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h C Z Real Estate and Insurance, -‘ 111 58 North Grove St., East Orange. S - x a G. A. W ESTERVELT ShfilU S o So BUSINESS DIRECTORY (1912) OF THE ORANGES 663 zfc“ ° EMPIRE REALTY CO.— 61 Freeman, O. GILLBARD’S DRUG STORES—448 and — zUI .III Incorporated 1910. President, Adam 562 Main, E O. Incorporated Decem ikm Leuchs; Vice President, George Greer; ber 5, 1904. Capital, $25,000. Pres Secretary, T. Leuchs; Treasurer, Al ident and Treasurer, Edward B. Gill- fred J. Grosso—See p 103 bard—See p 49 III Essex County Country Club—Hutton Gist Brothers Co—51 Thomas O Incor Park, W O. Incorporated 1887. porated October 1909 Capital $100,- CB President Austin Colgate Secretary 000 President Robert F Gist Secre i William D Sargent Treasurer Charles tary Samuel Doupe Treasurer John 1 1 F Rand W Gist 1 f f Essex Ice Co—26 Oakwood av O Incor Grey C M Mfg Co—358 Central av E O In I f * porated 1901 Capital $125,000 Pres^ corporated 1911 Capital $60,000 1 2 « ident F H Jones, Montclair Secretary i OE President Charles M Grey (DIO S H Van Syckel Treasurer Allen War- HALSEY H. B. C O .-^ 3d, S O. Incor dell, New York CVI porated December, 1900. Capital, 10 ■ Essex Pure Water Co—285 Main Incorpo > © $30,000. President, J. Bayard Clark, CD H rated 1900 Capital $25,000 Presi New York; Vice President, S. L. dent Halsey M Barrett, Bloomfield Halsey; Secretary and Treasurer, J. C 3 O Secretary and Treasurer J T Kirtland Wardley Hunt—See p 79 O O Z Essex Real Estate and Construction Co — Home Buyers Corporationfi-163 Essex av, g o Jh E U 352 Central av E O Incorporated O Incorporated 1903 Capital $100,- m j (0DC5 1910 Capital $125,000 President m g I- Z 000 President and Treasurer John Peter Brodeson, Glen Ridge Secretary Randall Secretary S Randall George M Von Qualen Treasurer 10 Jersey Publishing Co—240 Main O In "H is Christian Brodeson, Newark Z IIIP Everett John B & Son— 11 Elm O Incor corporated March 1909 Capital $25,- m ■■ u tf> 000 President Harry E Thompson u porated 1908 Capital $75,000 Presi * dent John B Everett Secretary and Secretary Frank L Baldwin Treasurer K i Treasurer Clinton J Everett Frank W Baldwin Kelly & Ackerson inc—49 Hilton E O In o ( 0 f ~ Fieger F L Pharmacy inc—331 Main E O -in a Incorporated 1911 President and corporated 1909 Capital $125,000 „ o IB Treasurer Mrs Bessie K Fieger Man President Joseph F Kelly Secretary O <0 | p Z CM ager William F Hart and Treasurer Michael B Paterson, O CM Newark (0 FISK'S REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE- m < 10 Kennedy-Mead Co The—291 Essex av O III "5 424 Central av, E O. President, Wil ■ © Incorporated 1900 Capital $50,000 liam I. Fisk—See p 102 o j £ President Oscar A Beverstock Secre o> 3 B Flor Helen Realty Co— 72 Snyder O In tary and Treasurer Charles A Mead L P < corporated 1911 Capital $3,000 o id I President Herbert Austin Secretary Koehler H J Sporting Goods Co—350 Main CD III E O President and Treasurer Her Z Gaetano Mazzi Treasurer Max Mindlin 2 3 > b p man J Koehler FORD CONTRACTING CO —251 Wa- Fir 3 LINDSLEY JOHN N., inc.—244 Main, O, CD pi 10 So verly pi, S O. Incorporated July 21, n CD o 1911. Capital, $10,000. President, Incorporated July, 1906. Capital, i z O < $100,000. President and Treasurer, z o Dennis J. Ford; Secretary and Treas < O John N. Lindsley; Secretary, William O B urer ,Lucy R. Ford—See p 55 III F. Rockwell—See p 96 PI CO FREEMAN BROS. CO— 53 and 55 Free z H CD Lyric Amusement Co—199 Main O In PI © man, O, and 485 Main, E O. Incor PI D> 1^ corporated April 1 1911 Capital $50,- H M CD porated July 2, 1903. Capital, $100,- CO 000. President,. Cyrus G. Freeman; 000 President Harold Nunn Secre N tary and Treasurer George M Hammel m • Vice President, Thomas Van Ness Ma n « n Manda W A—3d c Railroad pi S O Presi Z honey; Secretary, Hermon M. Free PI g £ (D man; Treasurer, Abram H. Mahoney dent Albert A Manda Vice President o z : id = fc O) —See side lines and Treasurer Gertrude A White Sec * retary Elizabeth M Mack CD i| g General Realty Corporation of N J— 10 o Railroad pi E O Incorporated De MATTHEWS A. M. & CO.—68 Freeman, o cember 1906 Capital $50,000 Presi O. Incorporated 1897. President PI J and Treasurer, A. H. Matthews; Vice dent Edward A Whitehouse, Newark (|)r ©CD I .« 2 President, C. W. Freeman; Secre m (LQUZ ' Secretary William W Crabbe, Newark P ' a Treasurer Frank Bancroft tary, George S. Bayes—See p 41 © Mz *Q <s 3a CD * £ < H o b > Z go < lA M C C A p i ARK REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE PI p i C0x Q m ID JnlilLO ni ULnim i 15 cone s t ., orange, n. j . phone 485-j -I 44 ESSEX COUNTY TR U ST CO Main st->Cor- Arlington Ave., East Orange. q • l -n , Pays Interest on Deposits in both Commercial and opeciai Departments. Accounts of Individuals, Firms, Corporations and Societies Solicited. 664 BUSINESS DIRECTORY (1912) OF THE ORANGES Corporations— C o n tin u ed . Orange Land and Improvement Co— 27 MAYER-BEZ STONE CO. THE—Brigh Day O Incorporated 1897 Capital ton av c Dodd, E O. Incorporated $50,000 President Thomas C Colt June 1, 1911- Capital, $25,000. Secretary Samuel S Colt Treasurer President, Paul Bez; Secretary and Edward Geach Treasurer, Michael Mayer—See p 34 Orange Machine and Mfg Co— 14 Stetson Meeker L M & Co—541 Main E O Incor O Incorporated 1902 President porated August 1899 Capital $50,000 Thomas Davis Secretary William President and Treasurer Lowell M Parkinson Treasurer H A Davis Meeker Secretary L M Meeker Jr Orange Publishing Co The—252 Main O Incorporated 1908 President Eugene Moloney Contracting Co—15 Hill O In F Kinkead, Jersey City corporated June 12 1905 President ORANGE STORAGE WAREHOUSE CO. and Treasurer Frank A Moloney Sec THE—42 Harrison, E O. Capital, retary B Meyer Newark $75,000. President, John Trow, Munson Supply Co—r 77 N 14th E O Barre, Vt.; Vice President, Irving M. President Garrett W Munson Harvey, Montpelier, Vt.; Secretary Neill J Alexander Co— 131 Essex av O In and Treasurer, Owen K. Klinck—See corporated January 1908 Capital side lines $100,000 President J Alexander Neill Orange Supply Co— 593 Main E O Presi Secretary Mabel Neill Treasurer Ra dent Charles R Meehan Secretary and chel Neill Treasurer Thomas J Lee Jr NEW JERSEY REGISTRATION AND Orange Valley Improvement Assn— 53 TRUST CO.— 525 Main, E O. Incor Valley O Incorporated 1904 Capital porated November 22, 1895. Capital, $25,000 President Leonora Hain $100,000. Secretary and Treasurer, Financial Secretary Edward Krause Harry H. Picking—See p 105 Corresponding Secretary JosephPraml Newark Grain and Hay Co— 18 Centre O Treasurer Frederick Maier President Alexander Gilland Secre Orange Valley Real Estate and Investment tary and Treasurer William Cdoper Cq— 44 McChesney O Incorporated No-Name Hat Mfg Co— 50 Mitchell O In 1905 President Peter Koch Secretary corporated 1883 Capital $100,000 Nicholas Koch Treasurer Louis Praml President and Treasurer Charles R Orange Water Co—336 Main E O Incor Wilmot Secretary E Y Fowler Jr porated 1865 Capital $100,000 Pres O’BRIEN J. CHARLES CO. THE— 10 ident Frederick M Shepard Vice Pres Sloan, S O. Incorporated May, 1905. ident Vernon L Davey Secretary POULTRY AND GAM E. Capital, Nos. 53-55 Freeman St., N. J.ORANGE, Telephone 2087 $100,000. President, J. Frederick M Shepard Jr Treasurer I I FRUITS ANDVEGETABLES. No. Charles584 Main St., EAST ORANGE, N. J. Telephone 2090 O’Brien; Secretary, George Theron Rockwell Doherty; Treasurer, Edmond V. O’ROURKE JOHN CO.— 17 Park av, W O’Brien—See foot lines O. Incorporated May, 1911. Capital, ORANGE ADVERTISER PUBLISHING $125,000. President, Edward C. CO.— 16 Cone, O. President, Robert Balch; Vice President and General Wright; Vice President, C. L. Shann; Manager, Freling O. Dunlap; Secre Secretary and Treasurer, J. R. Steward tary and Treasurer, Edward C. Balch, —See p 82 Jr.—See front and back covers Orange Brokerage Assn— 288 Scotland O Otterbein Realty Co—Highland av c Scot Incorporated 1911 Capital $125,000 land O Incorporated 1906 President President William L Otterbein Secre W L Otterbein Treasurer F H Otter tary Robert E Dudley Treasurer bein James F Naulty PARAGON OIL CO.— 144 Midland av, Orange Building and Construction Co—86 E O. Capital, $10,000. President, CO South O Incorporated 1907 Capital George Ellis, New York; Secretary, $3,000 President Frank Angelli Sec W. J. Goulding, New York; Treas retary Angelo January Treasurer urer and Manager, Hart E. Berg—See Thomas L San Giacomo p 85 Orange Hat Box Co The—9 Mitchell W O Pierson Cement Block Co— Glenwood pi n Incorporated 1905 President Henry Glenwood av E O Incorporated 1911 Berg Secretary and Treasurer John J President W N Sortor Secretary E M Booth Jacobus Treasurer M D Soverel NEWARK, N. J. FIDELITY TRUSTi m w i COMPANYw w m i ■■■■ ■ Receives Deposits and Pays Interest upon Daily Balances—subject to oheek at sight. Interest upon Savings Deposits. 4% on accounts less than $1,000.