\ (Backslash), 119 ' (Single Apostrophe
Index \ (backslash), 119 basin of attraction, 273 basis, 58, 65, 86, 87, 89, 97, 101 ' (single apostrophe), 116 definition of, 58 of a linear functional, 196 : (colon), 117 of eigenvectors, 155, 158, 245 orthogonal, 87 orthonormal, 73, 81 A vectors, 71 Bass-Gura formula, 416 a posteriori estimate, 483 Bellman’s principle of optimality, a priori estimate, 483 459 ACKER, 413, 530 bias point, 30 Ackermann’s formula, 413, 416, BIBO stability, 298 437 of discrete-time systems, 295 additivity, 5 of time-invariant systems, 297 adjoint operator, 116 testing for, 298 definition of, 116 BIBS stability, 298 adjoint system, 265 bijective mapping, 60 affine system, 36 bilinear form, 195, 222 A-invariant subspaces as inner products, 199 definition of, 147 definition of, 197 algebra, 114 block matrices, 515 algebraic multiplicity, 158, 159, bottom-up method, 159 160 bounded operator, 116 analytic function, 30, 210 angle, 70 anticipatory system, 5 C associativity, 50, 83, 516 augmented system, 433, 437, 502 C2D, 258, 531 automobile suspension, 38 CANON, 155, 326, 531 canonical form, 18, 155 CARE, 473, 474, 478, 532 B Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, 69, balanced model, 401 275 balanced realization, 387, 388 causality BALREAL, 388, 530 definition of, 5 Banach space, 71 Cayley-Hamilton theorem, 209, 210, 212, 313, 329 562 Fundamentals of linear State Space Systems CDF2RDF, 377, 533 geometric interpretation, 331 center, 245, 274 grammian, 340, 343, 388, 390 chains of generalized eigenvectors, index, 422-424 162 matrix, 313 change of basis, 62, 64, 86, 236, of
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