Table of Contents

Preface ...... 1 Darwin H. Stapleton

Acknowledgments ...... 1

Introduction ...... 2 Kenneth W. Rose and Thomas E. Rosenbaum

User’s Guide ...... 21

Column headings ...... 22

Collections Included in the Survey ...... 23

Abbreviations ...... 27

Survey ...... 30

A Survey of Sources at the Rockefeller Archive Center for the Study of African-American History and Race Relations


The immediate occasion for the preparation of this survey was a conference on "Philanthropy in the African-American Experience," funded by the Rockefeller Foundation and held at the Rockefeller Archive Center in September 1992. The conference was organized by Professor Adrienne Jones of Oberlin College in consultation with Dr. Kenneth W. Rose of the Archive Center.

In order to introduce the conferees to the riches of the records related to in the collections of the Archive Center, several members of the Rockefeller Archive Center staff collaborated on the preparation of a survey for circulation among those attending the conference. The result was so obviously an exceptional research tool that we decided to seek outside distribution. The Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University published and distributed the survey in 1993, and I am delighted to make it available on-line.

I invite all scholars who find something of interest in this survey to mine the Archive Center's collections and to enrich the historical understanding of the African-American experience.

Darwin H. Stapleton Executive Director, Rockefeller Archive Center


The title page of this survey carries the names of four compilers, but many more people have contributed to its development. In a general sense, this survey owes its existence to the many members of the office staffs of the organizations whose records are now located at the Rockefeller Archive Center. Their painstaking efforts to organize, manage, and preserve these records and to prepare the detailed card indexes and inventories made it possible to identify the appropriate files and to provide a high level of detail in the survey. We are especially indebted to Joseph W. Ernst, the Rockefeller Family archivist and the first director of the Rockefeller Archive Center, whose detailed descriptions of material in the Rockefeller Family archives appear often throughout the survey.

We are grateful to our colleagues at the Rockefeller Archive Center for sharing their insights into various collections. Darwin H. Stapleton, the Center's director, provided enthusiastic encouragement and support from the moment this project was proposed. Melissa Smith reviewed an early version of the survey, as did Valerie Komor, who also helped prepare the list of abbreviations used. Erwin Levold identified relevant material in the Commonwealth Fund archives and also made useful suggestions on various drafts of the survey and the introduction. Professor August Meier provided a valuable critique of a later version of the introduction, for which we are grateful. We greatly appreciate his support and encouragement and the time he took to read the material and talk with us about it.

At the Indiana University Center on Philanthropy, we wish to thank Dwight Burlingame for his willingness to undertake a joint publishing venture with the Archive Center to publish the first version of this survey. We also are grateful to Lois Sherman, the managing editor at the Center on Philanthropy, for her efforts in 1992-1993 in publishing this survey. At the Archive Center, John LeGloahec oversaw the preparation of the on- line version.

Introduction, by Kenneth W. Rose and Thomas E. Rosenbaum

Ever since 1882, when John D. Rockefeller made his first donation to the Atlanta Baptist Female Seminary (later renamed Spelman Seminary in honor of his abolitionist in-laws), the education and general welfare of African Americans has been a recurring theme in Rockefeller philanthropy. The ledger books, pledge cards, and correspondence documenting this philanthropy are available to researchers at the Rockefeller Archive Center. Over the past 20 years, more than two thousand scholars have visited the Center to examine the records of such organizations as the General Education Board (GEB), formed in 1902 to improve educational conditions and opportunities in the U.S. “without distinction of race, sex, or creed.” These scholars are producing a growing body of literature on various aspects of Rockefeller philanthropy, including its relationship with the African-American community. Examples of this literature include James D. Anderson's The Education of Blacks in the South, 1860-1935 (1988) and Darlene Clarke Hine's Black Women in White: Racial Conflict and Cooperation in the Nursing Profession, 1890-1950 (1989). Anderson uses the records of the GEB to show how northern philanthropists influenced “the structure, ideology, and content of black education.” Hine draws upon the records of the GEB, the Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial, and the Rockefeller Foundation and argues that, by his support for and its department of nursing in 1886, Rockefeller “financed the establishment of the nation's first black nursing training school.”1

While education has been central to it, Rockefeller philanthropy has been involved in other aspects of life in the black community as well. Nancy Weiss has noted that supporting the “was a [Rockefeller] family tradition.” In addition to chronicling the family's support for the organization itself, she has examined the role Rockefeller philanthropy played in the evolution of the career of Whitney Young, Jr.2 Waldemar Nielsen has argued that John D. Rockefeller, Jr. personally and “persistently encouraged his friends to take an interest” in African-Americans' welfare, and that “through his own great prestige he ... made interest in the black problem ‘respectable’ in business and other circles.”3 Rockefeller's construction of the Paul Laurence Dunbar Apartments in Harlem has been discussed by Gilbert Osofsky in Harlem: The Making of a Ghetto and by David Lewis in When Harlem Was in Vogue.4 Most recently, readers of Taylor Branch's award-winning biography of Martin Luther King, Jr., may have been astonished to read that “insofar as the Kings encountered anything better than obstruction in the white world, it could be traced more often than not to the influence of a most unlikely source, John D. Rockefeller.” Branch shows how Rockefeller money supported many institutions that were important in Dr. King's life, from Spelman College to Riverside Church.5

This survey of sources on race relations and African-American history available at the Rockefeller Archive Center is intended to invite much more scholarship by students of the African-American experience and by students of philanthropy. Containing more than 2,250 entries, the survey lists in alphabetical order the institutions and individuals funded by Rockefeller philanthropy as they are represented by the titles of the folders of documents in the Center's collections. Material listed in the survey documents more than a century of Rockefeller philanthropy; the development of important African-American institutions and personal careers; and changing attitudes towards African Americans, race relations, and the idea of racial harmony and equality.

The Rockefeller Archive Center

The Rockefeller Archive Center is located in Sleepy Hollow, New York, about 25 miles north of New York City. Organized in 1974, the Center opened to researchers the following year and now serves about 260 research visitors each year. The archival collections at the Center include the personal papers of John D. Rockefeller, John D. Rockefeller, Jr., John D. Rockefeller 3rd, and Nelson A. Rockefeller. The Center also holds the files of the Office of the Messrs Rockefeller from 1890 through 1961. This office was the philanthropic and business office of the family, and these files are open for research unless they pertain to living family members.

In addition to these personal papers, the Archive Center holds the records of various philanthropic organizations founded by the family as well as a few non-Rockefeller institutions, such as the Commonwealth Fund, the Russell Sage Foundation, and the John and Mary Markle Foundation. For historians of the African-American experience, the most significant collections at the Archive Center will be the records of the General Education Board, the Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, and the papers in the Rockefeller Family Archives.

Rockefeller Philanthropy for African Americans: An Overview

Scholars who have used the collections at the Rockefeller Archive Center to examine themes in African-American history have produced a significant body of literature. Their research has been concentrated in certain pockets of the collections, however, and many questions and issues remain unexplored. This introductory essay draws upon the collections themselves and selectively from the published literature to provide a historical overview of Rockefeller philanthropy as it relates to African Americans. It attempts (1) to sketch the broad outlines of Rockefeller philanthropy and its support for the black community and for improved race relations; (2) to indicate the kinds of material that researchers will find in the collections; and (3) to suggest questions and issues that future researchers might wish to pursue. This essay does not attempt to present a comprehensive bibliographic discussion of the literature in this field; nor is it an attempt to present the definitive history of Rockefeller giving in this area. Instead, the intent is to stimulate, promote, and invite additional scholarship in these records by providing readers with a general introduction to the Rockefeller family and their philanthropies, the archival collections that are available, and some of the literature that has made use of these collections.

African Americans in the Context of Rockefeller Philanthropy

The quality and the volume of documentation on a wide variety of subjects located in the collections at the Rockefeller Archive Center are both a blessing and a challenge for scholars working on specific topics. The quality of the material is often illuminating, but the volume of material on any one subject is sometimes overwhelming. Not only are large bodies of material time-consuming to examine, but the high quality of records preservation by the Rockefeller organizations often so far exceeds that of other archival materials that problems of evaluation and context arise, tempting scholars to overemphasize the role of Rockefeller organizations in particular circumstances. It is important to recognize from the outset, therefore, that philanthropic giving to African- American institutions and causes, while a well-established and well-documented tradition among the Rockefeller family and their organizations, has never been the central focus of Rockefeller philanthropy. Many other interests and concerns have vied for the attention and resources of Rockefeller philanthropists. African Americans had no special claim upon Rockefeller philanthropy. Members of the Rockefeller family, their advisors, and the administrators of the corporate foundations used Rockefeller largesse for the African- American community in the same way that they approached other areas of concern: they sought to use their gifts in ways that were calculated to achieve maximum effect and would exert strategic impact in areas that were chosen for their significance and susceptibility to improvement. Rockefeller support has been crucial in the development of many African-American institutions and careers, yet black education and welfare are been only two of many causes that Rockefeller family members and corporate philanthropy have chosen to aid.

Rockefeller philanthropy in the African-American community concentrated most dramatically in the field of education. It helped to develop public education in the South, assisted in the development of the major historically black colleges and medical schools and hospitals, and provided fellowship funds for scholars and researchers who would become the African-American academic elite. At the same time that such organizations as the General Education Board and, to a lesser extent, family members (especially John D. Rockefeller, Jr.) were donating funds to the African-American community for educational purposes, equal or greater sums were given to complementary white institutions. Rockefeller philanthropists and administrators regarded this course as an essential calculation for the general acceptance of a program to assist African-American institutions in the legally segregated South. Philanthropy, both corporate and personal, accommodated Jim Crow. Yet it did so in ways that gradually strengthened the African- American community and prepared it for the struggles for equality and justice that were waged largely independent of the philanthropic world, but also alongside it.

John D. Rockefeller

The patriarch of the Rockefeller wealth and philanthropy was John D. Rockefeller (1839- 1937), the founder of the Standard Oil Company. From his earliest charitable gifts in late 1855, Rockefeller tied his philanthropy closely to the religious tenets of the Baptist church, to the organizational and financial needs of the church, and to social needs as perceived by the leaders of that denomination. One needs only to read the donations dutifully recorded in his personal ledgers - long lists of giving to the poor, to local churches, to efforts to erect Baptist churches for various ethnic groups, to temperance organizations, and to local and state Baptist societies - to understand the role of the church in defining and widening the scope of his giving. As his wealth grew from his business endeavors, so too did his charitable giving, not only resulting in larger gifts, but also in gifts to a broader range of activities and to individuals and institutions across a wider geographic area. As early as 1865, according to one ledger, Rockefeller made random gifts to individual African Americans or institutions serving their needs - $25 to the Freedmen's Aid Commission on December 2, 1865, and another $25 for the education of a “colored preacher and teacher” on June 16, 18666 - but, in general, blacks and other minorities and institutions serving their needs did not receive large sums from Rockefeller during the 1860s and 1870s.

As word of his wealth and his generosity spread, the appeals for aid multiplied. By the early 1880s, Rockefeller was deluged by all manner of requests for financial assistance. Two Baptist educational missionary projects caught his attention during this time when their leaders visited Cleveland's Baptist churches as part of their fund-raising tours. It was then that Rockefeller first heard A.C. Bacone, who sought support for a school for Native Americans in the Indian Territory, and Sophia Packard and Harriet Giles, the founders of the Atlanta Baptist Female Seminary, dedicated to the education of black women. Both of these organizations became early recipients of Rockefeller gifts: Bacone in 1881 and Giles in 1882.

Although many of Rockefeller's educational contributions in the early 1880s were responses to specific appeals from traveling missionary educators, Rockefeller also began to respond to the broader missionary concerns of the Baptist church. He began to work more closely with the Reverend Henry L. Morehouse (1834-1917), the new corresponding secretary of the American Baptist Home Mission Society (ABHMS). The Mission Society, which had been supporting Baptist missions and promoting Baptist education since 1832, had three departments: one “to establish churches and Sunday schools,” another "to aid in the erection of church edifices," and a third "to provide normal and theological schools for the Freedmen and Indians." Rockefeller provided support for the Society as early as June 4, 1879, the same year that Morehouse took over as the organization's corresponding secretary.7 James Anderson has described the Rev. Morehouse as one of “the missionary vanguard” in black education who “stood clearly and unswervingly for black higher education and for the development of advanced technical schools to prepare blacks for executive and administrative posts.” Atlanta Baptist College was renamed in his honor.8 A graduate of the University of Rochester (1858) and the Rochester Theological Seminary (1864), Morehouse entered the ministry in 1864 and served as a pastor in East Saginaw, Michigan (1864-1873), and at the East Avenue Baptist Church in Rochester (1873-1879) before taking his post at the Home Mission Society. He was, according to a colleague, “a man of unusual foresight, executive ability, fearlessness, pertinacity, religious zeal, and public spirit .... In the development of denominational policies and in bringing them to effectiveness he had no equal.”9

Morehouse and Rockefeller first corresponded in the spring of 1881 regarding a proposal to change the Society's Church Edifice Fund from a loan program to an endowed fund hat would make grants “to aid feeble churches in procuring suitable houses of worship.” Rockefeller, one of the original contributors to the fund, consented to the change.10 By the summer of 1882, Morehouse was seeking a meeting with Rockefeller to discuss general denominational needs, but was unsuccessful. By mid-August of 1882, however, Rockefeller was beginning to realize that he could bring his denominational giving together through the Home Mission Society, and he made inquiries concerning the Society's attitude toward, and plans for helping, Bacone's Indian college. Morehouse replied to Rockefeller's query, again requested an interview, and asked Rockefeller to meet with other needy aid applicants representing black institutions.11

Finally, on Christmas Eve in 1883, Rockefeller sent Morehouse the kind of letter that the church leader had hoped to receive. It marked the beginning of a change in Rockefeller's procedure for making his charitable donations and started him on the road toward organized, systematic philanthropy rather than individual charity. Rockefeller, weary of the constant appeals that came to him, was contemplating a letter regarding the Scandinavian Church in Bridgeport, Connecticut. He decided to send it to Morehouse, whose organization was charged with building churches. But Rockefeller sought relief from these appeals as well as advice. He wrote to Morehouse that he wanted “to avoid having all these people from every part of the country calling on [him] and [was] considering whether it is not much better for the cause” for him to “give all through the Home Mission Society.” He then asked: “If I were to pay into the Edifice Fund of the Home Mission Society five or ten hundred dollars, would it seem to you best to give an additional sum to this or have you other more important calls?”12

For Morehouse this was an open invitation. He had been pressing Rockefeller for an interview, and now he had an opportunity not only to call upon him for large contributions to the Mission Society for church building, but also to approach the wealthiest Baptist with his “other, more important calls.” To Morehouse, this meant the education of blacks and Indians. Morehouse quickly arranged his first meeting with Rockefeller for January 5, 1884, at the Buckingham Hotel in New York City; five days later Morehouse received a $5,000 check for the Edifice Fund, “as agreed.” Morehouse wasted no time in arranging another meeting for January 28, 1884, which resulted in two significant pledges from Rockefeller. In reply to a desperate plea from Sophia Packard of the Atlanta Baptist Female Seminary, Rockefeller made a “confidential” agreement with Morehouse “to give the balance required to pay off the debt of the Atlanta Seminary, some $4,950, in addition to [his] former pledge of $2,500.” The school would be renamed Spelman Seminary, as Packard had suggested in her letter.13 Rockefeller also made a $25,000 pledge “for a Professorship or Chair in a Colored Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond, Virginia ... provided another equal amount is raised.”14 Morehouse clearly had interested Rockefeller in black education in a significant way and continued to press his case for donations to this cause. On February 7, he arranged a meeting between Rockefeller and the president of , who left New York with Rockefeller's $250 check deposited in the school's account with the Mission Society.15

This flurry of activity between Morehouse and Rockefeller in early 1884 illustrates Rockefeller's realization that he needed organizational help in carrying out his charitable work and his increasing trust in Morehouse and the Mission Society. Although Rockefeller made these early and significant pledges toward black education, and would continue to do so, he seems not to have been entirely confident or comfortable in the field. His giving in this area was one to which he gave considerable thought in later years. In the fall of 1888, for example, Morehouse was planning a special meeting of the ABHMS to commemorate its 25 years of work among blacks. He asked Rockefeller to attend the meeting, or, if he was unable, to send a message. “We have a real problem in their education,” Rockefeller replied. “I am thankful to have had some little part in it and want to further pursue the study of the question with a view to understand better my responsibility in the case. Kindly assure the colored people of my sympathy for, and interest in them and tell them, I hope they will in addition to securing knowledge from books, strive to learn to do all kinds of work, and better than any other class of men.”16 In 1891, he asked his new philanthropic advisor, Frederick T. Gates, to consider the problem of black education. “I am 'smoking my pipe' right along on this colored education matter,” Gates reported, “but thus far only with this result, that before making any suggestions regarding either Richmond Theological Seminary or the general colored work, I must ask [for] plenty of time. These questions have I find a good many side[s], nor all of them easily come at.”17

Rockefeller's philanthropy supported both of what James Anderson has shown to be ideologically competing approaches to black education in the late 19th century: religious missionary approach, which “emphasized literary and professional training to develop a black intelligentsia that would fight for political and civil equality,” and the industrial education approach, modeled after the Hampton Institute of Samuel Chapman Armstrong, where the “manual labor routine was designed ... to teach students steady work habits, practical knowledge, and Christian morals.”18 That he would support both approaches suggests that the whole question of Rockefeller's attitude toward black education deserves further study, especially in the decades of the 1880s and the 1890s, as does his changing relationship with Morehouse. This preliminary evidence suggests that Morehouse played a crucial role in channeling Rockefeller's giving toward black education; although Rockefeller may have understood the religious rationale, he seemed troubled by its social implications and was himself a proponent of industrial education. Indeed, Morehouse and his approach to black education gradually lost favor with Rockefeller as the influence of Gates and other advisors increased.19

The advisor with the greatest influence on Rockefeller philanthropy during the 1890s and the first decade of the 20th century was Frederick T. Gates (1853-1929), a Baptist minister with whom Rockefeller became acquainted in his work with the American Baptist Education Society. In 1891, Rockefeller asked Gates to join him in New York to oversee his philanthropic and business endeavors. In addition to overseeing the development, through major Rockefeller support, of two elite research institutions - the University of Chicago and the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research - Gates devoted considerable energy and thought over the next several decades to the systematic bureaucratic organization and operation of philanthropy. How important Gates was to the subsequent development of Rockefeller philanthropy is symbolized by his service on the boards of all of the important institutions Rockefeller established prior to 1915: he was a trustee of the University of Chicago (1896-1910); a trustee (1902-1917) and chairman (1907-1917) of the General Education Board; chairman of the Rockefeller Sanitary Commission for the Eradication of Hookworm Disease (1909-1914); a trustee of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research (1909-1929); and an original trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation (1913-1923) and a member of its International Health Board (1913-1923), the China Medical Board, and a trustee of the Peking Union Medical College (1914-1917).20

Given the central role Gates played in Rockefeller philanthropy, scholars might wish to examine his influence on giving to projects of importance to African Americans.21 Similarly, researchers should give some consideration to the consequences of philanthropic bureaucratization on support for African-American needs. The Rockefeller boards, most specifically the Rockefeller Foundation, enunciated and developed programs and policies for funding projects that facilitated better comprehension of the “root causes” of social conditions, and of basic scientific processes. As Rockefeller wrote in Random Reminiscences, “The best philanthropy is constantly in search of the finalities - a search for cause, an attempt to cure the evils at their source.”22 Rockefeller and Gates shared an optimistic faith in science and education as the engines of human progress, as those forces that would improve the well-being of mankind throughout the world. As Rockefeller philanthropy developed over the next several decades, it attempted to deal with certain “root causes” of suffering, such as disease and ignorance, and, until mid- century, paid little attention to other possible “root causes,” such as racism and racial segregation.

John D. Rockefeller, Jr., and the General Education Board

In addition to serving as John D. Rockefeller's preeminent advisor, Gates also was an important mentor to John D. Rockefeller, Jr. (JDR Jr., 1874-1960), who joined his father's office upon his graduation from Brown University in 1897. As a youngster, JDR Jr. had visited Spelman Seminary with his parents and was well aware of his family's involvement with that school. His biographer has chronicled JDR Jr.'s increasing involvement with southern and black education. Upon entering his father's office, the young Rockefeller was given the responsibility of overseeing the giving to southern education, and his interest in both the South and black education was heightened by his participation in the train tour of the South organized by Robert C. Ogden in 1901. This trip led to the organization of the General Education Board, established with a gift of $1 million by John D. Rockefeller in 1903 to aid education throughout the . The senior Rockefeller gave the GEB more than $129 million between 1902 and 1921. Between 1902 and 1960, the GEB spent more than $41 million on black education.23

A number of scholars have shown that the GEB was extremely important in developing secondary and higher education in the early decades of the 20th century, especially for blacks in the South. Some, ranging from such contemporary critics as W.E.B. Du Bois to more recent historians, have been critical of the GEB for promoting industrial education for blacks at the expense of higher education. In February 1918, Du Bois called the GEB “the great dominating philanthropic agency” in black education and argued that it “had long ago surrendered to the white South by practically saying that the educational needs of the white South must be attended to before any attention should be paid to the education of Negroes; that the Negro must be trained according to the will of the white South and not as the Negro desires to be trained. It is this board that is spending more money today in helping Negroes learn how to can vegetables than in helping them to go through college.” But, given changes in its policies and programs and the social context of its work, even Du Bois later praised the GEB, writing in in July 1930 that, “notwithstanding all of its past mistakes in attitude and personnel, there can be no doubt that, in the lamentable failure of democracy in the South and the persistent enmity of the white worker, the General Education Board in later years has been the salvation of education among Negroes.”24

The records of the Early Southern Program of the General Education Board detail the Board's first undertaking: facilitating the development of a comprehensive system of education in the U.S., including publicly supported schools in the South for blacks and whites.25 The Board funded the central components of a publicly supported system of education widely, if nor initially universally, available for southern blacks: new or improved buildings for local black schools; studies of curricula; and workshops and other training for teachers. Over time, the GEB's program moved from one of support for the development of primary and secondary education to a program that emphasized support for higher education, including the historically black colleges. As this survey suggests, Fisk and Meharry in Nashville, Atlanta University and Spelman in Atlanta, and Dillard in New Orleans garnered support crucial to their development, with Howard also securing funds.

Although researchers have examined various aspects of the GEB's work, no one has attempted a broad discussion of the organization since Raymond Fosdick's Adventure in Giving appeared in 1962. Most of the scholarship on the General Education Board has focused on its work prior to 1950, but much rich material in the collection remains to be explored. One interesting but little-examined aspect of the GEB's program is the more than 900 fellowships it provided for African-Americans to pursue graduate and professional education from the mid-1920s through the mid-1950s. The fellowship application form asked applicants to indicate their race, so that material pertaining to African-American recipients was easily identified for this survey. Moreover, this form includes a variety of information about the applicant's personal history, including education and employment; these files occasionally also include correspondence and college transcripts, and therefore provide a significant body of material about a large number of black academics and professionals over a period of about 30 years.

Another aspect of the GEB's history that has received little attention is its work after World War II, yet research by William C. Hine on South Carolina State College suggests that there is interesting material in the files for these years. As an institution that concentrated a substantial portion of its resources on black education in the South, the GEB was a logical source of funds for South Carolina Governor James F. Byrnes to turn to in the 1950s as challenges to educational segregation in the state pressured him to make the state's separate institutions of higher education more equal. Hine shows how Byrnes relentlessly pressed the trustees of the GEB to win approval of a grant of 500,000 in April 1952 to expand and improve the facilities of South Carolina State College, the state-supported institution for African Americans.26

The attention to education evident in the General Education Board and other components of Rockefeller philanthropy bespeaks the fundamentally conservative, gradual approach that Rockefeller philanthropy took in most areas and certainly in matters relating to race, discrimination, and race-based inequality in the U.S. Education remained thoroughly segregated by race during the life of the GEB, and the GEB never challenged segregation. How the GEB affected, and was affected by, American racial policy and practice remains a broad topic to be addressed in examining these records.

The Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial

With the advent of Beardsley Ruml as director of the Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial (LSRM) in 1922, Rockefeller philanthropy engaged for a brief period the more diffuse and ambitious challenge of general race relations. Established in 1918, named for the senior Rockefeller's wife and dedicated to her interest in the social welfare of all people, the Memorial made its most significant contribution through grants that promoted the development of a modern, statistically based social science that would come to illuminate a broad range of social problems. In seeking to encourage social science as a tool for understanding social problems and for developing approaches to their solution or abatement, the Memorial made a number of important grants to support research in and promote the improvement of interracial relations.

Among the groups receiving support from the Memorial were the National and New York Urban Leagues and the Boy Scouts for the organization of troops among blacks and other racial groups. August Meier and Elliott Rudwick have pointed our that a $25,000 grant from the LSRM to the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History in February 1922 “provided the resources for the important and pioneering work on antebellum free Negroes and on blacks during Reconstruction that the association sponsored over the next several years.”27 Its support for the Commission on Interracial Cooperation and for the work of Howard Odum made it “a mainstay of southern white racial moderates,” Walter Jackson has argued.28 The LSRM also funded numerous social scientific studies of black life and race relations that helped lay the groundwork for future work in these areas.

Among the LSRM's most innovative projects, according to Jackson, was its effort to train more black social scientists at black colleges and universities. "'The absence of scientific knowledge concerning the Negro's position in American life' could only be remedied through the education of 'competent Negro investigators,"' Ruml argued. “We are dealing with a group of people... handicapped in many respects,” argued Leonard Outhwaite, the LSRM's program officer for race relations. “Our objective ... is to bring them as nearly as possible to a state where they can develop their own leadership, and ... finance their own welfare.” The LSRM provided fellowships and other support aimed at increasing the number of trained black social scientists and professionals. The LSRM (and later the Rockefeller Foundation) provided significant support for 's Department of Social Science and Charles S. Johnson's efforts to create a strong program of training for teachers and researchers in the social sciences. The Memorial's program of support in this area has been discussed at greater length by John H. Stanfield in Philanthropy and Jim Crow in American Social Science (1985). Stanfield describes the program led by Leonard Outhwaite as one that sought (1) to promote empirical studies of African-American culture and communities, especially in the wake of the Great Migration; (2) to encourage training and advancement of moderate race leaders through its funding of grant work and fellowships; and (3) to develop stronger black institutions to serve and guide a growing and, as LSRM leaders saw it, a potentially more volatile, black population.29

With the dissolution of the LSRM and the reorganization of Rockefeller corporate philanthropy in 1929, this innovative program ended; the GEB took over all education programs for blacks, and the Rockefeller Foundation took over the program in the social sciences, which it focused for the most part on top-notch white universities. “Neither the GEB nor the Rockefeller Foundation played an innovative role during the thirties in the social science study of blacks,” Jackson notes.30

Other Corporate Rockefeller Philanthropy

In addition to education, Rockefeller philanthropy in the first three decades of the twentieth century became deeply involved in public health and less extensively involved in social hygiene and criminology, areas which, while not directly concerned with the African-American community, still had bearing on it. The Rockefeller Sanitary Commission for the Eradication of Hookworm Disease (1909-1914) and the International Health Board/ Division of the Rockefeller Foundation (1914-1950) assisted both white and African-American communities to combat disease - principally hookworm and malaria - and to inaugurate municipal public health programs. Studies of the incidence of disease and demonstration programs became the staples of this work. The records of these organizations thus offer surveys of social, economic, and political conditions that impinged upon or reflected public health concerns. The records are organized on a geographic basis, according to states and counties, and can be searched accordingly for documentation of the experiences of different groups. Scattered throughout the reports and correspondence from local field agents in the Sanitary Commission's records, scholars will find insights into local race relations and health conditions in black communities. John Ettling's The Germ of Laziness discusses the development and work of the Sanitary Commission, including how it dealt with the disease among blacks and how it tread carefully with regard to the issue of race in the South.31

The Bureau of Social Hygiene (BSH, 1913-1940) was created by JDR Jr. as a result of his service in 1910 on a special grand jury to investigate the so-called “white slave trade” in New York City. The Bureau's main interest was in “the study, amelioration, and prevention of those social conditions, crimes, and diseases that adversely affect the well- being of society, with special reference to prostitution and the evils associated therewith.” The work of the BSH involved it in eugenics, as research was undertaken and supported into the characteristics of individuals and groups who engaged in various forms of antisocial behavior. One of the interesting characteristics of the BSH files (and a number of files in other collections at the Archive Center) is the extent to which the documentation appears to be “color-blind.” Nevertheless, these files bear examination by scholars of the African-American experience who may be interested in how leaders and elite institutions defined and characterized different groups and different behaviors, and in how they sometimes linked groups and behaviors.

In the years prior to World War II, when the GEB, LSRM, the Sanitary Commission, the International Health Board, and the Bureau of Social Hygiene were most active, the African-American community drew upon its own resources and those offered by sympathetic supporters, including some private philanthropies, to build leadership, to expand its capabilities, and to define a struggle for rights and power. Both the GEB and the LSRM played limited roles in helping to create a human infrastructure within the African-American community. Another set of Rockefeller philanthropies - the Rockefeller Brothers Fund and the Rockefeller Foundation - became most active with respect to the African-American community after 1945, as the civil rights movement waged intensely public struggles for social, economic, and political power throughout American society.

John D. Rockefeller, Jr., and the Rockefeller Family Office

Despite the creation of such philanthropic organizations as the GEB and the LSRM, members of the Rockefeller family continued their personal philanthropic giving through the Office of the Messrs Rockefeller. That Office served the business and philanthropic interests of the Rockefeller family from 1897. The records of this office document the family's further association with institutions funded by John D. Rockefeller, such as Spelman College,32 as well as new funding projects initiated by John D. Rockefeller, Jr. The records of the Office of the Messrs Rockefeller (OMR) also document the beginnings of the business and philanthropic careers of JDR Jr.'s children: Abby (1903- 1976), John D. 3rd (1906-1978), Nelson A. (1908-1979), Laurance S. (born in 1910), Winthrop (1912-1973), and David (born in 1915). The continuing role the office played indicates the continuity of the family's philanthropic interests while younger generations added new funding projects and interests, sometimes creating new organizations to carry them out. Both the Davison Fund, established in 1934, and the Sealantic Fund, created in 1938, were formed to enable John D. Rockefeller, Jr., to provide systematic support to projects of interest to him. While he channeled some contributions through these foundations to black institutions and for work in race relations, JDR Jr. also continued to make personal contributions in these areas through the Office of the Messrs Rockefeller. Indeed, Rockefeller's advisors and associate in the Office of the Messrs Rockefeller, such as Arthur Packard and Dana Creel, also served as directors of the Davison and Spelman funds, so that the records of the Office of the Messrs Rockefeller are indispensable in examining the grants made through these other funds. In 1946, for example, Dana Creel undertook a survey of the field of black welfare in New York City and issued a detailed assessment of the needs of the black community and the possible ways in which philanthropy could help meet those needs.33

JDR Jr.'s biographer has argued that “the Rockefeller files are more extensive on this subject of the welfare of the Negro race than on almost any other.”34 Although one might disagree over the proportion of JDR Jr.'s files devoted to various subjects, there is no question that he provided significant support to a variety of institutions serving the African-American community. Among the organizations that had repeated contact with or received support from JDR Jr. between 1914 and 1960 were the Commission on Interracial Cooperation; several Harlem-based organizations and churches; homes for pregnant women; black YMCAs and YWCAs in various cities; the National League on Urban Conditions among Negroes and the National Urban League and local affiliates in New York, Brooklyn, and Westchester County (NY); the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People; the Association for the Study of Negro Life; schools for black ministers; the Committee on Unity; the American Council on Race Relations; the National Council of Negro Women; and the United Negro College Fund, to which, in addition to his money, JDR Jr. gave his time as an active recruiter and fundraiser.

The correspondence with the leaders and supporters of African-American institutions reveals much about the needs of these institutions, of the African-American community in general, and about the relationship they sought with wealthy potential benefactors. There is also a good deal of correspondence during the 1930s and 1940s from whites who were interested in “the race question” or “the Negro problem” and who were seeking support for their own ways to deal with these issues. Perhaps more interesting are the numerous staff reports and internal memoranda in these files, which reveal a great deal about the process of Rockefeller philanthropy and the social and intellectual context of Rockefeller support for African-American education and welfare and work in race relations. These records document clearly how Rockefeller's advisors responded over time to the campaigns of the NAACP, for example, and how they responded to problems that they perceived in the leadership of the Urban League. Material in the records of the Office of the Messrs Rockefeller opens a window onto the attitudes, ideas, and actions of Rockefeller and his advisors, men who were conservative by nature but who took a moderate approach toward race relations. For the brothers' generation - that is, the children of JDR Jr. - the records of the Office of the Messrs Rockefeller and the records of the philanthropies they themselves created, such as the JDR 3rd Fund, help document their work in race relations, civil rights, and social welfare. The Center holds the personal papers of JDR 3rd, Nelson A. Rockefeller, and microfilm editions of the gubernatorial records for Nelson (governor of New York, 1959-1974) and Winthrop (governor of Arkansas, 1967-1971). Material pertaining to living members of the Rockefeller family is not available for research.

The Rockefeller Brothers Fund

An important institution that reflects the philanthropic interests of the Rockefeller brothers is the Rockefeller Brothers Fund (RBF), which they established in 1940. Grant files of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, which typically contain correspondence, reports, and internal memoranda, are open for research when they are 10 years old. In conjunction with the files in the records of the Office of Messrs Rockefeller in the Rockefeller Family Archives, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund archives document the emerging interests of the Rockefeller brothers in race relations and civil rights. Among the organizations to receive support from the RBF prior to 1950 were the American Council on Race Relations, the National Urban League, Sydenham Hospital in New York City, and the United Negro College Fund.35 After 1950, the Fund's archives document contributions to these organizations as well as to the Architects' Renewal Committee in Harlem (1965-1975); Arts for Racial Identity (1970-1975); the Cultural Council Foundation's Black Theater Alliance (1974-1980); the Dance Theater of Harlem (1970-1973); the Museum of African Arts (1964-1980); the Free Southern Theater (1967-1973); the Harlem Commonwealth Council's Loan Senice (1969-1971); the Harlem Council on Social Hygiene (1945-1949); the Harlem Interfaith Counseling Service (1973-1979); Harlem School of the Arts (1968-1980); the National Black Child Development Institute (1971-1982); the National Black Theater Workshop (1970-1975); the National Black United Fund (1975-1983); the National Committee Against Discrimination in Housing (1965-1976); the National Council of Negro Women (1955-1981); the New York Urban Coalition (1967-1983); the A. Philip Randolph Educational Fund (1967-1973); various projects of the Southern Regional Council (1947-1983); the Studio Museum in Harlem (1968-1983); and the United States Committee for the First World Festival of Negro Arts (1965-1966).

The Rockefeller Foundation

The Rockefeller Foundation was established in 1913 for the general purpose of improving the wellbeing of mankind throughout the world, which its officers attempted to accomplish by supporting projects in medical research and education, public health, scientific research, and agricultural research and education. Beginning in the 1920s, RF officials met occasionally with colleagues on other Rockefeller boards to discuss racial problems, but, as Walter Jackson has pointed out, the RF failed to adopt the more active approach taken toward race relations in the 1920s by the LSRM. The Rockefeller Foundation kept apprised of Gunnar Myrdal's work on race relations in the late 1930s and early 1940s, putting off support of "any large investigations of American race relations pending the outcome of Myrdal's investigation."36 Following the appearance of Myrdal's An American Dilemma in 1944, the foundation provided funding for work in intergroup relations by, among others, social psychologist Kurt Lewin, the Social Science Research Council's Committee on Techniques for Reducing Group Hostility, and sociologist Louis Wirth's Committee on Education, Training, and Research in Race Relations at the University of Chicago.37

The RF did not directly tackle the issues of African-American welfare or education until the early 1960s, when, with support for programs to expand educational opportunity, it began to address issues that the civil rights movement was raising.38 Between September 1963 and the beginning of 1969, the RF appropriated nearly $32 million through its Equal Opportunity Program. The bulk of this support, $21.4 million, went to education. The goals of the educational component of the program were “to spur desegregation in higher education and the development of top-quality leadership among minority groups; to improve the flow of minority-group students to good colleges and to influence high schools to make this a permanent objective; to aid experimental programs designed to increase the prospects of outstanding achievement by potentially talented minority-group students; to stimulate and guide constructive innovations in urban school systems and in schools in slum neighborhoods; and to strengthen Negro colleges.” A series of grants-in- aid provided support for a variety of other projects generally related to education but not easily located in any of these categories.39

RF personnel realized that support for education alone would not be sufficient to achieve “equal opportunity for all.” The RF also supported other efforts to advance the goal of equal opportunity, still focusing largely on leadership development but increasingly including the inner city. By 1969, the RF had appropriated $2.36 million “to aid efforts to deal with immediate problems and improve conditions in urban ghettos”; $1.47 million toward “new minority leadership”; $1.35 million “to broaden and deepen the influence and effectiveness of Negro leadership concerned with community problems”; $1.2 million for “new community-centered schools”; $1.15 million for “research and action programs related to ghetto problems”; $800,000 “to advance interracial understanding and the reduction of discrimination”; and $648,000 “to expand job opportunities and new career possibilities for Negroes.”40

The grant files in the Rockefeller Foundation archives are open for research when they are 20 years old, so that in the 1990s material daring from the 1970s will be opened. (As of January 1, 2000, for example, material from 1979 became available.) This access means that researchers can begin to examine how the Rockefeller Foundation responded first to the civil rights movement and then to concerns about urban conditions in the aftermath of the riots of the mid 1960s. For example, the RF provided support for the Watts Labor Community Action Council beginning in 1968 and supported research conducted by Kenneth Clark's Metropolitan Applied Research Center from 1968 through 1974. Other organizations that received RF support include Atlanta University; the Bedford Stuyvesant Restoration Corporation (1967-1969); community relations (1968- 1971) and urban education programs (1968-1970) at State College at Los Angeles; the Chicago Urban League for police seminars (1968-1970) and school principals conferences (1968); ; the Economic Opportunity Program (1966-1970); Fisk University; the Independent Schools Talent Search Program (1966- 1972); Morehouse College; the NAACP leadership training program (1968-1973); various projects of the National Urban League;41 a ghetto business project of the New England Community Development Corporation (1968-1969); and inner-city education projects in Baltimore; Cleveland; Detroit; the District of Columbia; Evanston, Illinois; Gary, Indiana; and New Rochelle, New York.

Grant files in the Rockefeller Foundation archives typically contain correspondence, excerpts from RF dockets detailing grant actions, reports from grant recipients, internal memoranda, and detailed interview notes and trip diaries maintained by foundation officials when they visited various cities and met with grant recipients. These trip diaries and interview notes often contain interesting perspectives and reports on the attitudes of other experts familiar with particular organizations or individuals.


The Rockefellers and the philanthropic institutions they funded were only one major group active in the fields of African-American welfare and education and race relations. The holdings of the Rockefeller Archive Center also document the work of the Harkness family and the Commonwealth Fund in these areas, and, on a more limited scale, the work of Margaret Olivia Sage and the Russell Sage Foundation. The records also include documentation of how the various philanthropic actors in these areas - including Julius Rosenwald and the Rosenwald Fund, the Anna T. Jeanes Fund, the Phelps-Stokes Fund, the Carnegie Corporation, and, after 1950, the Ford Foundation - cooperated and interacted.

One question that scholars might examine is to what degree Rockefeller philanthropy established the tone or pattern for foundations with regard to the needs of the African- American community. Certainly, prior to 1945, the Rockefeller philanthropies sought, in the full tradition of the Progressive Era, to address, ameliorate, or solve social problems through scientific investigation and educational advancement. The family and the philanthropic officers largely eschewed more direct and overtly political approaches and, in the area of civil rights, sought to avoid involvement with the movement that came to rely increasingly on legal and political action. Indications of their outlook occur throughout the different collections.

One of the clearest statements of the Rockefeller family's ideology is Dana Creel's report, “The Negro in New York City-1946.” Creel's report serves as a summary of the family's approach to the field of African-American welfare and as a blueprint for funding a program that would foster conservative black leadership and improved social services for the African-American community, especially with regard to neglected and delinquent children. On the questions of segregation and integration, Creel argued that unselfconscious interracial and intercultural collaboration was more successful than purposefully integrated work. “The most effective interracial activities ... are those conducted as part of a larger interest, rather than an interracial and intercultural program exclusively,” he noted, pointing to the work of the YWCA, YMCA, the Boy Scouts, the Girl Scouts, and settlement houses. Creel's report reflects the evolutionary educational approach toward improved race relations that was a staple of Rockefeller philanthropy. Indeed, in a radio address on behalf of the United Negro College Fund, John D. Rockefeller, Jr., characterized potential supporters of the Fund and its fund-raising campaign as embodying a commitment to “mutual understanding, forbearance, and progress by agreement, supplemented by law when necessary.”42

Both Creel and JDR Jr. were writing at a time when the emerging civil rights movement was about to present new challenges to their evolutionary approach to change, and thus new opportunities for philanthropy. How philanthropy responded to these challenges after 1945 is a significant part of the story that lies within the records listed in this survey.

The role of philanthropy in American life is often discussed by its proponents as that of a catalyst for social change, capable of deploying funds in strategic ways to stimulate and develop new approaches to social issues. It is described as an independent sector different from both the public sector of government and the private sector of business. Yet the fundamentally private philanthropic community has dealt with profound public questions. In its desire to act as a catalyst for change in the public arena, to whose interests, to what needs, and to what ideals has the philanthropic community responded with regard to the aspirations of African Americans? Using these records to study the role of philanthropy in the African-American experience and in the general evolution of race relations in America will help us better understand aspects of African American history as well as the uses to which philanthropy has been put by the philanthropists and the recipients of their funds.


1 James D. Anderson, The Education of Blacks in the South, 1860 -1935 (Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1988), p. 2; and Darlene Clark Hine, Black Women in White: Racial Conflict and Cooperation in the Nursing Profession, 1890 -1950 (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1989), pp. 8-9.

2 Nancy J. Weiss, “Whitney M. Young, Jr.: Committing the Power Structure to the Cause of Civil Rights,” in Black Leaders of the Twentieth Century, ed. by John Hope Franklin and August Meier (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1982), p. 332; The National Urban League, 1910-1940 (New York: Oxford University Press, 1974); and Whitney Young, Jr., and the Struggle for Civil Rights (Princeton, New Jersey: Press, 1989).

3 Waldemar A. Nielsen, The Big Foundations (New York: Columbia University Press, 1972), p. 340.

4 Gilbert Osofsky, Harlem: The Making of a Ghetto, Negro New York, 1890-1930 (New York: Harper and Row, 1966; paperback edition, 1968); and David L. Lewis, When Harlem Was in Vogue (New York: Knopf, 1981). 5 Taylor Branch, Parting the Waters: America in the King Years, 1954-1963 (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1988), p. 27, and the discussion in the remainder of that chapter.

6 Rockefeller's Ledger B, pp. 123-124, John D. Rockefeller Papers, Record Group 1 of the Rockefeller Family Archives, Rockefeller Archive Center.

7 The three departments of the ABHMS are described on the Society's letterhead in the 1880s. On Rockefeller's early relationship with the ABHMS, see his Ledger C, p. 169. Because of the confusing nature of Rockefeller's ledgers in the early and mid 1870s, it is not clear whether his $1,000 gift in 1879 was his first to the ABHMS, but it is the first gift noted on the charity index card for the ABHMS in the Financial Material, Charities Index, box 1, in the John D. Rockefeller Papers.

8 Anderson, Education of Blacks in the South, p. 68.

9 Thomas W. Goodspeed offers this description of Morehouse in A History of the University of Chicago (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1916), p. 40. For the basic biographical information on Morehouse, see the Dictionary of American Biography, volume 13, pp. 159-160, and Who Was Who in America, volume 1, 1897-1942, p. 864.

10 Morehouse to Rockefeller, March 9, 1881, JDR Papers, Office Correspondence, box 28, folder 215; and George D. Rogers to Morehouse, March 16, 1881, JDR Letterbooks, vol. 2, p. 56.

11 See Morehouse to Rockefeller, August 16, 1882, and other letters for 1882-1883 in JDR Papers, Office Correspondence, box 28, folder 215.

12 Rockefeller to Morehouse, December 24, 1883, JDR Letterbooks, vol. 6, p. 112; Morehouse to Rockefeller, December 27, 1883, JDR Papers, box 28, folder 215.

13 See JDR Pledge Book, 1882-1887, p. 26; and Packard to Rockefeller, December 29, 1883, in JDR Papers, Office Correspondence, box 30, folder 233.

14 JDR Pledge Book, 1882-1887, p. 25.

15 Morehouse to Rockefeller, February 7, 1884, JDR Papers, Office Correspondence, box 28, folder 215; and Rockefeller to Morehouse, February 7, 1884, JDR Letterbooks, vol. 6, p. 230.

16 Morehouse to Rockefeller, August 18, 1888, JDR Papers, Office Correspondence, box 28, folder 216; Rockefeller to Morehouse, August 25, 1888, JDR Letterbooks, vol. 17, p. 128. 17 Gates to Rockefeller, May 30, 1891, in the copies of Gares correspondence as secretary of the American Baptist Education Society, Frederick T. Gates Papers, box 4, folder 80, Rockefeller Archive Center, Sleepy Hollow, New York.

18 Anderson, The Education of Blacks in the South, pp. 33, 35, and 67-68. The purpose of Armstrong's educational program, Anderson argues, was “to maintain within the South a social consensus that did not challenge traditional inequalities of wealth and power.”

19 One advisor whose influence is difficult to gauge was his wife, Laura Spelman Rockefeller (1839-1915). A former teacher in Cleveland whose parents were ardent abolitionists active in the , she had a long-standing interest in the welfare and education of blacks. She and her parents knew Sophia Packard and Harriet Giles, the founders of the black women's school that became Spelman, so she quite likely had a role in helping her husband decide to contribute to the school. In other instances, her role is more clearly documented in the Rockefeller Family Archives, as in the case of the Cleveland Home for Aged Colored People, and at times appeals are sent addressed to her. On the whole, however, she seems not to have had much of a role in her husband's later organized, corporate philanthropy. Rockefeller biographer Ron Chernow reports that Rockefeller involved his entire family in his charitable endeavors in the 1870s and 1880s, before he turned to systematic, institutional forms of giving. See Titan: The Life of John D. Rockefeller, Sr. (New York: Random House, 1998), p. 237.

20 On Gates' career, see his autobiography, Chapters in My Life (New York: The Free Press, 1977). The typescript of the autobiography is available at the Rockefeller Archive Center.

21 Gates is not the only advisor and administrator whose personal role merits study. Others include Wallace Buttrick, who directed the General Education Board from its founding in 1902 until his death in 1926, and who designed the outlines of its program and addressed the role in it of industrial education, liberal academic education, and professional education; Beardsley Ruml, who directed the Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial during its years of involvement in the development of the social sciences and studies of race relations; Edwin Embree, who served as secretary of the Rockefeller Foundation from 1917-1927 and then moved on to the Julius Rosenwald Fund; and Leonard Outhwaite, who ran the Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial's program in race relations. One might also examine the role of John D. Rockefeller, Jr., who had an evident and strong emotional attraction to the issue of African-American disadvantage and need.

22 John D. Rockefeller, Random Reminiscences of Men and Events (New York: Doubleday, Page and Co., 1909; reprinted by Sleepy Hollow Press, 1984), pp. 112.

23 Raymond B. Fosdick, John D. Rockefeller, Jr.: A Portrait (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1956), pp. 116-120; and Raymond B. Fosdick, Adventure in Giving: The Story of the General Education Board (New York: Harper & Row, 1962), pp. 3-8, 327, 329- 332. 24 The 1918 quote is from “Negro Education,” The Crisis (February 1918), reprinted in The Library of America edition, W.E.B. DuBois Writings (1986), p. 876; the 1930 Du Bois quote is taken from August Meier and Elliott Rudwick, Black History and the Historical Profession (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1986), p. 49.

25 The Early Southern Program of the GEB is documented in series 1, subseries 1 of the GEB collection, which is designated in the survey as RG 1.1. This portion of the GEB collection is available on microfilm from Scholarly Resources of Wilmington, Delaware.

26 William C. Hine, “South Carolina's Challenge to Civil Rights: The Case of South Carolina State College, 1945-1954,” Agriculture and Human Values 9 (Winter 1992), pp. 38-50; “South Carolina State College: A Legacy of Education and Public Service,” Agricultural History 65: 2 (1991), pp. 149-167; and “South Carolina State College and the General Education Board,” Research Reports from the Rockefeller Archive Center (Spring 1990), pp. 12-13.

27 Meier and Rudwick, “J. Franklin Jameson, Carter G. Woodson, and the Foundations of Black Historiography,” American Historical Review 89 (October 1984), pp. 1013-1014. See also their Black History and the Historical Profession for a discussion of the importance of LSRM and GEB support for black historian prior to World War II.

28 Walter Jackson, Gunnar Myrdal and America's Conscience: Social Engineering and Racial Liberalism, 1938-1987 (Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1990), p. 31.

29 Ruml quoted in Jackson, Gunner Myrdal and America's Conscience, p. 379 note 53; see also pp. 31-32; Outhwaite quoted in Meier and Rudwick, Black History and the Historical Profession, p. 48. See also John H. Stanfield, Philanthropy and Jim Crow in American Social Science (Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1985), pp. 74, 75, 80.

30 Jackson, Gunner Myrdal and America's Conscience, p. 379 note 53; see also pp. 31-32.

31 John Ettling, The Germ of Laziness: Rockefeller Philanthropy and Public Health in the New South (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1981), pp. 80-81. For a study of the role of Rockefeller philanthropic campaigns in health and education in Southern progressivism, see William A. Link, The Paradox of Southern Progressivism, 1880-1930 (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1992).

32 For the Rockefeller relationship with Spelman College, see Florence Matilda Read, The Story of Spelman College (Atlanta: Spelman College, 1961); Janice Leone, “The Mission of Women's Colleges in an Era of Cultural Revolution, 1890-1930,” Ph.D. dissertation, Ohio State University, 1989; Kenneth W. Rose and Darwin H. Stapleton, “Toward a ‘Universal Heritage’: Education and the Development of Rockefeller Philanthropy,” Teachers College Record 93 (Spring 1992), pp. 536-555, esp. pp.539-543; and Lynn D. Gordon, “Race, Class and the Bonds of Womanhood at Spelman Seminary, 1881-1923,” History of Higher Education Annual 9 ( 1989), pp. 7-32.

33 Dana Creel, “The Negro in New York City - 1946,” in a binder entitled “Survey of Field of Negro Welfare,” box 38, Welfare Interests series, Record Group 2 Office of the Messrs Rockefeller, Rockefeller Family Archives.

34 Fosdick, John D. Rockefeller, Jr.: A Portrait, pp. 373-374.

35 Annual report of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, 1950. This report describes the Fund's contributions, 1941-1950.

36 Jackson, Gunnar Myrdal, pp. 262. Myrdal's study was initiated by the Carnegie Corporation of New York. See Ellen Condliffe Lagemann, The Politics of Knowledge: The Carnegie Corporation, Philanthropy, and Public Policy (Middletown, Connecticut: Wesleyan University Press, 1989).

37 Jackson, Gunnar Myrdal, pp. 282-284.

38 The development of the RF's Equal Opportunity Program is described in several RF publications in addition to the annual reports: “The Long Road to College: A Summer of Opportunity” (Spring 1965); “Toward Equal Opportunity for All” (December 1966); and the section on “Toward Equal Opportunity for All” in “Five-Year Review and Projection” (December 1968), pp. 51-61.

39 The description of the program's goals are taken from “Five-Year Review and Projection,” p. 61.

40 “Five-Year Review and Projection,” p. 61.

41 For an example of how a grant to a nationwide organization can be used to illuminate a local context, see Kenneth W. Rose, “The Politics of Social Reform in Cleveland, 1945- 1967: Civil Rights, Welfare Rights, and the Response of Civic Leaders,” Ph.D. dissertation, Case Western Reserve University, 1988, pp. 261-266.

42 Creel, “The Negro in New York City - 1946,” p. 12; John D. Rockefeller quoted in Rockefeller Family Archives, RG 2, JDR Jr. Personal series, Fosdick notes, volume 13, box 49.


For a comprehensive bibliography, please consult the website section “A Bibliography of Scholarship at the Rockefeller Archive Center, 1975-2002.”

User's Guide This survey presents the results of a search for material related to African Americans and race relations in the archival collections located at the Rockefeller Archive Center. The detailed finding aids - the box and folder lists - for the collections, rather than the collections themselves, formed the basis for the search. Because the finding aids list the titles of the folders in each collection, this is not a document-by-document inventory but rather a general description of the contents of each folder. This description usually includes a name or institution, some subject designation, and the range of dates of the documents in the folder.

Readers are advised that, although the compilers have listed here as much material as could be identified as relevant to African-American history, some individuals or institutions may have been overlooked. Thus, researchers should use this as a guide to the collections and not as the definitive, exhaustive list of all material relevant to African- American history available at the Rockefeller Archive Center. Readers who believe that the collections might prove useful for their research projects, regardless of whether relevant material is listed here, should write to the Director of the Archive Center describing the project and any important individuals and institutions who are its subjects, and the Center's staff will respond with a summary of relevant material.

Readers also should be aware that this survey was prepared in 1992 and does not include a number of significant collections received or opened by the Archive Center after that date. Some of these collections, such as the gubernatorial papers of Nelson A. Rockefeller (governor of New York, 1958-1973) and Winthrop Rockefeller (governor or Arkansas, 1967-1971), undoubtedly contain material of interest to students of African- American history and race relations. Researchers also may wish to inquire about relevant material in the Social Science Research Council Archives, 1924-1990, and the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation Fellowship Files, 1945-1971. Detailed finding aids for each of these collections are available at the Archive Center. Additional collections received by the Center since 1992 include the records of the Charles E. Culpeper Foundation, 1886-1991; the John and Mary R. Markle Foundation, 1927-1980; and the Lucille P. Markey Charitable Trust, 1983-1996. For a more complete description of each archival collection, see the online Guide to Archives and Manuscripts at the Rockefeller Archive Center.

The following discussion describes the components of the survey. Abbreviations used in the survey appear at the end of the User's Guide, along with a list of the collections for which material has been included in this survey.

COLUMN HEADINGS Name The entries in this survey are listed alphabetically by folder title. In those instances where we know that large groups of material (record groups, series, or perhaps small collections) contain useful but scattered items about African-Americans or race relations (rather than entire folders about a specific institution or individual), we have included an entry for that series, record group, or collection. In the vast majority of cases, however, entry names are folder titles, and this usually means that the person or institution named on the folder received philanthropic support from, or had repeated contact with, the organization in whose archives the folder appears, which is listed in the “Collection” column.

Description The descriptions given here are taken from the registers prepared by the archivists who processed the collections. In only a few cases have we actually gone back to look at the material to enhance a description, such as the correspondence of John D. Rockefeller in the Rockefeller Family Archives. For General Education Board fellowships, descriptions are taken largely from the General Education Board's Directory of Fellowship Awards for the Years 1922-1950 (1952), and supplemented by a review of the fellowship files. By and large, however, the descriptions in this column are taken from the registers to the collections, and we are indebted to previous archivists for their work in compiling these descriptive finding aids. The names of individuals appearing in this column indicates that the folder(s) contain correspondence from this person.

Collection This column designates the archival collection in which the folder in the “Name” column can be found. A list of the abbreviations used in this column is located at the end of the User's Guide.

Record Group, Series, Box and Folder Number These columns provide more specific information about the location of material within an archival collection. Record groups and series are smaller divisions within collections, usually denoting the office from which material came, the subject matter of the material, or a geographic location. Archivists for the most part use the same classification or filing system as the person or organization that created these records, rather than imposing a new order on the material. Entries that have box numbers but no folder numbers represent material that has not yet been processed (reviewed and organized) by an archivist.

Collections Included in the Survey

Material from the following collections are included in this survey. These collections are listed alphabetically by the abbreviations used in the “Collection” column. Beneath the names of large collections, where it is appropriate, we have included descriptions of record group and series designations. We also describe any significant restrictions in each collection. Within the body of the survey, the designation "closed" in the description column is used to indicate a file or series of files that researchers cannot examine. Such files are included in the survey because in most cases access to these files is restricted for a certain period of time and we anticipate that these files eventually will be open for research.

Readers should be aware that collections received or opened by the Archive Center since the preparation of this survey in 1992 have not been included in this survey. For a more complete description of each archival collection, readers should consult A Guide to Archives and Manuscripts at the Rockefeller Archive Center.

CF - Commonwealth Fund Archives, 1918-1982

Ad.-His. -- Administration-Historical series. These files are open for research only with the permission of the director of the Rockefeller Archive Center.

Ad. Med. Fellowship -- Advanced Medical Fellowship series. This material is open for research.

Grants -- Material in this series is open for research.

Harkness -- Harkness family to 1951. Material in this series is open for research.

Davis, Jackson - Jackson Davis Papers, 1898-1947

Davison - Davison Fund, Inc. Records, 1930-1942

FM - Rockefeller Family Archives, 1819-1989 RG 1 -- John D. Rockefeller Papers, 1855-1942 Ofc Cor -- John D. Rockefeller Papers, Office Correspondence, 1879-1894. Much of this material pertains to requests for charitable gifts. Material listed in the survey is incoming correspondence. For Rockefeller's reply, if any, and other outgoing correspondence, consult the Index to the John D. Rockefeller Letterbooks, 1877-1918 at the Rockefeller Archive Center (1987), compiled and edited by Emily J. Oakhill and Claire Collier. Note: Rockefeller's Office Correspondence and the index to the letterbooks also are available commercially in a microfilm edition published by University Publications of America (Bethesda, Maryland).

RG 2 -- Office of the Messrs Rockefeller General Files, 1890-1961 -- Portions are restricted or closed; material pertaining to living members of the Rockefeller family is closed and not available for researchers to see. Boards -- Rockefeller Boards, 1899-1961. Contains material regarding the creation of various philanthropic organizations by members of the Rockefeller family, as well as the family's service on these boards. Business -- Business Interests, 1886-1961 Civic -- Civic Interests. 1899-1961 Cultural -- Cultural Interests, 1888-1963 Economic -- Economic Reform Interests, 1894-1961 Educational Educational Interests, 1896-1961 F & S -- Friends and Services, 1886-1961 Housing -- Housing Interests, 1896-1962 JDR 3rd -- John D. Rockefeller 3rd Papers, 1906-1961 Religious -- Religious Interests, 1894-1962 Welfare -- Welfare-General Files, 1894-1961. Includes a subseries on “Negro Organizations” Youth -- Welfare-Youth Files, 1897-1961.

RG 4 -- Nelson A. Rockefeller, Personal Series O -- Washington, D.C. Files

GEB - General Education Board Archives, 1901-1967 RG 1.1 -- Early Southern Program, 1901-1967. Each institution received a special number that includes the abbreviation of the state in which the school is located; this designation appears in the series column. Note: This portion of the collection also is available commercially in a microfilm edition published by Scholarly Resources, Inc. (Wilmington, Delaware).

RG 1.2 -- Secondary and Higher Education Program, 1902-1967. Each grant was given a special numerical code, which appears in the series column. For fellowships to individuals (series 400S), the description column gives the state in which the person was living when the application was made, the subject studied under the fellowship, and the years of the fellowship; researchers should also inquire about fellowship recorder cards for these individuals.

RG 1.3 -- Southern Secondary and Elementary Education Program, 1931-1961. Designation of 950 in series column. Note: This portion of the collection also is available commercially in a microfilm edition published by Scholarly Resources, Inc. (Wilmington, Delaware).

RG 1.5 -- Medical Education Program, 1905-1961.

FRC -- Fellowship Recorder Cards. These cards were used to record the basic information about fellowship recipients, and to track their subsequent careers.

IEB - International Education Board Archives, 1922-1964

JDR 3rd Fund - JDR 3rd Fund Archives, 1956-1979 Series 1 -- Youth Task Force: General Correspondence, 1969-1974. Series 10 -- Arts in Education Program - Jane Remer Files, 1972-1979. Series 11 -- Arts in Education Program - Kathryn Bloom Files, 1967-1979. Series 12 -- General Records, 1963-1977.

LSRM - Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial Archives, 1918-1949 -- Note: Series III: Appropriations in this collection also is available commercially in a microfilm edition published by Scholarly Resources, Inc.(Wilmington, Delaware). Series 3.1 -- Public Health Program Series 3.5 -- Child Study and Parent Education Program Series 3.6 -- Social Studies Program Series 3.8 -- Interracial Relations Program

RBF - Rockefeller Brothers Fund Archives, 1941-1989 RG 4 -- Grants. Material more than ten years old is open for research.

RF - Rockefeller Foundation Archives, 1910-1989 -- Material is open for research if it is more than twenty years old. RG 1.1 -- These record groups contain project (grant) files. Series codes designate specific states or RG 1.2 countries (200 designates general U.S.), with letter codes for specific program areas. “A” designates medicine, for example, “J” public health, “R” the humanities and arts, and “S” the social sciences.

RG 5 -- International Health Division

RSC - Rockefeller Sanitary Commission for the Eradication of Hookworm Disease Records, 1909-1915

RSF - Russell Sage Foundation Records, 1885-1982

Sealantic - Sealantic Fund Papers, 1931-1980 Abbreviations

The following are abbreviations used in the description column. Many of these abbreviations are taken from the original folder descriptions in the register for the General Education Board records. This listing does not include standard abbreviations for state names or for personal names, such as Robt. for Robert.

AAR Abby Aldrich Rockefeller (1874-1948) ABHMS American Baptist Home Mission Society admin administration adv oppor advanced opportunity agri agriculture; agricultural A & M Agricultural and Mechanical college AME African Methodist Episcopal AM & N Agricultural, Mechanical and Normal college asst assistant AU Atlanta University bio biology bldg(s) building(s) CF Commonwealth Fund chem chemistry closed Indicates a file or series of files that researchers cannot examine. Such files are included in the survey because in most cases access to these files is restricted for a certain period of time, and we anticipate that these files eventually will be open for research. coll college conf conference constr construction consult consultation coop cooperation; cooperative dept department distrib distribution DR David Rockefeller (b. 1915) econ economics educ education endow endowment equip equipment eval evaluation exp expansion expen expenses FM Rockefeller Family Archives FRC Fellowship Recorder Cards GEB General Education Board grad graduate HMS Home Mission Society hosp hospital Hts Heights IEB International Education Board IHB/D International Health Board/Division of the Rockefeller Foundation Improv Improvements JDR John D. Rockefeller, Sr. (1839-1937) JDR Jr. John D. Rockefeller, Jr. (1874-1960) JDR 3rd John D. Rockefeller 3rd (1906-1978) JDR 3rd Fund John D. Rockefeller 3rd Fund LSR Laurance Spelman Rockefeller (b. 1910) LSRM Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial maint maintenance med medical NAR Nelson A. Rockefeller (1908-1979) Ng no grant given N & I Normal and Industrial school perm improv permanent improvements phys physics prep preparation pres President pub public publ publication RBF Rockefeller Brothers Fund re: about, concerning RF Rockefeller Foundation RSF Russell Sage Foundation sci science second secondary secr secretary serv service SF Spelman Fund soc social st state stat statistics teach teacher, teaching tech technical tr trade train training UNCF United Negro College Fund USDA United States Department of Agriculture via by way of, through voc vocational WR Winthrop Rockefeller (1912-1973) Survey (compiled by Kenneth W. Rose, Thomas E. Rosenbaum, Pecolia Rieder, and Gretchen Koerpel) Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

A A Better Chance, 1964-84 RBF 4 1-2 1-11 See also Independent Schools Talent Search Program

A.M.E. Zion Church, (Tarrytown, NY), 1910-60 JDR Jr. gift to church as contribution FM 2 Religious 15 96 from family; special contributions. Action, Inc., 1971-72 JDR 3rd 1 1 2 Fund

Adair, Frank B. AR; Business Administration fellow, GEB 1.2 400 S 237 2400 1940-41.

Adams, Charles Philip LA; Education fellow, 1929-30. GEB 1.2 400 S 237 2400

Adams, George Rosenwald Medical fellow, 1920-21. GEB 1.5 B 22 702 7222

Adams, Nannie Clyde GA; Education fellow, 1925-26. GEB 1.2 400 S 237 2400

Aden, Alonzo J. DC; Arts and Architecture fellow, GEB 1.2 400 S 237 2400 1935-36.

Adkins, Walter Percy TN; Political Science and GEB 1.2 400 S 237 2400 Economics fellow, 1934-35.

Administrative Fellowship Kathryn Bloom files. JDR 3rd 11 147-149 Training Program, 1975-79 Fund

Africa Africa Advancing (1945); Davis 1 Stingray Conference, 1932-43. Jackson

Africa Advancing (Book) Financial reports and clippings about book. GEB 1.2 637.1 287 2993- 2994 Africa Advancing: Clippings GEB 1.2 637.1 287 3001 and Reviews

Africa O - General, 1927 IEB 1.2 25 352

Africa, 1956-62 Appeals for educational, medical, and FM 2 Business 113- 858-863 cultural assistance to emerging African 114 nations. Most declined. Some correspondence from African leaders.

African Educators, 1924-26 IEB 1.1 11 157

African-American Institute, DR contributions to African Student FM 2 Cultural 49 488 1956-62 Union, 1956, and to Institution=s African Leader Program, 1959. Cousins contribution. Dana Creel a director. Closed. African-American Institute, CF Ad.-His. 2 14 1963-73

African-American Institute, Travel grants, Africa. RF 1.2 200 R 258 2501 Inc. - Journalism, 1963-65

Afro-American Bicentennial JDR 3rd 5 54 451 Corporation, 1973-76 Fund

Afro-American Studio for RBF 4 119 Acting and Speech, Inc., 1970-76

Afro-American Total Theatre Playwriting program. RF 1.2 200 R 258 2502 Arts Foundation, Inc., 1969-71

1 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Afro-American Total Theatre Arts RBF 4 119 Foundation, Inc., 1970-76

Agricultural and Mechanical A.R. Mann. Correspondence GEB 735 326 3390 Colleges for Negroes - and photographs. Study, 1930-31

Agricultural and Technical Equipment. GEB 1.1 NC 1 101 916-917 College of North Carolina, 1902-57

Agricultural Mechanical & Grants. Books, journals, and binding. GEB 1.3 950 382 3991 Normal College of Arkansas - Books, 1945-46

Agricultural Mechanical & Grants, planning community school GEB 1.3 950 382 3992 Normal College of Arkansas - programs; principals and key teachers; Workshops, 1947-48 library.

Agricultural, Mechanical & Perm improv, visits to schools. GEB 1.1 Ark 7 21 183-185 Normal College, Pine Bluff, 1902-52 Ed McCuistion. Re: Negro educ.

Agriculture and Technical GEB 1.3 950 441 4640 College of Greensboro - Library and Laboratory Grants, 1934-35

Ailey American Dance RF 1.2 200 R 259 2503 Theatre, 1968-69

Alabama - Public Health IHD correspondence with State Board RF 1.1 201 1-5 1-62 of Health. Reports on tuberculosis, malaria, and hookworm. Most material dates after 1930s.

Alabama Agricultural and Bldgs, perm improv. J.S. Lambert. GEB 1.1 Ala 101 13 103-104 Mechanical College, Normal, Re: Negro educ. 1903-43

Alabama Homemakers Clubs, Salary, James Sibley. Re: Negro educ, GEB 1.1 Ala 160.2 18 150-151 1914-19 Jeanes funds, Hampton summer school, demonstration plots, USDA (photos, 1917).

Alabama State Agent for Rural Summer schools for Negroes. GEB 1.2 669.1 299 3121 Schools (Negro), 1929-33

Alabama State Board of Via AL St College for Negroes for GEB 1.3 950 383 4005- Education - Higher Education classrooms, science equip, and books. 4007 for Negroes, 1950-55 H.C. Trenholm, A.R. Meadows.

Alabama State Department of Constr and equip. Photos and GEB 1.3 950 384 4011 Education - Calhoun Public correspondence. School for Negroes, 1936-38

Alabama State Department of Constr and equip. B.L. Balch. E.G. McGehee. GEB 1.3 950 384 4009 Education - Laboratory School for Tuskegee, 1946-49

Alabama State Department of GEB 1.3 950 384 4013 Education - Study of Higher Education in Negro Colleges, 1940

Albany State College, 1905-53 Formerly Georgia Normal & Agriculture GEB 1.1 Ga 207 65 566-567 College. Perm improv, equip.

2 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Alcorn A & M - Library and GEB 1.3 950 441 4641 Laboratory Grants, 1935-36

Alcorn A & M College - J.R. Otis. Expenses. GEB 1.3 950 384 4016 Research Training in Agricultural Economics, 1953-55

Alcorn A & M College, Equip, practice school, workshops GEB 1.1 Miss 72 98-99 885-888 1923-55 rural teachers, research worker, in-service training, bldgs, state teacher training program, perm improv, books, research programs. H.M. Ivy, W.F. Bond.

Alexander, Florence O. MS; Education fellow, 1931-32. GEB 1.2 400 S 237 2400

Alexander, Lloyd Ephraim TN; Biology fellow, 1931-34. GEB 1.2 400 S 237 2400

Allen University - Home J.B. Felton, Samuel R. Higgins, C.J. Martin. GEB 1.3 950 384 4017 Economics Equipment, 1945-47

Allen University - Library and GEB 1.3 950 441 4642 Laboratory Grants, 1935-36

Allen University 1905-52 Equip, repairs. GEB 1.1 SC 58 126 1144- 1145 Allen, Maryrose Reeves DC; Health and Physical Education GEB 1.2 400 S 237 2400 fellow, 1937-39.

Allen, William D. Jr. TN; Music fellow, 1939-40. GEB 1.2 400 S 237 2400

Allen-White High School, Whiteville, TN. Constr and equip, support, GEB 1.3 950 384- 4018- 1939-48 grounds. W.E. Turner, S.L. Smith, J.H. White, 385 4022 B.O. Duggan. Correspondence, reports, and photographs.

Allman, Reva White MI: Education fellow, 1943-45. GEB 1.2 400 S 237 2400

Alston, Rosamond A. SC; Education fellow, 1931-32. GEB 1.2 400 S 237 2400

American Baptist Home Reports and pamphlets. GEB 1.5 H 20 717- 7392- Mission Society, 1901-42 718 7395

American Baptist Home JDR gift to society used for instruction FM 2 Religious 2-3 13-15 Mission Society, General, in Negro secondary schools. 1898-1959

American Baptist Home Plans for developing institutes for the FM 2 Religious 3 21 Mission Society, National benefit of Colored Ministers in the South. Ministers Institute, JDR Jr. pledged assistance to meet expenses. 1924-35

American Church Institute Grant. GEB 1.1 410 255 2646- for Negroes, 1925-47 2647

American Council of Learned Grant. Waldo G. Leland, GEB 1.2 414 256 2652 Societies - Microfilming Melville Herskovits. Negro Newspapers, 1945-48

American Council on Racial factor in personality. Robert GEB 1.3 960 558 5965 Education - American Youth Sutherland. Correspondence, reports, Commission - Studies of and pamphlets. Negro Youth, 1937-41

American Council on Education - Study and stat. Fred Kelley, GEB 1.3 950 386 4035-

3 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Education - National Survey Ina Brown Ambrose Caliver. 4036 of Higher Education for Reports and correspondence. Negroes, 1940-42

American Council on Resource-use educ. GEB 1.3 950 387 4946 Education - Tuskegee Workshop, 1948

American Council on Race RBF 4 8 Relations, 1946-50

American Council on Race Relations, Council developed out of a Chicago FM 2 Welfare 44 Relations, 1944-49 conference; Rockefeller office watched growth of Council. JDR Jr. declined invitations and appeals for contributions.

American Council on Race General correspondence. GEB 1.2 414 256 2653 Relations, 1944-49

American Film Center - Negro Grant. AOne Tenth of a Nation.@ GEB 1.2 377 224 2145- Life Film, 1940-57 Donald Slesinger. 2147

American Library Association - Carl Milam, Anita Hostetter. GEB 1.3 950 387 4050- Demonstration in Training Negro 4051 School Librarians, 1936-39

American Medical Association, Education and research foundation-loan CF Grants 9 90-91 1971-81 program to help minority group students to complete medical school.

American Missionary Association, General correspondence, reports, and GEB 654 295 3080- 1904-57 pamphlets. 3081

American Negro Theatre, 1941-65 Grant. GEB 414 256 2654

American Political Science $19,000 for support of a program for RF 1.2 200 S 478 4082 Association - Southern study and seminars for political science Scholars= Seminars, 1962-63 teachers in small Southern colleges, with special efforts to reach teachers in Negro colleges.

American Teachers Formerly National Association for Teachers GEB 250 210 2024 Association, 1919-50 in Colored Schools. Debt, liquidation. H.G. Canady.

American University - Constance Green. RF 1.2 200 R 286 2699- Washington (DC) History, 2701 1952-1964

American Youth Hostel- Smith=s feelings about JDR 3rd activity; FM 2 Youth 22 Monroe Smith, 1947-51 AFreedom Train@ picketing incident; general work of American Youth Hostel; Smith work; trip to Europe, resignation.

Americus Institute 1902-28 Current expen, teach salary, bldg repairs, GEB 1.1 Ga 15 43-44 387-391 costs, debt. M.E. Reddick, Booker T. Washington.

Americus Negro High School, Bldgs and equip. GEB 1.1 Ga 284 70 284 1934-36

Ampey, Russell M. LA; Biology fellow, 1943-44. GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2401

Anacostia Neighborhood FM 2 JDR 3rd- 4 Museum, 1967-68 Gen. File

4 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Anderson, Agatha Alfreda TN; Nursing fellow, 1941-42. GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2401

Anderson, Felicia Dorothea VA; English fellow, 1927-28. GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2401

Anderson, Galusha Financial aid to student at Denison FM 1 Ofc Cor 1 6 University, H.H. Huffman.

Anderson, Nolan Hamilton TX; Biology fellow, 1935-36. GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2401

Anderson, Thomas Jefferson DC; Education fellow, 1936-37. GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2401

Anderson, William Ewart OK; Education fellow, 1928-29. GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2401

Anna T. Jeanes Fund. See Jeanes (Anna T.) Fund

Anthony, Marion Ernestine GA; Library Science fellow, 1938-39. GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2401

Antioch Baptist Church, Negro church. JDR donated FM 2 Religious 16 101 Cleveland, 1904-14 toward expenses and building fund.

Antioch College - Jazz, Workshop. RF 1.2 200 R 287 2706 1968-73

Appleby, Sadye P. MS; Public Health Education fellow, GEB FRC 1945-46.

Architects' Renewal RBF 4 15, 125 Committee in Harlem, Inc., 1965-75

Arizona State University, $15,000 for Athe development RF 1.2 200 9-10 71-72 1968-72 of educational programs for minority-group students.@

Arkansas - Haygood Bldgs and equip. Colored GEB 1.1 Ark 47 26 234 Industrial College, 1917-32 Methodist Episcopal Church, Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Re: Negro educ.

Arkansas A M & N College, Workshop. GEB 1.3 950 540 5782 1940

Arkansas Baptist College, Teachers salary, practice school, GEB 1.1 Ark 1 19 167-169 1901-46 repair. ABHMS. Re: Negro educ.

Arkansas Division of Teacher Salary and expenses re: Negro GEB 1.1 Ark 56 26 243 Training, 1931-35 educ.

Arkansas Homemakers Clubs, Salary. Re: Jeanes Fund, gardens GEB 1.1 Ark 44.2 25 226-227 1913-19 demonstr, canning, fairs, conf, rural schoolhouses, Negro educ.

Arkansas State Agent for Summer schools for Negroes. GEB 1.2 669.1 299 3122 Rural Schools (Negro), 1929-31

Arkansas State Department of Dolph Camp, A.B. Bonds. GEB 1.3 950 388 4060-61 Education - Counselor Correspondence and reports. Training Program, 1947-50

Armstrong, S.C. Hampton Institute. FM 1 Ofc. Cor 2 9

Arnold, Frank A. MD; Agricultural Education GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2401 fellow, 1934-35.

5 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Art Institute of Chicago - RF 1.2 200 R 290 2723 Public School Program, 1954-70

Arts and Education Council RF 1.2 200 R 289 2719- of Greater, St. Louis - 2722 Inner-City Cultural Enrichment, 1967-70

Arts for Racial Identity, RBF 4 126 Inc., 1970-75

Arts in Education Jane Remer Files. Series includes 3 boxes JDR 3rd 10 66-96 of material on New York City schools, Fund 1973-79; material on schools in Hartford, Little Rock, Minneapolis, Seattle, and Winston-Salem, 1974-79; and Public School Projects in League of Cities member cities and other cities. Also, contact files for the Bank Street College of Education, 1977; Harlem School of the Arts, 1973-74; Southern California University Project, 1974-75; Henry Street Settlement Urban Life Center, 1974-78; and New York Urban Coalition, 1975-79.

Arts in Education Program Kathryn Bloom files on Ad JDR 3rd 11 127-146 Hoc Coalition of States. General Fund material on Arizona, California, Indiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, New York, Oklahoma, and Washington.

Arts in Education Program - JDR 3rd 11 282-287 Schools and Universities Fund

Arts in Education Program - Includes contact files for Alabama; JDR 3rd 11 247-257 State, County and City Agencies Arkansas; Connecticut; Delaware; Fund Idaho; Illinois; Iowa; Fayette County, Kentucky; Louisiana; Maryland (with a county file on Montgomery County); Minnesota; Montana; Nebraska New Hampshire; New Jersey; New Mexico; Nassau, Suffolk, and Westchester counties, New York; North Carolina; Ohio; Oregon; Rhode Island; South Carolina; South Dakota; Virginia; Wisconsin; and the cities of Cleveland; Columbus; Palo Alto; and St. Louis.

Arts in Education Program - JDR 3rd 11 299-300 Urban Development Fund Organizations

Associated Negro Press Declinations. Davison II 3 23

Associated Negro Press, Declination. Re: race relations, GEB 1.3 950 390 4082- 1931-48 adult educ, USDA, Negro Press. 4086 C.A. Barnett, F.D. Patterson, R.R. Moton, J.H. Dillard. AThe Negro Farmer.@ Correspondence, reports, and clippings.

Association for the Study of GEB 1.2 160 205 1959- Negro Life and History, 1960 1916-41

Association for the Study of LSRM-RF. Journal of Negro History, LSRM 3.8 96 966-967 Negro Life and History, special studies. Carter Woodson, 1921-29 William E. Dodd, Arthur Schlesinger. 6 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Association for the Study of Includes report: AThe Negro Professional RF 1.1 200 9 80-82 Negro Life and History, Man and the Community,@ 1930-36 by Carter G. Woodson, 1933.

Association for the Study of Appeal for funds to study history of FM 2 Welfare 44 Negro Life, 1927-53 Negroes; consistently declined.

Association of Black JDR 3rd 1 2 26 Foundation Executives, Fund 1973-74

Association of Black CF Ad.-His. 7 126 Foundation Executives, 1977

Association of Black RBF 4 129, 249 Foundation Executives, Inc., 1973-79

Association of Black Social RBF 4 249 Workers Child Adoption Counseling and Referral Service, Inc., 1978-79

Association of Colleges and Expenses. R.T. Tatum. GEB 1.3 950 392 4098 Secondary Schools for Negroes - Consultation Service in Public Relations, 1943-48

Association of Colleges and Support. H.C. Trenholm, R.B. GEB 1.3 950 392 4099- Secondary Schools for Atwood. Correspondence and 4101 Negroes - Improvement of reports. Instruction in Higher Institutions, 1941-45

Association of Colleges and Correspondence and reports. GEB 1.3 950 392 4102- Secondary Schools for 4104 Negroes - Scholarships, 1943-45

Association of Colleges and GEB 1.3 950 392 4105 Secondary Schools for Negroes - Summer Conferences, 1943

Association of Colleges and Secondary educ. W.A. Robinson. GEB 1.3 950 392 4106 Secondary Schools for Negroes - Workshop, 1941-42

Association of Colleges and Support, prep, and distribution of study, GEB 1.3 950 390-391 4087- Secondary Schools for workshops. W.H. Brown, W.A. Robinson, 4097 Negroes, 1938-64 L.F. Palmer, Ambrose Suhrie, F.C. Jenkins, W.C. Trenholm, J.S. Lambert, R.B. Atwood.

Association of Colleges for Grant. GEB 1.2 121 204 1941 Negro Youth, 1919-31

Association of University Work-study recruitment program in history CF Grant 28 257 Programs in Hospital administration for minority group members Administration, 1970-73 (stipends and scholarships).

Atchinson, Andrew Charitable and educational work on FM 1 Ofc. Cor 2 12 refugee freedmen in the West (1882).

Atkins, Francis L. NC; Education fellow, 1923-25 GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2401

Atkins, James A. TN; English Education fellow, 1930-31 GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2401

7 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Atlanta Conference, 1933-34 Cooperation in Negro educ. GEB 1.1 Ga. 238 70 621

Atlanta Library for Negro Trevor Arnett Library; maintenance, books, GEB 1.1 Ga. 12 43 381-385 Institutions, 1928-46 bldg equip. John Hope, Florence M. Read.

Atlanta Practice High For Spelman, Morehouse and GEB 1.1 Ga. 13 43 386 School, 1928-29 AU. Ng.

Atlanta School of Social Historical Records. RF 1.1 212 S 1 6 Work, 1924-34

Atlanta University - N.C. Plimpton, Rufus GEB 1.3 950 394 4127 Accounting System, 1938-40 Clement.

Atlanta University - Ambrose Visiting prof. GEB 1.3 950 396 4149 Suhrie, 1942-43

Atlanta University - Books, GEB 1.3 950 394 4128 1938-39

Atlanta University - Central For AU, Spelman, Morehouse GEB 1.3 950 394 4129 Power and Heating Plant, Clark. 1936-37

Atlanta University - Child Purchase of home and GEB 1.3 950 394 4130 Development Programs, renovation. 1936-45

Atlanta University - Clark GEB 1.3 950 395 4154 College, 1947-48

Atlanta University - Constr. GEB 1.3 950 395 4131 Classroom Bldg, 1944-55

Atlanta University - Louis Shores (photos). GEB 1.3 950 394 4132 Conference on Development of School of Library Science, 1940-41

Atlanta University - GEB 1.1 Ga. 80.2 54 484 Dramatic Art, 1933-36

Atlanta University - English Problems of Negro teachers. GEB 1.3 950 395 4133 Education, 1953-55

Atlanta University - GEB 1.3 950 395 4134 Graduate Assistantships, 1941-49

Atlanta University - GEB 1.3 950 395 4135 Graduate Education, 1960

Atlanta University - Helen Supervisor of observation GEB 1.3 950 396 4151 Whiting, 1942-45 and practice teach.

Atlanta University - GEB 1.3 950 396 4152 Instructional Salaries, 1947-48

Atlanta University - John GEB 1.1 Ga. 80 52 471 Hope Home

Atlanta University - John GEB 1.1 Ga. 80 52 470 Hope Memorial, 1936-40

8 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Atlanta University Science. GEB 1.3 950 395 4137 Laboratory Equipment, 1935-36

Atlanta University - Land Correspondence and reports. GEB 1.3 950 395 4138- Survey and Survey of Educ. 4140 Problems, 1945-48

Atlanta University - Land, GEB 1.1 Ga. 80.1 54 480-483 1931-42

Atlanta University - Land, GEB 1.3 950 396 4158 1948, 1959

Atlanta University - Language GEB 1.3 950 395 4141 Arts Workshop, 1947-52

Atlanta University - Library RF 1.2 200 11 85-87 School, 1963-68

Atlanta University - Graduate. GEB 1.3 950 395 4142 Library, 1943-44

Atlanta University - GEB 1.3 950 396 4156 Morehouse College, 1944-51

Atlanta University - Morris Reconditioning; via AU. GEB 1.3 950 395 4143 Brown Bldgs., 1938-40

Atlanta University - GEB 1.3 950 396 4155 , 1943-46

Atlanta University - RF 1.1 200 A 72 864 Negro Medical Education, 1948

Atlanta University - Religion RF 1.2 200 R 295 2755- (Coulborn, Rushton), 1955-56 2756

Atlanta University - School Summer school. GEB 1.3 950 395 4144 of Theatre, 1937

Atlanta University - Spelman GEB 1.3 950 396 4157 College, 1948-51

Atlanta University - Study Support, in cooperation with National GEB 1.3 950 396 4145- of Negro Business, 1943-48 Urban League. Joseph Pierce 4147 Franklin Nichols, Lester Granger.

Atlanta University - Summer Workshops, grad courses GEB 1.1 Ga. 80 53-54 472-479 School, 1932-47 scholarships.

Atlanta University - Union GEB 1.3 950 396 4150 Catalog for Atlanta University Center, 1958

Atlanta University - Fellowship for cataloger. GEB 1.3 950 395 4136 Virginia Lacy, 1941-42

Atlanta University Center - Re: grad educ, development. Goodrich GEB 1.3 950 393 4115- Advisory Faculty Council, White, Raymond Paty, J.H. Purks, 4119 1939-52 Philip Davidson, Harvey Cox, Henry Stanford.

Atlanta University Center - Endow, J.R. McCain GEB 1.3 950 394 4120- Agnes Scott College 1938-43 4121

9 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Atlanta University Center - Endow, re: univ development hosp and GEB 1.3 950 394 4122- Emory University, 1938-44 med school. Robert Oppenheimer, 4124 Harvey Cox, Goodrich White. Atlanta University Center - Consultant. GEB 1.3 950 394 4126 George Works, 1938

Atlanta University Center - GEB 1.3 950 394 4125 Visit to Educational Centers, 1938-40

Atlanta University Center RF 1.2 200 11 88-89 Corporation - Economics- Kindleberg, C.P. 1966-69

Atlanta University Center RF 1.2 200 11 90 Corporation - Economics- McCartney, Kenneth, 1968-69

Atlanta University Center RF 1.2 200 12 91 Corporation - Economics- Recruitment, 1960-70

Atlanta University Center RF 1.2 200 12 92 Corporation - Economics-Robinson, Romney 1969-70

Atlanta University Center RF 1.2 200 12 93-94 Corporation - Executive Secretary, 1966-72

Atlanta University Center RF 1.2 200 12 95-96 Corporation - Faculty, 1963-66; 1968-70

Atlanta University Center RF 1.2 200 13 104 Corporation - Libraries, (Travel Grant), 1971

Atlanta University Center Correspondence, proposal draft. RF 1.2 200 12 97-99 Corporation - Martin Luther King, Jr. Library Project, 1968-70

Atlanta University Center RF 1.2 200 13 100-103 Corporation - Libraries, 1963-68

Atlanta University Center Salary support. RF 1.2 200 R 295 2757 Corporation - Music and Drama (Frank, Benno D.), 1966-71

Atlanta University Center, Correspondence, clippings GEB 1.3 950 392-393 4109- 1938-47 and reports. 4114

Atlanta University School of Current expenses. GEB 1.1 Ga 281 70 613-619 Social Work 1925-1947

Atlanta University, 1902-63 Land, bldgs, equip, books, salary, endow, GEB 1.1 Ga 80 49-52 442-469 conf, current expen, improv. Rufus Clements, Florence M. Read, Benjamin Mays, W.E.B. DuBois, Otis Caldwell, John Hope, Edwin Embree. Re: coop of univ complex, Jeanes teachers, estate and legacies. Correspondence, reports, pamphlets, and photographs.

Atlanta University, 1931-53 Family interest. JDR Jr. underwrote FM 2 Educ. 46

10 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

fund campaign but was not asked to pay any portion of the commitment; small gift made toward endowed chair. Atlanta University, 1933-34 Negro education, endowment, building, IEB 1.1 16 290 equipment. Florence Read, Dean Sage.

Atlanta University, 1947-48 GEB 1.3 950 396 4153

Atlanta University, Clark GEB 1.1 Ga 80.3 54-55 485-491 University - Land, 1934-58

Atwood, Rufus Ballard KY; Educational fellow, 1936-37. GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2401

Augsburg College Includes supplementary RF 1.2 200 S 480 4102- (Minneapolis, Minnesota) material (18 pieces), 4103 Urban Attitudes, 1967-69 1966-68.

Austin, Theodore Dunbar DC; Chemistry fellow, 1948-49. GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2401

Austin, Walter Montgomery FL; Economics fellow, 1949-50. GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2401

Averitte, Laura M. TN; English fellow, 1925-26. GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2401

B Bacote, Clarence Albert FL; History fellow, 1928-29, GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2402 1933-34, 1937-38.

Bailey, Anna O. Negro mission school FM 1 Ofc Cor 2 16 of Jennie Peck (1891).

Bailey, Joseph Alexander AR; History and Economics GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2402 fellow, 1933-34, 1939-40.

Bailey, Robert L. WV; Agriculture fellow, 1948-50. GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2402

Baker, Houston A. KY; Business Administration fellow, GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2402 1947-48

Baker, Orestes Jeremiah TX; Library Science fellow, 1935-36. GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2402

Baker, Percy Hayes VA; Biology fellow, 1941-43 GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2402

Baker, Thomas Nelson Jr. VA; Chemistry fellow, 1937-38 GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2402

Baltimore Provident Hospital Visit and report by Thomas FM 2 Medical 21 162 and Dispensary, 1927-32; 1957 Appelget, 1927; JDR Jr. pledged $55,000.

Baltimore-Education - $70,000 for its Central City Administrative RF 1.2 200 13-14 106-110 Interns-Principals, Internships program. 1969-March 1970, May-December 1970, 1971

Bank Street College of Kathryn Bloom Files. JDR 3rd 11 152- 1186- Education, 1968-78 Fund 154 1204

Banks, 1931-61 Includes material on Adam Clayton Powell=s FM 2 Business 5 37 plan for Harlem Savings Bank. Closed.

Banks, Church H. TX; Agriculture fellow, 1927-28. GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2402

Banks, Melvin James TX; History fellow, 1932-35. GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2402

11 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Baptist Negro Education JDR Jr. gift to be applied to general FM 2 Religious 6 39 Center, NYC, 1942-60 program of Negro Education Center. Pledges renewed until Martha Baird Rockefeller stopped them in 1960.

Baranco, Henri Etta LA; English fellow, 1933-34. GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2402

Barber, Georgia W. NC; Public Health fellow, 1946. GEB FRC

Barker, Twilley Wendell Jr. LA; Political Science fellow, 1954-55. GEB 1.2 400 S 253 2604

Barksdale, Richard Kenneth MS; English Literature GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2402 fellow, 1942-43, 1954-55.

Barnes, Robert Percy NJ; Chemistry fellow, 1928-29. GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2402

Barnett, Claude, 1944-47 On Africa, Phelps-Stokes GEB 1.2 637.1 287 2995- Fund, Negro press, newspaper. 2997

Barrett, A.M. Negro Baptist school, Pee FM 1 Ofc Cor 3 22 Dee, NC (1893)

Bartley, Lua S. MI; Health and Physical GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2402 Education fellow, 1948-49.

Batchlor, Commodore Dewey OK; English fellow, 1930-31. GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2402

Beasley, Henrietta L. OK; Librarian fellow, 1926-27. GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2403

Beaumont, Beatrice H. VA; Education fellow, 1925-26, 1928-29 GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2403

Beckham, Albert S. LSRM Fellowship, 1928-29 LSRM 3.8 97 985 Includes manuscript, AA Study of the Intelligence of Colored Adolescents of Different Economic and Social Status in Typical Metropolitan Areas@ (1929).

Bedford-Stuyvesant $350,000 for its operating budget and RF 1.2 200 14 113-117 Restoration Corporation, 1967-69 toward its block renovation program.

Belgian Congo, 1944-45 George Carpenter. GEB 1.2 637.1 287 2998

Bell, George Appeal from a former slave=s FM 1 Ofc Cor 3 24 son attending school in Chicago (1893)

Bell, Mrs. James A.H. Orphanage in Atlanta planned FM 1 Ofc Cor 3 24 by Carrie L. Steele.

Belle, James M. AL; Business Administration fellow, 1935-36. GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2403

Belton, Moses NC; Library Science fellow, 1936-37. GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2403

Belton, William Edward LA; Chemistry fellow, 1937-38. GEB 1.1 400 S 238 2403

Benedict College and Allen W.J. Trent. Correspondence GEB 1.3 950 398 4171- University - Cooperative and reports. 4172 Education Program, 1952-55

Benedict College and Allen Const and equip. J.B. GEB 1.3 950 398 4173- University - Joint Library, Felton, Frank H. Smith. 4174 1931-42

Benedict College - Books, GEB 1.3 950 397 4167 1938-39

12 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Benedict College - Library J.H. Bacoats. GEB 1.3 950 397 4166 and Science Equipment, 1947-49

Benedict College - Salaries, S.E. Hening, J.B. Felton. GEB 1.3 950 397 4168- Books, Endowment, 1941-53 4170

Benedict College, 1903-52 Teach salary, constr and equip, GEB 1.1 SC 57 125 1140- current expen. ABHMS. 1143 Frank A. Smith, George Rice Hovey.

Benedict College, 1934 Grant. Frank A. Smith. GEB 1.2 692.1 306 3199

Bennett College - Books, David E. Jones. GEB 1.3 950 398 4175 1944

Bennett College - Community Correspondence, reports, and GEB 1.3 950.4 540 5783- Health and Nutrition Program, pamphlets. 5784 1944-47

Bennett College - W.P. Jacocks. GEB 1.3 950.4 540 5785 Cooperative Child Health Center, 1941-45

Bennett College - Curriculum GEB 1.3 950 398 4176 Study, 1924-44

Bennett College - Home Development, nursery school GEB 1.3 950 398 4177 Economics, 1933-44 Alterations, equip.

Bennett College - Library and GEB 1.3 950 441 4644 Laboratory Grants, 1935-37

Bennett College - Library, Constr and equip. M.J. GEB 1.3 950 398 4179 1937-39 Holmes. Thomas Holgate.

Bennett College - Lydia Dean of Students, GEB 1.3 950 398 4178 Jetton, 1940 fellowship.

Bennett College - Science GEB 1.3 950 398 4180 Staff and Equipment, 1951-54

Bennett College - Student Equip and renovation. GEB 1.3 950.4 540 5786 Health and Health Education, 1947-50

Bennett College for Women, GEB 1.2 692.1 306 3200 1934

Bennett College, 1914-64 Endow, library constr and equip, books, GEB 1.1 NC 239 116-118 1053- bldg and equip, coop child health center, 1065 current expen, curriculum reorganization study, home econ. Women=s HMS of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Correspondence, clippings, pamphlets, reports, and photographs.

Bent, Michael J. TN: Medical Sciences fellow, GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2403 1941-42.

Berkley Unified Schools RF 1.2 200 15 118-119 District - Teachers Training, Problems of Multi-racial education

13 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Berry, Mary E. Tuskegee Institute FM 1 Ofc Cor 3 26

Bethune-Cookman College - GEB 1.3 950 399 4187 Books, 1942-43

Bethune-Cookman College - Constr and equip. GEB 1.3 950 399 4188 Library, 1946-52 Mary McLeod Bethune, D.E. Williams.

Bethune-Cookman College, Formerly Daytona Cookman Collegiate GEB 1.1 Fla 38 33-34 303-310 1905-53 Institute and Daytona N & I Institute. Constr equip, current expen, books, science equip. M.J. Holmes, Mary McLeod Bethune. Methodist Episcopal Church. Re: Dies Committee, vocational Negro educ.

Bethune-Cookman College, Grant. Correspondence and GEB 1.2 692.1 306 3197- 1934-36 reports. 3198

Bettis Academy 1902-48 Equip, repairs, constr, GEB 1.1 SC 49 125 1135- teach salary. J.B. Felton, 1139 Alice Angell, James H. Dillard.

Bianchi, Benjamin Abbott SC; Education fellow, 1932-33. GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2403

Bias, John Henry NC; Education fellow, 1923-24. GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2403

Binford, Elmer C. NC; Biology fellow, 1926-27. GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2403

Binford, Ruth Pearl AL; Mathematics fellow, 1926-33, GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2403

Birch, Ruth Marie DC; Art and Architecture fellow, 1938-39. GEB 1.1 400 S 238 2403

Birnie, James Hope SC; Biology fellow, 1939-40, 1943-44. GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2403

Bishop College - Community Prairie View St. Coll, Wiley Coll GEB 1.3 950 400 4200 Workshop, 1943 and Texas Coll, D.B. Taylor. Correspondence and photographs.

Bishop College - Re: merger with Butler Coll. GEB 1.3 950 400 4201 Consultative Service, 1960

Bishop College - Department Improv, equip, books GEB 1.3 950 400 4202 of Homemaking Education, Correspondence and 1938-40 photographs.

Bishop College - Development Renovation and equip. GEB 1.3 950 400 4203- Program, 1944-50 library and admin bldg. 4204

Bishop College - Rural Instructor of agri edu , rural shop GEB 1.3 950 400-401 4205- Education Program, 1940-43 at local school, books. 4206

Bishop College, 1909-60 Current expen, re: merger, ABHMS. GEB 1.1 Tex 27 163 1523- Frank A. Smith, George Rice Hovey 1527 Correspondence, reports, pamphlets, and photographs.

Bishop College, 1934 GEB 1.2 692.1 307 3201

Bishop Museum, 1926-39 Pacific anthropological RF 1.1 214 S 1 1 survey, historical records.

Black Student's Summer Reports. JDR 3rd 1 3 41 Program of the National Fund Urban League, 1971

14 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Black Theater Alliance, JDR 3rd 11 278 2035 1974-75 Fund

Black Yeomanry, 1930 Distribution to state agents; GEB 1.1 SC 11.1 123 1128 analysis of St. Helena Island.

Black, Mae Adams SC; Home Economic fellow, 1925-26. GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2404

Black, Blanton E. GA; Geography fellow, 1942-43. GEB FRC

Blake, Caesar R. NC; English Literature fellow, 1952-53. GEB 1.2 400 S 249 2539

Blanchet, Waldo Willie GA; General Science fellow, GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2404 Emerson 1935-36, 1938-39.

Blanton, Carol V. LA; Music fellow, 1938-39, 1942-43. GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2404

Blanton, Robert Joshua VA; Education fellow, 1936-38. GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2404

Bliss, William W. Asst Secr, ABHMS; re: pledges and FM 1 Ofc Cor 4 32 payments for Spelman Seminary.

Blooah, Charles G., 1927-32 LSRM 3.8 97 986

Blue Gargoyle: Chicago Interracial forum for people from different JDR 3rd 1 3 42 Project (Peter Stodder), 1974 neighborhoods, especially poor areas of Fund Chicago, with social action programs contemplated.

Blue, John Titus Jr. DC; Sociology fellow, 1949-51. GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2404

Board of Control for American Council on Race Relations GEB 1.3 950 401-402 4209- Southern Regional Education, Consult services, Support of grad training 4219 1947-52 and research study, study of coop among states, development of grad prog of tech educ on regional basis. John Ivey, George Cant, Harvie Branscomb, Raymond Pay, Doak Campbell.

Board of Education of the Re: possible merger, Claflin GEB 1.3 950 403 4220 Methodist Church -- Survey, College and SC State A&M. 1950-52 M.S. Davage.

Board of Trustees of Jackson Coll., Alcorn A&M, GEB 1.3 950 403 4221- Institutions of Higher MS Voc Coll., H.M. Ivy, Jacob 4223 Learning - Higher Education Reddix, E.R. Jobe. for Negroes, 1950-57

Boggs, Grace GA; Music Education fellow, 1953-54. GEB 1.2 400 S 251 2569

Boggs, Herbert C., Jr. GA; Mathematics fellow, 1939-40, 1945-46. GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2404

Bolden, Wiley GA; Psychology fellow, 1953-54. GEB 1.2 400 S 251 2570

Bond, J. Max CA; Education fellow, 1933-34. GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2404

Bond, James A. KY; Education fellow, GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2404 1929-30, 1934-35.

Bond, Julian, 1971 JDR 3rd 1 3 43 Fund Booker T. Washington Memorial Association See Washington, (Booker T.) Memorial Association

Booker, Walter M. TX; Medical Sciences fellow, GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2405 1931-32, 1937-38.

15 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Booth, Harriet Braye AL; Education fellow, 1925-26. GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2405

Booth, Marvin AL; Agriculture fellow, 1936-37. GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2405

Boston University - African RF 1.2 400 S 238 2405 Studies, 1962-67

Boston, Dora E. SC; Home Economics fellow, 1926-27. GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2405 Botts, John M. VA; Agriculture fellow, 1925-26. GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2405

Bouise, Oscar Adonis LA; English fellow, 1936-37. GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2405

Bowen, Hilliard Alphonso OK; Education fellow, 1940-41. GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2405

Bowen, John Elbert, Jr. SC; Library Science fellow, 1932-33. GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2405

Bowers, Myrtle M. GA; History fellow, 1948-49. GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2405

Bowling, Andrew Carnegie NC; Engineering fellow, 1932-33. GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2405

Boy Scouts of America - JDR 3rd contributions toward FM 2 Youth 2 Inter-racial Service, Negro Scouting work in 1945-46 South; description of programs.

Boy Scouts of America - LSRM-RF. Organization of troops, LSRM 3.8 96 969-971 Negro, 1925-31 scout work among racial groups. Correspondence and photographs.

Boyd, Theodora Roosevelt NC; Language fellow, 1936-37. GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2405

Boykin, Leander L. NC; Education fellow, 1943-44. GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2405

Boys Club of New York, 1972 Plan for experimental school designed JDR 3rd 1 3 44 to promote economic opportunity for Fund disadvantaged youth. No indication of JDR 3rd Fund support.

Bradley, Gladyce H. WV; Public Health fellow, 1944-46. GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2406

Branch, Addison Albert TN; Chemistry fellow, 1936-37. GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2406

Brandon, Donald G. NY; Geography fellow, 1946-47. GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2406

Brantley, George D. AL; Education fellow, 1927-28. GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2406

Brawley, James Philip GA; Education fellow, 1929-33. GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2406

Brewer, David L. FL; Education fellow, 1927-28. GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2406

Brick Rural Life School In Bricks, NC. Via American Missionary GEB 1.3 950 403 4226 1932-50 Association. Salary, equip of specialist in housebuilding and repair. Fred Brownlee. Correspondence and photographs.

Bridges, John Clarence GA; Biology fellow, 1930-31. GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2406

Briggs, Theodore FL; Engineering fellow, 1933-34. GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2406

Bright, William Milton KY; Biology fellow, 1936-37. GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2406

Briscoe, Madison Spencer LA; Biology fellow, 1929-30. GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2406

Brock, George D. WV; Education fellow, 1929-30. GEB 1,2 400 S 238 2406

Brodie, W.E. Pres. Young Men=s FM 1 Ofc Cor 5 40 Library Association, Chicago, Sept. 23, 1890.

Brookes, E. Luther NY; Chemistry fellow, 1933-34. GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2406

Brooklyn College - College With report. RF 1.2 200 15 124-127

16 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Talent Search, 1963-69

Brooklyn Urban League, Annual contribution of $1,000; FM 1.2 Welfare 42 1922-43 routine gifts. Merged into Urban League of Greater New York, 1944. Brooklyn Urban League, 1926 LSRM 3.8 96 972

Brooklyn Urban League, 1935-41 Davidson II 2 11

Brooklyn-Cumberland Medical Physician assistants training (minority CF Grants 40 362 Center, 1969-72 students in the Fort Greene and Bedford- Stuyvesant areas of Brooklyn).

Brooks, Hallie Beachem GA; Library Science fellow, GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2406 1939-40, 1949-50.

Brooks, Lyman Beecher VA; Education fellow, 1940-42 GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2406

Brooks, Maxwell Roy NC; Sociology fellow, 1944-45, 1947-48. GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2406

Brooks, Robert Andrew SC; Business Administration fellow, 1935-36. GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2406

Brothers, George B. TN; Medical Sciences fellow, 1947-48. GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2407

Brothers, Warren Hill Jr. AL; Mathematics fellow, 1939-41. GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2407

Brown University - English RF 1.2 200 16 128-131 Language Remedial Program, 1964-70

Brown University - Study of Racial forces in community life. LSRM 3.8 96 973 Ethnic Factors, 1925-27 Problems of races and nationalities. Construct a practical program

Brown, Aaron GA; Education fellow, 1941-43 GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2407

Brown, D.P. Pastor, St. Mark=s A.M.E. Church, FM 1 Ofc Cor 5 42 Milwaukee, March 27, 1890.

Brown, Jonel TX; Education fellow, 1945-46. GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2407

Brown, L. H. Secretary, Board of Trustees. FM 1 Ofc Cor 5 42 Columbus-Americus Institute, 1890-92

Brown, Martha Milbra TN; Library Science fellow, 1926-27. GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2407

Brown, Mary Lee TN; Nursing fellow, 1946-47. GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2407

Brown, May M. August 16, 1889; unable to gain FM 1 Ofc Cor 5 42 employment as a teacher in Cleveland; seeks support to write ALives of the Most Noted Colored Women of the Ages.@

Brown, Myrtle L. SC; Nutrition fellow, 1946-48. GEB FRC

Brown, Ollie Lee AL; Library Science fellow, 1936-37. GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2407

Brown, Randolph Kelley DC; Medical Sciences fellow, 1943-45. GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2407

Brown, Robert Duane NC; Biology fellow, 1940-41. GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2407

Brown, Sterling Allen DC; English fellow, 1931-32. GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2407

Brown, William Harrison GA; Education fellow, 1946-47. GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2407

Browne, Frederick A. TN; Chemistry fellow, 1933-34. GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2407

Browne, Marjorie Lee TX; Mathematics and Physics fellow, 1945-47. GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2407

Browne, Rose Butler VA; Education fellow, 1934-35. GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2407

Browning, James B. DC; History fellow, 1934-35. GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2407

17 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Bruce, John Edward Afro-American journalist, seeking support FM 1 Ofc Cor 5 43 to buy a newspaper and job printing company; March 20, 1891.

Bryson, Winfred O. Jr. MD; Economic fellow, 1942-44. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2408

Buchanan, Walter M. SC; Agriculture fellow, 1928-29. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2408

Buckner, Lloyd Franklin SC; Education fellow, 1935-36. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2408

Bullock, Henry Allen TX; Sociology fellow, GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2408 1934-35, 1938-39.

Bumstead, Horrace Pres. Atlanta University; 1888-90. FM 1 Ofc Cor 6 45

Bunche, Ralph - Development JDR 3rd 1 3 49 Committee Speech Fund

Bunche, Ralph J. DC; Political Science GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2408 fellow, 1929-30; 1930-31.

Burch, Charles Eaton DC; English fellow, 1930-31. GEB 1.2 400 S 238 2408

Burton, Mrs. Bessye Lewis MS; Public Health Education fellow, 1945 GEB FRC

Burgess, John Philip SC; Agriculture fellow, 1925-26. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2408

Burwell, Lillian L. MD; Biology fellow, 1931-32 GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2408

Busseller, L.E. Negro mission; April 2, 1894. FM 1 Ofc Cor 6 47

Butcher, Charles Philip MD; English fellow, 1948-49. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2408

Butcher, James William Jr. DC; Drama fellow, 1936-37. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2408

C Cade, John Brother TX; Education fellow, 1933-34. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2409

Cain, Gertrude L. WV; Zoology fellow, 1953-54. GEB 1.2 400 S 251 2571

Caldwell, Georgia A. L. GA; Mathematics fellow, 1934-35. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2409

Calhoun College, 1902-46 Current expen, improv, teach salary, GEB 1.1 Ala 28 8-10 66-76 extension work. Formerly Calhoun School. Thomas Jesse Jones, Charlotte Thorn, H.B. Frissell. Re: Negro educ. Merger. Correspondence, reports, clippings, and pamphlets.

Calhoun Colored School, GEB 1.2 692.1 307 3202 1933-35

Calhoun School 1944-50 Via AL State Board of Educ. Perm improv. GEB 1.3 950 403 4228 A.R. Meadows, Thomas Jesse Jones.

California Institute of $25,000 for a summer institution on RF 1.2 200 17 138 Technology - Summer educational change Afor a selected Institute, 1960-70 group of public school administrators and teachers, college students and disadvantaged school-age children.@

California State College, RF 1.2 200 17 139-142

18 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Los Angeles - Community Relations, 1968-71

California State College, RF 1.2 200 17 143-144 Los Angeles - Urban Education, 1968-70

Caliver, Ambrose TN; Education fellow, 1929-30. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2409

Calloway, Milton L. MD; Biology fellow, 1929-30. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2409

Calvin, Alberta E. MD; Library Science fellow, 1926-27. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2409

Campbell, Cora P. VA; Education fellow, 1925-26. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2409

Campbell, Latis M. NY; Nursing fellow, 1944-45. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2409

Campbell, Thomas M., 1944-47 African survey, rural educ. Agri educ. GEB 1.2 637.1 287 2999

Canady, Herman G. WV; Psychology fellow, 1939-41. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2409

Carmichael, Mack Philip TX; Sociology fellow, 1927-28. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2409

Carnegie Boards, 1906-61 Early development and discussion of FM 2 Educ. 1 possible cooperation on projects. African missionaries, dinners, meetings, and reports.

Carnegie Corporation - Study of General correspondence. GEB 1.2 586.2 270 2791 of Negro Libraries, 1940 Thomas Barcus.

Carnegie Corporation - Study of the Gunnar Myrdal=s AAn American GEB 1.2 586.1 270 2787- of the Negro in the U.S., Dilemma.@ Correspondence and 2790 1938-48 reports. Richard Sterner, Doxy Wilkinson.

Carpenter, George 1942-47 African survey. GEB 1.2 637.1 287 3000

Carrington, Calvin Glenn, 1928-29 LSRM Fellowship. LSRM 3.8 98 987 Carroll, Mary C. SC; English fellow, 1930-31. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2409

Carroll, Richard A. NC; English fellow, 1945-46. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2409

Carruthers, Ben Frederic DC; Education fellow, 1939-41. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2409

Carter, Hazo W. TN; Agriculture fellow, 1948-51. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2410

Carter, Margaret Isabelle TN; Psychology fellow, 1942-43. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2410

Carter, Robert Allen AL; Education fellow, 1929-30 GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2410 1934-35.

Carter, William Thomas VA; Language fellow, 1937-38. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2410

Cashin, Lillian Emmette TN; English fellow, 1930-31. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2410

Cater, James Tate AL; Education fellow, 1928-29. GEB 1.2 400 S 230 2410

Cauldwell, William Religious work in New York; FM 1 Ofc Cor 7 52 including black Baptist churches.

Cayton, Thomas H. Hampton Institute; February 1, 1886. FM 1 Ofc Cor 7 53

Center for Community Action, Cooperative work that grew out of JDR 3rd 1 5 64-66 1971-74 Minneapolis-St. Paul youth business leaders Fund meetings. Project on employment for disadvantage youth, conservation issues, and other diverse projects. 19 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Center for Community Change, Washington, DC-based organization JDR 3rd 1 6 67 1970 devoted to providing technical assistance Fund to groups working for specific kinds of social change in rural or urban settings. Proposals. No indication of support by JDR 3rd Fund. RF and RBF received requests for funding.

Center for Information on America, Population profiles. CF Grants 49 441-445 America, 1970-81

Center for Urban Education, $15,000 toward the organization and RF 1.2 200 18 151 1964-66 planning of an association of scholars and educators concerned with the problem of urban education.

Central City College, Missionary Baptist GEB 1.1 Ga 2 37 339 1902-36 Convention. Re: Negro educ. Ng.

Chambers, Vivian Murray NY; Biology fellow, 1944-45. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2410

Chandler, Gladstone Lewis NC; English fellow, 1930-31. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2410

Chavis, Vance Henry NC; Public Health Education fellow, 1946-47 GEB FRC

Cheney Training School for Summer school. J.H. Dillard. GEB 1.4 2535 692 7135 Teachers, 1913-20

Cherry, David K. NC; Education fellow, 1927-28. GEB 1.4 400 S 239 2410

Chicago Correspondence, Reports, 1973-74. Documents JDR 3rd 1 6 70-71 1971-74 the contacts between JDR 3rd Fund Fund and other foundations and with Chicago community and business groups concerned with race relations, ghetto conditions, and economic opportunities.

Chicago Urban League - RF 1.2 200 18 153 Police Seminars, 1968-70

Chicago Urban League - RF 1.2 200 18 154-155 Principals= Conference, 1968

Children's Defense Fund, Inc. Correspondence, reports RBF 4 139, 255 The 1970-79 proposals and publications.

Chivers, Walter R., 1927-28 LSRM Fellowship. LSRM 3.8 98 988

Chivers, Walter Richard GA; Sociology and Political GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2410 Science fellow, 1934-35.

Chorley, Kenneth Correspondence Including correspondence FM 2 Cultural 149 1312- about a Negro housing project. 1318

Christian, Theresa IL; Nursing Education fellow, 1941-42. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2410

Christiansburg Industrial Bldgs and equip, endow, workshops, GEB 1.1 Va 18 171 1599 Institute, 1902-28 remodeling. Friends= Freedmen=s Association.

Church Missionary Society General correspondence. GEB 637.1 288 3002 Training School, 1945-46

Cincinnati Experience, 1971 Program for University of Cincinnati JDR 3rd 1 6 175 students to learn more about the community, Fund especially the middle class community. Formed in wake of campus unrest.

20 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

City Center of Music and In New York City. GEB support for GEB 414 256 2655 Drama, Inc., 1944-46 festival Negro chorus and other art programs for blacks.

Civil Rights Committee, Information about civil FM 2 Civic 11 59 Inc., 1946-61 rights organizations.

Civil Rights, n.d. FM 2 JDR 3rd 4

Claflin University 1925-56 Black industrial college, founded in 1869, GEB 1.1 SC 32 125 1133- associated for a time with South Carolina 1134 A&M. GEB declined assistance.

Clark College - Teachers GEB 1.1 Ga 235.1 66 579-580 Salaries, 1935-42

Clark College 1942-57 Endow, phys, science equipment, salaries, GEB 1.3 950 404-405 4234- land, and buildings. Methodist Episcopal 4244 Church. David Blackwell, M.S. Davage, M.J. Holmes, Florence Read, Rufus Clement.

Clark College, 1907-59 Teach salary, books, science equip, GEB 1.1 Ga 235 65-66 575-578 constr and equip, endow, study of equip for Atlanta Center. Methodist Episcopal Church. M.S. Davage, M.J. Holmes, Rufus Clement, James P. Brawley.

Clark University GEB 1.2 692.1 307 3203

Clark University - Library GEB 1.3 950 441 4646 and Laboratory grant, 1934-36

Clark, Ella and Bessie Robertson Financial aid for Aan old colored lady FM 1 Ofc Cor 7 55 and her granddaughter,@ May 13, 1887.

Clark, Felton Grandison DC; Education fellow, 1932-33. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2411

Clark, Geraldine Lari GA; Education fellow, 1948-49, 1951-52. GEB 1.2 400 S 247 2489

Clark, James Arthur NC; General Science fellow, 1936-37. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2411

Clark, Matthew Joseph LA; Agriculture fellow, 1933-34. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2411

Clark, Robert L. WV; Political Science fellow, 1950-51. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2411

Clark, William A. AL; Education fellow, 1927-28, 1934-35. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2411

Clarke, James Brewer DE; Education fellow, 1941-42. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2411

Clem, William W., Jr. LA; Education fellow, 1947-48. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2411

Clement, Rufus Early NC; Education fellow, 1928-29. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2411

Clemmons, Lucy Lee GA; English fellow, 1944-45. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2411

Clemons, Thomas A.J. Pres, The Colored Educational Industrial FM 1 Ofc Cor 7 57 School and Asylum, Spartanburg, SC; 1889-90.

Cleveland - Education, $250,000 for three schools in Glenville RF 1.2 200 20 165-169 1968-72 neighborhood to initiate Acommunity-centered activities.@

Cleveland Dialogs Meetings on youth and business leaders. JDR 3rd 1 7 82-83 File documents various social programs, Fund some focused on or concerning race relations.

21 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Cleveland Home for Aged Small annual gift, JDR. FM 2 Welfare 29 Colored People, 1898-1914

Clifford, Paul Ingraham GA; Education fellow, 1950-51. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2411

Clift, Cecil W. AL; Agriculture fellow, 1944-46. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2411

Clift, Virgil A. NC; Education fellow, 1942-44. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2411

Clinch, Vernie Clinel GA; Education fellow, 1931-32, 1940-42. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2411

Cobb, Thelma Mae Carver AL; English fellow, 1951-52. GEB 1.2 400 S 247 2490

Coby, James Everett TX; Library Science fellow, 1933-34. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2412

Cochran, Annie M. GA; Education fellow, 1933-32. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2412

Cochrane, Hortense Sanders GA; Medical Sciences fellow, 1943-45. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2412

Cohen, Charles Cecil DC; Music fellow, 1933-34. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2412

Cole, Lucille TN; Teaching fellow, 1947-48. GEB FRC

Coleman College, 1902-27 Agri and industrial equip. GEB 1.1 La 17 84 741-742

Coleman, Jurhetta N. LA; Health and Physical GEB 1.2 400 S 230 2412 Education fellow, 1944-45.

Coleman, L. Zenobia MS; Library Science fellow, 1935-36. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2412

Coleman, Winson NC; Philosophy fellow, 1947-49. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2412

College of William and Mary - Pamphlets, 1944-1946 RF 1.1 200-S 9 3763- Hampton Roads Area Study, 3766 1944-52

Collins, Elmer Ernest IA; Medical Sciences fellow, 1934-36 GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2412

Collins, Obie Magellan MS; History, 1933-34. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2412

Collins, Richard Bailey AL; Engineering fellow, 1935-36. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2412

Colored Graded School, 1916-20 Grant for a school in Talladega, AL. GEB 1.2 127 204 1944

Colson, Cortlandt M. VA; Education fellow, 1944-45. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2412

Colson, Edna Meade VA; Education fellow, 1930-31. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2412

Colston, James A. GA; Education fellow, 1948-49. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2412

Columbia Public Schools GEB 1.1 SC 59 126 1146 1923-25

Columbia University - Harlem RF 1.2 200 21 179-180 Planning (City of New York), 1968, 1970-71

Columbia University - Urban $6,000 to the Bureau of RF 1.2 200 S 496 4243- Corps, (George Nash, Julian Applied Social Research to 4244 H. Nixon), August 1966-68 study the Urban Corps.

Columbia University - RF 1.2 200 R 319 2948 Washington, Booker T., Biography (James, Marquis) 1950-51

22 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Columbia University - RF 1.2 200 R 319 2949 Washington, Booker T., 2950 Biography, (James, Jacqueline P.), 1952-58, 1960-65

Comey, J.F Mt. Olivet Baptist Church, FM 1 Ofc Cor 8 60 New York City, and the Rev. Dr. Thomas Armitage Fund, 1887-1894.

Commission of 100, 1944-61 Committee of whites dedicated to an FM 2 Welfare 43 AAmerican of justice and equality for our Negro fellow citizens@ - a branch of the NAACP. All appeals declined.

Commission on Human Grant for developing and GEB 1.2 632.7 283-284 2960- Relations - Motion Pictures, testing. Correspondence and 2966 1936-49 reports. Alice Keliher.

Commission on Human Grants in 1935, 1936. GEB 1.2 632.7 283 2955- Relations, 1935-41 General correspondence and reports. 2959

Commission on Inter-Racial Commission seeking to improve race FM 2 Welfare 38 Cooperation, 1922-44 relations gradually by increasing contact between whites and blacks. Contributions by LSRM and JDR Jr., 1922-1923; later appeals declined. Anti-lynching activities; printed material.

Commission on Interracial RF 1.1 200 S 324-325 3864- Cooperation, (Reports and 3869 Pamphlets), 1933-43

Commission on Interracial LSRM-RF Main Southern organization in LSRM 3.8 96-97 974-980 Cooperation, 1921-32 this work. Pamphlets and reports.

Commission on Interracial Declination. Reports. GEB 1.2 1 193 1818- Cooperation, 1936-43 1820

Committee for African Students General correspondence. GEB 1.2 637.1 288 3003 in North America, 1946-47 Emory Ross, J.O. Wright.

Committee on African Survey of slavery in Portuguese colonies; FM 2 Religious 48 377 Welfare, 1924-31 minutes of committee meeting; JDR Jr. pledge to underwrite activities of Committee and to publish findings; declination of assistance to related labor project.

Committee on Negro General correspondence. GEB 1.2 829 353 3651 Education, 1911-16

Committee on Negro Welfare $2,500 given for Negro work of Welfare FM 2 Welfare 27 of Welfare Council of NYC Council, 1942; no other requested.

Committee on Unity, 1943-58 New York Mayor=s committee on Negro FM 2 Welfare 44 problems; reports on racial problems in city. JDR Jr. declined request to be chairman of committee; his contributions to committee work. Correspondents include F.H. LaGuardia.

Conference of Presidents of Negro GEB 1.2 193 208 1996 Negro Land Grant College, 1932-33

Conference of Presidents of Negro J.N. Studebaker, George GEB 1.3 951 551 5901 Negro Land Grant Colleges, 1944-45 Zook.

23 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Conference of Presidents of Support, agri leaders, special GEB 1.3 950 407-408 4283- Negro Land Grant Colleges, 1946-52 consultants. 4285

Conference of Southern State GEB 1.3 950 408 4290 Superintendents of Education and State Agents for Negro Rural Schools, 1946-47

Conference of State Agents Correspondence and reports. GEB 1.3 950 409 4295- for Negro Rural Schools on 4296 Vocational Training, 1940

Conference of State Agents for Correspondence, photographs GEB 1.2 193 208 1998- for Negro Rural Schools, 1920-31 (oversized), and reports. 2000

Conference of State Agents GEB 1.3 950 408 4292- for Negro Rural Schools, 1938-48 4293

Conference of State Correspondence, photographs, GEB 1.2 193 208 2001- Superintendents and Agents and reports. 2002 for Negro Rural Schools, 1928-30

Conference on Graduate and GEB 1.3 950 409 4299 Professional Education for Negroes, 1939

Conference on Negro Education, Daytona. Correspondence and GEB 1.3 950 409 4301 Education, 1950-51 reports.

Conference on Negro High GEB 1.2 193 209 2008 Schools, 1925

Conference on Special Prep and publ of report. Karl GEB 1.3 950 410 4307- Problems of Education for Bigelow, W.F. Russell, Robert 4309 Minority Groups, 1947-51 Cousins.

Conference on Training of GEB 1.3 950 411 4315 Jeanes Teachers, 1930-46

Connecticut College - Grants of more than $225,000 for summer RF 1.2 200 22-23 191-193 Remedial Education, 1964-72 school programs for Atalented high school students from disadvantaged environments@.

Connor, Miles W. VA; Education fellow, 1925-26. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2412

Cook, Will Mercer DC; Romance Languages GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2413 fellow, 1934-35, 1942-43.

Cooke, Anne Margaret GA; Drama fellow, 1936-37. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2413

Cooper, Stewart Rochester DC; Chemistry fellow, 1928-29. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2413

Cooper, William Mason NC; Education fellow, 1923-25. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2413

Copeland, Emily America SC; Library Science fellow, 1949-50. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2413

Copeland, Ernestine Ione AR; English fellow, 1929-30. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2413

Cornell University - RF 1.2 200 S 500 4273- Intergroup Relations 4274 (Desegregation and Ethnic Studies), 1950-58, 1960-62, 1964

24 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Cornell University - Negro Paul Dubois and Robert Jackson. RF 1.2 200 24 202-204 Employment Study, 1968-71

Cornell University - Negro Legal size. RF 1.2 200 616 5279 Employment Study, Supplementary Material (2 Items), 1969

Cornell, 1933 - Negro Land GEB 1.2 669.1 299 3134 Grant College Presidents

Cothran, Tilman Christopher AR; Sociology fellow, 1945-47 GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2413

Cottage Grove Academy, 1901-14 County training school for Negroes; GEB 1.1 Ala 4 1 7-11 mortgage; re: rural educ, Negro educ. J.H. Palmer, John R. Savage, James Silby.

Cottin, John Richard TN; Language fellow, 1928-30, 1934-35. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2413

Couch, William Jr. MS; American Literature fellow, 1951-52. GEB 1.2 400 S 247 2492

Council Against Intolerance JDR Jr. declined all appeals, explained FM 2 Cultural 59 569 in America, 1940-55 position to Albert Einstein.

Council for Democracy, 1943-45 GEB 1.2 414 256 2656

Countee, R. N. Memphis Baptist Bible and FM 1 Ofc Cor 8 63 Normal Training School; 1888-90.

County Training Schools, Salary, equip, books. Re: Negro GEB 1.1 Ala 160.1 17-18 148-149 (Alabama), 1914-27 educ.

County Training Schools, Salary, equip, books. Re: Negro GEB 1.1 Ark 44.1 25 224-225 (Arkansas), 1914-27 educ.

County Training Schools, Re: Negro educ. GEB 1.1 Fla 50.1 36 329 (Florida), 1920-27

County Training Schools, GEB 1.1 Ga 268.1 68 596 (Georgia), 1914-27

County Training Schools, GEB 1.1 Ky 74.1 81 705 (Kentucky), 1914-27

County Training Schools, GEB 1.1 La 54.1 88 777 (Louisiana), 1916-27

County Training Schools, GEB 1.1 Miss 69.1 98 879-880 (Mississippi), 1917-32

County Training Schools, GEB 1.1 NC 236.1 116 1046- (North Carolina), 1915-32 1047

County Training Schools, GEB 1.1 SC 124.1 131 1207 (South Carolina), 1918-27

County Training Schools, GEB 1.1 Tenn 158 1472- (Tennessee), 1915-27 126.1 1473

County Training Schools, GEB 1.1 Va 167.1 188 1760- (Virginia) 1914-28 1761

Crawford, Floyd Wardlaw SC; History fellow, 1935-36. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2413

Crawford, Viola Olivia AR; Library Science fellow, 1928-29. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2413

25 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Crawley, Anthony B. WV; Mathematics fellow, 1942-43 GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2413

Creswell, Isaiah T., 1928 LSRM Fellowship. LSRM 3.8 98 989

Crippens, Nathaniel TN; Education fellow, 1951-53. GEB 1.2 400 S 249 2543

Crooks, Kenneth Bronstorph M. VA; Biology fellow, 1937-38. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2414

Crouch, Hubert Branch KY; Biology fellow, 1935-36. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2414 Crump, Edward Perry TN; Medical Sciences fellow, 1943-44. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2414

Crump, Oliver Wendell TX; Education fellow, 1933-34. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2414

Cuff, John Reginald TN; Medical Sciences fellow, GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2414 1927-29, 1942-43. Cultural Council Foundation - RBF 4 150, 268 Black Theater Alliance, 1974-80

Cultural Council Foundation - RBF 4 150 East Harlem Summer Festival, 1970-71

Cureton, Minnie E. MS; History fellow, 1945-47. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2414

Cureton, Robert Elliott GA; Education fellow, 1943-44. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2414

Currie, Maud S. AK; Food and Nutrition fellow, 1946-47. GEB FRC

Curry, Ida Louise Jones VA; Education fellow, 1935-36, 1943-44. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2414

Curry, Margaret E. Nabrit GA; History fellow, 1931-32, 1939-40. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2414

Curry, Thomas Jackson GA; History fellow, 1932-33. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2414

Curtis, William Childs AL; Engineering fellow, 1939-40, 1945-47. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2414

Cuthbert, J.H. Seeking support for his preaching to FM 1 Ofc Cor 10 76 the black population of Washington, DC; April 9, 1890.

D Dabbs, James McBride - RF 1.2 200 R 327 3005 Literary Critic, Southern Writers and the Civil Rights Movement, 1967-70, 1972

Daggs, William H. Hampton Normal Institute, 1893. FM 1 Ofc Cor 10 77

Dance Theatre of Harlem, RBF 4 34, 151 Inc., 1970-73, 1969

Dangerfield, Maudestine M. VA; Education fellow, 1929-30. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2415

Daniel, Lois Henrietta TN; Library Science fellow, GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2415 1936-37, 1944-45.

Daniel, Maggie Browne TX; English fellow, 1938-39. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2415

Daniel, Robert Prentiss NY; Education fellow, 1927-28, 1932-33. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2415

Daniel, Vattel Elbert TX; Sociology fellow, 1928-29. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2415

Dansby, Baldwin B. MS; Education fellow, 1926-27. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2415

26 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Dansby, Claude B. GA; Mathematics fellow, 1928-29, 1933-34. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2415

Daves, Joseph Herman TN; Sociology fellow, 1934-35. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2415

David, Sadie H. LA; Education fellow, 1943-44. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2415

Davies, Everett Frederick Samuels VA; Philosophy fellow, 1944-45. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2415

Davis, Alonzo J. AL: Psychology fellow, 1946-47. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2415

Davis, Arthur Paul VA; English fellow, 1932-33, GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2415 1936-37, 1940-41.

Davis, Beulah M. MD; Library Science fellow, 1936-37. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2415

Davis, Collis Huntington VA; Chemistry fellow, GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2415 1930-31, 1939-40.

Davis, George William PA; Education fellow, 1932-33. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2415

Davis, Jackson 1915-37 General correspondence, letters, GEB 1.2 642 291 3033- interviews, memos, and testimonials. 3040

Davis, Mrs. Mabel B. NC; Public Health Education fellow, 1946-47 GEB FRC

Davis, Mial Fundraising for Spelman FM 1 Ofc Cor 11 79 Seminary; 1884-91.

Davis, Ralph N. AL; Sociology fellow, 1932-33, 1937-38. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2415

Davis, Ralph N., 1927 LSRM Fellowship. LSRM 3.8 98 990

Davis, Rebecca E. MO; Education fellow, 1934-35. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2415

Davis, Thursa Felicia GA; Chemistry fellow, 1938-39. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2415

Davis, Walter Strother TN; Education fellow, 1937-38, 1940-41. GEB 1.2 400 S 239 2415

Dawson, Earl Edgar AR; Education fellow, 1930-31. GEB 1.2 400 S 240 2416

Dawson, Lillian R. NC; Education fellow, 1928-29. GEB 1.2 400 S 240 2416

Day Nursery for Colored NAR and AAR contributions, FM 2 Welfare 38 Children, Harlem 1942-48 1943; later appeals declined.

Dean, Jennie Plans for an industrial school for blacks FM 1 Ofc Cor 11 79 in Manassas, VA, 1892; supporting letter from Cleveland Abbe.

Dean, Joseph Howard MS; Business Administration GEB 1.2 400 S 240 2416 fellow, 1934-35.

Dean, William Henry Jr. GA; Economics fellow, 1935-36. GEB 1.2 400 S 240 2416

DeCosta, Laler Cook SC; Animal Husbandry fellow, 1953-54. GEB 1.2 400 S 251 2573

Delaware - Rural School GEB 1.2 665 298 3113 Supervisor - Negro, Declination, 1916-19

Delaware State College for GEB 1.4 1110 617 6518 Colored Students, 1925-50

DeLorme, Grace Holmes GA; Biology fellow, 1935-36. GEB 1.2 400 S 240 2416

Dennis, Joseph James GA; Mathematics fellow, 1934-35, 1939-40. GEB 1.2 400 S 240 2416

Dennis, William H., Jr. GA; Education fellow, 1947-48. GEB 1.2 400 S 240 2416

Denver Post-Kansas City Post - Negro newsman became friendly with FM 2 F & S 156 Publicity, H.H. Tammen, JDR Jr. on Colorado trip; kept JDR Jr. 1915-23 informed on his activities. 1918 article

27 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

on humanity of JDR.

Derbigny, Irving A. VA; Chemistry fellow, 1928-29. GEB 1.2 400 S 240 2416

DeVaughn, Jauncey FL; Library Science fellow, 1925-26. GEB 1.2 400 S 240 2416 Dialogs Reports on local dialog meetings JDR 3rd 1 10 107-109 between businessmen and youth, Fund including some black youths, 1971-74.

Dickerson, Bessie E. LA; Education fellow, 1943-45. GEB 1.2 400 S 240 2416

Dickerson, Harvey George TX; Biology fellow, 1928-29. GEB 1.2 400 S 240 2416

Dickinson, Charles E. MO; Agriculture fellow, 1948-49. GEB 1.2 400 S 240 2416

Dillard University - Arts and Social Anthropology, 1934-35 GEB 1.1 La 66 90 799

Dillard University - Nursing procedures and admin GEB 1.3 950.7 548 5863 Beatrice Alston, 1944-45 fellow.

Dillard University - Books GEB 1.3 950 414 4344 and Library Equipment, 1958-60

Dillard University - Business Support for salary, visits. GEB 1.3 950 414 4343 Education, Humanities, 1945-48

Dillard University - Via Federal Works Agency. GEB 1.3 950 414 4345 Classroom Building, 1947-48

Dillard University - Support, salary, sides, books and exhibits, GEB 1.3 950 414 4346- Department of Arts and constr and equip. William S. Nelson, A.W. 4348 Homemaking, 1937-45 Dent. Correspondence, reports, and photographs.

Dillard University - Department Support, correspondence, GEB 1.3 950 414 4349- of Dramatics and Music, 1935-42 reports, and pamphlets. 4351

Dillard University - Correspondence and photos. GEB 1.3 950.7 548 5864 Division of Nursing, 1942-52

Dillard University - GEB 1.1 La 66.2 90-91 803-805 Endowment, 1938-52

Dillard University - Library GEB 1.3 950 441 4647 and Laboratory Grants, 1936-37

Dillard University - Library, 1961 Construction. GEB 1.3 950 414 4352

Dillard University - Negro RF 1.1 200-A 85 1020 Medical Education, 1948

Dillard University - RF 1.2 200 26 222 Prefreshman Program, 1964-65

Dillard University - Reading Library. GEB 1.3 950 414 4353 Room, 1948

Dillard University - Rudolph Visits re: nursing educ and GEB 1.3 950.7 548 5865 Moses, C.W. Buggs, Rita curriculum. Miller, 1942-43

Dillard University - Science A.W. Dent, Philip GEB 1.3 950 415 4354- Building, Library and Widenhouse. Books, equip, 4355 Endowment, 1947-54 and constr.

Dillard University - Science GEB 1.3 950 415 4356 Equipment, 1952-53

Dillard University - Staff Salary in natural science, consult in GEB 1.3 950 415 4357 and Consultation Service, 1949-60 pre-med and nursing.

28 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Dillard University - High school principals. GEB 1.3 950 415 4358 Workshop, 1945-47

Dillard University, 1928-52 Library, endow, science equip, expen, GEB 1.1 La 66 89-90 788-798 books, teaching service, nursing, faculty expen, bldgs and equip. Support of dramatic arts, music, art dept. homemaking dept, improv, alterations. Methodist Episcopal Church, American Missionary Association. A.W. Dent, Edgar Stern, W.W. Alexander, Fred Brownlee, Merrill J. Holmes. Alan Gregg. Re: Negro history, housing project, health, Flint-Goodridge hosp, mergers of Straight College and with Dillard. Correspondence, reports, pamphlets, and photographs.

Dillard, Clarissa Virginia VA; English fellow, 1934-35. GEB 1.2 400 S 240 2416

Dillard, James H. General correspondence, 1908-1941. GEB 1.2 548 268 2764- GEB Board member. Pamphlets, addresses, 2767 clippings, and correspondence regarding ADr. Dillard of the Jeanes Fund@ by Benjamin Brawley (1930-1945).

Dillard, James H. - Friends Members of GEB; JDR Jr FM 2 F & S 57 425 and Relations, 1923-40 financed trip to Africa and England.

Dinkins, William H. AL; Education fellow, 1927-28 GEB 1.2 400 S 240 2416

Director of Teacher Training GEB 1.1 Miss 77 99 893 for Negro Schools, 1932-42

Discrimination (Government In Volume 6 of material pertaining to FM 4 0 Contracts Committee) Nelson A. Rockefeller=s tenure at the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare.

District of Columbia - Various grants in support of the RF 1.2 200 26-27 223-227 Education (Urban Studies), Washington Integrated Secondary 1968-71 Education (WISE) Project.

Dixon, Norman Roosevelt FL; Education fellow, 1953-54. GEB 1.2 400 S 251 2574

Dobbs, Irene Carolyn GA; Language fellow, 1932-33. GEB 1.2 400 S 240 2418

Dodson, Owen Vincent CT; Drama fellow, 1937-39. GEB 1.2 400 S 240 2418

Domestic Action, 1971 Department of Defense program to JDR 3rd 1 10 110 have disadvantaged students perform Fund clerical and manual labor on bases and other military sites. No indication of support.

Donnell, William Cecil NC; Education fellow, 1932-33. GEB 1.2 400 S 240 2418

Dooley, Thomas Price AR; Biology fellow, 1930-31 GEB 1.2 400 S 240 2418

Dorsey, Emmett Edward DC; Political Science fellow, 1935-36. GEB 1.2 400 S 240 2418

Dorsey, James Elmo PA; Music fellow, 1943-45. GEB 1.2 400 S 240 2417

Douglass Creative Arts Centers, ALocated in New York City; RBF 4 153, 270 Centers, Inc., Frederick the first East Coast branch 1973-82 of the Watts Writers Workshops.@

Douglass Museum of African RBF 4 39-40

29 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Art, Frederick 1964-80 270

Douglass, Joseph H. NC; Economics and Sociology GEB 1.2 400 S 240 2418 fellow, 1943-44.

Dowdy, George T. AL; Agricultural Economics GEB 1.2 400 S 240 2418 fellow, 1949-51

Dowdy, William Wallace NC; Biology fellow, 1926-27. GEB 1.2 400 S 240 2418

Doyle, Bertram Wilbur TN; Sociology fellow, 1930-31. GEB 1.2 400 S 240 2418

Drake, Joseph F. AL; Education fellow, 1925-25, 1936-38. GEB 1.2 400 S 240 2418

Drakeford, Cora Lee NC; French Literature fellow, 1951-52. GEB 1.2 400 S 247 2494

Drew, Charles R. DC; Medical Sciences fellow, 1938-40. GEB 1.2 400 S 240 2418

Drug Abuse Council, 1972 Four foundations, not including JDR 3rd 1 10 111 JDR 3rd Fund, joined to create Council as a Fund source of information, analysis, and funding.

Duke University - Negro RF 1.2 200 S 504 4308- Demography, Farley, 4310 Reynolds, ANegro Fertility,@ October 1966-68, 1970

Duke University Conference on leadership for women in CF Grants 100 910 Medical Center, 1908-81 medicine and minority women in medicine.

Dunbar Apartments See Paul Laurence Dunbar Apartments

Dunbar National Bank, Includes material on charter, construction, FM 2 Housing 14-15 1927-47 installation of equipment, hiring, banking conditions, and the depression; policy and administrative details; stockholders and directors; 135th Street branch; liquidation; Dunbar Safe Deposit Company, 1928-33.

Duncan, Dorinda A. AL; Psychology fellow, 1948-49. GEB 1.2 400 S 240 2419

Dunham, Albert M., 1931-38 LSRM Fellowship. LSRM 3.8 98 991

Dunham, Katherine IL; Anthropology fellow, 1936-37. GEB 1.2 400 S 240 2419

Dunn, Alma TN; Education fellow, 1937-38. GEB 1.2 400 S 240 2419

Dunn, Charles Johnson AL; Economic fellow, 1932-33. GEB 1.2 400 S 240 2419

Dunn, Richard Hudson VA; Agriculture fellow, 1950-52. GEB 1.2 400 S 247 2495

Durham Conference, 1928-31 LSRM-RF. Facts of racial progress and LSRM 3.8 97 981-983 possible remedies through existing organizations. Correspondence and pamphlets.

Durham, Elizabeth VA; Nutrition fellow, 1944-46. GEB 1.2 400 S 240 2419

Durham, Joseph Thomas MD; Education fellow, 1953-54. GEB 1.2 400 S 251 2575

Duval, Hattie Beatrice LA; English fellow, 1931-32. GEB 1.2 400 S 240 2419

30 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

E Eagleson, Halson Vashon GA; Physics fellow, 1935-36, 1938-39. GEB 1.2 400 S 240 2420

Earlham College (Richmond, $40,000 in grants Afor use toward the costs RF 1.2 200 27 229-230 Indiana) Remedial Education of a prefreshman and freshman year (Upward Bound), 1966-71 reinforcement program for selected new students.@

Eason, Newell D. NC; Education fellow, 1943. GEB 1.2 400 S 240 2420

East Chicago (Indiana) - RF 1.2 200 27 231-232 Education (Task Force), 1970-72

East Harlem Federation Youth RBF 4 34 Association, 1968-69, 1973-76

East Harlem Health Center, RF 1.1 235 1 7-8 Inc., 1931-41

East Harlem League for Declination, reports. GEB 1.2 414 256 2657 Unity, 1944-45

East Harlem Nursing and Correspondence, pamphlets, RF 1.1 235 1 9-17 Health Service, 1926-41 and reports.

East Harlem Protestant History and activities of church specializing in FM 2 Religious 20 136-138 Parish, 1949-62 Protestant work in slums. JDR 3rd gave support. Narcotics program. Building a new church. JDR 3rd contributions, 1949-1961, $2,000 and $10,000.

East Harlem Skills Training RF 1.2 200 28 233-234 Center, Inc., Printing Trades Training, 1969-70

Eberhardt, Harry Glenkamp NY; Education fellow, 1930-31. GEB 1.2 400 S 240 2420

Ebony Magazine - Publicity, Declining of requests for FM 2 F & S 148 1951-54 interviews and articles.

Economic Opportunity Grant of $235,000 for this RF 1.2 200 28 235-239 Program, Inc., - Management Miami, Florida, organization. Internship, 1966-70

Edmonds, Helen Grey NC; History and Sociology GEB 1.2 400 S 240 2420 fellow, 1943-45.

Edmonds, Sheppard Randolph MD; Drama fellow, 1934-35. GEB 1.2 400 S 240 2420

Edmondson, Ralph A. TX; Mathematics fellow, 1928-29 GEB 1.2 400 S 240 2420

Education Development Center - $15,000 for Aa summer institute on the RF 1.2 200 29 244 Washington Reading teaching of beginning reading in Institute, 1968 Washington, D.C.@

Education in Liberia, General correspondence, reports, and GEB 1.2 404 254 2620- 1907-33 reprints. Robert Patton, Nathaniel Cassell, 2621 George Plimpton, P.J. Maverty.

Educational Commission for IEB 1.1 11 155 East Africa, 1923-27 of the Phelps Stokes Fund

31 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Educational Services, Inc. - Initial grant of $150,000 to Watertown, MA, RF 1.2 200 31-32 260-267 Summer Institute, 1963-67 organization for an experimental summer institute for selected teachers from Negro colleges.

Educational Survey of Grant. (photos) Led by Jackson Davis. GEB 1.2 637.1 286-287 2988- Africa, 1942-53 Africa Advancing. T.M. Campbell, 2992 Anson Phelps Stokes, Dana Albough, Margaret Wrong, Emory Ross, Thomas Jesse Jones, Margaret Reed.

Educational Systems for the Kathryn Bloom Files. Includes material on JDR 3rd 11 169-175 Seventies, 1969-75 Atlanta, Baltimore, Chicago, Duluth, Fund Houston, Portland, and .

Edward Waters College, Library and science equip. L.H. Foster, GEB 1.1 Fla 57 37 337 1925-52 D.E. Williams. Africa Methodist Episcopal Church. Re: Negro educ, Junior College.

Edwards, Donald Anderson KY; Physics fellow, 1939-40. GEB 1.2 400 S 240 2420

Efferson, Henry Manning FL; Mathematics fellow, 1927-28, 1936-37. GEB 1.2 400 S 240 2420

Elder, Alfonso NC; Education fellow, 1923-25, 1935-36. GEB 1.2 400 S 240 2420

Elizabeth City State GEB 1.1 NC 71 105 951-952 Teachers College, 1902-28

Elliott, Susie Amelia MD; Education fellow, 1923-25 GEB 1.2 400 S 240 2420

Elliott, William, 1958-61 Interdenominational conf of GEB 1.3 950.9 550 5892 Southern religious leaders.

Ellis, Wade TN; Mathematics fellow, 1940-42. GEB 1.2 400 S 240 2420

Ellison, Cozy L. GA; Agriculture fellow, 1947-49. GEB 1.2 400 S 240 2420

Elmore, Thomas Munell AL; History fellow, 1930-31. GEB 1.2 400 S 240 2420

Emergency Aid to Negro General correspondence, Robert Patton, GEB 1.2 692.1 306 3196 Colleges, 1931-35 Frank A. Smith, M.J. Holmes.

Encyclopedia of the Negro, Anson Phelps Stokes, W.W. GEB 1.3 950 418- 4386- 1931-45 Alexander, Charles T. Loram, 419 4389 Dumas Malone, W.E.B. Du Bois. Ng.

Epps, Thomas H. SC; Education fellow, 1929-30. GEB 1.2 400 S 240 2421

Eppse, Merl Raymond TN; History fellow, 1930-31, 1934-35. GEB 1.2 400 S 240 2421

Erskine, Ernestine V. GA; History fellow, 1932-33. GEB 1.2 400 S 240 2421

Eubanks, John B. TX; Philosophy and Sociology GEB 1.2 400 S 240 2421 fellow, 1943-44.

Evans, Cecille TN; Education fellow, 1945-47. GEB 1.2 400 S 240 2421

Evans, Doris V. DC; Musicology fellow, 1951-52. GEB 1.2 400 S 247 2496

Evans, Edward B. TX; Agriculture fellow, 1933-34. GEB 1.2 400 S 240 2421

Evanston - Education, RF 1.2 200 32-33 268-274 Integration Evaluation, 1967-71

32 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

F Fair Employment Practices Clippings, JDR Jr. speech. FM 2 Civic 9 48 Commission and Act, 1945-50 NAR contribution.

Fairchild, Carrie Fundraising for Haven Normal FM 1 Ofc Cor 14 106 School, Waynesboro, GA.

Faulkner, William Hadley TN; Medical Sciences fellow, 1939-40. GEB 1.2 400 S 240 2422

Faulkner, William John TN; Psychology fellow, 1935-36. GEB 1.2 400 S 240 2422

Federal Council of the Declination. GEB 1.2 414 257 2658 Churches of Christ in America, 1945-49

Fellowships for Ministers GEB 1.2 642 291-292 3044- 1946-48 3046

Fellowships, 1926-45 LSRM-SF. LSRM 3.8 97 984

Fellowships - Lists and Reports- RF 1.2 100 E 40 296 GEB Southern Program-Negro, 1922-48

Ferguson, Edward, Jr. SC; Biology fellow, 1932-33, 1937-38. GEB 1.2 400 S 240 2422

Field Foundation, 1972 Proposal for Sing Sing prison program JDR 3rd 1 11 125 for prisons rehabilitation transmitted Fund through JDR 3rd Fund to Field Foundation.

Fields, Marvin Albert VA; Agriculture fellow, 1948-49. GEB 1.2 400 S 240 2422

Finley, Samuel Louis, Jr. SC; Music fellow, 1937-38. GEB 1.2 400 S 240 2422

Fisher, Constance C. OH; Psychology fellow, 1930-31. GEB 1.2 400 S 240 2422

Fisk University - Charles Expenses of Institute for Race Relations. GEB 1.3 950 420 4405 Johnson, 1944-46 Arthur Sulzberger and Claude Barnett.

Fisk University - Chemistry GEB 1.1 Tenn 141 1301 Building, 1928-31 12.1

Fisk University - Future development. Charles GEB 1.3 950 419 4392 Comprehensive Study, 1947-48 Johnson.

Fisk University - Conference of GEB 1.3 950 419 4393 of Deans and Registrars, 1937-38

Fisk University - de Costa, RF 1.1 200 S 332 3953 Eduardo Octavio (Anthropology), 1942

Fisk University - Department Equipment. GEB 1.1 Tenn 141 1302 of Physics, 1929-30 12.1

Fisk University - Department Teaching assistant. GEB 1.3 950 419 4394- of Social Sciences, 1937-50 4395

Fisk University - RF 1.2 200 35 285 Development Program, Faculty Housing, 1966-70

Fisk University - RF 1.2 200 35 286 Development Program,

33 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Library, 1965-68

Fisk University - RF 1.2 200 35 287 Development Program, Planning Retreats, 1969-73

Fisk University - RF 1.2 200 35 288-292 Development Program, Surveys, 1965-70

Fisk University - Dramatic GEB 1.3 950 419 4396 Arts, 1939-42

Fisk University - E.A. Research in American literature. GEB 1.3 950 420 4406 Lanier, 1937-46

Fisk University - Education GEB 1.3 950 419 4397 as a Cultural Process, 1943

Fisk University - Heating and GEB 1.3 950 420 4403 and Electrical Systems, 1937-38

Fisk University - Institute GEB 1.3 950 420 4404 of Race Relations, 1946-47

Fisk University - Land, 1934-47 Correspondence, reports, and photographs. GEB 1.1 Tenn 141 1304- 12.3 1310 Fisk University - Library GEB 1.1 Tenn 141 1303 Building, 1928-30 12.2

Fisk University - Library GEB 1.3 950 420 4407 Materials, 1950-54

Fisk University - Mrs. Jyers Fisk choir gave private performance at FM 2 Educ. 65 and Jubilee Singers, 1927-60 JDR Jr.=s home in New York. JDR Jr.=s contributions to choir expenses. Singers became independent of University. JDR 3rd made gift for 1956 European tour.

Fisk University - RF 1.2 200 35 293 Pre-College Center, 1965-66

Fisk University - Science Chem, bio, phys. GEB 1.3 950 420 4408- Staff and Equipment, 1948-52 4410

Fisk University - Speech GEB 1.3 950 421 4411 Equipment, 1940

Fisk University - Study of Support. Edwin Smith, Charles GEB 1.3 950 421 4412- African Language and Culture Johnson, and Thomas Jones. 4413 1942-46

Fisk University - Study of GEB 1.3 950 421 4414 Heating Problems, 1936-37

Fisk University - Training GEB 1.3 950 421 4415 Courses for Teachers - Librarians, 1947

Fisk University - Training Support for agricultural and rural community GEB 1.3 950 421 4416- of Agricultural Specialists, 1940-45 workers. Coop with USDA Farm Security 4417 Administration.

Fisk University - Vocational GEB 1.3 950 421 4418 Guidance for College Students

Fisk University - Workshops, Race relations, math teachers, rural life, GEB 1.3 950 421 4419 1946-52 teachers - library, econ educ.

34 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Fisk University Educational Correspondence and reports. GEB 1.3 950 419-420 4398- Program, 1915-60 4402

Fisk University, 1926-30 Library, Department of Social Sciences. LSRM 3.6 52 550

Fisk University, 1928-1938 Continuation of LSRM support of social RF 1.1 248 S 3 31-33 science department and social science research on African-American society.

Fisk University, 1909-61 Library repairs, improv, equip, books, bldgs GEB 1.1 Tenn 137-140 1270- and equip, staff, grad assistants, teach salary, 12 1300 paintings of African life, lit research, theatre equip and operation, current expen, debt, teacher training, agri specialist training program, study of African cultures, voc guidance, workshops. Charles Johnson, L. Hollingsworth Wood, Thomas E. Jones, Fred Brownlee, Henry S. Pritchett, Julius Rosenwald, American Missionary Association. Re: univ center coop, race relations, spectroscopy. Correspondence, pamphlets, reports, and photographs.

Fisk University, 1925-53 1925 appeal by W.H. Baldwin on basis of FM 2 Educ. 65 improving racial understanding. $60,000 conditional gift, from 1920, lapsed; JDR Jr. Maintained an interest in Fisk, urging GEB support. JDR Jr. had friendly relationship with Pres. T.E. Jones. JDR Jr. maintained interest in Fisk in the 1930s and 1940s but made no gifts. Commencement address, June 6, 1928. Preparations for addresses at Fisk and Nashville Chamber of Commerce; news reports and comments. JDR Jr., address, May 1941. Celebration of Fisk 75th anniversary. JDR Jr. refused an honorary degree. JDR Jr. spoke on his credo. Authorization to print speech as a fundraising tool. Comment on speech.

Fisk University, 1975-76 Conference between representatives of the CF Grants 105 957 United Negro College Fund and the Association of American Medical Colleges (July 13-15, 1975).

Fitchett, Elijah Horace SC; Sociology fellow, 1934-35. GEB 1.2 400 S 240 2422

Fitzhugh, Howard Naylor DC; Business Administration fellow, 1939-41. GEB 1.2 400 S 240 2422

Flax, Charles Herbert VA; Music fellow, 1935-36. GEB 1.2 400 S 240 2423

Fletcher, Joseph Grant VA; English fellow, 1935-36. GEB 1.2 400 S 240 2423

Flint - Goodridge Hospital GEB 1.1 La 66 90 800 Nursing School, 1927-36

Flint - Goodridge Hospital, Reports. GEB 1.1 La 66.1 90 801-802 1939-47

Florence H.S. for Negroes, 1927 Equip. GEB 1.1 SC 129 132 1215

Florence, Charles Wilbur VA; Education fellow, 1929-30. GEB 1.2 400 S 240 2423

Florida - Public Health Malaria research RF 1.1 211 1-5 1-67

35 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Florida A & M - Alma Gault, 1945-51 GEB 1.3 950.7 548 5867

Florida A & M - Mary Fellow. GEB 1.3 950.7 548 5866 Carnegie, 1948-52

Florida A & M - Nursing Equip, affiliation with Duval City Hosp, via GEB 1.3 950.7 548 5868- Education, 1944-52 Board of Control of State Institutions 5869 of Higher Learning.

Florida A & M College - C.T. Visits to institutes with teacher training GEB 1.3 950 422 4424 Wiggins, E.P. Jones, H.M. Parks programs for rural schools. 1943

Florida A & M College - Physician to attend Institute of Hosp Adm GEB 1.3 950 422 4421 L.H.B. Foote, 1945-46 and other centers.

Florida A & M College - GEB 1.3 950 442 4648 Library and Laboratory Grants 1934-36

Florida A & M College - Constr and equip. GEB 1.3 950 422 4422 Library, 1938-43

Florida A & M College - For those who didn=t qualify GEB 1.3 950 422 4423 Staff Studies, 1944-47 for GEB program.

Florida A & M College - Work Prep for state educ program. GEB 1.3 950 422 4425 Conference, 1945 William H. Gray.

Florida A & M College, 1903-52 Practice school, bldgs and equip, perm GEB 1.1 Fla 27 32-33 296-302 improv. D.E. Williams. Re: Negro educ. Correspondence, reports, and pamphlets.

Florida N & I College - Constr and equip of nursery GEB 1.3 950 422 4427 Family Life Center, 1946-52 school and community center.

Florida N & I College - Improv and books. John Tilley GEB 1.3 950 422 4428 Library, 1943-46 and William Gray.

Florida N & I College - Rural teachers. GEB 1.3 950 422 4429 Workshop, 1944

Florida N & I Institute, 1934 GEB 1.2 692.1 307 3204

Florida Normal & Negro school supported by GEB. Reports FM 2 Educ. 28 Industrial College, 1929-52 on school. Appeals and invitations to Family declined.

Florida Normal & Industrial Formerly Florida Baptist Academy. Bldgs GEB 1.1 Fla 4 31 281-288 Memorial College, 1902-55 and equip., current expen, books and science equip, teach salary, land drainage. ABHMS, Owen D. Young, D.E. Williams. Re: industrial training and Negro educ.

Florida State University - $110,000 for research on community RF 1.2 200 S 598 4340- Community Problems, problems and the role of the biracial 4341 Desegregation, Charles M. committee in a Southern city. Griggs, Lewis M. Killian, 1960-65

Floyd, Arthur FL; Agriculture fellow, 1928-29. GEB 1.2 400 S 240 2423

Forbes, Dennis Arthur NC; Physics fellow, 1923, 1926-27 GEB 1.2 400 S 240 2423

Forbes, Franklin L. GA; Education fellow, 1934-35. GEB 1.2 400 S 240 2423

36 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Ford, Nick Aaron OK; English fellow, 1944-45. GEB 1.2 400 S 240 2423

Forest Neighborhood Homes, Bronx community center originally for FM 2 Welfare 44 1945-51 Jewish residents converted to use by blacks in 1945; contributions by NAR in 1946 and JDR 3rd in 1949.

Forrester, Joseph Liman Boswell TN; Medical Sciences fellow, 1940. GEB 1.2 400 S 240 2423

Fort Valley N & I Institute - GEB 1.3 950 442 4649 Library and Laboratory Grant, 1935-36

Fort Valley N & I School, 1934 Robert W. Patton. GEB 1.2 692.1 307 3205

Fort Valley State College - Support. GEB 1.3 950 424 4451 Land and Equip, Agricultural Education, 1943-49

Fort Valley State College - Fellowships in animal husbandry GEB 1.3 950 424 4452 Robert Wynn, Benjamin and agronomy. Mathis, 1943-45

Fort Valley State College - Math, reading education, and GEB 1.3 950 425 4453 Training of Faculty, 1940-41 crafts.

Fort Valley State College, Formerly Fort Valley N & I School. Constr GEB 1.1 Ga 22 45-46 399-410 1902-53 and equip, repairs, perm improv, books current expen, audit, faculty training. American Church Institute. Robert Patton, George F. Peabody, Booker T. Washington, H.M. Bond, J.C. Dixon. Re: land grant designation, rural educ. Correspondence and reports.

Foster, L.H., 1925-49 GEB 1.2 407 254-255 2626- 2630

Foster, Luther H. Jr. KY; Education fellow, GEB 1.2 400 S 240 2423 1925-26, 1940-41, 1949-50.

Foster, William Patrick FL; Music fellow, 1954-55. GEB 1.2 400 S 253 2606

Fountain, William Alfred, Jr. GA; Education fellow, 1935-36. GEB 1.2 400 S 240 2423

Frank, Josenia Agnes TN; Nursing fellow, 1942-43. GEB 1.2 400 S 240 2424

Fraser, Lionel Balthazar MS; Education fellow, 1936-37. GEB 1.2 400 S 240 2424

Fraser, Thomas Petigru OH; Biology fellow, 1935-36. GEB 1.2 400 S 240 2424

Frazer, Val Dora Turner FL; Speech fellow, 1952-53. GEB 1.2 400 S 250 2547

Frazier, E. Franklin, 1927-28 LSRM Fellowship. LSRM 3.8 98 992

Frazier, Helen Eugenia IL; Nursing fellow, 1942-43 GEB 1.2 400 S 240 2424

Frederick Douglass Museum of RBF 4 39-40 African Art, 1964-69. See also Douglass Museum of African Art, Frederick

Fredericks, E. Thomas NC; Biology fellow, 1929-30. GEB 1.2 400 S 240 2424

37 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Free Southern Theatre, Inc., 1967-73 RBF 4 40, 159

Freedman's Hospital Budget and budget estimates, 1955-56; FM 4 0 (Washington, D.C.) Charts and statistics. Material collected in bound volumes for Nelson A. Rockefeller=s tenure as Under Secretary at the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare.

Freedman's Hospital, 1936-38 Survey. G. Canby Robinson and Harold Ickles. GEB 1.3 950 426 4460

Freeman, James Nelson, Jr. SC; Agriculture fellow, 1933-34. GEB 1.2 400 S 240 2424

Freeman, Samuel Henry TN; Medical Sciences fellow, 1935-36. GEB 1.2 400 S 240 2424

Fulgham, Rev. Jesse M. Desire for Negro school serving West FM 1 Ofc Cor 15 118 Tennessee, North Mississippi, and Arkansas; March 5, 1889.

Fuller, Joseph Everett AL; Mathematic fellow, 1930-31, 1944-45. GEB 1.2 400 S 240 2424

Fund for Education of Negro JDR Jr. gave $20,000 for three years to FM 2 Welfare 44 Ministers, 1930 improve theological training of black ministers, 1930; administered through the Slater and Jeanes funds.

G Gaines, William Anthony FL; Sociology fellow, 1944-45. GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2425

Gammon Theological Seminary, Correspondence, reports, GEB 1.3 950 426 4469- 1930-52 and pamphlets. 4471

Garcia, Juan Crisostomo TN; Language fellow, 1937-38. GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2425

Gardiner, Marian Juanita SC; Education fellow, 1933-34. GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2425

Garnes, Carrie Mae FL: Education fellow, 1948-49. GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2425

Garwick, Walter, 1934-38 Collection and distribution of GEB 1.3 950 427 4472 Negro spiritual.

Gay, Wolsey Duden AL; Education fellow, 1933-34. GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2425

George Peabody College for Study. San Wiggins and GEB 1.3 950 427 4474- Teachers - Biracial Higher Felix Robb. 4475 Education, 1963-68

George Peabody College for Studies re: tension. GEB 1.3 950.9 550 5893- Teachers, 1959-61 5894

George Washington Carver Gen information. F.D. Patterson GEB 1.3 950 430 4507- Foundation, 1942-56 and R.W. Brown. 4509

Georgia Elementary School GEB 1.1 Ga 282 70 620 Supervision, 1932

Georgia Plan, 1969 Reports on community development JDR 3rd 1 12 136 program for poverty-stricken areas and for Fund promoting interracial communications. No indication of support.

Georgia State Agent for Summer schools for Negroes. GEB 1.2 669.1 299 3123 Rural Schools (Negro), 1929-33

38 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Georgia State College 1902-60 Formerly Georgia State Industrial College GEB 1.1 Ga 20 44 393-395 for Negroes. Bldgs and equip. Re: vocational and technical educ. Georgia State Department of In student teaching; instr GEB 1.3 950 432 4525 Education - Consultant prog in Negro secondary schools. Service, 1948-51 L.M. Lester.

Geter, William Bryan (Miss) GA; Language fellow, 1936-37. GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2425

Gibson, Charles Hansford Jr. AL; Education fellow, 1933-34. GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2425

Gilbert Seminary Winsted, LA, school for blacks. FM 1 Ofc Cor 16 126 Fundraising brochures.

Gilbert, Eula L. AL; Education fellow, 1927-28. GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2426

Gilbert, M.W. Florida Baptist Academy in Jacksonville. FM 1 Ofc Cor 16 125

Giles, Harriet E. Spelman Seminary, 1886-1893. FM 1 Ofc Cor 16 126 See also Sophie Packard.

Gilman, F.N. Hampton Institute, 1887. FM 1 Ofc Cor 16 126

Gipson, Blanche C. MS; Education fellow, 1932-33. GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2426

Girl Scouts of America - Colored work in Harlem, 1928-32. JDR Jr. FM 2 Youth 4 Manhattan Council, 1921-36 contributions; reports on activities.

Gist, Lewis AL; Chemistry fellow, 1953-54. GEB 1.2 400 S 251 2577

Gloster, Hugh M. TN; English fellow, 1938-39. GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2426

Glover, Israel Everette NC; Mathematics fellow, 1939-40. GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2426

Goff, Emma Lou AL; Library Science fellow, 1925-26. GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2426

Goff, Regina Mary MO; Education fellow, 1944-46. GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2426

Goins, William F. Jr. VA; Education fellow, 1948-49. GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2426

Gold Coast Reports. GEB 1.2 637.1 288 3004

Gordon, Asa H. GA; History fellow, 1931-32, 1936-37. GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2426

Gore, George William, Jr. TN; Education fellow, GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2426 1927-28, 1935-36, 1938-39.

Graham, William L. GA; English fellow, 1934-35. GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2427

Grambling College, 1930-51 Formerly Louisiana Negro School. Repairs, GEB 1.1 La 67 91 806 improv, books, summer school.

Grant, Ernest Aiken AL; Education fellow, 1937-38. GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2427

Grant, George Camron MD; Education fellow, 1932-33. GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2427

Grant, William Henry TN; Biology fellow, 1943-44. GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2427

Graves, Artis Paris GA; Biology fellow, 1941-43. GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2427

Gray, Emma Catharine Ware GA; English fellow, 1930-31. GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2427

Green, Harry James Jr. NC; English fellow, 1937-38. GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2427

Green, James Henry SC; Chemistry fellow, 1936-37. GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2427

Green, John P., 1915-41 Negro lawyer in Cleveland; childhood FM 2 F & S 66 504 friend of JDR. Small gift.

Green, Lola Agnes Coleman VA; Education fellow, 1930-31. GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2427

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Green, Lorenzo J. MO; History fellow, 1935-36. GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2427

Greene, Cecil M. MS; Education fellow, 1931-32. GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2427

Greene, Frank T. VA; Education fellow, 1944-45. GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2427

Greene, Harriet Selena AR; Education fellow, 1925-26. GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2427

Greene, Harry Washington TX; Education fellow, 1926-27. GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2427

Gregg, Howard D. SC; Education fellow, 1928-29. GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2428

Gregory, James M. Faculty member, , FM 1 Ofc Cor 17 132 seeking assistance for personal debt (1891) and book distribution (1894).

Griffey, William Almon TN; Library Science fellow, 1936-37 GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2428

Grossley, Richard, 1942-43 Study of public relations programs of GEB 1.3 950 436 4565 Negro land grant colleges.

H Haiti, 1930 Study of educ system. GEB 1.4 2578 694 7148

Hale, Larzette Golden GA; Business Administration fellow, 1952-53. GEB 1.2 400 S 250 2549

Hall, Frederick Douglas GA; Music fellow, 1933-35. GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2429

Halliburton, Cecil D. NC; Education fellow, 1932-33. GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2429

Hamilton, Gomez Cortez AR; Biology fellow, 1930-31. GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2429

Hamilton, Henry Cooke TN; Education fellow, 1933-34. GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2429

Hamlin, Wilhelmina Euphemia VA; Education fellow, 1925-28, GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2429

Hampton - Tuskegee - GEB 1.1 Va 38.3 178 1661- Scholarships, 1917-20 1662

Hampton - Tuskegee GEB 1.1 Va 38a 176 1645 Endowment Fund, 1924-25

Hampton Institute - JDR Jr. gave $1,000,000 toward the FM 2 Educ. 66 Campaign, Hampton-Tuskegee, combined Hampton-Tuskegee $8,000,000 1925-40 goal. JDR Jr. also solicited friends; Mr. Eastman gave $3,000,000.

Hampton Institute - Coordination Re: voc training. Ralph Bridgeman. GEB 1.3 950 437 4579 with Industry, 1947-49

Hampton Institute - Eval and reorganization study. Ralph GEB 1.3 950 436 4574 Curriculum Revision, 1943-47 Bridgeman.

Hampton Institute - Curriculum coordinator. GEB 1.3 950 436 4575 Experimental Program in Teachers Education, 1944-49

Hampton Institute - George Travel re: vocational educ. GEB 1.3 950 436 4573 Cooper, 1946-48

Hampton Institute - George PEA workshop. GEB 1.3 950 436 4576

40 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Kuyper, 1939

Hampton Institute - Personnel Support - vocational training. GEB 1.3 950 437 4578 and Guidance Service, 1941-43 Raphael O=Hara Lanier

Hampton Institute - Reports GEB 1.3 950 437 4581

Hampton Institute - Study of Re: voc training. Ralph Bridgeman. GEB 1.3 950 437 4580 Education Program, 1936-40

Hampton Institute - Survey Re: teacher training in small high school. GEB 1.3 950 437 4582 of Programs in Negro Colleges, 1943-50

Hampton Institute - William Study bldg constr and low- GEB 1.3 950 437 4577 Moses, Jr., 1938-39 cost housing.

Hampton Institute - Child study, reading, nutritional deficiencies, GEB 1.3 950 437 4583 Workshops, 1946-50 audio-visual aids, guidance.

Hampton Institute Library Conference. Carl Milam. GEB 1.1 Va 38.6 178 1664 School, 1925-39

Hampton Institute School of GEB 1.1 Va 38.5 178 1663 Nursing, 1932-34

Hampton Institute Study, Paul Hanus. GEB 1.1 Va 38.2 178 1658- 1915-36 1660

Hampton Institute, 1902-57 Endow, teach salary, current expen, bldgs GEB 1.1 Va 38 173-176 1620- and equip, study of Hamilton Institute, 1644 med program, summer school, fellowships. L.H. Foster, Alonzo Moron, Ralph Bridgeman, Arthur Howe, Arthur D. Wright, Thomas Jesse Jones, George F. Peabody, Paul Hanus, Alexander Trowbridge, H.B. Frissell, R.R. Moton. Re: reorganization, small rural industries, race relations, student disturbance. Correspondence, reports, pamphlets, and clippings.

Hampton Institute, 1913-50 JDR Jr. visited campus in 1926. No FM 2 Educ. 66 contributions in spite of satisfaction with Music Program and educational program offered. JDR Jr. paid half the cost of a tour by the choir in 1929-1931, gave $10,000 for a memorial hall, gave annual gifts for scholarships, and various small special gifts.

Hampton Institute, 1950-51 Correspondence, legal CF Harkness 1 21 documents, and vouchers. Family

Hampton Institute, 1963-64; 1966 Academic reinforcement for RF 1.2 200 43 352-356 entering students.

Hampton Normal and General support. CF Grants 114 1044 Agricultural Institute, 1919

Hampton Scholarships, 1924-25 GEB 1.1 Va 38.4 178 1662

Hansberry, William Leo MA; Anthropology fellow, 1930-31, 1937-38. GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2429

Hardon, K. Albert DC; Medical Sciences fellow, 1944-45. GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2430

41 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Hardy, J. Garrick AL; Education fellow, 1943-46. GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2430

Harlem Big Brothers Association Declinations. Davidson II 3 23

Harlem Committee on Relief Committee=s work. Documentation of FM 2 Economic 21 181 and Unemployment, 1931 conditions in Harlem. JDR Jr. pledged to Reform Amake work@ and direct relief activity.

Harlem Commonwealth Council, RF 1.2 200 43-44 357-359 Inc. - Loan Service, 1969-71

Harlem Council on Social Declination. GEB 1.2 414 257 2659 Hygiene, 1944

Harlem Council on Social JDR 3rd gave $3,500 in 1945. FM 2 Welfare 38 Hygiene, 1944-48

Harlem Council on Social RBF 4 43 Hygiene, 1945-49

Harlem Interfaith Counseling RBF 4 278 Service, 1973-79

Harlem School of the Arts, RBF 4 43, 164, Inc. 1968-80 278

Harlem Youth Foundation, 1971-72 JDR 3rd 1 13 141 Fund

Harper, Sarah MS; Food and Nutrition fellow, 1946-47. GEB FRC

Harrington, Oliver Wendell CT; Art and Architecture fellow, 1938-39. GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2430

Harris, Albert Terry VA; Education fellow, 1945-47. GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2430

Harris, Edward Lee TX; Chemistry fellow, 1930-31. GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2430

Harris, Elbert NC; American Civilization fellow, 1953-54. GEB 1.2 400 S 251 2578

Harris, Nelson Herbert NC; Education fellow, 1932-33, 1937-38. GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2430

Harris, Tola GA; Agriculture fellow, 1926-27. GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2430

Harris, William Ashton LA; General Science fellow, 1926-27. GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2430

Harrison, Elton Clement GA; Education fellow, 1941-42. GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2430

Harrison, Lincoln Jay LA; Business Administration fellow, 1945-46. GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2430

Harrison, Walter Richard TX; Agricultural Economics fellow, 1936-37. GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2430

Hartman, Marguerite Helen LA; Nursing Education fellow, 1950-52. GEB FRC

Hartshorn Memorial College, Teach salary, land constr. ABHMS. George GEB 1.1 Va 10 169 1583- 1902-27 Rice Hovey, re: coop with VA Union University. 1584

Hartshorn, H. Hadley MO: Education fellow, 1945-46. GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2430

Harvard University - $35,000 for a program Ato recruit and train RF 1.2 200 44 366-368 Education Leadership, 1968-72 minority-group students for positions of educational leadership.@ Harvard University - Urban RF 1.2 200 S 521 4452 Expenditure (Voting Behavior),

42 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Edward C. Banfield, James Q. Wilson, 1961-66

Harvard University Medical Medicine in the ghettos. CF Ad.-His. 35 609 School, 1969-73

Harvey, Burwell Towns Jr. GA; Chemistry fellow, 1926-27, 1933-34. GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2430

Hatch, Robert Clinton AL; Education fellow, 1939-40, 1943-44. GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2430

Hatcher, Celeste G. SC; Library Science fellow, 1926-27. GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2430

Hatchette, Mae Louise VA; Biology and Education fellow, 1924-25. GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2430

Hawkins, Walter Joseph LA; Education fellow, 1930-31. GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2430

Hayden, James Richard Edward AL; Biology fellow, 1932-33. GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2431

Hayes, Roland, 1929-58 Negro vocalist, taught at Boston University; FM 2 F & S 67 514-515 sang at JDR Jr.=s home; gift from JDR Jr.

Haynes, Charles Henry AL; History fellow, 1930-31. GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2431

Hayre, Talmadge AR; Chemistry fellow, 1935-36. GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2431

Haywood, Minerva L. NC; Education fellow, 1926-27. GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2431

Hazel, David William AL; Political Science fellow, 1947-49. GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2431

Hazzard, James William, Jr. AR; Biology fellow, 1937-38, 1943-44. GEB 1.2 400 R 241 2431

Hearnton, Cleo Owens LA; Education fellow, 1948-50. GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2431

Hemingway, Robert Nelson TN; Music fellow, 1936-37. GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2431

Henderson, Leonetta Sweet VA; Nursing fellow, 1940-41. GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2432

Henderson, Purvis Sinclair NY; Medical Sciences fellow, 1930-31. GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2432

Henderson, Stephen Evangelist VA; English Literature fellow, 1953-54. GEB 1.2 400 S 251 2579

Henderson, Thomas H. VA; Education fellow, 1945-46. GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2432

Heningburg, Alphonse AL; Education fellow, 1933-34. GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2432

Henry, Frank James TN; Education fellow, 1931-32. GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2432

Herod, Henrietta Louise IL; English fellow, 1934-35, 1941-42. GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2432

Herriford, Neal F. AL; English fellow, 1927-28. GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2432

Hicks, Charles Albert AR; Education fellow, 1950-51. GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2432

Hickson, Robert L. SC; Agriculture fellow, 1926-28. GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2432

High, Lois IL; Chemistry fellow, 1946-47. GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2432

Hill, Carl McClellan VA; Chemistry fellow, 1934-35. GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2432

Hill, Charles Leander GA; Philosophy fellow, 1936-38. GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2433

Hill, Eleanor Elizabeth TN; Nursing fellow, 1946-47. GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2433

Hill, Henry Samuel FL; Chemistry fellow, 1930-31. GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2432

43 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Hill, R.T Colored YMCA, Richmond, VA, 1889. FM 1 Ofc Cor 19 149

Hilliard, George Washington TN; Medical Sciences fellow, 1945-47. GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2433

Hines, Sylvia Voux Daily VA; Nursing fellow, 1941-42. GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2433

Hoage, Alethia Annette Lewis GA; Library Science fellow, 1948, 1953-54. GEB 1.2 400 S 251 2580

Hobson, Mrs. Abigail AL; Foods and Nutrition fellow, 1946. GEB FRC

Hoffman - St. Mary's School Prem improv. American Church GEB 1.1 Tenn 134 159 1482 1925-33 Institute. Robert Patton.

Holloway, Guerney Douglas TN; Biology fellow, 1940-42. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2434

Holloway, Mary Lee TN; Nursing fellow, 1940-41. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2434

Holman, Moses Carl GA; Drama fellow, 1953-54. GEB 1.2 400 S 251 2581

Holmes, Charles Ludwul LA; Language fellow, 1928-29. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2434

Holmes, Cullen S. FL; Chemistry fellow, 1932-33. GEB 1.2 400 S 241 2434

Holmes, Eugene Clay DC; Philosophy fellow, 1939-40. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2434

Holmes, Norman Alonzo LA; Philosophy fellow, 1935. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2434

Holmes, William E. Negro Baptist minister who taught at FM 2 F & S 69 528-529 Atlanta Baptist College. Small gift via Willard S. Richardson. Family=s appeal for financial aid declined.

Holsey N & I Institute, Constr and equip. Colored GEB 1.1 Ga 274 69 603 1916-24 Methodist Episcopal Church.

Homemakers Club, 1915-19 General correspondence and reports. GEB 1.2 662 298 3109- 3110 Homemakers Club (Georgia), Coop with Jeanes Fund and county. GEB 1.1 Ga 268.2 68 597-598 1914-19

Homemakers Clubs (Kentucky), Coop with Jeans and county. GEB 1.1 Ky 74.2 81 706-707 1912-19

Homemakers Clubs GEB 1.1 La 54.2 88 778 (Louisiana), 1917-20

Homemakers Clubs GEB 1.1 Miss 98 881 (Mississippi), 1916-20 69.2

Homemakers Clubs (North Coop with Jeanes and county. GEB 1.1 NC 116 1048 Carolina), 1914-19 236.2

Homemakers Clubs (South GEB 1.1 SC 124.2 131 1208 Carolina), 1918-27

Homemakers Clubs GEB 1.1 Tenn 158 1474 (Tennessee), 1914-17 126.2

Homemakers Clubs (Virginia), GEB 1.1 Va 167.2 188 1762 1912-19

Homes for Colored Girls, Katy Ferguson House, 1913-1953; JDR Jr. FM 2 Welfare 39 1913-53 gave heavily and regularly. Empire Friendly

44 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Shelter, 1915-1920; JDR Jr. gave in 1917-1918; no personal interest in the project.

Hooker, Emile Newton AL; Agriculture Economics GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2434 fellow, 1938-39, 1941-43.

Hoover, Cecile Annette AL; Nutrition fellow, 1947-49. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2434

Hope, John II GA; Economic fellow, 1938-39. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2434

Hope, Justin Morrill OH; Medical Sciences fellow, 1938-40. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2435

Horne, Frank S. GA; Education fellow, 1931-32. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2436

Hotchkiss School - Remedial $165,000 for an experimental summer RF 1.2 200 51-52 423-428 Education, 1963-70 school program for disadvantaged high school students.

Houston College 1904-27 Teach salary, repairs. Formerly GEB 1.1 Tex 19 161 1505 Houston Baptist Academy.

Houston College for Negroes, GEB 1.3 950 438 4600 1944-47

Howard University Budget and budget estimates, 1955-56; FM 4 0 charts and statistics. Material collected in bound volumes for Nelson A. Rockefeller=s tenure as Under Secretary at the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare.

Howard University Paul B. Cornely (visit, RF 1.1 210 A 1 1 public health) 1935-36.

Howard University - Bessie Religious education. GEB 1.3 950 438 4602 Mayle, 1942

Howard University - Department Library fellowships. GEB 1.1 DC 3b 29 271-272 of Natural Science, 1928-34

Howard University - Dodson, RF 1.2 200 R 348 3170 Owen, Educational Theatre, (Travel Grant Europe), 1967-69

Howard University - RF 1.2 200 R 348 3171 Driskell, David C., Artist, (Travel Grant Europe), 1964-65

Howard University - Fall, RF 1.2 200 S 522 4458 Bernard B., (Indochinese Foreign Policies), 1961-64

Howard University - Family Mordecai Johnson. GEB 1.3 950 438 4601 Life workshops, 1948 Correspondence and photos.

Howard University - James Fellow, Negro arts in GEB 1.3 950 438 4603 Porter, 1944-54 America,

Howard University - Locke, RF 1.2 200 R 348 3172 Alain (Black Cultural History), 1950-52, 1956

Howard University - Land purchase. Edwin Embree. GEB 1.1 DC 3c 29-30 273-275 Property, 1928-34 Rosenwald Fund.

Howard University - Research Zelma Duke. GEB 1.3 950 438 4604- in Negro Music, 1942-45 4605

45 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Howard University - Special Re: Government relations. GEB 1.1 DC 3 28 255 Technical Advice, Bldg Program, 1934

Howard University - Tate, RF 1.2 200 S 522 4459 Merze (Australian Expansion), 1960-62, 1965, 1967

Howard University College of Accelerated BS-MD degree program for CF Grants 146 1342- Medicine, 1973-80 exceptional students. 1346

Howard University Divinity RBF 4 280 School, 1976-82

Howard University School of Fellowships. GEB 1.1 DC 3a 29 267-269 Medicine - 5-Year Teacher Training, 1929-44

Howard University School of Salaries, equip. Re: Freedman=s hosp, GEB 1.1 DC 3a 28-29 264-266 Medicine - Clinical government relations. Teaching, 1935-46 Mordecai Johnson and Edward Howes.

Howard University School of GEB 1.1 DC 3a 29 270 Medicine - Research Fund, 1942-47

Howard University School of Endow, constr, med libr study, clinical GEB 1.1 DC 3a 28 256-263 Medicine, 1912-49 teaching, fellowships. Jacques Loeb, N.P. Adams, and John Lawlah. Correspondence, reports, and pamphlets.

Howard University, 1902-59 Study of Negro Art in America, endow, GEB 1.1 DC 3 27 247-254 constr and equip, med, books, research fund, Negro music, study, salary, land technical advice, fellowships. Mordecai Johnson, Thomas Jesse Jones, Kelly Miller. Re: Congress, government relations, Negro educ. Correspondence, reports, pamphlets, and clippings.

Howard University, 1958-81 RBF 4 44, 166, 280

Howard, John M. AR; Arts and Architecture fellow, 1948-49. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2436

Howard, Lucille Priscilla NC; Home Economics fellow, 1925-26. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2436

Howe College 1902-27 Heating plant. ABHMS. GEB 1.1 Tenn 50 144 1337

Hubert, William H. SC; English fellow, 1929-30. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2436

Hudson Avenue Club for JDR Jr. gave $4,250 to Elubin Navy Yard FM 2 Youth 15 Colored Boys, Brooklyn, 1928-33 District.

Hudson, Alva Beatrice AL; Education fellow, 1930-31. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2436

Hudson, Henry Mercier DC; Arts and Architecture fellow, 1935-36. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2436

Hudson, Herman FL; Languages fellow, 1951-52 GEB 1.2 400 S 248 2504

Huggins, Kimuel Alonzo LA; Chemistry fellow, 1928-29, 1932-33 GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2436

Hughley, Judge Neal NC; Economic fellow, 1944-46. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2436

Huguley, John W. Jr. DC; Chemistry fellow, 1934-35. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2436

Hulbert, James A. GA; Library Science fellow, 1937-38. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2436

Human Relations Task Force - $23,500 for a Baltimore program of RF 1.2 200 52 429 Youth Placement Corps, 1969-70 counseling and placement services.

46 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Hunt, James Henry TX; Language fellow, 1931-32. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2436

Hunter College High School - $35,000 for Aa special program for RF 1.2 200 52 432 Remedial Education, 1965-68 compensatory education for potentially superior students from disadvantaged environments.@

Hunter, George W. VA; Chemistry fellow, 1945-46. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2436

Hunter, John McNeile VA; Physics fellow, 1932-33. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2436 Hunton, Vera Doby DC; Psychology fellow, 1949-50. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2436

Hunton, William A. Jr. DC; English fellow, 1933-34. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2436

Hurley, Waller Calhoun SC; Agriculture fellow, 1937-38. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2437

Hurst, Robert Edward MS; Chemistry fellow, 1928-29, GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2437 1932-33, 1937-38.

Hurston, Clifford J. NY; Education fellow, 1929-30. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2437

Hurt, Gladys Naxiene GA; Mathematics fellow, 1951-52. GEB 1.2 400 S 248 2505

Huston-Tillotson College, 1902-56 Merger of Samuel Huston College and GEB 1.1 Tex 11 161 1497- Tillotson College. Operation expen during 1500 merger, survey of Negro schools and colleges, improv of accounting, study of Negro Methodist Institute, salary, equip, repairs. American Missionary Society, Methodist Episcopal Church. M.S. Davage, Fred Brownlee. Correspondence, reports, pamphlets, and photographs.

I Improvement of High School Grant. Consult service. Aaron GEB 1.2 637.7 289-290 3021- Teaching Brown, F.D. Patterson. Reports. 3026

Independent Schools Talent $400,000 Atoward the costs RF 1.2 200 52-53 434-437 Search Program (Boston) of ABC summer programs at Summer Program, 1966-72 cooperating colleges.@ See also A Better Chance

Inge, Frederick D. LA; Biology fellow, 1931-32 GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2438

Ingham, Charles Edward Congo missionary work. FM 1 Ofc Cor 21 162

Inner City Cultural Center, 1968-69 JDR 3rd 11 278 2042 Fund

Inner City Fund, 1972 JDR 3rd 1 14 149 Fund

Institute for Colored Ministers, 1931-36 Subfolder under Fund for Education of FM 2 Welfare 44 Negro Ministers. JDR Jr. support.

Institute of Jeanes Teachers, 1931-32 Grant. Correspondence and GEB 1.2 375.1 222 2127 photographs.

Inter-Convention Committee Sealantic 7 on the Education of the Negro Baptist Ministry

Inter-Denominational Declinations. Davidson II 3 23 Institute for Negro Ministers.

Inter-Racial Committee $10,000 to organization of white men CF Grants 164 1516-

47 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

(Committee on After-War designed to develop better relations between 1517 Cooperation), 1919-22 the white and colored people, especially in the South.

Interboard Committee on General correspondence. GEB 1.2 419 260 2690 Negro Problems, 1928-30

Interboard Luncheons, 1924-27 Negro education among topics discussed. IEB 1.1 8 121

48 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Interdenominational Development of Gammon into. Endow, books, GEB 1.3 950 439 4609- Theological Center, 1956-61 salary. Dana Creel and Harry Richardson. 4612

International African General correspondence, Daryll Forde. A.L. GEB 1.2 637.1 288 3005 Institute, 1943-47 Warnshius, Waldo C. Leland, and Emory Ross.

International Institute for LSRM 3.6 55 587 African Language and Culture, 1925-29

Interracial Council for RBF 4 51, 174, Business Opportunity, 1966-83 285

Interracial Relations - policy LSRM 3.8 97 996

Ison, Eleanor Lutia GA; Zoology fellow, 1953-54. GEB 1.2 400 S 251 2582

J Jackson College, 1902-40 Correspondence, reports, and pamphlets. GEB 1.1 Miss 7 92 818-821 Briefly called Mississippi Negro Training School (See also).

Jackson College, 1945-60 Expressive Arts Building; library books GEB 1.3 950 439 4613- and journals. 4615

Jackson Dialogs, 1971-72 Meeting of business and youth leaders. JDR 3rd 1 15 159-162 File contains material on numerous programs Fund in Jackson, including education and police-community relations.

Jackson, Alice Atwater VA; Library Science fellow, 1937-38. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2439

Jackson, Frederic A. TX; Economics fellow, 1934-35, 1938-39. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2439

Jackson, Kara Vaughn LA; Education fellow, 1944-45. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2439

Jackson, Luther Porter VA; History fellow, 1928-29, 1932-33. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2439

Jackson, Mary Rebecca MS; Biology fellow, 1930-31. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2439

Jackson, Millicent B. MS; Helath Education, 1948-49. GEB FRC

Jackson, Nelson Crews GA; Sociology fellow, 1941-42. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2439

Jackson, Oliver Everett AR; Language fellow, 1931-32. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2439

Jackson, Oscar MS; Public Health Education, 1945-46. GEB FRC

Jackson, Taylor Sylvester AL; Education fellow, 1936-37. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2439

Jackson, Wallace Van VA; Library Science fellow, 1928-29, 1934-35. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2439

Jackson, William Nichols KY; Education fellow, 1947-48. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2439

Jarrett, Hobart Sidney OK; English fellow, 1939-40. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2440

Jarrett, Thomas Dunbar TN; English fellow, 1939-40. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2440

Jeanes,(Anna T.) Foundation, Grant. Arthur Wright, J.H. Dillard GEB 1.2 375 221-222 2121- 1907-59 Correspondence, reports, and pamphlets. 2126

49 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Jeanes, (Anna T.) Fund, General correspondence, Hampton and GEB 1.2 106 202-203 1924- 1905-48 Tuskegee. Arthur D. Wright, Arthur Howe, 1927 R.R. Moton, James Gregg, Booker T. Washington, J.H. Dillard.

Jeanes, (Anna T.) Fund, GEB 1.2 106 203 1928- 1934-48 1929

Jeffries, Louis Freeman VA; Chemistry fellow, 1929-30, GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2440 1933-34, 1936-37.

Jenkins, Nanie Belle MS; Education fellow, 1927-28, 1932-33. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2440

Jennings, Wilmer Angier GA; Arts and Architecture fellow, 1935-36. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2440

Jeruel Baptist Academy Bldg. H.L. Morehouse, George GEB 1.1 Ga 17 44 392 1902-19 Sale, J.H. Brown.

Jewell, Paul Vernon SC; Physics fellow, 1931-32. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2440

John F. Slater Fund, See Slater (John F.) Fund

Johnakin, Milbia SC; Agriculture fellow, 1925-26. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2440

Johnson C. Smith University Formerly Biddle University. GEB 1.1 NC 152 110 994 1904-51

Johnson, Beulah V. GA; English fellow, 1949-50. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2440

Johnson, Cornell Alvin SC; Education fellow, 1925-26. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2440

Johnson, Daisy Todd VA; Education fellow, 1930-31. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2440

Johnson, George 1957-59 Study of law in race relations. GEB 1.3 950.9 550 5895

Johnson, George Lee NC; Education fellow, 1932-33. Closed. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2440

Johnson, James Weldon Small gift by Mrs. LSR and FM 2 Welfare 57 Community Center, Inc., 1950-61 Mrs. DR. Closed.

Johnson, James Weldon, 1930-39 Subfolder within the NAACP folder. FM 2 Welfare 42

Johnson, John Beauregard, Jr. DC; Medical Sciences fellow, 1939-41. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2440

Johnson, Josephus GA; Agricultural Engineering fellow, 1948-49. GEB FRC

Johnson, Lawrence C. AL; Agriculture fellow, 1925-26, GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2440

Johnson, Lulu Merle MS; History fellow, 1940-41. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2440

Johnson, Ras Oliver SC; Education fellow, 1946-47. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2440

Johnson, Robert B. VA; History fellow, 1943-45. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2440

Johnson, Victoria L. GA; English fellow, 1946-47. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2440

Johnson, Willard MS; Biology fellow, 1927-28. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2440

Johnston, James Hugo Jr. VA; Education fellow, 1924-25, GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2440 1931-32, 1934-35.

Johnstone, Coragreene NC; English fellow, 1940-41, 1949-50. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2440

50 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Jones, Alvin Hamilton LA; Economics fellow, 1937-38. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2441

Jones, Anna H. Appeal on behalf of FM 1 Ofc Cor 21 166 , 1890.

Jones, Butler Alfonso NC; Education fellow, 1943-44. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2441

Jones, David Dallas NC; Education fellow, 1929-30. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2441

Jones, Edward Allen GA; Languages fellow, 1929-30, 1935-36. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2441

Jones, Erna Beatrice TN; Home Economics fellow, 1947-48. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2441

Jones, George Maceo DC; Arts and Architecture fellow, 1937-38. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2441

Jones, Ida Louise GA; Education fellow, 1935-36, 1943-44. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2441

Jones, Iva Gwendolyn MD; English fellow, 1946-48. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2441

Jones, Jerome Walker VA; History fellow, 1954-55. GEB 1.2 400 S 253 2608

Jones, John Paul TX; English fellow, 1951-52. GEB 1.2 400 S 248 2508

Jones, Lois Mailou DC; Arts and Architecture fellow, 1937-38. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2441

Jones, Ralph Waldo Emerson LA; Education fellow, 1931-32. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2441

Jones, Thomas B. NC; Education fellow, 1930-31. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2441

Jones, Thomas John GA; Agriculture fellow, 1944-45. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2441

Jones, Virginia Lacy GA; Library Science fellow, 1943-45. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2441 See also Lacy, Virginia Mae

Jones, William Warren KY; Mathematics fellow, 1931-32. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2441

Jordan, Getrude G. LA; Clinical Teaching fellow, 1949-50. GEB FRC

Journal of Negro Education, AEducation in British West GEB 1.2 642 291 3042 1945-46 Africa.@

Joyner, Mary B. LA; Education fellow, 1943-44. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2441

Julius Rosenwald Fund, See Rosenwald (Julius) Fund

Just, E.E., 1919-41 Science equipment, GEB 1.5 B 695 7167- fellowship. 7169

K Karamu Foundation, 1972-74 Report on promotion of arts in education. JDR 3rd 11 295 2189 No indication of support. Fund

Karamu House - Theatre, Grad student prog, constr and equip of GEB 1.3 950 440 4619- 1940-53 theatre unit. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Jelliffe. 4621 Correspondence and photos.

Kean, Henry Arthur KY; Education fellow, 1934-35. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2442

Kelsey, George Dennis Sale GA; Philosophy fellow, 1944-45. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2442

51 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Kemp, E.L. Negro work at St. Timothy=s, FM 1 Ofc Cor 22 176 Massillion, OH, 1889.

Kennedy, Wadaran Latamore PA; Agriculture fellow, 1935-36. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2442

Kenton, Annie Mae NC; Public Health felow, 1946. GEB FRC

Kentucky State Agent for Summer Schools for Negroes. GEB 1.2 669.1 299 3124 Rural Schools (Negro), 1929-32

Kentucky State College, Formerly KY State Industrial Colleve, KY N&I GEB 1.1 Ky 20 74 640-641 1903-50 Institute for Colored Persons. Repairs.

Kentucky State Industrial GEB 1.3 950 442 4653 College - Library and Laboratory grant, 1934-35

Kidd, Arthur Leo FL; History fellow, 1928-29. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2442

King Center for Social Change, RBF 4 175, 287 Martin Luther, Jr. 1968-82

King, Cornelius VA; Education fellow, 1925-26, 1932-33. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2442

King, Emanuel L. FL; Agricultural Economics fellow, 1937-38. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2442

King, G.O. Spelman Seminary and religious work in FM 1 Ofc Cor 23 178-179 Cleveland, OH, 1880-1891.

King, Louis E. NY; Anthropology fellow, 1931-32. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2442

King, Louis E., 1927-28 LSRM Fellowship. LSRM 3.8 98 993

Kirkland, Madeleine DC; Education fellow, 1937-38. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2443

Kittrell College, 1907-32 Equip. African Methodist Episcopal Church. GEB 1.1 NC 237 116 1052

Kittrell, Flemmie Pansy NC; Home Economics fellow, 1933-34. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2443

Klugh, Pritchett A. NC; Chemistry fellow, 1937-38. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2443

Knight, William Edgar VA; Education fellow, 1925-26. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2443

Knox, Clinton Everett MD; History fellow, 1935-36. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2443

Knox, Lawrence Howland NC; Chemistry fellow, 1936-39. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2443

Knoxville College, 1903-57 Perm improv, teach salary, endow, GEB 1.1 Tenn 53 144 1338- United Presbyterian Church 1341 Board of Freedmen=s Missions.

Knoxville College, 1946-50 Library development. GEB 1.3 950 441 4631

Kohlheim, Laurel Louise AL; Education fellow, 1926-27. GEB 1.2 400 S 242 2443

Kowaliga School, 1902-25 Re: Negro educ. Correspondence, reports, GEB 1.1 Ala 29 10 77 and photographs.

L Lacy, Virginia Mae KY; Library science fellow, GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2444 1937-38.

52 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Lancaster, Mary Elizabeth VA; Nursing fellow, 1944-45. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2444

Lane College - Teacher W.E. Turner. GEB 1.3 950 441 4632- Education, 1948-52; Report 4633

Lane College - Workshop, English teacher. GEB 1.3 950 441 4634 1948-49 Lane College, 1904-57 Constr and equip, repairs, current expen, GEB 1.1 Tenn 59 154 1426- teach salary, workshops. Colored Methodist 1431 Episcopal Church. J.F. Lane.

Lane, David Alphonso WV; Education fellow, 1930-31. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2444

Laney, Lucy C. Haines school, Augusta, GA; 1891. FM 1 Ofc Cor 23 183

Langhorne, Joseph Leon FL; English fellow, 1933-34. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2444

Langston University, 1926-52 E.A. Duke. Bldgs, equip, perm improv. GEB 1.1 OK 2 120-121 1094- Formerly Colored N & I University. 1097

Langston University, 1945-49 Music instruments, equip, GEB 1.3 950 441 4635 development of music library.

Lanier, Emilio Aguinaldo TN; English fellow, 1931-33. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2444

Lanier, Raphael O'Hara FL; English fellow, 1927-28. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2444

Larkins, John Rodman NC; Sociology fellow, 1947-48. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2444

LaSaine, Thomas Alonzo TN; Medical Education fellow, 1937-38. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2444

LaSaine, Willie Anna TN; Nursing scholarship, 1944. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2444

Lash, John S. NC; English fellow, 1945-46. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2444

Laurey, James Richard DC; Medical Science fellow, 1939-41. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2444

Lautier, Louise O. GA; Reading Education fellow, 1939-41. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2444

Law Students Civil Rights JDR 3rd 1 16 171 Research Council, 1971 Fund

Lawlah, Mayme Evelyn VA; Social Studies fellow, 1944-46. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2444

Lawless, Oscar G. AL; Physics fellow, 1926-27. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2444

Lawless, Theodore Rosenwald Medical fellow, 1919-21 GEB 1.5 B 22 702 7223

Lawrence, Charles Radford Jr. TN; Sociology fellow, 1947-48. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2444

Lawrence, Everett Ray MS; Chemistry fellow, 1930-31. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2444

Lawrence, Vera Brodsky, RF 1.2 200 R 360 3259 (Scott Joplin Publication) , 1970-72, 1977

Lawson, Copeland Warner MA; Music fellow, 1935-36. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2444

League of Cities, 1969-79 Arts in Education Program in Hartford, JDR 3rd 11 191-195 1445- Little Rock, Minneapolis, New York City Fund 1474 Seattle, and Winston-Salem.

Lee, Edward Sharpe Jr. TN; Medical Science fellow, 1945-46. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2445

53 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Lee, Mrs. Isabel Ambrose MS; Public Health Education fellow, GEB FRC 1945-46.

Lee, James Sumner NC; Biology fellow, 1936-37. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2445

Lee, Juliette Thelma LA; Nursing fellow, 1943-44. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2445

Lee, Maurice A. FL; English fellow, 1926-27. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2445

Lee, Raymond Edward LA; Language fellow, 1931-32. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2445 Legal Defense and Education JDR 3rd 1 16 175 Fund, 1970. See also Fund National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, Legal Defense and Education Fund

Leland University, 1902-46 Practice school. George Rice Hovey, Reports. GEB 1.1 La 3 84 738-740

Lemon, Elizabeth Elaine GA; Education fellow, 1934. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2445

Lemon, Jessie VA; English fellow, 1945-46. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2445

LeMoyne College - Land, 1947-48 Fred Brownlee GEB 1.3 950 441 4636

LeMoyne College -Science and GEB 1.3 950 441 4637 and General Equipment, 1936-37

LeMoyne College, 1913-51 Perm improv, current expen, equip, land, GEB 1.1 Tenn 124 157 1459- American Missionary Association. 1462 Fred Brownlee.

Lester, Aurelia Cecile VA; Education fellow, 1949-50. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2445

Lester, Janie Lucile GA; English fellow, 1929-30. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2445

Lewis, Cecil T. VA; English fellow, 1945-46. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2445

Lewis, Elsie Mae LA; History fellow, 1936-37. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2445

Lewis, Emma Bryant GA; Library Science fellow, 1927-28. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2445

Lewis, Harold Over DC; History fellow, 1937-38, 1941-42. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2445

Lewis, Jesse Walter DC; Business Administration fellow, 1938-39. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2445

Lewis, Samuel James FL; Agriculture fellow, 1925-26. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2445

Liberia, 1944-46 General correspondence. GEB 1.2 637.1 288 3006

Lincoln Hospital and Home, Training school for colored LSRM 3.1 2 22-23 1920-26 nurses.

Lincoln Institute 1911-39 Correspondence and reports. GEB 1.1 Ky 73 79 687-691 George Foster Peabody, E. Norton. Ng.

Lincoln University - RF 1.2 200 59 489-491 Remedial Education, 1963-66

Lincoln University - Student RF 1.2 200 60 492 Assistance, 1965-73

54 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Lincoln University, 1903-52 Constr. and equip. GEB 1.4 1126 619 6539

Lincoln University, 1906-57 Endow, improv, teach salary GEB 1.4 2360 665-666 6903- constr and equip, current expen. 6911

Lincoln University, 1934 GEB 1.2 692.1 307 3206

Lincoln University, Chester Negro school, contributions FM 2 Educ. 74 County, PA by GEB, AAR, NAR.

Lincoln University- Lorenzo Research on abolition in New GEB 1.3 950 443 4674 Greene, 1945-51 England.

Lincoln, Daniel Poindexter WV; History fellow, 1936-37. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2447 Lindsay, Crawford B. GA; English fellow, 1936-37, 1948-49. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2447

Liston, Hardy NC; Education fellow, 1927-28. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2447

Livingstone College, 1902-53 Constr and equip, teach salary, current expen. GEB 1.1 NC 8 102-103 920-926 African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. W.J. Trent, N.C. Newbold.

Livingstone College, 1944-47 Books and equip. W.J. Trent. GEB 1.3 950 443 4675

Livingstone College, 1946-49 Health educ program. GEB 1.3 950.4 541 5797

Lockert, Aeolian TN; Agriculture fellow, 1925-26. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2447

Lockett, John L. VA; Agriculture fellow, 1933-34. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2447

Lockhart, Adolphus J. GA; Chemistry fellow, 1934-35. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2447

Loeb, Henry K. AColored@ student at Oberlin FM 1 Ofc Cor 25 192 seeks aid, October 1885.

Lofton, Williston H. DC; History fellow, 1942-43. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2447

Logan, Harold Koontz TX; Education fellow, 1942-43. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2447

Logan, Rayford Whittingham VA; History fellow, 1930-31. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2447

Long Island College of Sickle cell anemia study. CF Grants 182 1706 Medicine, 1947-66

Long, Harry J. TX; Biology fellow, 1933-34. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2447

Long, Herman Hodge AL; Psychology fellow, 1939-41. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2447

Loram, Charles T., 1924-26 Fellowships, African political situation, Jeanes IEB 1.1 11 156 teachers, segregation, Education Commission.

Los Angeles Urban League, 1944 Declination. GEB 1.2 628.1 276 2879

Louisiana Negro N & I J.E. Williams, A.C. Lewis. GEB 1.3 950 443 4676 Institute - Books and Library Material, 1939-41

Louisiana Negro N & I Institute Fellowships in educ. Home econ. GEB 1.3 950 443 4677 Institute - E.D. Robinson, F.O. Johnson, 1943-46

Louisiana Negro N & I GEB 1.3 950 443 4678 Institute - Staff Study, 1945

55 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Louisiana Negro N & I Institute Negro and Jeanes and principals. GEB 1.3 950 443 4679- Institute - Summer School, 1940-44 4680

Louisiana Negro N & I Visitation and study prog in GEB 1.3 950 443 4681 Institute - Supervisor of Trainees rural educ by Kara Vaughn-Jackson. and In-Service Grads, 1940. Mabel Carney.

Louisiana Negro N & I GEB 1.3 950 444 4682 Institute - Teacher Training Program, 1941-42

Louisiana Negro N & I Temporary teachers certificate. GEB 1.3 950 444 4683 Institute - Workshop, 1944 Correspondence and photos.

Louisiana State Agent for Summer schools for Negroes. GEB 1.2 669.1 299 3125 Rural Schools (Negro), 1929-31 Louisiana State Department Training prog at LA Negro N & I. GEB 1.3 950 444 4687 of Education - Jeanes P.H. Easom. Supervisors, 1944-47

Louisville Municipal Land, bldgs, repairs, equip, books. Re: merging GEB 1.1 Ky 51.1 78 685-686 College, 1930-46 with University of Louisville. Reports.

Lousiana State Department of At LA Negro N & I. GEB 1.3 950 444 4691 Education Training Program J.C. Dixon. for Jeanes Supervisors, 1947

Lousiana State Department of LA Negro N & I and Southern GEB 1.3 950 444 4692 Education Work Conference University. 1944-45

Love, Lucile Ann AL; Library Science fellow, 1927-28. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2447

Lovell, John Jr. DC; English fellow, 1935-36. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2447

Lucas, Mabel Jewel TX; Chemistry fellow, 1930-31. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2447

Luney, Percy Robert KY; Agricultural Economics fellow, 1953-54. GEB 1.2 400 S 253 2609

Lyda, Wesley John GA; Education fellow, 1939-40. GEB 1.2 400 S 24 2447

Lyttle, Hulda Margaret TN; Nursing fellow, 1939-40. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2447

M MacFarlane, Frederic Charles NC; Education fellow, 1926-27. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2448

Mackey, Howard Hamilton DC; Arts and Architecture fellow, 1936-37. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2448

Macklin, Arnett G. VA; Education fellow, 1943-44. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2448

MacRae, James Bonner NC; Education fellow, 1938-40. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2448

Madden, Samuel A. VA; Film, Radio and Television fellow, 1947-48. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2448

Maddox, M.J. Principal Union Academy, Gainesville, FL, 1891. FM 1 Ofc Cor 26 203

Maise, Naomah Williams GA; Music fellow, 1933-34. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2448

Mallory, O.E. Seeks monies to distribute his book to Spelman FM 1 Ofc Cor 26 203 Seminary and Benedict Institute; 1890.

Manassas Industrial School Current expen. Re: private to public regional GEB 1.1 Va 12 169-170 1585- 1902-1955 high schools. A.E. Lucas, James H. Dillard, 1588 James Bertram, Oswald Villard, and Robert C. Ogden.

Manley, Albert Edward NC; Education fellow, 1943-46. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2448

56 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Manly, John Benson DC; Medical Science fellow, 1940-41. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2448

Mapp, Frederick Everett TN; Biology fellow, 1946-48. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2448

Marianna (Arkansas) Public Improv plant and equip of GEB 1.3 950 447 4724- Schools, 1941-42 R.R. Moton Tr School. 4725

Marion, Claud Collier NY; Agriculture fellow, 1947-48. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2448

Mark, Jesse Jarue IA; Agriculture fellow, 1935-36. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2448

Marshall, Mrs. Binarozelle C. MS; Health Education fellow, 1949-50. GEB FRC Marshall, May AR; Library Science fellow, 1926-27. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2448

Marteena, Jerald M. NC; Engineering fellow, 1931-32. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2448

Martin, Alfred Edward TN; Physics fellow, 1938-40. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2448

Martin, Azalea E. AL; Education fellow, 1929-30. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2448

Martin, John Warren AL; Sociology fellow, 1953-54. GEB 1.2 400 S 251 2584

Martin, Laurie TN; Nursing fellow, 1948-49. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2448

Martin, Sarah Elizabeth NC; Language fellow, 1934-35. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2448

Martin, William H. AR; Education fellow, 1942-43. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2448

Maryland - Public Health, 1929-39 RF 1.1 223 1 1-14

Maryland - Rural School J. Walter Huffington, Thomas GEB 1.2 671 301 3146- Supervisor - Negro, 1916-49 Pullen. Reports. 3148

Mason, Gertrude H. TX; Library Science fellow, 1928-29. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2448

Matthew, Eunice Sophie TN; Education fellow, 1946-47. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2448

Matthews, Eunice Edith FL; Education fellow, 1929-30. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2448

Maxwell, Edward L. GA; Biology fellow, 1928-29, 1947-48. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2449

Maxwell, Ucecil S. KS; Chemistry fellow, 1927-28. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2449

May, Annie Florence AL; English fellow, 1945-47. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2449

Mayberry, Bennie Douglas AL; Agricultural fellow, 1948-50. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2449

Mayberry, Bennie D. AL; Olericulture and Horticulture GEB FRC fellow, 1948-49.

Mayesville Educational & Current expen. Richard H. Dana GEB 1.1 SC 22 123 1129 Industrial School, 1902-19 R.R. Bowker, George F. Peabody.

Mayfield, Floyd Alphonzo NC; Arts and Architecture fellow, 1935-36. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2449

Maysville Industrial High Equipment. GEB 1.1 Ky 81 82 725 School, 1929-37

McAdams, Jay C. TN; Education fellow, 1927-28. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2449

McAllister, Jane Ellen NY; Education fellow, 1926-27. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2449

McCarter, Hazel MS; Personnel Administration fellow, 1954-55. GEB 1.2 400 S 253 2610

McClure, Sophie Kinney TN; Nursing fellow, 1942-43. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2449

McConnell, Fannie Mae TN; Drama fellow, 1934-36. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2449

McConnell, Roland Calhoun NC; History fellow, 1940-41. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2449

McCormick, Thomas Herbert AL; Physics fellow, 1926-27. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2449

McCree, Paul Williams OK; Biology fellow, 1932-33. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2449

57 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

McCune, Frank B. MS; Health Education fellow, 1946-47. GEB FRC

McDaniel, Reuben Roosevelt VA; Mathematics and Physics fellow, 1936-37 GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2449

McDavid, Mary F. AL; Education fellow, 1930-31. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2449 McDonald, Virginia Romona TX; Education fellow, 1932-33. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2449

McGhee, Joseph Daniel SC; Education fellow, 1933-34. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2450

McGimsey, Robert Negro music in LA. GEB 1.3 950 447 4723

McGraw, Booker Tanner IL; Business Administration fellow, 1931-33. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2450

McGuinn, Henry Jared VA; Sociology fellow, 1930-31, 1935-36. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2450

McKenzie, Loratius Lucius WV; History fellow, 1929-30. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2450

McKinney, Theophilus Elisha NC; Political Science fellow, 1936-37. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2450

McLean, Mary Doris NC; Zoology fellow, 1953-54. GEB 1.2 400 S 252 2587

McLemore, Benjamin H. Jr. MS; Mathematics fellow, 1954-55. GEB 1.2 400 S 253 2611

McMillan, Laura Belle NC; Public Health Education fellow, 1947. GEB FRC

McMorris, Henry Marion AL; English fellow, 1929-30. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2450

Mean, James Horatio AR; Mathematics fellow, 1936-37. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2451

Medical College of Virginia Nursing, consultant, nutrition and public GEB 1.5 B C 696 7174- 1929-54 health, endow, bldgs, current expen, 7175 studies. Re: Negro educ. W.T. Sanger.

Medical Education for GEB 1.5 B 20 702 7220 Negroes, 1916-29

Meharry Medical College Travel funds to Dr. M. S. Bent (1935-36); RF 1.1 200 A 97-98 1181- funds for general support (1943-54); 1188 grant-in-aidto Dr. Walter. F.B. James (1944).

Meharry Medical College - Fellow. GEB 1.3 950.7 549 5874 Agatha Anderson, 1950-57

Meharry Medical College - Visits. GEB 1.3 950.7 549 5875 Alma Gault, 1945-50

Meharry Medical College - RF 1.1 200 A 97 1181 Bent, Michael J. (Visit, Public Health), 1936

Meharry Medical College - GEB 1.3 950 447 4735 Faculty Salaries, 1960

Meharry Medical College - RF 1.1 200 A 98 1182- General Support, 1943-54 1187

Meharry Medical College - Visits re: med school programs. GEB 1.3 950 447 4734 Murray Brown, 1945-47

Meharry Medical College - RF 1.1 200 A 98 1188 Obstetrics, 1949

Meharry Medical College - Purchase. GEB 1.3 950 447 4736 Spectrophotometer, 1947-48

Meharry Medical College - Don Clawson, Murray Brown. GEB 1.3 950 447 4737 Study of Negro Health and Medical Care, 1946-50

Meharry Medical College Regionalization, GEB 1.1 Tenn 2a 136 1254- Contractual Plan, 1943-44 legislation. 1255

58 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Meharry Medical College GEB 1.1 Tenn 2a 136 1256- Fellowships, 1925-55 1257

Meharry Medical College Books and journals, GEB 1.1 Tenn 2a 136 1260 Library, 1931-32 consultant.

Meharry Medical College GEB 1.1 Tenn 2a 136 1258- School Site, 1927-38 1259

Meharry Medical College, Current expen, endow, bldgs and equip, GEB 1.1 Tenn 2a 133-136 1227- 1914-56 improv, land, fellowships, med library, books, 1253 journals, studies. Harold West, Robert A. Lambert, Alma Gault, M.E. Tennant, Franklin C. McLean, Edwin Embree, P.J. Maverty, Henry S. Pritchett, G.W. Hubbard, John Mullowney, Rebecca Clark, Charles Nelson. Correspondence, reports, pamphlets, clippings, and photographs.

Meharry Medical College, CF Ad.-His. 50 858-859 1948-78

Meharry Medical College, Exploration of psychiatric CF Grants 197 1850- 1956-62 teaching. 1851

Meharry Medical College, Developmental program in the CF Grants 196-197 1843- 1967-76 basic sciences. 1849

Mells, Herbert Frank OK; Music fellow, 1943-44. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2451

Meridian, Mississippi Support. P.H. Easom. GEB 1.3 950 448 4745 Experiment in Training Negro Teachers, 1936-39

Merry, Frederick L. NC; English fellow, 1925-26. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2551

Metropolitan Cultural Kathryn Bloom Files. JDR 3rd 11 195-196 1475- Alliance Fund 1481

Meyers, Timothy C. AL; Education fellow, 1925-26. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2451

Michigan - Public Health Includes reports on health RF 1.1 225 1-3 1-26 in Detroit in 1930s.

Michigan Boulevard Garden Exchange of information between managers FM 2 Housing 17 155 Apartments of this Rosenwald-funded project and managers of JDR Jr=s housing project.

Middlebrooks, A.M. Negro Baptist College work FM 1 Ofc Cor 27 210 in Arkansas, October 1891.

Middleton, Agnes Bratton NC; Public Health fellow, 1941-42. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2451

Middleton, Ezekial M. SC; Agriculture fellow, 1946-47. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2451

Miles College - Capital Endow, W.A. Bell, E.L. Norton GEB 1.3 950 448 4746- Funds, 1950-62 Correspondence and reports. 4749

Miles College - Resources and W.A. Bell, J.C. Dixon. GEB 1.3 950 449 4751- Needs Study, 1942-64 Correspondence and reports. 4752

Miles College - Staff, Books and GEB 1.3 950 449 4750 and Equipment, 1944-50

59 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Miles College, 1904-64 Books and lab equip, bldgs, and equip, GEB 1.1 Ala 117 14-15 114-124 teach salary, summer school, strengthening prog and expansion, conferences. Colored Methodist Episcopal Church. Robert W. Palton. Re: Negro educ, interchurch representation and support.

Miller, Adolphus J. VA; Agriculture fellow, 1949-50. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2451

Minor, Richard C. NC; Sociology fellow, 1931-32. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2451

Misseduc Foundation, 1970-75 Welfare rights work. RBF 4 184

Mississippi Council on Human Unsuccessfully sought funds for college- JDR 3rd 1 17 189 Relations, 1971-72 bound student, who needed money to survey Fund hosp practices, doctor=s waiting rooms, police practices, and employment practices in state and federal offices in Mississippi.

Mississippi Council on Human Initial support Afor its work of coordinating RBF 4 184, 287 Relations, The 1970-83 prison reform activities in the South.@

Mississippi Industrial Equip. Colored Methodist Episcopal Church. GEB 1.1 Miss 39 96 859 College, 1904-50 E. Cottrell, J.R. Ramsey.

Mississippi Negro Training Via Board of Trustees. Equip, staff consultants. GEB 1.3 950 450 4769- School, 1940-45 Jacob Reddix, P. Easom. Formerly 4770 Jackson College (see also).

Mississippi Negro Training Salary, Community Health GEB 1.3 950.4 541 5799 School, 1944-46 Center.

Mississippi School Health School health program for blacks and whites RF 1.1 227 1-2 1-20 Service with nutritional emphasis, modeled after NC program.

Mississippi State Agent for Summer school for Negroes. GEB 1.2 669.1 299 3126 Rural Schools (Negro), 1933-39

Mississippi State College - In-service training for Negro extension staff GEB 1.3 950 452 4798 Summer School, 1948-50 at Alcorn A & M; Counseling and guidance.

Mississippi State Department GEB 1.3 950 454 4819 of Education - Survey of School Building Needs, 1940-41

Mississippi Vocational Correspondence and GEB 1.3 950 455 4826- College, 1947-60 pamphlets. 4827

Missouri Division of Negro GEB 1.1 Mo 1 99 897 Education, 1928-40

Missouri State Agent for Summer schools for Negroes. GEB 1.2 669.1 299 3127 Rural Schools (Negro), 1933-34

Mitchell, Allee J. TX; Psychology fellow, 1949-50. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2451

Mitchell, Edward C. GA; Education fellow, 1935-36. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2451

Mobilization for Youth - $18,000 grant for program that trains young RF 1.2 200 R 380 3330.72 Cultural Arts, 1967-69 Negro and Puerto Rican New Yorkers for careers in the arts.

Molette, Lemuel Scott GA; Agricultural fellow, 1926. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2452

60 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Monroe, Clarence L.E. GA; Biology fellow, 1938-40. GEB .12 400 S 244 2452

Montague, James Harold VA; Music fellow, 1935-36. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2452

Moore, Evelyn Wynona GA; Languages fellow, 1947-49. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2452

Moore, John Matthew VA; Languages fellow, 1931-32. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2452

Moore, LeRoy G. OK; Chemistry fellow, 1929-30, 1937-38. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2452

Moore, Mary E. VA; Biology fellow, 1947-48. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2452

Moore, Thelma Eddijo GA; Education fellow, 1949-50. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2452

Moore, Theodore H. SC; Education fellow, 1930-31. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2452

Morehouse College - Alterations and equip. GEB 1.3 950 455 4830 Classroom Space, 1946-47 Benjamin Mays.

Morehouse College - GEB 1.3 950 455 4831 Financial Superintendent, 1940-41

Morehouse College - RF 1.2 200 62-63 518-522 Intensive Study Program, 1963-69

Morehouse College - Mays, RF 1.2 200 63 523-524 Benjamin E. (Grant in Aid, Autobiography), 1967-72

Morehouse College - Opera RF 1.2 200 R 383 3330.90 (Atlanta Symphony Orchestra, ATreemonisha@), 1971-72

Morehouse College - GEB 1.3 950 455 4832 Permanent Improvement, 1944

Morehouse College - Science Construction. GEB 1.3 950 455 4833 Building, 1947-53

Morehouse College - Science Chem and bio. GEB 1.3 950 455 4834 Equipment and Salaries, 1950-56

Morehouse College - GEB 1.1 62 544 Teachers salaries, 1935-39

Morehouse College, 1903-63 Endow, teach salary, current expen, bldgs and GEB 1.1 Ga 157 58-62 520-543 equip, books, perm improv, land, repairs. ABHMS. John Hope, George Rice Hovey, H.L. Morehouse, Frank A. Smith, Benjamin Mays, S.H. Archer. Re: development of Atlanta complex, fund-raising. Correspondence, reports, and pamphlets.

Morehouse College, 1945-69 RBF 4 59

Morehouse College Correspondents include Wallace Buttrick, FM 2 Educ 57 1923-59 John Hope, T.B. Appleget, Benjamin Mays, and JDR Jr.

Morehouse, Henry L. Various Negro and Baptist schools, 1881-1894 FM 1 Ofc Cor 28 215-217

Morgan College, 1922-58 Reports. GEB 1.4 2218 639 6690- 6693

Morgan College, 1933-34 GEB 1.2 692.1 307 3207

61 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Morgan College, 1938-43 Books. GEB 1.3 950 455 4836

Morgan, Raleigh Jr. NC; Languages fellow, 1948-50. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2452 Morgan, Thomas J. Spelman Seminary and ABHMS, 1893. FM 1.2 Ofc Cor 28 218

Morris Brown College - W.A. Fountain. GEB 1.3 950 455 4837 Administration Offices, 1942-43

Morris Brown College - Dean, 1944 Salary. GEB 1.3 950 455 4838

Morris Brown College - Library GEB 1.3 950 442 4656 and Laboratory Grants, 1934-36

Morris Brown College - Books and equip. GEB 1.3 950 455 4839 Library, 1941-42

Morris Brown College - Staff summer school. GEB 1.3 950 455 4840 Refresher Course, 1941-42

Morris Brown College, Endow, teach salary, current expen, faculty, GEB 1.1 Ga 7 37-39 341-358 1902-53 interchange, books and library equip, land, fellowships, perm improv. African Methodist Episcopal Church. Rufus Clement, W.A. Fountain, J.R. McCain, L.H. Foster, W.W. Alexander. Re: Atlanta network of schools, Negro educ. Bishop Wright.

Morris Brown College, 1933-35 GEB 1.2 692.1 307 3208

Morris College, 1920-49 Teach salary, bldgs and equip. GEB 1.1 SC 127 132 1211- Correspondence, reports, and pamphlets. 1213

Morris, Kelso Bronson TX; Chemistry fellow, 1936-37. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2453

Morris, Raymond Augustus TX; Music fellow, 1938-39. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2453

Morris, Thelma S. NC; Public Health fellow, 1945-46. GEB FRC

Morris, Thomas V. AL; Horticulture fellow, 1948-49. GEB FRC

Morrow, John Howard AL; Language fellow, 1948-49. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2453

Morton, James Hemenway TX; Chemistry fellow, 1930-31. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2453

Morton, James T. Jr. IL; Psychology fellow, 1941-42. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2453

Moses, Earl Richard LA; Sociology fellow, 1929-30. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2453

Moses, Kathlyn Johnson SC; Library fellow, 1952-53. GEB 1.2 400 S 250 2556

Moses, Rudolph LA; English fellow, 1927-28, 1931-32. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2453

Moton Memorial Foundation - RF 1.2 200 63 525 Conference Center, 1965-66

Mount Holyoke College - Grants totaling $200,000 for Aan experimental RF 1.2 200 63 527-530 Remedial Education, 1964-70 summer school program for talented high school students from disadvantaged environments.@ Reports (four items).

Multi-culture Institute, San Francisco-based RBF 4 185 1968-78 organization.

Munday, Reuben Abraham AL; Agriculture fellow, 1934-35. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2453

Murray, William Earl SC; Chemistry fellow, 1931-32. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2453

Museum of African Art. See Douglas Museum of African Art

62 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Museum of Modern Art - Thomas Mabry. GEB 1.3 950 455 4841 Photos, African Negro Art Exhibit, 1935-36

Music School Settlement RSF 10 84 810 for Colored People (New York City), 1913, 1915

Myers, Amelia Laurette TN; Music fellow, 1947-48. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2453

N NAACP. See National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

Nabrit, Samuel M. GA; Biology fellow, 1927-28, 1931-32; GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2454 1943-44

Nash, Emile Coleridge TN; Medical Science fellow, 1945-46. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2454

Nash, Ruth Mae TN; Nursing scholarship, 1943-44. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2454

National Association for the RF 1.2 200 66-67 560-562 Advancement of Colored People, Leadership Training, 1968-73

National Association for the RF 1.2 200 76 563-564 Advancement of Colored People, Special Contribution Fund, 1970-72

National Association for the CF Grants 220 2068 Advancement of Colored People, 1919-20

National Association for the LSRM 3.8 97 997 Advancement of Colored People, 1928

National Association for the General correspondence and GEB 1.2 414 257 2660- Advancement of Colored reports. Arthur Spingarn, 2661 People, 1928-55 Walter White.

National Association for the Rockefeller advisors divided over policies and FM 2 Welfare 42-43 Advancement of Colored personnel of NAACP; they saw necessity of People, 1928-61 legal approach but in general preferred education and gradualism in resolving race problem. Information on lynchings, influence of Communist Party among Negroes; history of NAACP; JDR Jr. contributions, 1928-1951; JDR 3rd=s regular annual contributions, 1932-41; NAR contributions, 1951, 1956, 1959. NAR a life member. Correspondents include W.E.B. DuBois, James Weldon Johnson, Jackson B. Davis, Walter White, and W. Alexander.

National Association for the CF Ad.-His. 55 947 Advancement of Colored People, 1969-73

63 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

National Association for the RBF 4 62, 186, Advancement of Colored 297 People, Legal Defense and Educational Fund, 1950-83. See also Legal Defense and Education Fund.

National Association for the RBF 4 62, 187, Advancement of Colored 298 People, Special Contribution Fund, 1962-83

National Association of JDR 3rd 1 18 194 Black Students Fund

National Association of Conference. GEB 1.3 950.7 549 5876 Colored Graduates Nurses, 1936-45

National Association of Jazz JDR 3rd 11 274 2007 Educators, 1971 Fund

National Black Child Development RBF 4 188, 299 Institute, Inc., 1971-82

National Black Theatre RF 1.2 200 R 385 3344 Workshop, Inc., (Teer, Barbara Ann, Developing New Work), 1969-72

National Black Theatre RBF 4 188 Workshop, Inc., 1970-75

National Black United Fund, The RBF 4 188, 300 1975-83

National Committee Against RBF 4 66, 189 Discrimination in Housing, 1965-76

National Council of Negro NAR contributions, 1945, 1954; FM 2 Welfare 45 Women, 1945-61 WR contributions, 1955; LSR gift 1961.

National Council of Negro RBF 4 70, 191, Women, 1955-75, 1979-81 304

National Education $15,000 for its four-state RF 1.2 200 68 574 Association - Urban institute on changing urban Education, 1969-71 education.

National Endowment for the RBF 4 71 Humanities - Museum of African Art, Frederick Douglass Institute of Negro Arts and History, 1970 See also Douglass Museum of African Art, Frederick and Frederick Douglass Museum of African Art

National Interracial LSRM 3.8 97 999- Conference - Reports 1001

64 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

National League of Urban Activities of the League; FM 2 Welfare 38 Conditions among Negroes, contributions 1912-1937. 1914-38

National Medical Provident Medical Association of Chicago CF Adv. Med. 68-69 818-828 Fellowships, Inc., 1948-52 before 1952. Fellowship

National Medical CF Ad.-His. 57 981 Fellowships, Inc., 1959-80

National Medical General support. CF Grants 231-232 2185- Fellowships, 1968-72 2195

National Negro Business LSRM-SF. Survey of Negro LSRM 3.8 99 1002- League, 1926-30 business in U.S. Robert R. Moton 1004

National Nursing Council for Negro nurse unit. Correspondence, GEB 1.3 950.7 549 5877- War Service, 1942-47 reports, and pamphlets. 5880

National Opinion Research RF 1.2 200 539 4606- Center - Mental Health and 4608 Prejudice (Grant Lapsed), 1959-60

National Research Council - LSRM-RF Measuring and evaluating human LSRM 3.6 58-59 629-632 Human Migration, 1922-30 traits, mental measurement, analysis of personality, pathology of race. Robert M. Yerkes, Clark Wissler.

National Scholarship Service Grant, reports, and GEB 1.2 414 257 2662- and Fund for Negro Students pamphlets. Richard Plant. 2666 1947-63

National Urban Coalition, RBF 4 194, 307 1972-75, 1979

National Urban League Davidson II 2 16

National Urban League - Grant. GEB 1.2 628 276 2878 Conference, 1961

National Urban League - RF 1.2 200 71 599-602 Leadership Development, 1964-69

National Urban League - RF 1.2 200 71 603 National Headquarters, 1965-66

National Urban League - Race Grant. Lester Granger. GEB 1.2 414 258 2667- Relations, 1944-51 Correspondence and reports. 2672

National Urban League - Grant. F.O. Nichols. GEB 1.2 414 259 2673- Vocational Guidance, 1948-50 2674

National Urban League - JDR Jr. gives to industrial work of League; FM 2 Welfare 40 Contributions, 1921-61 Davison Fund gifts and contributions from JDR 3rd, NAR, and WR.

National Urban League - Exhibit of selection of family-owned paintings FM 2 Welfare 40 Family Exhibit, 1959 to raise funds for the League.

National Urban League -- New WR gave $100,000 toward FM 2 Welfare 40 headquarters building, 1953-57 purchase of building.

National Urban League - Clippings on WR=s League FM 2 Welfare 40 Printed Materials, 1947-59 activities.

65 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

National Urban League, Correspondence, reports, pamphlets and GEB 1.2 628 276 2872- 1912-58 photographs. Lester B. Granger, Julius A. Thomas, 2877 Franklin O. Nichols, Eugene Kinkle Jones.

National Urban League, LSRM-SF. Eugene K. Jones, L. Hollingsworth LSRM 3.8 100 1005- 1918-38 Jones. Reports and pamphlets. 1014

National Urban League, Winthrop Rockefeller very active. Family FM 2 Welfare 39 1940-61 contributions; reports on League work, criticism of organizational set-up, comments on Lester Granger.

National Urban League, RBF 4 74-75, 1941-83 308

National Urban League, 1969 JDR 3rd 1 20 210 Fund

Neal, Ernest Eugene TX; Sociology fellow, 1942-43, 1947-48. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2454

Negro - Miscellaneous, 1923-28 LSRM 3.8 102 1028

Negro Actors Guild of America, Theater. FM 2 Cultural 173 1499 1943-43

Negro Church Consolidation JDR Jr. proposed to give funds to three Negro FM 2 Cultural 144 1268 (Williamsburg, VA), 1949-54 churches with provision for consolidation and deed to Colonial Williamsburg; churches rejected this plan; one church later accepted the plan.

Negro College Graduate, Charles S. Johnson. Publ and GEB 1.3 950 458 4866 1935-42 distribution, re: occupations.

Negro Colleges Accounting Grant. GEB 1.2 421.1 261 2696 Systems, 1931-35

Negro Colleges, 1918-42 General correspondence and GEB 1.2 692 306 3194- reports. 3195

Negro County Training School Bldgs and equip. GEB 1.1 Mo 2 100 899 (Missouri), 1931-33

Negro Education - Dongall Fellowship. LSRM 3.8 100 1016 report, 1924-26

Negro Education Project Gift to repair property and expand facilities. FM 2 Cultural 157 1371 (Williamsburg, VA.), 1938-42 Cooperation between Williamsburg School Board and the General Education Board.

Negro Education Study, Correspondence and reports related to GEB GEB 1.2 722 315 3294- 1922-28 study. Edwin Embree, Jackson Davis, 3295 Leo M. Favrot.

Negro Education, 1911-60 Grant. Walter White, Fred GEB 1.2 418 260 2688- McCuistion, reports. 2689

Negro Health, 1925-28 Photographs. LSRM 3.8 100 1017

Negro High Schools, 1910-25 General correspondence. GEB 1,2 608 275 2861

Negro in America, 1925-26 Leonard Outhwaite study LSRM 3.8 100 1015

Negro Land Grant Colleges, General correspondence. GEB 1.2 408 255 2645 1926-51

Negro Legal Status Survey - Legal justice; status and activities of Negro LSRM 3.8 101 1018- Charles H. Houston, 1927-30 lawyers. Correspondence and reports. 1019

Negro Medical Students, 1944 General correspondence. GEB 1.2 414 259 2675

66 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Negro Problems - 1925-29 LSRM 3.8 101 1020- 1022

Negro Problems Conference, New Haven. Reports. LSRM 3.8 101-102 1023- 1927-28 1024

Negro Public Education in Leo M. Favrot. GEB 722 315 3297 the South, 1927

Negro Questions -- JDR Jr.=s A few examples of policy-making procedures FM 2 Welfare 38 interest, 1944-46 in JDR Jr.=s office.

Negro Race/Miscellaneous - In Vol. 13 of Raymond Fosdick=s working file FM 2 JDR Jr. 47 13 United Negro College Fund for his biography of JDR Jr. Section documents Personal JDR Jr.=s relationship to the historically black colleges and the UNCF.

Negro Schools and Colleges W.E.B. DuBois, J. Henry Highsmith, S.L. Smith, GEB 1.2 733 326 3383- in the South - Ratings, H.M. Ivy, Joseph Roemer, Arthur D. Wright, 3387 Grant, 1929-52 and Fred McCuistion.

Negro Study - Africa, 1925-26 LSRM 3.8 102 1025

Negro Survey - Coahoma Leo M. Favrot, T. J. Woofter. LSRM 3.8 102 1026 County, Mississippi, 1924-26

Negro Yearbook, 1925 LSRM 3.8 102 1027

Negroes, Military Training Material collected in Volumes 67 of documents FM 4 0 in Land Grant Colleges for Nelson A. Rockefeller=s tenure as Under Secretary of Department of Health, Education, and Welfare.

Neighborhood Association - RF 1.1 200 R 9 3092- Negro Theater Development, 3093 1938-40; Proposal, 1939

Nelson, Bernard Hamilton GA; History fellow, 1938-39, 1943-45. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2454

Nelson, Frank Mancefield GA; Library Science fellow, 1934-35. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2454

Nelson, Gurney Elliott SC; Education fellow, 1936-37. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2454

Nelson, Margaret V. LA; History fellow, 1943-45. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2454

Netterville, Rebecca Franklin LA; Home Economics fellow, 1939-40. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2454

New Bern Collegiate GEB 1.1 NC 32 104 941 Industrial Institute, 1902-1912.

New England Community RF 1.2 200 72 608-609 Development, Corp., - Ghetto Business, 1968-69

New Jersey, College for Aid to increase the number of minority CF Grants 237 2248- Medicine and Dentistry of, medical students. 2249 1971-79

New Lafayett Theatre and RBF 4 40 Workshop

New School for Social Lawrence Gellert, Negro GEB 1.3 950 458 4867 Research, 1937-52 music materials.

67 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

New York City Mission RBF 4 199 Society - East Harlem College and Career Counseling Program, 1970-74

New York Colored Mission Declinations. Davidson II 3 24 Society

New York Pubic Library - Grant. Franklin Hooper, L.D. Reddick. GEB 1.2 414 259 2676- Cultural Center for Negroes, 1943-48 Reports and clippings. 2677

New York State Colonization Vocational and agricultural education, staff, IEB 1.1 16-17 235-243 Society - Booker Washington construction, relationship of government, Agricultural and Industrial Jackson Davis trip. Thomas Jesse Jones, Institute of Liberia, 1933-39 Jackson Davis, Charles T. Loram, J.H. Furbay, R.L. Embree, L.A. Roy.

New York State Colonization Minutes of meetings, financial statements, RF 1.2 200 73-74 621-623 Society, 1962-66 other correspondence.

New York State Commission Warren Lindquist was a member of the FM 2 Civic 17 118 Against Discrimination, Housing Housing Advisory Council. Advisory Council, 1955-60

New York University - Grant. GEB 1.2 414 259 2678 Professorship in Negro Culture and Education, 1945-50

New York Urban Coalition, 1967-83 RBF 4 81, 203, 318

New York Urban League - New Davidson II 2 17 York Urban League Study

New York Urban League - Grant toward the cost of a street workers RF 1.2 200 74-75 631-636 Street Academy Program, 1968-73 program in New York City problem-area high schools. Includes Streetworker=s Reports. 1969.

New York Urban League - Pledges; March 1928; February 1929; FM 2 Welfare 41 Contribution Folders April 1932; May 1933; 1936-1944 contributions.

New York Urban League, Industrial work. Employment and vocational LSRM 3.8 102 1029- 1920-28 guidance. Health and housing. Labor 1031 adjustments. Elizabeth Walton.

New York Urban League, Social, welfare, and industrial work in Harlem. FM 2 Welfare 40 1921-44 Violent conflicts between Harlem agencies during the Depression. 1934 survey and reorganization; changes of personnel, plans for merger with Brooklyn League. 1944 merger took place to create new League of Greater New York. Contributions from LSRM, JDR Jr., LSR, JDR 3rd. Correspondents include Arthur Holden, James Hubert, and Judge Kernochen.

New York Urban League, 1977-79 RBF 4 318

Newton, Johnnie Mae Elaine TX; Library Science fellow, 1934-35. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2454

Newton, Pauline Frances NC; English fellow, 1934-35. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2454

68 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Nicholas, Charles H. TX; Biology fellow, 1947-48. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2454

Nickens, Walter H. AL; Agriculture fellow, 1937-38. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2454

Nigeria, 1944-45 General correspondence and clippings. GEB 1.2 637.1 288 3007

Nix, Athelma Rogers SC; Library Science fellow, 1934-35 GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2454

Normal Alabama State A & M Library and Laboratory grant. GEB 1.3 950 442 4665 Institute, 1934-36

Norris, Clarence Windzell TX; Sociology fellow, 1932-33. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2454

North Carolina College at Formerly NC College for Negroes, Durham GEB 1.1 NC 224 114 1030- Durham, 1909-57 State Normal School for Negroes, and 1037 National Training School. Equip, re: coop with Duke and UNC. N.C. Newbold, James H. Dillard James Shepard. Correspondence, clippings, reports, and pamphlets.

North Carolina College for Books and equipment. GEB 1.3 950.4 543 5821 Negroes - Department of Public Health Education, 1945-49

North Carolina College for Equip, salary. James Shepard. GEB 1.3 950.4 543 5816- Negroes - Health Education, Correspondence, reports, 5820 1945-52 pamphlets, and photos.

North Carolina College for Equip for practice cottage. GEB 1.3 950 458 4868 Negroes - Home Economics, 1939-40

North Carolina College for Resource use educ. GEB 1.3 950 458 4869 Negroes - Regional Study Conference, 1946-47

North Carolina College for Bio, chem, phys. GEB 1.3 950 458 4870 Negroes - Science and Home Economics Equipment, 1941

North Carolina College for Guidance in secondary school. GEB 1.3 950 458 4871 Negroes - Workshop, 1947-48

North Carolina Division of N.C. Newbold. Correspondence GEB 1.1 NC 248 118-119 1074- Negro Education, 1921-29 and reports. 1076

North Carolina State Agent for Summer schools for Negroes. GEB 1.2 669.1 299 3128 Rural Schools (Negro), 1929-33

North Carolina State Board of LSRM-SF. Study of Negro life and social LSRM 3.8 102 1032 Charities - Negro problems. Programs to develop leadership, Welfare, 1927-29 training, and education. Kate Burr Johnson.

Northern Baptist Convention, General correspondence. Donald Faulkner, GEB 1.2 470 262 2705- 1929-49 Luther Smith, Frank Padelford. 2708 Correspondence, reports, and pamphlets.

Northside Center for Child RBF 4 82, 204, Development (New York City) 322 1948-82

Noyes, A.D Seeking aid for his Mission FM 1 Ofc Cor 29 228 in West Africa, April 1887.

Nursing Education, Negro - RF 1.1 200 C 121-122 1504- Survey, 1924-27 1509

69 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

O O'Banion, Elmer E. TX; Chemistry fellow, 1941-42. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2455

O'Daniel, Therman Benjamin SC; English fellow, 1936-37. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2455

O'Hara, Leon Pulaski AL; Biology fellow, 1929-30. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2455

Oak Park Vocational School Bldgs and equip. GEB 1.1 Miss 6 92 817

Oberlin College - Graduate Funds for Aa trial program to provide a RF 1.2 200 75 641 School Preparation, 1965-66 transitional year for graduates of Negro colleges to prepare them for admission to good graduate schools in preparation for careers in teaching.@

Oberlin College - Student $11,000 for a study of Athe adjustment RF 1.2 200 76 642 Adjustment, 1966-69 problems of minority group students at Oberlin and similar colleges and of methods of coping with these problems@.

Odom, Earl Timothy TN; Medical Science fellow, 1937-38. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2455

Odom, James Lee AL; Agriculture fellow, 1925-26. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2455

OEO/Project Map Youth JDR 3rd 1 22 224 Development Program, 1972 Fund

Office of Equal Opportunity, JDR 3rd 11 246 1789 1967-71 Fund

Oklahoma - Rural School John Vaughan. Reports and GEB 1.2 670 300 3135- Supervisors - Negro and White clippings. 3143 Appropriations, 1915-51

Oklahoma State Agent for Summer schools for Negroes. GEB 1.2 669.1 299 3129 Rural Schools - Negro, 1929-31

Okolona Industrial School Teach salary, current expen. American Church GEB 1.1 Miss 25 94 844-846 1904-48 Institute. Robert Patton.

Olatunji Center of African RBF 4 205 Culture, 1971-76

Oliver, Clinton F., Jr. NY; English fellow, 1947-48. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2455

Oliver, Julius A. VA; Agriculture fellow, 1925-26. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2455

Opportunities Industrialization RBF 4 324 Center of New York, Inc., - Nassau OIC Manpower Training, Inc., 1979-81

Opportunities Industrialization RBF 4 83, 205 Center of New York, Inc., 1962-76

Orangeburg State A & M GEB 1.3 950 442 4662 College - Library and Laboratory grant, 1934-37

Orr, Charles W. AL; Education fellow, 1946-47. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2455

70 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

P Packard, Sophia B. Spelman Seminary, 1883-1891. FM 1 Ofc Cor 30 233 See also Harriet Giles.

Paine College - Laboratory Natural science and home econ. GEB 1.3 950 461 4900 Equipment, 1936-37

Paine College - Library and GEB 1.3 950 442 4657 Laboratory Grants, 1934-36

Paine College - Library, 1941-47 Constr and equip, books. GEB 1.3 950 461 4901

Paine College - Workshops, 1945-47 Teacher - library. GEB 1.3 950 461 4902

Paine College, 1902-57 Bldgs and equip, books, teach salary, current GEB 1.1 Ga 133 58 515-518 expen, summer workshop. Colored Methodist Episcopal Church. Booker T. Washington, Albert D. Betts, E.C. Peters.

Palm Beach County Negro Equipment. GEB 1.1 Fla 53 37 333 Schools, 1929

Palmer Memorial Institute, 1903-40 GEB 1.1 NC 165 111 1005- 1007

Palmer Memorial Institute, Private school for Negroes; requested aid but FM 2 Educ. 25 North Carolina, 1909-56 JDR refused on the grounds that GEB had recommended that the Institute should merge with the public schools. The file reflects unwillingness of the white community to support black education with tax payments, as long as Northern philanthropists supported private black education. Difficulties in merger with public school system. JDR Jr. declined several appeals; AAR gave annually, 1930-1948.

Parker, Barrington Daniel LA; Economics fellow, 1940-41. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2456

Parker, James E. TN; General Science fellow, 1946-47. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2456

Parker, John Wilhelm AR; English fellow, 1934-35. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2456

Parkhurst, Jessie Wragg AL; Sociology fellow, 1935-36. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2456

Parler, Nettie A. P. SC; English fellow, 1948-49. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2456

Parrish, Charles Henry Jr. KY; Sociology fellow, 1933-34 GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2456

Partridge, Deborah C. AL; Education fellow, 1943-45 GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2456

Partridge, Henry Roy AL; Business Administration fellow, 1938-39. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2456

Patterson, Fred D. VA; Education fellow, 1926-27, 1931-32. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2457

Patterson, Wilhelmina Bessie VA; Music fellow, 1926-27. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2457

Patterson, William Alonzo TN; Medical Science fellow, 1945-46. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2457

71 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Paul Laurence Dunbar Includes material on planning, choice of name, FM 2 Housing 13-15 Apartments, 1926-48 land purchase, and construction; medal to JDR Jr. from American Institute of Architects; financing and taxes; postcards, pictures, and property sketch; tenants (collection of arrears; complaints, appeals, and requests); Empire Mortgage Company; sale to 320 E. 73rd Street Corporation.

Pawley, Thomas D. VA; English fellow, 1925-26. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2457

Payne, Foster P. NC; English fellow, 1931-32. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2457

Payne, Howard M. NY; Medical Science fellow, 1936-37. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2457

Payne, William K. AL; Education fellow, 1926-27. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2457

Pearson, Mrs. Ophelia W. AL; Home Economics fellow, 1924-25 GEB FRC

Peck, Jennie L. Baptist Mission work, FM 1 Ofc Cor 31 236 Houston, Texas, 1891.

Pecot, Stella L. LA; Science Teaching in Nursing GEB FRC Education fellow, 1949-50.

Peele, Amanda Eunice VA; Biology fellow, 1933-34. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2457

Peeler, Harriet Elizabeth GA; Home Economics fellow, 1936-37. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2457

Pendarvis, Annie Charliese SC; Library Science fellow, 1933-34. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2457

Penn Normal & Industrial GEB 1.2 692.1 307 3209 School, 1933-34

Penn Normal, Industrial & Cooperative conference tour, 1939-40; farm GEB 1.3 950 461 4903- Agricultural School, 1939-47 improvement program; rural teacher program; 4909 school equipment and repairs; teacher training.

Penn Normal, Industrial and Current expen, constr and equip, repairs, GEB 1.1 SC 11 122-124 1117- Agricultural School, 1902-53 teach salary, improv, stabilization fund. 1127, L. Hollingsworth Wood. J.B. Felton, T.J. Woofler, 1132 Rossa Cooley. Re: merger, new admin, teach training. Correspondence, pamphlets, reports, and photographs.

Perez, Raoul M. LA; Language fellow, 1938. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2457

Perpener, O.E. Negro school, Seguin, Texas, 1889. FM 1 Ofc Cor 31 237

Perry, Benjamin L. Sr. FL; Economics fellow, 1926-27. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2457

Perry, Elizabeth T. TX; Education fellow, 1927-29, 1931-32. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2457

Perry, Rufus P. TX; Chemistry fellow, 1931-32. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2457

Peters, Doris Ada FL; Nursing scholarship, 1950-51. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2457

Pettit, Walter W. GEB consultant, 1944. GEB 1.2 414 259 2679

Phelps-Stokes Fund, Training of visiting teachers for improvement LSRM 3.8 103 1033 1924-28 of village schools in Africa. Anson Phelps Stokes, Thomas Jesse Jones.

Phelps-Stokes Fund - RF 1.2 200 77 652-653

72 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

American Negro Studies, 1966-69

Phelps-Stokes Fund - Conference Grant. GEB 1.2 637.8 290 3027 of Negro Leaders, 1956

Phelps-Stokes Fund - Grant. Thomas M. Campbell, GEB 1.2 637.4 289 3017- Exchange of Africa and Claude Barnett. Reports. 3018 American Teachers, 1946-52

Phelps-Stokes Fund - Holly Grant. Robert Rubia, Moton GEB 1.2 637.10 290 3029- Knoll Conference Center, Memorial Foundation. F.D. 3030 1956-64 Patterson.

Phelps-Stokes Fund - Grant. GEB 1.2 637.6 289 3020 Internship Training Program for Negro College Business Officers, 1954-57

Phelps-Stokes Fund - Negro Grant. Home Missions Council of North GEB 1.2 637.2 288 3010- Rural Church, 1944-50 America, Mark A. Dawber, Channing Tobias, 3012 Thomas Jesse Jones, D.S. Freeman. Reports and pamphlets.

Phelps-Stokes Fund - Negro RF 1.2 200 77 654-656 Talent, 1956-63

Phelps-Stokes Fund - Study and Grant. Secondary and higher education in the GEB 1.2 637.5 289 3019 Conference, 1954 South for Negro youth. F.D. Patterson

Phelps-Stokes Fund - Grant with Home Missions Council. Mark GEB 1.2 637.3 288-289 3013- Training Negro Rural Dawber, Thomas Jesse Jones, Channing 3016 Ministers, 1944-52 Tobias. Reports.

Phelps-Stokes Fund, 1918-60 General correspondence. Consult service, GEB 1.2 637 286 2984- development and maint of conf facilities, expen 2987 program of Negro placement, improv. high school teach. Africa-America teach exchange, Negro rural church, training Negro rural ministers, survey of educ in Africa, conf, training program for Negro college business officers. F.D. Patterson, Channing Tobias, Anson Phelps Stokes, Thomas Jesse Jones. Reports, pamphlets, and photographs.

Phelps-Stokes Fund, 1948-60 Support for Negro education, JDR 3rd FM 2 Cultural 110 988-989 contributed for work in Liberia. JDR Jr. contributed toward retreat house.

Phenix School, 1930-42 Constr and equip of practice GEB 1.1 Va 38.7 178 1655 schools. George Phenix.

Phifer, Juliette Virginia NC; Education fellow, 1937-38. GEB 1.1 400 S 244 2458

Philadelphia - Education, RF 1.2 200 620 AThe North Philadelphia School Facilities Study: Preliminary Planning and Design Report,@ 1968

Philadelphia - Education, 1966-73 Allocation of $150,000 for Ainnovative RF 1.2 200 77-78 657-661 school-community programs.@

Philadelphia - Education, Allocation of $65,000 for an administrative RF 1.2 200 78 662 Interns-Principals, 1969-70 internship program.

73 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Philadelphia Bureau of RF 1.1 241 S 5 68 Municipal Research - Negro Study, 1944-48

Philander Smith College - Equipment. GEB 1.3 950 461 4913 Home Economics, 1943-44

Philander Smith College - Constr and equip. M.L. GEB 1.3 950 461 4915- Plant Improvement and Harris. Correspondence and 4916 Salaries, 1946-50 reports.

Philander Smith College - Bio and phys bldgs additions. GEB 1.3 950 462 4917 Science, 1949-52

Philander Smith College, Perm improv, current expen, bldgs and equip. GEB 1.1 Ark 18 23 201-205 1905-60 Colored Methodist Episcopal Church. M.J. Holmes. Re: Negro educ mergers. Correspondence, reports, and pamphlets.

Philanthropy In Negro GEB 1.1 Tenn 57.3 150 1389 Education. By: Ullin Leavell

Phillips Exeter Academy - $65,000 for the Special Urban Program RF 1.2 200 78 663-664 Remedial Education, 1964-68 at its summer school.

Phillips, Augustus C. VA; Education fellow, 1938-39. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2458

Phillips, Edwin Lawrence AL; Education fellow, 1934-35. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2458

Phillips, Myrtle Redmond DC; Education fellow, 1930-31. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2458

Phillips, Sidney James AL; Education fellow, 1935-37. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2458

Phillips, Theodore DeWitt WV; Music fellow, 1934-35. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2458

Phyllis Wheatley Home for colored girls in Cleveland; appealed FM 2 Welfare 30 Association, Cleveland, 1924-55 to LSRM for aid. JDR Jr. gave $100,000 toward building fund and small gifts for special purposes. Association connected with YWCA of Cleveland.

Pierce, Edward Jerome NC; History fellow, 1938-39. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2458

Pierce, Joseph Alphonso TX; Mathematics fellow, 1937-38. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2458

Pierce, Juanita Hortense G. NY; Health and Physical GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2458 Education fellow, 1945-46.

Pierson, Helen Geraldine TX; Music fellow, 1953-54. GEB 1.2 400 S 252 2591

Pinckney, Samuel Marion SC; Agricultural Economics fellow, 1934-35. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2458

Pine Bluff (Arkansas) Library and laboratory GEB 1.3 950 442 4663 Agricultural, Mechanical & grants, 1935. Normal College

Piney Woods School 1909-55 GEB 1.1 Miss 58 96 863-864

Piney Woods School, 1945-51 Home economics building; laundry; GEB 1.3 950 462 4920- library books and equip. 4922

Pitts, Raymond J. GA; Education fellow, 1950-51 GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2458

Planned Parenthood of New Experiment in sex education, counseling, and CF Grants 280-281 2673-

74 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

York City, Inc., 1967-68 related medical service for urban ghetto youth. 2679

Player, Willa Beatrice NC; Education fellow, 1944-45, 1947-48. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2459 Poag, Thomas E. TN; Drama fellow, 1942-43. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2459

Poindexter, Hildrus August DC; Biology fellow, 1940-41 GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2459

Pollard Mrs., Andrew Spelman Seminary, 1883-84, 1886. FM 1 Ofc Cor 31 240

Pollard, Frances AL; Library Science fellow, 1953-54. GEB 1.2 400 S 252 2592

Pope, Henry W. GA; Psychology fellow, 1932-33. GEB FRC

Porter, Annie May WI; Education fellow, 1924. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2459

Porter, Gilbert L. FL; Education fellow, 1945-46. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2459

Porter, Helen Louise TX; Nutrition fellow, 1944-46. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2459

Porter, James A. DC; Arts and Architecture fellow, 1934-36. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2459

Posey, Leroy R. LA; Mathematics fellow, 1925-26. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2459

Posey, Thomas Edward WV; Economics fellow, 1935-36. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2459

Powell, C.L. African missionary. FM 1 Ofc Cor 32 241

Powell, Eunice D. NY; Home Economics fellow, 1936. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2459

Prairie View A & M College - Animal industries bldg. GEB 1.3 950 462 4924 Equipment, 1950-51

Prairie View A & M College - W.R. Banks and E.H. Shinn. GEB 1.3 950 462 4928 Expansion Farm Unit, 1938-40

Prairie View A & M College - Shelving, books, journals, and GEB 1.3 950 462 4925 Library, 1941-50 equip. W.R. Banks.

Prairie View A & M College - GEB 1.3 950 462 4929 Summer School, 1940-43

Prairie View A & M College - GEB 1.3 950 462 4926 Supervisor of Negro Libraries, 1947-50

Prairie View A & M College - In-service training for rural teach, library GEB 1.3 950 462 4930 Workshops, 1944-47 science, high school math, eng and science teach.

Prairie View A & M College - Elementary educ, library science, high GEB 1.3 950 462 4927 Workshops, 1947-52 school principals.

Prairie View A & M College, Formerly N & I. Perm improv, constr, and GEB 1.1 Tex 9 160-161 1493- 1902-48 equip. Correspondence, reports, and 1496 pamphlets.

Prairie View N & I - Library GEB 1.3 950 442 4664 and Laboratory, 1935

Presbyterian Church in the RF 1.2 200 80 678 U.S.A. - Integration Conference, 1957

Prewitt, Clemoth WV; Agricultural Economics fellow, 1951-52. GEB 1.2 400 S 248 2519

75 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Price, Joseph St. Clair WV; Education fellow, 1926-27. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2459

Price, Josephine Catherine NC; Library Science fellow, 1927-28 GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2459

Price, Willie Mabel SC; Home Economics fellow, 1938-39. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2459 Prince Edward (Virginia) $15,000 for Aan emergency remedial program RF 1.2 200 80 682 Free School Association, 1963-4 of free elementary and secondary education@ as part of an effort to reopen the closed public schools.

Princess Anne College, Books and equip in science, agri, home GEB 1.3 950 462 4931 1938-40 econ and mech arts.

Princeton University - RF 1.2 200 80 683 African Exchange, (Essay Discussion), 1969-70

Princeton University - RF 1.2 200 80 687 Library-American Negro, 1966-67

Princeton University - Initial grant of $68,000 for Aan experimental RF 1.2 200 80-81 688-693 Remedial Education, 1963-72, summer school for talented disadvantaged 1977 high school students.@

Proctor, Samuel 1958-59 Survey. GEB 1.3 950.9 550 5896

Prosser, Inez B. MS; Education fellow, 1931-32. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2459

Protestant Council of the JDR Jr. supported general work and Vacation FM 2 Religious 51 403-406 City of New York, NY Bible schools. JDR pledged support through Federation of Churches, 1897-1951 the Federation for Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church.

Protestant Digest, 1939-47 Combating racial and religious intolerance. FM 2 F & S 148 Newspaper attacks on editor Leslie alleging left-wing, anti-Catholic outlook. No Rockefeller Family involvement.

Provident Hospital, 1929-44 Support, Negro education. W.H. Taliaferro and GEB 1.5 B 14 699-700 7200- See also University of Chicago Arthur Brachmeyer. 7205

Puller, A.W. Curtis Memorial Seminary, Staunton, VA, 1890. FM 1 Ofc Cor 32 243

Purdie, Edna Ila VA; Nursing fellow, 1936-37. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2459

Putnam, Persis ASpread of Tuberculosis Infection in Rural RF 1.1 201 T 5 62 White and Negro Families of Alabama,@ 1938.

Q Qualles, T.H., 1925-52 Negro doorman at NY Courts received loan FM 2 F & S 102 to build home. Repaid with interest.

Qualls, Youra T. OK; History fellow, 1945-46. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2460

Quinland, William Rosenwald Medical fellow, 1919-22. GEB 1.5 B 22 702 7224

Quinland, William Samuel TN; Medical Science fellow, 1941-42. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2460

76 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

R Race Relations - Minorities, Black and Jewish employment. Description of FM 2 Civic 9 47 1943-61 work of civil rights groups in employment. NAR, WR.

Race Relations, 1942-56 Information. Douglas S. Freemen, Arthur H. GEB 1.2 414 255-256 2648- Sulzberger, Virgunius Dabney. Correspondence, 2651 reprints, and clippings.

Racial Problems, 1953-63 FM 5 JDR 3rd 3

Racial Question - FM 5 JDR 3rd 3 Williamsburg, VA, 1946-51

Raines, Eugene D. GA; Chemistry fellow, 1937-38. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2461

Ramsey, Carmen Audrey NC; Language and Literature fellow, 1951-52 GEB 1.2 400 S 248 2523

Randall, Augustus Caesar GA; Library Science fellow, 1936-37. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2461

Randolph, A. Philip JDR 3rd 11 294 2171 Educational Foundation, 1973 Fund

Randolph, A. Philip RBF 4 335 Educationals Fund, Inc., 1967-83

Reason, Joseph H. DC; Library Service fellow, 1935-36. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2461

Recent Development in Negro Jackson Davis. GEB 1.2 722 315 3296 School and Colleges, May 1927

Recruitment of Negro Talent, 1957-59 Grant. R. O=Hara Lanier. GEB 1.2 637.9 290 3038

Redd, George Nathaniel TX; Educational fellow, 1935-36, 1938-39. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2461

Reddick, Lawrence Dunbar KY; History fellow, 1935-37. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2461

Reddick, Mary Logan GA; Biology fellow, 1942-44. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2461

Reed, William E. LA; Agriculture fellow, 1944-46. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2461

Reed, William Thomas FL; Education fellow, 1933-34. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2461

Reeves, Elizabeth W. DC; Speech fellow, 1952-53. GEB 1.2 400 S 250 2558

Reagin, Mildred K. AL; Food and Nutrition fellow, 1944-45.

Reid, Clara Vernell Spurlock NC; Home Economics fellow, 1947-48. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2461

Reid, Ira DeAugustine NY; Sociology fellow, 1934. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2461

Reid, Joseph A. TX; Language fellow, 1944 GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2461

Reid, Robert Daniel AL; History fellow, 1941-42. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2461

Reid, Thomas R., Jr. FL; Education fellow, 1927-28. GEB 1.2 400 S 244 2461

Renfrow, Evanuel Elizabeth MI; Nutrition fellow, 1941-42. GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2462

Research Council of the Conference, 1969 and 1971, RF 1.2 200 82-83 707-710 Great Cities Program and supplementary material.

Resnik, Henry S. Research on Philadelphia public schools. RF 1.2 200 83 711

77 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Reynolds, Robert Leonard FL; Agriculture fellow, 1935-36. GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2462 Richards, Helen Louise IA; Education fellow, 1953-54. GEB 1.2 400 S 252 2593

Richardson, Archie Gibbs VA; Education fellow, 1942-43. GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2462

Ridley, Walter Nathaniel VA; Psychology fellow, 1945-46. GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2462

Riley, John William VA; History fellow, 1938-39. GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2562

Riverdale Children's Formerly Colored Orphan Asylum; name FM 2 Welfare 39 Association, 1936-61 changed to Riverdale Children=s Association in 1944. No longer restricted to blacks; switch to foster home orientation. Reports on finances, board disputes, etc. Regular family and RBF contributions, 1940-1957, from $1,000 to $3,500 annually. Correspondence include Marshall Field.

Riverside Church - General, Includes material concerning demographic FM 2 Religious 74-75 269-272 1925-59 makeup of areas adjacent to Church; material concerning a mission to the Belgian Congo.

Robbins, Minnie Lenore GA; Home Economics fellow, 1937-38. GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2463

Robert Hungerford Normal & Charles Dabney, Thomas Jesse Jones, D.E. GEB 1.1 Fla 8 32 291-293 Industrial School, 1902-46 Williams. Colored Methodist Episcopal Church. Re: vocational, agricultural Negro educ. Ng.

Roberts, Harry Walter VA; Sociology fellow, 1936-37. GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2463

Roberts, Thomas N. VA; Agricultural Economics fellow, 1927-28. GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2463

Robinson, Carrie Cordelia AL; Language fellow, 1945-46. GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2463

Robinson, Carrie C. AL; Library Education fellow, 1948-49. GEB FRC

Robinson, Leonard Harrison NC; Sociology fellow, 1945-46. GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2463

Robinson, William Albert NC; Education fellow, 1923-24. GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2463

Rock Hill Public School 1927 Bldgs and equip. GEB 1.1 SC 62 126 1149

Rockefeller Foundation - JDR Jr. study of low-cost hosing. WR interest FM 2 Boards 25-28 251-282 General in health of blacks in Houston. Problems raised by Aseparated but equal@ Supreme Court ruling.

Roger Williams University, Teach salary, ABHMS. George Rice Hovey, GEB 1.1 Tenn 38 143 1331 1902-31 Frank A. Smith.

Rolfe, Daniel Thomas TN; Medical Science fellow, 1943-44. GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2464

Romm, Harry Josef TX; Biology fellow, 1929-30, 1933-34. GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2464

Root, Sidney Abyssinian Library (1880), Spelman Seminary FM 1 Ofc Cor 37 281 (1885-91), and other charitable endeavors in Atlanta.

Rosenwald (Julius) Fund - GEB 303 213 2049- Rural Schools, 1932-34 2051

Rosenwald (Julius) Fund - GEB 1.2 303.2 213 2052 Shop Supervisor, 1932-35

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Rosenwald (Julius) Fund, 1917-49 General correspondence. W.W. Alexander, GEB 1.2 303 212-213 2038- 1917-49 J.C. Dixon, Alfred Stein, S.L. Smith, Julius 2048 Rosenwald, William C. Grabes, R.R. Moton. Correspondence, reports, and pamphlets.

Rosenwald (Julius) Fund, E.R. Embree, formerly of Rockefeller Office, FM 2 Cultural 174 1509 1928-48 becomes Pres of Fund in 1928. Correspondence between Thomas Appelget, Arthur Packard, Edwin Embree. No close cooperation between Rockefeller Office and the Fund.

Rosenwald Fellows - Negro GEB 1.5 B 22 702 7221 Medical Graduates, 1919-22

Rosenwald, Julius 1916-1932 Negro education and welfare. GEB 1.2 186 206 1970

Ross, Frank - Southern Trip, 1925 Conditions of Negro migration. LSRM 3.8 103 1035

Ross, Oliver A. MS; Chemistry fellow, 1927-28. GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2464

Rosser, Warner Raphael LA; Education fellow, 1929-30. GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2464

Rural Advancement Fund of RBF 4 94, 216, the National Sharecroppers 337 Fund, Inc., 1962-83

Rural School Supervision - General correspondence, grant for meeting. GEB 1.2 633 286 2980- Negro, 1914-51 Statistics. 2 982

Rush, Ruth Gwendolin NC; Education fellow, 1925-26. GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2464

Russell, Ellis Chester AL; Education fellow, 1931-32. GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2464

Russell, James A. VA; Education fellow, 1927-28. GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2464

Rust College, 1939-52 GEB 1.1 Miss 14 94 838

Rust College, 1946-51 Perm improv. M.S. Davage. GEB 1.3 950 464 4949

Rutherford, L.A. Reading room and industrial school for the FM 1 Ofc Cor 38 285 freedman, Lumberton, NC, 1890-91.

S Saine, Matilda Lynette GA; Education fellow, 1945-48. GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2465

Saint Augustine's College - GEB 1.3 950 442 4658 Library and Laboratory Grants, 1935-36

Saint Augustine's College, Current expen, perm improv, bldg GEB 1.1 NC 121 108 980-983 1903-58 teach salary, model farm. American Church Institute. Robert Patton. Correspondence, reports, and pamphlets.

Saint Augustine's College, Science bldg and equip. Harold GEB 1.3 950 464 4950 1947-56 Tregg.

Saint Helena Island Rural Constr and equip. GEB 1.1 SC 128 132 1214 School, 1924-26

Saint Paul N & I School, Correspondence and reports. GEB 692.1 307 3210-

79 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

1934 3211

Saint Paul's Polytechnic Formerly N & I. Equip, perm improv, current GEB 1.1 Va 28 171-172 1601- Institute, 1902-53 expen, bldgs, teach salary. American Church 1608 Institute. L.H. Foster, Robert W. Patton, William C. Craves. Correspondence, reports, and pamphlets.

Sampson, Henry Thomas MS; Mathematics fellow, 1932-33. GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2465

Samuel, William A. TX; Chemistry fellow, 1948-49. GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2465

San Francisco Dialogs, Meeting of youth business leaders re: JDR 3rd 1 26-27 268-269 Correspondence, 1971-74 community social issues. Fund

Sanders, Frances Agnew TN; Education fellow, 1929-30. GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2465

Sanders, Isaiah S. MS; English fellow, 1925-26. GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2465

Sarreals, Es Priela B. GA; Sociology fellow, 1929-31. GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2465

Sasser, Earl Leslie TX; English fellow, 1932-33. GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2465

Sawyer, Granville M. TX: Speech and Drama fellow, 1953-54. GEB 1.2 400 S 252 2596

Sawyer, Samuel Washington NC; Sociology fellow, 1928-29. GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2465

Scales, William Albert Jr. LA; Music fellow, 1953-54. GEB 1.2 400 S 252 2597

Scholarship Education and Initial support of $15,000 RBF 4 95, 217 Defense Fund for Racial in 1969 for workshops. Equality (SEDFRE), 1964-76

Scholarship Education and Program to encourage graduate education JDR 3rd 1 27 273 Defense Fund for Racial for socially committed students; no indication Fund Equality (SEDFRE), 1970-71 of assistance.

Scott, Birdie Lucile GA; Biology fellow, 1938-39. GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2466

Scott, Dorothy Lucile GA; Language fellow, 1943-44. GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2466

Scott, John B. NC; Biology fellow, 1931-32. GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2466

Seabrook, James Ward NC; Education fellow, 1924-25. GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2466

Segregation, 1956-61 Correspondence, reports, and GEB 1.3 950.9 550 5890- pamphlets. 5891

Segregation, Military Material collected in volume 67 of documents FM 4 0 Schools for Nelson A. Rockefeller=s tenure as Under Secretary of Department of Health, Education, and Welfare.

Selma University, 1902-42 Teach salary, bldgs, workshop; George Rice GEB 1.1 Ala 7 2 12-15 Hovey, J.S. Lambert. ABHMS. Re: Negro educ.

Service Bureau for Negro Children Davidson II 2 18

Service Citizens of Delaware, General correspondence and GEB 1.2 306 214 2061- 1918-25 pamphlets. 2062

Settler, Sheridan Howard AL; Agriculture fellow, 1941-42. GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2466

Seymore, Dillard & Rev. L.W. Gray Baptist church, Franklin, OH. FM 1 Ofc Cor 41 307

Shane, Mary David TN; Education fellow, 1937. GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2466

Shaw University & St. Salary. GEB 1.3 950 465 4964 Augustine=s College - Professor of English, 1937-45

80 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Shaw University - Administration GEB 1.3 950 465 4959 Building, 1948-51

Shaw University - Books, 1939 GEB 1.3 950 465 4961 Shaw University - Building Correspondence and reports. GEB 1.3 950 465 4962- Rehabilitation, 1942-44 4963

Shaw University - Library and GEB 1.3 950 442 4659 Laboratory Grants, 1935-38

Shaw University - Library, 1946-47 Expansion. GEB 1.3 950 465 4960

Shaw University, 1902-52 Bldgs and equip, repairs and improv, endow, GEB 1.1 NC 15 103-104 929-933 teach salary, dramatic arts, books. ABHMS. Frank A. Smith, George Rice Hovey.

Sheffield, Frederick Marshall SC; Language fellow, 1932-33. GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2466

Sheffield, Helen R. SC; Chemistry fellow, 1935-36. GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2466

Shelby County Supervisor of Conference salary. GEB 1.1 Tenn 159 1477 Negro Education, 1919-25 126.5

Shepherd, John B. AL; Engineering fellow, 1936-37. GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2466

Shootes, Queen E. AL; Home Economics fellow, 1938-39, 1942-43. GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2466

Short Term Fellowships, 1929-33 GEB 1.2 669.1 299 3120

Shorter College, 1902-49 Teach salary, improv. African GEB 1.1 Ark 11 22 194 Methodist Church. Re: Negro educ.

Shorter College, 1948-50 Books and science equip. GEB 1.3 950 465 4965

Shy, Peter Randolph AL; Education fellow, 1927-28. GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2466

Silcott, William L. TN; Medical Science fellow, 1939-40. GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2467

Silvy, W.T Baptist church, Hopkinsville, Kentucky, 1889. FM 1 Ofc Cor 41 309

Simmons University, 1903-30 Teach salary, bldg. ABHMS. GEB 1.1 Ky 25 74-75 648-650 George Rice Hovey.

Simmons, Thomas Claybourne DC; Medical Science fellow, 1940-42. GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2467

Simms, Wheeler Ellis OK; Agriculture fellow, 1936-37. GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2467

Simpson, Abram Lynn SC; Education fellow, 1937. GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2467

Simpson, Cohen Thomas IA; Chemistry fellow, 1940-41. GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2467

Simpson, Joseph Allen LA; Mathematics fellow, 1932-33. GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2467

Sims, Ollie Jewell LA; Nursing scholarship, 1937-38. GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2467

Sinkford, William Johnson TX; Language fellow, 1934-35. GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2467

Slade, James Oliver GA; Sociology fellow, 1933-34. GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2467

Slater (John F.) Fund - Grant. GEB 1.2 417 260 2687 College Teaching, 1930-34

Slater (John F.) Fund, Grant. Arthur D. Wright, GEB 1.2 417 259-260 2682- 1903-35 J.H. Dillard, William A. Slater. Reports. 2686

Smiley, A.K. Invitation to conference on FM 1 Ofc Cor 43 324 Negroes and Indians, 1891-1894.

Smith, Alma Victoria AL; Library Science fellow, 1941-42. GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2467

Smith, Arthur Gilbert SC; Chemistry fellow, 1926-26, 1934-35. GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2467

81 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Smith, Benjamin Franklin NC; Psychology fellow, 1949-50. GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2467

Smith, Boton, 1918-22 Race relations. GEB 1.2 172 206 1967

Smith, Ernestine MS; Public Health Education, 1947-48. GEB FRC

Smith, George Lee TX; Agriculture fellow, 1940-41. GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2467

Smith, Martha Lee Gladys VA; Mathematics fellow, 1928-29. GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2467

Smith, Ollington Erwin TN; Drama fellow, 1934-35. GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2467

Smith, Robert Tecumseh TN; Medical Science fellow, 1938-39. GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2467

Smith, Zenobia H. VA; Library Science fellow, 1927-28. GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2467

Smith, Zxlema Patton MS; Home Economics fellow, 1936-37. GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2467

Snow Hill N & I Institute, 1934 GEB 1.2 692.1 307 3212

Snow Hill Normal & Current expen, bldgs and equip, school bus. GEB 1.1 Ala 8 2-3 16-22 Industrial Institute, 1902-50 Booker T. Washington, J.S. Lambert, George Foster Peabody. Re: Negro educ. Correspondence, reports, and pamphlets.

Snowden, Frank Martin Jr. DC; Classical Philology fellow, 1943-44. GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2468

Social Science Research Grant. Howard Odum, Robert Woodworth. GEB 1.2 333.1 216-217 2079- Council - Southern Regional Reports and pamphlets. 2084 Survey, 1931-49

Solete, Mercier Audreye LA; Education fellow, 1942-43. GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2468

Sorrell, Earl Francis AL; Arts and Architecture fellow, 1936-37 GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2468

South Carolina State Agent Summer schools for Negroes. GEB 1.2 669.1 299 3130 for Rural Schools (Negro), 1929-33

South Carolina State GEB 1.3 950 466 4970 Department of Education - Conference of Negro School Officials, 1938-39

South Carolina State In church-related institutions. GEB 1.3 950 466 4974 Department of Education - J.B. Felton. Study of Higher Education for Negroes, 1946-48

Southern Association of Study and revision of GEB 1.3 950 468 4993 Colleges and Secondary Schools - accreditation proceedings. College for Negroes, 1952-57

Southern Christian Institute, Bldgs and equip. United Christian GEB 1.1 Miss 57 96 861-862 1909-53 Missionary Society.

Southern Cooperative League, 1920-21 LSRM 3.7 87 909

Southern Education RF 1.2 200 85 737 Foundation - Early Childhood Education, 1967-69

Southern Education Grant. Arthur D. Wright, J.C. Dixon GEB 1.2 374 219-221 2104- Foundation, 1938-67 photographs, reports, and pamphlets. 2110, 2114-

82 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group


Southern Improvement Company, Robert C. Ogden. General GEB 1.2 120 203-204 1939- 1904-23 correspondence. 1940

Southern Methodist University - RF 1.2 200 85 738 Robinson, Bruce N., 1965-69

Southern Regional Council - Civil RF 1.2 200 86 742-743 Rights Conference, 1966-67

Southern Regional Council - Interracial projects. GEB 1.3 950 474 5044 Conference, 1946

Southern Regional Council - Robert Coles. GEB 1.3 950 474 5045 Desegregation Adjustment Study, 1962-63

Southern Regional Council - RBF 4 94, 221 Miscellaneous Publications, 1948-69

Southern Regional Council - RBF 4 98 Special Reports, 1957-68

Southern Regional Council - RBF 4 221, 342 Task Force on Southern Rural Development, 1973-78

Southern Regional Council, Support. Re: race relations, desegregation, civil GEB 1.3 950 472-474 5036- 1942-63 rights. George Mitchell, Guy Johnson, Charles S. 5043 Johnson, Howard Odum, Edwin Embree. Formerly Commission on Interracial Coop. Correspondence, reports, pamphlets, and clippings.

Southern Regional Council, 1947-83 RBF 4 97-98, 220, 342

Southern Regional Council, Occasional report, re: education RBF 4 97 Inc., AL@ Reports, 1959-67 and desegregation.

Southern Regional Council, RBF 4 97 Inc., - Arkansas Council on Human Relations, 1957-60

Southern Regional Council, Inc. - Creative Writing, Fiction. RF 1.2 200 R 420 3622 Walters, Walter Patterson, 1968-70

Southern Regional Council, Printed material. Previously named FM 2 Civic 10 52 Inc., 1946-60 Commission on Interracial Cooperation. (See also)

Southern University - Library and GEB 1.3 950 442 4660 and Laboratory Grants, 1935

Southern University - Playwright. RF 1.2 200 R 421 3623 Mackey, William, 1968-71

Southern University 1917-54 Perm improv, bldg and equip, books, reading GEB 1.1 La 39 85 748-751 clinic, research programs, workshops, conf. J.S. Clark, Felton Clark, T.H. Harris.

83 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Southern University, 1935-53 Conferences on support, teach educ problems; GEB 1.3 950 476 5063- workshops on improv science instr, teacher 5070 and libr; high school principals. Correspondence, reports, and pamphlets.

Southland Institute, 1912-25 Land, constr, improv, equip. Society of Friends GEB 1.1 Ark 31 23 209 of the Board of Home Missions. F.R. Jenkins. Re: Negro educ.

Spalding, Sydney Willette TX; English fellow, 1937-38. GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2468

Spaulding, George Henry MD; Chemistry fellow, 1939-42 GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2468

Spelman College - Conference Florence M. Read. GEB 1.3 950 478 5092 on Higher Education of Negro Women, 1943-44

Spelman College - GEB 1.3 950 478 5093 Instructional Salaries, 1951-55

Spelman College - Robert Shaw. RF 1.2 200 R 421 3624 Intercollegiate Chorus, 1967-68

Spelman College - Reports GEB 1.3 950 479 5095

Spelman College - Willis Music research. GEB 1.3 950 478 5094 James, 1939-41

Spelman College, 1891-1961 JDR purchased property for college through FM 2 Educ. 89-90 ABHMS. Plans for expansion; appeals for aid. Racial conditions in Atlanta. Naming of building; college status in 1924. Invitation; selection of pres; activities of Spelman graduates. Tributes to Rockefellers. Gift of Spelman portraits by JDR Jr. Mrs. LSR a trustee; WR address at 1959 commencement. Selected copies of ASpelman Messenger@ containing articles or photos on Rockefeller; 1927, 1937, 1951-1953. Pamphlets on Trevor Arnett; AEbony@ article on Negro colleges; contributions, 1947-1961; gift from GEB, 1913-1926; liberalization of gift to GEB; 1930 grant, 1930-1934; successor to Miss Read, 1950-1953; charter, 1888-1923; property purchased, 1931; dedication of sister Chapel, 1927; Miss Read=s history, 1954-61; dedication of AAR Hall, 1952-1955; 75th anniversary celebration, 1956, LSR=s speech; photos; contributions.

Spelman College, 1902-65 Current expen, teach salary, traveling expen GEB 1.1 Ga 10 39-43 359-379 of teach, perm improv, bldgs and equip, endow, maintenance. ABHMS. George Rice Hovey, George Sale, H.L. Morehouse, Lucy Tapley, Florence M. Read. Re: Negro educ. Correspondence, reports, and pamphlets.

Spelman College, 1927-30 LSRM-SF. Fund to promote physical, mental, LSRM 3.8 103 1036 social, and spiritual well-being of young Negro women, nursery school, and lab. Florence Read.

Spelman College, 1930-37 SF. Funds to provide physical, mental, social, LSRM 3.5 39 414-415 and spiritual well-being of young Negro women in U.S.; nursery school and lab. Florence Read.

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Spelman College, 1951-68, 1970-81 RBF 4 99, 221, 1970-81 343

Spelman College, 1973-81 Support for the division of natural sciences in CF Grants 309-310 2964- educating black women for the health professions. 2966

Spofford, Mrs. Charles A. Secr, NY Committee for Hampton FM 1 Ofc Cor 44 331 Institute, 1892. Sprague, Morteza Drexel AL; Library Science fellow, 1937-38. GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2468

Spratlin, Valaurez Burwell DC; Language fellow, 1929-30. GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2468

Spruill, Albert Wesley AL; Agricultural Education fellow, 1953-54. GEB 1.2 400 S 252 2598

St. Louis - Education, 1967-70 An initial grant of $350,000 Atoward the cost RF 1.2 200 83-84 715-724 of developing community schools and of initiating personal development programs, and related programs in selected ghetto schools in St. Louis.@ includes clippings and supplemental material.

Staley, Frank Marcellus NC; Education fellow, 1927-28. GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2468

Standard Life Insurance, 1924 Service company selling land to Negroes at a LSRM 3.8 103 1037 rate so that they can afford to buy and build homes.

Starling, Marion Wilson GA; English fellow, 1944-45. GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2468

State A & M College Buildings; demonstration home; library; phys GEB 1.3 950 479 5097- (Orangeburg, Sough Carolina), equipment; teacher training; trades equipment; 5106 1936-52 workshops on principals and supervisors, teachers and libraries. Rosamond Alston; B.C. Turner; Trudelle Winbush.

State A & M College, 1904-58 Books, equip, library development, library GEB 1.1 SC 94 127 1162- science program, bldgs and equip, 1165 demonstration home, salary, workshops in educ, phys equip, teacher training visits. Formerly State Colored College at Orangeburg. Correspondence and reports.

State A & M Institute Equipment for vocational building and library. GEB 1.3 950 479-480 5107- (Normal, Alabama), 1942-48 5108

State A & M, Normal 1903-1943 Bldgs, perm improv, J.S. GEB 1.1 Ala 101 13 103-104 Lambert. Re: Negro educ.

State College for Colored Books and science equipment, GEB 1.3 950 480 5109 Students (Dover, Delaware) 1945-47.

State Colored Normal Schools, GEB 1.1 NC 193 113 1022 1905-28

State Colored Normal Schools, GEB 1.1 NC 203 113 1027 1906-34

State Normal School for Bldgs and equip. E.C. GEB 1.1 NC 250 119 1078 Negroes, 1921-24 Brooks, N.C. Newbold.

State Normal School, Bldgs and equip, teach salary, GEB 1.1 Ala 60 13 99-101 Montgomery, 1902-31 prem improv, land re: Negro educ.

State Normal School, Bldgs, land, perm improv. Re: GEB 1.1 Ala 62 13 102

85 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Montgomery, 1930-31 Negro educ.

State Teachers and Formerly A & M State School, GEB 1.1 Ga 27 46 412-413 Agricultural College, 1900-31 Forsyth N & I School. Bldg and equip.

State Teachers College, Library and workshops on GEB 1.3 50 480 5113- Alabama, 1943-49 science teaching, adv prof courses. 5114

State Teachers College, Books, house and lot, repairs, constr and GEB 1.3 950 480 5111- Maryland, 1945-50 equip. Correspondence and reports. 5112

Stewart, Glenna Agnes Canada; Nursing fellow, 1942-43. GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2468

Stewart, Jacob Thomas TX; Education fellow, 1952-53. GEB 1.2 400 S 250 2560

Stewart, Patricia DeLaine NY; Language fellow, 1949-50. GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2468

Stewart, William Wallace LA; Education fellow, 1932-33. GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2468

Stickney, William Homer FL; Printing fellow, 1934-35. GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2469

Stillman College, 1902-53 Workshop, bldgs and equip. Home Mission GEB 1.1 Ala 27 9 64-65 of the Presbyterian Church in the U.S. Re: Negro educ.

Stinnett, Mabel Myers TN; Home Economics fellow, 1927-28. GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2469

Stivers, Camille Alberta LA; Library Science fellow, 1927-28. GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2469

Stokes, Anson Phelps, Pres of the Phelps-Stokes Fund. Worked on FM 2 F & S 112 844 1916-24 GEB with JDR Jr. Worked on African Educational Commission.

Stokes, Anson Phelps, 1923-32 Encyclopedia of the Negro. IEB 1.1 1 17

Stokes, Ella Louise VA; Education fellow, 1924-25. GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2469

Stone, Marsena Appeals for Little Rock Baptist Church FM 1 Ofc Cor 45 336 1888; and Guadalupe College, 1890.

Stone, Percy H. GA; Agriculture fellow, 1927-28. GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2469

Store Front Learning Center, $15,000 for the general operating cost of this RF 1.2 200 88 768 1970-72 organization designed Ato bridge the two disparate worlds of the school and the community on the edge of the Boston ghetto.@

Storer College, 1907-49 Teach salary. ABHMS. George Rice Hovey. GEB 1.1 WV 14 192 1807- Correspondence, reports, and pamphlets. 1810

Straight University, 1912-26 Equip. American Missionary GEB 1.1 La 44 86 764 Association. Fred Brownlee.

Streat, Florence Guenveur NC; Home Economics fellow, 1950-51. GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2469

Strong, Anna M. P. AR; Education fellow, 1931-32. GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2469

Strong, Nerissa Brown AL; Home Economics fellow, 1942-43. GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2469

Stuart, Lloyd Benjamin NY; Language fellow, 1935-36. GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2469

Studio Museum in Harlem, RBF 4 100, 223, The, 1968-83 345

86 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Study of Negro Colleges, 1930-31 GEB 1.1 NC 255 119 1084

Study of Negro Colleges, 1931 Junior colleges. GEB 1.1 Fla 56 37 336

Study of Negro Education in T.L. Hungate, F.L. Shaw, N.C. Newbold. GEB 1.1 NC 9 103 927-928 North Carolina, 1926-27 Correspondence and reports.

Study of Negro Libraries, 1940 General correspondence. GEB 1.2 586.2 270 2791 Thomas Barcus.

Study of the Negro in the AAn American Dilemma@ by Gunnar Myrdal. GEB 1.2 586.1 270 2787- U.S., 1938-48 Richard Steiner, Doxy Wilkerson. 2790 Correspondence and reports.

Summer School (Kentucky), 1917-38 GEB 1.1 Ky 74.4 81 708-709

Summer School (South GEB 1.1 SC 124.4 132 1209- Carolina), 1918-40 1210

Summer School for Negro Appropriation. GEB 1.2 669 299 3119 Rural Agents, 1928

Summer Schools (Alabama), Re: Negro educ. GEB 1.1 Ala 160.4 18 152-153 1917-38

Summer Schools (Arkansas), Re: Negro educ. GEB 1.1 Ark 44.4 25 228-229 1917-39

Summer Schools (Florida), Re: Negro educ. GEB 1.1 Fla 50.4 36 330 1920-37

Summer Schools, GEB 1.1 Ga 268.4 68 599-600 (Georgia) 1917-39

Summer Schools (Louisiana), GEB 1.1 La 54.4 88 779-780 1917-39

Summer Schools (Mississippi), GEB 1.1 Miss 69.4 98 882-883 1917-39

Summer Schools (Missouri), GEB 1.1 Mo 1.4 99 898 1932-34

Summer Schools (North Correspondence and reports. GEB 1.1 NC 236.4 116 1049- Carolina), 1917-38 1051

Summer Schools (Tennessee), GEB 1.1 Tenn 158 1475- 1917-38 126.4 1476

Summer Schools (Texas), GEB 1.1 Tex 94.4 169 1579- 1920-38 1580

Summer Schools (Virginia), Formerly Hampton - Tuskegee Summer GEB 1.1 Va 38.1 176-177 1646- 1915-46 School. Correspondence and reports. 1657

Summer Schools (Virginia), GEB 1.1 Va 167.4 188 1763- 1917-37 1764

Summer Seminar for Southern State agents for rural GEB 1.4 2200.1 636 6679 State Agents, 1933-35 schools for Negroes.

Sumter Public School, 1927 Bldg and equip. Correspondence and photos. GEB 1.1 SC 63 126 1150

Supervising Principal for J.B. Felton. Correspondence GEB 1.1 SC 133 132 1219-

87 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Negro Schools, 1930-35 and reports. 1220

Supervision of Negro High Re: Negro educ. Ed McCuistion. GEB 1.1 Ark 54 26 241 Schools, 1928-33

Supervisor of Rural Schools - J.S. Lambert, E.C. McGhee. Reports, GEB 1.1 Ala 160 17 142-147 Negro (Alabama), 1912-52 correspondence, and photographs.

Supervisor of Rural Schools - Correspondence, reports, GEB 1.1 Ark 44 24-25 213-223 Negro (Arkansas), 1913-53 pamphlets, and photographs.

Supervisor of Rural Schools - D.E. Williams. GEB 1.1 Fla 50 36 326-330 Negro (Florida), 1917-63

Supervisor of Rural Schools - J.C. Dixon, reports, and GEB 1.1 Ga 268 67-68 585-595 Negro (Georgia), 1913-52 photographs.

Supervisor of Rural Schools - Correspondence, reports, GEB 1.1 Ky 74 79-80 692-704 Negro (Kentucky), 1911-48 pamphlets, and photographs.

Supervisor of Rural Schools - Correspondence, reports, and GEB 1.1 La 54 87-88 769-776 Negro (Louisiana), 1913-48 pamphlets.

Supervisor of Rural Schools - Correspondence, reports, and GEB 1.1 Miss 69 97-98 871-878 Negro (Mississippi), 1914-52 pamphlets.

Supervisor of Rural Schools - Correspondence, reports, and GEB 1.1 NC 236 115 1038- Negro (North Carolina), 1912-50 pamphlets. 1045

Supervisor of Rural Schools - Correspondence, reports, and GEB 1.1 SC 124 131 1200- Negro (South Carolina), 1917-52 pamphlets. 1206

Supervisor of Rural Schools - S.L. Smith. Correspondence, GEB 1.1 Tenn 126 157-158 1464- Negro (Tennessee), 1914-50 reports, pamphlets, and photographs. 1471

Supervisor of Rural Schools - Correspondence, reports, GEB 1.1 Tex 94 168-169 1573- Negro (Texas), 1918-50 pamphlets, and photographs. 1578

Supervisor of Rural Schools - Correspondence, reports, GEB 1.1 Va 167 187-188 1753- Negro (Virginia), 1911-49 pamphlets, and photographs. 1759

Surry, Cleo Mildred FL; English fellow, 1949-50 GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2469

Survey of Educational With reference to Negro GEB 1.1 Miss 76 99 892 Conditions, 1929-30 teacher training.

Survey of Educational Facilities for Negro teacher GEB 1.1 La 65 89 787 Conditions, 1929-30 training.

Survey of Schools for Negroes - Grant. Reports. GEB 1.2 421 261 2693- Methodist Church, 1941-51 2695

Survey of Schools for Grants. Reports. GEB 1.2 421 260 2691- Negroes - Methodist 2692 Episcopal Church, 1930-32

Survey of Science Teaching George Twiss. Correspondence, reports, GEB 1.2 594 270 2792 in Negro Schools, 1921-24 and photographs.

Swarthmore College - Student RF 1.2 200 89 769-771 Assistant, 1964-71

Swift, Leroy Russell NC; Medical Science fellow, 1941-42 GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2469

88 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Sydenham Hospital, 1944-48 Grant. GEB 414 259 2680

Sydenh m Society, 1944-58 RBF 4 100 a

Syphax, Burke DC; Medical Science fellow, 1941-42. GEB 1.2 400 S 245 2469

T Tabor, Alva GA; Education fellow, 1926-27. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2470

Talladega College - GEB 1.3 950 481 5123 Classifying and Cataloging Books, 1939-40

Talladega College - Gen educ at junior college level. GEB 1.3 950 481 5125 Cooperative Study, 1938-41

Talladega College - Library, 1933-40 Constr and equip. GEB 1.3 950 481 5124

Talladega College, 1902-52 Endow, library and books, current expen, GEB 1.1 Ala 42 11-12 83-91 bldgs and equip, teach salary. American Missionary Association. Fred Brownlee. Re: Negro educ. Correspondence, reports and photographs.

Talley, Thomasina Washington NC; Music fellow, 1940-42 GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2470

Tancil, Elaine W. WV; English fellow, 1927-28. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2470

Tate, Edythe Irene GA; Home Economics fellow, 1936-37. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2470

Taylor, Aleuthens Ambush, 1927-28 LSRM Fellowship. LSRM 3.8 98 994

Taylor, Ben St. Mark=s AME Church, FM 1 Ofc Cor 45 341 Milwaukee, 1890.

Taylor, C.H. J. Editor, AThe American Citizen,@ enclosing an FM 1 Ofc Cor 45 341 editorial in defense of capitalists, 1892.

Taylor, Daisy Hollinger LA; Nursing Education fellow, 1944-45. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2470

Taylor, Franklyn Watson MS; Mathematics fellow, 1929-30. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2470

Taylor, Henry Clinton NC; Arts and Architecture fellow, 1933-34. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2470

Taylor, Henry L. TN; Agricultural Economics fellow, 1945-51. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2470

Taylor, James Thomas NC; Psychology fellow, 1932-33. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2470

Taylor, Joseph Henry KY; History fellow, 1926-27, 1933-34. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2470

Taylor, Joseph Thomas FL; Sociology fellow, 1948-49. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2470

Taylor, Samuel S. LA; Education fellow, 1925-26. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2470

Teacher Training for Negro GEB 1.2 729 322 3357 Elementary Schools, 1928-29

Teacher Training in Negro General correspondence GEB 1.2 709 313 3267 Colleges, 1923-31 related to GEB study.

Teems, Eleanor A. TN; Language fellow, 1933-34. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2470

Tennessee Agricultural & Elementary education. GEB 1.3 950 482 5133 Industrial State College - Regional Workshops, 1949-50

Tennessee Agricultural & GEB 1.3 950 482 5134 Industrial State College -

89 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Study of Opportunities for Staff, 1945-50

Tennessee Agricultural & In-service training. Support, GEB 1.3 950 482 5135 Industrial College - principals, teachers. Workshops, 1948

Tennessee Agricultural & Constr and equip, perm improv, GEB 1.1 Tenn 131 159 1478- Industrial State College, 1922-52 land. W.E. Turner, P.L. Harned. 1480

Tennessee State Agent for Summer schools for Negroes. GEB 1.2 669.1 299 3131 Rural Schools (Negro), 1931

Terry, Harriet J. AL; Education fellow, 1931-32. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2470 - Community In-service, rural teach. GEB 1.3 950 482 5140 Workshop, 1945-46

Texas College - Home Equipment. GEB 1.3 950 482 5141 Economics, 1942

Texas College - Library and GEB 1.3 950 443 4667 Laboratory, 1935-37

Texas College - Library, 1935-37 Improv and equip. GEB 1.3 950 482 5142

Texas College - Permanent Food lab and equip. GEB 1.3 950 482 5143 improvement, 1948-51

Texas College of Art and Workshop - guidance and GEB 1.3 950 482 5144 Industries, 1944-46 mental hygiene.

Texas College, 1908-53 Teach salary, current expen, repairs, constr GEB 1.1 Tex 80 165-166 1547- and equip, books, lab, summer school. Colored 1551 Methodist Episcopal Church. W.R. Banks, D.R. Glass. Correspondence and reports.

Texas College, 1933-35 GEB 1.2 692.1 307 3213

Texas Department of Re: improv oppor for GEB 1.3 950 482 5147- Education - Study of Negro Negroes. L.A. Woods. Homer 5148 Education, 1942-45 Rainey.

Texas Folklore Society, Collect and publish Negro folk GEB 1.3 950 483 5151 1936-38 tales of Southeast. J. Mason Brewer.

Texas Southern University, Formerly Texas St. University for GEB 1.3 950 484 5155 1946-66 Negroes. Ng.

Texas State Agent for Rural Summer schools for Negroes. GEB 669.1 299 3132 Schools for (Negro), 1930-33

Thigpen, Placidia E. VA; Education fellow, 1929-30. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2471

Thomas, Henry GA; English fellow, 1948-49. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2471

Thomas, James Samuel GA; Sociology fellow, 1950-51. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2471

Thompson Institute 1904-26 Bldgs. ABHMS. GEB 1.1 NC 164 111 1004

Thompson, Daniel Calbert LA; Sociology fellow, 1950-51 GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2471

Thornton, Frances Elizabeth AR; Sociology fellow, 1935-36. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2471

Thornton, Robert Ambrose NC; Physics fellow, 1927-28, 1935-36. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2471

Thurston, Charles H. AL; Agriculture fellow, 1925-26. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2471

Tillman, Nathaniel Patrick GA; English fellow, 1926-27 GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2471 1931-32, 1935-36.

Tillotson College - Bus, Re: merger with Samuel Huston GEB 1.3 950 485 5166 building repair, 1952 College. M.S. Davage.

90 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Tillotson College - Lillian Biology fellow, University of GEB 1.3 950 485 5165 Lewis, 1944 Chicago.

Tillotson College, 1913-15 American Missionary GEB 1.1 Tex 92 168 1571 Association. Fred Brownlee.

Tobias, Channing, 1943-46 GEB Consultant. GEB 1.2 414 259 2681

Tolson, Melvin B. TX; English fellow, 1931-32. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2472

Tonkins, Vashti Frances Branche SC; Education fellow, 1938-39. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2472

Totty, Samuella V. LA; Business Administration fellow, 1944-46. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2472

Tougaloo College - Library, 1968 RF sent $744.00 after receiving complimentary RF 1.2 200 428 3685 tickets for a Carnegie Hall benefit concert (April 4, 1968) for college=s centennial; proceeds go toward the library funds. NAR an honorary chairman.

Tougaloo College - Permanent GEB 1.3 950 485 5168 Improvement, books, 1946-50

Tougaloo College - Staff, Soc science, library science. Fred GEB 1.3 950 485 5167 1947-49 Brownlee.

Tougaloo College, 1902-52 Current expen, pern improv, bldgs and equip. GEB 1.1 Miss 5 91-92 812-816 American Missionary Association. Fred Brownlee.

Town and City Schools for Appropriation through the Slater Fund for GEB 1.2 686 305 3185- Negroes, 1917-25 promotion of industrial work. J.H. Dillard, 3186 F.C. Button, S.L. Smith.

Townes, Charles Henry VA; Physics fellow, 1940-42. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2472

Townsend, Ruby Madden VA; Drama fellow, 1945-46. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2472

Townsend, Zack SC; Mathematics fellow, 1929-30. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2472

Trade Training for Negroes, 1931-36 GEB 1.1 SC 134 132 1221

Training of Negro Teachers, Development in Negro high school, supervisor GEB 1.1 Ark 52 26 239 1928-35 for junior college, teachers, principal. Re: Negro education.

Treherne, Carr Alfred TN; Medical Science fellow, 1945-46. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2472

Trenholm, Harper Council AL; Education fellow, 1934-35. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2472

Trent, William Johnson Jr. NC; Business Administration fellow, 1936-37. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2472

Trigg, Harold Leonard NC; Education fellow, 1931-32, 1937. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2472

Tuppee, H.M. Pres, Shaw University; 1885-1890. FM 1 Ofc Cor 47 350

Turnage, Velma L. NC; Public Health fellow, 1946. GEB FRC

Turner, Albert Louis AL; Political Science fellow, 1932-33. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2472

Turner, Allen P. FL; Drama fellow, 1931-32. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2472

Turner, Bridges Alfred PA; Education fellow, 1940-41. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2472

Turner, Jean Clements AL; Education fellow, 1946-47. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2472

Turner, William Sherman NC; Education fellow, 1929-30. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2472

Tuskegee Institute - Development of program. F.D. Patterson. GEB 1.3 950 487 5187 Agriculture and Home Economics, 1942-47

Tuskegee Institute - Observation and study of business GEB 1.3 950 487 5189

91 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Centralized Production practices connected with agricultural dept. Department, 1941-44

Tuskegee Institute - Clippings GEB 1.1 Ala 12.6 8 60

Tuskegee Institute - GEB 1.2 193 207 1994 Conference on In-Service Training for Negro Teachers, 1935-36

Tuskegee Institute - Correspondence and reports. GEB 1.3 950 487 5191- Conference on Problems 5192 Affecting Southern Agriculture, 1949-50

Tuskegee Institute - Relation of Negro to GEB 1.3 950 487 5190 Conference, 1942-43 industry.

Tuskegee Institute - Dept. GEB 1.1 Ala 12.4 8 59 of Record and Research, 1929-35

Tuskegee Institute - Improv in facilities of home econ, rural educ, GEB 1.3 950 487 5194- Development Program, 1943-50 veterinary medicine, library. Correspondence 5196 and reports.

Tuskegee Institute - Dola Director of rural housing. GEB 1.3 950 488 5205 Miller, 1940-42

Tuskegee Institute - E.G. Prog in agri econ and farm management. GEB 1.3 950 488 5206 Misner, 1941-42

Tuskegee Institute - F.D. Patterson, Claude Barnett. GEB 1.3 950 487 5197 Encyclopedia of the Negro, 1945-48

Tuskegee Institute - Correspondence and reports. GEB 1.3 950 488 5198- Endowment, 1951-58 5202

Tuskegee Institute - Ernest Rural educ fellow. GEB 1.3 950 488 5203 Grant, 1940-41

Tuskegee Institute - Rebecca Davis. GEB 1.3 950 490 5223 Experimental Rural School, 1936-39

Tuskegee Institute - George $100.00 gift in 1943, but later requests FM 2 Educ. 39 W. Carver Foundation, 1943-55 were declined.

Tuskegee Institute - Harry Fellowships in rural GEB 1.3 950 488 5207 Richardson, Ophelia Pearson, community, home econ educ. Hattie West, 1943-44

Tuskegee Institute - GEB 1.3 950 488 5204 Household Arts Extension Program, 1946-50

Tuskegee Institute - I.A. Study of gen educ in Negro colleges. GEB 1.3 950 487 5193 Derbigny, 1941-45 Photos.

Tuskegee Institute - Library and GEB 1.1 Ala 12.3 8 58 and Science Buildings, 1929-33

Tuskegee Institute - Plant GEB 1.3 950 490 5225 Improvement, 1937-39

Tuskegee Institute - R.W. Visit re: G.W. Carver GEB 1.3 950 487 5188 Brown, 1946-48 Foundation program.

Tuskegee Institute - Rural Re: housing, Tennessee Valley Authority, GEB 1.3 950 489 5208- Life, 1946-53 rural society. Ernest Neal. Correspondence, 5211 reports, pamphlets, and photos.

92 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Tuskegee Institute - School Constr and equip, books, support. GEB 1.3 950 489 5212- of Agriculture, 1937-43 5213

Tuskegee Institute - School GEB 1.3 950 489 5214 of Veterinary Medicine, 1948-52

Tuskegee Institute - Science GEB 1.3 950 489 5215 Equipment, 1950-51

Tuskegee Institute - Special Agri research, personnel, rural educ, dept of GEB 1.3 950 490 5226- Professors, 1935-40 records, and research. George Washington 5227 Carver. Reports and pamphlets.

Tuskegee Institute - Study Charles H. Brown. GEB 1.3 950 489 5218 of Library, 1943-44

Tuskegee Institute - Study Home econ, personnel, literature. GEB 1.3 950 489 5219 of Opportunities for Staff 1945-46

Tuskegee Institute - Study J.T. Martin, T.M. Campbell. GEB 1.3 950 489 5216- of Rural Hosing in Macon Correspondence and reports. 5217 County, 1938-41

Tuskegee Institute - Study Louis Fry, T.M. Campbell. GEB 1.3 950 490 5229 of Rural Housing, 1937-39 Photos.

Tuskegee Institute - Summer Workshops for Jeanes GEB 1.1 Ala 12.1 6-8 50-56 School, 1916-44 teachers.

Tuskegee Institute - J.R. Otis, T.M. Campbell. GEB 1.3 950 489 5220 Training of Extension Personnel, 1945-50

Tuskegee Institute - GEB 1.3 950 490 5221 Training Program for Jeanes Teachers, 1947

Tuskegee Institute - Visit in chem, dietetics. GEB 1.3 950 490 5228 Williamson and Rabb, 1937

Tuskegee Institute - Resource use educ; reading, and GEB 1.3 950 490 5222 Workshops, 1945-46 language arts.

Tuskegee Institute Home Intensive prog for trainees. GEB 1.3 950 490 5224 Economics, 1936-38

Tuskegee Institute Library Louis R. Wilson GEB 1.3 950 396 4148 Study, 1943-44

Tuskegee Institute, 1902-57 Agri research, improv, support, bldgs and GEB 1.1 Ala 12 3-6 23-49 equip, coop training prog, endow, current expen, home econ, library. F.D. Patterson, Thomas Jesse Jones, E.G. McGehee, R.R. Moton, Anson Phelps Stokes, Julius Rosenwald, Booker T. Washington, George Foster Peabody, Robert C. Ogden, Seaman Knapp. Re: Negro educ, rural educ. Correspondence, reports, pamphlets, and photographs.

Tuskegee Institute, 1963-67 RF 1.2 200 90-91 787-793

Tuskegee Normal & Declined trusteeship, aid to FM 2 Educ. 39 Industrial - JDR 3rd, 1953-61 student, Ann Elliot.

93 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Tuskegee Normal & Industrial JDR Jr. contributions. Tribute to Booker T. FM 2 Educ. 38 Institution, 1899-1957 Washington. JDR Jr.=s 1925 contributions to Tuskegee and Hampton Institute joint drive Personal gift to Robert Moton. JDR Jr. long-term and interest.

Tuskegee Normal and Department of Records and Research; LSRM 3.8 103 1038 Industrial Institute, 1924-28 statistical and social information about Negro life in America. Robert R. Moton, Monroe N. Work.

Twin City Area Educational RF 1.2 200 91 795-797 T.V. Corp. - Negro Discussion Program, 1967-71

Tyms, James Daniel GA; Psychology fellow, 1944-45. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2472

U United Negro College Fund - GEB 1.3 950 492 5243 Capital Fund Campaign, 1950-53

United Negro College Fund - GEB 1.3 950 492 5244 Fellowships, 1959-62

United Negro College Fund - GEB 1.3 950 492 5245 United Nations Reception, 1955

United Negro College Fund, Fund raising prog, operating expen. W.J. Trent, GEB 1.3 950 490-492 5231- 1943-61 Benjamin Mays, F.D. Patterson, Walter 5242 Hoving. Correspondence, reports, pamphlets, and clippings.

United Negro College Fund, 1944-76 RBF 4 105, 231

United Negro College Fund, General support. CF Grant 331 3183 Inc., 1946

United Negro College Fund, RF 1.2 200 93 811-812 Inc., 1962-66, 1972

United Negro College Fund, CF Ad.-His 83 1419 Inc., 1968-75

United Negro College Fund, RF 1.2 200 93 813 Inc., African Scholarships, 1960-61

United Negro College Fund, JDR Jr. chairman of National Avdisory FM 2 Educ. 94-95 659A 1943-61 Committee. Progress of annual campaigns; selection of chairmen; JDR Jr.=s interest in Fund, and expressions of satisfaction with success of drives. Reports; invitations; JDR Jr= appeals for contributions. JDR Jr. radio and television appearances. JDR 3RD=s participation. Citation to JDR Jr.

United Negro College Fund, FM 2 Educ. 96 660 JDR Jr. Speeches, 1944-51

United Negro College Fund, FM 2 Educ. 96 661 Luncheons, 1945-46

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United Negro College Fund, FM 2 Educ. 96 661A Dinners, 1949-52 United Negro College Fund, FM 2 Educ. 96 661B Tour - November, 1952

United Negro College Fund, FM 2 Educ. 96 662 Opening Meetings, 1947-48

United Negro College Fund, To purchase building. FM 2 Educ. 96 662A Pledge, 1948

United Negro College Fund, FM 2 Educ. 96 662B By-Laws, 1944

United Negro College Fund, Celebration in honor of GEB and Rockefeller FM 2 Educ .96 662C Anniversary Fund, 1953 family.

United Negro College Fund, JDR Jr. criticized for holding Negro children. FM 2 Educ. 96 662D Letters of Criticism, 1944

United Negro College Fund - JDR Jr. has L.F. Kimball study operations FM 2 Educ. 96 663 Kimball Study 1946-47 of UNCF and implement improvements. No copy or report on study here.

United Negro College Fund - JDR Jr. gives $5,000,000 to Fund. President FM 2 Educ. 96 664- Mobilization Board, 1952-56 Eisenhower speaks at Fund luncheon. 664A Campaign letters, replies. Use of funds. $17,500,000 raised.

United Negro College Fund - FM 2 Educ. 97 665- JDR Jr. Letters of Appeal, 1944-53 JDR Jr. writes asking contributions from 670A friends and acquaintances for UNCF. Results of his appeal.

United Negro College Fund - JDR Jr.=s view on solution of race relations FM 2 Educ. 98 671- Contributions, 1944-61 problems. Brothers Fund gift, NAR gifts; 671A JDR Jr.=s annual contributions; gifts by Mrs. James Case 3rd and Mrs. Spencer. 1961 Memos on East African Education Mission and proposed UNCF program in Africa. Includes correspondence regarding contributions solicited by JDR Jr. from business associates and friends.

United Negro College Fund - JDR 3rd was chairman of Steering Committee, FM 2 Educ. 98 672-673 JDR 3rd, 1955-61 1955-1956. Memo on Supreme Court desegregation decision and its effect on UNCF. 1958, JDR 3rd was chairman of National Committee of UNCF; 1961, Chairman of Corporations Gifts Committee. UNCF=s tribute to JDR Jr. in 1960 Annual Report.

United Negro College Fund - FM 2 Educ. 98 674 JDR 3rd, October 1959 Dinner

United Negro College Fund - In honor of Presidents of member colleges. FM 2 Educ. 98 675 October 1960 Reception

United Negro College Fund - Notes on JDR 3rd=s introductory address. FM 2 Educ. 98 676 October 1961 Dinner

United Negro College Fund - Letters of invitation to UNCF dinner FM 2 Educ. 99 677- JDR 3rd - Invitations, 1961 given by JDR 3rd on Oct. 25, 1961. 678

United Negro College Fund - FM 2 Educ. 99 679 Printed Material - Instruments

95 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

for Unity, 1950

United Presbyterian Church - RF 1.2 200 93-94 814-815 Remedial Education, Knoxville College, 1964-68

United States Bureau of Education - Ambrose Calvin, George Zook. GEB 1.2 193 208 1995 Conference on Negro Education, 1933-34

United States Commission on RF 1.2 200 94 82 Civil Rights - Conference, 1967

United States Committee for the RBF 4 106 the First World Festival of Negro Arts, 1965-66

United States Dept. of Agriculture - General correspondence. GEB 1.2 600 272 2830 Southwide Extension. Conference on Work with Negroes, 1945

United States National RF 1.2 200 94 823 Student Association - Latin American Relations, 1961

University Center, Georgia, Support visiting school, research grants for GEB 1.3 950 492 5246- 1948-58 faculty. J.R. McCain, Henry Stanford, Goodrich 5250 White. Correspondence, reports, and pamphlets.

University of Alabama - RF 1.2 200 S 560 4797- Electoral Process in the 4799 South (V.O. Key, G. Alexander Heard), 1944-52, 1965

University of Arizona - Padfield, Howland I. RF 1.2 200 95 827-828 Urban Employment, 1968

University of Arkansas - Elem child and mental health for Negro, child GEB 1.3 950 494 5282 Workshops, 1944-51 development, library management, rural educ - Comm Resources, regional work conf, rural teacher educ.

University of California - RF 1.2 200 R 432 3719 African Art Exhibit, 1969-70

University of California-Berkeley - RF 1.2 200 95 830 Prejudice Patterns Conference, 1967-70

University of California-Irvine - RF 1.2 200 95 833-834 Remedial Education, 1970-72

University of California-Riverside - With reports (7 items) and supplementary RF 1.2 200 96 835-838 Integration Study, 1965-68, 1974-75 material, 1974.

University of Chicago - Publication and distribution of AThe Government GEB 1.3 950 496 5292 Eliza Gleason, 1941-47 and Admin of Pub Library Service to Negroes in the South.@

University of Chicago - Reitzes, Deitrich C. RF 1.2 200 97 848-849 Negro Integration in Medicine, 1954-58

University of Chicago - Race RF 1.2 216 S 7 45-46 Relations (Wirth, Louis), 1947-54

University of Chicago - Charles E. McCarthy Jr. Cooperative program RF 1.2 200 98 852 Remedial Education, 1969-70 for educational opportunity.

96 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

University of Chicago and Negro Medical Education. CF Grants 52 476 Provident Hospital, 1924-37

University of Cincinnati - LSRM-SF, Nursery school and demonstration LSRM 3.5 44 456-457 Child Study, 1925-34 center, undergraduate instruction including training of Negroes in parent education.

University of Georgia - Walter Cocking. GEB 1.3 950 500 5335 Study of Higher Education for Negroes, 1938-39

University of Hawaii, 1925-58 Support of sociological research. RF 1.1 214 S 1 2-10

University of Louisville - Flood damages. GEB 1.3 950 503 5367 Repairs, Louisville Municipal College for Negroes, 1937

University of Louisville - Business and employment status and GEB 1.3 950 503 5368 Study, 1941-46 opportunities for Negroes in Louisville as basis for college program.

University of Louisville, Remodel and equip, books, land, repairs, GEB 1.1 Ky 51 78 680-684 1906-55 studies. Re: Absorption of Louisville Municipal College for Negroes. Philip Davidson. Reports and pamphlets.

University of Maryland - Econ and social status of GEB 1.3 950 503 5369 Negro Extension Service, 1945-50 rural Negro families.

University of Miami - $24,900 for a Aprogram to provide advanced RF 1.2 200 100 877 Remedial Education, 1967-70 education for disadvantaged students.@

University of Miami School Basic study to improve the process of medical CF Grants 199-201 1871- of Medicine, 1969-80 care for an ethnically diverse population 1888 in the inner city.

University of North Carolina - Special studies, reports. LSRM 3.8 103 1039- Negro Studies, 1925-28 1042

University of North Carolina - Grants of more than $230,000 to the institute RF 1.2 200 S 587-588 5027- Negro Studies, 1958-65, 1970 for Research in Social Services for research in 5031 the changing position of the Negro in the South and American society. Includes reports and reprints (16 items), 1958-59; 1961-62; 1964.

University of North Carolina Lectures, studies, conf, GEB 1.1 NC 259 119-120 1088- and Duke University - Race research. Correspondence and 1092 Relations, 1934-43 reports.

University of Notre Dame - $25,000 for Aeducational work with under- RF 1.2 200 102 896 Neighborhood Study Help privileged and under-achieving elementary Program, 1968 and junior high school children@ in South Bend, IN (very thin folder)

University of Oklahoma - Southern black political RF 1.2 200 S 509 5048 Holloway, Henry A., 1963-64 behavior. 1969

University of Wisconsin - RF 1.2 200 R 466 3979 Negro Literature, (Barton, Rebecca Chalmers), 1947-49

University of Wisconsin - RF 1.2 200 104 912-914 Remedial Summer Program, 1966-71

Urban Affairs Foundation - RF 1.2 200 104-105 916-920 Leadership Development, 1968-72

97 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Urban Coalition - Youth RF 1.2 200 105 921 Conference, 1968-69

Urban Corps., 1971 JDR 3rd 1 31 306 Fund

Urban League Fund, 1945-60 RBF 4 109

Urban League of Greater Consolidation of New York Urban League, FM 2 Welfare 41 New York, 1944-60 Brooklyn League on Urban Conditions, and Lincoln Settlement Association. Contributions by JDR 3rd; League activities.

Urban League of Greater RBF 4 110, 233 New York, 1944-76

Urban League of Westchester (NY) Sealantic 18

Urban League of Westchester Description of work; appeals FM 2 Welfare 42 County, Inc., 1941-58 declined.

Urban League of Westchester RBF 4 110, 234 County, Inc., 1951-76

Urban League Service Fund C Contributions to Fund for work on national FM 2 Welfare 41 Contributions, 1945-60 and local Urban Leagues.

Urban League Service Fund, Fund collected money for both local and FM 2 Welfare 41 1945-54 national Urban Leagues; studies of organization of Leagues; appeals for participation in campaigns.

Utica N & I Institute 1903-49 GEB 1.1 Miss 18 94 839-841

V Van Zandt, Johnnie M. TX; English fellow, 1949-51. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2473

Vanderbilt University - Law Southern U.S. development RF 1.2 200 S 603 5157 School, 1957-58, 1960 studies.

Vanderbilt University, 1958 Conference of ministers. GEB 1.3 950.9 550 5897

Vaughn, Birdie Louise AR; Education fellow, 1929-30, 1932-33. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2473

Vaughn, Moses W. MD; Agriculture fellow, 1949-50. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2473

Villard, Oswald 1903-1954 General correspondence. GEB 1.2 112 203 1937- 1938

Vine, Mattie E. MS; Health Education, 1948-49. GEB FRC

Virginia Department of Correspondence, reports, and GEB 1.3 950 524 5603- Education - Socio-Economic pamphlets. 5604 Study of Negro Life, 1939-43

Virginia Department of Higher educ for Negroes. George Wales. GEB 1.3 950 524 5605- Education Study, 1940-44 Correspondence and reports. 5606

Virginia State Agent for Summer schools for Negroes. GEB 1.2 669.1 299 3133 Rural Schools (Negro), 1929-33

98 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Virginia State College for L.H. Foster. Correspondence, GEB 1.3 950 524 5591- Negroes - Community reports, and pamphlets. 5592 Development in Chesterfield County, 1943-49

Virginia State College for Study business practices. GEB 1.3 950 524 5593 Negroes - George Read, 1945-46

Virginia State College for Study life and labor of GEB 1.3 950 5593 5594 Negroes - Harry Roberts, 1941-45 rural VA Negroes.

Virginia State College for Grad school in library science. GEB 1.3 950 523 5589 Negroes - James Hulbert, 1944 Louis R. Wilson.

Virginia State College for GEB 1.3 950 443 4668 Negroes - Library and Laboratory, 1934-38

Virginia State College for Research re: Negro in VA GEB 1.3 950 523 5590 Negroes - Luther Jackson, 1942-48 history.

Virginia State College for L.H. Foster. Correspondence, GEB 1.3 950 524 5595- Negroes - Summer School for reports, pamphlets, and 5596 Ministers, 1944-49 photos.

Virginia State College, Formerly VA N & I. Equip, perm improv, GEB 1.1 Va 119 183-184 1717- 1905-23 bldgs, teach salary, books. L.H. Foster. 1722 Correspondence, reports, pamphlets, and photographs.

Virginia Union University - GEB 1.3 950 526 5616 Endowment, 1946-52

Virginia Union University - GEB 1.3 950 443 4669 Library and Laboratory, 1934-37

Virginia Union University - Constr and equip, perm improv. Belgian GEB 1.3 950 526-527 5617- Library Building, 1936-48 Pavilion of NY World=s Fair to campus. 5625 J.M. Ellison, Noble Beall, Frank Padderford, S.E. Hening, Frank A. Smith. ABHMS, Northern Baptist Convention. Correspondence, reports, clippings, and photos.

Virginia Union University - GEB 1.3 950 527 5626 Library Development, 1944-46

Virginia Union University - GEB 1.3 950 527 5627 Teachers Salaries, 1943-45

Virginia Union University, Endow, scholar, land, bldgs and equip, teach GEB 1.1 Va 16 170-171 1589- 1902-52 salary, current expen. ABHMS. Arthur Wright, 1598 George Rice Hovey, Frank A. Smith, Alfred Stern, George Sale, H.L. Morehouse. Correspondence, reports, and pamphlets.

Virginia Union University, 1933-39 GEB 1.3 950 433 4544

Virginia Union University, 1934 Frank A. Smith. GEB 1.2 692.1 307 3214

Von Charlton, Rudolph Everett TX; Music fellow, 1946-48. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2473

Voorhees N & I - Industrial Robert W. Patton. American Church GEB 1.3 950 527 5628 and Science Equipment, 1937. Institute.

99 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Voorhees N & I - Library GEB 1.3 950 527 5629 Improvement and Faculty Salary, 1947-49 Voorhees N & I - Plant GEB 1.3 950 527 5630 Repairs, 1946-48

Voorhees N & I - Survey, 1941-42 GEB 1.3 950 527 5631

Voorhees N & I - Teacher Books and educ materials, salary. GEB 1.3 950 527 5632 Training, 1942-49

Voorhees N & I School, Teach salary, current expen, perm improv, GEB 1.1 SC 3 122 1110- 1902-57 repairs and equip, survey. American Church 1116 Institute. Booker T. Washington, J.E. Blanton, Robert Patton, George F. Peabody, Robert C. Ogden. Correspondence, reports, pamphlets, and photographs.

Voorhees N & I School, 1934 Robert W. Patton. GEB 1.2 692.1 307 3215

Voorhees School and Junior Construction of infirmary. GEB 1.3 950.4 545 5842 College, 1948-49

W Walden College, 1902-26 Formerly Central Tennessee College. GEB 1.1 Tenn 2 133 1226 Methodist Episcopal Church, Freedmen=s Aid Society. Jay Benson Hamilton.

Waldron, J. Milton Colored YMCA, Richmond, Virginia, 1890. FM 1 Ofc Cor 48 357

Walker Baptist Institute, Formerly Walker N & I Institute. ABHMS. GEB 1.1 Ga 147 59 519 1903-15 H.L. Morehouse, George Sale.

Walker, LeRoy T. NC; Health and Physical GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2474 Education fellow, 1948-49.

Walker, Mabel Lee MS; Health Education fellow, 1945-46. GEB FRC

Walker, Matthew TN; Medical Science fellow, 1938-39. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2474

Walker, Saunders Earl AL; English fellow, 1939-40. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2474

Wall, Limas Dunlop VA; Biology fellow, 1937-40. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2474

Wallace, Elsie Hill IL; Sociology and Music fellow, 1945-47. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2474

Wallace, Joel Wise NC; English fellow, 1950-51. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2474

Wallace, William J.L. NC; Chemistry fellow, 1930-31. GEB 1.2 400 S 243 2474

Wardlaw, Alvin Holmes TX; Mathematics fellow, 1952-54. GEB 1.2 400 S 252 2601

Ware, Bennie Maye AL; Home Economics fellow, 1927-28, 1938-39. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2474

Ware, Ethan Earl FL; Biology fellow, 1932-33. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2474

Ware, Marguerite Evelyn AL; History fellow, 1944-46. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2474

Warren, Samuel E. TX; Economics fellow, 1933-34. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2474

Warwick, Florence M. GA; Dance fellow, 1935-37. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2474

100 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Washington Educational Negro club awarded plaque to JDR, which FM 2 F & S 24 176 Touring Club, 1952-57 JDR 3rd accepted. JDR 3rd interest in Club. George Wallace, among others, is represented in this file.

Washington University - RF 1.2 200 R 469 4009 Urban Renewal Design (Montgomery, Roger), 1961-64, 1966

Washington Urgan League, RF 1.2 200 105 926-928 Inc., 1966-69

Washington, Booker T. Tuskegee Normal School; one FM 1 Ofc Cor 48 359 letter, April 10, 1888.

Washington, Booker T. Efforts to establish Booker T. Washington FM 2 Cultural 10 105-106 Memorial Association, 1946-59 School of Industrial Training at birthplace. No participation. GEB and Foundation officers suspected excessive commercial activity. Rockefeller Brothers shared this view. File reflects bankrupting of project because of a lack of black support, according to S. Phillips, founder and apparently a segregationist.

Washington, Booker T., 1902-22 GEB 1.5 W 1 722 7427

Washington, Booker T., Correspondence,, pamphlets, GEB 1.3 950 403 4224 Birthplace Memorial, 1945-51 and photographs.

Washington, Nettie Hancock NY; Sociology fellow, 1935-36. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2475

Washington, Silas Perry TN; Engineering fellow, 1931-32. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2475

Waters Normal Institute, Bldgs and equip. ABHMS. GEB 1.1 NC 163 111 1003 1907-21 George Sale, N.C. Newbold.

Waters, Maceo LA; Education fellow, 1934-35. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2475

Watkins, Mark Hanna IL; Anthropology fellow, 1930-32. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2475

Watts Labor Community Action Initial grant of $25,000 to Ted Watkins=s RF 1.2 200 105-106 929-936 Committee, 1968-71 organization for its programs to increase economic opportunities for residents of the Watts area in Los Angeles.

Watts Labor Community Action Legal size. RF 1.2 200 616 5289

Committee, Sample Forms, (2 items), 1969

Watts Writers Workshop, $25,000 for a project operated by RF 1.2 200 R 469-470 4010- 1967-69, 1971 Bud Schulberg at Douglass House in 4011 Los Angeles.

Watts, Frederick Payne DC; Psychology fellow, 1936-37. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2475

Waxwood, Howard B., Jr. LA; Mathematics fellow, 1930-31. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2475

Weaver, Maurine Pelham DC; Medical Science fellow, 1943-44. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2475

Webster Parish Training School, 1931 GEB 1.1 La 68 91 807

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Weeks, John Shiloh Baptist Church, Cleveland, 1880. FM 1.2 Ofc Cor 49 363

Weir, Everett George IL; Medical Science fellow, 1934-36. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2475

Welch, Winfred Bruce MS; Education fellow, 1950-51. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2475

Welfare Council of New York Davidson II 2 19 City - Negro Project

Wells, James Lesesne DC; Arts and Architecture fellow, 1936-37. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2475

Wesleyan University - RF 1.2 200 106 938 Remedial Education, 1967-69

West 110th Street Community Black-Puerto Rican Center began operations FM 2 Welfare 44 Center, 1946-49 in 1947; closed for lack of funds in 1949. No Rockefeller interest.

West Side Development Interracial cooperative program to improve JDR 3rd 1 32 319 Corporation (Cleveland, living and economic conditions, including Fund Ohio), 1972-73 encouragement of consumer food coops.

West Virginia State College - Equipment. GEB 1.3 950 527 5635 Division of Trade and Technical Education, 1936-39

West Virginia State College - GEB 1.3 950 443 4670 Library and Laboratory, 1935-37

West Virginia State College, Constr and equip of practice school. GEB 1.1 WV 11 191 1796- 1926-54 Correspondence, pamphlets, and reports. 1798

West, Harold Dadford TN; Chemistry fellow, 1935-37. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2475

Westberry, John Elliott TX; Mathematics fellow, 1952-54. GEB 1.2 400 S 252 2602

Westbrooks, Fred E. MI; Agriculture fellow, 1953-54. GEB 1.2 400 S 253 2603

Western Reserve Adademy - Program to provide new educational RF 1.2 200 107 942-946 Summer Program, 1965-67 opportunities to disadvantaged and minority junior high school students in the Akron, OH, area.

Western Reserve Education Program to encourage college-bound students JDR 3rd 1 32 318 Fund, 1971-72 to consider ways to work on human social Fund problems. Some attention to minority students.

Wheeler, Genevieve Josephine FL; Home Economics fellow, 1943-44. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2475

Wheeler, Lillian Gertrude NY; Medical Science fellow, 1946-47. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2475

Wheelock, Muss Lucile E. AL; Library Service fellow, 1926-27. GEB FRC

White House Conference on Incorporation of art education into JDR 3rd 11 247 1793 Children, 1970 general curriculum.

White, Clarence Reed CA; Physics fellow, 1933-34. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2476

White, Frederick Douglass NC; Language fellow 1932-33. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2476

White, Lorenzo Chalmers VA; Education fellow, 1932-33. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2476

White, Viola Terrell AL; Nursing fellow, 1946-47. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2476

102 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Whitehead, Genevieve C. VA; Education fellow, 1929-30. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2476

Whitehead, Matthew J. NC; Education fellow, 1943-44. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2476

Whitehurst, Keturah Elizabeth MA; Psychology fellow, 1944-46. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2476

Whitehurst, William H. VA; Biology fellow, 1933-34. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2476

Whiteside, Mary Geraldine MS; Education fellow, 1933-34. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2476

Whitfield, Lawrence Alexander FL; Biology fellow, 1938-39. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2476

Whiting, Helen Adele NY; Education fellow, 1925. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2476

Whiting, Joseph Livingston, 1927-28 LSRM Fellowship. LSRM 3.8 98 995

Whittaker, John P. GA; Education fellow, 1927-28. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2476

Wiggins, Garrett Thurston FL; Education fellow, 1930-31, 1944-46. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2476

Wilberforce University, 1905-61 Reports and pamphlets. GEB 1.4 1025 597 6339- 6343

Wiley College - Community GEB 1.3 950 528 5644 Workshop, 1944-45

Wiley College - Library and GEB 1.3 950 443 4671 Laboratory, 1935-37

Wiley College - Library GEB 1.3 950 528 5645 Facilities, 1935

Wiley College - Teacher of GEB 1.3 950 528 5646 Agriculture, 1942-44

Wiley College, 1909-53 Remodel, teach salary, equip of library, books, GEB 1.1 Tex 82 166 1552- constr and equip, endow, current expenses, 1557 Methodist Episcopal Church. M.J. Holmes, M.S. Davage, P.J. Maveety. Correspondence and reports.

Wiley College, 1933-34 M.J. Holmes. GEB 1.2 692.1 307 3216

Wilkerson, Doxey Alphonso VA; Education fellow, 1933-34. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2477

Williams, Alexander A. TN; Medical Science fellow, 1942-43. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2477

Williams, Charles G. DC; Language fellow, 1932-33. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2477

Williams, Daniel A. NC; Health Education, 1947-48 GEB FRC

Williams, Edward Buchanan GA; Economics fellow, 1939-41. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2477

Williams, Florence Chapman NC; Public Health fellow, 1923-24. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2477

Williams, Frederick A. LA; Agricultural Economics fellow, 1945-47. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2477

Williams, George W. Author seeks financial aid to attend FM 1 Ofc Cor 49 366 anti-slavery conference in Switzerland. Williams, Hazel Browne KY; Student Personnel GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2477 Administration fellow, 1940-41.

Williams, John Calvin TX; Agriculture fellow, 1948-49. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2477

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Williams, John T. KY; Education fellow, 1931-32. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2477

Williams, Lenora Patton AR; Education fellow, 1936-37. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2477

Williams, Prince Ahmed WV; Music fellow 1944-46. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2477

Williams, Samuel Woodrow GA; Philosophy fellow, 1949-50. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2477

Williams, Sidney D. NC; Education fellow, 1929-30. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2477

Williams, Walter Herman MS; Education fellow, 1934-35. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2477

Williamsburg (VA) Negro Support Burton Hts High School, equip. Rawls GEB 1.3 950 528 5647- Community School, 1938-49 Byrd, Fred Alexander. Correspondence, 5651 reports, and pamphlets. Williamson, James Currell AL; Psychology fellow, 1924-25. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2477

Williamson, John Theophilus AL; Chemistry fellow, 1930-31. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2477

Williamson, Juanita V. TN; English fellow, 1949-51. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2477

Willoughby, Glee Jane NC; Home Economics fellow, 1934-35. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2477

Wilson, Anaise Theresa Victorianne MS; Personnel Administration fellow, 1952-53. GEB 1.2 400 S 250 2567

Wilson, George Dewey NC; Education fellow, 1927-28. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2478

Wilson, Gold Refined IL; Education fellow, 1930-31. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2478

Wilson, Ligon A. AL; Education fellow, 1927-28, 1934-35. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2478

Wilson, Mayme Belle VA; Nursing fellow, 1942-43. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2478

Wilson, Milton TX; Business Administration fellow, 1949-51. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2478

Wilson, Prince Edward GA; History fellow, 1948-49. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2478

Wilson, Raleigh Archie TX; History fellow, 1932-33. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2478

Winston - Salem Teachers Formerly Slater State N & I School. Equip, GEB 1.1 NC 39 105 948-950 College, 1902-40 bldgs, improv, current expen. N.C. Newbold. Correspondence and reports.

Winters, William Vergil GA; Chemistry fellow, 1932-33. GEB 1.2 400 S 246 2478

Wood, Francis Marion KY; Education fellow, 1924-25. GEB 1.2 400 S 247 2479

Wood, Henderson Kingsberry TN; Biology fellow, 1946-48. GEB 1.2 400 S 247 2479

Wood, Lloyd Lander NC; Chemistry fellow, 1933-34. GEB 1.2 400 S 247 2479

Woodruff, Hale Aspacio GA; Arts and Architecture fellow, 1936. GEB 1.2 400 S 247 2479

Woodruff, Theresa Ada GA; Education fellow, 1943-44. GEB 1.2 400 S 247 2479

Woods, Letitia C. TN; History fellow, 1945-47. GEB 1.2 400 S 247 2479

Woodson, George Frederick Jr. NC; Mathematics fellow, 1937-38. GEB 1.2 400 S 247 2479

Woolridge, Nancy Bullock KY; English fellow, 1938-39. GEB 1.2 400 S 247 2479

Work Among Negroes, Special appeals, mostly declined; some small FM 2 Welfare 38 Miscellaneous, 1916-61 gifts. Reports on various campaigns for improving education or civil rights.

104 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Workshop in Business RF 1.2 200 110-111 970-972 Opportunities, Inc., 1968-71

Wormley, James Wallace AL; General Science fellow, 1935-36. GEB 1.2 400 S 247 2479

Wormley, Stanton Lawrence VA; Language and English fellow, 1936-37. GEB 1.2 400 S 247 2479

Worsham, Mayme Louise NY; Home Economics fellow, 1924-25. GEB 1.2 400 S 247 2479

Wrenn, Julia A. Il; Education fellow, 1926-27. GEB 1.2 400 S 247 2479

Wright, Adolphus Bell GA; Economics fellow, 1937-38. GEB 1.2 400 S 247 2479

Wright, Edwina M. VA; Home Economics fellow, 1925-26. GEB 1.2 400 S 247 2479

Wright, Leon Edward MA; Philosophy fellow, 1944-45. GEB 1.2 400 S 247 2479

Wright, Stephen Junius NC; Education fellow, 1941-43. GEB 1.2 400 S 247 2479

Wrong, Margaret 1942-48 Africa, survey, general GEB 1.2 637.1 288 3008- correspondence. 3009

Wyatt, Donald Wheeler NC; Sociology fellow, 1939-40. GEB 1.2 400 S 247 2479

Wynbush, Octavia B. AR; English fellow, 1931-32. GEB 1.2 400 S 247 2479

Y Yale University - Ellison, RF 1.2 200 R 472 4037 Ralph (Creative Writing, Fiction), 1964-66, 1971

Yale University - Summer RF 1.2 200 112 998-990 High School, 1966-68

Yale University - $225,000 appropriated for a 3-year trial of a RF 1.2 200 113 991-993 Transitional Year, 1966-71 transitional year program for talented but disadvantaged high school students.

Yale University - UNC Educ of American Negroes; African GEB 1.4 2200.1 636 6677- Seminar, 1935-38 natives. Howard Odum. Charles T. Loram. 6678

Yale University, Miller, Study of role of government RF 1.2 200 112 987 William L., 1965-67 regarding disadvantaged.

Yerger, Myrtle M. AR; English fellow, 1931-32. GEB 1.2 400 S 247 2480

YMCA - International Davison II 2 21 Committee - Projects, Institute for Training Native African Social Workers

YMCA - National Council - Davison II 3 21 Colored Work Department

YMCA - National Council - Summary of YMCA work with Blacks; work FM 2 Youth 33 Colored Work, 1929-44 of colored work division. Channing Tobias= memories of JDR.

YMCA - National Council - Max Work in Union of South Africa; JDR Jr. FM 2 Youth 35

105 Name Description Collection Record Series Box Folder Group

Yergan Work in Africa, 1927-47 contribution to building for training for Negro leaders.

YMCA - NY - Tarrytown, 1903-61 Needs and activities of Tarrytown YMCA FM 2 Youth 42-43 JDR and JDR Jr. donation. JDR Jr. participation in anniversary celebration. Clips; ANegro Issue,@ 1958 study of fundraising possibilities. JDR Jr. gift to Phillip Miller for personal use.

YMCA - NYC - Harlem Branch, Declination of appeals and invitation. JDR 3rd FM 2 Youth 42 1944-56 1949 anonymous contribution to Robinson- Campanella Program. 1949 address to Century Club.

YMCA - Washington, D.C., Needs of Negro YMCA in Washington; JDR FM 2 Youth 36 1903-12 conditional pledge. Senator Aldrich=s letter introducing Henry MacFarland, Pres of DC Board of Commissioners.

YMCA Graduate School - LSRM-SF. Nashville, at Fisk LSRM 3.8 103 1043 Interracial Library, 1928-32 University. YMCA National Council - FM 2 Youth 33 Colored Work - Contributions

YMCA-Chicago - Leadership RF 1.2 200 113 994-996 Training

YMCA-Chicago - Youth Groups, RF 1.2 200 113 997-998 1967-70

Young Men=s Christian Association General correspondence, GEB 1.2 110 203 1933- Association declinations, and pamphlets 1936

Young, Evelyn Harriet VA; Education fellow, 1936-37. GEB 1.2 400 S 247 2480

Young, Percy NC; Education fellow, 1934-35. GEB 1.2 400 S 247 2480

Young, Roger Arliner (Miss) PA; Biology fellow, 1938-39. GEB 1.2 400 S 247 2480

Young, Whitney M. Jr., Soc science and educ admin fellow. GEB 1.3 950 529 5663- 1959-62 Correspondence, reports, and pamphlets. 5664

Youth Development and JDR 3rd 1 33 331 Delinquency Prevention, 1972 Fund

Z Zealey, Marion Lander AL; Chemistry fellow, 1938-39, 1946-48. GEB 1.2 400 S 247 2480