Educational Directory 1°30

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Educational Directory 1°30 UNITED STATESDEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR RAY LYMAN WILBUR. Secretary s. OFFICE OF EDUCATION WILLIAM JOHN COOPER. Commissioner BULLETIN, 1930, No. 1 EDUCATIONAL DIRECTORY 1°30 1 --"16. ,0 DANIA el 9-111911,- , Al.. s."2:1,_ 111 %. a a. Al. UNITED STATES GOVEANNIENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON:1930 - bes oh by the Swerintendept ofDocuments, Yashington, D. C. e . Price 30 casts o ) ..:41 1\1 456391 g. JUrl-71118 AC4 1,69 \ '30 ,1101141117111.... swim r-" R :7) - - -.40- - t .1.111= CONTENTS I 1 Page I. United StatesOffice ofEducation___ _ _ 1 II. PrincipalState schoolofficers .. ______ .. ... s .;2 III. Countyand other localsuperintendents of schools'_ _...... _ .............. 16 Iv. Superintendentsof public schoolsin cities andtowns 40 I V. Public-schoolbusiness managers_______- ____---.--..... --- 57, VI. Presidentsof tiniversitiesand colleges 58 VII. Presidents of juniorcolleges _ , 65 VIII. Headsof departmentsof education_ 68 "P r Ix. Presidentsor WM OW .N. deans of sehoolsof theology__ m =0 MMM .. ../ Mt o. w l0 X. Presidentsordeans of schools oflaw _ 78 XI. Presidentsor deans of schools of medicinP M Mo". wt. MP OM mm .. 80 XII. Presidentsordeans of schoolsof dentistry__.---- ___--- - 82 XIII. Prusidentsordeans of dchoolsof pharmacy_____ .. 82 XIV. PNsidentsofrschools ofosteopathy : 84 XV. Deansof schools ofveterinary medicine . 84 XVI. Deansof collegiateschools ofcommerce 84 XVII. Schools, colleges,ordepartments ofengineering _ 86 XVIII. Presidents,etc., of institutions forthetraini;igof teachers: , (1) Presidents ofteachers colleges__:__aft do am IND . _ . _ 89 (2) Principals of Statenormal schools_______ _ N.M4, 91 (3) Principals ofcity public normalschools___ __ _ 92 (4) Principals ofprivate physicaltraining schoolss.,__ _ 92 (5) Prinoipals ofprivatenursery,kindergarten, andprimary training schools 93 (6) Principals of privategeneral training schools 93 XIX. Directors of dummerschools of universities,colleges, andnormal schools 94 xx. Executive officers of Statelibrar-}:commissions_............_ 107 XXI. Directors of libraryschools 108 XNII. State libraryassqciations__-,.... ei 6. um .' ... m' "m '''''' , 108 XXIII. Educational boardsand foundations........ 110 XXIV. Church educationalboards 111 XXV. Superintendentsof Catholic parochialschools 112 XXVI. Jewish educationalorganizations 114 XXVII. International educationalassociations ariafoundations ..IMII OP .. AP MD 114 XXVIII. Americanassociationseducational, civic, andlearned__ J 116 XXIX. Nationalcongressof parents 1,-nd teachers P 147 ,. X.XX. Educational periodicalâ............. ...... .I I M. MD - 148 111 \, O EDUCATIOW DIRECTORY,1930 IIP I. UNITED STATES OFFICEOFEDUCATION Commipsioner of Fduration,William John Cover. AtingtontCOltimissionrr,Bess Ooodykoontz. Chiefqtrk, Lewis A. Kalhach. &,...ffarytoMr CnrIf r!in rar--N1rs.Mabel II de Smith. DInftron,v: 1. Administration (chief clerk, in charge)--- David E. Thomas, assistant chief clerk andaccountant. Julinathan FI. Wagner, chief, Alaska division, Juneau,Alaska. William Hamilton, assistant chief, Alaska division,Washington, D. 0, Eunice W. Curtis, in charge of mails and files. 2. Research and Investigation (Assistant Commissioner, in charge) Consultants . t James F Roger's. spec:alist in health education. Mark M. Proffitt. specialist in industrial education. (a) Collegiate Professional Arthur J. Kleio, chief. b. lien W. Frazier, senior specialist in teacher training. Walter 4. Greenleaf, associate specialistinhigher education. Walton C. John, associate specialistin graduate and professionaleducation. (t)it rilerican S('hool Systems Walter S.J )effenbaugh, chief. Mary Dabney Davis, senior specialist innursery-kindergarten-primary educe- tum Carl A. Jesse!), senior specialist in secondary education. 4 Mina M. Latigvick. senior specialistIT)elementary school curriculum. 9 Tinwn Covert, a4;sociatespecialist in school finance. - Ward W. Keesecker. assistant specialivtin school legislation. liovvoa i Iarisen, Juniorspecialist ikindergarten-primary education. (c) Foreign School Systems James F. A bel, chief. Severin K.Turosienski, assistant gpecialist in foreigneducation. Francis M.Fernald, assistant specialist in foreign education. (d) Special Probleins Mrs. Katherine M. Cook, chief. Walter II. Gauninitz, specialist inrural school problems. Annie Reynolds, associate specialist in school supervision. (e) Stet tst ical Marls M. Proffitt, acting chief. Principal statistical assistants: Emery M. Foster;Henry G. Badger;David T. Blose. S. EditorialHenry R. Evans, acting chief. 4. Library Martha lt. cCabe, act ing chief. Edith A. Lathrop, assistant specialist in school libraries. Edith A.Wright,junior librarian. Agnes I. Lee, junior librarian. 5. Service Lewis R. Alderman. chief. Alice Barrows, senior sgescialist in icheol building problems. John O. Maloti,Nenior specialist. in tommorcial education. Emeline 8. Whitcomb. senior specialistin home economics. 11° Florence C. Fox, associate specialist in elementary .eduCatkon. 41' Ellen C. Lombard, assistant specialistin home educationd Marie M. Ready, assistant specialist in physicaleducation. 4P 1 General SurveysCommissioner of Equtation, in charge., 1% 2 2 EDUCATIONALDIRECTORY, 1930 H.PRINCIPALSTATESCHOOLÒFFICERS It 411. State and office* Official designation Address Alabama. A. F. Hannan _ '- Statesuperintendentof educatibn Montgomery. John WAbercrombie . Assistant State I. superintendent___ .,= op ...... ..4/6 MP Do. James N. Gunnels _ Chief clerk Do. John Crump Assistant chiefclerk and N. F. Greenhill tickaccountant. _ Do. 1 )irector,divisionof educationalad ministration. Do. A. R. Meadow,; Supervisor of B. L. Parkinson attendance andchild accounting. 1)o. Ditector ofteacher training,certification, and Do. elementaryeducation. I. P. W. 1lodges . ......Secretary ofteacher training,certification, rind 1)o. elementaryeducat . 'Mrs.Georgia 11.110(1g . Assistant incert ficat ion_ _ _ . ....... _ _,..._ 1)0. 4/1141, .6. .M04111 Ow Mr Ow 114 1141 MM. .1mb4. Superv isor of elementary education ._ ._ Du. Dale S. Young____ _ Direetor, division ofre!varch ILI n.ormat ion__ )0. GrattanPayne____ _. Stattstician . a. .. .; 1)0. W. L.Spencer___ Director ofsecondary education_MP =I 41, . 11414 1)o. T. W. Smith_ ______ Supervisor ofsecondary es.1 N. R.Baker. wilt ion Do. do .00 Ca am ob mb . ....... dow Do. Norma Smith A(tiflgdirector, schooland community ment. better- Do. J. R. Sharman Director of physical andhealtheducation__ Jessie R. Garrison. - 411 aa MI1 111 1M, Supervisor of physicaland healthe(lucation__ Clutie .BloodBloodworth 1)i re(torof J. B. Hohdv__ except ionaleducation 1 )irector ofvocat ionaleducation_ _ ea e e. e 4144 R. F,. Caminack Supervisorof agricultural .4 education__ __--- s Terry C.Foster 1,0 4D So Supervisor ofcivilianrehabilitation.... Margaret Shook 4. Assistant supervisorof civilianrehnhilitat ion . Mrs.O.L. Gilbert__---- _ Ivol Spa iiervisor of home economics MID educat i(n._.._ OR. OP.44 E. C.Comstock Supervisor of industrialeducation M R. E. Ledbetter )irector ofschoolhouseplanning A. F. Dittmar_... Architecturaldraftsman Clyde Pearson A siqaii _ t architecturaldraftsman . .. W. E.Berms....1..14. M OP Supervisorof construction, rutalschools___ J. S. Lamtwrt va 1)irector ofnegro education E. U. Mc(lehee,jr Supervisor f _ negro education.___AM. IM M. 11.Griffin__ Rosenwaldbuildingagent - Mrs. MaryF. Mc David.Jeanes supervisor Alaska,: LeoW. Breuer._ (formal -lonerof education Arizotia. C. O.Wase States intendent of publicinstruction andpti(kiniL State J. A. Riggins executive officerfor vocationaleducat ion. ....Assistantsuperintendent ofpublic instruction.t 1 io. W. R.Ashurst 1. ieldman Margaret B. Do. Martin....Statistician - . Do. Jessie J. Ford_ . Certificationclerk Alice B. I Do. Gearhart.. Record clerk Do. Halbert W.Miller_______State directorAndsupervisorteacher-trulncrof agricultural 1)o. Mildred W. Wood education. Statesupervisorteacher-trainer ofhomeeco- Do: nomles education. George S. Sanders State stipervisorteacher-trainer oftrades and Do. industrialeducation. Arkansas:, C. M. Hirst J Statesuperintendentof RuhlicInstruction_ Little Rock. H. T. Steele AssistantState stmerintendent. Pearle Davis Do. 1)tputyStatesuPerinten(lent Do. Howard Dawson.-- 1 )irector,bureau of H. A ..Little -- research andstat istics. Do. A ssistantdirector, bureauof researchand stat is- tics. Do. J. Odell Baker .... Director of school plant division._.....MO M, .41 Do. E. B. Matthew Director ofvocational education R. 15. Smith Servisor of Do. A. S. Ross vocationalagriculture Do. Supervisorof vocationalcivilianrehabilitation Do. Fred McCuiston_ Supervisor of F. T. Mitchell_ negro schools______ Do. .... kssistantsupervisor ofnegro schools Do. W. J.Breit........... SUpervisor of trades andindustries .4 «a *4e.e.e Druzilla kent Supervisor of Do. M. R.Owens....... hoineeconomics Do. O. F. Floyd Supervisor ofhigh schools . 1)o. ........ _ Supervisor of ruralschools 1)o. W. F.Hall__ ___do Christ ineSanders.......Librarian Do. Frances Do. Bailey Itinerant teachertrainer_ Uo. California: 41, VierlingKersey...........State superintendentof publicinstruction and director of Sacramento. Pauline education. Winner...t..........Secretaryto the director oreducation Do. Barn H. Cohn._ Deputysuperintendent of public Helen N. instruction__ Do. Heffernan Chief, divisionof rural educatitt Do. Lillian B. Hill Chief, bureauof attendancepnd migratory schools. Do. Julian A. MoPhes ...Chief bureauof agricultural NicholasR. Riocarcli..- eduesti Do. Chiefigliviaionof citysecondarywhack... Do. PAINCIPAL
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