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R EP OR T R E S U M E S ED 020 194 24 TE 499 987 A SURVEY OF MUSIC EDUCATION MATERIALS AND THE COMPILATION OF AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY. FINAL REPORT. BY- COLLINS, THOMAS C. REPORT NUMBER BR-S-1334 PUB DATE FEB 67 CONTRACT OEC-2-6-0.51334-1595 EDRS PRICE MF-$0.76 HC'.$6.56 16CP. DESCRIPTORS... *ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHIES, *INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS, *AUDIOVISUAL AIDS, *MUSIC EDUCATION, MUSIC THEORY, HISTORY, PHILOSOPHY, PSYCHOLOGY, TESTING, MUSIC ACTIVITIES, MUSIC READING, APPLIED MUSIC, MUSIC TECHNIQUES, BANDS (MUSIC) ,INSTRUMENTATION, OPERA, SINGING, THIS SELECTED, ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY PREPARED BY A COMMITTEE OF THE MUSIC EDUCATION RESEARCH COUNCIL SHOULD BE USEFUL TO MUSIC TEACHERS, STUDENTS, LIBRARIANS, AND ADMINISTRATORS OF MUSIC DEPARTMENTS. IT LISTS OVER 1500 ENTRIES, FOR ELEMENTARY, SECONDARY, AND COLLEGE LEVELS, ORGANIZED INTO 67 CATEGORIES AND IS CURRENT TO FEBRUARY 1967. MAJOR DIVISIONS ARE (1) REFERENCE MATERIALS FOR THE TEACHER; (2) INSTRUCTIONAL AND REFERENCE MATERIALS FOR THE STUDENT, AND (3) INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCES--AUDIO-VISUAL AIDS. ALL ENTRIES ARE CURRENTLY AVAILABLE, WITH THE EXCEPTION OF A FEW INDICATED AS OUT OF PRINT, AND PRICES ARE CITED.(DL) FINAL REPORTc/ Contract No. OEC2-6-051134=1895' A SURVEY OF MUSIC EDUCATION MATERIALS AND THE COMPILATION OF AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY February, 1967 U. S. Department of HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE Office of Education Bureau of Research THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRODUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROMTHE U S DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. EDUCATIOKaWELFARE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGINATING IT.POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS OFFICE OF EDUCATION STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OF EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY. A SURVEY OF MUSICEDUCATION MATERIALS AND THE COMPILATION OF AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY Contract No.OEC2-6-051334-189c Thomas C. Collins February, 1967 to a The research reportedherein was performed pursuant contract with theOffice of Education, U. S.Department of Health, Education, andWelfare. Contractors undertaking such projects underGovernment sponsorship areencouraged judgment in the con- to expressfreely their professional stated do duct of the project. Points of view or opinions official Office of not, therefore,necessarily represent Education position orpolicy. University of Miami Coral Gables, Florida 04 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author of this studywishes to acknowledge theassistance given by the following musiceducators: Dr. Robert Choate, BostonUniversity, Boston,Massachusetts Dr. Josiah Darnall, MurrayState College, Murray,Kentucky Dr. Dom DeLerma, IndianaUniversity, Bloomington,Indiana Dr. Charles Gary, MusicEducators National Conference, Washington, D.C. Dr. Robert John,University of Georgia, Athens,Georgia Professor HarrietNordholm, University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida Dr. Roger Phelps,New York University, NewYork Dr. Gomer Pound,Mississippi State University,Hattiesburg, Mississippi. INTRODUCTION In 1959 a committeeof the Music EducationResearch Council, Beach, Chairman, of the Music EducatorsNational Conference, Earl E. Materials, which prepared a Selected,Bibliography of Music Education was published as anissue of theJournal of Research in Music Education, bibliography of Volume VII, Number 1,Spring, 1959. This was the only its kind, devoted solely tomusic education. However, the yearn Council, in 1965, have made it obsolete andthe Music Education Research requested this writer toformulate a new and up-to-datebibliography. The purpose of this project wasto accumulate andauthenticate devoted solely to materialsused in a selective,annotated bibliography teachers and students, music education, whichwould be useful to music to librarians, and toadministrators of musicdepartments. CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMFNTS iii * INTRODUCTION 111 METHOD 1 RESULTS 2 DISCUSSION 5 CONCLUSIONS 6 SUMMARY 7 BIBLIOGRAPHY 8 11.10111111111/ METHOD An outline of topical headings wasagreed upon by the Publi- cations Committee of the MusicEducators National Conference. The The chairman of this body is Dr.Robert Choate, of BostonUniversity. writer agreed to bechairman of a committee toundertake the revision, which consisted of thefollowing: Professor Harriet Nordholm Dr. Josian Darnall Dr. Comer Pound Dr. Roger Phelps Dr. Robert John Dr. Robert Choate University, was asked to At a later time, Dr. DomDeLerma, of Indiana assist. The outline was divided,and each member ofthe committee sub- essential to the area cov- mitted a list of titleswhich were considered the project, and checked ered. The writer served asclerk and editor for the current issue every itemwith the Library ofCongress Union Serials, with publishers by letter. of Books in Print,publisher's catalogues, and titles which have beenconfirmed The resultantbibliography consists of A few books were con- as in printunless they are marked outof print. out of print. sidered important enough tolist even though they were make sure All periodicals werechecked with current issues to about issuance were correct. that publishers, editors,and information examined, and the info7- Periodicals which containreviews of books were mation added to theannotations. Decisions as to the titlesselected for listing inthe biblio- incomplete, or graphy were made by theeditor. If the information was Some 500 books were if the title did not seempertinent, it was omitted. after careful checking. eliminated from theoriginal lists submitted, Information on Audio-VisualOrganizations was takendirectly the Guide to AmericanDirec- from the Encyclopediaof Associations and tories by Klein. 1 RESULTS and over The resulting bibliographyconsists of 67 categories 1500 items on 146 typewritten pages. Following are the categoriesand sub-headings,with the number of titles contained ineach: Number of Titles SECTION I - REFERENCEMATERIAL FOR THE TEACHER A.-General ReferenceMaterial on Music 1.- Appreciation,History, Style, Formand Analysis, Listening, etc 168 26 2 Biography 30 3.- Dictionaries andEncyclopedias 4.- Instruments, books on 22 a.- General 21 b.- Specific 50 5.- Opera 20 6.- Orchestra,Orchestral music, books on . 7 7.- Recordings,books on (Also seeaudio-visual) . 68 8.- Periodicals 11 9.- Anthologies B.- Teaching Musicin the Schools(general references dealing with severalphases or areas ofinstruction) 1.- General reference(books that cannot beclearly assigned to one ofthe next threecategories) 20 for 2.- The elementaryschool (including material both the music specialistand the classroom 40 teacher) 15 3.- The junior andsenior high school 10 4.- College 5 5.- Courses of study 6.- Catalogs, indexes,bibliographies and 28 directories C.- Specialized areas 1 1.- History of MusicEducation 7 2.- Philosophy of MusicEducation and 3.- Administration,guidance, supervision, 13 public relations 4.- Psychology of Music(including tests and 33 measurements) 58 5.- Theory of music 13 6.- Acoustics 9 7.- Aesthetics 9 8.- Creative aspectsof music education 15 9.- Vocations in music 6 10.- Piano class 27 11.- Instrumental music 13 12.- Vocal music 5 13.- Choral music(see also Conducting) 13 14.- Conducting 2 SECTION II - INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS AND REFERENCE MATERIALS FOR THE STUDENT A.- Elementary school classroom music 1.- Graded music series 12 2.- Biography 15 3.- Instruments, books about 6 4.- Instruments, easy-to-play; instruction books 12 5.- Collections of folk songs and dances 37 6.- Collections of song materials (with games and rhythmic activity) 41 B.- Junior and senior high school classroom music 1.- Basic music series 11 2.- Student reference books (see also general reference material for the teacher) 12 3.- Appreciation, history, allied arts, humanities, etc 18 4.- Theory of Music 8 C.- Choral music, junior and senior high school 1.- Collections for assembly and community singing 16 2.- Collections of rounds, catches and canons . 9 3.- Collections for four-part mixed voices . 19 4.-Collectionsfor mixed voices. SATB 7 5.-Collectionsfor mixed voices . SAB 6 6.-Collectionsfor treble voices 33 7.-Collectionsfor boys' voices 15 8.-Collectionsfor boys' voices, unchanged and changing 12 9.-Collectionsfor miscellaneous voice combinations 26 10.-Collectionsof folk songs, games and dances 6 11.- Voice class methods 6 12.- Collections of vocal literature for class voice. 12 D.- Instrumental music 1.- Literature 10 2.- Method books a.- Piano 11 b.- Violin 6 c.- Viola d.- 'Cello 2 e.- String Bass 2 f.- Flute (arranged progressively) . 14 g.- Clarient (arranged progressively) . 11 h.- Oboe (arranged progressively) 15 i.- Saxophone (arranged progressively) . 9 j.- Bassoon (arranged progressively) 15 k.- Cornet (arranged progressively) 12 1.- French Horn (arrnaged progressively) 10 m.- Trombone and Baritone (arranged progres- sively) 16 n.- Tuba (arranged progressively) 4 o.- Percussion 11 p.- Band 25 q.- Orchestra and string Class 11 3 SECTION III - INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCES - AUDIO-VISUALAIDS A. - General references 30 B. - Recordings 1.- Discs 11 2.- Tapes 6 C. - Films and film-strips 21 D. - Radio and television 5 E. - Equipment and facilities 10 F. - Periodicals 1. - General 4 2. - Films and film-strips 7 3. - Radio and television ee000 a 4 4. - Recording:. 4 G. - Associations 55 All items are listed in alphabetical orderin each category with the exception of the Woodwind and Brassinstrument Method Books (section IID2) in which the materials are listedprogressively. Reviews of books appearing in Notes, MusicEducators Journal, Journal of Research in Music Education,The Instrumentalist, The International Musician, The American MusicTeacher, and the Journal of the American