Sportswwatchatch Winter 2018

What’s Inside

From the QSport Offi ce Page 3

Queensland’s Budget for Sport and Recreation Page 5

2018 QSport Conference Page 6

Members of the QSport Board with State Minister for Sport Hon. Nick de Brenni MP (third from left) and Staff at Sport House, Sport and Active Recreation Milton on 20th June Strategy Page 8 State ups allocation for sport

QSport Workshop for 18-24 year olds and recreation in 2018-19 Page 9-10 The Government has allocated $186.7M for expenditure on sport and recreation in the State Budget handed down on 12 June for the Sport, Recreation and Play 2018-19 fi nancial year – an increase of $28.3M (17.8%) on the allocation in last year’s Budget. Awards Page 12 The fi gure includes $9.25m budgeted to be raised from user charges, fees and other sources. Royal Commission Minister de Brenni has indicated that $37.3M has been made available Fast Facts under initiatives to upgrade sports infrastructure to support Queensland Page 13 children and healthy communities.

A further $31M of capital including grants will support sport and recreation 2019 Polocrosse clubs at the grassroots level through the delivery of key infrastructure and World Cup $15M under the Female Facilities Program for functional and inclusive Page 16 change rooms and sporting facilities for women and girls.

More details on expenditure since 2015 and other INAS Global Games aspects of this fi nancial year’s allocation are on Page 5 and were covered Page 18 by Minister de Brenni when he met the QSport Board in late June along with time frames, etc for consultation on the Queensland Sport and Active Recreation Strategy in coming months.

Sportswatch is a quarterly publication of QSport which is an independent collective of State sporting organisations established to enhance the development of sport in Queensland. Sportswatch aims to inform readers and views expressed in Sportswatch are not necessarily those of QSport. No responsibility is accepted by QSport for consequences emanating from actions or failures to act on material within this publication. For contributions, advertisements and enquiries, contact the QSport Offi ce at Sports House, Cnr Castlemaine and Caxton Streets MILTON Q 4064 Telephone 07 3369 8955 Facsimile 07 3369 8977 Email [email protected]

From the

“A kid in sport is one less in court” I heard recently alleviating some of the cost associated with their in my travels. participation, it’s a fair bet those people won’t be the ones robbing my home in the dead of night. Can’t remember exactly who said it but it has stuck with me these past few weeks, probably due Given the above, a new sport and active recreation to the fact that for the second time in less than strategy with a strong youth engagement 12 months, my home was entered by someone component sounds a reasonable pursuit in the uninvited who stole from me and mine. months ahead, as the Queensland Government via Sport Minister Mick de Brenni , his department and First time, jewellery and money, mainly items of sporting bodies, among others, begin consultation emotional significance and more so from my wife, on what might be done here to enhance sport and and the second and more recent episode, my recreation into the future. wallet, money, cards, keys and the QSport vehicle in my care. Somewhere in there the Federal Government will unveil its National Sports Plan and it will be End result? Car plus licence recovered by very interesting to see what is different to what has helpful police but alas that’s all, besides another come before when someone in Canberra calls for a very ordinary taste in one’s mouth. look at what’s going on in this aspect of the national agenda. Indications are the culprits are younger rather than older, not respectful of other people’s belongings, Fair to say that realistically money, how much, driven to theft by whatever. Sad, really, with the where it is spent and by whom will be what “whatever” the problem(s). dominates people’s reactions to that plan and down the track, a new strategy here in Queensland. Unfortunately, that’s the way of it and back to work it’s been since then, with another State Budget But clearly these types of plans / strategies come and gone for another year and as per usual, attempted by well-intentioned governments big allocations for health and education and not shouldn’t just boil down to money, notwithstanding inconsiderable resources for upholding law and its importance, particularly in the largely “for order. purpose / not for profit” landscape that is sport at State level and beyond. Health largely about fixing ill health, law and order about prevention and education about turning out The positives from sport and active recreation young people who hopefully along the way get why outcomes for other parties / portfolios will be we need law and order and along with parents and emphasised hopefully and with that, greater guardians, a value system that rules out entering commitment, including from a Federal Treasurer other people’s homes and stealing other people’s opining that extra GST will help States to meet possessions. increasing demands from increasing populations for “hospitals, schools and police”. And sport and recreation, a mix of all the above in terms of public policy goals like enhancing health More support for the base and middle levels of the and wellbeing, teaching youngsters about values, sporting pyramid wouldn’t go astray. etc.

I’ve a mind to say that if more youngsters can end up in sport and we can engineer more of Peter Cummiskey OAM it via institutionalising it in environments where CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER young people are gathered and incentivising it via

Sportswatch - Winter 2018 3 Game changing legal advice

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4 Sportswatch - Winter 2018 Delivering for SPORT AND RECREATION

The Queensland Government is continuing to invest in grassroots sport and recreation in Queensland, encouraging more people to get out and active. The 2018-19 Queensland Budget will deliver over $26 million in major and minor infrastructure for local community clubs which was committed at the last election on top of our $98 million for grants and programs.

Since 2015 the Queensland In 2018-19 the Queensland Government has proudly invested in Government will continue to invest in the growth and development our local programs and infrastructure to ensure sporting community: Queensland remains a nation leader in all aspects of sport by:

Building local grassroots infrastructure Supporting women and girls $87M $15M To improve facilities including change To deliver the Female Facilities Program, providing inclusive ROOMS CLUBHOUSES LIGHTSANDlELDS to provide a better experience for change rooms and amenities to participants. support female participation in sport and active recreation.

Supporting our elite athletes Delivering on our election $51.5M commitments Through the Queensland Academy of Sport to help train and mentor $26M our elite athletes so they continue To construct major and minor sporting to dominate on the national and infrastructure including $5.5m for international stage. the Zillmere Sports Centre, $9.1m for Underwood Park redevelopment and $7m for the Encouraging participation Centre.

$95.3M Maintaining our Major To fund programs and pathways for Sporting Infrastructure more and more Queenslanders to get out and active, participating in sport and active recreation. $30M To assist in operating and maintaining of Queensland major sporting venues.

Cameron McEvoy Source: Australia

Sportswatch - Winter 2018 5 2018 CONFERENCE

Saturday, 14 July Queensland Cricketers’ Club, Vulture St, East Brisbane

Aimed primarily but not exclusively at personnel in smaller, relatively less resourced State sporting organisations, this day long exercise from 8:30am to 6:00pm will feature inputs on and the opportunity for participants to discuss topics ranging from industry and government support, legal and fi nancial issues through to communication of information and engagement with associates and affi liates and the wider community.

Limited spaces available. Cost $55 incl. GST per person.

For more information and registration contact the QSport Offi ce via email [email protected].

This QSport activity supported by:

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Sportswatch - Winter 2018 7 QSport to work with State on Sport and Active Recreation Strategy

The second half of 2018 will see QSport and its its way to fruition but accepting the Minister is member State sporting bodies and associates well intentioned, it behoves those in the sporting given the opportunity to provide the State system to take this latest opportunity to have Government with views on how to enhance their say. Queenslanders’ engagement in sport and active recreation. Getting organised sport to do that should not be too diffi cult and might prove easier than getting It’s an important opportunity that is coming about those in less structured scenarios involved or because the recipient of views proff ered – in this indeed, outside altogether to contribute views on case, the Minister for Sport and his department, why they’re not engaged and what can be done to on behalf of the Government – has opted for a overcome their lack of engagement. deliberate, recognisable consultation process and is committing time and money and personal It is understood that opinions will be sought energy to that process. from a wide range of bodies and from regional, rural and more remote centres of population Minister de Brenni is indicating he wants to hear and not only those in the more populous south views, is committed to listening to what people east of the most decentralised State in the are prepared to say about what’s important Commonwealth – that feature an issue in itself for to them about the sector and its prospects such an exercise. for enhancement for a common goal of more Queenslanders involved in sport and active The consultation is an opportunity that sport recreation. can’t really aff ord to miss. QSport encourages members and associates to be engaged when the Many in the sector have proff ered views in the time comes. past and no doubt there will be some who will wonder what doing so again might lead to. PETER CUMMISKEY OAM Not everything proff ered in the past has found Chief Executive Offi cer

DATE CLAIMER 24th Annual Queensland Sport Awards/Hall of Fame Presentation Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre

Wednesday 28th November For details email: [email protected]

8 Sportswatch - Winter 2018 Understanding Sport Participation for 18-24 year olds: An Exploration of Issues, Barriers and Trends.

One of the activities being carried out by QSport fi ndings from the research, discussion of the with assistance from the State Government via its implications, and an exploration of possible Industry Peak Body (IPB) funding program is the responses to address declines in young adult abovementioned project. participation in diff erent sports.

Following the development of a desktop review Sixty four people (of 77 rsvp’s) attended across of literature examining sporting participation the four sessions, and an additional 3 indicated for young adults (January 2018), a series of an inability to attend, but a desire to access any workshops has been conducted with QSport notes. members and clubs by consultants way to be. From those attending, 19 sports were Four half day workshops were undertaken: on represented (mainly paid staff , with some the Sunshine Coast (May 29), (June 4), volunteers), as well as two regional Sports (June 5) and Brisbane (June 8). Federations, Sporting Wheelies, Deaf Sports and Recreation Queensland, and staff from Sport and These workshops included presentation of key

Sportswatch - Winter 2018 9 Recreation Services (Queensland Government) The fi nal phase of the project will be to develop and local councils. (cont. next page) these cases as stand-alone documents easily accessible to clubs and associations, supported The feedback on the workshops was generally by snapshots of key principles/ learnings for very positive, with attendees valuing: engaging, attracting or retaining the 18-24 year • the trigger to start the conversation on this old cohort. topic, Depending on the capacity of sports and clubs to • being introduced to new ideas, respond to the request for additional information, waytobe anticipate these can be ready for • practical actions to take back to their sport or publication in early July. club, and The feedback for QSport from attendees • the chance to interact with others and share indicated their appreciation of the opportunity to as a group. be included in the project and come together to learn and share across their diff erent sports. The qualitative data collected through these workshops is now being embedded into the original desktop review so there is an interweaving of literature and applied understandings.

Further to this, details of diff erent sport/ club initiatives is being sought so a limited number of ‘case studies’ can be developed outlining practices being implemented that can help spark inspiration for other sports looking to create some change.

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Sportswatch - Winter 2018 11 Sport, Recreation and Play Industry Innovation Award Finalists Announced

As an industry sector, we all acknowledge that The categories are: there is a need to encourage more people to be Programs, Activities and Events: active and provide them with opportunities to play, recreate, keep fi t, and participate at all levels. Programs, activities and events that have been Over the past few years we have seen the growth developed to encourage the community to be more of new programs, events and more accessible active in large numbers. facilities but little growth in formal participation Sports Surfaces numbers in physical activity in Australia. Innovative solutions that encourage fi eld designs The National Sports Convention 2018 has which results in greater usage. engaged more than a dozen collaborators and over 125 global and Australian organisations who Technological Solutions and Products are coming together to encourage the industry Technology that make the playing or administration to be more innovative in the way it plans, funds, of sport easier, more enjoyable or to enhance and provides active recreation and community performance. opportunities. On target to achieve over 900 delegates the NSC is the largest community sport Playgrounds convention in the southern hemisphere Designs and developments that encourage more The Australian Sport, Recreation and Play Industry children to play, have fun and be active. Awards have fi nalised and announced their Marketing and Communication Category Finalists. The Innovation Awards aim at recognising and celebrating Innovation that has Packaging and communication of an opportunity in promoted and encouraged more people to play, a manner that has encouraged more people to be recreate and participate in sport. The Innovation active. Award winners will be announced as part of the Facility Design and Development National Sports Convention on Tuesday 17th July. Innovative design and management that creates and Each category winner will receive a trophy and environment where more people are active, (built $500 cash award. The winners of each category and natural environments) will then be judged for the Overall Innovations Award and has the opportunity to be 2018 winner QSport member SSO Water Polo Queensland is and receive a $1,000 Award. a fi nalist in the Marketing and Communication category for its Social Channels update.


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DATE CLAIMER Sponsorship Presentation Wednesday 22nd August 12.30pm - 3.00pm Sport House, Milton

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Sportswatch - Winter 2018 15 Rural Australia’s biggest ever international sporting event is coming to Warwick, Queensland.

Southern Queensland will be hosting rural Australia’s biggest ever international sporting event when the Polocrosse World Cup comes to Warwick 22-29 April 2019.

The event will attract 60,000 spectators, 300 competitors, 2,000 international guests and 200 Australian Stock Horses.

One of the world’s greatest horse events, the World Cup will be contested by teams from eight countries – Australia, New Zealand, USA, UK, South Africa, Ireland, Zambia and Zimbabwe – who will battle it out in action-packed matches where power, skill and pace dominate.

Polocrosse is one of only three Australian-made sports, along with Aussie Rules and campdraft. First played in 1939, the sport will celebrate 80 years in 2019.

Details at

The Queensland Government, via Tourism and Events Queensland, is proud to support Polocrosse World Cup 2019, which features on the It’s Live! in Queensland events calendar. Your perfect next event is in Queensland where live events combine with the most incredible destinations, and life is beautiful one day, perfect the next.

Combining the strategy of netball, the toughness of rugby, and the ball skills of lacrosse, polocrosse is an Australian made sport where action, power, skill and pace dominate.

Celebrating 80 years of polocrosse in 2019, the Polocrosse World Cup will bring players from eight countries – Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, USA, UK, Ireland, Zambia and Zimbabwe - to southern Queensland to see which team reigns supreme. As current world champions, South Africa will be fi ghting to hold onto the title, while former champions, Australia, will use their home turf and supporters to their advantage to try and take it back!

The event takes place over 7 days at Morgan Park in Warwick, with spectator numbers expected to be in the tens of thousands for this world-class event. While the horses and riders show off their talents on the fi eld, spectators will get an up close and personal experience from the sidelines where they can literally smell the sweat on the horses!

Polocrosse is king of the one-horse sports. Be there in 2019 to live the action!










18 Sportswatch - Winter 2018 Community Clubs



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20 Sportswatch - Winter 2018 AICD presenter John Sing at Sports House, Milton on Tuesday evening, 26 June for the third and fi nal session in the AICD Sports Governance program off ered by QSport with State Government assistance via the Industry Peak Body funding program.


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