The Ukrainian Weekly 1978, No.44
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File Type:pdf, Size:1020Kb ГНЕ 1 CBOFOAAJ^SVOBOM П ” ” ” ^” 1 УКРАЇНСЬКИЙ ЩОАІННИК ЧИР и к я А ІNІлN о А І IV j UkrainiaENGL1SH-LANGUAGnE WEEKL YWeelc EDlTlON l У VOL. LXXXV NO. 252 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 19,1978 25 CENTS UNA to mark 85th anniversary with increased activity Plan new membership drive, discuss jubilee observance JERSEY. C1TY, N.J. - With the Canada; Mrs. Mary Dushnyck, Sup– 85th anniversary of the Ukrainian reme vice-President; Walter Sochan, National Association just three months Supreme Secretary; Mrs. Ulana Dia– away, the UNA Supreme Executive chuk. Supreme Treasurer; Wasyl Ori– Committee devoted a portion of its chowsky, Supreme Organizer; and Saturday, November 15, meeting to Svoboda Editor Emeritus Anthony discussing appropriate commemora– Dragan, who was invited to attend the tions of that event. .^ '- meeting. Next February 22, on the birthday of After the official opening ceremony, the Father of America and its first adoption of the agenda and approval of President, George Washington, the the minutes of the previous meeting UNA will be 85 years old. From meager which were prepared by Mr. Sochan, beginnings in the cradle of Ukrainian the meeting" began with the traditional life in America, Shamokin, Pa., the report of the Supreme Treasurer. UNA has grown to be the leading Ukrainian fraternal and community Treasurer's report , organization. , in addition to the preparations for Mrs. Diachuk began her report by The UNA Supreme Executive Committee, right to left, Supreme Organizer Wasyl the 85th anniversary, the UNA Sup– informing her colleagues on the Sup– Orichowsky, Supreme Treasurer Mrs. Ulana Diachuk, Supreme Secretary Walter reme Officers also discussed the organi– reme Executive Committee of invest– Sochan, Supreme President Dr. John O. Flis, Supreme vice-President Dr. zing campaign, finances and invest– ment changes and new investments in Myron Kuropas, Supreme Director for Canada Sen. Paul Yuzyk, and Supreme ments, publications, cultural affairs and bonds and mortgages. These new acqui– vice-President Mrs. Mary Dushnyck. Aslo seen is Svoboda Editor Emeritus many community-related topics. sitions were wholeheartedly approved. Anthony Dragan, left. The meeting was convened and in the first nine months of this year, chaired by Supreme President Dr. John said Mrs. Diachuk, the UNA'S income loan Soyuz made to the Ukrain– matured policies were 546,573 less than O. Flis. Also present were Dr. Myron totalled 54,995,407. That figure was ian National Urban Renewal Corp. last year and amounted to 5618,106. Kuropas, Supreme vice-President; Sen. 5318,929 more than during the same income from Soyuzivka amounted to UNA expenses for advertisements Paul Yuzyk, Supreme Director for period in 1977. income from dues 5409,117.38, compared to 5401,000 totalled S2C,192. This figure was more amounted to 52,304,259, which was during the same period last year. The than twice the amount spent in 1975. 525,743 more than during the first three- Svoboda Press grossed 5462,000, while Subsidies for members to Svoboda rose quarters of the previous year. The last year the figure was 5431,000. by 511,500 to 5232,400. This was Parliament adopts increase in income from dues last year Expenses for the first nine months of 540,000 more than in 1975. was 517,223, reported Mrs. Diachuk. 1978 totalled 5248,855, compared to Expenses at Svoboda amounted to interest from bonds brought in 5311,718 last year. Death benefits rose 5461,905, a figure which was 530,000 Shumuk resolution 51,322, 512, which was a gain of by 530,000 over last year to 5577,779. more than last year and 580,000 more 5131,843. Double indemnity payments amounted than in 1975. OTTAWA, Ont. - After initially to 57,500, ADD payments - 515,000, defeating a resolution in defense of interest on mortgage loans decreased Soyuzivka's expenses this year were by 515,318 and amounted to 515,297. and cash surrenders - 5214,728.70 for Danylo Shumuk, the Canadian House The UNA earned 5190,000 from the a increase of 510,000. Payments on (Continued on page 2) of Commons on November 3 adopted a proposal that would request the Soviet government to release him from prison. Mark MacGuigan, a Liberal member of Parliament from the Windsor– Third WCFU convenes November 23 Walkerville district of Ontario, intro– duced the resolution as a "matter of NEW YORK, N.Y. - New York in Ukraine, and the role of youth in the urgent and pressing necessity." Citing City will be the site of the Third World Ukrainian community. Shumuk's poor state of health, Mr. Congress of Free Ukrainians, which will "Ukrainians are particularly con– MacGuigan proposed that the House of be held at the Americana Hotel, 52nd cerned with these questions, as they see Commons "strongly urges the Soviet Street and Seventh Avenue, from No– the Ukrainian culture and language in government, taking into account Dany– vember 23 to 26. The four-day congress danger of being eradicated by a policy lo Shumuk's ill health, to release him will bring together 500 delegates and of Russification conducted by the from prison." thousands of guests representing Uk– Soviet Russian regime in their home- The resolution was seconded by Ray rainian organizations in 20 countries on land and feel the need to foster their Hnatyshyn, a Progressive Conservative four continents of the free world. ethnic identity, culture and language in– member of Parliament from the Saska– Convened every five years, the Third cluding the continuation of a dynamic toon-Biggar district of Saskatchewan. WCFU is being held in conjunction community life in the free world," said a Mr. MacGuigan introduced the reso– with observances marking the 60th spokesman for the New York office of lution under the provisions of Standing anniversary of the establishment of the the WCFU. Order 43, which demands unanimous independent Ukrainian state. During in the course of the congress, nu– consent before action on a measure is the seven plenary sessions, the congress merous members of legislative bodies allowed. After a lengthy debate, unani– will be considering and discussing issues of the United States and Canada will mous approval was given to this reso– СВІТіІВИЙ КОНГРЕС ranging from the role of the WCFU in address the delegates, as well as repre– lution. ВІЛЬНИХ УКРАЇНЦІВ light of the needs of the Ukrainian sentatives of the Canadian federal Referring to a debate on the matter in ЛИСТОПАД 23 -26.НЮИОРК,ЗСА community in the free world, the World Congress and the struggle for freedom (Continued on page 4) (Continued on page 3) 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1978 No. 252 rsrr^r UNA to mark 85th... (Continued from page 1) bers, including 813 juveniles, 1,211 Supreme Assembly. of Ages and Amounts" for non-medical 5352,128.75. Last year the figure was adults and 435 under ADD certificates. ivan Skoczylas, secretary of the 29th insurance has been adopted on October 535,500 less. The total was down from the 2,726 UNA. Convention, completed trans– 1 and all Branch secretaries and organi– ; Printing expenses grew by over organized in the same period in 1977. cribing the minutes of the Convention, zers have been supplied with copies of 59,041 to 531,562. The new juvenile TP-65 certificates which are now being printed, after the new schedule. Organizing awards amounted to have not proved as popular with parents having been edited by Editor Emeritus At the first meeting of the Special 559,174.75, which was 5121,309 more and grandparents as anticipated, since Mr. Dragan. After proof-reading, these UNA Reorganizational Committee, than in 1975. Secretarial awards to- as of October 31 only 274 such certift– minutes will be published in Svoboda Mr. Sochan was present as a guest, and tailed 5221,941.95 - 56,550 more than cates have been issued. and later printed in book form. said that if the members of the commit– last year. On the whole, membership losses All minutes of the meetings of the tee requested it, he would attend all Salaries rose by 513,000 this year to a were less than expected, except for the Supreme Executive. Committee have future meetings and will gladly advise total of 5210,578. Up to now, the month of July, when 111 certificates been completed and translated into and assist its members when they feel it UNA has paid 5320,848 for costs con– were cash surrendered. English, except for the minutes of the necessary. The plans of the committee nected with the UNA Convention. UNA active members totalled 67,023 last annual meeting of the Supreme cover programs for immediate action UNA income rose to 542,972,003, a on September 30, showing a loss of 639 Assembly and the English text of the and for long-range action, and the gain of 5746,552 over last year. The members since January 1. Total mem– minutes of the 29th. Convention, the latter will require approval by the increase last year was 5739,795. bership, which includes those with paid- latter now being completed by the Convention of may even– demand up and extended term certificates, stood English-language. Convention secre– changes in by-laws. The highest priority UNUR Corp. at 87,241 on September 30, and showed tary, Tamara Kuropas. All completed for immediate action is the recruitment a decrease in the first nine months of 414 minutes ha^e been examined by the of organizers, the training of organizers Rental income from the offices in the members. UNA Supreme Auditing Committee, as and Branch secretaries, revision of current and the preparation of a whole Ukrainian Building during the first ten AH decisions adopted at the 29th well as by the New Jersey State insur– series of new promotional brochures, as months of 1978 amounted to Si .311.311.