Take Note

our government's (and thus our own) destinies and policies. Con-

sequently, this week we Take Note of the new niches of some of corridors of influence, there often follows a difficult period for

withdrawal from the narcotic of Potomac power is hard for some,

chance to use their expertise with the bureaucracy in private retired cabinet officials and Presidential advisers. But if the jobs. For some men this is the surrogate, the Methadone follow- ment officials entering private life. Like big salaries and a

there are other compensations readily available to high govern-

the famous and not-so-famous cabinet officials and advisers of ing the real addiction to Influence. the late Johnson administration.

After the infighting and the glory and the blunders along the

Still, a curiosity lingers about some of the men who molded

Of Where the LB J Men Are Now


John W. Gardner

Trowbridge was named president of the

"writing, lecturing, and organizing a ven-

escalation of the Vietnam war while he was sador to Poland John Gronouski is now John Gronouski American Management Association in Chinese in Warsaw), and may "wind up Alexander Trowbridge (including the Vietnam talks with the ner is now the head of the Urban Coalition.

Secretary of Defense and won. Now he is lectured at several colleges including the University of Rhode Island and Creighton. ture I really can't talk about now." The

Ramsey Clark ford, Warnke, Glass, Mcllwain and Fin- being memoirs to my children." He has back in his lucrative law practice with Clif-


Garrison) in which JFK aide Ted Sorensen writing concerns his experiences in Poland has joined the New York law firm (Paul, vance professional management in govern- Weiss, Goldberg, Rifkind, Wharton and

New York. The group's purpose is to ad-

ment and business.

Clark Clifford made his pitch for de- Former HEW secretary John W. Gard-

Former Commerce Secretary Alexander

Former Postmaster General and Ambas-

Former Attorney General

Continued on page 7 Lawrence O'Brien LBJ Men Continued Lawrence O'Brien, the stocky red-haired Irishman who managed the last three and former Supreme Court Justice Arthur Democratic Presidential campaigns and Goldberg are also partners. Goldberg is was Postmaster General for a time, is now representing Yale University chaplain Wil- president of McDonnell and Co., a New liam Sloane Coffin Jr. in the latter's York investment firm. appeal from a conviction for conspiring Robert Weaver (with Dr. Benjamin Spock and several oth- Robert Weaver, first Secretary of HUD, ers) to obstruct the draft. While Attorney joined the uneasy legion of America's col- General, Clark approved bringing the case lege presidents this year. He heads the against Coffin and Spock. Bernard Baruch College of the City Uni- Cyrus Vance versity of New York. He is also a director Former Deputy Secretary of Defense of the Bowery Savings Bank. Cyrus Vance, who was President Johnson's right hand man during the Detroit riots Orville L. Freeman, whose tenure as and later went to Paris as a negotiator, has Secretary of Agriculture (like that of most also returned to law practice in New York Agriculture secretaries) was studded with (Simpson.Thacher and Bartlett). In March controversy, has glided into the less har- Pan American World Airways announced ried world of technology. He is president( of that Vance had been added to its board of the international section) of EDP Tech- directors. nology, Inc., a compiler soft ware firm with which ex-Food & Drug Administra- Former Secretary of the Interior Stewart tion boss James L. Goddard is associated. Udall is the head of Overview—a planning group exploring the maze of urban and Dean Rusk, that favorite whipping boy environmental problems. Located just a of the New Left, is doing his cold turkey block from the White House, Overview is from power with his old employer, the still in the planning stage. The group is Rockefeller Foundation. He announced "privately financed." Although he still that he would be the rust "distinguished carries on his law practice in Phoenix and fellow" after he left the mazes and solu- Washington, Udall spends most of his time tions at Foggy Bottom. He is in Washing- on Overview matters. ton "doing research." Continued on next page Walt Rostow Walt Whitman Rostow, special assist- ant to the President and one of the chief architects of Vietnam policy, is now at the Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Af- fairs at the University of Texas. His star rose and eclipsed under John Kennedy and rose again when Johnson became Presi- dent. A number of Vietnam doves damn him for his part in the war planning and claim that he was refused his old post at MIT because of his involvement in Viet- nam policy-making. But the post at Austin reportedly has its compensations, though university officials decline to state the size of Rostow's salary. ness. He has been named vice president would become president of Occidental In- LBJ Men Continued and general counsel of International Busi- ternational Corp. This subsidiary of Occi- ness Machines Corp., which controls about dental Petroleum was formed on that day. Alan Boyd 70 per cent of the computer business in Alan F. Boyd, former Secretary of America. Transportation, admitted he wasn't an Willard Wirtz expert in railroad transportation last Janu- Willard Wirtz, following his stint as the ary, Nevertheless, he took over as Presi- head of the Labor Department, is reported . dent of Illinois Central railroad in April to be still on vacation as of late May. He and said his "lack of a committed posi- was, however, elected to the Board of tion" might be a help in his new job. Directors of EDP Technology. (Bill Don Wilbur Cohen Moyers is also on the board.) Former HEW Secretary Wilbur J. Cohen C. R. Smith is still wrestling with education problems C. R. Smith, former Secretary of Com- at the University of Michigan where he is merce, is a partner in Lazard Freres & Co. the Dean of Education. an investment company. Several other Robert McNamara Johnson administration officials, includ- Robert McNamara made his celebrated ing Peter A. Lewis, former Assistant Direc- exit from the Pentagon and went to the tor of the Budget,• also went to Lazard. World Bank. Recently he has spoken on Marvin Watson the urgency of the world population crisis. W. Marvin Watson, a close Johnson as- N. deB. Kataenbach sociate who filled in as Postmaster General Former Under Secretary of State and during the waning months of the adminis- Attorney General Nicholas deB. Katzen- tration, is in the oil business now. Last bach also moved into the computer busi- March 20 it was announced that Watson _