Annual Report2017 Edited Consorcio Regional de Transportes de Madrid Edition, design and editorial production LITOFINTER Photography © Archivo Fotográfico del Consorcio Regional de Transportes Manuel de la Mano · Miguel Angel Delgado · Emiliano Durán Sánchez · Shutterstock Legal Deposit M-21214-2019 © of texts, their authors © of photographs and drawings, their authors © of the edition, the Madrid Regional Transport Consortium All rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transferred in any manner, or by any means, be they digital, electronic, mechanical, optical, recording or photocopying, without the prior permission of the editor. Plaza del Descubridor Diego de Ordás, 3 28003 Madrid
[email protected] PROLOGUE The public transport system plays a strategic role in the economic and social development of the Community of Madrid. It is an extensive network that is coordinated and managed by the Regional Transport Consortium and that is deployed in the 179 municipalities of the region, in order to ensure that the mobility needs of the entire population are met. In 2017, the Community of Madrid’s focus on public transport led to an increase by 4% in the overall number of trips taken using public transport, exceeding 1,500 million trips (1,503 million) and thereby reaching the highest number of travellers in the region from the past eight years. The growth of the social vision of regional public transport has held a prominent role in 2017. For the fourth consecutive year, public transport prices have remained stable, and for the third consecutive year, those under the age of 26 have been able to benefit from a young travel pass for only 20 euros, the success of which has been revealed by the more than one million young people using this measure.