Volume 37 Issue 4 April 2010 Volume 37 Issue 1 Nestor January 2010 Biiblliiogrraphy ooff AAegean PPrrehiissttorry aand RRellatted AArreass

Department of Classics, University of Cincinnati Editor: Carol Hershenson P.O. Box 0226, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45221‐0226, U.S.A. Assistant Editors: Christopher De http://classics.uc.edu/nestor Simone, Daniel Osland, Margaret [email protected] Sneeringer, and Peter J. Stone


Calls for Papers On 1 June 2010 submissions for full papers (8 pages maximum) are due for the Iteata Eeteaea eee Ee , to be held on 8‐13 November 2010 in Limassol, focused on the exchange and sharing of information on Cultural Heritage (CH) and Information & Communication Technology (ICT), especially Digitalisation and Multimedia Technologies, Computer Graphics and in general in the digital documentation/preservation in Cultural Heritage (Multilingua, Multimedia Digital Libraries and Aggregators). On 11 June 2010 submissions for project papers (focusing on the description of project organization, use of technology, and lesson learned; 8 pages maximum) and short papers (preliminary ideas and works‐in‐progress, presented in a short oral format and available as posters in conference breaks; 6 pages maximum) are due; on 28 June 2010 proposals for showcases are due. On 9 August 2010 camera‐ready copies of full papers are due, and on 23 August 2010 camera‐ready copies of project and short papers are due. Further information is available at http://www.euromed2010.eu. Original unpublished papers in English are invited for electronic submission on the following subjects: • Digital Data Acquisition Technologies in CH • 2D and 3D Data Capture Methodologies and Data Processing in CH • On‐site and remotely sensed data collection • 2D and 3D GIS in Cultural Heritage • Remote Sensing for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Management & Monitoring • CAD and FEM based Digital Reconstructions and 3D Modeling • Reproduction Techniques and Rapid Prototyping in CH • Visualisation Techniques (desktop, Virtual and Augmented Reality) • Virtual Reality in Archaeology and Historical Research • Multimedia, Multilingua, Data Management and Archiving • Construction and indexing of large scale Multimedia/Multilingual • Encyclopedias in Cultural Heritage • Computer Animation for CH Applications and Virtual Heritage • Game Technologies in Cultural Heritage • Non‐Photorealistic Rendering of CH Data • Virtual Museum Applications (e‐Museums and e‐Exhibitions) • Digital/Virtual Documentation of Archaeological Excavations • Novel Internet‐based Cultural Heritage Applications • Portals and Digital Libraries of Culture Nestor 37:4 52 April 2010

• Usability, Effectiveness and Interface Design for CH Applications • Innovative Graphics Applications and Techniques • Interactive Environments and Applications • Digital Libraries and e‐Archives in Cultural Heritage • National Digital Libraries and Aggregators as cross‐domain systems • Long term availability of content and its long term accessibility • Effective IC‐Technologies for the creation, management and reuse of content and knowledge • Storytelling and authoring tools • e‐Learning in Cultural Heritage • Tools for Education, Documentation and Training in CH • Archaeological Analysis and Interpretive Design • Standards, Metadata, Ontologies and Semantic Processing in Cultural Heritage • Authentication, Accreditation and Digital Rights Management • Legal issues: Water‐Marking, Orphan Works, Copyrights and IPR • Professional and Ethical Guidelines • The Economics of Cultural Informatics and Tourism • Natural and Man initiated deconstruction of Cultural Heritage and prevention techniques • ICT assistance in monitoring and restoration

On 30 June 2010 abstracts are due for the th tgaate pt haeg ( ) conference, to be held on 28‐30 October 2010, hosted by the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. Papers will be welcome on Cypriot material culture and art history of any period, or on related subjects. Paper titles and short proposals (200 words maximum) for 20‐minute papers, along with biographical details, should be sent to Mia‐Gaia Trentin ([email protected]) or to Iosif Hadjikyriakos ([email protected]).

On 30 June 2010 abstracts are due for an international symposium entitled t Ige te gat a Itegat the egea Ia a ete ata g the ate Be a Ea I ge, to be held on 18‐21 March 2011 in Istanbul, Turkey. Papers are invited on various aspects of indigenity, migration, and the process of integration in local communities during the LBA and EIA, focusing on less well known aspects of this complex subject, such as the various Anatolian and Aegean cross‐ cultural “interfaces”, the archaeological testimonies for the “indigenous” population (e.g. Seha, Arzawa, Mira, Luwians, Mysians, Lycians, Carians, Pelasgoi etc.), the impact of the Mycenaean and Ionian migration movements on the pre‐existing population, as well as inter‐cultural and cross‐cultural mingling of the Aegean and Anatolia or vice versa. Paper titles and short abstracts (200 words maximum) for papers (20 minutes maximum) in English should be sent to Cigdem Maner ([email protected]) or Konstantinos Kopanias ([email protected]). The proceedings of the Symposium should be published before the end of 2011, so all manuscripts must be submitted by the end of August 2011.

On 1 May 2010 abstracts are due for the th p ta Reat haeg a ta etage ( . ee ehg e haege the e Deae, to be held on 21‐14 November 2010 in Paris. On 5 May 2010 papers are due; on 15 June 2010 camera‐ready copies are due. Further information is available at http://www.vast2010.org/. Full papers, short papers, project papers, workshops, and tutorials that advance the state of the art in the technologies available to support cultural heritage are invited, particularly on: Nestor 37:4 53 April 2010

• 2/3/4D data capture and processing in Cultural Heritage • Augmentation of physical collections with digital presentations • Data acquisition technologies • Digital Libraries • Digital capture and annotation of intangible heritage (performance, audio, dance, oral) • Interactive environments and applications for Cultural Heritage • Long term preservation of digital artefacts • Metadata, classification schema, ontologies and semantic processing • Multilingual applications, tools and systems for Cultural Heritage • Multimedia data acquisition, management and archiving • Multi‐modal interfaces and rendering for Cultural Heritage • On‐site and remotely sensed data collection • Professional and ethical guidelines • Serious games in Cultural Heritage • Standards and documentation • Storytelling and design of heritage communications • Tools for education and training in Cultural Heritage • Usability, effectiveness and interface design for Cultural Heritage Applications

Future Lectures and Conferences The program of the a ea in Athens has been announced for Spring 2010. Further information is available at http://www.minoanseminar.gr/. 16 April 2010: J. Driessen, “A Minoan Corporate System? For a Bottom‐Up Approach of Minoan Society. Ένα μινωικό συλλογικό σύστημα; Μία προσέγγιση της Μινωικής κοινωνίας από τη βάση” 28 May 2010: Ι. Τουρναβίτου, “Η θρησκεία ως θέαμα: Τελετουργικές πυρές στα μινωικά ιερά κορυφής. Religion as spectacle: Ritual fires in the Minoan peak sanctuaries” 11 June 2010: Λ. Πλάτων, “Βάζοντας τα δάχτυλα ‘εις τον τύπον των ήλων’: μελετώντας εκ νέου και δημοσιεύοντας το παλαιό ανασκαφικό υλικό από το Κεφάλι και το Κεφάλι Λαζανά Χόνδρου Βιάννου. Putting the finger ‘into the print of the nails’: restudying and publishing the old excavation material from Kephali and Kephali Lazana, Chondros, Viannos”

On 29 April – 1 May 2010 the Iteata ge haega ee the Eate eteaea a the ea Eat IEE will be held at Paphos, Cyprus. Further information is available at http://icasemne.net/. Papers and posters of interest to Nestor readers will include: J.‐D. Vigne, I. Carrère, F. Briois, and J. Guilaine, “The Early Process of Mammal Domestication in the Near East: New Evidence from the Pre‐Neolithic and Pre‐Pottery Neolithic in Cyprus” F. Le Mort and M. Sansilbano‐Collilieux, “Oral pathology, stress indicators and dietary habits at Khirokitia (Cyprus, 7th millennium BC) G. Papasavvas, V. Kassianidou, and A. Giumlia Mair, “Compositional Analysis of Late Cypriot Metalwork Using a Portable‐XRF” Ch. Tselios and N. P. Polychronakou Sgouritsa, “Chemical and metallografic investigation carried out on the metallic artefacts from the Mycenaean settlement and cemetery of Lazarides on the island of Aegina – ” M. Georgakopoulou, “Surface iron slags in non‐’industrial’ landscapes: developing a methodology in the context of the Kythera Island Project” Nestor 37:4 54 April 2010

E. Margaritis, N. Phoca‐Cosmetatou, and T. Theodoropoulou, “Eating by the lake: dietary choices and use of space in the Neolithic lakeside settlement of Dispilio, Greece” A. Papathanasiou, “Diet in Neolithic and Bronze Age Greece: the stable isotope analysis perspective” B. De Cupere, J. Baeten, and D. Devos, “Archaeozoological data and residue analysis combined to detect milk production at Neolithic Bademağacı (SW Turkey)” A. Galik, “Subsistence strategies of the Copper‐ and Early Bronze Age inhabitants of the Çukuriçi Höyük with regards to ecological changes in the Ephesian area” M. Roumpou, N. S. Müller, N. Kalogeropoulos, P. M. Day, and V. Kilikoglou, “Microstructural, mineralogical and organic residue analyses in cooking vessels from Bronze Age Akrotiri: archaeological implications” A. Lentini, “The ancient colours of Pyrgos‐Mavrorachi” S. Sotiropoulou, V. Perdikatsis, Ch. Apostolaki, Κ. Birtacha, and A. Devetzi, “Colouring materials found at Akrotiri – Thera Physicochemical characterisation and archaeological context” O. Daune‐Le Brun and F. Hourani, “Investigating Neolithic earthen architecture at Khirokitia‐Cyprus (VIIè‐VI mill): ethno‐archaeology, experimentation and micromorphology” Y. Goren, “The Use of Handheld XRF Spectrometer for Non‐Intrusive Provenance Determination of Clay Cuneiform Tablets” F. Gonzato and A. Lentini, “Textiles quality and spindle whorls type: new data about spinning techniques in Cypriote Middle Bronze Age” F. Hourani, ‘Climate changes and settlement dynamics at the turn of the 7th/6th millennium cal. BC in Cyprus and southern Levant: The examples of Khirokitia and the Jordan Valley” D. G. Hadjimitsis, A. Agapiou, and A. Sarris, “Iron Age Kingdoms of Cyprus through GIS analysis” J. Daujat and J.‐D. Vigne, “Archaeology of an endangered species: Assessment and first results about the Mesopotamian fallow deer in Cyprus and the Near East” Z. Miklíková and T. Theodoropoulou, “‘Goats are the fish of the mountain’: the animal economy at the Neolithic‐Bronze Age settlement of Mikró Vouní on the island of Samothrace, Northern Aegean” K. Papayianni, “Reconstructing a lost microenvironment: micromammals from Bronze Age Akrotiri, Greece” M. Samaes, A. Felicetti, S. Hermon, F. Niccolucci, amd K. Nys, “Towards a digital Hala Sultan Tekke: Building a semantic database of full‐text excavation records” D. Boness, Y. Goren, and J. Clarke, “Neolithic Pottery in Cyprus – Origin, Technology and Possible Implications on Social Structure and Identity ‐ A Petrographic Study” M. Dikomitou, “Red Polished Philia pottery (RPP) on trial. New investigations into the Philia facies” M. Ownby and H. Charaf, “The International Relations of Tell Arqa, Lebanon in the Middle Bronze Age” V. Renson, J. Coenaerts, C. Sauvage, N. Mattielli, F. Vanhaecke, C. Lorre, M. Rautman, K. Nys, and P. Claeys, “Lead isotope analyses on White Slip II sherds from Late Bronze Age sites in Cyprus (Hala Sultan Tekke, Sanidha) and in Syria (Ugarit) and assessing potential raw materials” I. Hein, C. Tschegg, and T. Ntaflos, “Similarities of Egyptian Metallic ware and Late Cypriot Bronze Age wares” E. Kiriatzi, “A diachronic investigation of an island’s ceramic landscapes: integrating scientific analysis to the study of field survey pottery” Nestor 37:4 55 April 2010

P. Day, “New Light on the ‘Kastri Group’: analysing late EBII ceramics from the Cycladic Islands and the Izmir Region” G. Goude, E. Herrscher, and K. Lorentz, “Exploring the preservation state and feasibility palaeodietary study on Chalcolithic and Bronze Age populations in Cyprus” H. Crossman, “Contextual analysis of economic and social networks: the circulation of Bronze Age soft‐stone artefacts in Bahrain and Cyprus” A. Jacobs, B. Borgers, P. Claeys, K. Nys, and V. Renson, “An examination of the pottery production and consumption at the Late Bronze Age site of Alassa Pano‐Mandilaris: questions on ceramic variability, technology and provenance” A. Lentini, “Archaeobotanical investigations at the archaeological area of Pyrgos‐Mavroraki” A. Lentini, “Aromatic and therapeutic substances from the prehistoric site of Pyrgos‐ Mavrorachi, archaeometric studies” A. Lentini, “Image analysis and measurement applied to the archaeological material from Pyrgos‐Mavroraki” E. Margaratis, “The domestication of the vine and olive in the Aegean and Cyprus” M. Socratou, I. Figueiral, J.‐F. Terral, L. Bouby, E. Papi, and G. Di Pasquale, “Palaeoenvironment and Palaeoeconomy from Lemnos (Greece). The contribution of charred plant remains to the study of past vegetation and the impact of anthropogenic land‐use”

Past Lectures and Conferences On 6‐9 April 2010 the pte ppat a attate eth t haeg eee (. te was held in Granada, Spain. Further information is available at http://www.caa2010.org/. Papers and posters of interest to Nestor readers included: A. Agapiou, M. Iacovou, and A. Sarris, “Spatial analysis of the Bronze Age sites of the region of Paphos in southwest Cyprus with the use of Geographical Information Systems” A. Chrysanthi, “Management of Archaeological Walks: An on‐site interpretation and presentation of Minoan Towns by means of emerging technologies” P. Kontolaimos, “Late Bronze Age Mediterranean Urbanism and Depth Map Software: The Cases of Ugarit (Syria) and Enkomi (Cyprus)” C. Papadopoulos and Y. Sakellarakis, “Virtual Windows to the Past: Reconstructing the ‘Ceramics Workshop’ at Zominthos, ” E. Serjani and A. Miti, “Ongoing development of the National Sites and Monuments recording system in Albania” F. Niccolucci, A. Felicetti, M. Samaes, S. Hermon, and K. Nys, “Ontologies and Semantic Tools for the Management of Full‐text Archaeological Documentation. Assessments from the Hala Sultan Tekke Case‐study” R. Fernandes and S. Soetens, “Case study of an intra‐site GIS single context recording system (Karfi, Crete)” A. S. Andreou, M. Iacovou, E. Papatheocharous, and C. Stylianou, “The Kouklia‐Palaepaphos Digital Archive and Database Management System”

On 24‐25 April 2010 the h IE tg ha pg eee he haega Ega e he e Ie the haega Re was held at the State University of New York at Buffalo. Further information is available at http://www.iema.buffalo.edu/conference/. Papers of interest to Nestor readers included: S. Langdon, “The Ends and Means of Childhood: Methods for an Archaeology of Children in Early Greece” Nestor 37:4 56 April 2010

S. Moses, “The Sacred Nature of Play: Evidence of Children in Household Ritual Performances at Neolithic Çatalhöyük? A Native American Perspective”

BIBLIOGRAPHY Abbreviations used in this issue:

The Aegean and its Cultures Deligiannakis, Georgios and Yannis Galanakis, eds. §20100482 2009. The Aegean and its Cultures: Proceedings of the first Oxford ­ Athens graduate student workshop organized by the Greek Society and the University of Oxford Taylor Institution, 22­23 April 2005. BAR‐IS 1975, Oxford: Archaeopress. ISBN 978‐1‐4073‐ 0507‐3.

Conservation and Karageorghis, V. and A. Giannikouri, eds. 2006. §20100510 Presentation Διάσωση και προβολή της πολιτιστικής και φυσικής κληρονομιάς των μεγάλων νησιών της Μεσογείου. Conservation and Presentation of the Cultural and the Natural Heritage of the Large Islands of the Mediterranean. Athens: Ministry of Culture Archaeological Institute of Aegean Studies and Foundation Anastasios G. Leventis. ISBN 978‐960‐ 88387‐2‐7.

2nd International Conference Kazazi, Y. and N. Papapetrou, eds. 2006. Πρακτικά: 2° §20100511 on Ancient Greek Technology. Διεθνές Συνέδριο Αρχαίας Ελληνικής Τεχνολογίας. Proceedings: 2nd International Conference on Ancient Greek Technology. Athens: Technical Chamber of Greece. ISBN 960‐8369‐16‐9.

Great Moments in Greek Valavanis, Panos, Vasileios Petrakos, and Angelos §20100551 Archaeology Delivorrias, eds. 2007. Great Moments in Greek Archaeology. Athens and Los Angeles: Kapon Editions and The J. Paul Getty Museum. ISBN 978‐0‐ 89236‐910‐2.

Αργοσαρωνικός Γ Κονσολάκη‐Γιαννοπούλου, Ελένη, ed. 2008. §20100568 Αργοσαρωνικός: Πρακτικά 1ου Διεθνούς Συνεδρίου Ιστορίας και Αρχαιολογίας του Αργοσαρωνικού, Πόρος, 26­29 Ιουνίου 1998. Volume Γ´. ΙΙ. Γεωλογία και Φυσικό Περιβάλλον, Αθήνα: Δήμος Πόρου. ISBN 978‐960‐87031‐4‐8.

Nestor 37:4 57 April 2010

ARTICLES AND BOOKS Other abbreviations used by Nestor conform to the standard of the American Journal of Archaeology (http://www.ajaonline.org/):

Altavilla, C., E. Ciliberto, V. La Rosa, and P. Militello 2006. “The ‘Astraki’ from §20100456 Phaistos: Relationships between technology and history.” Pp. 145‐150 in 2nd International Conference on Ancient Greek Technology. (Greek and English abstracts, “Το ‘Αστράκι’ της Φαιστού: Σχέσεις τεχνολογίας και ιστορίας,” p. 145.)

Alušík, Tomáš 2002. “Minoan tripartite shrines ‐ the beginnings of 1st architectonic §20100457 form and its relationship to the ancient cultures of the Near East.” Studia Hercynia 6:111‐122.

Alušík, Tomáš 2003. “Tower in the architecture of Minoan palaces and villas.” §20100458 Studia Hercynia 7:154‐164. (With Plates III‐IV.)

Andersson, Eva, Linda Mårtensson, Marie‐Louise B. Nosch, and Lorenz Rahmstorf §20100459 2008. “New Research on Bronze Age Textile Production.” BICS 51:171‐174.

Antonaccio, Carla 2005. “Excavating Colonization.” Pp. 97‐113 in Ancient §20100460 Colonizations. Analogy, similarity and difference, eds. Hurst, Henry and Sara Owen. London: Duckworth. ISBN 0‐7156‐3298‐1. (Bibliography, pp. 141‐ 159.)

Backe‐Forsberg, Y., L. Grandin, E. Hjarthner‐Holdar, C. Risberg, and Y. Bassiakos §20100461 2006. “Ancient iron sources in Southern Peloponnesus, Greece.” Pp. 122‐ 127 in 2nd International Conference on Ancient Greek Technology. (Greek and English abstracts, “Αρχαίες πηγές σιδήρου στη Νότιο Πελοπόννησο,” p. 122.)

Bass, George F. 2007. “Uluburun. A Bronze Age Shipwreck (1984).” Pp. 306‐315 in §20100462 Great Moments in Greek Archaeology. (Bibliography, pp. 366‐367.)

Bell, Carol 2008. “Crisis, Continuity and Change: The Evolution of Long‐Distance §20100463 Trading Relationships across the Late Bronze / Iron Age Transition in the Eastern Mediterranean.” BICS 51:169‐170.

Benvenuti, A. G. 2006. “Πολιόχνη (Λήμνος). Η οικιστική αρχιτεκτονική της κίτρινης §20100464 περιόδου: Κατασκευαστικές τεχνικές και τυπολογία οικιών.” Pp. 410‐416 in 2nd International Conference on Ancient Greek Technology. (English and Greek abstracts, “Poliochni (Lemnos). Domestic architecture of the yellow period: Construction techniques and typology of houses,” p. 410.) Nestor 37:4 58 April 2010

Benvenuti, Alberto G. 2007. “Poliochni on Lemnos. The Earliest City in Europe §20100465 (1930).” Pp. 196‐201 in Great Moments in Greek Archaeology. (Bibliography, p. 366.)

Berg, I. 2006. “A comparative look at the use of the potter’s wheel in Bronze Age §20100466 Greece.” Pp. 189‐194 in 2nd International Conference on Ancient Greek Technology. (Greek and English abstracts, “Μια συγκριτική θεώρηση της χρήσης του κεραμεικού τροχού στην Ελλάδα κατά την Εποχή του Χαλκού,” p. 189.)

Bevan, Andrew 2007. Stone Vessels and Values in the Bronze Age Mediterranean. §20100467 Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978‐0‐521‐88080‐0.

Blakolmer, Fritz 2008. “Die ‘Rekonstitution’ des ‘Palace of Minos’ in im §20100468 Spiegel des Art Déco. Und warum Evans recht hatte.” Studia Hercynia 12:103‐116. (With plates 28‐32.)

Blakolmer, Fritz 2009. “Die Erforschung der Altägäis in den 20er und 30er Jahren §20100469 des 20. Jahrhunderts.” Studia Hercynia 13:5‐18. (Akten des Kolloquiums “Zeitbrücken ‐ Art Déco, Kubismus, Neoklassizismus und die Antike.” With plates 1‐3.)

Blakolmer, Fritz 2009. “Die Formensprache des Art Déco und die minoisch‐ §20100470 mykenische Welt.” Studia Hercynia 13:23‐36. (Akten des Kolloquiums “Zeitbrücken ‐ Art Déco, Kubismus, Neoklassizismus und die Antike.” With plates 6‐8.)

Boleti, A. 2006. “The use of emery in Bronze Age Aegean and Eastern §20100471 Mediterranean: Methodological approaches and preliminary results.” Pp. 276‐283 in 2nd International Conference on Ancient Greek Technology. (Greek and English abstracts, “Η χρήση της σμύριδας στο Αιγαίο και την Ανατολική Μεσόγειο κατά την Εποχή του Χαλκού: Μεθοδολογικές προσεγγίσεις και προκαταρκτικά αποτελέσματα,” p. 276.)

Briault, Camilla 2008. “Symbols and Spaces: Exploring Ritual Transmission in the §20100472 Bronze Age Aegean.” BICS 51:183‐184.

Brysbaert, Ann 2008. “The Power of Technology in the Aegean and East §20100473 Mediterranean Bronze Age: The Case of Wall Paintings.” BICS 51:175‐176.

Chourmouziadis, George Ch. 2007. “Sesklo and Dimini. The Prehistoric Citadels §20100474 (1903).” Pp. 184‐195 in Great Moments in Greek Archaeology. (Bibliography, pp. 365‐366.) Nestor 37:4 59 April 2010

Chourmouziadis, George Ch. and Marina Sophronidou 2007. “Dispilio Near §20100475 Kastoria. The Prehistoric Lake Settlement (1992).” Pp. 272‐283 in Great Moments in Greek Archaeology. (Bibliography, p. 366.)

Christophilopoulou, Anastasia 2009. “Domestic space in the Geometric and post‐ §20100476 Geometric Aegean: An Attempt to Reconstruct Morphology and Function in 8th and 7th c. BC Houses in the Cyclades and the Eastern Aegean.” Pp. 37‐46 in The Aegean and its Cultures.

Clinton, Miriam G., Shannon Martino, George H. Myer, Dennis O. Terry, Jr., and §20100477 Philip P. Betancourt 2006. “Rapid Cooling Effects in Early Bronze Age Copper Smelting Slags from Chrysokamino.” Aegean Archaeology 8. Studies and Monographs in Mediterranean Archaeology and Civilization ser. II volume 9:21‐30.

Crewe, Lindy 2008. “Regionalism and the Cypriot Middle Bronze Age: What Was §20100478 Happening in the West? A First Glimpse from Kissonerga‐Skalia.” BICS 51:189‐190.

Cromarty, Robert James 2008. Burning Bulls, Broken Bones: Sacrificial Ritual in the §20100479 Context of Palace Period Minoan Religion. BAR‐IS 1792, Oxford: Archaeopress. ISBN 978‐1‐4073‐0280‐5.

de Jong, Irene J. F. 2009. “‘Many tales go of that city’s fall’. Het thema van de val van §20100480 Troje in de Ilias.” Lampas 42.4:279‐298. (English abstract, p. 279.)

Deligiannakis, Georgios 2009. “Preface: Framing the Aegean.” Pp. 1‐3 in The Aegean §20100481 and its Cultures.

Deligiannakis, Georgios and Yannis Galanakis, eds. 2009. The Aegean and its §20100482 Cultures: Proceedings of the first Oxford ­ Athens graduate student workshop organized by the Greek Society and the University of Oxford Taylor Institution, 22­ 23 April 2005. BAR‐IS 1975, Oxford: Archaeopress. ISBN 978‐1‐4073‐0507‐3.

Devolder, Maud 2005‐2006. “From the Ground Up: Earth in Minoan Construction. §20100483 The Case of Building 5 at Palaikastro.” Aegean Archaeology 8. Studies and Monographs in Mediterranean Archaeology and Civilization ser. II volume 9:65‐80.

Dietrich, Volker J. 2008. “Volcanic activity in the Aegean and its influence on the §20100484 Cycladic‐Minoan thalassocracy.” Pp. 441‐464 in Αργοσαρωνικός Γ.

Dodinet, Élisabeth 2010. “Les matières premières et les techniques de fabrication à §20100485 l’âge du Bronze.” Dossiers d’Archéologie 337:18‐21. Nestor 37:4 60 April 2010

Doumas, Christos 2007. “Akrotiri on Thera. The Excavation of a Buried City §20100486 (1967).” Pp. 236‐255 in Great Moments in Greek Archaeology. (Bibliography, p. 366.)

Drakaki, Eleni 2005‐2006. “The Ownership of Hard Stone Seals with the Motif of a §20100487 Pair of Recumbent Bovines from the Late Bronze Age Greek Mainland: A Contextual Approach.” Aegean Archaeology 8. Studies and Monographs in Mediterranean Archaeology and Civilization ser. II volume 9:81‐93.

Ferrara, Silvia 2009. “Writing without Reading: The Cypro‐Minoan Script between §20100488 the Linear and Cuneiform Traditions.” BICS 52:259‐260.

Fouache, Eric, Stéphane Desruelles, Michel Magny, Amandine Bordon, Cécile §20100489 Oberweiler, Céline Coussot, Gilles Touchais, Petrika Lera, Anne‐Marie Lézine, Lionel Fadin, and Rébecca Roger 2010. “Palaeogeographical reconstructions of Lake Maliq (Korça Basin, Albania) beween 14,000 BP and 2000 BP.” JAS 37.3:525‐535. (Abstract, p. 525.)

Galanakis, Yannis 2009. “A Monumental Death: Funerary Architecture and Social §20100490 Dynamics in the Late Bronze Age Aegean.” BICS 52:261‐262.

Galanakis, Yannis 2009. “What’s in a Word? The Manifold Character of the Term §20100491 Koiné and its Uses in Aegean Prehistory.” Pp. 5‐11 in The Aegean and its Cultures.

Garnier, Nicolas 2010. “L’analyse chimique des ‘parfums’ archéologiques.” Dossiers §20100492 d’Archéologie 337:8‐11.

Georgakopoulou, Myrto 2008. “Technology and Spatial Organization of EBA Metal §20100493 Production: New Light from the Cyclades and Attica.” BICS 51:177‐178.

Georgiadis, Mercourios 2005‐2006. “The Prehistoric Finds from the Halasarna §20100494 Survey Project 2003‐2006, Kos: A Preliminary Report.” Aegean Archaeology 8. Studies and Monographs in Mediterranean Archaeology and Civilization ser. II volume 9:7‐19.

Georgoulaki, E. 2006. “Tools in funerary contexts in Prepalatial and Old Palace §20100495 Minoan Crete.” Pp. 750‐758 in 2nd International Conference on Ancient Greek Technology. (Greek and English abstracts, “Εργαλεία σε ταφικά σύνολα της Προανακτορικής και Παλαιοανακτορικής Μινωϊκής Κρήτης,” p. 750.)

Gere, Cathy 2006. “Mycenae and the Search for a Hero.” Ad familiares 31:14‐16. §20100496 Nestor 37:4 61 April 2010

Giesen, K. 2006. “The production of Cypriot fibulas.” Pp. 107‐113 in 2nd §20100497 International Conference on Ancient Greek Technology. (Greek and English abstract, “Η παραγωγή Κυπριακών περονών,” p. 107.)

Goren, Yuval and Diamantis Panagiotopoulos 2009. “The ‘Lords of the Rings’: An §20100498 Analytical Approach to the Riddle of the ‘Knossian Replica Rings’.” BICS 52:257‐258.

Govier, Gordon, ed. 2010. “Minoan‐style Painting in the Canaanite Palace at Tel §20100499 Kabri.” Artifax 25.1:8, 10.

Govier, Gordon, ed. 2010. “Geologists Find Evidence of Thera Tsunami.” Artifax §20100500 25.1:11.

Govier, Gordon, ed. 2010. “Trojan Couple Found at Troy.” Artifax 25.1:13. §20100501

Hasaki, E. 2006. “Ancient Greek ceramic kilns and their contribution to the §20100502 technology and organization of the potters’ workshops.” Pp. 221‐227 in 2nd International Conference on Ancient Greek Technology. (Greek and English abstracts, “Αρχαίοι ελληνικοί κεραμεικοί κλίβανοι και η συμβολή τους στην τεχνολογία και στην οργάνωση των εργαστηρίων κεραμεικής,” p. 221.)

Hitchcock, Louise A. 2008. “‘Do you see a man skillful in his work? He will stand §20100503 before kings’: Interpreting the Spread of Architectural Influences in the Bronze Age East Mediterranean.” Ancient West and East 7:17‐49. (Abstract, p. 17.)

Hourmouziades, G. H. 2008. Δισπηλιό: Σημειώσεις για τον επισκέπτη. Dispilio: Notes §20100504 on a visit. Athens: Kapon Editions. ISBN 978‐960‐6878‐06‐0.

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Miller Bonney, Emily 2005‐2006. “A Reconsideration of Depositional Practices in §20100522 Early Bronze Age Crete.” Aegean Archaeology 8. Studies and Monographs in Mediterranean Archaeology and Civilization ser. II volume 9:31‐50.

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Schmid, M. 2006. “The use of timber in Minoan architecture. Examples of buildings §20100540 from Malia in Crete.” Pp. 425‐432 in 2nd International Conference on Ancient Greek Technology. (Greek and English abstracts, “Η χρήση ξύλου στην μινωική αρχιτεκτονική. Παραδείγματα από τα Μάλια,” pp. 425‐426.)

Seroglou, Fani K. 2009. “The Dissemination of Attic Pottery During the §20100541 Protogeometric and Geometric Periods.” Pp. 27‐36 in The Aegean and its Cultures.

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Smith, Robert Angus K., Evangelia Pappi, Mary K. Dabney, Sevasti Triantaphyllou, §20100545 and James C. Wright 2005‐2006. “2006‐2007 Excavations of the Mycenaean Cemetery at Ayia Sotira, Ancient Nemea.” Aegean Archaeology 8. Studies and Monographs in Mediterranean Archaeology and Civilization ser. II volume 9:95‐109.

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Tampone, G. 2006. “Antecedents of the main features of the architecture of the §20100548 classical Greek and Roman period.” Pp. 508‐518 in 2nd International Conference on Ancient Greek Technology. (Greek and English abstracts, “Πρώιμες μορφές των κύριων χαρακτηριστικών της αρχιτεκτονικής της κλασικής Ελληνικής και Ρωμαϊκής περιόδου,” p. 508.) Nestor 37:4 66 April 2010

Teffeteller, A. 2006. “Script technology and political identity.” Pp. 726‐731 in 2nd §20100549 International Conference on Ancient Greek Technology. (Greek and English abstracts, “Τεχνολογία της γραφής και πολιτική ταυτότητα,” p. 726.)

Tyree, L., F. W. McCoy, A. Kanta, D. Sphakianakis, A. Stamos, K. Aretaki, and E. §20100550 Kamilaki 2005‐2006. “Inferences for Use of Skotino Cave During the Bronze Age and Later Based on a Speleological and Environmental Study at Skotino Cave, Crete.” Aegean Archaeology 8. Studies and Monographs in Mediterranean Archaeology and Civilization ser. II volume 9:51‐63.

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Αγγελάκης, Α. Ν. and Δ. Κουτσογιάννης 2006. “Η αποχέτευση στο μινωικό §20100557 πολιτισμό.” Pp. 551‐556 in 2nd International Conference on Ancient Greek Technology. (English and Greek abstracts, “Wastewater management in the ,” p. 551.)

Αντώνaρος, Α. 2006. “Ενδείξεις δραστηριότητας εργαστηρίων υαλουργίας στη §20100558 Θεσσαλονίκη.” Pp. 247‐253 in 2nd International Conference on Ancient Greek Technology. (English and Greek abstracts, “Indications of glassworking activity in Thessaloniki,” p. 247.) Nestor 37:4 67 April 2010

Αραβαντινός, Β., Ε. Κουντούρη, and Ι. Φάππας 2006. “Το μυκηναϊκό §20100559 αποστραγγιστικό σύστημα της Κωπαΐδας: Νέα δεδομένα και πρώτες εκτιμήσεις.” Pp. 557‐564 in 2nd International Conference on Ancient Greek Technology. (English and Greek abstracts, “The Mycenaean drainage system of Kopais: New facts and preliminary assessments,” p. 557.)

Αρχοντίδου‐Αργύρη, Αγλαΐα 2006. “Η προβολή και διάσωσση της πολιτιστικής §20100560 κληρονομιάς στο βόρειο Αιγαίο. Τα παραδείγματα της προϊστορικής Μύρινας στη Λήμνο και του Εμποριού των πρώιμων ιστορικών χρόνων στη Χίο.” Pp. 89‐98 in Conservation and Presentation. (English abstract, “Salvage and enhancement works on the northern Aegean cultural heritage. The case of prehistoric Myrina on Lemnos and Emporio of the early historical times on Chios,” p. 97‐98.)

Ασλάνης, Ι. and Y. Bojadziev 2006. “Αποθήκευση και συντήρηση προφίμων στην §20100561 Ανατολική Βαλκανική κατά την 5η χιλιετία ‐ Το παράδειγμα του Yunatsite.” Pp. 373‐379 in 2nd International Conference on Ancient Greek Technology. (English and Greek abstracts, “Food‐storing and ‐preserving in Eastern Balkan during the 5th millennium B.C. ‐ The case of Yunatsite,” p. 373.)

Βαρουφάκης, Γ. 2006. “Μεταλλουργική μελέτη χάλκινων δοκιμίων της Μινωικής §20100562 εποχής από τα Κύθηρα.” Pp. 84‐88 in 2nd International Conference on Ancient Greek Technology. (English and Greek abstracts, “A metallurgical study of Minoan copper samples from Kythira,” p. 84.)

Βελιτζέλος, Ευάγγελος 2006. “Μουσειακή ανάδειξη και προστασία των §20100563 γεωλογικών μνημείων του Αιγαίου.” Pp. 123‐133 in Conservation and Presentation. (English abstract, “The geological monuments of the Aegean: their significance, protection and museological importance,” p. 133.)

Ιωαννίδου‐Καρέτσου, Αλεξάνδρα 2006. “Από την Κνωσό μέχρι τη Ζάκρο: Η §20100564 περιπέτεια της προστασίας των ιστορικών αρχαιολογικών χώρων στην κεντρική και ανατολιή Κρήτη.” Pp. 61‐76 in Conservation and Presentation. (English abstract, “From Knossos to Zakros: the adventure of the protection of historical archaeological monuments in central and east Crete,” p. 76.)

Κακαβογιάννη, Ο., Κ. Ντούνη, Φ. Νέζερη, Μ. Γεωργακοπούλου, and Ι. Μπασιάκος §20100565 2006. “Απόπειρα τεχνολογικής προσέγγισης της παραγωγής αργύρου και μολύβδου κατά την Τελική Νεολιθική και Πρωτοελλαδική Ι περίοδο στα Μεσόγεια.” Pp. 77‐83 in 2nd International Conference on Ancient Greek Technology. (English and Greek abstracts, “A technological approach to the silver and lead production during the Late Neolithic and the Proto‐Helladic I period in the Mesogeia plain, Attica,” p. 77.) Nestor 37:4 68 April 2010

Κακαβογιάννη, Ο., Ε. Τσελεπή, Κλ. Δημητρίου, Κ. Ντούνη, and Π. Μιχαηλίδη 2006. §20100566 “Στοιχεία ‘πολεοδομίας’ και οικιστικής από τα Μεσόγεια κατά τη Νεολιθική εποχή και την Πρωτοελλαδική Ι περίοδο.” Pp. 403‐409 in 2nd International Conference on Ancient Greek Technology. (English and Greek abstracts, “New finds concerning to the ‘town planning’ and the architecture of the NL and the EH I period in the Mesogia plain, Attica,” p. 403.)

Καμαρινού, Δ. 2006. “Η σχεδία του Οδυσσέα: Αναζητώντας την ιστορική §20100567 πραγματικότητα στο έπος.” Pp. 645‐650 in 2nd International Conference on Ancient Greek Technology. (English and Greek abstracts, “Ulysses’ raft: Insearch of historical reality in the epos,” p. 645.)

Κονσολάκη‐Γιαννοπούλου, Ελένη, ed. 2008. Αργοσαρωνικός: Πρακτικά 1ου Διεθνούς §20100568 Συνεδρίου Ιστορίας και Αρχαιολογίας του Αργοσαρωνικού, Πόρος, 26­29 Ιουνίου 1998. Volume Γ´. ΙΙ. Γεωλογία και Φυσικό Περιβάλλον, Αθήνα: Δήμος Πόρου. ISBN 978‐960‐87031‐4‐8.

Κουή, Μ., Ε. Ανδρεοπούλου‐Μάγκου, E. Παπάζογλου‐Μανιουδάκη, A. Priftaj‐ §20100569 Vevecka, and Π. Παπανδρεόπουλος 2006. “Μελέτη της σύστασης και της τεχνικής κατασκευής χάλκινων ξιφών προϊστορικής εποχής από τον Ελληνικό και Αλβανικό χώρο.” Pp. 89‐97 in 2nd International Conference on Ancient Greek Technology. (English and Greek abstracts, “Study of the composition and manufacturing techniques of prehistoric bronze swords from Greece and Albania,” p. 89.)

Κωνσταντινίδη‐Συβρίδη, Ε. 2006. “Στο εργαστήριο του μυκηναίου χρυσοχόου: §20100570 Ανασύνθεση τεχνικών στα χρυσά κοσμήματα του Εθνικού Αρχαιολογικού Μουσείου.” Pp. 98‐106 in 2nd International Conference on Ancient Greek Technology. (English and Greek abstracts, “In the workshop of the Mycenaean craftsman: Revival of techniques on the gold jewellery of the National Archaeological Museum,” p. 98.)

Μαραγκουδάκη, Ε. 2006. “Μυκηναϊκά εργαλεία ξυλουργικής: Η περίπτωση του §20100571 σκεπάρνου.” Pp. 355‐360 in 2nd International Conference on Ancient Greek Technology. (English and Greek abstracts, “Mycenaean carpentry tools: The case of the adze,” p. 355.)

Μαρθάρη, Μαρίζα 2006. “Η ανάδειξη των προϊστορικών Κυκλαδικών οικισμών: τα §20100572 παραδείγματα του Σκάρκου Ίου και της Φυλακωπής Μήλου.” Pp. 99‐108 in Conservation and Presentation. (English abstract, “The presentation of prehistoric settlements in the Cyclades: The case of Skarnos on Ios and Phylacopi on Melos,” p. 108.) Nestor 37:4 69 April 2010

Μαριολάκος, Ηλίας Δ. 2008. “Μετατοπίσεις των ακτογραμμών του Αργοσαρωνικού §20100573 κατά τα τελευταία 18.000 χρόνια.” Pp. 411‐421 in Αργοσαρωνικός Γ. (English summary, “Shoreline displacements of the Argosaronikos Gulf during the last 18,000 years,” pp. 420‐421.)

Ματζάνας, Χ. 2006. “Αιχμές βελών αποκρουσμένου λίθου της Παλαιολιθικής §20100574 εποχής στην Ελλάδα.” Pp. 269‐275 in 2nd International Conference on Ancient Greek Technology. (English and Greek abstracts, “The Palaeolithic stone arrowheads in Greece,” p. 269.)

Μιχαηλίδου, Α. 2006. “Τεχνολογία του μετάλλου και οικονομία της Εποχής του §20100575 Χαλκού στο Ακρωτήρι Θήρας.” Pp. 739‐749 in 2nd International Conference on Ancient Greek Technology. (English and Greek abstracts, “Metal technology and economy in Bronze Age Akrotiri, Thera,” pp. 739‐740.)

Μπελογιάννη, Μ. Π. 2006. “Η καλαθοπλεκτική τέχνη στο προϊστορικό Ακρωτήρι §20100576 Θήρας.” Pp. 290‐295 in 2nd International Conference on Ancient Greek Technology. (English and Greek abstracts, “Basketry on prehistoric Akrotiri Thera,” p. 290.)

Μπρεκουλάκη, Χ., Β. Περιδικάτσης 2006. “Το πράσινο χρώμα στην αρχαία Ελληνική §20100577 ζωγραφική.” Pp. 179‐185 in 2nd International Conference on Ancient Greek Technology. (English and Greek abstracts, “The green colour in ancient Greek painting,” p. 179.)

Ντάρλας, Α. 2006. “Οι παλαιολιθικές ρίζες της τεχνολογίας.” Pp. 701‐707 in 2nd §20100578 International Conference on Ancient Greek Technology. (English and Greek abstracts, “The palaeolithic ‘roots’ of technology,” p. 701.)

Ντούμας, Χ. Γ. 2006. “Τεχνολογία και οικονομία στη Θήρα της Εποχής του Χαλκού.” §20100579 Pp. 61‐66 in 2nd International Conference on Ancient Greek Technology. (English abstract, “Technology and economy on Thera during the Bronze Age,” p. 67.)

Παλυβού, Κ. 2006. “Οικοδομικές παρατηρήσεις μέσα από την τέχνη της Εποχής του §20100580 Χαλκού: Τυποποιημένες, λυόμενες κατασκευές.” Pp. 417‐424 in 2nd International Conference on Ancient Greek Technology. (English and Greek abstracts, “Notes on the building technology of the Aegean Bronze Age through contemporary art depictions: Standardized prefabricated structures,” p. 417.) Nestor 37:4 70 April 2010

Παναγιωτάκη, Μ. 2006. “Καινοτομίες στην τεχνολογία κατεσκευής υαλωδών υλών §20100581 κατά την Ύστερη Εποχή του Χαλκού στο χώρο του Αιγαίου.” Pp. 239‐246 in 2nd International Conference on Ancient Greek Technology. (Greek and English abstracts, “New trends in the production technology of Aegean vitreous materials in the Late Bronze Age,” p. 239.)

Παπαγιαννοπούλου, Α. 2006. “Αρχαιομετρικές έρευνες στο Ακρωτήρι Θήρας. §20100582 Αναφορά για την κεραμεική.” Pp. 195‐203 in 2nd International Conference on Ancient Greek Technology. (English abstract, “Archaeometrical research at Akrotiri, Thera. A reference to ceramics,” p. 195.)

Παπαμαρινόπουλος, Στ. Π. 2006. “Ήταν η πρωτεύουσα της Ατλαντίδος ένα §20100583 γιγαντιαίο προϊστορικό έργο; Μέρος Ι: Η προσομοίωση.” Pp. 537‐543 in 2nd International Conference on Ancient Greek Technology. (English and Greek abstracts, “Was the capital of Atlantis a gigantic prehistoric project? Part I: The simulation,” p. 537.)

Παπαμαρινόπουλος, Στ. Π. 2006. “Ήταν η πρωτεύουσα της Ατλαντίδος ένα §20100584 γιγαντιαίο προϊστορικό έργο; Μέρος II: Η φερεγγυότης του Πλάτωνος “ Pp. 544‐550 in 2nd International Conference on Ancient Greek Technology. (English and Greek abstracts, “Was the capital of Atlantis a gigantic prehistoric project? Part II: Plato’s reliability,” p. 544.)

Παπαοδυσσεύς, Κ., Αθ. Παναγόπουλος, Γ. Ρουσόπουλος, Δ. Φραγκούλης, Μ. §20100585 Παναγόπουλος, Α. Σκέμπρης, Π. Ρουσόπουλος, and Γ. Γαλανόπουλος 2006. “Προηγμένα γεωμετρικά πρότυπα στις τοιχογραφίες του προϊστορικού οικισμού Ακρωτηρίου Σαντορίνης.” Pp. 305‐311 in 2nd International Conference on Ancient Greek Technology. (English and Greek abstracts, “Advanced geometrical models in the wall‐paintings of the prehistoric settlement at Akrotiri, Thera,” p. 305.)

Παππάς, Δ. 2006. “Όπλα γραπτά, όπλα πραγματικά στην Ύστερη Εποχή του §20100586 Χαλκού στο Αιγαίο. Αναπαράσταση και πραγματικότητα των τεχνολογικών χαρακτηριστικών: Η περίπτωση της ασπίδας.” Pp. 672‐678 in 2nd International Conference on Ancient Greek Technology. (Αbstract, “Arms depicted and arms in function in the Aegean of the Late Bronze Age: Reproduction versus reality in the technological features of the Shield,” p. 672.)

Πίκουλας, Γ. Α. 2006. “Το σταθερό μετατρόχιο (1.40 μ.) του αρχαίου αμαξήλατου §20100587 οδικού δικτύου. Διερεύνηση και ερμηνεία(;).” Pp. 607‐611 in 2nd International Conference on Ancient Greek Technology. (English and Greek abstracts, “The standard gauge (1.40 m.) of the ancient cart‐wheel road‐ network,” p. 607.) Nestor 37:4 71 April 2010

Σημαντώνη, Μάρθα Π. 2008. “Οικολογία και περιβάλλον στην Αρχαία Ελλάδα.” Pp. §20100588 487‐493 in Αργοσαρωνικός Γ.

Σπαντιδάκη, Γ. and Chr. Moulhérat 2006. “Κλωστές, σπάγγοι, σχοινιά στη §20100589 Σαντορίνη.” Pp. 284‐289 in 2nd International Conference on Ancient Greek Technology. (English and Greek abstracts, “Threads, strings, cords in Santorini,” p. 284.)

Τζάλας, Χ. H. 2006. “Η ναυτική πειραματική αρχαιολογία και οι ελάχιστες §20100590 προϋποθέσεις για ένα δόκιμο πείραμα.” Pp. 633‐638 in 2nd International Conference on Ancient Greek Technology. (English and Greek abstracts, “Nautical experimental archaeology and the minimal preconditions for a viable experiment,” pp. 633‐634.)

Φιλήμονος, Μελίνα and Τούλα Μαρκέτου 2006. “Αρχαιολογικό και οικολογικό §20100591 τοπίο της Ρόδου. Παρόν και παρελθόν.” Pp. 135‐148 in Conservation and Presentation. (English abstract, “Archaeological and ecological landscape of Rhodes. Present and past,” p. 148.)

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