Indian J. Soc. & Pol. 04(01):2017: 97-100 ISSN 2348-0084(P) ISSN 2455-2127(O) EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM OF KASHI: FROM TO THE BEGINNING OF MODERN ERA

CHANDRA PRAKASH SINGH1 1Associate Professor, Dept. of History, West Campus, Post Graduate Centre, Saharsa, Bihar, INDIA

ABSTRACT , also known as Benaras or Kashi is a magnificent city on the bank of Ganga in Utter Pradesh,320 kilometres (200 mi) South-east of the state capital Lucknow. It is the holiest of the seven sacred cities in Hinduism and Jainism and played an important role in the development of . Some Hindus believe that death at Varanasi brings salvation. During his journey around world Mark Twain has observed about antiquity of Varanasi and writes that “Benaras is older than history ,older than tradition, older even than legend and looks twice as old as all of them put together”. This sacred city is reckoned amongst the most primitive cities founded by the Aryan people. It is regarded, by all the Hindus as coeval with the birth of Hinduism. In present paper we have tried to understand of the history of educational system of this cultural city Kashi. KEYWORDS: Kashi, Varanasi, BHU, , Assi, According to legend, Varanasi was founded by Varanasi in 635A.D. attested that the city was a centre of the god Shiva. The name Varanasi possibly originates from religious , literary and artistic activities , and that it the name of two rivers from north and south : Varuna, still extended for about 5 kilometre (3.1 mi ) along the western flowing in Varansi, and Assi ,a small stream near Assi bank of the Ganga.(Watters, 1904 p48) The city’s religious .(Julian,p354) Another speculation is that the city importance continued to grow in the 8th century , when Adi derives its name from the river Varuna,which was called Shankar established worship of Shiva an official sect of Varanasi in olden times. In the the city is referred Varanasi.(Twain, p482) to as Kasi or Kashi, the luminous city as an eminent seat of In the Atharvavevda, and texts learning. The name kashi is also mentioned in the Skanda such as Anguttaranikaya several Jatakas and Jaina texts Purana.(Ministry of Tourism, Govt of India, March 2007) we find references to Varanasi . In Buddhist period the Archaeological evidences suggest that settlement around city was known as Kashi . The main texts of Brahamanical Varanasi began in the 11th or 12th century B.C.( and Jaina traditions reffering to Varanasi as tirthas (centre retrieved on 23 may 2013) It was populated by Vedic of Pilgrimage ) and also as place of various cultural people. According to Atharvaveda it was populated by activities and learning including those on Ganga –Ghat are indigenous tribe. Varanasi was also home to Parshvanath, Matsya Purana . It seems that during vedic period Varanasi the 23rd Jain Tirthankara and other earliest Tirthankaras. was not famous as a centre of learning.12 In earliest time Varanasi grew as an important centre of learning, vedic culture spread in Sapt Sandhava region with its literature and industry . It was famous for its muslin and centre around Kurukshetra .(altekar, 1948, p114) Infact, silk fabrics , perfumes , ivory works and vedic religion reached Varanasi many centuries later. sculpture.(Jaiswal, 2009,p206) Before the time of Buddha In the beginning people of Varanasi did not it was an important political division of Northern India .It accept this religion easily . They were not in favour of it is mentioned in Anguttar Nikaya in the list of Shodasa for a long period of time .(Ibid,p115) From Shatpath Mahajanpada. Varanasi was the capital of Mahajanpada Brahman it is evident that Dhritrastra the king of Benaras Kashi. The Buddha ( born circa 500 B.C.E ) is believed to refused vedic religion because Shatnik ’s have founded Buddhism here around 528 B.C. when he king kidnapped his horse of Ashvamedha.(Satpath gave his first sermen.(Dennison,1986 p121) ’’The setting Brahman, 13-5) It seems that Taxila and Varanasi attained in motion of the “ wheel of Dharma “ at nearby Sarnath” . importance after Mahabharata. when Zaunzang , also known as Hiuen- Tsiang visited


During Sutra and Epic periods Vedic religion and By the 8th century A.D. wide spread clearing of culture spread in Northern India . Taxila Varanasi and the forest took place and Varanasi started expanding south Mithila developed as important centres of learning and of the present Dashaswamedh road . This area was first philosophy.(Mookherji, 1957,p333) Varanasi became a setteled by the Hindu sages who were engaged in famous centre of Vedic civilization during Upanishada scholastic pursuits and who founded several small period . Ajatshatru was patron of learning and Literature. Ashramas . These Ashramas grew as centre of Brahmanic Taxila was the most famous seat of learning which learning .Acharya Shankara was enlightened here.(Pandey, attracted scholars from almost all parts of India . Jatakas 1979,p155-156) In 9th & 10th century CE Varanasi was mention that because of cultural contact of Varanasi with under the rule of Gurjara-Pratihara dynasty .Rulers of such Taxila students from far off places came there for dynasty also were the patron of education and learning.(Fausball, p263) Acoording to Maha –Dhamm- culture.There are no evidences to show that Banaras was a Pala Jataka Kumara Dhamma-Pala was sent to Taxila from Hindu seat of learning during tenth century A.D.(Altekar, kingdom of kashi for learning.(Ibid p263) Kosiya and p87-88) In Bhavishya Purana it is only mentioned that Tittiri Jataka state that famous acharyas of Benaras taught Kashi will be a famous centre of Hindu learning.(Bhavisya three and eighteen Shilpas .(Ibid) Puran, 51,2.3) Seals discovered in the Rajghat excavation at Benaras show the existence of a learning centre of four According to Buddhist and Jaina literature during Vedas called Chaturvidya.(sukul, p90) All the educational 6th century B.C. Benaras was probably the most famous centres of Varanasi were running by individual Acharyas centre of Buddhist education in eastern India . Buddha at and perhaps there were no organized institutions (schools) first promulgated his gospel here.(Cowell, Nos 123,150) where a large number of students could study.(Ibid, p90- Sarnath monastery on the outskirt of Benaras became a 91)) The individual teachers were carrying on their sacred famous centre of learning under the patronage of duty of teaching by themselves.In Varanasi there was no king Ashoka . During seventh century it possessed mass production of pandits.They were to stand on their resplendent and beautiful buildings with tiers of balconies personal contact and individual attention . Possibly the and row of hall.(Altekar, 1948, p114) It had 1500 monk number of students under one teacher was restricted to five students. Archaeological evidences show that it continued hundred only.(Altekar, p88) In this way Acharyas of to be the flourishing centre of Buddhist learning down to Benaras used to teach students at their home. the 12th century A.D. Buddhist Durjana Jataka informs that teachers of Benaras had world wide fame providing Al-Biruni an Arab traveller of early 11th century education to about 500 young brahamanas.(Walters, p48) CE , also writes that Kashi was the most important centre Foreign scholars used to come Varanasi to study under the of education in whole of North India. 11th and 12th century reputed acharyas of Varanasi. CE is considered to be the olden period of Varanasi in terms of educational and cultural activities under During Mauryan period Sarnath in Varanasi Gahadwal dynasty rule. Rulers of the Gahadwala dynasty occupied singular importance .The great Mauryan ruler constructed huge temples , Ganga and Buddhist Ashoka after visiting the place to pay homage to Buddha Viharas at Sarnath.(Rana, 2005,p22-29) Gahadawala king as a sacred place of his preaching constructed Lion capital Govindchandra (C-1114-54CE) and his queen Kumaradevi piller and vihara to inhabit the monks .During Shunga are credited with proper development of city as important Kushana period from 2nd century B.C. to 2nd century centre of pilgrimage and learning.He was great patron of A.D. literary , cultural and artistic activities were brahmanical religion, art and education.(Sharma, 2010,p1- going on in the city of Varanasi and Sarnath 10) Kumaradevi was most inclined towards Buddhism who too. Archaeological evidences of Gupta period reveal that caused restoration of several monuments at Sarnath and Varanasi was an important center of art and also built new Baudh Vihara (Sangharama for monks). culture.(Chattopadhyay, 1986, p36) During the reign of Harshvardhana (c 606-648 ce) of Kannauj Chines traveller During eleventh and twelveth centuries A.D. Hiuen-Tsiang visited Varanasi and reffered to several education at Varanasi was divided into two important cultural features and sites of Varanasi and sections. In traditional Vedic pathashala special knowledge Sarnath. He noticed that people had earnest desire to study of Vedas , sahitya ,vyakaran, philosophy, Nyaya, and acquire knowledge of Buddhist and Brahmanical Mimansa, Sankhya, ,Vedanta Vaisheshika, and culture.(Beal, Vol II, p44-45) Astronomy and Astrology or Ayurveda was given. In other

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SINGH: EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM OF KASHI: FROM VEDIC PERIOD TO THE BEGINNING OF MODERN ERA pathshalas students were taught eighteen sippas or During the earlier years of his reign Mughal arts.(Sukul, p94) These pathshalas were connected with Emperor Akbar conquered Varanasi in 1567 A.D and famous temples and monasteries providing knowledge of ordered to plunder it . The reconstruction of Varanasi took six shastras. Along with education, acharyas of Varanasi place after 1584 when the fort of Allahabad became the provided their students food and other necessities of headquarter of the Suba . Akbar became the patron of life.They treated them as a family member. Gahadwala Hinduism and built again several monuments . After that kings granted village to learned persons living at Varanasi. many learned families from and Karnataka The father of Indian medicine Dhanvantari was born as came to Varanasi and permanently settled down here. They Kashiraj in this city who taught science to Sushrut who promoted scholarship in Varanasi.42 Contribution of became specialist of Rasa-Prakriya and surgery Benaras to Sanskrit scholarship and literature during the too.(Altekar,p116) period 500 -1800 A.D is much more greater than other . With the course of time Shah-Jahan and Darashikoh In 1194, the city succumbed to Turskish became patrons of famous scholars of Varanasi . (Muslim) Qutub-Ud-din Aibak, who orderd the destruction Describing the system of education in 1660 A.D Bernier of many temples in the city. The city went into decline writes that there were no organised institution in Varanasi. over some three centuries of Muslim occupation.(singh, Teachers were spread all over the city and teaching was p453) Due to it many Brahman families were bound to done at their residences. Some teachers had four to six migrate in South India . But Sanskrit education remained pupils but most famous teachers had twelve to fourteen alive here . The Vedas were perhaps recited in the students learning Vyakaran, , philosophy , seclusion of rooms in a loud voice After the destruction medicine astronomy etc. (Bernier, p341) of Rajghat fort the inhabitants of the area had to shift towards the west and south east by clearing forest.(Sukul,p94) During the reign of Mohammad Bin For centuries, Varanasi also known as “Sarva Tughlaq( 1325 -1351 A.D ) Varanasi once again flourished Vidya ki Rajdhani (capital of knowledge )” is reputed as a as a centre of Sanskrit learning . The court poet of the great centre of education and learning . It is because since sovereign informs that there were numbers of specialist the ancient times people from all parts of the world have scholars in Grammar ,Linguistics ,Ayurveda , Astrology , been coming to Varanasi to learn Philosophy , Sanskrit Astronomy and Dhatuvidya. Kullabhatta wrote his ,Astrology, Modern Science and Social Science. The first commentary on at Varanasi during this step in establishing a regular educational institution was period.(Pandey, 1974,p116-117) taken by Maharaja Jai Singh of Ambar in Kangan wali Haveli near Bindu Mahadev temple built by him in 1585 Feroz Shah Tughlaq ordered further destruction A.D. It provided education to the sons of social high ups of Hindu temples in Varanasi area in 1376.The Afghan only. The real step in this direction of establishing formal ruler Sikander Lodi continued the suppression of Hinduism educational institution in Varanasi was however taken in in the city and destroyed most of the remaining older 1791 when Jonathan Duncan the agent of East India temple in 1496 . The educational institutions connected Company founded the Sanskrit Pathashala which them suffered the same fate . Individual teachers were thus later became the Government Sanskrit College and since the only source of education left . They also suffered 1958 has been raised to the status of Varanaseya Sanskrit considerable persecution at the hands of their new Vishvavidyalaya.(Sukul, 1974,p 99) sovereign.(Ibid) Despite the Muslim rule Varanasi remained the centre of intellectuals and theologians during In 1910 , the British made Varanasi a new Indian the Middle Ages , which further contributed to its state , with Ramnagar as its headquarter . In 1904 the great reputation as cultural centre of religion and education . reformer Pt. Madan Mohan ,Malviya began campaigning Several major figures of Bhakti Movement were born in for modern Hindu University to preserve classical cultural Varanasi including Kabir and Ravidas who worked for tradition and Modern Science . Annie Besant , the founder socio – economic reforms and literary development . of the Theosophical Society in India started a Central Numerous eminent scholars and preachers visited the city Hindu Collage in 1898 . This School later formed the core from across India and South Asia . Guru Nanak founder of of the prestigious Banaras Hindu University in 1916 which Sikhism visited Varanasi and spread his teachings.(Mitra, at present is among the leading universities of the world. 2002,p182) Other educational institutions of repute in Varanasi are

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Sampurnanand Sanskrit University , Mahatma Gandhi Watters, Thomas ,(1904): On Yuan–Chwang Travells in Kashi Vidyapeeth and Central Institute of Higher Tibetan India , London Studies at Sarnath. In this way Varanasi has been a Altekar A.S (1948): Education in Ancient India , Benaras significant and famous centre of buddhist and Brahmanic , learning from the beginning of Aryan civilization and Shatpath Brahman , 13-5 , 4-19 . culture. Mookerjee ,R.K. (1957): Ancient Indian Education , Bombay REFERENCES Fausboll , Jataka v , P.263 Diana L. EcK (1983) : Benaras City of Light , New Delhi Cowell , Jataka Nos .123 , 150 Banasal , Sunita Pant: Hindu Pilgrimage, Pustak Mahal Chattopadhyay , Aparna (1986): Varanasi Through the Twain,Mark (1898): Following the Equator - A Journey Ages , Varanasi Around the World , Hartford Beal, S.: Buddhist Record of Western World , vol-II Sherring , M.A.(1975) :Benaras the Sacred City of the Pandey , Rajendra (1979): Kashi Through the Ages, Delhi Hindus , Delhi Bhavishya Purana , Brahmakhand, chapt. 51,2.3 Julian , M. Life and Pilgrimage of Huien – Tsiang , Sukul , Kuber Nath (1974): Varanasi Down the Ages , Varanasi – Explore India Millennium Year “ ( Press Patna release ) , Ministry of Tourism , Govt. of India , Rana , P B Singh (2005): Benaras the City Revealed , March , 2007 Important Archaeological Discoveries Mumbai by the Banaras Hindu University , B.H.U , retrieved Sharma, Rachana (2010): Kashikhand Aur kashi , 23 May 2013. Varanasi Jaiswal , Vidula (2009): Ancient Varanasi : An Motichand (2010):, Kashi Ka Itihas , Varanasi Archaeological Perspective , Aryan Books Singh , Sarina : India Lonely Planet, international Mitra , Swati (2002): Good Earth Varanasi City Guide Berwick , Dennison , A Walk Along the , 1986 , Yadava, Mithilesh Kumar (2012):From Ancient to P.121 Modern “ Hindustan Times , Retrieved 30 october , 2012

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