20 Films Will Be Shown in 1953-54 Season Winning Poem, Slory

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20 Films Will Be Shown in 1953-54 Season Winning Poem, Slory 141 Seniors to Receive Degrees Sun., June 14 One hundred forty-one Lawrence Seniors will receive their bache­ VOL. 72, NO. 29 LAWRENCE COLLEGE, APPLETON, WIS. Friday, May 29, 195J lors degrees in the commence­ ment exercises at 3 o’clock Sun­ day afternoon. June 14. Dean C. A. Elvehjem, head of the grad­ Bigford Awarded Spector Cup uate school at the University of Wisconsin, will speak at the com­ mencement, the 104th in the his­ tory of Lawrence coM^c. At Honors Day Convocation The Right Reverend William H. Brady, bishop-coadjutor of th e diocese of the Fond du Lac Prot­ Hoyer, Locklin, Pfefferkorn, Kercher estant Episcopal church, will de­ liver the baccalaureate sermon at Receive Highest Jr. Class Honors 10:45, Sunday morning, gradua­ Outstanding students at Lawrence were cited for traditional honor* yesterday morning at the final convocation of the year. The awards tion day. were presentod at the Memorial chapel. Dean Elvehjem is a biochemist Bruce Bigford received the highest honor of the day. He was given by training and he holds both his I the Spector cup. which is awarded by election of the student body bachelor and advanced degrees j and faculty to a senior who best exemplifies those Qualities, physical, mental and moral, which go to make up the well-rounded student. from the University of Wisconsin. The award was begun by Morris Spector and now is continued by He has had a year of post-doc­ Dean C. A. Elvehjem his son Nathan Spector. torate study at Cambridge univer- | The two most meaningful junior sit$ in England, and has received award for research in vitamin 'class awards went to Margaret an honorary degree from Ripon complex: the Grocery Manufac- Hoyer and Mory Locklin- Miss college. jturers of America award; the Wil- Hoyer received the Otho PcanO He has taught at the Univer- lard Gibbs medal; the Nicholas Fairfield prize scholarship, the •ity of Wisconsin since 1925, going Appert medal; and the Osborne* i gift of a former faculty member, Mendel award. which is given "to a member <»f He has held several significant; the junior class showing great national posts — as a member; of the Food Nutrition board of the promise of distinguished service National Research Council; th e in the „promotion of humaa Council on Foods and Nutrition of progress. !the American Medical association; Spjilr and Spoon Given and the Scientific Advisory com­ Bruee Bigford Locklin was named for the mittee of the Nutrition Foun­ W arren Hurst Stevens pri/.e dation. scholarship as the junior man most He is the editor and author of distinguished for high scholarship many articles for biochemistry, and for useful activity in college nutrition and medical journals, i affairs. and belongs to more than 20 pro­ The Spade and Spoon, two fessional organizations. His maj­ much carved objects whit It k» or piece of writing is “The Vita­ to the outstanding junior womanj min Content of Meat” done with and man respectively, by elec- H. A. W aism an. tion ot the senior elans, wore The Rev. Brady Is it newcom er presented by Lynn Casper and to this area, for he cam e to Stev­ Merry Belle Kercher I Bruce Bigford, |H*t year's win­ ens Point from Alton, III., in Feb­ ners. Merry Belle Kercher re- ruary, when he was appointed bi- I ceived the Spade and Ulmer shop-coadjutor of the diocese of Pfefferkorn the Spoon. Fond du Lac. Pond sport trophies, the gift of He was born in Maryland and Winning Poem, Charles Pond of Appleton, were was educated at the Charlotte won by Eleanor Shaw and Big­ Hall Military Academy, the Uni­ ford. Qualifications for the two Rev. W illiam H. Brady versity of M aryland and the Gen- trophies differ slightly. The worn* progrcssively from instructor to eral Theological seminary in New, Slory, Essay ^en’s award places its accent on , York city. As a divinity student, service to the WRA program, head o! the biochemistry depart- hp w#g a„ isUnt priest at the while the men's is for all-around ment. He has been dean of the church of the Resurrection in athletic ability. graduate school since 1946. New York City, and then servedf In Contributor Shaw Double Winner Dr. Elvehjem has received a se- eight years as rector of St. Paul’s Miss Shaw was a double win- ries of national awards recogniz- church in Savannah, Ga. Five Klinrr Pfefferkorn The editors of the Contributor iner- Sh? received the Women s ing his research accomplishments years at st Paui s church in Al- have announced the winners of,R*creat*°n Association senior among them the Mead Johnson jjj ^ preceded his newest ap­ the prizes for the best short story, avva,'d as the outstanding partici* pointm ent. Pictures Due Today poem, and essav. Jill Moore has l),mt from that class. __A traditional---- weekend of com- All pictures rented from t h e won for her short story, Greek Kohert Zimmerman was cited mencement events has been ar- Lawrence college art department jn(jian, the Hicks prize for short e Def.oy l-.llis award, to the ranged, beginning on Thursday, rental service are due today, ac- storjcs track man who has scored the 20 Films Will June 11, writh the annual meeting cording to Joan Pomainville, cir- ' "... , , . most points in the previous sea- The Hicks prize for poetry has * . , , j ot *°n- He accounted for 4K. Win of the officers of the Alumni as- culation department chair m a n. been awarded to Eleanor Shaw soctation; on Friday, the trustees All students are reminded that the f()r her poem At Night. The Tich- W' l.h ' and meeting, the commencement con- pictures must either be returned cnQr prjze fof tho b(.st CMay was I” ** B'edsoethird with M. Be Shown in cert and the senior ball; on Sat- by that time or rented, or that . I( hn x-tti/n for Svmbol- Charles C hampion cup, urday, the Phi Beta Kappa break- person will not be allowed to take 1/alio|| o( Tact jn The Sun Also tM * ail ar_ound co,h*ge man fast, the alumni luncheon; the his final examinations. They may on the basis of athletic ability. Rises. scholarship, college spirit and president’s reception and class re- be returned in the art center any These prize articles will ap­ 1953-54 Seasonunion dinners. I time today. loyalty, was presented to Zimmer* pear in the present issue of the man a|SO Plans are now being made for Contributor. Other contributors to Blankets to Two the Film Classics series of the this 48 page issue are: Jill Moore, Honor blankets to an athlete 1953-54 season. Ed Rubovits will Commencement Schedule Ellie Shaw, Sally Teas, Barbara who has won six or more major head the program for next year.I Gaerling, Dick Knuth, John Tat- awards went to seniors Konnie A series of twenty films will be Thursday. June It ge. Priscilla Purinton, Joan Eng- Myers and Dick Olson. Myers has shown, the first beginning in Oc- 4:30 p.m. Annual meeting of officers and directors of the Alumni |jght Ken Meyer, Guy Zettler, and won letters in basketball and ten- tober. The tentative list includes: Association. Memorial union. Don Carlsen. jnis and Olson in basketball, ten- “Gigi” (Franco, “It Happened Friday, June 12 Art work for thls issue was nis and wrestling, Annual meeting of the Board of Trustees, Rivervicw One Night” (USA*, “Nicho 1 a s 10:00 a m done by Cyn- An award to a non-varsity ath- country club. Nickclby” (England*, “Paisan” thia Furb e r lete who has b^en outstanding in 2:00 to (Italy*, "Boarder street” (Po­ and Joan Po- the intramural program went to 5:00 p.m. Registration of Alumni, Memorial union. land*, “Foreign Correspondent” m a i n v i 1 1 e. Ken llarbiiiKon, Delta Tau Delta, 8:00 p.m. Conservatory commencement concert, Memorial chapel. while the cov- The prlxe was begun three years (USA», “The Southerner” (USA),9:30 p.m. Senior bal . Memorial union. “Moonrise” (USA*. “Forbidden cr was design “go by the Lawrcntian and was Saturday, June 13 cd bv Marilyn awarded this year by sports editor Games” (France*. “Man in the 8:30 a m Annual Phi Beta Kappa breakfast and business meeting, Merville. ,,on Cartaen. White Suit” (England*, “The Russell Sage hall. The new edi-' The intramural supremacy tro- Promoter” (England*, and 9:00 a.m. to “Beauty and the Devil” (Fiance).i 12:00 noon Registration of Alumni, Memorial union tor for the wa* presented by Jim Boldt At the end of this year Bob 12:00 noon Alumni Luncheon. Alexander gymnasium. South campus. Contributor for * Bet* T^ ta Pi* Thc w?s 1953-54 will be cited for lts many members who Peterson, head of this year's se- 2:00 to were active participants in sports. 5:00 p.m. Registration of Alumni. Memoiial union Don Carlsen. ries. expects between $2f»0 and ('arisen A skit by the senior class fol­ 3:00 to Carlsen is ac­ $300 to be left for a scholarship lowed the presentation of prizes. for a foreign student. 5:00 p.m. President's Reception. Memorial union ______cepting_ _applications __________ __for _________assistant 6:00 p.m. Reunion dinner for classes of 1903. 1913, 1928, 1943. and editor"positions. Barbara Emley During the year 24 films were 1948, Ormsby hall. is also accepting applications for Z l0fk6 tO H # ad SunS6t shown the best of which were Sunday, June 14 “Passport to Pimlico'* (Eng- jQ.45 am art editor.
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