The Chemical Identity of '[Ag(Py)2]Mno4'
The chemical identity of ‘[Ag(py)2]MnO4‘ organic solvent soluble oxidizing agent and new synthetic routes for the preparation of [Ag(py)n]XO4 (X= Mn, Cl, Re, n=2-4) complexes István E. Sajó†, Gréta B. Kovács‡,§ Tibor Pasinszki¶, Petra A. Bombicz‡, Zoltán May‡, Imre M. Szilágyi§, Anna Jánosity‡, Kalyan K. Banerjiǁ, Rajni Kant†† and László Kótai‡,‡‡* †University of Pécs, János Szentágothai Research Centre, Ifjúság útja 20, Pécs, H-7624 Hungary ‡Research Centre for Natural Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Magyar Tudósok krt. 2., Budapest, H- 1117 Hungary. §Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, Műegyetem rakpart 3, Budapest, H-1111 Hungary ¶Fiji National University, Department of Chemistry, School of Pure Sciences, College of Engineering, Science & Technology, P.O.Box 7222, Nasinu, Fiji Islands ǁDepartment of Chemistry, JNV University, Jodhpur 342005, India ††X-ray Crystallography Laboratory, Department of Physics, University of Jammu, Jammu-Tawi, 180006 ‡‡Deuton-X Ltd., Érd, Selmeci. u. 89., H-2030 Hungary Abstract A widely used oxidizing agent in organic chemistry with an assumed structure of ‘[Ag(py)2]MnO4‘ and its perchlorate and perrhenate analogues are studied. Their synthesis in pure form is challenging. In order to clarify the chemical nature of known compounds and find routes to new derivatives, a systematic study is presented for the synthesis of [Ag(py)n]XO4 (X= Mn, Cl, Re, n=2-4) complexes. Ten complexes including four new derivatives, namely [Ag(py)4]MnO4, [Ag(py)4]MnO4·4[Ag(py)2]MnO4, [Ag(py)2]ClO4·0.5py, and [Ag(py)2]ReO4 are synthesized and characterized.
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