1. Published by Tourist Information Center of National Tourism Organization and all rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. ©2013 Japan National Tourism Organization. 2. Dates and functions are subject to change without notice. Be sure to check the latest information in advance. 3. Events marked with ◎ are the major events. 4. Dates of events marked with ◇ are the same every year. 5. Japanese explanations appearing at the bottom of each entry give the name of the event and the nearest railway station in Japanese. Point to this Japanese when you need help from a Japanese passerby. 6. Please refer to URL (basically in Japanese) for each event. 7. The subway Lines and Station Numbers are indicated in parentheses ( ).

Note: The Internet Website of Japan National Tourism Organization is available at .

Calendar Events to be enjoyed in May 2013


Date Apr. 6 ~ May 6 Bunkyo Tsutsuji Matsuri, Azalea Festival at Nezu Shrine, Bunkyo-ku. One can enjoy a view of azelea blossoms in the precincts of the Shrine. Performing arts such as Gongen-Taiko (Japanese drumming performance) and Urayasu-no-mai ( dance with music) are held in the precincts of the Shrine from 12 noon on May 3rd, 4th and 5th. Admission to the Azalea Garden is \200. http://www.nedujinja.or.jp/tutuji/t.html Access The Chiyoda Subway Line to Nezu Sta. (C 14) 所在地 文京区 根津神社 文京つつじまつり 最寄駅 千代田線根津駅

Date Apr. 20 ~ May 6 Fuji Matsuri, Wisteria Festival of Kameido (or Tenmangu) Shrine, Koto-ku. There are over 100 wisteria roots in the Shrine's precincts, and they are usually in full bloom in this season. Various entertainments are scheduled during the period. http://www.kameidotenjin.or.jp/fujimatsuri/index.html Access The JR Sobu Line to Kameido Sta., and then walk 15 min. 所在地 江東区 亀戸天神社(天満宮) 藤まつり 最寄駅 JR総武線亀戸駅より徒歩15分

Date Apr. 29 ~ May 3 ◇ Annual Spring Festival of Shrine, Shibuya-ku. Major events held in the precincts are as follows: Bugaku (ancient court dance with music) from 11 am on Apr. 29th; Noh (classical masked drama) and Kyogen (Noh farce) from 11:45 am, and Japanese traditional music and dance from 3:45 pm on May 2nd; and Kyudo Taikai (Japanese archery meet) held at Daini-Kyudo-jo from 9 am to around 4 pm on the 3rd. Access (1) The JR Yamanote Line to Harajuku Sta. (2) The Chiyoda or Fukutoshin Subway Line to Meiji-Jingumae Sta. (C 03, F15) (3) Daini-Kyudo-jo: The Odakyu Line to Sangubashi Sta. 所在地 渋谷区 明治神宮 明治神宮春の大祭 最寄駅 (1) JR山手線原宿駅 (2) 地下鉄千代田線又は副都心線明治神宮前駅 (3) 第二弓道場:小田急線参宮橋駅

Date May 1 ~ May 5 Annual Festival of Teppozu Inari Shrine, Chuo-ku. On the 3rd, a procession of (portable shrines) parades through the neighborhood from 9 am to around 5 pm. On the 4th, Mikoshi parades from 12:15 pm to around 8 pm, meanwhile children in fancy attire join the procession from 1:30 pm to around 2 pm. On the 5th, traditional Kabuki plays are performed by children from 1:30 pm. Many other events are scheduled during the festival period. Access The Hibiya Subway Line or the JR Keiyo Line to Hatchobori Sta. 所在地 中央区 湊 鉄砲洲稲荷神社 鉄砲洲稲荷神社例大祭 最寄駅 日比谷線又はJR京葉線八丁堀駅

1 Date May 3 ~ May 5 Heiwajima Antique Fair at Heiwajima Ryutsu Center, Ota-ku, is held from 10 am to 5 pm (enter by 4 pm on the 5th) daily during the period. Access The Tokyo Monorail Line to Ryutsu Center Sta. 所在地 太田区 平和島 東京流通センター 全国古民具骨董祭り 最寄駅 東京モノレール 流通センター駅

Date May 3 ~ May 6 ◇◎ Kurayami Matsuri (Black Night Festival) of Okunitama Shrine in Fuchu on the outskirts of Tokyo. On the 3rd, Komakurabe (a demonstration of horseback riding) is held on Keyaki-namiki Street from 8 pm (lasting for about 20 minutes). On the 4th, twenty-four Dashi (floats) are drawn through the streets in the city from 6 pm to 9 pm. On the 5th, a parade of eight Mikoshi (portable shrines), some of which weighing as much as a ton each, leaves the Shrine at 6 pm for Otabisho (portable shrine resting place) to arrive there at around 9 pm. And then, Yabusame (horseback archery) is held from 10:30 pm. http://www.ookunitamajinja.or.jp/matsuri/kurayami.html Access (1) The Keio Line to Fuchu Sta., and then walk 5 min. (2) The JR Nambu or Musashino Line to Fuchu-Hommachi Sta., and then walk 5 min. 所在地 府中市 宮町 大国魂神社 くらやみ祭り(大国魂神社例大祭) 最寄駅 (1) 京王線府中駅より徒歩5分 (2) JR南武線又は武蔵野線府中本町駅より徒歩5分

Date May. 5 ◇ Takara-no-mai, Japanese dance of Sensoji Temple, Asakusa, Taito-ku, in celebration of Children's Day. Takara-bune (a ship-shaped float laden with treasure) is drawn by children from Denboin Temple, going through the Kaminarimon gate to Sensoji Temple, twice from 11 am to 11:30 am and from 1:30 pm to 2 pm. Access The Ginza or Toei Asakusa Subway Line to Asakusa Sta. 所在地 台東区 浅草寺 宝の舞 最寄駅 銀座線又は都営浅草線 浅草駅

Date May 9 ~ May 15 Kanda Myojin Omikoshi Togyo or Kanda Matsuri Festival at Kanda Myojin Shrine, Chiyoda-ku. The festival is one of the three grandest festivals in Tokyo. The highlight of the festival is Shinko-sai (a procession) on the 11th. The colorful procession of people in feudal costumes holding paper lanterns and drawing Horen (palanquins) starts from the Shrine at 8 am, passing through the Kanda, Nihombashi, Marunouchi, and Akihabara areas, and returns to the Shrine at around 7 pm. On the 12th, Mikoshi (portable shrines) owned by the town are carried through the town from 9 am to 6 pm. On the 14th, Takigi Noh (open-air torchlight Noh play) is performed from 6 pm. Admission tickets (\6,500, \4,500, \3,500) are sold at the Shrine and Lawson convenience stores. Access (1) The JR Chuo Line or the Marunouchi Subway Line to Ochanomizu Sta., and then walk 5 min. (2) The JR Yamanote Line, Keihin Tohoku Line or Sobu Line to Akihabara Sta., and then walk 5 min. (3) The Chiyoda Subway Line to Shin-Ochanomizu Sta., and then walk 5 min. 所在地 千代田区 神田明神 及び周辺 神田明神御神輿渡御 最寄駅 (1) JR中央線又は丸ノ内線御茶ノ水駅より徒歩5分 (2) JR山手線、京浜東北線又は総武線秋葉原駅より徒歩5分 (3) 千代田線新御茶ノ水駅より徒歩5分

Date May 12 ~ May 26 ◎ Grand Sumo Tournament at Ryogoku Kokugikan Hall, Sumida-ku. Dohyo-iri (the ring-entering ceremony) by Yokozuna (the grand champions) takes place around 4 pm daily. Then the main bouts by Maku-uchi (upper-rank Sumo wrestlers) starts. Advance tickets are sold at convenience stores, Ticket Pia, and so on or also at Ryogoku Kokugikan Hall. Unreserved-seat tickets (\2,100 per person) are sold on the day at the Kokugikan Hall from 8 am every day during the tournament period, on a first-come, first-served basis. The number of the tickets is limited to 350 daily. Access The JR Sobu Line or the Toei Oedo Subway Line to Ryogoku Sta. 所在地 墨田区 両国国技館 大相撲5月場所 最寄駅 JR総武線又は都営地下鉄大江戸線両国駅

2 Date May 17 ~ May 19 ◎ Sanja Matsuri Festival of Asakusa Shrine, Taito-ku. The festival is counted as one of the Tokyo's grandest. On the 17th, Daigyoretsu (a parade of 1,000 people in traditional attires) goes to the tune of the festival music through the town, and then proceeds on Nakamise-dori Street to the Shrine, from 1 pm to 2 pm. Binzasara-mai (Shinto dance) is performed in Shaden Hall from 2:20 pm, and on the Kaguraden stage from 3 pm. On the 18th, over 100 town's Mikoshi (portable shrines) parade through the town from around 12 noon. On the 19th, three Mikoshi owned by Asakusa Shrine parade in the Shrine's neighborhood from 8 am to the evening. http://www.city.taito.lg.jp/index/event/kanko/sanzyamatsuri.html Access The Ginza or Toei Asakusa Subway Line to Asakusa Sta. 所在地 台東区 浅草神社 三社祭 最寄駅 銀座線又は都営浅草線浅草駅

Date May. 25 Shobo Junshokusha Irei-sai is a memorial service for fire fighters who died on duty, conducted by members of the Edo Shobo Kinen-kai at Sensoji Temple (Asakusa Kannon Temple), Taito-ku. This includes a demonstration of acrobatics on the ladder on the temple ground from 12 noon to 12:30 pm. When it rains, the demonstration of acrobatics will be canceled. Access The Ginza or Toei Asakusa Subway Line to Asakusa Sta. 所在地 台東区 浅草寺本堂裏 消防殉職者慰霊祭 最寄駅 銀座線又は都営浅草線浅草駅

Date May 25 & May 26 Yushima Tenjin Matsuri or Annual Festival of Yushima Tenjin Shrine, Bunkyo-ku. Mikoshi (portable shrines) parade in the neighborhood of the Shrine in the daytime on both days. The festival is rather small in scale this year. Access The Chiyoda Subway Line to Yushima Sta. 所在地 文京区 湯島3 湯島天神 湯島天神祭 最寄駅 千代田線湯島駅

Date May 25 ~ May 27 Annual Festival of Hanazono Shrine, Shinjuku-ku. A procession of eight Mikoshi (portable shrines) owned by towns parades through the neighborhood from 11:30 am on the 26th. The festival is rather small in scale this year. Access The Marunouchi, Fukutoshin, or Toei Shinjuku Subway Line to Shinjuku-Sanchome Sta. 所在地 新宿区 新宿5 花園神社 花園神社例大祭 最寄駅 丸の内線, 副都心線又は都営新宿線新宿三丁目駅


Date Apr. 27 ~ May 6 ◎ Mashiko-yaki Toki Ichi, Pottery Fair at Mashiko-machi, Tochigi Pref., is held from 9 am to around 5 pm at the several venues in Mashiko, such as Kyohan Center, Tsukamoto Seitosho and Togei Mura. Access (1) The JR Tohoku Shinkansen or JR Tohoku Honsen Line to Oyama Sta., and then change to the JR Mito Line to Shimodate Sta. From there, the Moka Railway to Mashiko Sta., and then walk 25 min. (2) The JR Tohoku Shinkansen or JR Tohoku Honsen Line to Utsunomiya Sta. (West Exit). From No. 14 Bus Stop, 1 hr. by bus for Mashiko and get off at Togei Messe Iriguchi Bus Stop, and then walk 10 min. 所在地 栃木県 芳賀郡 益子町 益子焼陶器市 最寄駅 (1) 東北新幹線又はJR東北本線小山駅よりJR水戸線で下館駅へ、そこより真岡鉄道で益子駅下車、徒歩25分 (2) 東北新幹線又はJR東北本線宇都宮駅(西口) 14番バス乗り場より益子行きバスで1時間、陶芸メッセ入口下車、徒歩10分

3 Date Apr. 29 ~ May 5 Kasama-no-Toensai or Himatsuri, Pottery Fair at Geijutsu-no-mori Koen Park in Kasama, Ibaraki Pref., is held from 9 am to 5 pm daily during the fair period. Access 1 hr. 10 min. by JR Joban Line's Limited Express "Hitachi" (or about 2 hrs. by local train) from Ueno Sta. to Tomobe Sta. From there, 15 min. by bus or taxi to the site. (Free shuttle buses are available from North Exit of Tomobe Sta. to the site during the period.) 所在地 茨城県 笠間市 芸術の森広園 笠間の陶炎祭 最寄駅 上野よりJR常磐線特急"ひたち"で1時間10分 (または各駅列車で約2時間)、友部駅下車、そこより会場までバスまたはタクシーで15分(期間中は友部 駅北口より無料シャトルバス運行)

Date May. 3 The Yokohama Parade or International Masquerade Parade in Yokohama, Kanagawa Pref. The main parade of this festival starts from Yamashita Koen (park) at 11:15 am, passing by Aka Renga Soko (Red Brick Warehouse), and proceeds on Bashamichi Ave. to Isezakicho 6-chome area, arriving there around 12:30 pm. When it rains, the Yokohama Parade will be postponed to the following day. Access The JR Negishi Line or the JR Keihin Tohoku Line to Kannai Sta. or to Sakuragicho Sta. 所在地 神奈川県 横浜市 山下公園 横浜パレード 最寄駅 JR根岸線、又は JR京浜東北線の関内駅又は桜木町駅

Date May. 3 ◇◎ Odawara Hojo Godai Matsuri Festival, Odawara, Kanagawa Pref. The main event of the festival is Musha Gyoretsu (a warriors' procession) starting from Akagane- Gate of Odawara Castle at 1:30 pm, going through the city and returning to the Castle at around 3:10 pm.

Access (1) The JR Tokaido Shinkansen Line or the JR Tokaido Line to Odawara Sta. (2) The Odakyu Line to Odawara Sta. 所在地 神奈川県 小田原市 小田原北條五代まつり 最寄駅 (1) JR東海道新幹線又はJR東海道線小田原駅 (2) 小田急線小田原駅

Date May 3 & May 5 ◇ Otako-age or a giant kite flying, Nishi-hoshubana, Kasukabe, Saitama Pref. Flying four smaller kites, each weighing 150 kg starts at around 1 pm, and flying two giant kites, each weighing 800 kg starts at around 2 pm, respectively on both days. When it rains, it will be canceled.

Access The Tobu Isezaki Line to Kasukabe Sta. (East Exit), and then 35 min. by bus to Otakokaikan-Iriguchi Bus Stop. 所在地 埼玉県 春日部市 西宝珠花(江戸川河川敷) 大凧揚げ 最寄駅 東武伊勢崎線春日部駅(東口)よりバスで35分、大凧会館入口下車

Date May 4 & May 5 ◇ Zama-no-Otako-age or a giant kite flying on the riverbank near Zakaebashi Bridge over the Sagami River, Zama, Kanagawa Pref., is held from 10 am to 4 pm on both days. When it rains, kite flying will be canceled. Access The Odakyu Railway to Sobudai-mae Sta. (North Exit). From there, shuttle buses to the site are available during the period. (\100, every 20 min., 9 am - 4 pm) 所在地 神奈川県 座間市 座架依橋(相模川) 座間の大凧あげ 最寄駅 小田急線相武台前駅(北口)より、期間中は会場へのシャトルバス運行 (\100, 20分間隔, 9 am - 4 pm)

Date May 4 & May 5 ◇ Sagami-no-Otako-age Matsuri or a giant kite flying festival in Sagamihara, Kanagawa Pref. The festival is held from around 10 am to around 4 pm at the four venues, mainly at Shindo Sports Hiroba (field). About 100 men wearing Happi coats fly a giant kite of 14.5 square meters, weighing 950 kg, at each venue. If it rains, the festival will be canceled. Access Shindo Sports Hiroba: The JR Sagami Line to Sobudai-shita Sta., and then walk 15 min. or take a free shuttle bus to the site. 所在地 神奈川県 相模原市 新戸スポーツ広場 勝坂 下磯辺 上磯辺 相模の大凧まつり 最寄駅 新戸スポーツ広場: JR相模線相武台下駅より徒歩15分、又は無料シャトルバス利用

4 Date May. 5 ◇ Sagami-no-Konomachi Festival of Rokusho Shrine and five other Shrines, Oisomachi and its vicinity, Naka-gun, Kanagawa Pref. Six Mikoshi (portable shrines) from six shrines gather at around 10:30 am on the top of Mt. -soriyama, where the "Zamondo " ritual is conducted around 12 noon, and then all the Mikoshi parade through the town until 5 pm. Sagi-no-mai (Heron Dance), Shishi-mai (Lion Dance) and Ryu-mai (Dragon Dance) are performed at Banba Koen (park) from 1:30 pm and from 3:30 pm. Access Rokusho Shrine: The JR Tokaido Line to Ninomiya Sta. From there, 10 min. by bus for Hiratsuka to Makinoki Bus Stop or Kokufu-Shinshuku Bus Stop, and then walk 10 min., or 5 min. by taxi from Ninomiya Sta. 所在地 神奈川県 中郡 大磯町 六所神社 神揃山 馬場公園 相模の国府祭 最寄駅 六所神社: JR東海道線二宮駅より平塚行バスで10分の槙の木、または国府新宿(こくふしんしゅく)で下車、徒歩10分、又は二宮駅よりタクシーで5分

Date May 17 & May 18 ◇◎ Grand Spring Festival of Toshogu Shrine, Nikko, Tochigi Pref. On the 17th, Yabusame (horseback archery) is held in the precincts of Toshogu Shrine from around 1 pm (lasting for about hour). On the 18th, a gala procession of over 1,200 armor-clad people followed by three Mikoshi (portable shrines) starts at 11 am from Futarasan Shrine to Otabisho (portable shrine resting place) near Shinkyo Bridge, where Bugaku (court dance with music) is performed from 12 noon. Thereafter, the procession leaves Otabisho at 1 pm and returns to Toshogu Shrine at around 1:40 pm. When it rains heavily, the procession may be canceled. http://www.nikko-jp.org/gyouji/taisai.shtml Access The Tobu Railways' Nikko Line to Tobu-Nikko Sta. or the JR Nikko Line to Nikko Sta. From there, 5 min. by bus and get off at Shinkyo Bus Stop, and then walk 10 min. 所在地 栃木県 日光市 日光東照宮 東照宮春季大祭 最寄駅 東武日光駅又はJR日光駅よりバス(5分)で神橋下車、徒歩10分

Date May 18 ~ Jun. 23 ◇ Suigo Itako Ayame Matsuri or Iris Flower Festival at Maekawa Ayame-en or Iris Garden, Itako, Ibaraki Pref. A million iris flowers of 500 species are in bloom in the garden during the festival period. Admission is free. Events of Yomeiri-fune (a boat escorting a bride), festival music and local Japanese dance are scheduled on Saturdays and Sundays during the period.

Access The JR Kashima Line to Itako Sta., and then walk 3 min. to the garden. 所在地 茨城県潮来市 前川あやめ園 水郷潮来あやめ祭 最寄駅 JR鹿島線潮来駅より徒歩3 分であやめ園へ

5 1. Published by Tourist Information Center of Japan National Tourism Organization and all rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. ©2013 Japan National Tourism Organization. 2. Dates and functions are subject to change without notice. Be sure to check the latest information in advance. 3. Events marked with ◎ are the major events. 4. Dates of events marked with ◇ are the same every year. 5. Japanese explanation appearing at the bottom of each entry give the name of the event and the nearest railway station in Japanese. Point to this Japanese when you need help from a Japanese passerby. 6. Please refer to URL (basically in Japanese) for each event.

Note: The Internet Website of Japan National Tourism Organization is available at .

Calendar Events to be enjoyed in May 2013


Date Apr. 23 ~ May 6 ◇ Hirosaki Sakura Matsuri, Cherry Blossom Festival is held in Hirosaki Koen (park) in Hirosaki, Aomori Pref. There are about 2,600 cherry trees on the ground of Hirosaki Castle and along the castle's moat in the park. Cherry blossoms are lit up from 6:30 pm to 10 pm daily during the festival period. Note The festival period is subject to change depending on cherry flowering. http://www.hirosakipark.jp/78.html Access The JR Ou Honsen Line to Hirosaki Sta., and then walk 15-20 min. 所在地 青森県 弘前市 弘前公園 弘前さくらまつり 最寄駅 JR奥羽本線弘前駅下車、徒歩15~20分

Date Apr. 29 ~ May 3 ◇ Yonezawa Uesugi Matsuri Festival in commemoration of the famous warlord "Uesugi Kenshin ", Yonezawa, Yamagata Pref. On May 2nd, Buteishiki (a ceremony of prayer for victory) is held on the Matsukawa Riverside from around 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm. On May 3rd, the highlight of the festival, Uesugi Gundan Gyoretsu , a procession of Mikoshi (a portable shrine) of Uesugi Shrine, floats and about 1,000 Samurai warriors goes through the city's main streets to the Matsukawa Riverside, from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm. And there, Kawanaka-jima Gassen (sham battle) is held from 2 pm to around 3:30 pm. Note Uesugi Kenshin (1530-1578): One of the warlords in the 16th century. http://uesugi.yonezawa.info/?p=log&l=310255 Access The JR Yamagata Shinkansen Line or the JR Ou Honsen Line to Yonezawa Sta. and then walk 10 min. 所在地 山形県 米沢市 松川河畔 米沢上杉まつり 最寄駅 JR山形新幹線又はJR奥羽本線米沢駅より徒歩10分

Date May 1 ~ May 5 ◇ Fujiwara Matsuri Festival, Hiraizumi, Nishi-Iwai-gun, Iwate Pref. On the 3rd, a procession of warriors starts from Chusonji Temple at 10 am heading for Konjikido to arrive there at 3 pm, stopping by Motsuji Temple and Hiraizumi Sta. on the way. On the 4th, Noh (classical masked drama) is performed at Hakusan Shrine in the precincts of Chusonji Temple from 12 noon. On the 5th, En'nen-no-mai or Shinto dance with music to pray for longevity and a good harvest of this year, designated as one of the National Important Intangible Folk Cultural Assets, is performed at Motsuji Temple from 11 am to around 12 noon. Access (1) The JR Tohoku Honsen Line to Hiraizumi Sta., and then walk 15-20 min. to Chusonji Temple. (2) The JR Tohoku Honsen Line to Hiraizumi Sta., and then walk 5 min. to Motsuji Temple. 所在地 岩手県 西磐井郡 平泉町 中尊寺 毛越寺 白山神社 藤原まつり 最寄駅 (1) 中尊寺へは、JR東北本線平泉駅、徒歩15~20分 (2) 毛越寺へは、JR東北本線平泉駅より徒歩5分

1 Date May 18 & May 19 ◇ Sendai Aoba Matsuri Festival, Sendai, Miyagi Pref. On the 18th, Suzume Odori , local Japanese dance is demonstrated on the city's main streets, in Simin Hiroba (civic open space), Kotodai Koen Park and other sites in the city from 10 am to 9 pm. On the 19th, Jidai-emaki Junko , a pageant of warriors followed by 11 Yamahoko (floats) and townspeople dancing Suzume Odori , marches on Higashi-Nibancho-dori Street and Jozenji-dori Street from 12 noon to around 4:30 pm. http://www.aoba-matsuri.com/index.html Access The JR Tohoku Shinkansen Line to Sendai Sta., and then walk 10 min. 所在地 宮城県 仙台市 東二番町通り 定禅寺通り 仙台青葉祭り 最寄駅 JR東北新幹線仙台駅より徒歩10分 Date May 19 ~ May 21 ◇ Sakata Matsuri Festival in Sakata, Yamagata Pref., with over a 400-year history. On the 20th, the rituals take place in front of Sakata City Hall at 12 noon, and then a parade of gorgeous 50 floats which include the 8 floats of four pairs of big Shishi-gashira lions' heads and Mikoshi (portable shrines) marches along the city's main streets until around 3:30 pm. Many more events are scheduled during the period. http://www.city.sakata.lg.jp/ou/shoko/kanko/bussan/7006.html Access The JR Uetsu Honsen Line or the JR Ou Honsen Line to Sakata Sta., and then walk 10-15 min to City Hall. 所在地 山形県 酒田市 日和山公園 酒田祭り 最寄駅 JR羽越本線又は、JR奥羽本線酒田駅より酒田市役所へは徒歩10~15分 CHUBU 中部

Date May. 1 ◇ Mikurumayama Matsuri Festival of Sekino Shrine in Takaoka, Toyama Pref., designated as both the National Important Tangible and Intagible Folk Cultural Assets. A procession of seven floats featuring gorgeous goldwork and lacquer ware, which are local specialty industry and artifacts, escorted by people in traditional attire, parades on the city's main street from 11:20 am to 6 pm. If it rains heavily, the procession will be canceled. http://mikurumayama.jp/gaiyou.html Access The JR Hokuriku Honsen Line to Takaoka Sta., and then walk 5-10 min. 所在地 富山県 高岡市片原町 関野神社 御車山祭 最寄駅 JR北陸本線高岡駅より徒歩5~10分 Date May 3 ~ May 5 Nanao Seihaku-sai Festival, Nanao, Ishikawa Pref., designated as one of the National Important Intangible Folk Cultural Assets, features beautiful floats parading daily during the festival. The highlight of this festival comes on the 4th. Three gorgeously bedecked floats, each 12-meter in length and 20-ton in weight, are gathered at Otokonushi Shrine for the ritual at around 12 noon, and then those are drawn by townspeople on the city's main streets from 2 pm to 7 pm. http://www.nanaoh.net/p100.html Access The JR Nanao Line to Nanao Sta., and then walk 5-10 min. 所在地 石川県 七尾市 青柏祭 最寄駅 JR七尾線七尾駅より徒歩5~10分 Date May 3 ~ May 5 ◇ Kutani Chawan Matsuri, or Pottery Fair of Kutani-yaki Ware at Terai-machi, Nomi, Ishikawa Pref. The fair is held along Sun Road Terai (street) and at Fureai Plaza (municipally-run open space) from 8:30 am to 7:30 pm (to 6 pm on the 5th) during the period. http://55nomi.info/theme/kutani/chawan_maturi.html Access (1) The JR Hokuriku Honsen Line to Terai Sta. From there, shuttle buses (\100) are available to the venue during the fair period. (2) The JR Hokuriku Honsen Line to Komatsu Sta. From there, 20 min. by bus to Terai-Shiseki-Koen Bus Stop. 所在地 石川県 能美市 寺井町 ふれあいプラザ 九谷茶碗まつり 最寄駅 (1) 期間中、JR北陸本線寺井駅から会場までシャトルバス(\100)が運行 (2) JR北陸本線小松駅よりバスで20分、寺井史跡公園下車

2 Date May 3 ~ May 5 ◇ Toki Mino-yaki Matsuri, or Ceramic Fair at Toki Mino-yaki Oroshi Center in Toki, Gifu Pref., is held from 9 am to 5 pm daily during the fair period. Access The JR Chuo Honsen Line to Toki-shi Sta. From there, free shuttle buses are available to the site during the fair period. 所在地 岐阜県 土岐市 土岐美濃焼卸商業団地 土岐美濃焼まつり 最寄駅 JR中央本線土岐市駅より、期間中まつり会場まで無料シャトルバス運行

Date May 3 ~ May 5 ◇◎ Hamamatsu Matsuri, or Kite Battle Festival at Nakatajima Tako-age Kaijo grounds, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka Pref., is held from 10 am to 3 pm daily during the festival period. Huge kites are flown by groups of citizens, who compete each other by trying to cut the lines of their rivals' kites by skillful maneuvering. About 80 floats add color to the event, passing through the city's main streets from 6:30 pm to 9 pm daily during the festival period. http://hamamatsu-daisuki.net/matsuri/battle/ Access The JR Tokaido Shinkansen Line or the JR Tokaido Honsen Line to Hamamatsu Sta. From there, direct buses to the site are operated between 8:30 am and 2:30 pm during the festival period (\250). 所在地 静岡県 浜松市 中田島凧揚げ会場 浜松まつり 最寄駅 JR東海道新幹線又はJR東海道本線浜松駅より、会場まで8:30 amから 2:30 pm迄、直通バス運行(\250)

Date May 4 & May 5 ◇◎ Johana Hikiyama Matsuri Festival at Johana, Nanto, Toyama Pref., is designated as one of the National Important Intangible Folk Cultural Assets. Six gorgeously bedecked (floats) with lighted lanterns are exhibited along the street from 6 pm on the 4th. On the 5th, the highlight of the festival, Hikiyama Junko , a prosession of the floats is held through the towns from 9:30 am to 10:30 pm. Karakuri Ningyo (mechanically manipulated dolls) from 2 pm, and Iori-uta (folk song native to the Johana area) form 2 pm and 8 pm are performed on the floats in front of the Hikiyama Kaikan building. http://www.tabi-nanto.jp/event/post_11.html Access The JR Hokuriku Honsen Line to Takaoka Sta. From there, take the JR Johana Line to Johana Sta. 所在地 富山県城端 城端神明社 城端曳山祭 最寄駅 JR北陸本線高岡駅よりJR城端線で城端駅下車

Date May 17 ~ May 19 Kurofune Matsuri, or Black Ship Festival in Shimoda, Shizuoka Pref. This is the festival commemorating the first landing of Commodore Perry from his American "black ship." A fireworks display is held over Shimoda Port from 8:15 pm to 8:45 pm on the 17th. A parade of brass bands and people disguised as Perry and his men marches along the city's main streets from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm on the 18th, and from 11 am to 12 noon on the 19th. http://www.shimoda-city.info/index_e.html Access (1) JR Limited Express "Odoriko" originated at Tokyo Sta. to Shimoda Sta. (2) The Izu-Kyuko Railways originating at Ito Sta. to Shimoda Sta. 所在地 静岡県下田市 黒船祭 最寄駅 (1) 東京駅よりJR特急"踊り子"下田駅 (2) 伊東駅より伊豆急下田駅


Date May 1 ~ May 4 ◇ Enma-do Kyogen or the comic mime plays at Senbon Enma-do Temple, Kamigyo-ku, , are performed from 7 pm on the 1st & the 2nd, and twice from 1 pm & 6 pm on both the 3rd & the 4th. (Each performance lasts for about 2 hours.) Admission is free. http://www.geocities.jp/e_kyogen/ Access 40 min. by municipal bus No. 206 from Kyoto Sta., and then get off at Senbon Kuramaguchi Bus Stop. 所在地 京都市上京区 千本えんま堂 引接寺(いんしょうじ) えんま堂狂言(千本えんま堂大念仏狂言) 最寄駅 京都駅より市バスNo. 206で40分、千本鞍馬口下車

3 Date May 1 ~ May 4 ◇ Kyogen-to-Saiten or a performance of Kyogen (comic mime plays) at Shinsen-en, located to the south of Nijo Castle, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto, is presented on the Kyogen-do stage from 1:30 pm to 5:30 pm daily, and from 7 pm to 10 pm both on the 3rd and 4th. Admission is free. http://www.shinsenen.org/saiten.html Access 20 min. by municipal bus No. 9 or No. 50 from Kyoto Sta., and then get off at Horikawa Oike Bus Stop. 所在地 京都市 中京区 神泉苑 狂言と祭典 最寄駅 京都駅より市バスNo. 9又はNo. 50で20分、堀川御池下車

Date May 1 ~ May 5 ◇ Fujinomori Matsuri Festival of Fujinomori Shrine, Fushimi-ku, Kyoto. On the 5th, a procession of four Mikoshi (portable shrines) and Musha-Gyoretsu (a warriors' procession) parades through the towns from 9 am to around 6 pm. The highlight of this festival, Kakeuma-Shinji (acrobatic horseback riding with a 1,200-year tradition) takes place in the precincts of the Shrine twice at 1 pm & 3 pm, and (Shinto dance with music) is performed from 4 pm to 6 pm in the Shrine. Many other events are scheduled during the festival period. http://www.fujinomorijinjya.or.jp/fujinomorisai.htm Access Walk 5 min. from Fujinomori Sta. on the JR Nara Line, or walk 10 min. from Sumizome Sta. on the Keihan Line. 所在地 京都市 伏見区 深草鳥居崎町 藤森神社 藤森祭 最寄駅 JR奈良線藤森駅より、徒歩5分、又は、京阪電鉄墨染駅より徒歩10分

Date May. 2 ◇ Shomu-Tenno-sai Festival at Todaiji Temple, Nara, Nara Pref. A colorful procession of people in ancient costumes starts from Shin-Kokaido (Prefecture New Public Hall) at 1 pm, heading for Daibutsuden Temple. And then, Bugaku (court dance with music) from 1:30 pm and Noh play from 3 pm are performed on the makeshift stage on the Kagami-ike pond. If it rains, the procession will be canceled, and Bugaku & Noh plays will be performed in the Kinsho hall. http://www.todaiji.or.jp/contents/function/04syoumuki.html Access The JR Nara Line to Nara Sta. or the Kintetsu Line to Kintetsu-Nara Sta. From there, take a bus to Daibutsuden-mae Bus Stop. 所在地 奈良市 東大寺 聖武天皇祭 最寄駅 JR奈良駅又は近鉄奈良駅より、循環バス大仏殿前下車

Date May. 3 ◇ Kume-Eshiki, or Requiem Parade at Kumedera Temple, Kashihara, Nara Pref. The ritual is conducted from 1 pm, and then a procession of 25 people wearing face masks of Bosatsu (Buddhist saint who is seeking a state of spiritual enlightenment) crosses a long bridge, which is believed to link this world with the Pure Land, in the temple compound from 3 pm to 4 pm. http://www.city.kashihara.nara.jp/kankou/own_kankou/saijiki/5_kume_nerikuyou.html Access The Kintetsu Kashihara Line to Kashihara-Jingumae Sta., and then walk 6 min. 所在地 奈良県 橿原市久米町 久米寺 久米会式(練供養) 最寄駅 近鉄橿原線橿原神宮前駅より徒歩6分

Date May. 3 ◇ Yabusame-Shinji (horseback archery) at , Sakyo-ku, Kyoto. This event is associated with Festival held on the 15th. The ritual is conducted from 1 pm, and then Yabusame , horseback archery, takes place in the precincts from around 2 pm to 3:30 pm. Access Take a municipal bus No. 4 or No. 205 from Kyoto Sta., and then get off at Shimogamo Jinjya-mae Bus Stop.

所在地 京都市 左京区 下鴨神社 やぶさめ神事 最寄駅 京都駅より市バスNo. 4又はNo. 205で下鴨神社前下車

4 Date May. 5 ◇ Kamo Kurabe-Uma (horse racing of olden times) at Kamigamo Shrine, Kita-ku, Kyoto. Riders wearing fancy court robes demonstrate courtly horsemanship. Kurabe-uma (horse racing) takes place starting from 2 pm. Admission is free. Access Municipal bus No. 4 from Kitayama Subway Sta., and then get off at Kamigamo -jinja-mae Bus Stop. 所在地 京都市北区 上賀茂神社 賀茂くらべうま(競馬会競馳) 最寄駅 地下鉄北山駅から市バス4番で上賀茂神社前下車

Date May. 5 ◇ Annual Festival of Jishu Shrine, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto. A parade of priests, maidens, 100 people disguised as warriors, flower venders and the like, and children in fancy attire, marches in tune with Gagaku (court music) in the neighborhood of the Shrine from around 1 pm to 2:30 pm. When it rains, the parade will be canceled. Access Municipal bus No. 206 from Kyoto Sta. to Kiyomizu-michi Bus Stop or Gojozaka Bus Stop, and then walk 10 min.

所在地 京都市東山区 地主神社 地主神社例大祭 最寄駅 京都駅より市バスNo. 206清水道下車又は五条坂下車、徒歩10分

Date May. 14 ◇ Neri-kuyo Eshiki, or Requiem Parade at Taimadera Temple, Taimacho, Kita-Katsuragi-gun, Nara Pref. A procession of twenty-five priests wearing masks and special costumes of Bosatsu (Buddhist saint who is seeking a state of spiritual enlightenment) crosses a long bridge, which is believed to link this world with the Pure Land, leading people in fancy attire, from 4 pm to 5 pm. http://www.taimadera.org/news/index.html#nerikuyou Access The Kintetsu Kashihara Line to Kashihara-Jingumae Sta. From there, the Kintetsu Minami Osaka Line to Taimadera Sta., and then walk 20 min. 所在地 奈良県北葛城郡當麻町 当麻寺(たいまでら) 練供養会式 最寄駅 近鉄橿原線で橿原神宮前まで行き、南大阪線に乗りかえて当麻寺駅下車、徒歩20分

Date May. 15 ◇◎ Aoi Matsuri or Hollyhock Festival of Kamigamo Shrine and Shimogamo Shrine in Kyoto. This 1,400-year old festival features a magnificent pageant which colorfully reproduces the Imperial procession that used to pay homage to these Shrines in ancient days. The procession consists of the ox-drawn carriages, courtiers and court ladies clad in ancient court robes, and men holding flower-decorated umbrellas. It starts from Kyoto Gosho (Kyoto Imperial Palace) at 10:30 am, taking Kawaramachi-dori Ave., and arrives at Shimogamo Shrine at around 11:40 am. Thereafter, the procession leaves Shimogamo Shrine at 2 pm, and arrives at Kamigamo Shrine at 3:30 pm. When it rains, the festival will be postponed to the next day. http://www.kyokanko.or.jp/3dai/aoi.html Access (1) The Karasuma Subway Line to Marutamachi Sta., and then walk 10 min. to the Kyoto Imperial Palace. (2) The Keihan Railway to Demachi-yanagi Sta., and then walk to Shimogamo Shrine. 所在地 京都市 下鴨神社及び上賀茂神社 葵祭 最寄駅 (1) 行列出発点の京都御所へは、地下鉄烏丸線丸太町駅下車(京都駅から4番目駅)、徒歩10分 (2) 行列が通る下鴨神社へは京阪電鉄出町柳駅

5 Date May. 19 ◎ Mifune Matsuri (Boat Festival) of Kurumazaki Shrine, Ukyo-ku, Kyoto. This charming festival is held on the Oi River near Arashiyama in the suburbs of Kyoto. A beautiful pageant in which people wear various costumes of the (794-1185) starts from Kurumazaki Shrine at 1 pm, heading for Togetsukyo Bridge. And then, participants go aboard the gaily decorated boats at around 2 pm. On the floating boats, over 20 kinds of various Japanese traditional performing arts including Bugaku (court dance with music), tea ceremony and the like are demonstrated until around 4 pm. These in all are referred to as "Ofuna-asobi " which literally means playing & pleasure on the boat. If it rains heavily, the procession will be canceled, but Ofuna-asobi will be carried out. http://www.kurumazakijinja.or.jp/mifunemathuri.html Access (1) The Keifuku Arashiyama Line to Kurumazaki Sta., and then walk1 min. to the Shrine. (2) The Keifuku Arashiyama Line to Arashiyama Sta. or the Hankyu Arashiyama Line to Hankyu Arashiyama Sta., and then walk 6 min. to the river around Togetsukyo Bridge. 所在地 京都市右京区嵯峨朝日町 車折神社(くるまざき)及び大堰川渡月橋周辺 三船祭 最寄駅 (1) 神社へは、京福嵐山線車折駅より徒歩1分 (2) 渡月橋周辺へは、京福嵐山線嵐山駅又は阪急嵐山 線阪急嵐山駅より徒歩6分


Date May 14 ~ May 16 ◇ Annual Festival of Izumo Taisha Shrine, Taishacho, Hikawa-gun, Shimane Pref. On the 14th, Yabusame (horseback archery) is held on an approach to the Shrine from around 1 pm. On the 15th, Shrine's Mikoshi (a portable shrine) and children in fancy attire march in the city from 12 noon to 3 pm. On the 16th, Shishi-mai (Lion Dance) from 10 am, and Ise-Dai-Kagura (Shinto music and dance) from 12 noon to 2 pm, are performed in the precincts of the Shrine. Jindai Kagura (Shinto music and dance) is presented in the Shrine from around 6 pm daily during the festival period. http://www.geocities.jp/y190804/daisaire.htm Access (1) The Ichibata Dentetsu Railway to Izumo-Taisha-mae Sta. (2) The JR San-in Honsen Line to Izumoshi Sta. From there, 20 min. by bus to Izumo Taisha Bus Stop.

所在地 島根県 出雲市 出雲大社 大祭礼 最寄駅 (1) 一畑電鉄出雲大社前駅 (2) JR山陰本線出雲市駅よりバスで20分出雲大社下車


Date Apr. 29 ~ May 5 ◇◎ Arita Toki Matsuri, Ceramic Fair at Arita-cho, Nishi-Matsuura-gun, Saga Pref. The fair is held along "Kyudo " route (about 5 km), which connects Kami-Arita Sta. and Arita Sta., from around 8 am to 5 pm daily during the fair period. http://www.arita-toukiichi.or.jp/open.html Access 1 hr. 30 min. by JR Limited Express "Midori" from Hakata to Kami-Arita Sta. or Arita Sta. on Sasebo Line. (Walking from Kami-Arita Sta. is an easier access to the fair site as a long downward slope extends to Arita Sta.) 所在地 佐賀県 西松浦郡 有田町 有田陶器市 最寄駅 博多よりJR特急"みどり"で1時間半、佐世保線の上有田駅又は有田駅下車 (有田駅まで下り坂なので、上有田駅より歩いたほうが良い)

Date May 3 & May 4 ◇◎ Hakata Dontaku Festival in Fukuoka, Fukuoka Pref. Over 100 groups of townspeople in fancy attires parade along the Meiji-dori street from Gofukumachi Subway Sta. to Dontaku Hiroba square in front of City Hall, while dancing to merry music from 1 pm to 7 pm on the 3rd, and from 3 pm to 8 pm on the 4th. The entire city, especially Dontaku Hiroba is filled with townspeople singing and dancing with rice paddles in hands, and various entertainments are staged in the city on both days. http://www.fukunet.or.jp/dontaku/ Access The JR Sanyo Shinkansen Line to Hakata Sta., and then walk 10 min. to Meiji-dori street. 所在地 福岡県 福岡市 博多どんたく 最寄駅 JR博多駅より徒歩10分で明治通り。

6 Date May 3 ~ May 5 ◇ Naha "Hari" in Naha, Okinawa Pref., features the Hari boat race, peculiar to Okinawa, in which young men show their strength and skills at sea in Naha Shinko (Port), from 10 am to around 6 pm both on the 3rd and the 5th. A fireworks display is scheduled over the port from 8:40 pm to 9 pm daily during the period. http://www.naha-navi.or.jp/nahahari.html Access 15 min. by taxi from Naha Airport to Naha Shinko (Port). 所在地 沖縄県 那覇市 那覇港新埠頭 那覇ハーリー 最寄駅 那覇空港より那覇新港までタクシーで15分

Ukai, Cormorant Fishing

Date May 11 ~ Oct. 15 ◇ Nagaragawa Ukai, Nagara River, Gifu Pref. Period of time: May 11th - Oct. 15th (except Jul. 27th, Aug. 3rd and Sep. 19th) Departure time: 7:15 pm (returns around 8:30 pm) Charge: \3,000 (without meal) for weekdays, \3,300 (without meal) for Sat., Sun. and national holidays Reservation: Please call 058-262-0104 (Gifu City Ukai Kanransen Jimusho), or reserve through major travel agencies, like JTB.

Ukai , Cormorant fishing is an ancient method of catching Ayu (sweetfish or trout-like fish), handling trained cormorants. This takes place at night under the blazing torches fastened to the prows of fishing boats. It will be held every day during the period except on the night of the full moon (Sep. 19th this year) or when the water is excessively muddy.

http://www.ukai-gifucity.jp/ukai/ Access The JR Tokaido Honsen Line to Gifu Sta. From there, 15 min. by bus to Nagaragawa-bashi Bus Stop. 所在地 岐阜県 岐阜市 長良川 長良川鵜飼 最寄駅 JR東海道本線岐阜駅よりバスで15分、長良川橋下車