

related to reproduction, though sometimes it is diet related. The male land tortoises are

often larger than the female, whereas the male aquatic turtles are generally smaller than

the female. Sphenodon has no noticeable size dimorphism between sexes. Male lizards

are often larger but there are many exceptions (Spellerberg, 1982). The actual sex of

sex x and y of Keichousaurlls hui is, therefore, difficult to establish. If Keichousaurlls • was highly territorial, then sex y probably corresponds to male. The larger overall size and stronger arms are definitely advantageous in conquering and defending territory and

impressing potential mates. On the other hand, as argued by Sander (1989), if the

female had to go ashore to lay eggs, a pair of strong and more differentiated arms

would be necessary, and a larger body could store more energy. The differentiated

humerus might also be interpreted as being diet-related. It is not unreasonable to

assume tllat sex y preyed on more active, faster swimming prey than sex x.


Different ontogenetic stages are presented in the sarnple as demonstrated by the

wide range of body size. The standard length of the largest specimen (GXD838028)

is more than seven times that of the smallest one (GXD835002).

Description of GXD835002

Specimen GXD835002 (Figure 15) is a tiny individual that may be at a late

embryonic stage. The length from the snout to the tip of tail is 48 mm. The only other • possible nothosaur embryo is that of Neusticosaurus (Sander, 1988 and 1989), with a body size of 51 mm. Unlike the Neusticosaurus embryo, which is preserved in a

curled-up posture in lateral view, GXD835002 is exposed in dorsal view similar to the


The skull is relatively large, about 25G% longer than the standard length,

whereas in adults, the skull is about 50% longer than the standard length. The Icngth

of the orbits is two-fifths of the length of the skull. The preorbital portion of the skull

is short. The frontal is single even at this stage. The pineal opening is huge. The

diarneter of it is about 50% of the length of the temporal openings. A huge

supraoccipital can be seen in the occipital region, between the squarnosals. • 61 •

Figure 15 An embryo of Keichousaurus hui, GXD835002.

scale x6

• 62 •

• The vertebrae are short. The neural arches are only 50% of their width. The • neural spines are not developed. The neural arches of the two sides are not coossitied yet, and are usually separated.

The morphology of the scapula is similar to that of adults. Both ends of the

long bones are concave, indicating cartilageous epiphyses. The length of the humerus

is only 76% of the standard length, and 80% the length of the femur. The ulna is

slightly shorter than the radius, and twice as broad. The carpals are not ossified yet.

Only two metacarpals (1 and II) are preserved.

Three elements of the left pelvis can be seen. The pubis and the ischium arc

broad, but the extremities are not ossified so that the sutural articulation of the three

elements seen in the adult stage is not yet developed. The symphysis between the two

sides must also have been cartilageous. The ilium does not differ much l'rom that of • the adults. The femur is slender with both ends expanded slightly. Ils length is 96% of thc

standard length. The tibia and the fibula are similar tp those of the adult. The tarsal

are not ossified in this stage.

The five metatarsals of the right foot are weil preserved. As in the adults, the

first metatarsal is the shortest, only hall' the length of the second metatarsal and one

third ofthe length ofthe fourth, which is the longest. The fourth metatarsal is also the

thickest of the five.

The digits on the feet seemed better ossified than those on the hands. On the

third, fourth and fifth digits, at least two segments were ossified when the animal died.

• 63 The ends of the long bones are not fini shed. This is expected for such an early • developmental stage. The proximal end of the sacral ribs are slightly thicker than that of the dorsal

ribs. The distal end is blunt. The first pair of caudal ribs also converge toward the

ilium, but the distal end is pointed.

Ali the dorsal ribs bear a longitudinal groove at their dorsal side. This is not

seen in the adults. The ribs are thinner compared to those of Neusticosaurus embryo

(cf. Sander, 1989, Fig. 33, p.640) and pachyostosis is not apparent. About six caudal

ribs are preserved at the left side. The count of the caudal vertebrae is 34, including

7 impressions.

The gastralia are already present in this stage of development.

• Tite developmental stage of GXD83S002

The tiny specimen ofNeusticosaurus peyeri, similar in size to GXD835002, was

identified as an embryo by Sander (1988, 1989) based on its posture and size.

The posture of GXD835002 does not differ much from the other specimens of

Keichousaurus hui. Although the skull and the tail curl to the same side of the body,

the specimen is preservedin dorsoventral view, whereas the Neusticosaurus embryo

was preserved in lateral view.

In reptiles the size of the hatchlings is closely related to that of the adults

(Andrews, 1982; Currie and Carroll, 1984). If the adult size is known, the hatchling • 64 size can be predicted using a power function in the form of

• • p (1) • sizehatchling-lX XSlzeadult

Because the total length of most of the specimens of Keichollsallrlls hui is

unknown, the formula derived by Currie and Carroll (1984) could not be used since it

relates the total length of hatchlings and adults. Andrews' (1982) formula uses the

snout-vent length instead of the total length. Andrews calculated the power and the

intercept of the growth !ine for lizards, snakes, crocodiles and turtles separately. From

Andrews' result (Andrews, p.281) it is clear that lepidosauromorphs (lizards and snakes)

have a very different hatchling-adult size ratio across the size range than do turtles and

crocodiles. The term fI is 0.74 and 0.76 for lizards and snakes, respectively, but 0.20

for turtles and 0.24 for crocodilians. Because sauropterygians are probably more • closely related to lepidosauromorphs than to crocodiles (not to mention turtles), it is assumed that the formula for the lizards and snakes would be more appropriate in

determining the hatchling size of Keichousaurus hui from their adult size. Of the two

lepidosauromorphs, the !izards are closer to the general proportions of the

sauropterygians, so the formula for the !izards may be the best choice in predicting the

hatch!ing size.

Here the adult size is defined as the mean snout-vent length of sexually mature

individuals. Sexual maturity is achieved in modem reptiles when there arc oviducal

eggs found in females or motile spermatozoa found in testes or the efferent ducts of

males. Since eggs and spermatozoa are never preserved in fossils, only the secondary • 65 sexual characters can be used to determine the sexual maturity of palaeonto!ogical • material. In the case of the Alpine pachypleurosaurids, the first appelllance of sex y is used as evidence to indicate the onset ofsexual maturity (Sander, 1989). However, as

mentioned in the previous section, this is not suitable in our situation. In the present

study, the proportion of the humems vs. the femur is used as the indicator of maturity.

Ifthis turns out to be a misinterpretation, then we are more likely to underestimate than

overestimate the snout-vent length of mature . Another factor that leads to

underestimation is that there are only t..lrree adult specimens in which the snout-vent

length can be measured and they are ail of sex x, the smaller of the two sexes. As we

shall see, however, these factors, even without correction, will not aff'~ct our conclusion.

The mean of snout-vent length of the specimens with the maturity indicator

greater than one is used to estimate the mean adult size of Keichousaurus hui. From • this value (147.5 mm), the expected hatchling size is calculated using Andrews' formula. Comparing our probably underestimated value (46.7 mm) with the snout-vent

length of GXD835002 (34.2 mm), it is apparent the specimen GXD835002 is too small

to be a hatchling.

The fact that the specimens of different developmental stages were found at the

sarne locality in the sarne type of sediments suggests that Keichousaurus hui was

probably ovoviviparous; otherwise the egg would have been laid in a terrestrial

environment, and in that case, the embryo would almost certainly not have been

preserved. However, there is no direct evidence to support ovoviviparity, as is the case

in ichthyosaurs, where embryos were found inside the abdominal cavity of the adults.

• 66 • The ontogenetic stage of V7917 The second smallest specimen in this sample is V7917 (Figure 16). lt has a

snout-vent length of 71 mm, a little more than twice the size of GXD835002, and about

152% of expected hatchling size. Most small reptiles in the modem fauna double their

body size during the first year of their life (Currie and Carroll, 1984). lt is reasonable

to assume that V7917 was less than one year old when it died.

At this stage of development, most of the bony elements are already present.

The ulnare, however, was not yet ossified.

The proportions of the skull are similar to those of the embryo. The orbits are

huge. The preorbital part of the skull is short. There is a big gap between the parietal

and the postfrontal. Il seems that the ossification of the parietal is not complete. Even • though this gap may be attributed to the postmortem damage, it still indicate that this is a poody ossified area. The skull table of adult specimens is usually complete.

The skull of V7917 is 10 mm long, only 21% longer than that of the embryo.

The other parts of body, however, grew faster compared to the skull. The ratio of

standard length in V7917 vs. the embryo is 277%. That of the neck is 270%. The tail

of V7917 is 273% that of GXD835002.

The humerus is shorter than the femur. The whole length of the forelimb is

about 70% ofthe glenoid-acetabular distance. The elements of the foot are longer and

much stronger than those of the hand.

• 67 •

Figure 16 A juvenile Keichousaurus hui, V'I917.

sca1e x3

• 68 ••

Il (j gIl ~ i • \ • Subadult specimens The skull of specimen V7918 is not preserved, hence the snout-vent length is

not known. However, an estimate can be made. The ratio ofthe length ofthe neck vs.

the length of the trunk is 0.9 to l.l in other specimens with both neck and trunk

preserved. Assume it is 1.0 for V7918, then the length of the trunk plus the neck

would be over 87 mm. If the skull length is at least the same as V7917, then the

snout-vent length of V7918 would be at least 98 mm, which is more than double the

expected hatchling size. This suggests that V7918 was a little more than one year old

at the time when it died.

Specimen GXD7602 is slightly larger than V7918. The snout-vent length is

about 125 mm. The skull is 15.5 mm long, about 141% of standard length. • In both ofthese two specimens, the ulnare is present. However, the shape ofthe bone is irregular, which means that ossification is not complete yet. The distal

metacarpals are not ossified at this stage.

The forelimbs are still weaker than the hindlimbs at this stage. Their lengths are

70% the glenoid-acetabular distance, as in V7917.

The adults

In the adults, the parietal opening tends to close up. In specimen GXD7601 the

parietal opening is reduced to a tiny opening, only 0.3 mm in diameter. In the slightly • 69 larger specimen, V952, the parietal opening is completely closed. • The snout of the adult Keichousaurus hui is relatively longer than that of the juveniles. The size of the orbits does not change. The ratio of the length of the

skull:standard length is s!ightly lower than in the juveniles.

Three size landmarks on the growth of a reptile are recognized: the hatching

size, the size at sexual maturity and the maximum size (Andrews, 1982). Thc

relationship ofthe first!wo landmarks has been discussed ear!ier. From the data of the

modern !izards (Andrews, 1982, Appendix 11), we see that the ratio of size at sexual

maturity vs. maximum size varies between 1.16 and 2.00. The standard length of the

adult specimens ofKeichousaurus ranges from 13 mm to 19 mm, which means that the

largest specimen in the collection under study is 50% larger than the smallest "adult"

specimen. This is in accordance with the data of modern !izards. • The humerus is not only longer, but also stronger than the femur, especially in sex y.

The fourth distal carpal and tarsal are present in ail the sex y specimens, except

V7919. In the largest specimens, such as GXD7613 and GXD838028, there are two

more distal carpal elements: the second and the third distal carpals. The sequence of

carpal ossification is fully in accordance with that of the primitive eosuchian (Carroll,

1985; Caldwell, in press).

• 70 • Allometric growth ofKeichousaurus hui The last column of Table 1 lists the ratios of different measurements in

GXD838028 and GXD835002. The most striking phenomenon i~ the extent of the

diversity among different parts of the body. During growth, the width of the skull

increases I.7 times. The length of the neck increases 6.5 time during the same period.

The length of the humerus of GXD838028 is 14.4 times that of the embryo. It is

apparent that the rates of growth of different parts of the body are different. This

phenomenon is termed allometrie growth.

The word allometry was tirst adopted by Huxley and Teissier (1936, see

Blackstone, 1987) to describe the phencmenon in which functionally similar structures

may have different proportions due to differences in size. One of the familiar example • of allometry concerns the legs of a mouse and the legs of an elephant. The function ofa particular part of the body might be inferred through a1lometric analysis.

Allometric analysis can be performed either in an interspecific basis, in which the same

part of the body of the same age group (usually adults) of different but related species

are studied, or in an intraspecitic basis, where different age groups of the same species

are .tudied. An example of the former approach is the function of the 'sail' of

pelycosaurs (Romer, 1940). In the present study, the second approach is used.

In the study of allometry, the relationship of different parts of the body x and

y is usually expressed using a power function

• 71 (2)

• where b is called the allometric coefficient. The value of the allometric coefficient depicts the relation~hip of proportions to the size. When b is greater than 1, then the

proportion y:x is larger in larger animais and allometry is said to be positive. If b is

less than 1, then y:x is smaller in larger animais; this is called negative allometry.

Isometry is the situation in which b is equal to 1 and the proportion y:x is the same

regardless the size.

It is clear that allometry is relative: when part y shows positive allometry relative

to part x, then part x shows negative allometry relative to part y. To decide the growth

rate of different part of the body, a measurement has to be seleeted to represent the

standard body size. The possible candidates could be: snout-vent length, trunk length,

glenoid-acetabulurn length and standard length (the length of the last four dorsal

• vertebrae). The shortcoming of the snout-vent length is that skull length, which is

negatively allometric to almost every other body measurement, is included. It would

be unreliable as a measure of the growth of the animal. Also, not ail of the specimens

include the skull. The trunk length and the glenoid-acetabulum distance have the

problem ofdepending on the position ofthe pectoral girdle. Because the pectoral girdle

is not anchored on the vertebral column and Hable to postmortem disturbance, we

cannot rely of the trunk length or the glenoid-acetabulum distance as an accurate

indicator of the body size. Although the standard length was arbitrarily defined as the

length of the last four (instead of three or five or any other number) dorsal vertebrae

(Sander, 1989), it has the advantage ofbeing a quite accurate indicator ofthe body size • 72 and it is relatively easy to measure. • The allometric coefficients of various parts of the body relative to the standard length are calculated using the least squares linear regression method on

log-transformed data (Table II). Actually, the ca:culations were carried out twice, once

including and once excluding the data of GXD835002, the embryo. The significance

tests were performed about the hypothesis Ho:b=l (the growth is isometric), and

Hl :b=1.5 (the underlying meaning of which will be discussed later). The significance

level is set at 95%, double sided.

The growth of the skull is strongly negatively a1lometric. The allometric

coefficient is about 0.5 when the embryo is included, and 0.85 when it is not. The

adjusted ? is the unbiased coefficient of determination of the sample when the sample

is small. Notice that the adjusted ? is greater when the embryo is excluded than when • it is included, indicating that the allometric coefficient may not be constant during development. Initially, the growth of the skull must show high positive allometry,

outgrowing ail other parts of the body, as a result of the size constraints of the

functioning nervous system and related organs. Subsequently, the growth of other body

parts would catch up, turning the allometric coefficient of the skull highly negative.

The immediately postnatal growth rate of the skull is slightly higher than the last

embryonic stage, but it is still negative. The a1lometric coefficient in the first case

(embryo included) can be thought of as an average over the whole life span of the

animal, whereas in the latter case, it is specific for postnatal growth. In both cases, the

allometric coefficients are statistically significantly lower than 1. • 73 • •

# of (hg. lldjusted r- a b Tfor 'l'for HO:b=~ m:b=~.5

Skull ~~ GXD835002 incl. 5 0.<1430 5.468 0.444 5.937 - GXD835002 e>id width GXD835002 incl. ~O 0.9U3 1.057 L09~ 0.8~0 + 3.647 - GXD835002 excl. 9 0.9445 0.292 1.582 4.308 - 0.607 + J\cet. width GXD835002 incl. ~O 0.9303 1.6U 1.009 0.102 + 5.354 - GXD835002 excl. 9 0.9443 0.585 1.397 3.32~ - 0.862 + !Iurerus 1~ GXD835002 incl. ~O 0.9558 0.448 1.386 3.89~ - L~O + GXD835002 excl. 9 0.9539 O.~ 1.788 5.690 - 2.080 + U1IB1~ GXD835002 incl. ~O 0.9608 0.240 1.334 3.727 - L85~ + GXD835002 excl. 9 0.9554 0.094 1.69~ 5.365 - 1.486 + Radius 1~ GXD835002 incl. 10 0.93U 0.290 1.280 2.42~ + 1.905 + GXD835002 excl. 9 0.9328 0.086 1.743 4.5U - 1.475 + 3Id netaœxpa1 7 0.9804 O.~OO 1.380 4.776 - 1.509 + 3Id digit 4 0.7829 0.32~ 1.160 0.474 + 1.008 + Fem1r1~ GXD835002 incl. ~o 0.9775 0.763 1.D6 2.369 + 6.346 - GXD835002 excl. 9 0.9738 0.414 1.370 4.662 - 1.634 + Tibia 1~ GXD835002 incl. ~O 0.9770 0.230 1.204 3.322 - 4.814 - GXD835002 excl. 9 0.9620 0.U9 1.425 4.256 - 0.755 + Fil:W.a 1~ GXD835002 incl. ~O 0.9655 0.336 Lll4 1.632 + 5.503 - GXD835002 excl. 9 0.9624 0.~9 1.400 4.097 - 1.025 + 3Id netatal:sa1 GXD835002 incl. 8 0.9872 0.209 L~3 3.773 - 5.986 - GXD835002 excl. 7 0.9825 O.UO 1.409 5.334 - 1.1<14 + 3Id tee 5 0.8057 0.634 0.939 0.273 +

Table m AIIometric coefficients of various body parts vs. the standard length When relative growth rate is more nearly constant, the coefficient of • determination would be proportional to the sample size, which is the case for the data ofthe neck length. Although the estimates of b are very similar and close to 1, we can

reject the hypothesis that the true value of b was 1.5 when the embryo is included in

the analysis, but we cannot do so when the embryo is excluded. The same also applies

to the trunk length and the snout-vent length.

The allO;1.1etric coefficients for neck length, trunk length, and glenoid-acetabulum

distance are all very close to 1, especially when the data for the embryo are included.

The body width at the glenoid and at the acetabulum show the same pattern as

the skull: the overall allometric coefficients are very close to 1, but they are much

higher when the data of the embryo are excluded from the calculation. The adjusted

,:z are greater in the latter cases. • The allometric coefficients for the forelimb elements are much higher than those for their counterpart in the hindIimb, whether the data for the embryo are included or

not. The humerus, the ulna and the third metacarpal have allometric coefficients

significantly higher than 1 -- closer to 1.5. The allometric coefficient for the third (the

longest) digit of the hand (and the foot) is much lower than the other Iimb elements.

This may refiect the true situation, or it may be due to the loss of the last segment

during preservation.


It is weil established that sauropterygians were aquatic animais. The aquatic

locomotion of the more advanced group of sauropterygians, the plesiosaurs, and their

possible muscle arrangement have been pondered upon since the tirst published

description of a plesiosaur in the 1820's. For historical reviews, see Robinson (1975),

Godfrey (1984) and Storrs (1993).

It is agreed that the primary swimming apparatus of plesiosaurs were their two

pairs of limbs. Judged from the reinforcement of the limb girdles along the midline,

they must have used symmetrical strokes to propel the rigid body in the water. • Recent years have seen an increased interest in the study of the functional morphology of the less specialized groups of the sauropterygians. Carroll and Gaskill

studied Neusticosaurus edwardsi (1985), Rieppel studied Serpianosaurus (1989), Sander

studied Neusticosaurus peyeri and N. pusillus (1991), Storrs studied (1991).

Schmidt (1986,1989) and Storrs (1993) discussed the functional anatomy of primitive

sauropterygians in general.

The pectoral and pelvic girdles of plesiosaurs and nothosaurs are functionally

similar in that they favour symmetrical movement of the limbs. The sternum that

existed in the primitive diapsids has disappeared. (For a different opinion see Nicholls

and Russell, 1991). In modern lizards the function of the sternum is to facilitate the

• 76 alternative movement of the forelimbs (Jenkins and Goslow, 1983). Preswnably, the • same structure would have had a similar function in primitive diapsids, and the lack thereof in the sauropterygians indicates that the alternative movement of the forelimbs

was not so structurally facilitated. AIso, the scapular "blade" ofthe pectoral girdle and

ilium of the pelvic girdle were reduced to rod-like structures. Meanwhile, the ventral

portion of the girdles was elaborated.

The degree of specialization of the girdles and limbs was different in the two

groups, however. In plesiosaurs the scapulocoracoids are massive. They meet in the

ventral midline of the body and extend posteriorly a great distance. The limbs of

plesiosaurs are highly specialized structures. The distinctions between fore- and

hindlimbs have almost disappeared. The propodials are massive elements. The

elements of the epipodials and beyond have ail become roundish bony disks. The • manus and pes exhibit hyperphalangy and the digits are tightly packed. The outline was wing-shaped with a broad base and a tapering end when the flesh was in place

(Robinson, 1975).

In primitive sauropterygians, the ventral expansion of scapula is minimal, and

the coracoids are not elongated anteroposteriorly. The ventral view of the pectoral

girdle is more or less a circle with a large fenestration in the rniddle, which might at

least be partially covered by the cartilage in sorne taxa when the animal was alive

(Schmidt, 1987). Another difference between nothosaurs and plesiosaurs in the

configuration of the pectoral girdle is that the scapula "horn" ofthe nothosaurs is placed

right above the glenoid, whereas in plesiosaurs, the scapula horn is situated weil

• 77 forward relative to the glenoid. Since it has been emphasised (Robinson, 1975) that the • latter is an adaptation to raise the arms, it follows that the placement of the scapula horn in nothosaurs would gready limit the extent that the hurnerus could be lifted.

Therefore, underwater flying was impossible for nothosaurs. (Godfrey (1984) argued

that underwater flying in sea turtle fashion as proposed by Robinson (1975) is not

feasible even for plesiosaurs.) The same argument can be applied to the pelvic girdles

as well. The outline of the nothosaur limbs is more fan-shaped than hydrofoil-shaped.

The propodials of nothosaurs are slim compared to those of plesiosaurs and the

proportions among the limb segments are not far from the primitive diapsid condition.

The fingers and toes usually spread out in fossils.

The general similarities of the pectoral and pelvic girdles of plesiosaurs and

nothosaurs indicates the similar muscle distribution in both groups, i. e. reduced dorsal • components and elaborated ventral elements. The different degrees of elaboration of the ventral elernents in the two groups may be partly due to different functions of the


Function 01 the lorelimbs ofKeichousaurus hui

Among the nothosaurs, pachypleurosaurids and nothosaurids can be

differentiated by their body size and degree of specialization.

The hurneri of nothosaurids are stouter than those of pachypleurosaurids, the

epipodials are wide because of the large interosseous space between ulna and radius, • 78 giving the forelimbs the outline of an oar. It is apparent that the symmetrical stroke of • the forelimbs was an important component in the locomotion of nothosaurids. Pachypleurosaurids have slimmer humeri and, in general, the epipodials are not

expanded. They usually have a long tail with high neural spines. They are usually

considered lateral undulatory swimmers (Carroll and Gaskill, 1985; Rieppel, 1989;

Sander, 1989; but see Storrs, 1993)

Modern diapsids (iguanas, crocodiles and snakes) tend to employ lateral

undulation when they swim, which is quite natural because of their locomotion mode

on land. This is also exemplified by primitive aquatic eosuchian Hovasaurus (Currie,


Keichousaurus hui differs from European pachypleurosaurids in having a

stronger humerus, very broad ulna and slight hyperphalangy ofthe manus. The profile • of the forelimbs is more paddle shaped than in other genera. These differences indicate a more important role of the forelimbs in locomotion of Keichousaurus hui than in

other pachypleurosaurids.

Allometric analysis of the growth series supports this conjecture. Assume that

the locomotor pattern did not change during the life time of Keichousaurus hui (or of

other pachypleurosaurids), then the functions ofthe forelimbs would have remained the

same during growth. Ifthe forelimbs were not heavily used in locomotion, their growth

should be close to isometric, if not negative allometric, relative to the body length, as

exemplified by the Neusticosaurus edwardsi (Table 13 in Sander, 1989). Ifthe limbs

were heavily used, positive allometric growth would be expected. The expected • 79 allometric coefficient can be approximated as follows: • Since the forelimbs of Keichousaurus hui could not be used as underwater wings because ofthe structure of the shoulder girdle, it is only reasonable to assume that they

were used as paddles. If Keichousaurus did use their forelimbs as paddles in

locomotion, then when they swam in a constant speed, the drag force produced by

paddling should be equal to the drag force acting on the body surface. The drag force

acting on the body surface is proportional to the product of the swimming speed

squared and a characteristic length of the body squared, the second term, in this case,

is the standard length. This can be expressed as:


where D is the drag force, V is the speed and L is the characteristic length. • Since swimming speed cannot be estimated from the fossi! record, we have to turn to data of modern aquatic vertebrates to estimate swimming speed of

Keichousaurus. Even for modern aquatic vertebrates, however, the data on swimming

speed are sparse. But from what we have (Figure I7), it is observed that the active

swimming speed of aquatic vertebrates is proportional to the square root of the body



• 80 •

Figure 17 Swimming speed vs. size of modern aquatic vertebrates.

(from McMahon & Bonner, 1983)

• 81 el i, •

Speed plotted against length for swimmers of intermediate and large size. The slope of the line marked Active is 0.5, showing that Barracuda the ·speed of sustained swimming is propor­ .,. Bluewhale tional ta the square raot of length. The 10 El Dolphin ,.1> slope of the braken line marked Burst is Burst; slope = 0.88 e Porpoise " O.BB. Because the slopes of the two Iines " -'" are very different, the larger in this , " " series are able ta increase their swimming TroU[ • " speed by a considerably larger factor than ~ --" ~ ~;'~" the smaller ones cano The vertical bars " "" ... marked with letiers correspond ta: C. cod; E " ..... -:; .; Active; slope = 0.5 ~ F, flounder; G, goldfish; H, herring; P, ~ pout; R, redfish; S. sculpin. ~ 1~

FT.. , J.rllIILarval anchovy

0.1 9l ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 III, 1 1) 1 Il! 1 fIl 1 ! 1il!1 1 0.01 0.1 1 10 Length (m) This figure encompasses a body size from a few centimetres to over 20 metres, • and from ectothermic to endothermic whales. The body size of Keichousaurus in weil within the range on the figure, and it is reasonable to believe that their metabolic

rate is a:so within the range. Therefore, the speed relaticûship depicted above also

applies to them. Subslitute (4) into (3), we have:


i. e., the drag force acting on the body surface is proportional to the body mass.

The propulsion force produced by the paddle is proportional to the product of

the characteristic length of the paddle squared and the speed of the paddle relative to

the water squared: • (6) Hydrodynamics diclates that, for the paddle to be efficient, the speed of the

paddle relative to the waler should be as small as possible (Alexander, 1968). The

paddle can be thought of as a lever, and the tip of it is the pivot. The less il slips, the

more the body goes forward. This applies to the adults as weil as the juveniles. If we

assume that its swimming speed is close to constant, then the propulsion force produced

by the paddle is proportional to a characteristic length ofthe paddle squared. Since the

propulsion force produced by the paddle should balance the drag force acting on the

body surface:

Subslitute both sides, we gel: • 82 • (7) (8)


l.5 (9) :.Lpaddle ocLbody

In other words, the allometric coefficient of the functional paddles vs. body

length is expected to be 1.5. Recall that the allometric coefficients for most of the

forelimb elements ofour sample ofKeichousaurus are statistically significantly different

from 1, but the hypothesis of them being 1.5, on the other hand, could not be rejected

• (Table II). Il should be noted that the small European pachypleurosaurids (Serpianosaurus, Neusticosaurus pusil/us and N. peyeri) also exhibit positive allometry

in their forelimbs, though not as high as in Keichousaurus. Il is suggested that their

forelimbs are used for terrestrial locomotion (Sander, 1989), but this could not explain

why the type of pectoral girdle of sauropterygians, which is adapted to resist the

symmetrical pressure from the humeri, evolved.

• 83 • Reconstruction of the muscular system ofthe shoulder girdle The structure of the pectoral girdle of sauropterygians differs greatly from that

of terrestrial diapsids, and there is no living forrn with a similar configuration. Any

attempt to reconstruct the muscular system of group can only be an approximation.

Fortunately, study of living tetrapods shows that the muscular system tends to be

conservative, and we can infer from the rugosities on the bony elements the position

of the muscles with reasonable certainty. Among living terrestrial vertebrates, lizards,

with a weil studied musculature system, are most closely related to sauropterygians.

Therefore, the attempted muscle reconstruction is based on lizards. Major references

are Romer (1922) and Jenkins and Goslow (1983).

In terrestrial tetrapods, the thorax is suspended on the supporting structure • forrned by forelimbs and pectoral girdle via the serratus, trapezium and levator scapulae. These muscles originate from the scapular blade and occupy the major part

of the inner surface and the anterior and posterior edges of the blade. In an aquatic

environment, because of the buoyant of the medium, the supportive function of the

girdle and the limb is not as great, and the importance of these muscles is diminished.

As a result, the size of the scapular blade, as weil as the two muscles, are greatly

reduced. Furtherrnore, a less solidly attached pectoral girdle can even increase the

effective length of the power stroke.

The muscles of the forelimbs proper can be divided into two groups, a. dorsal

(levator) group and a ventral (depressor) group, according to their embryological origin • 84 (Romer, 1922). The former includes the latissimus dorsi, subcoracoscapularis, • deltoideus, scapulohumeralis, triceps and extensors of the lower limb. The latter includes the pectoralis, supracoracoideus, brachialis, biceps, coracobrachialis IOllgus

and c. brevis, and the flexors of the lower lirnb. However, since Keichousaurus (and

aIl other nothosaurs) is dorsoventraIly compressed, and the muscle attachrnent surfaces

on the pectoral girdle are more horizontaIly distributed, it might be more appropriate

to group these muscles into abductors and adductors, depending on their position of

origination relative to the glenoid and insertion on the humerus.

There is no evidence as to the size of the latissimus dorsi, because this muscle

originates from the dorsal fascia. The insertion of the latissimus dorsi is at the

convergence of the "Y"-~haped crest at the dorsal side of the humerus. The latissimus

dorsi is the only muscl,~ in the pectoral girdle ofpachypleurosaurids that originates weIl • above the level ofthe gbnoid and would have sorne mechanical advantage when acting as a "levator" of the humerus. In lizards, the origin of this muscle is at and behind the

level of the glenoid, and functions as an adductor of the humerus. This may also be

the case in Keichousaurus.

The subcoracoscapularis originates from the medial surface of scapula and

coracoid, and passes behind the scapular blade to insert between the two upper arms of

the "Y"-shaped crest at the dorsal side of the proximal head of the hurnerus. In sorne

reptiles this muscle can be separated to two slips, a subscapularis and a subcoracoideus.

Since in Keichousaurus and other nothosaurs the scapular blade is smaIl and the

coracoid large, the subcoracoideus would be the larger muscle of the two. Because the • 85 major part of the scapulocoracoid is horizontal, this muscle would work most • effectively when the humerus was in a horizontal or near horizontal plane. Also, since the major part of the scapulocoracoid is behind the glenoid in Keichousaurus, the

function of the subcoracoscapularis would be to pull the limb back to the side of the

body. Therefore, it should belong to the adductor group.

Primitively, the deltoideus originates from the upper part of the scapular blade

(deltoideus scapularis) and the clavicle (deltoideus clavicularis). The insertion is at the

anterodorsal part ofthe humerus head. In Keichousaurus the deltoideus scapularis was

either very small or lost due to the small size of the scapular blade. Because of the

peculiar relation between tiie clavicle and scapular, the anterior portion of the ventral

part of the scapular may share the origin of the deltoid clavicularis with the clavicle.

Since the deltoids originate anterior to the glenoid, they function as abductor of the • humerus. Inferred from !izards, the scapulohumeralis should originate from the lower part

of the scapular blade and insert on the anterior aspect of the proximal end of the

humerus, and function as a levator and abductor of the humerus. However, its origin

and insertion are not apparent in Keichousaurus. If it did not disappear, then it must

have been quite small and insignificant.

The triceps is the major extensor of the lower arm. In terrestrial tetrapods, the

insertion of triceps is on the olecranon of the ulna. In Keichousaurus the lower arm

is always in a extended position and moves in unison with the humerus. The triceps

is therefore basically a static muscle and is not as important as in terrestrial forrns. As • 86 a consequence, there is no muscle scars on the humerus and pectoral girdle where we • might expect to find the origin of the muscle, and the olecranon of the ulna is not conspicuous.

In living lizards, the pee/oralis is a broad sheet of muscle originating from the

clavicle, the interclavicle, along the midline ofthe pectoral girdle including sternum and

sternocostale, and from the midline along the linea alba and from thoracoabdominal

fascia (Jenkins and Goslow, 1983). In Keiehousaurus and other nothosaurs, the sternum

has disappeared and the coracoids meet in the midline. The pee/oralis is very likely to

have shifted part of its origin to the coracoids. The densely packed gastralia may

provide reinforced anchorage for the abdominal muscles and the thoracoabdominal

fascia, and hence stronger support for the posterior part ofthe pee/oralis. The insertion

of the muscle is on the deltopectoral crest, which is a major landmark on the humerus. • The direction ofthe force would be posteromedially, towards the ventral midline of the body. Il is basically an adductor, and when contracting in concert with other adductor

muscles, it would contribute significantly to the power stroke, although the anterior part

of the muscle could act as an abductor.

The supraeoraeoideus is an important muscle in terrestrial reptiles for

maintaining posture by stabilizing the glenohumerus joint The origin of the

supraeoraeoideus in lizards is at the front part of the coracoid, anterior to the glenoid.

The insertion is at the proximal margin ofthe deltopectorai crest of the humerus. Since

the coracoid does not extend anterior to the glenoid in Keiehousaurus, the orientation

of this muscle might shift to a lateral one. The supracoracoid foramen can be used as • 87 an indication of the position of the supracoracoideus. In Keichousaurus the • supracoracoid foramen is situated at the middle of the border between scapula and coracoid, and there should the supracoracoideus originate. If this is the case, then the

supracoracoideus would be much smaller and short:::r than in terrestrial forrns.

Considering that Keichousaurus !ived in an aquatic environment, this is to be expected.

The coracobrachialis longus and c. brevis are the major muscles that function

as the adductor of the humerus. The origin of these muscles occupies the major part

of the external (ventral/lateral) surface of the coracoid in !izards and Sphenodon. The

insertion of these muscles is on the flexor surface of the humerus with the c. brevis

more proximal and occupying more insertion surface. In Keichousaurus the scar for

the c. brevis is prominent on the ventral-medial surface of the humerus. Judging from

the size of the origination and insertion area, the c. brevis could be very strong. • The brachialis and biceps brachii are very closely related to coracobrachialis muscles developmentally, though they are basically forearm flexors. In sorne reptiles

the originations ofthe biceps can hardly be separated from the coracobrachialis muscles

(Holmes, 1977). In !izards, where the sternum is present, the biceps arises along a

narrow area adjacent to the coracosternal joint (Jenkins and Goslow, 1983). In

Keichousaurus, however, the sternum is absent. Therefore, the origin ofthe biceps may

have moved to the mid!ine of the body. In terrestrial forrns, the proximal belly of the

biceps is usually tendinous (Holmes, 1977), and this might be related to the reduction

of the coracoid. 8ince the coracoid of Keichousaurus is enlarged instead of reduced,

the biceps may have had a fleshy proximal belly and contributed to the power stroke. • 88 The distal belly of the biceps and the brachialis, on the other hand, might not be as • important as in terrestrial forms where the precise control of the forelimb is more critical in locomotion and posture maintenance. The function ofthe brachialis and the

distal belly of the biceps is to stabilize the elbow joint.

The muscles of the lower arms are not discussed here because there is no

evidence of their specific distribution. However, it is logical to assume that

Keichousaurus was able to spread out its fingers to increase the surface area during the

power stroke, and pull them together in the recovery phase to reduce drag.

The power stroke starts with the forelimbs forward and outward, horizontal with

the main axis of the body, palm facing downward. The contraction of the adductor

muscles would bring the arms backward with a shallow down curve. At the same time

the forearms would pronate (rotate inward) so that the palms face backward. The • fingers would spread out to maximize the drag surface (with the web between the fingers). In the recovery phase, the levator and the abductor muscles would bring a

supinated arms forward, with palms facing down and fingers collected to reduce the


Hindlimb and the pelvic girdle

Il is very common for secondarily aquatic vertebrates to hold their hindlimbs

close to the lail to reduce drag and not utilize them for propulsion. This arrangement

can be seen in crocodiles and alligators (Manter, 1940), sea lions (English, 1976; • 89 Godfrey, 1985) and penguins (Clark and Bernis, 1979) arnong living animals, and might • be the case in sorne pachypleurosaurids (Carroll and Gaskill, 1985; Rieppel, 1989; Sander, 1989). Therefore, the pelvic girdle and hindlimbs of secondarily aquatic

vertebrates are usually not weil developed, and the attachment between the pelvis and

the vertebral column tend to loosen. Ifthe hindlimbs were not used for other purposes,

the selective pressure might eventually eliminate them, as is the case in cetaceans. In

plesiosaurs and sea turtles, however, the hindlimbs are strong and as highly developed

as the forelimbs.

As in other pachypleurosaurids, the pelvic girdle and the hindlimbs of

Keichousaurus hui are not as weil developed as are the pectoral girdle and forelimbs.

The femur is slim, but the lower limb is expanded anteroposteriously. The epipodial

is only about 50% the length ofthe femur. The growth ofthe hindlimbs shows a lesser • degree of allometry than the forelimbs, indicating a lesser l'ole in propulsion. The iliac blade is reduced to a small rod, comparable to the reduction of the

scapular blade. However, two lines of evidence indicate that the connection of the

pelvis and the vertebral colurnn is still quite strong. First, the sacral ribs are visibly

pachyostotic, and second, there is a recess at the end of one of the sacral ribs (the

middle, or the "real" sacral rib), which accepts a process in the mid-shaft of the ilium.

The advantage of this unusual arrangement might be to achieve sorne mobility while

maintaining the stability ofthe pelvis. It may have been possible for the pelvis to rotate

around the functional sacral rib to a small degree when needed, such as when the

animal used the hindlimb for propulsion. However, it may have been easy to "lock" • 90 the pelvis into place by axial muscles when the manoeuvre required stability of the • pelvis, such as when the animal was doing a sharp turn and using the hindlimbs as the steering apparatus, or when it needed to stop suddenly. The additional "sacral ribs" in

front and behind the functional one may have functioned as support or reinforcement,

and spread the bracing force along a larger part of the vertebral column. If this is the

case, then those genera with more sacral ribs might be more agile and had more


Muscle reconstruction ofpelvic girdle and hindlimbs

As pointed out earlier, in Keichousaurus the most solid part of attachment ofthe

pelvic girdle to the sacrum is at the middle of the iliac blade. The lateral part of the • dorsal muscles would have been interrupted as in ail vertebrates with a weil developed pelvic girdle. The muscles involved are the longissimus dorsi and iliocostalis in the

trunk, and extensor caudae lateralis and/or abductor caudae externus in the tail (Romer,

1922). The ilio-pubic, pubo-ischiadic and ilio-ischiadic ligaments of terrestrial forms

must also be present in Keichousaurus, though the exact positions of attachment to the

girdle are not certain. The ventral muscles involved are oblique, transversalis and

rectus abdominus in front, and ischio-caudalis in the tail. Since the pelvic girdle may

have heen capable of sorne mobility in Keichousaurus, these muscles may have

controlled the motion of the girdle.

The muscles that originate from the ilium and insert on the femur or the lower • 91 limb are: the iliofemoralis, iliofibularis and iliotibialis. Since the ilium is very small, • the muscles that originate from it may also have been small and weak, and their contribution to the movement of the hindlimb may not have been very significant.

The major muscles acting on the femur originate from the two surfaces of the

ventral plate of the pelvic girdle and associated ligaments. They include the

puboischiofemoralis internus and p. externus, ambiens, adductor and

ischiotrochantericus. Although the caudifemoralis longus and c. brevis originate from

the vertebral column instead of from the pelvic girdle, developmentally they belong to

·t!:Je ventral limb muscle mass (Romer, 1942).

The puboischiofemoralis internus originates from the broad inner (dorsal) surface

ofthe puboischium plate. It runs outward in front ofthe ilium-pubis margin and inserts

on the proximal dorsal surface of the femur. The function of this muscle is to pull the • femur upward and draw it close (0 the side of the body. When acting with the triceps, they would cause the hindlimb to form a large fan-shaped area facing the direction of

the current, thus braking the forward thrust of the animal or change its direction.

The ambiens, together with the iliotibialis and femorotibialis, form the pelvic

triceps. It originates from the antero-Iateral edge ofthe pubis and merges with the other

two heads to insert on the proximal end of the tibia Judging from the preservation

posture of the Keichousaurus specimens where the hindlirnbs are always in a flexed

position, these muscles were not very strong.

The puboischiojèmoralis externus occupies the entire ventral (extemal) surface

ofthe pubo-ischiadic plate. The insertion ofthis muscle is in the intertrochanteric fossa

• 92 at the ventral proximal end of the femur. This muscle is the major depressor of the • femur when working with the adductor, and also contributes to keeping the hindlimb close to the side of the tail when working with the caudifemoralis muscles.

The caudifemoralis longus and c. brevis originate from the underside of the

anterior caudal vertebrae and their associated ribs. In lizards the muscle fibres converge

into a strong tendon passing under the femur and insert into the anterior side of the

proximal end of it. A thinner tendon branches out from the stronger one and runs along

the femur and attaches to the ligaments on the knee joint. The situation would not be

much different for Keichousaurus except that these muscles might be stronger and

function in stabilizing the limb.

The ischiotrochantericus is a small muscle originating from the rear corner of

the ischium and inserting via a tendon on the proximal head of the femur. Ils function • is to stabilize the acetabular joint.

The tait

The European pachypleurosaurids are generally considered lateral undulatory

swimmers with their tail as the major source of power (Carroll and Gaskill, 1985; Sues,

1986; Rieppel, 1989; Sander, 1989; but see Storrs, 1993b). However, there are several

factors that would preclude Keichousaurus from being an effective lateral undulatory

swimmer. The first few caudal vertebrates of Keichousaurus bear long caudal ribs;

their neural spines are low. Therefore, the cross-section at the base of the tail would • 93 show a dorsoventrally compressed outline. It is apparent that such a tail could not • produce much thrust if undulated laterally. If Keichousaurus used its Iimbs in locomotion in a symmetrical fashion as hinted by the structure of the pectoral girdle,

their tail could not be used in a laterally undulating fashion as proposed in other

pachypleurosaurids, because the two patterns of locomotion are incompatible. In lateral

undulatory swimming, undulatory waves travel from head backwards to tail, producing

the driving force. For each cycle of the body wave, there are two phases. The force

produced by the two phases direct alternatively to rear-Ieft and rear-right. The posterior

l:0mponent drives the animal forward. The lateral component is compensated by the

force that points to the opposite direction, which is the lateral component of the force

produced by the other half-phase ofthe undulation. Therefore, the pressure field along

the body alternate constantIy (Manter, 1940). On the other hand, the symmetrical • strokes of the limbs produce a symmetrical pressure field along the two sides of the body. For the symmetrical strokes to be effective, there should exist a symmetrical

pressure field along the two sides of the body. Ifthe pressures at the two sides of the

body were different, the limbs would have to exert different amount of force, thus

destroy the symmetry. In lateral undulatory swimming, the direction of the body is

constantIy changing, and the force produced by the symmetrical strokes could not direct

just posteriorly, but posteriorly and to one side. This, in turn, would destroy the

r"gularly alternating pressure field produced by the undulatory movement, and require

compensation ofthe body. There are two possibilities: the taïl was either trailed behind

passively, or was actively propulsing, but moved dorsoventrally. There is no modern

• 94 reptile that could undulate its tail dorsoventra!ly (Rieppel, persona! communication), and • the innervation of the tail muscles are not weil studied. Therefore, this point is hard to corroborate or disprove. Structurally, the tail ofKeichousaurus is capable ofmoving

vertically because there are gaps between successive neural spines at the base of the

tail. On the other hand, there is no known animal that combines bilaterally symmelrical

propulsion and lateral undulation in locomotion.

The neck

The intervertebral articulations of Keichousaurus hui constitute a complex

functiona! unit The prezygapophysis faces inward and rearward as weil as upward, and

the postzygapophysis faces outward and forward as weil as downward, so the • successive vertebrae are interlocked with each other. In the dorsal region, the postzygapophyses are swollen and fits tightly with the prezygapophyss ofthe following

vertebra, so that there could be very little inter-vertebral movement, and the body is

kept very stiff. In the neck region, however, the zygapophyses are not as swollen, so

that the neck can bend more freely. As shown by Holmes (1989), when zygapophyseal

surfaces of the two sides of the vertebrae are not in the same plane and form an angle

with the longitudinal axis of the vertebral column, coupling of movements tends to

occur. In the case ofKeichousaurus hui, when the neck flexes sideways as the animal

is turning, the cervical vertebrae also tend to bend upwards relative to the vertebra

following it and rotate in such a manner that the neural spine leans towards the centre • 95 of the curve. This leads the body to rotate in such a way that the broad area of the • abdomen would face the outside of the curve. The effect is that the centrifugaI force, which tends to keep the animal moving in a straight line, is now better balanced by the

increased drag force due to increased surface area that faces the outside of the curve.

When birds make a turn, they have to do exactly the sanle thing: rotate so that the belly

and the large area ofthe wings face outward. The difference is that, for Keichousaurus

the mechanism was buili into the skeleton, whereas in birds it is more a learned


The swimming pattern ofKeichousaurus

Subaqueous locomotion of secondary aquatic vertebrates falls into two broad • categories: axial undulatory and appendage oscillatory. Members ofthe first class, such as ichthyosaurs and whales, employ the tail and/or part of the body as the main source

of propulsion. Members of the second class use the paired fins or limbs. The

appendage oscillatory swimmers are further divided into drag based (rowers) and lift

based (fliers) (Webb and Blake, 1985). In rea1ity, however, the situation is not as

simple and clear eut. Sorne swimmers may mix the locomotion patterns. Example of

the mixture of drag based and lift based swimming patterns are sea lion and possibly

plesiosaurs (Godfrey, 1984). Axial and appendage propellers can also be used

simultaneously. One example is human swimmers using the butterfly stroke. In this

style ofswimming, the arms are used in a symmetrical rowing pattern, while the whole • 96 body and legs undulate dorsoventrally. • The locomotion of Keichousaurus hui might also be a mixture of different patterns. The power stroke of the forelimbs was probably drag based. The recovery

stroke might have elements of lift based propulsion. Furthermore, the tail might also

have contributed by performing dorsoventral undulation.

The function of the hindlimbs of Keichousaurus might be similar to that of sea

lions (Godfrey, 1985). When swimming in straight line, sea lions hold their hindlimbs

in a inverted V position. In this position, the hindlimbs act as stabilizers. During turns,

the body of sea lions rotates so that the abdomen faces the outside ofthe curve, and the

hindlimbs fans out posteriorly so that the plantar surface of the hindlimbs would also

face the outside of the curve, preventing the skidding of the posterior portion of the

body. As in sea lions, the hindlimbs of Keichousaurus are also fan-shaped. When • swirnming in straight line, the hindlimbs of Keichousaurus would trail passively along the side ofthe tail. In this position, they would increase the ventral surface at the base

of the tail. When Keichousaurus turned, the bending of the neck would have caused

the body to rotate so that the abdomen and the broad area of the base of the tail faced

the outside. At the same time, the hindlimbs would spread out posterolaterally, adding

more surface to prevent skidding. The hindlimbs of Keichousaurus could also be used

as paddles in concert with the forelimbs when precise manoeuvring was called upon,

such as backing up from a tight place where turning was difficult.


When the tirst description of Keichousaurus was published (Young, 1958), he

assigned it to the family Pachypleurosauridae, based on the small body size, the "very

small" upper temporal openings which were described as "smaller than the nasal

openings" and the posterior position of the parietal ol'ening on the skull table. Kuhn­

Schnyder (1959) pointed out that the temporal openings were not as small as described,

but large and elongated (which was correct), and thought that the narrowness of the

temporal openings was caused by the lateral compression during preservation (which • was not correct). Based on this and the broad ulna, he put Keichousaurus in the Lariosauridae. Based on the proportions of the fore and hindlimbs, von Huene (1959)

placed Keichousaurus in the Simosauridae. Young (1965), when describing sorne new

materials of Keichousaurus, acknowledged that the temporal openings were elongated,

but asserted that the narrowness of the temporal region was natural. Furtherrnore, he

suggested erecti!,1g a new family, Keichousauridae, within thè suborder


Recently, several authors have investigated the phylogeny of nothosaurs (Sues,

1987; Storrs, 1991, 1993; Rieppel, 1993a; Sander, 1991; Schmidt, 1987). Among these,

Storrs' 1991 analysis was ideal to serve as the basis for further studies. It included ail

• 98 the weil known (and sorne not so weil known) genera of pachypleurosaurids and • nothosaurids. Eighty-four characters were originally analyzed. It has been used as a frame of reference for further studies of nothosaur phylogeny when new information

was gather~d (Storrs, 1993; Rieppel, 1993). Storrs' study agreed with Young (1958)

in placing Keichousaurus in Pachypleurosauria which, according to that analysis, is

monophyletic. Since many character states ofKeichousaurus were unknown at the time

of Storrs' analysis, and sorne others were incorrectly interpreted, it is necessary to

reinvestigate the phylogenetic position of Keichousaurus in sauropterygians.

The amended data matrix of Storrs (1993), which includes 88 characters of 21

taxa, was used in the current study as the base of the phylogenetic analysis. Since the

computer program package PHYLIP (Felsenstein, 1993) is used in this analysis, the

multistate characters are recoded as two-state characters, resulting in a total of 99 • character transformations. Corrections and modifications mainly concern Keichousaurus.

1. The overall body size. O-small, l-Iarge.

2. The neck length. Storrs coded this character with three states. Since the

third state (neck much longer than the body length) only occurs in plesiosaurs,

collapsing this state with the second state (neck and body length are about equal)

would not affect the resolution of the part of the c1adogram in which we are

interested. O-Iess than body length, l-subequal to or much longer than body

length. • 99 3. The cranial kinesis. There is no kinesis in the Keichousaurus skul1. The • basioccipital and the pterygoid are sutural1y articulated. Neither is cranial kinesis reported in Neusticosaurus or Serpianosaurus (Carrol1 and Gaskil1, 1985;

Rieppel, 1989; Sander, 1989). O-kinetic, l-akinetic.

4. The lower temporal fenestra. O-present, l-absent.

5. The upper temporal fenestra. O-smaller than orbit, l-Iarger than orbit.

6. Temporal emargination. O-present, l-absent.

7. The quadratojugal. This bone is not found in Keichousaurus. O-present, 1­


8. A quadrate notch is present in Keichousaurus, Neusticosaurus and

Serpianosaurus, but absent in Claudiosaurus (Carrol1, 1981). It is also present

at least in and , judging from the configuration of the • occipital region (Schultze, 1970). O-absent, I-present. 9. The suborbital fenestra is probably present in Keichousaurus, though it may

be quite small. O-present, l-absent.

10. The palatines. The palatines were not preserved in our specimens of

Keichousaurus. O-separated by pterygoids, I-meet in the midline.

11. Interpterygoid vacuity. O-present, l-absent.

12. Transverse flange of pterygoid. O-present, l-absent.

13. Premaxilla separates nasals. In Keichousaurus, Neusticosaurus,

Lariosaurus, Simosaurus and the dorsal-posterior process of the

premaxillae makes direct contact with the prefrontal, preventing the nasals from • 100 touching each other. O-no, 1-yeso • 14. Nasals contact prefrontals. O-yes, 1-no. 15. The supratemporal bones. O-present, 1-absent.

16. The shape of the upper temporal openings. The upper temporal openings

could be round or elongate. Neusticosaurus, Serpianosaurus, Anarosaurus and

Corosaurus have round temporal openings. Dactylosaurus, Keichousaurus,

Lariosaurus, Cymatosaurus, and Nothosaurus have elongated

upper temporal openings. The temporal openings of Simosaurus are not as

elongated as the latter group, nor are they as short as the former. The outgroup

have round upper temporal openings. O-round, 1-elongated.

17. The postorbital. O-contacts supratemporal fenestra, 1-does not.

18. As other primitive sauropterygians, Keichousaurus has a triangular • postfrontal. O-triangular, l-subrectangular. 19. Contact of postfrontal with the temporal opening. Primitively, the

postfrontal does not enter into the supratemporal openings, as in Petrolacosaurus

(Reisz, 1981). However, in Youngina and Claudiosaurus, as weil as most ofthe

sauropterygians, the postfrontal does enter into the rim of the supratemporal

opening. Therefore, the primitive condition for sauropterygians should be

postfrontal contact with the temporal opening. Some specimens of Lariosaurus

lack the contact (Mazin, 1985). O-yes, 1-no.

20. The postparietal. O-present, 1-absent.

21. The tabular. O-present, 1-absent. • 101 22. The lacrimal. O-present, l-absent. • 23. The lacrimal-narial contact. O-present, l-absent. 24. The position of the jugal. O-meets the orbit, l-excluded from the margin

of the orbit.

25. The jugal contacts the quadratojugal. O-yes, I-no.

Character 26 describes the ,shape and direction of the long axis of jugal. This

character is recoded here as two characters.

26. The shape of jugal. The forms with a lower temporal bar have a triradiate

shaped jugal, whereas those that lack the lower temporal bar have a crescent­

shaped jugal. O-triradiate, 1- crescent-shaped.

27. The orientation of the jugal. l-along orbit margin, 2-away from orbit.

28. Parietals fused. The outgroups and most sauropterygians have paired • parietals. Keichousaurus, like Lariosaurus and Nothosaurus, has fused parietals. O-paired, l-fused.

29. Position of the parietal foramen. In the outgroups, the parietal foramen is

situated at middle of the parietal. In Lariosaurus, Ceresiosaurus and

Nothosaurus the parietal foramen shifted rearward, whereas in Keichousaurus

it is situated anterior to the midline of the parietal, which is coded separately in

next character. O-middle, I-posteriorly positioned.

30. Parietal foramen anteriorly positioned. O-no, l-yes.

31. Frontals fused. This occurs in Keichousaurus, Lariosaurus and

Nothosaurus, partially in Neusticosaurus, Serpianosaurus, and probably also in • 102 Anarosaurus. O-paired, I-fused. • 32. Posterolateral process ofthe frontal. In forms with small temporal opening such as Keichousaurus, Neusticosaurus, Dacty/osaurus, Serpianosallrlls and

Anarosaurus there is a posterolateral process on the frontal. The suture between

the frontal and the parietal is more or less W-shaped. In forms with large

temporal opening (except Corosaurus), on the other hand, the suture between the

frontal and the parietal is straighter, and ouly has second degree zig-zags.

Corosaurus shows the W-shaped suture as forms with small temporal opening.

The outgroups exhibit the W-shape suture. O-absent, I-present.

34. Relative size of the prefrontals and the postfrontals. Primitively, the

prefrontals are larger than the postfrontals, as seen in C/audiosallrlls. Sorne of

the forms with small temporal opening, such as Neusticosaurus, Anarosaurus, • and Keichousaurlls, retained this condition. In Serpianosaurus, Dacty/osaurus, Corosaurus and possibly Ceresiosaurus the prefrontals and postfrontals are

about equal-sized. In typical "nothosaurs", the postfrontals are much larger than

the prefrontals. O-prefrontals larger than postfrontals, I-no.

35. O-prefrontals and postfrontals are about the same size, I-prefrontals much

smaller than postfrontals.

36. Palatal dentition. O-present, I-absent.

37. The rostrum. O-unconstricted, I-distinctly constricted.

38. The nasals. O-present, I-absent.

39. The external nares. O-terminal, I-retracted. • 103 40. The nasal contacts the extemal naris. O-yes, l-no. • 41. The diastema O-absent, l-present. 42. The tooth orientation. O-vertical, l-procumbent.

43. The dentition. O-anisodont, l-isodont.

44. The teeth. O-conical, l-squat.

45. The maxillary dentition. O-caniniform, l-not caniniform.

46. The premaxillary dentition. O-not caniniform, l-caniniform.

47. The mandibular symphysis. O-weak, l-robust.

48. The retroarticular process. O-absent, l-present.

49. The trunk intercentra. O-present, l-absent.

50. The type of vertebral centra. O-amphicoelous, l-platicoelous.

51. The foramina subcentralia. O-absent, l-present. • 52. The zygapophyses. O-wider than centrum, l-narrower than centrum. 53. The presence or absence of zygosphene/zygantrum articulations. 54. The

hyposphene/hypantrum. O-absent, l-present.

55. The number of sacral vertebrae. O-two, l-more than two.

56. The number of sacral vertebrae. O-three, l-four or more.

Although we know that having two sacral vertebrae is primitive, it is hard to

determine whether the increase of the sacral count is Iinear, i.e. 2->3->4->5, or

bushy, i.e. 2->3, 2->4, 3->4, 3->5, and 4->5. The sacral ribs could be added

from front, from rear, and from both.

57. The shape of sacral ribs. O-distally expanded, I-distally reduced. • 104 58. Pachyostotic and thickened ribs. O-absent, l-present. • 59. Number of gastralia elements. Keichousaurus has five elements per segment. Only Neusticosaurus has three elements per segment. AlI other taxa

have five elements per segment. O-five, I-three.

60. Dermal armour. O-absent, l-present.

61. The sternum. O-present, 2-absent

62. The ossification of the sternum. O-ossified, I-unossified.

63. The cleithrum. O-present, I-absent.

64. The posterior process of the interclavicula. O-present, I-absent.

65. Interclavicular process. O-elongate, l-short.

66. Clavicular corner. O-absent, I-present.

67. Scapulocoracoid. O-united, 1-divided. • 68. Position of the scapula relative to the c1avicle. One of the synapomorphies of the sauropterygians is the superficial position of the scapula relative to the

c1avicle. There is one exception in one of the Keichousaurus specimens

(V7919). Il has to be considered abnormal before more specimens with the

same condition were found and studied. O-medial to c1avicle, I-superficial to


69. The posterior extension of the coracoid. O-absent, l-present.

70. The supracoracoid (or coracoid) foramen. O-present, 1-absent.

71. The position ofthe supracoracoid foramen. In the primitive outgroups, this

foramen was completely surrounded by the scapulocoracoid. Il was situated at • lOS the border of the separated coracoid and scapular in nothosaurs. The position • of the supracoracoid foramen differs in different taxa: in Keichousaurus, Lariosaurus, Ceresiosaurus and Nothosaurus it lies in the middle ofthe border

line between the coracoid and the scapular. In Neusticosaurus and

Serpianosaurus it is at the medial margin of the scapulocoracoid and may be

open to the pectoral fenestration. In Dactylosaurus and Corosaurus the

supracoracoid foramen is completely lost, which is coded in character 70. 0­

supracoracoid foramen in the middle ofthe scapulo-coracoid suture line, 1-open

to the pectoral fenestration.

72. The pectoral fenestration. O-absent, I-present.

73. The pectoral bar. O-absent, I-present.

74. The posterior ramus of the ilium. O-present, I-absent. • 75. The size of the posterior ramus of the ilium, when it exists. O-prominent, l-small.

76. The ilium-pubis contact. O-present, l-absent.

77. The anterior corner of the pubis. O-unexpanded, 1-expanded.

78. The obturator foramen. In Keichousaurus, the obturator foramen tends to

close up when the animal gets older. Therefore, the state is "varied". O-present,


79. The thyroid fenestration. O-absent, I-present.

80. The forelimb. O-as robust as the hindlimb, O-more robust than the


• 106 81. The shape of the humerus. O-straight, I-strongly curved. • 82. The robustness of the humerus. O-slender, I-robust. 83. The humeraI epicondyles. O-prominent, I-reduced or absent.

84. Ectepicondylar foramen. This foramen is not present in Keichollsallrlls.

O-absent, I-present, 2-notch.

85. Entepicondylar foramen. O-present, I-absent.

86. Spatium interosseum. This is the space between the ulna and the radius.

In plesiosaurs, because of the transformation of the ulna and the radius, the

spatium interosseum disappeared. O-present, I-absent.

87. The distal end of the spatium interosseum. Primitively, the distal end as

weil as the proximal end of the two bones are close to each other, and the

spatium interosseum is narrow and closed. In Keichousaurus, Dactylosaurus • and ail the large "nothosaurs", the distal ends of the ulna and the radius were separated by the intermedium, and the spatium interosseum is wide and open at

the distal end. O-closed, I-open.

88. The radius and ulna length. Since there is no apparent olecranon in

sauropterygian ulna, we should discount the length of the olecranon in the

outgroups when doing the comparison. In the outgroups, the radius and the ulna

(minus the olecranon) are of about the same length. This is also the case in

most of the sauropterygians except Neusticosaurus and Serpianosaurus where

the radius is much longer than the ulna. O-equal, I-radius much longer.

89. The midlimb joint. O-present, I-absent. • 107 90. Hyperphalangy. O-absent, I-present. • 91. When hyperphalangy is present, the degree of hyperphalangy. O-slight, 2- extreme.

92. Carpus/tarsus. O-well ossified, I-poorly ossified.

93. The hindlimbs. O-Ionger than forelimbs, l-shorter than forelimbs.

94. The ulna. O-narrow, I-broad.

95. The pisiform. O-present, l-absent.

96. The length of the supratemporal fenestra. O-shorter than snout, l-Ionger

than snout.

97. Impedance-matching middle ear. This character is inferred from the shape

of the quadrate. Like Neusticosaurus and Serpianosaurus, the quadrate of

Keichousaurus also has the posterior embayment, indicating the similar middle • ear structure. O-absent, I-present. 98. The cranial bone omamentation. O-absent, I-present.

99. Presence or absence of the ectopterygoid. O-present, I-absent.

The data matrix is shown in Table IV. The data were anaIyzed using Mix

program of PHYLIP program package, version 3.5c (Felsenstein, 1993). Ali characters

are equally weighted, and no direction of transformation was assurned for characters.

A total of 57 most parsimonious trees are found with 214 required steps. The

consensus tree is shown in Figure 18. The configuration of the tree is similar to that

of Storrs' (1991). A few differences are Iisted below.

• 108 • •


Y~cmœs 1)0000?0100 0000000000 001000?00? 010?000000 0101?00000 0100?00000 OPOOOOO?O? O?OOOOOOOO 0010000000 ?00000100 Clau:iiasaurus 0001000000 0100000000 001011000? 010?000000 0101000000 0100?00000 1100000?0? O?OOOOOOOO 0111000000 ?OOOOOOOO

l'ëJsticnsaurus 0111000110 llPOlPlO01 1??011000? PJ.O?lOOlOO 110"l001100 0101Pl1101 ?101P11001 1001000000 0111000100 ?lPOIOlll Sezpi.anœaurus 0111000110 1100101001 11?011000? Pll0100100 1101001100 010lPlOO01 ?lPlll10n.l 1001000000 0111000100 ?lP010111

ArBrœamus OlllQO??10 1100100001 11?0?1000? ?10?100100 11010011?0 0?01011001 ?1?111101? 101100?000 0111000?01 010070?0?

IBctylasaurus 011100??10 1100110001 11?0?10010 0110100100 11010011?0 O?OlOlPOOl ?1??1.1101? 1001000000 0111001001 OllOPO?O? Keic!xlusaurus 011100110? 1110110001 11?0?10111 110?100100 1101001100 010P?PlO01 ?101P11000 100100P001 110?101001 010110100 Plaaxi:ntids 1011110101 1000100001 11?001100? 000?l00101 1P?1011100 OOllO?OOP1 ?lOU11?OO 1000000001 ll11POOOO? ?1?000000 sint:saurus 1111100110 1111110101 ll.?OlllOO? 0010100100 lll10?111Q 0101100?01. ?100111000 1000000001 1111001?0? ?110?0000

Cl:ItœatJrus 111110101? ?000100001 1l?1?1100? 0110100100 1001011100 0101000001 ?10111101? 1000010001 111100100? ?l0010000 a.resiasaurus lll1101Dl.? 1100UO??1 11??11?00? ?010100110 1?0??111.?0 0?01111001 ?11??11000 1001000011 1111001001 011100000 Iariasaurus 0111101010 llP01100Pl 1l.?1.???P1.0 POlllOOlOO 1000111100 O?OllllOOl ?11?111000 10010?0001 1111001001 010110000

c;}<1atœaurus 1111101010 1111110101 11?0???00? 0011110lPO 100001???? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????OOOO Silvest:=saunts 0111101010 1101110001 11.???1110? IDllllOIOO 1000111100 010??00001 ?1??1ll01? 1001000101 l1l110100? ??OO?OOOO

lbtirsaurus lllllO1110 1101110101 l1?l?llllO 1011110100 1000111110 010lPOO?01 ?l01111000 1001000101 1111001001 010011000 RiIallotirsaurus lllllO1010 1101110111 ???1?11110 1011110100 1000111110 0101100?01 ?11?111000 1001000101 111100100? ?l0011000 l'.istJ:

Table IV Characler states of sauropterygians. •

• Figure 18 A consensus cladogram of sauropterygians.

• 110

'-':; .... •

• In the Pachypleurosauria clade, Anarosaurus is the primitive sister-group of • «Neusticosaurus, Serpianosaurus), (Dactylosaurus, Keichousaurus)) assembly. However, this might be due to incompleteness of our knowledge of Anarosaurus.

In Eusauropterygia clade, Simosaurus is the primitive sister-group of the rest of

the taxa. Corosaurus is the primitive sister-group of the next level. Below this level

is the dichotomy of and conventional Nothosauria minus Simosaurus.

Silvestrosaurus is the primitive sister-group of (Nothosaurus, Paranothosaurus).

Both this and Storrs' cladogram (Storrs, 1991) also requires 214 steps.


The primitive quadrupedal tetrapods are (or were) sprawlers. The feet are placed

laterally to the body, as apposed to beneath the body as dinosaurs and marnmals. Their

locomotion mode can be termed a "walking trot", which is defined as "diagonally

opposite legs swing in unison" (Hildebrand, 1985). The vertebral column is usually

flexed laterally to increase the length of steps. It is natural for these animais to use

lateral undulation when they swim. Many semi-aquatic and aquatic reptiles are (or

were) lateral undulatory swimmers. The Alpine pachypleurosaurids are also believed

to have employed a lateral undulating swimming pattern. However, the more advanced • sauropterygians, the plesiosaurs, were definitely not lateral undulatory swimmers. Both the fore- and the hindlimbs ofplesiosaurs are equally highly developed and are believed

to have been used for propulsion (either as wings or paddles.) Judging from their stout

forelimbs, nothosaurids were probably not undulatory swimmers either. However, only

the forelimbs were probably used in locomotion. The elaboration and inclusion of

hindlimbs into swimming apparatus may have occurred after the paraxial stroke pattern

had been established. Ifthe phylogenetic analysis ofStorrs (1993) and presented in this

paper is accurate, the dichotomy of swimming patterns between lateral undulatory and

paraxial propulsion probably coincided with the splitting of pachypleurosaurid and

nothosauriformes in the early stage of evolution of the sauropterygians.

• 112 Keichousaurus was the only known pachypleurosaurid that employed a

swimming pattern similar to that of the nothosaurids. It is not clear what was the cause

(or causes) of this pattern switch in primitive nothosaurids and in Keichousaurus.

The mode of reproduction of Keichousaurus hui is tentatively hypothesized as

ovoviviparous. The limb structures of Keichousaurus hui are specialized for aquatic

locomotion. The mid-arm joint was greatly sirnplified and the olecranon process ofthe

ulna disappeared completely. Crawling up the beach to lay eggs would be a very

awkward business. The fact that an embryo was discovered in the same sedirnentary

environment also favours an ovoviviparity hypothesis.

At birth, the forelimbs of Keichousaurus hui were shorter than the hindlimbs.

However, since the growth of the forelimbs relative to the body was highly positively

allometric while the growth of the hindlimbs was isometric to slightly allometric, the • adult Keichousaurus hui had longer and stronger arms than legs. It is believed that the forelimbs were the primary locomotion apparatus of Keichousaurus hui.

Sexual dimorphism is apparent in Keichousaurus hui, and manifested primarily

in the configuration and length ofthe hurnerus. However, the true sex ofthe two forms

could not be determined.


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a angular

ar articular

ast astragalus

bo basioccipital

c centrum

ca caudal

cal calcaneum

cb ceratobranchial • cl c1avicle cor coracoid .

d dentary

de distal carpal

dt distal tarsal

eo exoccipital

ept ectopterygoid

f frontal

fi fibula

ic intercentrum

• 122 ici interclavicle • il ilium im intermedium

isc ischium

j jugal

m maxilla

n nasal

na neural arch

op opisthotic

pa parietal

pc centrum

pf postfrontal • pm premaxilla po postorbital

prf prefrontal

pt pterygoid

pub pubis

q quadrate

ra radius

sa sacral

sc scapula

so supraoccipitai • 123 sq squamosal • st supratemporal ti tibia

ul ulna

ulr ulnare

• 124