Francisco Sagasti B Etween 1973 and 1976, Groups of Researchers From
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Francisco Sagasti etween 1973 and 1976, groups of Egypt, India, South Korea, and Yugos- Bresearchers from ten countries in lavia. Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the The project’s specific goal was to Mediterranean worked together on the provide governments with information largest research project undertaken to on the effectiveness of different policy date on technological policies for de- instruments in the application of science velopment. Entirely conceived and car- and technology to socio-economic de- ried out by Third World researchers, the velopment. At the close of phase one in project is known as the STPI (Science and late 1976, the projec? had compiled Technology Policy Instruments) Project. some very valuable information. The Now that the first phase of field research partial results obtained in the course of has come to a close, project activity has the studies often were helpful in making turned to making the research results decisions on scientific and technological public so that the government, univer- policy in those countries panicipating in sity, and industrial sectors in Third the project. The research teams were World countries may become fully ac- made up of university professors and quainted with them. government officials in an effort to The idea for this projea emerged guarantee an information flow between during a meeting of Latin American those who perceive the problems and officials from the science and technology those who offer solutions. fields held in Peru in 1971. The fact that From the outset, the teams agreed to the countries of that region had not, in pursue the studies using a common list of the course of their development, created sectors. These included the metal- an effective demand for local working, iron, steel, food, petro- technologies was one of the prime chemical, and electronics industries. factors that prompted the creation of the Thus, each country was able to do case project. Though most countries from this studies in an area of particular interest to area had science and technology it - the mining industry in Peru, state policies, there was little evidence to enterprises in Brazil ~ and at the same show that these policies had produced time, they were able to gather informa- tangible results. tion that was useful in exchanging Thus, the situation pointed out the experiences. In all of the studies, the importance of studying the technological current state of science and technology implications of a large number of and the government’s role in the formu- economic and social policies. The prob- lation and implementation oftechnology lem was first analyzed in Peru and policies were examined. The effect of Argentina. Using these studies and the these policies on the technological be- initial concern with technological impli- havior of industrial enterprises and on cations as its groundwork, the STPI research institutions was empirically Project was organized. Taking part were analyzed. Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, The DRC financed a large part of this Peru, and Venezuela. These six Latin project, especially the areas related to American countries were joined by international and coordination costs. 11 The participating countries contributed approximately 35 percent of the total. The Organization of American States provided several of the Latin American teams with assistance, while Venezuela, India, and Brazil directly covered most of their own costs. The participating institutions were: The Science and Technology Commission of the Latin American Social Science Council (CLASCOI, Buenos Aires, Argentina; the Studies and Projects Financial Institute (FINEPI, Brazil; the National Science and Technology Council (COLCIENCIAS), Colombia; the Indian National Science and Technology Commission; the Ko- rean Institute for Advanced Science (KAIS); the College of Mexico; the Peruvian National Planning Institute; the Egyptian National Academy of Scientific and Technological Research; the Ven- ezuelan National Science and Technol- ogy Council; and the Depanment of Economy of the University of Skopje, at Michelle Hibler Macedonia, Yugoslavia. A coordinating committee, made up of representatives from each national team, met with the general coordinator every six months to review the project’s progress. The coordinator’s office was in Lima, Peru, from 1973 to 1976. With the help of two professional assistants, the office also prepared comparative studies, train- ing programs for several researchers, and studies on technological dependence, engineering firms, and the technology policies of Japan and the People’s Republic of China. The next phase of the project is the dissemination of the results of the studies, again with IDRC support. A number of publications - books and monographs - are in preparation in- cluding the methodology guidelines, the final comparative report, and the par- ticipating countries’ summary reports. During the next year, seminars will be held for officials and researchers in Africa, the Arab countries, Asia, and Latin America to ensure that the results of this project, one of the largest of its kind ever undertaken, are used as widely as possible. 0 Francisco Sagasti, d native of Peru, is general coordinator of the STPI project, and is now based at the IDRC’S regional office in Bogota, Colombia. 12 .